Status and Scope of Robotics in Agriculture: December 2016
Status and Scope of Robotics in Agriculture: December 2016
Status and Scope of Robotics in Agriculture: December 2016
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Division of Agricultural Engineering, ICAR - Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi-
Automation of agricultural operations is demand of the time to improve the productivity with
the help of tools and technology. In recent years, the development of autonomous vehicles in
agriculture has experienced increased interest. Many researchers started developing more
rational and adaptable vehicles for agricultural operations. In the field of agricultural
autonomous vehicles, a concept was adopted to use multiple small efficient autonomous
machines in place of traditional large tractors [9]. Moreover,such asystem may have a less
environmental impact as it can reduce over-application of chemicals and high usages of
International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Agricultural and Food Engineering
27 – 30th December, 2016, Agricultural and Food Engineering Department, IIT Kharagpur
energy and inputs by the control that is better matched to stochastic requirements. There are
numbers of field operations that can be executed by autonomous vehicles, giving more
benefits than conventional machines. Most of the researcher are working for autonomous
vehicle design for precision agricultural mobile robots [9][11][12] . The design works on
implementing three different verticals namely 1. Mobile robot navigation 2. Implements
(Framework & Applications) 3.sensor modules. Different countries like the USA, European
Unions, Denmark, Australia, Finland, India etc are designing mobile robots under these
verticals which are mainly to procure agriculture farming over commercial industries.
Research groups have developed differentspecialized navigation techniques like an odometer,
vision based,sensor based, inertial, active beacon, GPS, map-based, landmark navigation
techniques to operate robots under unified controlspace for farming. This technique is used
for application likeseed-bed preparation,seed mapping,seed placement, reseeding,
cropscouting, weed mapping, robotic weeding control, micro-spraying, robotics gantry,
robotic irrigation, etc. [10]
In thescientific literature,studiesshow that to adapt agricultural machinery for agricultural
platforms (autonomous vehicles or mobile robots) [30] [21] [26] leads to the development of
autonomous navigation for agricultural machine should be designed with highersafety. In
recent trend in the development of platforms specifically built for agricultural autonomous
vehicles or robots [3][4]. Autonomous robot research in agriculture is well represented in the
literature. Excellent research carried out in Canada, Japan, Europe, Australia, the USA and
initiated in India development of agricultural autonomous vehicles [13][14] [21][9][1]. Most
agricultural autonomous robotics research has been performed in controlled
environmentssuch as robotic picking of cherry tomatoes [23], cucumbers [27], mushrooms
[31] and other fruits [23]. In horticulture, robots have been applied to citrus [21] and apples
[31]. Also, milking robots have had much attention, particularly in the Netherlands [32].
However, the development of these platforms presents two challenges [9]: to develop a
physical structure suitable for the agricultural environment, and to develop an electronic
architecture to integrate the various electronic devices. An electronic architecture must be
robust and reliable, provide quick and ease maintenance and have modularity and flexibility
to allow future expansions and connection of new equipment. As more autonomous
applications for agriculture will be operating in upcoming years, it gives an idea applying
robotics in agriculture may be technically difficult compared to industrial robots.
This paper provides information about the currentstatus of autonomous agricultural robots
designed in different countries as well as in India. Alsoscope of new trends of designed
robots for farming in agricultural sector.
1.1. Curent sceanarios of Agriculture system in India and Factors Affecting
The projected world's population to grow to more than 9.15 billion by 2050 [25]. Therefore,
the challenge for the next decades will be tosupply the needs of the expanding world
population by developing a highly productive agriculture management, whilst at the same
time preserving the quality of the environment [37]. Most of the developing countries
including India facing agricultural labor shortage problem. A major portion of youths from
village shifting to urban for led better life. As a result, agriculture operation gets delayed
during its peakseasons due to a labor shortage. Human, animal, and Mechanical power source
are utilized in agricultural operation in terms ofseed bed preparation, tillage,seeding or
transplanting, fertilizer and chemical application, intercultural operation and harvesting.
