Larry Scott The Ring of Fire Midsection Fat Burning

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Larry Scott – The Ring of Fire – Midsection Fat Burning

Fat Burning Fire Around Your Whole Midsection

Sit-ups and leg raises help a little but there’s something better. Much better.

The key is learning how to flex midsection muscles and I’m not just talking about the
muscles in front. You’ve got muscles all around your torso. They’re in the front, sides and
the back and they are…

The Furnace In Which Your Midsection Fat Will Be Burned

Don’t believe you can’t spot reduce.

Unfortunately, some of us have midsection furnaces that haven’t been stoked up for years
but… we’re going to change all that. I’ll show you how to raise the heat, gradually increasing
the fire until the walls of your fat burning furnace glow with the burning of body fats, even
the hard to get at fats stored on the lower back will melt away under this intense heat.

Here’s What’s Going To Happen To Your Very Own Body

The first week you won’t see much but you should start to notice your pants getting a little
looser. Then one day you’ll look down at your belt and realize you’re not using that old beat
up hole anymore. Your buckle will be sticking through a new hole and… it won’t feel tight.

It’ll feel just as good as the old hole did.

You’ll say to yourself, “Wow look at that! How’d that happen?” and your faith will surge to
life. You’ll begin to realize maybe it’s possible… maybe you too… can recapture the waistline
you once had… when you were younger.

You’ll find it easier to pass up sweets. It won’t even be a sacrifice. You’ll see the loss of
goodies as a friend reaching out to help. You’ll search for other things that will add to your
efforts. Soon…

You’ll Have A Hard Time Keeping The Smile Off Your Face… Because you’ll feel something
wonderful happening… your pants will get looser… your energy will increase. Your mirror
will have a younger face looking back.

After a month of using this amazing system you’ll be 5 to 10 lbs lighter. Maybe more! After a
second month your world will change.

It will be full of people taking double takes. Total strangers will smile as you pass. They’ll feel
your energy and sense your joy. Friends will be telling you how much younger you look.
Pestering you for secrets… asking what you are doing different?

What is this secret that doesn’t require endless hours of aerobics or sit-ups and leg raises.
I’ve chosen to call it… “The Ring Of Fat Burning Fire” … and it’s easy to learn. Well… it’s not
that easy but if I can do it you can too. Especially, when I had to teach myself from trial and
error but… I’ve got it down pat and all you have to do is listen.

Here’s what you do. Get a rope with two end stops on it like a tricep press down rope. Hook
it up to your lat machine. It’s best if you don’t have a seat or anything right below the lat bar.
I’ve tried it the other way and the seat always gets in the way.

Also, if you use a rope without the end stops your hands get too tired.

What you’ve trying to do is flex all the muscles of the midsection individually until they flex
so hard they go into cramp. I’m not talking about just the “six pack” or those muscles you
get from sit-ups and leg raises, I’m talking about the upper and lower abs, the intercostals,
the external and internal obliques, the quadratus lumborum and the spinal erectors… the
whole shooting match.

I’ll admit I didn’t even know the names of some of these muscles before I started on this
venture but… after a while I not only knew them, they became good friends. And as our
friendship grew, each muscle got tighter and tighter. Finally, I learned how to flex each
individual muscle so hard I could get it to cramp. Why did I want to do this? Because I
learned earlier I could get superior muscularity from this training technique.

Each time I went to the Olympia shows and saw those guys on stage hit those amazing
intercostal shots I ate my heart out. I wanted that kind of muscularity. I wanted to see all the
stuff happening to my waistline and I knew the technique that would do it. I just had to
learn how to use that same technique on my midsection.

Because I knew once I did I could burn fat like crazy and… I was right! My waist dropped to
what it was in high school. Not only that I look younger and everyone kept asking me what I
was doing different. So here’s what you do.

Stand in front of the lat machine. Hold on to the tricep rope. Use a weight that’s just heavy
enough to let you hang on to the machine. Not so heavy you have to use any muscles
except the muscle you are focusing on for each exercise.

