ICDL Computer Essentials QRG - v1.0

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Computer Essentials

Quick Reference
This quick reference is for understanding the main concepts of ICT and using the computer and managing files on Windows 7

This module sets out essential concepts and skills relating to the use of devices, file
creation and management, networks and data security.

Successful candidates will be able to:

• Understand key concepts relating to ICT, computers, devices and software.
• Start up and shut down a computer.
• Work effectively on the computer desktop using icons, windows.
• Adjust the main operating system settings and use built-in help features.
• Create a simple document and print an output.
• Know about the main concepts of file management and be able to efficiently
Keyboard Shortcuts & Commands organise files and folders.
Purpose Keyboard Purpose Keyboard • Understand key storage concepts and use utility software to compress and
extract large files.
Shortcut Shortcut
Open menu ALT+LETTER Undo CTRL+Z • Understand network concepts and connection options and be able to connect
to a network.
Help F1 Up one screen PAGE UP
• Understand the importance of protecting data and devices from malware and of
Cut CTRL+X Down one screen PAGE DOWN backing up data.
Copy CTRL+C Beginning of a line HOME • Recognise considerations relating to green IT, accessibility and user health.
Paste CTRL+V End of line END

1 Computers and Devices Processor - An important component for online.

processing information Software - Applications or programs that perform
RAM - Working temporary memory that loses its specific tasks, such as word processing or
1.1 ICT
data when the computer is shut down graphics editing
1.1.1 Define the term Information and
Storage - Internal or external devices that retain Operating system - Controls the computer,
Communication Technology (ICT).
saved data. schedules tasks, manages storage, and
ICT - Using digital technology to access, store
The type and speed of the processor, the handles communication with other devices.
and process information into an organized and
amount of RAM used, and the amount of Applications software - Designed for specific
understandable form
available storage space, can have an impact tasks such as presentations or spreadsheets.
1.1.2 Identify different types of ICT services and
on the computer’s overall performance. Software can be installed on a specific computer
uses like:
1.2.3 Identify the main types of integrated and or device, on a network or accessed via the
Internet services - Examples include online
external equipment like: cloud.
banking, online shopping, e-mail and data
transfer Devices that print 1.3.2 Define the term operating system and
Mobile technology - Examples include using the information on identify some common operating systems for
internet on smartphones, laptops paper or other computers and devices.
materials Operating system - Software that schedules tasks,
Office productivity applications - Examples
include word processing, spread sheets, Devices that manages storage and handles communication
presentation software Screens display text and with other devices
1.2 Hardware graphics Examples include Windows, Linux, Mac OS X
1.2.1 Define the term hardware. Devices that read 1.3.3 Identify common examples of applications like:
Hardware - Physical, tangible items that form part images or text and Office productivity - Examples include word
Scanners processing and spreadsheets
of a computer system convert the data into
1.2.1 Identify the main types of computers like: digital information Communications - Examples include e-mail and
Typing devices used to instant messaging
Types of Computer Keyboards issue commands and Social networking - Examples include websites
enter characters that allows users to connect and exchange
A traditional stand-alone or status updates and comments
Desktop A pointing device used
networked computer Mouse/ Media - Examples include news applications and
to select items and social media applications
A small, portable computer issue commands Design - Examples include photo-editing and
Laptop designed for mobile, flexible desktop publishing
use Web A video camera used
camera Mobile applications - Examples include online
A small, mobile, hand-held to capture a digital
video storage applications and e-mail applications
Tablet computer that combines (webcam) 1.3.4 Define the term End-User License Agreement
computing and Internet access (EULA). Recognise that software must be
Devices that produce
1.2.1 Identify the main types of devices like: Speakers sound waves audible licensed before use.
to the human ear EULA - A legal agreement between the user of
Types of Devices software and the software manufacturer
A device used to Users should ensure all software used is fully
Used for phone calls, Microphone
Smart e-mail, Internet browsing, digitally capture sound licensed before use.
Phone and working with mobile 1.3.5 Outline the types of software licenses:
applications A device that connects Proprietary - Software that must be bought before
Docking use
a laptop computer to
Station Open source - Free software that makes its source
Media Used to download and other devices
Player play music and videos code available
1.2.4 Identify common input/output ports like: Trial version - Software that can be used for a
Universal Serial Bus (USB) - Typically used to restricted time only and users will have to
connect storage and other devices purchase to use further
Used to take photographs in
Digital Camera High-Definition Multimedia Interface (HDMI) - Shareware - Software that is distributed on a try-
digital format
Typically used to connect media devices before-you-buy basis with limited functionality
1.3 Software and Licensing Freeware - Free copyrighted software
1.2.2 Define the terms processor, Random Access 1.3.1 Define the term software and distinguish
Memory (RAM), storage. Understand their between the main types of software like:
impact on performance when using computers operating systems, applications. Know that
and devices. software can be installed locally or available 1.4 Start Up, Shut Down

