Human Resource Management-16MBA21 Training and Development UNIT 4 Notes
Human Resource Management-16MBA21 Training and Development UNIT 4 Notes
Human Resource Management-16MBA21 Training and Development UNIT 4 Notes
Unit 4: (8 hours)
Training and development: Training v/s development, Training v/s Education, Systematic
Approach to Training, Training Methods.
Develop aims to improve the total personality of an individual.
Development is a process of preparing employees for future position and improves their
personal skills to handle the critical situations in an organization.
Development is a process that “strives to build the capacity to achieve and sustain a new
desired state that benefits the organization or community and the world around them.”
By Monica M Page 1
TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT is a subsystem of an organization. It ensures that
employees performance will increases through the learning and behavioral change takes
place in structured format.
Training and development is the field which is concerned with organizational activity
aimed at bettering the performance of individuals and groups
People can learn new information, re-learn and reinforce existing knowledge and skills, and
most importantly have time to think and consider what new options can help them improve
their effectiveness at work.
By Monica M Page 2
Training and Education:
1. Training – provides learners with the skills and knowledge to perform the tasks on
their current jobs. It is short term and immediate.
Education – provides learners with the knowledge and skill to prepare them for
a future job, typically their next one.
Education is a lifetime investment. It tends to be initiated by a person in the area of
his/her interest
Sl Training Education
1 Art of Increasing the knowledge and The process of increasing the general
specific skills knowledge and understanding
conceptual learning
2 Narrow in scope Wider in scope
3 Practice based and company specific Theory based knowledge
4 Specific purpose General purpose
5 Current job Future oriented
6 Short term Life time
Significance/Importance of T&D:
Optimum Utilization of Human Resources – Training and Development helps in
optimizing the utilization of human resource that further helps the employee to achieve
the organizational goals as well as their individual goals.
Development of Human Resources – Training and Development helps to provide an
opportunity and broad structure for the development of human resources’ technical and
behavioral skills in an organization. It also helps the employees in attaining personal
Development of skills of employees – Training and Development helps in increasing
the job knowledge and skills of employees at each level. It helps to expand the horizons
of human intellect and an overall personality of the employees.
Productivity – Training and Development helps in increasing the productivity of the
employees that helps the organization further to achieve its long-term goal.
Team spirit – Training and Development helps in inculcating the sense of team work,
team spirit, and inter-team collaborations. It helps in inculcating the zeal to learn within
the employees.
Organization Culture – Training and Development helps to develop and improve the
organizational health culture and effectiveness. It helps in creating the learning culture
within the organization
Organization Climate – Training and Development helps building the positive
perception and feeling about the organization. The employees get these feelings from
leaders, subordinates, and peers.
Quality – Training and Development helps in improving upon the quality of work and
By Monica M Page 3
Healthy work environment – T&D helps in creating the healthy working environment.
It helps to build good employee, relationship so that individual goals aligns with
organizational goal.
Morale – Training and Development helps in improving the morale of the work force.
Image – Training and Development helps in creating a better corporate image.
Profitability – Training and Development leads to improved profitability and more
positive attitudes towards profit orientation.
Training and Development aids in organizational development i.e. Organization gets
more effective decision making and problem solving. It helps in understanding and
carrying out organizational policies
Training and Development helps in developing leadership skills, motivation, loyalty,
better attitude and other aspects
1. Assessment:
Training needs Analysis: Whether training is needed? If so, what type of training? Whether
training will actually improve the employee performance on the job?
Organizational analysis: Its training available for training and support from managers.
Person Analysis: who are the employees need training, identify the level of employees
to impart training
Task and role analysis: determines the task, on which training has to be given, it is
required to determine to evaluate the training needs of employees as per knowledge and
experience possessed by each employee in company.
By Monica M Page 4
Identify training objectives: objective and goals of training program need to be clarified.
Operational objective: concerned with efficiency about organizational working and
Performance objective: relates to individual performance in terms of efficiency and
Reaction objective: refers to reaction/feedback of employees relating to training
program in company.
2. Training Implementation
Implementation involves a series of activities, through which training managers
bring the course to learners in accordance with approved design.
It requires scheduling of courses, faculties, equipments and service providers apart
from arranging for ongoing classroom support, and ensuring the smooth flow of
activities as per the plan.
A programme can be implemented in three major ways namely by buying
(outsourcing) the programme or making it (conducting in-house) or by a mixture of
outsourcing and making it happen yourself which can be called as blended or hybrid
Deciding on methods of training program:
Method and technique will influence the effectiveness of training so the trainer has to
select the best method for the employees based on the area of training.
Depth of knowledge, nature of skills required of particular job.
Background of trainees for assessing capacities and potential
Consideration regarding cost, time, availability of trainers, required facilities etc.
Number of persons to be trained and developed
Conduct the training program according to the plan
3. Training Evaluation:
The process of examining a training program is called training evaluation.
By Monica M Page 5
Training evaluation checks whether training has had the desired effect. Training
evaluation ensures that whether candidates are able to implement their learning in their
respective workplaces, or to the regular work routines
Training Evaluation refers to the process of collecting the outcomes needed to determine
whether training is effective. These outcomes included trainees’ satisfaction with the
program and rating of behavior.
Determining methods of evaluating training program
Evaluation is the measure of effectiveness of training.
Assessing and measuring how far learning has been gainful for employees.
