Strengthening The Presentation

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Table of Content…………………………………………………………2

Executive Summary……………………………………………………...3


1. Strengthening the presentation .........................................................4


Audiovisual Aids...........................................................................5


Showing Return on Investment.....................................................6/7

Warranties and Free Trial Periods……………………………….7

2. Objection and How to Overcome .....................................................8

You are too expensive……………………………………...........8

You are too small ........................................................................8

Comparison between competitor’s products ...............................9

Skeptisicm.................................................................................... 9


3. Conclusion .......................................................................................11

4. References........................................................................................12

5. Appendix..........................................................................................13/14

Executive Summary

Sales presentation strategies are the most key step in the sales process that will
enable sales team to reach the goal of closing more sales. Here is where you can present
to your client everything that is needed in order for them to make a buying decision
including re-establishing their needs and overcoming the most common objections.

A presentation involves a salesperson discussing with the prospect about the

product that may be able to satisfy the prospect needs & wants. Salespeople, sales trainers
& sales managers agree that the most challenging, rewarding & enjoyable aspect of the
buyer-seller interaction is the sales presentation.

The importance of making a good presentation cannot be overestimated.

Therefore, Levitt of Harvard once conducted an experiment in which he compared 4
selling situations:-

1) A good presentation made by a salesperson from a well-known company.

2) A good presentation made by a salesperson from a little-known company.
3) A poor presentation made by a salesperson from a well-known company.
4) A poor presentation made by a salesperson from a little-known company.

Strengthening the Presentation

Five (5) things that would be key to strengthening your presentation

Selling is hard work. It requires strong motivation, personal pride, perseverance,

flexibility, energy, discipline, and focus. Above all, it requires communicating and being
able to read or understand the prospects attitudes and needs, whether they are real or
perceived. A successful selling situation, especially when selling to a decision team in a
company, is based on the salesperson's ability to communicate. Your best salespeople
prepare, rehearse, analyze, prepare and rehearse.

There are five things that would be to strengthening our presentation such
demonstration, visual aids, recommendation, showing return on investment, and
warranties and free trial periods.

1) Demonstration

In the first presentation, the salesperson relied solely on the spoken word to
convince the buyer. But in the second approach, the sales representatives took to heart the
old adage ‘seeing believes’. Demonstration the strength of the corrugated box represents
a vast improvement over just talking about its strength.

Demonstration is an activity whereby a salesperson tries to show & explain how

his / her product can actually be used. It proves that the product meets it purpose
fulfilling its claimed benefits and advantage. It also enables the customer to see, hear,
feel, taste and even smell the product. For example: how to use a digital camera.

The effective demonstration:

a) Place (where) to hold demonstration d) Presentation (attention for a long period)

b) Time/ when to hold demonstration e) in closing sale
c) Initial stage of the sale

2) Audiovisual Aids

In the absence of being able to bring the product itself along for a demo, or as
additional dramatization, the salesperson may rely upon audiovisual aids. There can be
also being non audio visual aids. The visual aids includes a great many alternatives: flip-
board and poster, handout, slides and audiocassettes, sales manual and catalogs,
advertisement, chart and graphics, photographs and video, models and mock-ups of
products, overhead transparencies, diagrams and so on.

The visual aids is use to supplement their spoken words. The important advantage
of audiovisual aids is that they capture attention and arouse interest. Because of the
effectiveness of such aids, the attitude towards audiovisual aids has undergone a
revolution, and the end is nowhere in sight. Then, it can reinforce the message about the
product. Furthermore, visual help enhance memory of prospects and provides added
professionalism to a sales presentation.

Types of visual aids:

a) Illustrator - covers only one point or aspect of the sales presentation. Salesperson
selling earth moving-equipment cannot demonstrate it in the prospect’s office, so they
illustrate its use through a videotape, slides, or CD-ROM. The salesperson selling space
in an industrial park shows the property by means of aerial views, photos, maps, or
models, or a well-prepared multimedia presentation on a CD-ROM that actually puts the
prospects in the simulated park.

b) Organizer – provides a point-by-point track for the salesperson to follow. Through the
use of photo, charts, or felt boards, sales representatives are able to maximize prospect
understanding as they move from point to point in the presentation. Although the
presentation may be quite detailed, the prospect is able to follow because the essentials
are clearly indicated and the logic or flow of the presentation also becomes easier to
grasp in this manner.

3) Recommendations

A demonstration represents the most powerful means of dramatization, but it is

not always possible. By means of a recommendation story, the salesperson can create a
comparable effect by telling the story of a satisfied customer who was in a similar
situation before the purchase. In this manner, prospect can imagine themselves trying out
the product without actually doing so.

Recommendation stories are interesting. Even the dullest subjects take on interest
when people are including as subjects. In the course of formulating a recommendation
story, there are several things the salesperson can do to add drama and excitement. The
basis of all drama is conflict; individual against individual, individual against the
element, or individual against his or her problems.