© 2012, ICDL Foundation. This Quick Reference may be used by candidates to assist in preparation for this ICDL module test. ICDL Foundation does not warrant that use of this guide will ensure passing of the test.
Screen shots used with permission from Microsoft.
Quick Reference
1.4.1 Start a computer and log on securely using a 1
user name and password.
Make sure that both the computer and monitor are
plugged into a power source.
Turn on the computer and the monitor.
Enter a user name and password when requested.
Press the Return key.
1.4.2 Log off a computer using an appropriate
Close any open files and applications. 5
Click the Start button.
Select the Shut Down arrow.
Click Log off. 4
1.4.2 Shut down a computer using an appropriate • Right-click on the desktop and click Screen

routine. resolution.
2.2.2 Open, collapse, expand, restore down,
Close any open files and applications. • Click the Resolution box.
maximise, resize, move, close a window. • Click on the Resolution field arrow and drag
Click the Start button.
• To open a window, select the file or folder, the slider to specify a screen resolution.
Click Shut Down.
right-click and select Open.
1.4.2 Restart a computer using an appropriate • Click Apply.
• To collapse a window, click the Minimise 2.3.4 Change keyboard language.
button in the upper right corner of the window. • Click the Start button.
Close any open files and applications.
• To expand a window, move the mouse to the • Click Control Panel.
Click the Start button.
edge of the Title bar and drag the window to • Click Region and Language.
Select the Shut Down arrow.
increase the size. • Click on the Keyboards and Languages tab.
Click Restart.
• To restore down a window, click the Restore
2.1 Desktop and Icons • Click Change Keyboards.
Down button in the upper right corner of the
2.1.1 Outline the purpose of the desktop and the • Click on the preferred keyboard language.
window. • Click OK.
• To maximise a window, click the Maximise
2 Desktop, Icons, Settings button in the upper right corner of the window.
2.3.4 Add keyboard language.
• Click the Start button.
• To resize a window, move the mouse over
task bar. • Click Control Panel.
the Title bar and drag the window to size • Click Region and Language.
Desktop - Displays icons for files, folders and
preferred. • Click on the Keyboards and Languages tab.
• To move a window, move the mouse over • Click Change Keyboards.
Task bar- Shows active applications, files and
the Title bar and drag the window to a new • Click Add.
folders and other icons
2.1.2 Identify common icons like those representing: • Click on the expandable button next to the
• To close a window, click the Close button in language required.
the upper right corner of the window. • Click on the expandable button next to the
2.2.3 Switch between open windows.
FILES • Check the language checkbox option
• Move the mouse over the application icons • Click OK.
FOLDERS on the Task Bar so any open windows are 2.3.4 Remove keyboard language.
displayed. • Click the Start button.
• Click the required window icons found on the • Click Control Panel.
Task Bar. • Click Region and Language.
• Click on the Keyboards and Languages tab.
2.3 Tools and Settings • Click Change Keyboards.
2.3.1 Use available help functions. • Select the keyboard language to remove.
PRINTERS • Click the Start button. • Click Remove
• Click Help and Support. • Click OK.
• Enter the query into the Search Help search 2.3.4 Change default language.
box. • Click the Start button.
• Press the Return key. • Click Control Panel.
2.3.2 View the computer’s basic system information: • Click Region and Language.
operating system name and version number, • Click on the Keyboards and Languages tab.
SHORTCUTS/ALIASES installed RAM. • Click Change Keyboards.
• Click the Start button. • Select the language button in Default language
• Click Control Panel. input field.
TRASH • Select from the list of installed default
2.3.3 Change desktop configuration settings: date languages.
and time. • Click OK.
2.1.3 Select and move icons. • Click the time shown on the right side of the 2.3.5 Shut down a non-responding application.
On the desktop, click on an icon and drag and Task Bar. • Press the Ctrl+Alt+Delete keys.
