Aptitude Questions

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1. What is the average of first five multiples of 12?

A. 36
B. 38
C. 40
D. 42

Answer : Option A

2. A train running at the speed of 60 km/hr crosses a pole in 9 seconds. What is the length of the
120 metres

B. 180 metres

C. 324 metres

150 metres
Answer: Option D

3. What is the difference in the place value of 5 in the numeral 754853?

A. 49500
B. 49950
C. 45000
D. 49940

Answer : B

4. What is the compound interest on Rs. 2500 for 2 years at rate of interest 4% per annum?
A. Rs. 180
B. Rs. 204
C. Rs. 210
D. Rs. 220
Answer : B
5. Sohan started a business with a capital of Rs. 80000. After 6 months Mohan joined as a
partner by investing Rs. 65000. After one year they earned total profit Rs. 20000. What is
share of Sohan in the profit?
A. Rs. 5222.2
B. Rs. 5777.7
C. Rs. 6222.2
D. Rs. 6777.7

Answer : B

6. A mother is twice as old as her son. If 20 years ago, the age of the mother was 10 times the
age of the son, what is the present age of the mother?
A. 38 years
B. 40 years
C. 43 years
D. 45 years

Answer is (D)

7. If January 1, 1996, was Monday, what day of the week was January 1, 1997?
A. Thursday
B. Wednesday
C. Friday
D. Sunday

Answer : B

8. The speed of a boat in still water is 5km/hr. If the speed of the boat against the stream is 3
km/hr, what is the speed of the stream?

A. 1.5 km/hr
B. 2 km/hr
C. 2.5 km/hr
D. 1 km/hr

Answer : B

9. The speed of a boat in still water is 5km/hr. If the speed of the boat against the stream is 3
km/hr, what is the speed of the stream?
A. 1.5 km/hr
B. 2 km/hr
C. 2.5 km/hr
D. 1 km/hr
Answer : B
10. Two ships are sailing in the sea on the two sides of a lighthouse. The angles of elevation of
the top of the lighthouse observed from the ships are 30° and 45° respectively. If the
lighthouse is 100m high, find the distance between the two ships.

A. 155.80 m
B. 157.80 m
C. 159. 80 m
D. 161.80 m

Answer: B

11. 40 % of 280 =?

A. 112
B. 116
C. 115
D. 120
Answer : A

12. A pipe can fill a tank in 6 hours and another pipe can empty the tank in 12 hours. If both the
pipes are opened at the same time,the tank can be filled in
A. 10 hours
B. 12 hours
C. 14 hours
D. 16 hours
Answer: B

13. A shopkeeper sold an article for Rs. 2500. If the cost price of the article is 2000, find the
profit percent.

A. 23%
B. 25%
C. 27%
D. 29%

Answer : B

14. A running man crosses a bridge of length 500 meters in 4 minutes. At what speed he is
A. 8.5 km/s
B. 7.5 km/s
C. 9.5 km/s
D. 6.5 km/s

Answer : B

15. If Suresh borrows Rs. 36000 from Mahesh at rate of interest 6% S.I, at the end of four years
how much interest Suresh has to pay along with principal amount?
A. Rs. 12560
B. Rs. 13500
C. Rs. 14500
D. Rs. 12960
Answer: D
16. A train moving at speed of 80 km/hr crosses a pole in 7 seconds. Find the length of the train.
A. 150 m
B. 165 m
C. 175 m
D. 170 m

Answer: C

17. A 60 liter mixture of milk and water contains 10% water. How much water must be added to
make water 20% in the mixture?

A. 8 liters
B. 7.5 liters
C. 7 liters
D. 6.5 liters
Answer : B

18. What is the HCF of 1095 and 1168?

A. 37
B. 73
C. 43
D. 83

Answer : B

19. What is the area of a triangle with base 5 meters and height 10 meters?

A. 20 square meters
B. 35 square meters
C. 25 square meters
D. 40 square meters

Answer: C
20 . A: B: C is in the ratio of 3: 2: 5. How much money will C get out of Rs 1260?
A. 252
B. 125
C. 503
D. None of these

Answer: D

17. In a kilometer race, A beats B by 40 meters or by 5 seconds. What is the time taken by A
over the course?

A. 1 minute 57 seconds.
B. 2 minutes.
C. 1.5 minutes.
D. None of these.
Answer: B
18. What is the probability of getting an even number when a dice is rolled?

