Glossary of Traditional Astrology Terms

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Glossary of Traditional Astrology Terms

Most of these definitions are direct quotes from "Christian Astrology" Volume 1, by
William Lilly, 1647.
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often to see our latest updates. We hope everyone will make use of these study

ALMUTEN - is that planet that bears chief rule of any sign, or in any figure, as saturn in
Libra is Almuten, or is Almuten of Libra, because he has both exaltation and triplicity
therein, and Venus has only house, so that saturn bearing chief rule, is of this sign
Almuten. Astrologie Restored , William Ramesey, 1653, page 111.
ALMUTEN OF ANY HOUSE - is that planet who has most dignities in the sign ascending
or descending upon the cusp of any house, whereon, or from whence, you require your
judgment. Christian Astrology, William Lilly, page 49.
ALMUTEN OF A FIGURE - is that planet who in Essential and Accidental dignities, is
most powerful in the whole Scheam of Heaven. Christian Astrology, William Lilly, page
Examples from William Lilly, Christian Astrology.
• Lost Items--Look to the Lord of the 2nd and his Almuten (viz. he that has most
dignities there) there are the goods.......Christian Astrology, William Lilly, page
• Whether the thief be suspected of the owner or not---If the Moon have conjunction
or opposition to a planet in the 7th, or to the Almuten thereof, the Owner suspects
him.........Christian Astrology, William Lilly, page 360..
Johannes Schoener, Opusculum Astrologicum p.62 Latin Track, volume IV, Project
The ruler, significator or governor, called in Arabic the ALMUTEN, is reckoned as that
[planet] which has more essential dignities in the sign or the degree of a sign, as [for
example] if 6 degrees Libra rises in a diurnal figure, venus has in that place 5 essential
dignities by reason of her domicile. But Saturn has 9 by reason of its exaltation, triplicity
and terms, overcoming all of the rest [of the planets]. So saturn is reckoned as the
Almuten or ruler of the Ascendant. In this manner one must work with the other [planets
as well].
ALMUTEN RULER BY DEGREE/ DAY AND NIGHT- complete listing can be found in
the 1995 Special Edition of The Horary Practitioner, pages 36-37.
other divisions of the Signs, I thought good to be plain in setting down the Antiscions of
the Planets.
[PTOL. APHO. STELLAE IRRATIO.] The Antiscion Signs are those, which are of the
same virtue and are equally distant from the first degree of the two Tropic Signs, Cancer,
Capricorn, and in which degrees whilst the Sun is, the days and nights are of equal
length; by example it will be plain; when the Sun is in the tenth degree of Taurus, he is as
far distant from the first degree of Cancer as when in the twentieth degree of Leo;
therefore when the Sun is in the tenth of Taurus, he has his Antiscion to the twentieth of
Leo; that is, he gives virtue or influence to any Star or Planet that at that time either is in
the same degree by Conjunction, or casts any Aspect unto it. But that you may more fully
and perfectly know where your Antiscion falls in degrees and minutes, behold this
following Table. A general Table of the Antiscions in Signs.
Any Planet in Gemini sends his Antiscion into Cancer, or being in Leo into Taurus. If you
would know the exact degrees and minutes, you must work as follows. Let us suppose
Saturn in twenty degrees and thirty five minutes of Leo, I would know in what part of the
Zodiac he has his Antiscion. Over against Leo I find Taurus, so then I conclude his
Antiscion is in Taurus. To know the degree and minutes the Planet is in, subtract that
from 30 degrees, and the remainder tells you both the degree and minute. As Saturn
being in 20 degrees and 35 minutes of Leo, I subtracted from 30' 0" minus 20' 35" = 9'
Here I subtract 25 min. from one whole degree. or from 60 min. which I borrow, and there
rests 25 min. one degree. I borrowed, taken from 10, and there rest 9 degree. one that I
borrowed and two are three, taken from three, then nothing remains, so then I find my
Antiscion of Saturn falls to be in 9 degree. & 25 min. of Taurus, which Signs as you see is
over against Leo; but this Table expresses the work more quickly.