Hold your elbows bent next to your body and your hands about shoulder height.

Start with flexing the upper rectus abdominals. Stand with feet even about 1 foot apart.
Bend over slightly and flex the same muscles you would flex while doing a sit up. This
muscle is pretty easy as we all have pretty good neuro-muscular control over the upper
rectus abdominals.

Bend down over the hip and flex the muscle for all it’s worth.

The next is a little more difficult…

To flex the lower abs, pull the pelvis up as hard as possible as if you were a belly dancer
doing the “bump” part of the “bump and grind”. Hold the pelvis in that position until you can
sense the lower abs flexing. Keep sending flex signals to them until they come alive. It will
take time but keep at it each day.

Now let’s go to the side of the waist. Start on the side you have the most control. Lets
assume it’s your right side. To flex your right intercostals, first take most of your weight off
the right foot. Raise up on your toe. Keep your feet even and about a foot apart. Lift your
right hip and crunch down on your right side just to the side but slightly in front of your
oblique. Hold down on those intecostals, make them flex. Right at first it will seem like
nothing is happening. Like you have no muscle control at all. But keep on focusing all your
mind on this area and eventually you’ll feel the intercostals come to life.

Each time as you crunch down you’ll lift the weight on the weight stack a little bit. Keep your
head facing in the direction you are flexing. It makes it easier to get the muscle to flex.

Now, without any rest, focus your attention on the right oblique. Turn your head in that
direction, again lift the hip and crunch down over the oblique. Hold down over it until you
can feel it flex hard. Now for the side low back (quadratus laborum) turn your head and look
over your right shoulder. Let your right leg slide back behind you. Lean back a little and
crunch down over the right kidney. Hold it right there until you feel it flex. Next is the right
spinal erector. Turn your head even farther to the right pull the upper body down and back
until you feel your right spinal erector flex.

Staying in that position with the right leg back, go back the same way you came… around the
right side flexing each muscle until you are back to the front remembering to slide the right
leg forward and raise the right hip as you crunch over the intercostals.

Now do the same thing on the left side.

After having done both sides, you will have completed one “Ring of Fire”. The intensity is so
incredible all you need is 3 reps of 3 sets and before long your midsection will be the envy
of everyone in the gym. No more hours of sit up’s and leg raises… no more endless
aerobics, just 3 minutes a day spent in the “Ring Of Fire” and you’ll burn all that nasty old fat
off for good. That’s the technique.

Stand at a lat machine take the bar off and attach a Tricep rope attachment. If it has “hand
stops” on the end it’s better because your hands don’t tire out. Grasp the rope with both
hands, pull the rope down so the elbows are in next to your trunk and the hands about
shoulder height. (I use about 60 lbs)… Use this stance throughout this Ring of Fire.

Lower Abs…

Standing with the rope held as described above, lift the pelvis as high as possible. Both feet
flat on the ground. Using the lower abdominals, pull the pelvis up, take a little breath, then
lift it higher, take another little breath, continue lifting and panting to a count of 10 each
time taking a little breath and pulling up harder. Then stretch out to get rid of the lactic acid
and move on to the next muscle. (The only muscle that can lift the pelvis is lower abs. The
lower abs are the bottom row of your six pack. This movement gets rid of pot belly and low
back pain).