Average power availability on Indian farm is about 2.02 kW/ha. Human, animal, and
International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Agricultural and Food Engineering
27 – 30th December, 2016, Agricultural and Food Engineering Department, IIT Kharagpur
Mechanical power operated agricultural machinery fail to optimize the operational cost, time
and all other inputs. The tractor is the main machine powersource on which most of the farm
mechanization depends. Most of the farm operation is done by using the tractor as a prime
mower with attaching different implements on it. Although the traditional animal operated
country plow gives low output and requires a higher number of field operations are still being
used by the majority of the farmers. Zero tillseed drill, inclined plate planter is used
forseeding operation which is tractor power operated. High precision and input required
during intercultural and plant protection operation. Placement ofseed at optimum depth for
better germination rate required precession applicator. At present intercultural operation
mainly carried out by using manually operated implements such as Wheel hoe and
Conoweeder are very popular for horticultural crops and paddy field. Both the implements
are manually drawn. On the other hand, nutrient management is the important operation for
augmenting agricultural production and retain itssustainability. Most of the farmers in
developing country apply nutrients manually withoutsimulating the already availability of the
nutrient in the field and application of nutrient is uncontrolled throwing by the hand.some
instrumentalsetup has been designed for delivering fertilizer which facilitates for delivering
fertilizer uniformly.
2.1. MF-Scamp Robots Designed by Blackmore
MF-Scamp robots are designed for scouting, weeding and harvesting [28]. It is designed
either four wheel or sixwheel drive weed seeking robot to perform weed removing or destroy
the weed. Generally the crops are grown inrows and column which can remove weeds when
running hoe tools between the crops row and column. Now this intelligent hoe tools uses
vision sensor to locate and identify the crops in rows and column and steers itself accurately,
to a larger extend reducing the usage of herbicides. It also uses colorsensor to identity weeds
between the crops by producing weed maps identifying plans. This robot designed not only
reduce the labor time but also the economic feasible withslight reductions in prices of
navigation systems. This kind of design not only reduce the cost of spraying but also decrease
the usage of tractor. The negative effects of the robot is the higher costs for small farmers and
additional costs used for electronics devices like GPS-system as shown in Fig. 1.
Fig. 1. MF-Scamp Robots Designed by Blackmore [27]. Fig. 2. API Platform [27].
International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Agricultural and Food Engineering
27 – 30th December, 2016, Agricultural and Food Engineering Department, IIT Kharagpur
International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Agricultural and Food Engineering
27 – 30th December, 2016, Agricultural and Food Engineering Department, IIT Kharagpur
achieved in the inter row area by using classical spring or duck foot tines where as for Intra
row weeding its more difficult as it requires the position of the crop plant to be known so that
the end effector can besteered away. Within the close-to-crop area, tillage cannot be used as
any disturbance to the soil is likely to damage the interface between the crop and the soil.
Different non-contact methods are being developed such as laser treatments [20] and micro-
spraying butstill completely removing of weeds is not achieved.
Fig. 3. Cropscouting platform Madsen and Jakobsen Fig. 4.sub canopy robot ISAAC2 [10]
International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Agricultural and Food Engineering
27 – 30th December, 2016, Agricultural and Food Engineering Department, IIT Kharagpur
Fig. 5. BoniRob (V2) during a RemoteFarming Fig. 6. Lettuce Bot attached to a tractor,
2.5. Lettuce Bot, California
Lettuce Bot also known as Rambo of weeds was designed by Heraud and the Bot’s co-
creator, Lee Redden atstandford University as shown in fig.2.6. The bot design is more of
robotics, computer vision and machine learning algorithm to advance the growing fields. The
Bot has a database of more than a million images that it uses to identify the plants. It looks
for a weed or a lettuce plant that are grown too close to plant or crops. Once it identifies the
weed, it releases a strong spray of fertilizer disintegrating the weeds around the plant and
fertilizing the lettuce around it[39]. This bot application can also be used in organic farming,
one of the areas where weeds are the biggest problem.since there’s no practical way of
eliminating weeds in an organic field other than pulling them by hand one by one which is
not sustainable and also fertilizer used are not organicso not allowed in organic fields. The
bot is designed for lettuce fields not for other fields as lettuce is the second largest crop
grown in California.