APPLICATION - Application of Planets:
• First, when a Planet of more swift motion applies to one more slow and
ponderous, they being both direct; as Mars in 10 degrees of Aries, Mercury 5: here
Mercury applies to Conjunction of Mars.
• Secondly, when both Planets are retrograde, as Mercury in 10 degrees of Aries,
and Mars in 9 of Aries; Mercury being not direct until he has made Conjunction
with Mars; this is an ill Application and an argument either suddenly perfecting, or
breaking off the business, according as the two Planets have signification.
• Thirdly, when a Planet is direct, and in fewer degrees, and a retrograde Planet
being in more degrees of the Sign, as Mars being direct in 15 Aries; and Mercury
retrograde in 17 Aries; this is an ill application, and in the Air shows great change;
in a Question on sudden alteration: but more particularly I express Application as
APPLYING ASPECT - An applying aspect moves toward perfection; a separating aspect
has already taken place. The faster moving planet is the applying body. If a direct planet,
the aspect is mutually applying.
AZIMENE - [CALLED BY SOME AZIMENE DEGREES.] Degrees lame and deficient are
those mentioned in the fifth Column; the meaning whereof is thus, If in any question you
find him that demands the question, or in a Nativity, if you find the Native defective in any
member, or infected with an inseparable disease, halting, blindness, deafness &c. you
may then suppose the native has either one of these Azimene degree. ascending at his
birth, or the Lord of the Ascendant, or the Moon in one of them: in a Question or Nativity,
if you see the Querent lame naturally, crooked, or vitiated in some member, and on the
sudden you can in the figure give no present satisfaction to your self, do you then
consider the Degree ascending, or Degree wherein the Moon is in, or the Lord of the
Ascendant, or principal Lord of the Nativity or Question, and these is no doubt that you
shall find one or more of them in Azimene degrees.
BESIEGED - [BESIEGING.] Besieging is, when any Planet is places betwixt the bodies
of the two Malevolent Planets Saturn and Mars: as Saturn in 15. Aries, Mars in 10. of
Aries, Venus in 13. Aries: here Venus is besieged by the two infortunes, and it represents
in questions, a Man going out of Gods blessing into the warm Sun; I mean is Venus be a
Significatrix that time in time in the figure. There are other accidents belonging to the
Planets one amongst another mentioned by the Ancients, but of so little purpose in
Judgment, that I have clearly omitted them.
COLLECTION OF LIGHT- Matters are also brought to perfection, when as the two
principal Significators do not behold one another, but both cast their several Aspects to a
more weighty Planet then themselves, and they both receive him in some of their
essential dignities; then shall that Planet who thus collects both their Lights, bring the
thing demanded to perfection: which signifies no more in Art then this, that a Person
somewhat interested in both parties and described and signified by that Planet, shall
perform, effect and conclude the thing which otherwise could not be perfected: As many
times you see two fall at variance, and of themselves cannot think of any way of
accommodation, when suddenly a neighbor or friend accidentally reconciles all
differences, to the content of both parties: And this is called Collection.
COMBUST - [COMBUSTION.] A Planet is said to be Combust of the Sun, when in the
same Sign where the Sun is in, he is not distant from the Sun eight degrees and thirty
minutes, either before or after the Sun; as Jupiter in the tenth degree of Aries, and Sun in
the eighteenth of Aries; here Jupiter is Combust: or let the Sun be in eighteen of Aries,
and Jupiter in twenty eight degrees of Aries, here Jupiter is Combust: and you must
observe a Planet is more afflicted when the Sun hastens to conjunction of him, then
when the Sun recedes from him; in regard it's the body of the Sun that dos afflict. I allow
the moiety of his own Orbs to show the time of Combustion, and not of Jupiter; for by that
rule Jupiter should not be combust before he is within four degrees and a half of the Sun.