drop to a new location. • Click Change Date and time settings. • Click the Start Task Manager button.
2.1.4 Create a shortcut/alias. • Click Change Date and time. • In the Applications tab select the application.
Select location to move shortcut to. • Enter a date and time. • Click End Task.
Right-click and click Create shortcut. • Click Apply. 2.3.6 Install an application.
2.1.4 Rename a shortcut/alias. 2.3.3 Change desktop configuration settings: volume • Click the Start button.
Right-click on the shortcut icon. settings. • Click Control Panel.
Click Rename. • Double-click the speaker button on the right • Double-click Add or Remove Programs.
Enter new name. side of the Task Bar. • Click Add New Programs.
2.1.4 Move a shortcut/alias. • Adjust the volume as required. • Click Install a program from the network.
Right-click on the shortcut icon. 2.3.3 Change desktop configuration settings: • Select program to install to begin the wizard.
Click Cut. background. • Follow the wizard instructions.
Select location to move shortcut to. • Right-click on the desktop and click 2.3.6 Uninstall an application.
Right-click and select Paste. Personalize.
2.1.4 Delete a shortcut/alias. • Click a theme to change the desktop
Right-click on the shortcut icon. background.
Click Delete. • Click Apply.
Click Yes to confirm deletion. 2.3.3 Change desktop configuration settings:
2.2 Using Windows
2.2.1 Identify the different parts of a window:
1. Title bar
2. Menu
3. Toolbar/Ribbon
4. Status bar
5. Scroll bar.
• Click the Start button.
• Click Control Panel.
• Click Programs and Features.
• Select the application to uninstall.
• Click Uninstall/Change.
• Select a printer to set as default printer.
• Right-click and click Set as Default Printer.
4.1.5 Open a file, folder, drive.Quick Reference
• Select the file, folder or drive to open.
• Click Yes. 3.2.3 Print a document from a word processing • Right-click and click Open.
2.3.7 Connect a device (USB flash drive, digital application. 4.1.6 Recognise good practice in folder, file naming:
camera, media player) to a computer. • In an open document, click the File button. • Use meaningful names for folders and files to
• Insert the flash drive (or cable for other device) • Select Print. help with searching and organisation.
into the USB port on the computer. • Click Print. 4.1.7 Create a folder.
• The computer will signal that a new device has 3.2.4 View, pause, restart, cancel a print job. • Navigate to where the folder will be created.
been detected. • To view a print job, double-click on the Printer • Right-click and click New.
• Save or view files and folders as needed. icon on the Task Bar. • Click Folder.
2.3.7 Disconnect a device using an appropriate • To pause a print job, right-click the print job • Enter a folder name and press the Return key.
routine. and select Pause. 4.1.8 Rename a file, folder.
• Click on the USB device icon on the Task Bar. • To restart a print job, right-click the print job • Right-click on the file or folder to re-name.
• Select Eject USB Disk and remove the USB and select Restart. • Click Rename.
flash drive. • To delete a print job, right-click the print job • Enter a new name.
2.3.8 Capture a full screen. and select Cancel. • Press the Return key.
• Press the Print Screen key. 4.1.9 Search for files by properties: all or part of file
2.3.8 Capture an active window. 4 File Management name.
• Open a window on the desktop. Double-click the Windows Explorer icon on the
• Press the Alt key + Print Screen key. 4.1 Introducing Files and Folders Task Bar.
4.1.1 Understand how an operating system or- In the search field enter a full file name or part of
3 Outputs ganises drives, folders, files in a hierarchical a file name.
structure. Click Search.
3.1 Working with Text • Windows Explorer displays the hierarchical 4.1.9 Search for files by properties: using wildcards
3.1.1 Open a word processing application. structure of files, folders, and drives on your if necessary
• Click the Start button. computer. Double-click the Windows Explorer icon on the
• Select All Programs. 4.1.1 Navigate between drives, folders, sub-folders, Task Bar.
• Click Microsoft Word 2010. files. In the search field use wildcards in the criteria
