Blaw Parcor Reviewer

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Straight and cumulative voting illustration: 2.

Persons guilty of violating the new Corporation

Code, committed within 5 years prior to the
Term of dictatorship- shall hold office for 1 year, date of election of appointment.
however, incumbent directors shall continue to be
directors as long as their successors have not been Sec 28.Removal of directors or trustees
elected and qualified under the doctrine of “hold over” May be removed with or without a cause at a
meeting called for that purpose by the vote of
Limitation of the election: stockholders holding or representing at least 2/3 of the
outstanding capital stock or, if the corporation be a non-
1. Presence in person or by written proxy, the stock corporation by a vote of at least 2/3 of the
owners of the majority of the outstanding members entitled by vote
capital stock, or majority of the member
Requisites to be complied with before a director can be
entitled to vote.
2. Election shall be by ballot, if requested 1. The removal must take place at a meeting called
3. No delinquent stock shall be voted for that purpose
4. The candidates who receive the highest amount 2. Notice must be given to the stockholders
of votes shall be declared elected. purposely for that removal
5. The required notice must be given. 3. By a vote of 2/3 of the outstanding capital stock

Sec25. Corporate Officers Sec 30. Compensation of directors (entitled only when)
a. Stated in the by-laws
1. Directors of the corporation b. Resolution granting them compensation is
2. President approached by the vote of stockholders
3. Corporate Secretary representing at least a majority of the
outstanding capital stock at a regular or special
4. Corporate Treasurer
stockholders meeting
5. And others, stated by in the by-laws.
 Fixing Compensation
 Amount of compensation- no case the total
yearly compensation of a director exceed 10%
President- he must be a director
of the net income before income tax
Treasurer- may or may not be a director
Secretary- May or may not be a director but must be a  Per diem reasonable (entitled whether or not
resident and citizen of the Philippines. fixed in the by laws)

Note: Any two or more positions may be held Sec. 33 Interlocking directorates
concurrently by the same person except, that no one  When one, some or all of the directors in one
shall act as a president and secretary or as president & corporation are also the directors in another
treasurer at the same time. orporation.
 Conracts- generally valid
**Directors or trustees cannot attend or vote by proxy  When not valid:
at board meeting o In case of fraud
o Where the contracts are not fair and
Sec 26. Within 30 days after the election- submit to SEC reasonable under the circumstances
*Report of vacancies- immediately  Stockholders exceeding 20% of the outstanding
capital stock is considered substantial for
Sec 27. Persons disqualified as directors, trustees or purpose of interlocking directors.
1. Persons convicted by final judgement of an
offense punishable by imprisonment for more
than 6 years
Sec 34. Doctrine of “Corporate Opportunity” Sec 44. Management Contract
 Effect of disloyal directors- ground of recovering An agreement whereby a corporation delegates the
profits in the transaction, that is the benefit or management of its affairs to another corporation for a
opportunity of which the director is equitably certain period of time which may not be longer than
bound to give to his corporation five years for any one term.
 Ratification by stockholders- acts of disloyal
director can be ratified by vote of the Sec 45. Ultra vires acts of corporation
stockholders owning or representing at least An act or contract of a corporation entered beyond the
2/3 of the outstanding capital stock. powers expressly or impliedly conferred upon the
Sec 35. Management of a corporation may be Illegal acts- contrary to law, morals, good customs,
delegated to an Executive Committee public order or public policy.
 Composed of not less than 3 members of the  Not ultra vires acts of a corporation are illegal
BOD; appointed by the BOD but the moment the act is illegal it is always
 Acts that may not be delegated to the Executive ultra vires.
Committee (5 acts enumerated in the article)
Sec 46. By-Laws
Sec 37. Voting requirement for extending or shortening Rules and regulations by the stockholders for their
corporate term majority vote of BOD or trustees and internal government.
consented by at least 2/3 of the outstanding capital  If adopted before incorporation- must be
stock or by at least 2/3 of the members if it is a non approved and signed by all the incorporators.
stock corp.  If adopted after incorporation- must be voted
by majority of the outstanding capital stock
Sec 39. pRe-emptive right of stockholders- a right of (voting and non-voting)
existing stockholders of a corporation to subscribe or  Time for adoption- within one month from the
purchase shares of stock in proportion to their issuance of Certificate of Incorporation.
respective shareholdings, before the shares of the  The filing of the laws are now mandatory.
corporation are offered to general public. Failure to file the by-laws on time will give the
 Applications- capital stock is increased, shares SEC the power to suspend or revoke the
from the unsubscribe portion (original shares) certificate of incorp.