I know many are against this opinion. Use which you find most verity in: the significator of
the Querent Combust, shows him or her in great fear, and over powered by some great
• I house - saturn
• 2 house - jupiter
• 3 house - moon
• 4 house - sun
• 5 house - venus
• 6 house- mars
• 7 house - moon
• 8 house - saturn
• 9 house - sun
• 10 house - mars
• 11 house - sun, saturn
• 12 house - venus
CAZIMI - [CAZIMI, OR IN THE HEART OF THE SUN.] A Planet is in the heart of the
Sun, or in Cazimi, when he is not removed from him 17 min. or is within 17 min. forward
or backward, as Sun in 15.30 Taurus, Mercury 15.25. of Taurus: here Mercury is in
Cazimi, and all Authors do hold a Planet in Cazimi to be fortified thereby; you must
observe all Planets may be in Combustion of the Sun, but he with none, and that
Combustion can only be by personal conjunction in one Sign, not by any aspect, either
Sextile, Square, Trine or Opposition, his Square or Opposite aspects are afflicting, but do
not Combure or cause the Planet to be in Combustion.
CONJUNCTION - When two planets are in one and the same degree and minute of any
sign, we say they are in Conjunction. A Conjunction, Coition, Synod or Congress (for
some use all these words) is, when two Planets are in one and the same degree and
minute of a Sign: Other new Aspects I have formerly mentioned in the beginning of this
Discourse. You must understand amongst these Aspects, the Quadrate Aspect is a sign
of imperfect enmity; and that the Opposition is an aspect or argument of perfect hatred;
which is to be understood thus: A Question is propounded, Whether two persons at
variance may be reconciled? Admit I find the two Significators representing the two
Adversaries, in Square aspect; I may then judge because the aspect is of imperfect
hatred, that the matter is not yet so far gone, but there may be hopes of reconciliation
betwixt them, the other Significators or Planets a little helping.
But if I find the main significators in opposition, it's then in nature impossible to expect a
peace betwixt them till the suit is ended, if it be a suit of Law; until they have fought, if it
be a Challenge. Conjunctions are good or bad, as the Planets in Conjunction are friends
or enemies to one another.
COSIGNIFICATOR - Cosignificator is when you find another Planet in aspect or
conjunction with that Planet who is the principal significator; this said Planet shall have
signification more or less, and either, assist or not, in effecting the same thing desired;
and so has something to do in the judgment, and ought to be considered: if a friendly
Planet, he notes good; if an infortune the contrary, viz. either the destruction of the thing,
or disturbance in it.
DECLINATION OF A PLANET - Declination of a Planet is his distance from the Equator,
and as he declines from thence either Northward or Southward, so is his declination
nominated either North or South.
DIRECTIONS - [DIRECTIONS IS.] When a Planet moves forward in the Sign, as going
out of 13 degree. into 14. and so along.
DRAGONS HEAD/ DRAGONS TAIL - The Dragons Head we sometimes call
Anabibazon. The Dragons Tail Catabibazon.
EXALTATION - [EXALTATION.] If he be in that Sign wherein he is exalted, you may
allow him four dignities essential, whether he be near the very degree of his exaltation,
yea or not; as Mars in Capricorn or Jupiter in Cancer. If the Significator be in his
exaltation, and no ways impedited, but Angular; it presents a person of haughty condition
arrogant, affirming more unto him then his due; for it's observed, the Planets in some part
of the Zodiac do more evidently declare their effects then in others; and I conceive this to
be in those Signs and degrees where fixed Stars of the same nature with the Planet, are
more in number, and nearer the Ecliptic.
FACE - [FACE.] If any Planet be in his Decanate, Decurie or Face, as Mars in the first
ten degrees of Aries, or in Mercury in the first ten degrees of Taurus, he is then allowed
one essential dignity; for being in his own Decanate or Face, cannot then be called
Peregrine. A Planet having little or no dignity, but by being in his Decanate or Face, is
almost like a man ready to be turned out of doors, having much ado to maintain himself
in credit and reputation: and in Genealogies it represents a Family at the last gasp, even
as good as quite decayed, barely able to support it self.
FRUSTRATION - Frustration is, when a swift Planet would corporally join with a more
ponderous, but before they can come to a Conjunction, the more weighty Planet is joined
to another, and so the Conjunction of the first is frustrated, as Mercury in ten degrees of
Aries, Mars twelve, Jupiter in thirteen of Aries; here Mercury strives to come to
Conjunction with Mars, but Mars first gets to conjunction with Jupiter; whereby Mercury is
frustrated of the Conjunction of Mars: in Questions is signifies as much as our common
Proverb, The Dogs quarrel, a third gets the Bone.