Upper Rectus Abdominals…

This should be easier. Your head is facing forward, chin down. Feet about 1 foot apart
equally balanced on the floor. Crunch down over your abdominals, again taking a 10 second
count with little short breaths. Try to get the muscle to go into cramp. If it goes into cramp
before 10 seconds stop, stretch out to get rid of the lactic acid and move on to the next

Right Intercostals…

This is a little harder… Raise up on the ball of your right foot. Turn your head to the right so
it’s right over the ribs (intercostals). Lift your right hip as high as possible and crunch down
over it using the same 10 sec flex and pant method. Stretch out to get rid of the lactic acid
and move on to the next muscle…

Right Oblique…

Staying up on the ball of your right foot, shift your attention to the right oblique. Again lift
the right hip, turn your head to the side right over the hip, crunch down over it using the
same 10 sec flex and pant method. If it goes into cramp before 10 seconds stop, stretch out
to get rid of the lactic acid and move on to the next muscle…

Right Quadratus Lumborum (Muscle over the kidney)

Shift your right leg about 1 foot back staying up on the ball of the foot. Turn your head and
look over your right shoulder. Try to lift your right hip up into your back just like you did with
your right intercostal only this time you are lifting the back of the hip. Crunch down over it
using the same 10 sec flex and pant method. If it goes into cramp before 10 seconds, stop,
stretch out to get rid of the lactic acid and move on to the next muscle…

Left Quadratus Lumborum (Muscle over the kidney)

Move your right leg forward again and shift the left leg back about a foot, don’t forget to
raise up on the ball of the left foot. Turn your head and look over your left shoulder. Try to
lift your left hip up into your back just like you did with your right hip. Crunch down over it
using the same 10 sec flex and pant method. If it goes into cramp before 10 seconds, stop,
stretch out to get rid of the lactic acid and move on to the next muscle…

Left Oblique…

Now move both legs forward but stay up on the ball of your left foot, shift your attention to
the left oblique. Lift the left hip, turn your head to the side right over the hip, crunch down
over it using the same 10 sec flex and pant method. If it goes into cramp before 10 seconds
stop, stretch out to get rid of the lactic acid and move on to the next muscle…

Left Intercostals…

Turn your head so it’s right over the intercostals. Lift your left hip as high as possible and
crunch down over it using the same 10 sec flex and pant method. Stretch out to get rid of
the lactic acid and move on to the next muscle…

Upper Rectus Abdominals…

Your head is facing forward, chin down. Feet still about 1 foot apart equally balanced on the
floor. Crunch down over your abdominals, again taking a 10 second count with little short
breaths. Try to get the muscle to go into cramp. If it goes into cramp before 10 seconds
stop, stretch out to get rid of the lactic acid and move on to the next muscle…

Lower Abs…

Lift the pelvis as high as possible. Both feet flat on the ground. Using the lower abdominals,
pull the pelvis up take a little breath, then lift it higher, take another little breath, continue
lifting and panting to a count of 10 each time taking a little breath and pulling up harder.
Take about 10 seconds. The only muscle that can lift the pelvis is lower abs. The lower abs
are the bottom row on your six pack and even lower. This movement gets rid of pot belly
and low back pain. Stretch out to get rid of the lactic acid…

The Ring of Fire Using the Synapse Only (No Exercise Equipment)

This is a little different but it’s an important difference because you learn the form even
better with just your body doing the work than you do when you’re pulling down on a lat
machine. That’s why you don’t even need any exercise equipment to do this. Just place your
hands against something a little lower than shoulder height. You can even use the wall.

Lower Abs…

Both feet flat on the ground about a foot apart. Using the lower abdominals, pull the pelvis
up, take a little breath, then lift it higher, take another little breath, continue lifting and
panting until you feel the muscle going into a cramp.

Stop, stretch out to get rid of the lactic acid and move on to the next muscle…

Upper Rectus Abdominals…

Your head is facing forward, chin down. Feet still about 1 foot apart equally balanced on the
floor. Crunch down over your abdominals, crunch down, take a little breath, crunch down
again, take a little breath.
Continue until you feel the muscle going into cramp.

Stop, stretch out to get rid of the lactic acid and move on to the next muscle…

Right Intercostals…

Rest your left arm on something about shoulder height hold the right arm bent at a 45
degree angle and in close to the trunk like you were holding a magazine tight under your
arm pit. Raise up on the ball of your right foot. Turn your head to the right so it’s right over
the intercostals. Lift your right hip as high as possible and crunch down over it using the
same flex and pant method until the muscle cramps.