Sec 41. Power to acquire own shares- (3 reasons Sec 48. Amendment, alteration and repeal by-laws
eliminated in the chapter)  To decide by a majority vote of the bOD and
 Trust fund doctrine- capital and other assets of owners of t least majority of the outstanding
the corporation are trust funds to be used for capital stock.
the payment of the debts of the corporation.  The amended by-laws shall only be effective
upon the issuance of a certificate by the SEC
Sec 42. Power to invest corporate funds in another that the same is not inconsistent within the
corporation Corporation Code.
 Similar or incidental or related to its primary
purpose- the board can invest without the
consent of the stockholders. Only the vote of Sec 49-50,53. Kinds of meeting (stockholders&directors)
the majority of the BOD.
 Different business or purpose- affirmative vote Regular meetings- shall be held annually on a date fixed
of majority of the boardconsented by 2/3 of the in the By-laws. If not so fixed, on any date in April of
outstanding capital stock. every year as determined by the BOD
Special meetings- held any time upon the call of the
Sec 43. Power to declare dividends President or as provided in By-laws.
Out of the unrestricted retained earnings which shall be  Notice is required
payable in cash, property or stock on the basis of o Special meetings- one week
outstanding capital stock held. o General meetings- two weeks
o Waiver of notice is allowed
Regular meetings of directors- held monthly unless the  It must be in writing & notarized and shall
by-laws provides otherwise. specify the terms & condition thereof.
Special meetings- held any time upon the call of the  A certified copy of the voting trust agreement
president or as provided in by-laws. shall be filed with the corporation & with the
SEC otherwise said agreement is ineffective &
Sec51. Place and time of meetings of stockholders or unenforceable.
members  No exceeding 5 years
Stockholders’ meetings- whether regular or special
shall be held in the city or municipality where the Sec 60. Subscription contract.
principal office is located & if practicable in the principal Sec 61. Pre-incorporation subscription requirement
office of the corporation.  Irrevocable for a perios of at least 6 months
 Any meeting held outside is invalid, except if all from the date of subscription
stockholders are present to duly represent Sec 62. Consideration of stocks
Director’s meeting- shall be held anywhere in or Sec 65. Watered Stock. Stocks issued not in exchange
outside of the Philippines unless the by-laws provide for its equivalents wther in cash, property or stock
otherwise. dividend or services.
 Officers having knowledge shall be solidarily
Section 52. Quorum for stockholders meetings liable to the corporation and its creditors.
Consists of stockholders representing majority of the
outstanding capital stock. Sec 76,77. Corporate combination
1. Consolidation- the union which results in the
Sec 55. Pledgor or mortgagor of shares shall have the creation of a new corporation, and the
right to attend & vote at meetings of stockholders, termination of the existence of the old one.
unless the pledgee or mortgagee is expressly given such 2. Merger- the absorption of one corporation by
right as recorded in the corporate books. another, which retains its name and corporate
identify with the added capital.
Sec 56. Consent of all the co-owners shall be necessary
in order to vote the shares owned in common. Consent Sec 81. Appraisal Right.
is not necessary in the ff case: In the following instance, a stockholder who did not
1. There is a written proxy signed by all the co- vote for any proposed action of any Board may
owners withdraw from the corporation.
2. Share owned in an “and/or” capacity a) Amendment of the AI
b) Corporate disporition
Sec 58. A proxy to vote share of stock is an authority c) Merger or consolidation
given by the holder of the stock to another, the latter to
exercise the former’s right to vote. Sec 82. 30 days after the vote was taken, the
 Proxies shall be in writing, signed by the stockholder who voted against the proposed action may
stockholder or member & filed before the demand the fair value of his shares.
scheduled meeting with the corporate secretary
Sec 92. Qualifications of trustees:
Sec 59. Voting trust  Trustees of non stock corporation must be
Agreement between a group of stockholeders of a member be member of corporation
corporation and the trustee of by a group of identical  Majority of the trustees must be resident of the
agreement between individual stockholders & a Philippines
common trustee, whereby it is provided that for a term  Trustees of a non stock corporation may be
of years, of a period contingent upon a certain event, more than 15.
control over the stock owned by such stockholders,
either for certain purpose or for all, shall be lodged in Sec 96. Close corporation- a corporation which the
the trustee, with the powers to direct how such control stock is held in a few hands, or in few families & which
shall be used. stock is not at all or only rarely dealt in buying and
 Voting trusts are valid unless the purpose is to selling.
circumvent the law.
Sec 106. Educational corporations (stock & non-stock)
Sec 109. Religious Corporations- is a corporation
created to secure the public, worship of God.
 Kinds: corporation sole (one which is composed
of a single member & his successor in the office)
 Religious society- composed of several persons.

Sec 117. Methods of disso;ution

a) Voluntary dissolution
b) Involuntary dissolution

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