A. 1/5
B. 1/2
C. 1/3
D. ¼
Answer: B
19. Find the missing term of the given expression:18.834 + 818.34 -? = 618.43
A. 217.644
B. 218.744
C. 217.744
D. 217.844
Answer : B
20. What is the market price of a 9% share when a person gets 180 by investing Rs. 4000?
A. 150
B. 200
C. 250
D. 300
Answer : B
21. If 15 men can reap the crops of a field in 28 days, in how many days will 5 men reap it?
A. 50 days
B. 60 days
C. 84 days
D. 9.333 days

Answer: C

22. The true discount on a bill of Rs. 2700 is Rs. 200. What is the banker's discount?
A. Rs. 210
B. Rs. 212
C. Rs. 216
D. Rs. 218

Answer : C

23. Find the logarithm of 1/256 to the base 2√2.

A. 16
B. 13/5
C. -16/3
D. 12

Answer : C

24. If 30% of a certain number is 12.6, what is the number?

A. 24
B. 42
C. 23
D. 32
Answer : B

25. Complete the series 2, 5, 9, 19, 37.......

A. 76
B. 74
C. 75
D. None of these.

Answer: C

26. Complete the series 2, 5, 9, 19, 37.......

A. 76
B. 74
C. 75
D. None of these.

Answer : C

27. 45 *? = 35% of 900

A. 6
B. 7
C. 9
D. 4

Answer: B

28. If 40% of an amount is 250, what will be 60% of that amount?

A. 300
B. 320
C. 375
D. 400

Answer: C
29. If 30 % of 1520 + 40 % of 800 = x % of 5000, find the value of x.
A. 14.42%
B. 15.52%
C. 12.22%
D. 18.82%
Answer: B
34. Wages for 45 women amount to rupees 15525 in 48 days. How many men require to
work 16 days to receive rupees 5750, the daily wages of a man being double of those of a
A. 25 men
B. 50 men
C. 75 men
D. 20 men
Answer : A

35.. 3 men and 4 children can earn Rs 756 in 7 days. 11 men and 13 children can earn Rs 3008 in
8 days. In what time will 7 men with 9 children earn Rs 2480?

A. 8 days
B. 12 days
C. 15 days
D. None of these


36.  A, B, and C together earn Rs 1350 in 9 days. A and C together earn Rs 470 in 5 days. B and
C together earn 760 in 10 days. Find the daily earning of C.

A. 25
B. 20
C. 12
D. 15
Ans: B

37. A, B, and C undertakes to do work for Rs 707. A, and B together do 5/7 of the work and rest
is done by C alone. How much should C get?

A. 100
B. 300
C. 205
D. 202

Ans: D

38. If the average of three consecutive even numbers is 34, find the largest of these numbers.

A. 30
B. 32
C. 34
D. 36

Answer: D

39. 10 typists can type 600 pages in 8 hours.Find the average number of pages typed by each
typist in an hour.

A. 7 pages
B. 7.5 pages
C. 8 pages
D. 8.5 pages

40. The average of Sohan's marks in 6 subjects is 74. If his average in five subjects excluding
science is 70, how many marks he obtained in science?

A. 94
B. 92
C. 90
D. 88

Answer: A

41. Average age of a group of 30 boys is 16 years. A boy of age 19 leaves the group and a new
boy joins the group. If the new average age of the group is 15.8 years, find the age of the new

A. 12 years
B. 13 years
C. 14 years
D. 15 years

Answer : B

42. The average weight of 10 men is decreased by 2 kg when one of them whose weight is 60 kg
is replaced by a new man. What is the weight of the new man?

A. 35 kg
B. 40 kg
C. 45 kg
D. 50

Answer: B
43. The average age of 30 boys in a class is 15 years. If we include the age of two teachers the
average age increases by 1. Find the sum of ages of the two teachers.