2.6. CROPS, European union
The CROPS research project, “Clever Robots for Crops”, which is sponsored by the EU
Commission, could provide a solution for an automated harvesting procedure. Other partners
are the Technical University of Munich, Wageningen University, the research institute, CSIC,
and the company FORCE-A [5]. The aim is a configurable, modular and intelligent robot
platform, which reliably recognizes both the fruit as well as obstacles and other objects. In
this way it can navigate and harvest on its own on plantations and in greenhouses. The robot
platform is also intended to be able to treat selected areas with pesticides. For the
development of the right gripping and cutting device, the researchers are concentrating on the
harvesting of apples and peppers [19]. They have developed two prototypes which uses an
adaptive gripping technology to adapt to the fruit varying insize and shape and recognizes
ripe fruit with the help of camera andsensors. The CROPS robotic platform is used for
selective harvesting of fruits which detects the fruit, determines its ripeness, then moves
towards the ripen fruit, grasps it and detach itsoftly, also it is capable of
determiningsitespecificspraying for targets spray towards foliage as shown in Fig. 7. It is also
design to develop techniques to detect and classify obstacles and other objects to enable
autonomous navigation and operation in plantations. Few challenges which CROPS
International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Agricultural and Food Engineering
27 – 30th December, 2016, Agricultural and Food Engineering Department, IIT Kharagpur
prototype faces is that it get difficult to identify the fruit hidden under leaves and also
grabbing and separating from ripen and unripens fruits due to their different shapes and sizes.
International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Agricultural and Food Engineering
27 – 30th December, 2016, Agricultural and Food Engineering Department, IIT Kharagpur
Fig. 9. AgBot II, Australia Fig. 10. Vitiroversolar Robots, New Zealand.
International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Agricultural and Food Engineering
27 – 30th December, 2016, Agricultural and Food Engineering Department, IIT Kharagpur
physicalstatus monitoring would be less expensive and timelier if an automated system could
remain within the crop canopy for continual monitoring [1]. Real-time management of inputs
like fertilizers, herbicides, at variable rate could be achieved bysensing the different
parameters of the crop measured in the field by and processing it for further application part
using microprocessor or microcontroller. As the robotic vehicle continuously monitor the
crop canopy it is easy to identify crop diseases and pest attack at an early stage in patches or
selectively. Also, it can monitor weed density, waterstress at a different stage of crop growing
3.2. Intercultural operation
Weed competes with the crop for sunlight,space, and nutrients. To control weed species, a
large number of herbicides and chemicals are used in agricultural fields, which results in
drinking water contaminated and environmental pollution. Currently, the excessive use of
herbicides damages the health of people, animal etc. According to the weed science
research,about 33% of the total losses by agricultural pests are caused by weeds only[2].
Therefore it is important to identify the weeds from the crop andselectivelyspray herbicides
to optimize the chemical application. There are various techniques developed all over the
word for distinguishing weed from the crop.In the conventional weed control system, the
herbicide issprayed uniformly over the field which may damage crop condition. Machine
vision systems present a great potential to be used on data collection for precision agriculture,
where images would be used to extract information. The autonomous agricultural robot can
accomplish intercultural operation using the machine vision based technique. It can be
achieved by mapping the weeds inselectively or in patches by image processing method, in
row crop, the patch identification in between the row can help to distinguish the weed. There
is specificshape reorganization method are applicable for classifying the weeds by its shape
this method is more accurate in weed identification method. Another method is color
segmentation for identifying weeds. Based on all these technique weed maps is generated.
Detecting weeds selectively from a field with the application of proper methods of image
segmentation technique and post processing the segmented data finally, optimize the
application part of chemicals in the field.Based on the map generated appropriate weeding
technique is considered for weeding. There are different operational methods for removing
the weeds like mechanical chemical application. Identifying the actual position of the weeds
mechanical weeder can be incorporated in removing weeds by partial tillage operation at 2 to
4 cm depth. Removing of weeds from between the row is easy as compared to removing
weeds from intra-row which required high- speedsensing device and high- speed
mechanisms to push rotary blades or chemical spray for intra row application.