3.1.1 Close a word processing application. boxes to perform search.
• Click the File button. Enter *.txt to find all files with the extension .txt.
• Click Exit. Enter b*.* to find all files that begin with the letter
3.1.1 Open files. b.
• Click the File button. Click Search.
• Click Open. 4.1.9 Search for files by properties: by content.
• Select the document to open and click Open. Click the Start button.
3.1.1 Close files. Click Search.
• Click the File button. Enter text.
• Click Close. 4.1.9 Search for files by properties: by date modified.
3.1.2 Enter text into a document. Double-click the Windows Explorer icon on the
• Click into the open word processing Task Bar.
• Click the Start button.
document. Click in the Search Libraries field.
• Click Computer.
• Enter the text. Click Date modified.
• Double-click on the drive where the folder or
3.1.3 Copy text within a document, between open Select date required from displayed calendar.
file is located.
documents. 4.1.10 View list of recently used files.
• Locate the folder and file name on the
• Select the text to copy. Click the Start button.
• On the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click Select Recent Items.
4.1.2 Display file, folder properties like: name, size,
the Copy button. If the Recent Items button is not already installed,
• Click in a new location within the document or right-click the Task Bar and click Properties.
• Right-click on the file or folder.
within another open document. In the Start Menu tab, click Customize.
• Select Properties.
• On the Home tab in the Clipboard group, click In the dialog displayed, check the Recent Items
• Click OK.
the Paste button. checkbox.
4.1.3 Change view to display files and folders like:
3.1.3 Move text within a document, between open Click OK.
tiles, icons, list, details.
documents. 4.2 Organising Files and Folders
• In an open window, click on the Change your
• Select the text to move. 4.2.1 Select individual files, folders.
view button.
• On the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click Click on a file or folder.
• Click on a preferred option to view files or
the Cut button. 4.2.1 Select adjacent files, folders.
• Click in a new location within the document or Click the first file or folder, hold down the Shift key,
4.1.4 Identify common file types like:
within another open document. and then click the last file or folder.
On the Home tab in the Clipboard group, click the Release the Shift key.
Paste button. Common File Type File Extension File 4.2.1 Select non-adjacent files, folders.
3.1.3 Paste a screen capture into a document. Icon Hold down the Ctrl key, and then click each file or
• After taking the screen capture, click in a new folder to select.
location within the document. Word Processing .docx 4.2.2 Sort files in ascending, descending order by
• On the Home tab in the Clipboard group, click name.
the Paste button. Click the View menu.
3.1.4 Save and name a document. Spreadsheet .xlsx Select Sort by.
• Click the File button. Click Name to sort files by name in ascending
• Click Save. order.
• Create a file name and select the location. Presentation .pptx
Click the View menu.
• Click Save. Select Sort by.
3.2 Printing Portable Document .pdf Click Descending to sort in descending order.
3.2.1 Install a printer. Format 4.2.2 Sort files in ascending, descending order by
• Click the Start button. size.
• Click Devices and Printers. Image .gif, .jpg, .bmp Click the View menu.
• Click Add a printer. Select Sort by.
• Follow the wizard instructions. Click Size to sort files by size in ascending order.
3.2.1 Uninstall a printer. Audio .mp3 Click the View menu.
• Click the Start button. Select Sort by.
• Click Devices and Printers. Click Descending to sort in descending order.
• Select the printer. Video .avi 4.2.2 Sort files in ascending, descending order by
• Right-click and select Remove device. type.
• Click Yes to confirm removal. Click the View menu.
Compressed .zip
3.2.1 Print a test page. Select Sort by.
• Right-click a printer. Click Type to sort files by name in ascending
• Click Printer properties. Executable .exe order.
• On the General tab, click Print Test Page. Click the View menu.