A. 55 years
B. 58 years
C. 62 years
D. 64 years

Answer :C

44. The average age of the committee of 10 members is 40 years. A member of age 52 retires
and a new member of age 38 takes his place. What is the average age of the present committee?

A. 38.6 years
B. 33.5 years
C. 35.5 years
D. 37.5 years

Ans: A

45. Four years ago, the average age of A and B was 20 years. If today average age of A, B and C
is 25 years, what will be age of C after 7 years?

A. 32 years
B. 34 years
C. 36 years
D. 38 years

Answer: B

46. What is the average of first five natural numbers?

A. 5
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4

Ans: C

47. If the sum is 240 and average is 40, find the number of quantities.

A. 5
B. 8
C. 5
D. 6

Ans: D

48. A group consists of two male, two female and three children. The average age of the male is
67 years, that of the female is 35 years, and that of the children is six years. What is the average
age of the group?

A. 30.71
B. 31.71
C. 28.71
D. 35.45

Ans: B

49. Mohan gets a salary of Rs. 6435, Rs. 6927, Rs. 6855, Rs. 7230 and Rs. 6562 for 5 months.
How much salary he must have in the sixth month so that he gets an average of Rs. 6500?
A. 4091
B. 4991
C. 3499
D. 3344

Ans: B

50. If the average of 20 numbers is zero, how many numbers may be greater than zero?

A. 19
B. 49
C. 17
D. 33

Ans: A

51.  A can do a job in 12 days and B can do the same job in 10 days. With the help of C they can
do the same job in 4 days. In how many days C alone can do this job?

A. 15 days
B. 14 days
C. 13 days
D. 12 days

Ans: A

52.  If two values are 20% and 60% of a third value, what percentage is the first value of the
second value?

A. 22.2%
B. 33.3%
C. 27.7%
D. 31.1%

Ans: B

53. If the height of Ramesh is less by 20% than Suresh, the height of Suresh will be greater than
that of Ramesh by how many percent?

A. 25%
B. 30%
C. 32%
D. 28%

54. The population of a town is increased from 54500 to 58500 in one year. What is the
percentage increase in the population?

a. 6.34%
b. 5.34%
c. 7.34%
d. 4.34%

Ans: C

55. A, B and C are partners. They have invested Rs.35000, Rs. 25000 and 10,000 respectively
for the same period. If the total profit is Rs. 18000, find the share of A.

A. Rs. 9000
B. Rs. 9500
C. Rs. 8000
D. Rs. 8500

Ans: A
56. A's and B's shares in a business are in the ratio of 5:3. If A has invested Rs. 70000 for 12
months, for what period B has invested Rs. 60000?

A. 7 months
B. 7.4 months
C. 8 months
D. 8.4 months

Ans: D

57. Suresh started a business by investing a certain amount of money. Rakesh joined him after
four months by investing Rs. 50000. If after one year Suresh and Rakesh share the profit in the
ratio of 10:8, how much capital did Suresh invest?

A. Rs. 42000
B. Rs. 44000
C. Rs. 47000
D. Rs. 41666.7


58. A and B enter into a partnership by investing Rs.14000 and Rs. 16000 respectively. After 8
months, C joins them with a capital of Rs.12000. Find the share of C in a total profit of Rs.
57000 after 2 years.

A. Rs.12000
B. Rs.12500
C. Rs.13000
D. Rs.13500

Ans: A
59. The dimensions of a hall are 40 m, 25 m and 20 m. If each person requires 200 cubic meters,
find the number of persons who can be accommodated in the hall.

A. 150
B. 140
C. 120
D. 100

Ans: D

60. 4 cubes each of 6 cm2 total surface area and another cube of 24 cm2 total surface area are
placed together in such a way to form a rectangular parallelepiped. The total surface area of the
parallelepiped so formed is

A. 48 cm2
B. 40 cm2
C. 36 cm2
D. 32 cm2

Ans: A

61. A water tank is 30 m long, 20 m wide and 12 m deep. It is made of iron sheet which is 3 m
wide. The tank is open at the top. If the cost of iron sheet is Rs. 10 per meter, what is the total
cost of iron sheet required to build the tank?