The last represents the dramatic conflict that should be portrayed in the sales
story: a hero or heroine who has a problem similar to the prospects overcomes the
problem and lives happily ever after by purchasing the salesperson’s product. The
salesperson can enliven matters by describing customers and their problems in some
detail while including some dialogue. Perhaps the best way of demonstrating the value of
a recommendation story and illustrating some of the principles for putting one together is
by offering an example.

4) Showing Return on Investment

For dramatization a presentation, showing return on investment is often as

powerful as demonstration or a recommendation story and when combined with these
two methods it become especially effective. Frequently after the prospect has had a
chance to see a demonstration and hear a recommendation, question arise about the
economic value of the purchase. The demonstration and recommendation provide
evidence that the product will work, but doubt remains whether the money expended is
worthwhile. There are two general ways that industrial sales representatives can present a
promise of profit improvement:

a) By showing that operating cost can be decreased and,

b) By showing how the customer can increase the revenues earned from operation
affected by the salesperson’s equipment.

5) Warranties and Free Trial Periods

Warranties and free trial periods are meant to assure the prospect that the product
will work and that satisfaction is guaranteed. Backing up a claim with a warranty is a
powerful way of dramatizing a company’s confidence in its product and ensuring
forthcoming prospect satisfaction. Although the free trial is effective, the salesperson
must learn not to real too heavily on it. It is easy for a customer to put off the salesperson
by asking for a free trial. By readily providing a free trial, the sales representatives may
have lost an immediate sale matters had been pressed.

Objection and how to overcome those objection.
Five (5) most significant objections and how to overcome those objections.

People know that they need such and such an item. They make all kinds of
excuses why they do not want it or need it or whatever. Overcoming buyer objections is
one of the toughest things to do when marketing. The best way to handle objections is to
anticipate them and to answer them before they are asked. There are many things you can
do to overcome buyer objections.

1) You are too expensive

Sometimes the customer really can afford the higher price of a product . All
salesperson have to face objection about the price of their product or services. No sales
representative can always have the lowest price, and when he or she does, it usually is for
one or a few items in the line, not all. Sooner or later the price objection will come up,
and it is not easy to handle.

How to overcome: In this case, the salesperson may break price down into small
increment, stress exclusive features or difference, use comparison, convert to a lower
price item, postpone the price objection, talk about both initial and ultimate cost, quantify
differences as much as possible, sell return on investment and ‘fire’ the customer.

2) You are too small

How to overcome: This is a genuine concern for a lot of buyers. However you have not
got to the closing stage of a sale, if you did not have something that they want. In this
instance, you need to ask specifically – “In what way do you feel we are too small” and
then answer that concern, with a matching benefit about size, such as the ability to meet
their needs easily, due to your size and agility.

3) Comparison between competitor’s products

Very few sales professionals operate in a vacuum. They normally have to face
competitors at many different stages in the sales cycle. This happened when the customer
or the audience make a comparison between the presenter product and its competitor. In
other word, like what a stereotyped, self serving salesperson might say. For example: the
quality of machine is not high as compared to the competitor’s machine.

How to overcome: The boomerang method may present a problem for the sales
representatives however. It can sound glib and manipulative, or, in other words, like what
a stereotyped, self-serving salesperson might say. Therefore, salesperson must take great
care with their nonverbal delivery when using the boomerang method. There must be no
hint of condescension. The boomerang also takes away the objection’s power, making it
difficult to bring up again.

4) Skepticism

With these sorts of objection, prospect indicate their disbelief that a product can deliver a
promised benefit.

How to overcome: The basic strategy of the salesperson is to offer proof. Some sources
of proof are technical brochures, warranties, and data from research studies,
demonstration, and articles from professional journal, testimonial letter, and third party
reference. If possible, a trial period is an excellent way of demonstrating proof. It may be
enough to convince the skeptical prospect that his or her concerns are founded. At the
very least, it shows that the salesperson and his or her company are willing to go the extra

5) Procrastination

A common and exasperating objection for the sales representatives is the

procrastination or stalling objection. This may be expressed by the prospest in a number
of ways, typically with statement such these:

 ‘Ihave to think it over’

 ‘Call me back in thirty day’

How to overcome: There are several strategies for handling the procrastination objection.
The salesperson should be to clarify. Sales psychologist suggests that the harder you
push, the more you may increase prospect resistance. If clarifying fails, it may call for
facing up to the issue, regardless. If the product or services saved cost or increase profits,
the salesperson can point out that the delay means lost money.


With a little patience and a lot of practice, sales presentation can become one
of your most productive selling tools. Success depends on you capability to listen, the
depth of your knowledge of your company and its product, and your ability to ask the
right question. The sales presentation is a tool that few salespeople truly master.

No matter what approach you used, a well thought out plan is critical t a
successful sales presentation. Confident in yourself and product help. If you do your
homework and thoughtfully prepare and practice your sale presentation, your success will

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