Stretch out to get rid of the lactic acid and move on to the next muscle…

Right Oblique…

Keep both arms in the same position as above. Staying up on the ball of your right foot, shift
your attention to the right oblique. Again lift the right hip, turn your head to the side right
over the hip, crunch down over it using the same flex and pant method until the oblique
goes into cramp. Then, stretch out to get rid of the lactic acid and move on to the next

Right Quadratus Lumborum (Muscle over the kidney)

Keep both arms in the same position as above. Shift your right leg about 1 foot back staying
up on the ball of the foot. Turn your head and look way over your right shoulder. Try to lift
your right hip up into your back just like you did with your right intercostal only this time you
are lifting the back of the hip. Crunch down over it using the same flex and pant method
until you feel it cramping. Then stop, stretch out to get rid of the lactic acid and move on to
the next muscle…

Left Quadratus Lumborum (Muscle over the kidney)

Change your arm positions so the right hand is holding on to something about shoulder
height and the left arm bent at a 45 degree angle and in close to the trunk. Move your right
leg forward again and shift the left leg back about a foot, don’t forget to raise up on the ball
of the left foot. Turn your head and look over your left shoulder. Try to lift your left hip up
into your back just like you did with your right hip. Crunch down over it using the same flex
and pant method until it starts to cramp. Then, stop, stretch out to get rid of the lactic acid
and move on to the next muscle…

Left Oblique…

Use the same arm position as above but move both legs forward but stay up on the ball of
your left foot, shift your attention to the left oblique. Lift the left hip, turn your head to the
side right over the hip, crunch down over it using the same flex and pant method until the
muscle starts to cramp. Then stop, stretch out to get rid of the lactic acid and move on to
the next muscle…

Left Intercostals…

Turn your head so it’s right over the intercostals. Lift your left hip as high as possible and
crunch down over it using the same 10 sec flex and pant method.

Stretch out to get rid of the lactic acid and move on to the next muscle…

Upper Rectus Abdominals…

Your head is facing forward, chin down. Feet still about 1 foot apart equally balanced on the
floor. Crunch down over your abdominals, again taking little short breaths until you feel the
muscle starting to cramp. Then, stretch out to get rid of the lactic acid and move on to the
next muscle…

Lower Abs…

Lift the pelvis as high as possible. Both feet flat on the ground. Using the lower abdominals,
pull the pelvis up take a little breath, then lift it higher, take another little breath, continue
lifting and panting until you feel the muscle cramp. Stretch out to get rid of the lactic acid…

Note: Some of these muscles are difficult to get into cramp, especially the lower abs. It’s
going to take some time. As you get better at it, you’ll soon be able to get your cramp in
most of the muscles in just a few seconds.

In fact you’ll get to where you can slowly rotate the tension all around your midsection from
front to side to back to side and back to the front again. It will feel just like a Ring of Fire all
around your midsection.

I wish I had the words to express not only how effective this is in building a wonderful
midsection but how fantastic it makes you feel. It’s truly addictive.

Once you learn to control these muscles. You can run through a ring of fire first thing in the
morning while in the shower or even while you’re driving to work. It’s one of the greatest
abdominal breakthroughs I’ve even seen.

There’s a kind of zest, a freshness that is simply intoxicating. I was trying to figure out why!
So far the best answer I’ve run across is something I read in a Tai Chi book.
A chapter on breathing the author was talking about what happens when you use the
diaphragm to breath. He says, “beneath the diaphragm is the stomach, on its right is the
liver, on its left is the spleen, and underneath is the intestines. When we move the
diaphragm up and down we massage these inner organs. This massage increases the blood
and the “chi” circulation around them, and greatly improves the digestion of food, the
assimilation of nutrients and assists in the elimination of waste.

Because when you learn to flex all 8 sections of the midsection you are massaging all those
internal organs. If that’s true, no wonder it gives you such a boost of energy.


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