A. Rs. 6000
B. Rs. 8000
C. Rs. 9000
D. Rs. 10,000

Ans: A

62. What is the value of (25.732)2 - (15.732)2?

A. 414.64
B. 414.256
C. 414.128
D. 414.52


63. Approximate value of 0.4*0.4 + 0.04*0.04 + 0.04 is

A. 0.20
B. 0.38
C. 0.16
D. 0.46

Ans: A

64. The value of 0.3̅4̅2̅1 is

A. 3421/10000
B. 3421/9.999
C. 3421/9999
D. None of these

Ans: C

65. In the given expression (1.05)2 *x = 44.1, find the value of x.

A. 40.00
B. 40.01
C. 42.00
D. 42.01

Ans: A
66. The base of a right-angled triangle is 10 and hypotenuse is 20. What is its area?

A. 52 meters
B. 58 meters
C. 68 meters
D. 60 meters

Ans: D

67. The sides of a triangle are in the ratio 10: 24:26 and its perimeter is 300 m. What is its area?

A. 2500 m2
B. 3000 m2
C. 3500 m2
D. 4000 m2

Ans: A

68. The ratio of length and breadth of a rectangular park is 4:2. If a cat running along the
boundary of the park at the speed of 18 km/hr completes one round in 10 minutes, find the area
of the park in square meters.

A. 50000 sq. m.
B. 45000 sq. m.
C. 68000 sq. m.
D. 55000 sq. m.

Ans: A

69. The perimeter of the rectangular field is 480 meters and the ratio between the length and
breadth is 5:3. Find the area of the field.

A. 7200 m2
B. 15000 m2
C. 13500 m2
D. 54000 m2

Ans: C

70. What is the amount for a sum of money Rs.7500 at 6% rate of interest C.I. for 2 years?

A. Rs. 8427
B. Rs. 8417
C. Rs. 8400
D. Rs. 8390

Ans: A

71.The Goods and Services Tax was proposed by a task force, whose president was -

A. Vijay Kelkar
B. Montek Singh Ahluwalia
C. Arun Jaitly
D. Narsimham

Ans: A

72. BI Life Insurance Limited is a joint venture life insurance company of state Bank of India
(SBI) and –

A. HDFC life Insurance Company

B. Life Insurance Corporation of India
C. BNP Paribas Cardiff
D. ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company
Ans: C

73. Overall and strategic planning is done by the

Top management
B.Middle level management
C.Supervisory level management
None of these
Ans: A

74 . Consider the following statements : - Planning involves

Choice among alternative courses of action
C.Both (a) and (b)
Decision only by production manager 
Ans: C

75 . If a general manager asks the sales manager to recruit some salesman on his behalf, it is an
instance of

Division of authority
B.Delegation of authority
C.Delegation of responsibility
Decentralisation of authority
Ans: B

76 . An organisation structure is effective if it enables individuals to contribute to the objectives

of the enterprise. This is known as

A Scalar principle
B.Principle of unity of objectives
C.Principle of functional definition
None of the above
Ans: B

77 . While delegating, a superior delegates

Only authority
B.Authority and responsibility
C.Authority, responsibility and accountability
Authority and responsibility but not accountability
Ans: A

78. Which was the first private sector bank in India?

A. Catholic Syrian Bank

B. City Union Bank
C. Nedungadi Bank
D. Nainital Bank

Answer: C

79. The term Seingnorage refers to -

A. Intrinsic value of currency notes less the cost of production
B.Cost of production of currency notes less intrinsic value
C.Domestic currency value less foreign currency value
D.Inflation adjusted currency value

80. Husband and wife jointly borrowed a home loan in the ratio of 50 : 50. Wife enjoys full
ownership of the house. Each can avail income tax rebate in the ratio of -
1) Ownership
2) Borrowing
3) Any one, at the borrower's discretion
4) The respective assessee's income

