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The epic coffee guide 1/10


The Epic Coffee Guide

​- prepare to be amazed!

This guide is brought to you, with great pride and dignity, by the RETRO N COFFEE
TEAM. The guide is meant to help you on your venture into the world of great coffee
brewing. It describes the types of coffee we serve and the equipment we use to make it. If
there’s something you don’t understand in this guide or any other issue feel free to contact
the coffee team or refer to the book “God Kaffe” (in danish) which you will always find in
the bar.

Table of contents
Table of contents
A. The equipment
B. The Drinks
Latte (or Caffe Latte)
C. Milk Steaming
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A. The equipment

(Continued on next page)

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The cups​: Portafilter and Filter Basket​: Grouphead​:

(in order from left to right:

Espresso cup, small Coffee
Collective (CC) Cappuccino cup,
large CC Cappuccino cup,
standard Cappuccino cup, Latte

Steam Wand​: Grinder​: Pitchers​:

(Three sizes: 1x small, 2x medium,

1x large)


Tamper​: Click Mat​:

(The click mat will ‘click’ when the

right tamping pressure (15 kg) is
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B. The Drinks

What is it?
19.5 g of finely ground coffee, tampered with 15 kg of pressure and extracted in 25 ±3

How can I make one?

Step 1. Place the portafilter in the holder, just beneath the funnel, on the grinder, as shown
in the picture:

Step 2. Press the double shot button .

Step 3. Even out the coffee in the filter basket, making sure the grind is evenly distributed
and leveled.

Step 4. Use the tamper to tamp the coffee with about 15 kg of pressure. P ​ ress down while
resting the portafilter on the click mat - in this way the mat will ‘click’ when the right
pressure is applied (not shown in the picture).
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Step 5. Place the filter-basket back into the group-head on the espresso machine.

Step 6. Place either one small Coffee Collective (CC) cappuccino cup or two espresso
cups underneath the filter-basket to catch the coffee.

Step 7. Press the lower-middle button on the espresso-machine. Use the timer to measure
the extraction time of the coffee. Again, the whole process should take approx. 25 ±3
seconds. ​If the espresso shot takes shorter/longer to be extracted, discard it and make a
new one!

Step 8. Enjoy a freshly brewed shot of espresso!

What is it served in?​:

Single espresso - u​ se two espresso cups to catch each of the espresso shots.
Double espresso - u ​ se one small CC cappuccino cup to catch both the espresso shots.

For optimal flavour, best enjoyed immediately at the bar.

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What is it?
A double espresso shot with extra boiling water.

How can I make one?

1. Prepare a double espresso shot in a large
CC cappuccino cup. (see the espresso guide
for details on how to make an espresso)
2. Skim off the c​ rema​ (it tastes bad and it looks
even worse!) by using two teaspoons, as
shown in the picture.
3. Add boiling water from the espresso
4. Serve and spread the joy!

What is it served in?

A large CC cappuccino cup.

Latte (or Caffe Latte)

What is it?
Single/double shot of espresso with a large amount of steamed milk. Double shot is
standard - only make single shot if customer explicitly asks for it. And even then it might be
a good idea to warn them that it is a pretty thin Latte.

How can I make one?

1. Pour milk into one of the medium sized pitcher to just about 1 cm beneath the
2. Prepare a double espresso and place a latté glass beneath it. Brew it as soon as
you can to avoid overheating the grind.
3. Steam the milk while brewing the coffee. This MUST happen at the same time to
ensure the highest quality of both coffee and milk. F
​ or instruction on how to steam
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milk, look at the bottom of this document.

4. Hold the latte glass a bit angled and pour the steamed milk into the glass at a
steady pace. When the glass is just about ¾ full hold the glass straight and pour
the remaining milk straight into the glass.
5. Serve proudly with a smile! :D

What is it served in?

In a tall latte glass with a KONO sleeve on it. (picture of finished latté)
Single shot latte - one shot of espresso, standard amount of steamed milk.
Double shot latte - two shots of espresso, standard amount of steamed milk.


What is it?
One or two espresso shots with properly steamed milk (standard is double shot - only
make single shot if customers specifically ask for it).

How can I make one?

1. Pour milk into one of the medium sized steam-jugs to just about 2 cm beneath the
2. Prepare a double shot of espresso.
3. Extract the coffee whilst simultaneously steaming the milk. This MUST happen at
the same time to ensure the highest quality of both coffee and milk.

What is it served in?

Small cappuccino (single shot of espresso): served in small CC cappuccino cup.
Standard cappuccino (double shot of espresso): served in either decorated cappuccino
cup or large CC cappuccino cup.
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What is it?
A single/double espresso shot with steamed milk in a 50/50 ratio.

How can I make one?

1. Pour milk into one of the medium sized pitchers to just about 2-3 cm beneath the
2. Prepare a single/double shot espresso, according to the customer’s request.
3. Run the espresso shot through at the same time as you steam the milk.
4. Pour the carefully into the espresso so the crema of the espresso is intact.. The
ratio between milk and coffee should be 50/50.
5. Serve with dignity and a charming smile.

What is it served in?

Single shot - Espresso cup
Double shot - small CC cappuccino cup.

(Type it in as a Cortado on the cash register)

What is it?
A single espresso shot with a little steamed milk.

How can I make one?

1. Pour milk (letmælk) into one of the medium sized pitchers to just about 2-3 cm
beneath the spout. DO NOT steam it yet!
2. Prepare a s​ ingle shot​ espresso.
3. Brew the espresso shot while you steam the milk.
4. Pour approximately one centimeter worth of steamed milk into the espresso shot.
5. Serve with pride and a smile.

What is it served in?

Espresso cup - r​ ecommend the customer to drink it by the bar almost immediately to
ensure the best flavour.

What cups do we use?

Espresso: Small Coffee Collective (CC) cup
Americano: Large CC cup
Latte: Tall latte glass
Cappucino (standard): Large CC cup
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Cappucino (single shot): Small CC cup

C. Milk Steaming
Here’s a little step-by-step guide on how to steam milk properly. For advanced techniques
please ask the coffee team or consult the book “God Kaffe” which you can find in the bar.

How to steam milk:

1. Fill up the pitcher with the amount of milk appropriate to the drink you’re going to
prepare. R
​ emember: never re-steam milk you already steamed!
2. Purge the steam wand to get rid of any water/milk residues ​before ​inserting it into
the pitcher.
3. Position the steam wand as closely as possible to a 90˚ angle and parallel to the
machine in order to ensure the best end result, as shown in the picture:

4. Position the steam wand slightly under the surface of the milk (1 cm circa) and
slightly to the side, as shown in the picture:

5. Turn on the steamer and try to keep the steam wand j​ ust below​ the surface, in
order to let air in and thus creating foam. You will hear a “​ hissing” sound​, which will
indicate that the right amount of air is being incorporated into the milk.
6. After a few seconds (or when the pitcher feels equal in temperature to your hand),
sink​ ​the steam wand​ into the pitcher and a bit to the side, trying to get a c​ ircular

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