Electroced LB52

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LB-52U JIS 2321 1 D4316

RWS A5.1 E7016
JIS 23212 D5016
AWS A5.1 €7016

ror one-side welding. For welding of 490Nlmm2 high tensile steel.

Applications: Applications:
One-s~deshielded metal arc weldlng of plpes and general butt joints of mild steel and :ililslded metal arc weldlng of mlld and 490N/mm2 high tens~lesteels m shlps, bndges,
490N/mm2hlgh tens~lesteel I~~llld~ngsand pressure vessels

Characteristics on usage: Characteristics on usage:

LB-52U 1s a low hydrogentype covered electrode for exclusive use for one-s~dewelding of 1 13.52 IS the most w~delyused low hydrogentype covered electrode for all-posit~on weldlng
plpes and general structures 01 490N/rnmZhigh tens~lesteel
Its arc stabll~tyis extremely good to perform one-s~deweldlng wlth relatively low currents X ray soundness and mechan~cal propertiesof the weld metal are excellent. The usab~lit~es
LB-52U prov~desgood slag removabll~tyand smooth weld beads tiuch as arc smoothness, slag removal and bead appearance are good.

Notes on usage: Notes on usage:

(1) Dry the electrodes at 300-350" C for 30-60 minutes before use ( 1 ) Dry the electrodes at 300-350" C for 30-60 mlnutes before use.
(2) Reverse side bead wlth good appearance is obta~nedwith proper current and optlmum (:') Take the backstep method or str~kethe arc on a small steel plate prepared for thls
root gap. particular purpose to prevent blowholes at the arc starting.
(3) Cut off the arcafter setllngthecraterto the s~de
wall of the grooveto avoid cratercracks ( 1) Keep the arc as short as poss~ble.
(4) Str~kethe arc on a small steel plate prepared for thls purpose or on the s~dewall of the
groove to prevent blowholes at the arc startlng
(5) Keep the arc as short as poss~ble

Typical chemical composltlon of weld metal (%)


Typical chemical composltlon of weld metal (%)

Typical mechanical properties of weld metal


Typlcal mechanical properties of weld metal 1 Nlmn? (kgflmn-?) N/mmz(kgflmn-?) % J (kgf-m) WVHT
1 500 (51) 570 (58) 32 210 (21) -
420 (43) 520 (53) 33 250 (26) 620% x 1 hr
N/mm2(kgf/mm2) N/mmz(kgf/mm?) % J (kgf-m) 1
480 (49) 560 (57) 31 130 (13) Sizes available and recommended currents (AC or DC - EP)
Sizes available and recommended currents (AC, DC EP or DC EN)" -
L (mm
OSW 30-80 60-1 10 90-140 130-180
60-90 90-130 130-180 180-240
80-120 110-170 150-200
DC - EN IS only for root pass.

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