HAYZ - is when a Masculine and Diurnal Planet is in the day time above the earth, and in
a Masculine Sign, and so when a Feminine, Nocturnal Planet in the night is in a Feminine
Sign and under the earth: In Questions it usually shows the content of the Question at
time of the Question, when his significator is so found.
JOYS OF THE PLANETS: Planets are said to be in their joy when they are in those
houses where they are most strong and powerful.
• Saturn joy in Libra
• Jupiter joy in Sagittarius
• Mars joy in Scorpio
• Sun joy in Leo
• Venus joy in Taurus
• Mercury joy in Virgo
• Moon joy in Cancer
LATITUDE - Latitude is the distance of a Planet from the Ecliptic, either towards the
North or South, by which means we come to say, a Planet has either Septentrionall or
Meridionall Latitude, when either he recedes from the Ecliptic towards the North or South.
LONG ASCENSION - An into Signs of right or long ascension, viz. CANCER , LEO,
LONGITUDE - The Longitude of a Planet is his distance from the beginning of Aries,
numbered according to the succession of signs, unto the place of the Planet.
OPPOSITION - An Opposition or Diametrall Radiation is, when two Planets are equally
distant 180 degrees, or half the Circle from each other. Signs Opposite to one another
• Aries <> Libra
• Gemini <> Sagittarius
• Leo <> Aquarius
• Taurus <> Scorpio
• Cancer <> Capricorn
• Virgo <> Pisces
ORIENTAL - [ORIENTAL, OCCIDENTAL.] Saturn, Jupiter and Mars, are Oriental of the
Sun, from the time of their conjunction with him, until they come to his Opposition: from
whence until again they come to conjunction, they are said to be Occidental; to be
Oriental is no other thing then to rise before the Sun: to be Occidental is to be seen
above the Horizon, or to set after the Sun is down: Mercury and Venus can make no
Sextile , Square, Trine or Opposition to the Sun: their Orientality is when they are in
fewer degrees of the Sign the Sun is, or in the Sign preceding; their Occidentality, when
they are in more degrees of the Sign the Sun is in , or next subsequent: for you must
know Mercury cannot be more degrees removed from the Sun then 28. nor Venus more
then 48. though some allow a few more. The Moon is Oriental of the Sun from the time of
her opposition to he conjunction, and Occidental from the time of her Conjunction to
Opposition; and the reason hereof is, because she far exceeds the Sun in swiftness of
motion, and so presently gets further into the Sign, &c.
PARTILE ASPECTS - Partile aspect is when two Planets are exactly so many degrees
from each other as make a perfect aspect: as if Mercury be in nine degrees of Aries, and
Jupiter in nine degrees of Leo, this is a Partile Trine aspect: So Sun in one degree of
Taurus, and Moon in one degree of Cancer, make a Partile Sextile, and this is a strong
sign or argument for performance of anything, or that the matter is near hand concluded
when the aspect is so partile, and signifies good; and it's as much a sign of present evil
when mischief is threatened.
PEREGRINE - A Planet is then said to be Peregrine, when he is in the degrees of any
Sign wherein he has no essential dignity: As Saturn in the tenth degree of Aries, that
Sign being not his House, Exaltation, or of his Triplicity, or he having in that degree either
Term or Faces, he is then said to be Peregrine; had he been in 27, 28 &c. of Aries, he
could not be termed Peregrine, because then he is in his own Term. So the Sun in any
part of Cancer is Peregrine, having no manner of dignity in that Sign. This is very much
material in all Questions, to know the Peregrine Planet, especially in questions of Theft;
for ever almost the significator of the Thief is known by the Peregrine Planet posited in an
Angle, or the second House.
PERFECTION - The Ancients have delivered unto us, that there are four ways or means,
which discover whether one question or the thing demanded shall be accomplished yea
or not.