• Click OK. Select Sort by.
3.2.2 Set the default printer from an installed printer Click Descending to sort in descending order.
list. 4.2.2 Sort files in ascending, descending order by
• Click the Start button. date modified.
• Click Devices and Printers. Double-click on the folder containing the files to
Click the View menu.
Right-click on files.
Select Send To. 6.1.3
Quick Reference
network against external threats
Understand the purpose of regularly backing
Select Sort by. Select Compressed (zipped) Folder. up data to a remote location.
Click Date Modified to sort files by date modified 4.3.6 Extract compressed files, folders to a location Important to have an off-site backup copy of files
in ascending order. on a drive. in case of unforeseen network, hardware or
Click the View menu. Right-click on the compressed file icon. software problems, so that a copy of the data
Select Sort by. Select Extract All. is available if the original data were to become
Click Descending to sort in descending order. 5.1 Network Concepts unusable
4.2.3 Copy files, folders between folders, drives. 5.1.1 Define the term network. 6.1.4 Recognise the importance of regularly
Right-click on the file or folder to copy. Network- More than one computer or device con- updating software like: anti-virus,
Click Copy. application, operating system software.
Click on the new location. 5 Networks Update anti-virus regularly to detect new viruses
Right-click and click Paste. Update application and operating system software
4.2.3 Move files, folders between folders, drives. nected together to share data, applications or regularly to fix known problems and security
Right-click on the file or folder to move. peripherals risks
Click Cut. 5.1.1 Outline the purpose of a network: 6.2 Malware
Click on the new location. Share, access data and devices securely 6.2.1 Define the term malware. Identify different
Right-click and click Paste. 5.1.2 Define the term Internet. Identify some of its types of malware like: virus, worm, Trojan,
4.2.4 Delete files, folders to the recycle bin/ main uses like: World Wide Web (WWW), VoIP, spyware.
wastebasket/trash. e-mail, IM. Malware - Malicious software designed to install
Right-click on the file or folder to delete. Internet - A global network connecting millions of itself on a computer without the owner’s con-
Click Delete. computers worldwide sent
Click Yes to confirm deletion. Main uses - To provide access to information via Virus - Intrusive programs that infect computer
4.2.4 Restore files, folders to original location. the World Wide Web, to allow conversations files and may cause damage
Double-click the Recycle Bin icon. over the internet (VoIP), to allow digital mes- Worm - Self-replicating malware that uses a
Select the items to restore. sage exchange via email and to allow real-time computer network to send copies of itself to
On the Recycle Bin Tasks pane, click Restore the text messaging via instant messaging other computers
selected items. 5.1.3 Define the terms intranet, virtual private net- Trojan - Destructive program that masquerades
4.2.5 Empty the recycle bin/wastebasket/trash. work (VPN) and identify their main uses. as an application.
Open the Recycle Bin. Intranet - A private Internet used internally within Spyware - Malware that collects information on
On the Recycle Bin Tasks pane, click Empty an organisation to store internal documents, user browser habits without their consent
Recycle Bin. training material or business specific applica- 6.2.2 Be aware how malware can infect a computer
tions or device.
4.3 Storage and Compression VPN - A network used to connect remote users Viruses can be transmitted via the installation of
4.3.1 Identify the main types of storage media like: securely to a business network to share data a program from an insecure source on the
and communicate. Internet, a CD- ROM, an online bulletin board,
5.1.4 Understand what transfer rate means. Un- or e-mail attachments.
Storage Description derstand how it is measured: bits per second 6.2.3 Use anti-virus software to scan a computer.
(bps), kilobits per second (kbps), megabits per Open the virus scanning application.
Internal hard A non-volatile, random access second (mbps), gigabits per second (gbps). Enter the specific drive(s), folder(s) and name of