3.3. Fertilizer
Crop nutrient is a basic and important component ofsunlight, water for its growth and
increasing productivity. The rational use of fertilizers and fertilizer technology has a
significant effect on the development of agricultural [40]. Among the various nutrients, soil
nitrogen is one of the important parts of agricultural production, Nitrogen has been perceived
as a critical nutrient for productivity of crops but it also has important factors of
environmental contamination. A major portion of the input fertilizer is lost by leaching, and
contaminates freshwater, marine ecosystems when high rates of N fertilizers are applied to
agricultural fields [37].There are variations of nutrient in quantity within the small area of the
field. Traditional measurements of soil nitrogen are very difficult and laboratory method by
which nutrient map is generated. Which helps in pre-assessment of the actual requirements of
International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Agricultural and Food Engineering
27 – 30th December, 2016, Agricultural and Food Engineering Department, IIT Kharagpur
fertilizer in the field. That involve in the uniform rate of application of fertilizer over an
entire field. This map used as asite-specific management tool that allows the producer to vary
the rate of application of crop input across a given area. Variable-rate technology has a
potential to optimize the input that further enhance the benefits of operator and maintain soil
environmental health. Most of the Variable rate technology are GPS base few are available
on control system based on reckoning up track distance for a variable rate fertilizer applicator
without GPS. Nitrogen variability in an area is defined by grid area mapped by GPS latitude
and longitude. According to a position of pre-defined grid area nitrogen output is fixed in
controlling unit. While during the time of final fertilizer application controlling unit have
control over the motor rpm which directly responsible for opening are of metering unit or its
rpm that is calibrated with the input amount of fertilizer requirement at that particular grid.
3.4. Harvesting
Bulk harvesting is the common trend of harvesting in India. This process of harvesting
suitable for few selective crops,so farsome crops like cotton where the maturity of cotton ball
achieves at the different time period in asingle plant [33] therefore in this case selective
harvesting of a cotton ball is important. Other than the cotton cereal pulses crop are get
matured in patches selectively. Harvesting immature crop effects its quality. Therefore
selection of mature crop for harvesting needs certain threshold parameter to define the range
of maturity level for defining crop as mature.selective harvesting needssensing technology
for collecting information of crop which needs to be processed through microprocessor or
microcontroller and finally define thestatus according to which decision support system
supply command to the mechanical mechanism to harvest of defined crops. Broadly there is
two part of work first is tosense the cropstatus and according to that harvesting of aselective
crop is done which is thesecond part of this complete process. Harvesting with the
agricultural robot can be done at real-time datasensing and the processing unit or feeding the
processed data map on robotic vehicle harvesting could be done.such kind of precision
monitoring and harvesting with the help of agri-robot could help to get ride off the ever
decreasing labor scarcity load and increasing labor charge and also can maintain a quality of
food at the end of the harvesting.
Fig. 11 gives a brief idea of the Architecture of Agricultural Robots. The Bots uses GPS,
Vision processes, Lidar etc. for navigation in the field. It calculates the waypoints of the field
and accordingly robots move across and perform the given operation. The basic principle for
the agricultural robot is thestability factor while moving in the field are controlled by the
speed & rpm of the motor, obstacle detection as well controlling the angular and linear
movement of the robot. The main source for power is fromsolar and battery. This factors
leads to field operation like optimum seed placement, weed control,spraying, harvesting, crop
monitoring etc.
International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Agricultural and Food Engineering
27 – 30th December, 2016, Agricultural and Food Engineering Department, IIT Kharagpur
The autonomous robot have potential to work on precision agriculture having continuous
monitoring by using different sensing technology, which provides different crop status
parameter like, micro nutrient availability, bio mass index,status of pest and disease,
waterstress, thermalstress etc. for better remedies of crops. As ever increasing of world
population and decreasing of agricultural workers created constraint to farming system.
Agricultural robot has potential to take off the load of labor shortage and increasing the
productivity. Various technology like machine vision, image processing, and mechatronics
can be assembled in asingle platform named agricultural robot which can give optimal
solution for autonomous agricultural operations.
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International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Agricultural and Food Engineering
27 – 30th December, 2016, Agricultural and Food Engineering Department, IIT Kharagpur
International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Agricultural and Food Engineering
27 – 30th December, 2016, Agricultural and Food Engineering Department, IIT Kharagpur