• 1. [CONJUNCTION.] First, by Conjunction; when as therefore you find the Lord of
the Ascendant, and Lord of that house which signifies the thing demanded,
hastening to a Conjunction, and in the first house, or in any Angle, and the
significators meet with no Prohibition or Refrenation, before they come to perfect
Conjunction; you may then judge, that the thing sought after, shall be brought to
pass without any manner of let or impediment, the sooner, if the Significators be in
swift motion, and Essentially or Accidentally strong; but if this Conjunction of the
Significators be in a Succedant house, it will be perfected, but not as soon: if in
Cadent houses, with infinite loss of time, some difficulty, and much struggling.
• 2. [ASPECT OF SEXTILE OR TRINE.] Things are also brought to pass, when as
the principal signifiers apply by Sextile or Trine aspect out of good Houses and
places where they are essentially well dignified ( and meet with no malevolent
Aspect to intervene are they come to be in perfect Sextile or Trine; I mean to the
partile Sextile or Trine.)
• 3. [ASPECTS OF SQUARE AND OPPOSITION.] Things are also produced to
perfection, when the Significators apply by Square aspect, provided each Planet
have dignity in the Degrees wherein they are, and apply out of proper and good
Houses, otherwise not. Sometimes it happens, that a matter is brought to pass
when the Significators have applied by Opposition, but it has been, when there
has been mutual reception by House, and out of friendly Houses, and the Moon
separating from the Significator of the thing demanded; I have rarely seen any
thing brought to perfection by this way of opposition; but the Querent had been
better the thing had been undone; for if the Question was concerning Marriage,
the parties seldom agreed, but were ever wrangling and jangling, each party
repining at his evil choice, laying the blame upon their covetous Parents, as
having no mind to it themselves: and if the Question was about Portion or Moneys,
the Querent did, its true, recover his Money or Portion promised, but it cost him
more to procure it in suit of Law, then the debt was worth, &c. and so have I seen
it happen in many other things, &c.
• 4. [TRANSLATION.] Things are brought to perfection by Translation of Light and
Nature, in this manner.
• 5. When the Significators both of Querent and Quesited are separated from
Conjunction or Sextile or Trine aspect of each other, and some one Planet or other
dos separate himself from one of the Significators, of whom he is received either
by House, Triplicity, or Term, and then this Planet dos apply to the other
Significator by Conjunction or aspect, before he meets, with the Conjunction or
aspect of any other Planet, he then translates the force, influence and virtue of the
first Significator to the other, and then this intervening Planet (or such a man or
woman as is signifies by that Planet) shall bring the matter in hand to perfection.
• 6. Consider what house the Planet interposing or translating the nature and light of
the two Planets is Lord of , and describe him or her, and say to the party, that such
a party shall do good in the business of, &c. viz. if Lord of the second, a good
Purse affects the matter; if Lord of the third, a Kinsman or Neighbor; and so of all
the rest of the Houses: of which more shall be said in the following Judgments.
• 7. [COLLECTION.] Matters are also brought to perfection, when as the two
principal Significators do not behold one another, but both cast their several
Aspects to a more weighty Planet then themselves, and they both receive him in
some of their essential dignities; then shall that Planet who thus collects both their
Lights, bring the thing demanded to perfection: which signifies no more in Art then
this, that a Person somewhat interested in both parties and described and
signified by that Planet, shall perform, effect and conclude the thing which
otherwise could not be perfected: As many times you see two fall at variance, and
of themselves cannot think of any way of accommodation, when suddenly a
Neighbor or friend accidentally reconciles all differences, to the content of both
parties: And this is called Collection.
• 8. Lastly, things are sometimes perfected by the dwelling of Planets in houses, viz.
when the Significator of the thing demanded is casually posited in the Ascendant;
as if one demand if he shall obtain such a Place or Dignity, if then the Lord of the
tenth be placed in the Ascendant, he shall obtain the Benefit, Office, Place or
Honor desired: This rule of the Ancients holds not true, or is consentanious to
reason: except they will admit, that when the Moon, besides this dwelling in house,
dos transfer the light of the Significator of the thing desired, to the Lord of the
Ascendant; for it was well observed that the application of the Significators show
inclination of the parties, but separation usually privation; that is, in more plain
terms, when you see the principal Significators of the Querent, and thing or party
quesited after separated, there's then little hops of the effecting or perfecting what
is desired, (notwithstanding this dwelling in houses) but if there be application, the
parties seem willing, and the matter is yet kept on foot, and there is great
probability of perfecting it, or that things will come to a further treaty.