Measuring changes in terms of cost, quality and production.
Training Effectiveness refers to the benefits that the company and the trainees receive
from training. Benefits for trainees may include learning new skills or behaviors.
Benefits for the company may include increased sales and more satisfied customers.
Direct costs include salaries and benefits for all employees involved in training, including
trainees, instructors, consultants and employees who design the program. Indirect costs
include general office supplies, facilities equipment and related expenses. Benefits are the
value that the company gains from the training program.
The various methods of training evaluation are:
Self diaries
Pre and Post test
In order to evaluate the training program, a company must decide how it will determine the
program’s effectiveness. It must identify what training outcomes or criteria it will measure.
According to D.L Kirkpatrick’s four-level framework for categorizing training out-comes.
Both level 1 and level 2 criteria (reactions and learning) are collected before trainees return
to their job. Level 3 and level 4 criteria (behaviour and results) measure the degree to which
trainees are using training content on the job.
Evaluate Result of participating in the training program
The four levels of Kirkpatrick's evaluation model essentially measure:
1. Reaction of trainees - what they thought and felt about the training (Trainee satisfaction
towards training)
2. Learning - the resulting increase in knowledge or capability (Acquisition of skills,
3. Behaviour - extent of behaviour and capability improvement and
implementation/application at the work place (Improvement of behaviour on job)
4. Results - the effects on the business or environment resulting from the trainee's
performance (Achievement of objectives)
By Monica M Page 6
On the Job Training: On-the-job training is training that takes place while employees
are actually working. It means that skills can be gained while trainees are carrying out their
It refers to new or inexperienced employees learning through observing peers or managers
performing the job and trying to imitate their behavior. Employees perform the job under
the supervision and guidance of the trainers/managers
2. Mentoring:
Mentoring is a developmental partnership through which one person shares knowledge,
skills, information
Mentoring is a term generally used to describe a relationship between an individual,
called a mentee, and a more experienced individual known as a mentor.
Traditionally, mentoring is viewed as a face-to-face, long-term relationship
By Monica M Page 7
Experienced individual (the mentor) is assigned to act as an advisor, counsellor, or guide
to a junior or trainee. The mentor is responsible for providing support to,
and feedback on the individual performance
Conducted for management-level employees
Mentoring Coaching
Relationship oriented Task oriented
Long term Short term
By Monica M Page 8
4. Job Instruction Training (JIT): One of the first steps is trainer selection – preferably a
supervisor or a skilled person within the department.
JIT basically used to teach the workers how to do their job effectively.
It basically includes four steps:
o Trainees receive overview of job, its purpose and desired outcomes.
o Trainer demonstrates job to employee so that trainees can get brief outlook
of job.
o Trainee is asked to copy trainer’s demonstration, till trainee is perfect in
performing given job.
o Trainees carry out the job without supervision.
1. Present/Plan: This step includes a written breakdown of the work to be done because the
trainer and the trainee must understand that documentation is must and important for
the familiarity of work.
2. Demonstrate/Present – In this step, trainer provides the synopsis of the job while
presenting the participants the different aspects of the work. When the trainer
demonstrates how to do the job and why is that done in that specific manner. Trainer
actually demonstrates the procedure while emphasizing the key points and safety
3. Copy/Trial – This step actually a kind of rehearsal step, in which trainee tries to perform
the work and the trainer is able to provide instant feedback.
4. Follow-up – In this step, the trainer checks the trainee’s job frequently after the training
program is over to prevent bad work habits from developing.
By Monica M Page 10
It is presumed to possess a considerable depth of knowledge of subject at hand.
Variations of the lecture method:
Standard lecture-Trainer talks while trainees listen and absorb information.
Team teaching-Two or more trainers present different topics or alternative views of
the same topic.
Guest Speakers-Speaker visits the session for a predetermined time period.
Panels-Two or more speakers present information and ask questions.
Students Presentations-Groups of trainees present topics to the class.
5. Conference: In this method of training, the group of people who possess ideas, facts,
data etc. are into the discussion which contributes to the improvement of job
performance. Each one will be sharing their knowledge, facts and ideas.
Method in which a trainee and a trainer hold one-to-one discussions on the subject
matter to be imparted
6. Vestibule Training/Simulations:
Trainees participate in a reality-based, interactive activity where they imitate actions
required on the job. It is a useful technique for skills development.
The trainer create the artificial work environment and trainee will perform the job / task
In this type of training, a training center is set up and actual job conditions are
duplicated or simulated in it.
Trainers are employed to provide training with the help of equipment and machines
which are identical to that of workplace.
The purpose of vestibule training is to reproduce an actual work setting and place it
under the trainer's control to allow for immediate and constructive feedback.
Training vestibules are useful because they allow trainees to practice while avoiding
personal injury and damage to expensive equipment without affecting production.
By Monica M Page 11
Stock market, Pilots and Astronauts
Executive Development:
Executive or management development is a planned, systematic and continuous process of
learning and growth by which managers develop their conceptual and analytical abilities to
Features of Executive development:
It is a planned effort to improve executive’s ability to handle a variety of assignments
It is a continuous, ongoing activity
It aims at improving the total personality of executives
It aims at meeting future needs unlike training, which seeks to meet current needs
It is a long term process, as managers take time to acquire and improve their
It is proactive in nature as it focuses on the present as well as future requirements of
both the organization and the individual.
By Monica M Page 12