disk storage device for digital data Transfer rate - The rate at which information is file to scan.
transferred to or from a disk drive Perform the scan.
External A hard disk located outside the Measured in bits per second (bps), kilobits per 6.3 Health and Green IT
hard disk computer second (kbps), megabits per second (mbps), 6.3.1 Recognise ways to help ensure a user’s well-
gigabits per second (gbps). being while using a computer or device like:
Network A drive shared by multiple users
5.1.5 Understand the concepts of downloading from, Take regular breaks
drive or devices
uploading to a network. Ensure appropriate lighting and posture
CD An optical disc used to store music Downloading - To copy a file or image from a web Lighting should be bright enough and correctly
page positioned.
DVD An optical disc used to store video Uploading - To copy a file or image from a com- Correct positioning of the computer, desk and
puter to a web page seat will minimise bad posture.
5.2 Network Access 6.3.2 Recognise computer and device energy saving
Blu-ray Disc A high definition optical disc used
5.2.1 Identify the different options for connecting to practices:
to store media with up to five times
greater storage than DVDs the Internet like: Turning off - When not in use
Phone line Adjusting automatic shut down - After a specified
USB flash A portable digital storage device Mobile technology number of minutes not used
drive Cable Adjusting backlight - This can be decreased
Wi-fi Adjusting sleep mode settings - This can be
Memory A digital storage device used in
card cameras and other devices Wi-max activated after pre-set timings
Satellite 6.3.3 Recognise that computers, devices, batteries,
Online file A file storage service available over 5.2.2 Define the term Internet Service Provider (ISP). printer cartridges and paper should be
storage the Internet Internet Service Provider (ISP) - An organisation recycled.
that provides access to the Internet 6.3.4 Identify some options available for enhancing
Identify file size, folder size, storage capacity
4.3.2 5.2.2 Identify important considerations when accessibility like:
measurements like: selecting an Internet subscription option like:
Upload speed
Download speed Type Description
Unit Bit Size Comparable To Download quota
Kilobyte 1,024 ½ page of plain
5.2.3 Recognise the status of a wireless network: Voice Translates voice commands and
(KB) Bytes text
Protected/secure - The network is protected to recognition is used in place of a mouse and
Megabyte 1,024 KB 700 pages of prevent unauthorised access. software keyboard
(MB) plain text or one Open - The network is accessible to all
picture/graphic 5.2.4 Connect to a wireless network. Screen Reads aloud information from a
Double-click on the wireless connection icon on reader computer display, for users with
Gigabyte 1, 024 MB A set of impaired vision
(GB) encyclopaedias the Task Bar.
Select desired network and connect, using a
Terabyte 1,024 GB A bookstore full password if required. Screen Displays enlarged screen content
(TB) of books magnifier

4.3.3 View available space on a storage device.

6 Security and Well-Being
On-screen Provides an alternative to a
Select the drive or device. keyboard physical keyboard or inputting data
Right-click and select Properties. 6.1 Protecting Data on Computers and Devices
Click OK. 6.1.1 Recognise good password policies like:
4.3.4 Understand the purpose of file, folder com- Create with adequate length High Makes the screen easier to view
pression. Create with adequate character mix contrast for users
Compressing files decreases a file’s size and Do not share
reduces the amount of space used for storage. Change regularly
4.3.5 Compress files, folders. 6.1.2 Define the term firewall and outline its purpose.
Select files. Firewall - A security system designed to protect a

© 2012, ICDL Foundation. This Quick Reference may be used by candidates to assist in preparation for this ICDL module test. ICDL Foundation does not warrant that use of this guide will ensure passing of the test.
Screen shots used with permission from Microsoft.

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