PLACTIC - A Platick Aspect is that which admits of the Orbs or Rays of two Planets that
signify any matter: As if Venus be in the tenth degree of Taurus, and Saturn in eighteen
degrees of Virgo, here Venus has a Platick Trine, or is in a Platick Trine of Saturn,
because she is within the Moiety of both their Orbs; for the Moiety of Saturn his Rays or
Orbs is five, and of Venus 4, and the distance betwixt them and their perfect aspect is
eight degrees.
PLANETS - Saturn , Jupiter , Mars , Sol (Sun) , Venus , Mercury , Luna (Moon).
PROHIBITION - Prohibition is when two Planets that signify the effecting or bringing to
conclusion any thing demanded, are applying to an Aspect; and before they can come to
a true Aspect, another Planet interposes either his body or aspect, to that thereby the
matter propounded is hindered and retarded; this is called Prohibition. For example, Mars
is in 7. degree. of Aries, and Saturn is in the 12. Mars signifies the effecting my business
when he comes to the body of Saturn, who promises the conclusion, the Sun is at the
same time in 6. degree. of Aries. Now in regard that the Sun is swifter in motion then
Mars, he will overtake Mars, and come to Conjunction with Saturn before Mars, whereby
whatever Mars or Saturn did formerly signify, is now prohibited by the Sun his first
impediting Mars and then Saturn, before they can come to a true Conjunction. This
manner of prohibition is called a Conjunctional or Bodily prohibition; and you must know
that the combustion of any Planet is the greatest misfortune that can be.
[2.] The second manner of Prohibition is by Aspect, either Sextile, Square, Trine ,
Opposition, viz. when two Planets are going to Conjunction; as Mars in 7 degree. of
Aries, Saturn in 15 of Aries; let us admit the Sun in 5. degree of Gemini; he then being
more swift than Mars in his diurnal motion, dos quickly overtake and pass by the Sextile
dexter of Mars ( and comes before Mars can come to Conjunction) to a Sextile dexter of
Saturn: This is called Prohibition by Aspect, in the same nature judge if the Aspect be
Square, Trine, Opposition.
QUADRANTS - The whole sphere of Heaven is divided into four equal parts by the
Meridian and Horizon, and again into four quadrants, and every Quadrant again into
three parts, according to other Circles drawn by points of Sections of the aforesaid
Meridian and Horizon; so the whole Heaven is divided into twelve equal parts, which the
Astrologers call Houses or Mansions, taking their beginning from the East.
• The first Quadrant is described from the East to the Midheaven, or from the line of
the first house to the line of the tenth house, and contains the twelfth, eleventh and
tenth houses, it's called the Oriental, Vernal, Masculine, Sanguine, Infant quarter.
• The second Quadrant is from the Cusp of the Mid-heaven to the cusp of the
seventh house, containing the ninth, eighth and seventh houses, and is called the
Meridian, Estivall, Feminine, Youthful, Choleric quarter.
• The third Quadrant is from the cusp of the seventh house to the cusp of the fourth
house, and contains the sixth, fifth and fourth houses, is called the Occidental,
Autumnal, Masculine, Melanchollique, Manhood, cold and dry.
• The fourth Quadrant is from the cusp of the fourth to the cusp of the first house,
and contains the third, second and first house, is Northern, Feminine, Old Age, of
the nature of Winter, Phlegmatique.
• The first, tenth, seventh and fourth houses hereof are called Angles, the eleventh,
second, eighth & fifth are called Succedants, the third, twelfth, ninth and sixth, are
termed Cadents.