Answer: 2

81. A substantial increase in capital expenditure or revenue deficit leads to ...........

1) Budgetary Deficit
2) Fiscal Deficit
3) Primary Deficit
4) Revenue Deficit

Answer: 2

82. What effect will a decrease in demand and an increase in supply have on equilibrium price?
1) Equilibrium price will fall
2) Equilibrium price will rise
3) Equilibrium price will be constant
4) Sometimes price will rise and sometimes it will fall

Answer: 1

83. The Public Financial Management System (PFMS) is a web-based online software
application designed, developed, owned and implemented by the -
1) Department of Financial Services
2) Institute of Government Accounts and Finance
3) Controller General of Accounts
4) National Institute of Financial Management
Answer: 3

84. Which one of the following countries is not a founding member of the New Development
1) Brazil
2) Canada
3) Russia
4) India


85. Who among the following in his book "The Managerial Revolution" argued that a managerial
class dominated all industrial societies, both capitalist and communist, by virtue of its technical
and scientific knowledge and its administrative skills?
1) James Burnham
2) Robert Michels
3) Gaetano Mosea
4) Vilfredo Pareto

Answer: 1

86. Indexation is a method whose use can be associated with which one of the following?
1) Controlling inflation
2) Nominal GDP estimation
3) Measurement of savings rate
4) Fixing of wage compensation

Answer: 1

87. The working of the price mechanism in a free-market economy refers to which one of the
1) The interplay of the forces of demand and supply
2) Determination of the inflation rate in the economy
3) Determination of the economy's propensity to consume
4) Determination of the economy's full employment output

Answer: 1

88. Which company has the tagline of "Software powers the Internet."?

  A. NDTV Profit

  B. Air Canada

C. Oracle

  D. AT&T

Answer : C
89. Which company has the tagline of "Slightly ahead of its time."?

  A. Youtube

  B. The Daily Telegraph

  C. Lehman Brothers

D. Panasonic

Answer : D

90. Which company has the tagline of "Sense and Simplicity"?


  B. Chevron Corporation

  C. TCS


Answer : A
91. Which company has the tagline of "The name you can bank upon."?

  A. Toshiba

B. Punjab National Bank

  C. Toshiba

  D. Epson

Answer : B

92. Which company has the tagline of "Growing and Protecting your wealth"?

A. Prudential Insurance Company

  B. Punjab National Bank

  C. LEE

  D. Youtube

Answer : A

93. Which company has the tagline of "Get back to business."?

A. Quickbooks

  B. Kotak

  C. Business India

  D. Biocon

Answer : A

94.Which company has the tagline of "Growth is Life"?

A. Reliance industries Limited

  B. Volkswagen

  D. Maruti Suzuki

Answer : C

95.. Which company has the tagline of "Emotionally yours."?

  A. Samsung

  B. Skoda

C. Sahara

  D. US Cellular

Answer : B

96..Which company has the tagline of "Everyone's Invited or Its hard to Imagine"?


B. Samsung

  C. Cisco Systems

  D. Sprite

Answer : B

97.. Which company has the tagline of "Born in Japan Entertaining The World"?

  A. Business India

  B. Kotak

  C. Big Bazaar

D. Sansui
Answer: D
98. Which word does NOT belong with the others?
A. index
B. glossary
C. chapter
D. book
Answer: D.

99. Which word is the odd man out?

A. trivial
B. unimportant
C. important
D. insignificant
Answer: C.

100. Which word does NOT belong with the others?

A. wing
B. fin
C. beak
D. rudder
Answer: C.

101. Pick the odd man out?

A. just
B. fair
C. equitable
D. biased
Answer: D.

102.CUP : LIP :: BIRD : ?

Answer: C. BEAK.