• The Angles are most powerful, the Succedants are next in virtue, the Cadents
poor, and of little efficacy: the Succedant houses follow the Angles, the Cadents
come next the Succedants; in force and virtue they stand so in order:
• 1, 10, 7, 4, 11, 5, 9, 3, 2, 8, 6, 12.
• The meaning whereof is this, that two Planets equally dignified, the one in the
Ascendant, the other in the tenth house, you shall judge the Planet in the
Ascendant somewhat of more power to effect what he is Significator of, then he
that is in the tenth: do so in the rest as they stand in order, remembering that
Planets in Angles do more forcibly show their effects.
QUERENT - the person asking the question (horary).
QUESITED - the person or thing the question is asked about (horary).
RECEPTION - Reception is when two Planets that are significators in any Question or
matter, are in each others dignity; as Sun in Aries, and Mars in Leo; here is reception of
these two Planets by Houses; and certainly this is the strongest and best of all
receptions. It may be by Triplicity, term or face, or any essential dignity; as Venus in
Aries, and Sun in Taurus; here is reception by triplicity, if the Question or Nativity by day:
so Venus in the 24 of Aries, and Mars in the 16 of Gemini; here is reception by term,
Mars being in the terms of Venus, and she in his terms.
The use of this is much; so many times when as the effecting of the matter is denied by
the Aspects, or when the significators have no aspect to each other, or when it seems
very doubtful what its promised by Square or Opposition of the significators, yet if mutual
Reception happen betwixt the principal significators, the thing is brought to pass, and that
without any great trouble, and suddenly to the content of both parties.
REFRANATION - There's another manner of Prohibition; by some more properly called
Refrenation; as thus, Saturn in 12 degree. of Aries, Mars in 7 degree. here Mars hastens
to a Conjunction of Saturn, but before he comes to the tenth or eleventh degree of Aries
he becomes Retrograde, and by that means refrains to come to a Conjunction of Saturn,
who still moves forward in the Sign, nothing signifies by the former Conjunction will ever
be effected.
REGIOMONTANUS HOUSES - house system used during Lilly's time.
RETROGRADE - When a Planet goes backward, as out of 10 degree. into 9, 8, 7, &c.
SEPARATION - Separation, it is, in the first place, when two Planets are departed but six
minutes distance from each other, as let Saturn be in 10 degree. and 25 min. of Aries
and Jupiter in 10 degree. and 25 min. of Aries: now in these degrees and minutes they
are in perfect Conjunction; but when Jupiter shall get into 10 degree. and 31 or 32
minutes of Aries, he shall be said to be separating from Saturn; yet because Saturn has 9
degree. allowed him for his rays, and Jupiter has also the same number allowed him,
Jupiter cannot be said to be totally separated or clear from the rays of Saturn, until he
has got 9. degrees distant from him, for the half of Jupiter his orb is 4 degree. 30 min.
and the half of Saturn his orb is 4 degree. 30 min. added together they make 9. whole
degrees; for every Planet that applies is allowed half his own orbs and half the orbs of
that Planet from whom he separates: As if Sun and Moon be in any aspect, the Moon
shall then be separated from the Sun, when she is fully distant from the Sun 7.degrees
and 30.min. viz. half the orbs of the Sun, and 6.degrees. the moiety of her own orbs; in all
13 degree. and 30 minutes. The exact knowledge hereof is various and excellent: For
admit two Planets significators in Marriage at the time of the question, are lately
separated but a few minutes; I would then judge there had been a few days before great
probability of effecting the Marriage, but now it hung in suspense, and there seemed
some dislike or rupture in it; and as the significators do separate, so will the matter and
affection of the parties more alienate and vary, and according to the number of degrees
that the swifter Planet wants ere he can be wholly separated from the more ponderous,
so will it be so many weeks, days, months or years ere the two Lovers will wholly desist
or see the matter quite broke off: The two Significators in moveable Signs, Angular and
swift in motion, dos hasten the times; in common signs, the time will be more long; in
fixed, a longer space of time will be required.
SEXTILE - When two Planets are equally distant one from each other, 60 degrees, we
say they are in sextile Aspect. A Sextile aspect is the distance of one Planet from another
by the sixth part of the Zodiac or Circle; for six times sixty degree. do make 360. degree.
this aspect you shall find called sometimes a Sexangular aspect, or an Hexagon.
SQUARE - A Quadrate aspect, or Quadranglar, or Tetragonall, is the distance of two
Points, or two Planets by a fourth part of the Circle, for four times ninety do contain three
hundred and sixty degrees.
SHORT ASCENSION - Signs of shorter oblique ascension, viz. CAPRICORN,
SIGNS - There be also twelve Signs: Aries , Taurus , Gemini , Cancer , Leo , Virgo ,
Libra , Scorpio , Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius , Pisces.
SQUARE - When two Planets are 90 degrees distant one from another, we call that
Aspect a Quartile (SQUARE) Aspect.
STATIONARY - When he moves not at all, as the superiors do not 2, 3, or 4 days before
SUPERIOR and INFERIOR PLANETS Saturn, Jupiter and Mars being placed above the
Orb of the Sun, are called the superior, ponderous and more weighty Planets. Venus,
Mercury and Luna are called the inferior Planets, being under the Orb of the
TERMS - If any Planet be in those degrees we assign for his Terms, we allow him two
dignities; as whether day or night, if Jupiter be in one, two, three or four, &c.degrees of
Aries, he is then in his own Terms, and must have two dignities therefore, and so Venus
in any of the first eight degrees of Taurus, &c. A Planet fortified, only as being in his own
Terms, rather shows a man more of the corporature and temper of the Planet, then any
extraordinary abundance in fortune, or of eminency in the Common-wealth.
TRANSLATION OF LIGHT - Translation of light and nature is, when a light Planet
separates from a more weighty one, and presently joins to another more heavy; and its in
this manner, Let Saturn be in 20. degree. of Aries: Mars in 15 of Aries, and Mercury in 16
of Aries; here Mercury being a swift Planet separates from Mars, and translates the virtue
of Mars unto Saturn. Its done also as well by any Aspect as by Conjunction. And the
meaning hereof in judgment, is no more then thus; That if the matter or thing were
promised by Saturn, then such a man as is signified by Mercury shall procure all the
assistance a Mars man can do unto Saturn, whereby the business may be the better
effected; in Marriages, Lawsuits, and indeed in all vulgar questions Translation, is of
great use, and ought well to be considered.
TRINE - When two Planets are 120 degrees distant, we say they are in trine Aspect.
TRIPLICITY - If he be in any of those Signs which are allotted him for Triplicity, he has
allowed him three dignities; but herein you must be cautious; as for example: In a
Question, Nativity, or the like, if you find the Sun in Aries, and the Question, or Nativity, or
Scheam erected be by night, and you would examine the Sun his fortitudes, he shall
have four dignities for being in his exaltation, which continues through the Sign; but shall
not be allowed any dignity, as being in his triplicity; for by night the Sun rules not the fiery
Triplicity, but Jupiter; who had he been in place of the Sun, and by night, must have had
allowed him three dignities: and this do generally in all the Planets, Mars excepted, who
night and day rules the watery Triplicity.
A Planets in his triplicity, shows a man modestly endowed with the Goods and Fortune of
this world, one prettily descended, and the condition of his life at present time of the
Question, to be good; but not so, as if in either of the two former dignities.
TRINE - The Trine aspect consists of 120 degrees, or by a third part of the Circle, for
three times an hundred and twenty degrees make the whole Circle, or 360 degrees: It's
called a Triangular aspect, or Trigonall, and if you find sometimes the word
Trigonocraton, it is as much as a Planet ruling or having domination in such a Triplicity or
Trygon; for three Signs make one Trygon or Triplicity.
UNDER THE SUN'S BEAMS - A Planet is said to be under the Sun-beams, until he is
fully elongated or distant from his body 17 degree. either before or after him.
VOID OF COURSE - A Planet is void of course, when he is separated from a Planet, nor
dos forthwith, during his being in that Sign, apply to any other: This is most usually in the
Moon; in judgments do you carefully observe whether she be void of course yea or no;
you shall seldom see a business go handsomely forward when she is so.

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