103. Paw : Cat :: Hoof : ?

A. Lamb
B. Horse
C. Elephant
D. Tiger
Answer: B. Horse.

104. Safe : Secure :: Protect :

A. Lock
B. Guard
C. Sure
D. Conserve
Answer: B. Guard

105. Melt : Liquid :: Freeze :

A. Ice
B. Solid
C. Condense
D. Push
Answer: B. Solid

106. Parts : Strap :: Wolf :

A. Flow
B. Animal
C. Wood
D. Fox
Answer: A. Flow

107. An Informal Gathering occurs when a group of people get together in a casual, relaxed
manner. Which situation below is the best example of an Informal Gathering?
A. A debating club meets on the first Sunday morning of every month.
B. After finding out about his salary raise, Jay and a few colleagues go out for a quick dinner
after work.
C. Meena sends out 10 invitations for a bachelorette party she is giving for her elder sister.
D. Whenever she eats at a Chinese restaurant, Roop seems to run into Dibya.
Answer: B.

108. A Tiebreaker is an additional contest carried out to establish a winner among tied
contestants. Choose one situation from the options below that best represents a Tiebreaker.

A. At halftime, the score is tied at 2-2 in a football match.

B. Serena and Maria have each secured 1 set in the game.
C. The umpire tosses a coin to decide which team will have bat first.
D. RCB and KKR each finished at 140 all out.
Answer: D

109. The Sharks and the Bears each finished with 34 points, and they are now battling it out in a
five-minute overtime.

A. When he is offered a better paying position, Jacob leaves the restaurant he manages to
manage a new restaurant on the other side of town.
B. Catherine is spending her junior year of college studying abroad in France.
C. Malcolm is readjusting to civilian life after two years of overseas military service.
D. After several miserable months, Sharon decides that she can no longer share an apartment
with her roommate Hilary.
Answer: C

110. Reentry occurs when a person leaves his or her social system for a period of time and then
returns. Which situation below best describes Reentry?

A. When he is offered a better paying position, Javed leaves the hotel he manages to manage
another one in a neighboring city.
B. Charan is spending her final year of college studying abroad in China.
C. Manan is readjusting to civilian life after 2 years of overseas merchant navy service.
D. After 5 miserable months, Sneha decides that she can no longer share her room with
roommate Hital.
Answer: C

111. Posthumous Award occurs when an award is given to someone, after their death. Choose
one situation below as the best example of Posthumous Award.

A. Late yesteryear actress Sridevi was awarded with a Lifetime Achievement Award
posthumously in Filmfare 2019.
B. Chitra never thought she’d live to receive a third booker prize for her novel.
C. Emanuel has been honored with a prestigious literary award for his writing career and his
daughter accepted the award on behalf of her deceased father.
D. Meenal’s publisher canceled her book contract after she failed to deliver the manuscript on
Answer: A and C

112.The ‘A’ state government has chalked out a plan for the underdeveloped ‘B’ district where
66% of the funds will be placed in the hands of a committee of local representatives.
Courses of action:
I. The ‘A’ state government should decide guidelines and norms for the functioning of the
II. Other state government may follow similar plan if directed by the Central government.

A. If only I follows
B. If only II follows
C. If either I or II follows
D. If neither I nor II follows
E. If both I and II follow
Answer: A

113. The car dealer found that there was a tremendous response for the new XYZ’s car booking
with long queues of people complaining about the duration of business hours and arrangements.
Courses of action:
I. People should make their arrangement of lunch and snacks while going for car XYZ’s booking
and be ready to spend several hours.
II. Arrangement should be made for more booking desks and increase business hours to serve
more people in less time.

A. If only I follows
B. If only II follows
C. If either I or II follows
D. If neither I nor II follows
E. If both I and II follow
Answer: B

114. The ‘M’ state government has decided hence forth to award the road construction contracts
through open tenders only. Courses of action:
I. The ‘M’ state will not be able to get the work done swiftly as it will have to go through tender
and other procedures.
II. Hence forth the quality of roads constructed may be far better.

A. If only I follows
B. If only II follows
C. If either I or II follows
D. If neither I nor II follows
E. If both I and II follow
Answer: D

115. Alert villagers nabbed a group of bandits armed with murderous weapons. Courses of
I. The villagers should be provided sophisticated weapons.
II. The villagers should be rewarded for their courage and unity.

A. If only I follows
B. If only II follows
C. If either I or II follows
D. If neither I nor II follows
E. If both I and II follow
Answer: B

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