1985 (Anderson)
1985 (Anderson)
1985 (Anderson)
*An early version of this article was presented at the meetings of the Anrerican Economic Association, D e w n h e r
1981. The author would like to thank D. Edelman, R. Lana, H. Levene, K. Koenker, and S. Sundaresan for
useful discussions, and P. Samuelson for comments on an earlier version. All errors are the author's responsi1)ility.
‘ h e possibility that the volatility of the price of a futures contract may increase as
the delivery date approaches appears to have been recognized by many observers
o f futures markets and discussed by Telser (1956). Samuelson (1965)is the first to
give a theoretical argument in support of this phenomenon. Assuming the price of
the good for immediate delivery (the cash price) follows a stationary first-order
autoregressive process and the price of t h e good for deferred delivery (the futures
price) is a n unbiased predictor of the price at delivery date, then the variance of
the daily (or weekly, etc.) price changes increases as the delivery date approaches.
For convenience and with some injustice to Samuelson (see below) we will refer to
this as the Samuelson hypothesis.
r ,
I h e Samuelson hypothesis relies on strong assumptions which a r e open to a
number of questions. First, the assumption of a first-order autoregressive process
is very restrictive. Samuelson (1!?76) finds that for higher-order stationary autore-
gressive processes the variance is not generally monotonically decreasing in the
titne to maturity. Instead, h e obtains the weaker result that the variance of a futures
when delivery is sufficiently disl.ant will necessarily be less than the variance of
the same contract very near to delivery.’ Second, the result is not valid when the
cash price is nonstationary. This would be violated if there were trends to cash prices,
as would the case if the first-order autoregressive parameter exceeded unity (see
Kutledge, 1976 and Miller, 1979). It would also be violated if the underlying shocks
to tlie rash price exhibited nonconstant variances. Finally, the assumption that the
futures price equals the expected value of the price at delivery d a t r goes against
IIie fin(1irigs of much recent work on asset pricing. For example, the general equi-
lihrium analysis of Cox, Ingersoll, and Koss (1978) shows that for a wide class of
assets the expeclations hypothesis does not generally hold.
Notwithstanding these criticisms, the Sarnuelson hypothesis was for a time the
onl!- theory of futures price volatility. I<c:cently, the variance of futures price has
been analyzed in models that allow the simultaneous deterniination the equilibrium
cash and futures prices in a multiperiod setting (Anderson and Danthine, 1983,
Richard and Sundaresan, 1980, and Stein, 1979). These models overcome at least
some of the criticisms listed above. In them, the variance of futures prices may
change over time depending upon the distribution of underlying state variables;
however, with the exception of Stein’s model, there is no necessity for the variance
to increase as the delivery date approaches.
Anderson and Danthine (1983) are most explicit and provide an economic inter-
pretation of changes in the variance of futures prices. Theirs is a multiperiod, partial
equilibrium model where producers make production decisions and hedge their
goods i n process by selling futures so as to maximize the expected utility o f end-
of-holding-period wealth. During the production period, production and demand
uncertainty are progressively resolved as random variables are realized and publicly
observed. In this context it is shown that the ex ante variance of futures price is
high (low) in periods when relatively large (small) amounts of supply arid demand
uncertainty are resolved. A n example of large amounts of uncertainty being resolved
is a time when production shocks hare large variances or are highly correlated across
individual producers. We may refer to this theory as the state variuble hypothesis.
The specific form of the state variable hypothesis depends upon the nature of the
supply and demand uncertainty for a particular good. If demand uncertainty is
dominant and if factors affecting ultimate dernand are subject to progressively larger
shocks as the demand date approaches, the futures price variance would increase
over time. This would be a case where the state variable hypothesis aiid the Sam-
uelson hypothesis would give the same predictions. In contrast, agricultural com-
modities, in particular the grains, offer a case where the state variahle hypothesis
is distinguished from the Samuelson hypothesis aiid may readily be tested. For
grains, total annual production is determined by acreage planted and yields. Yields
in turn are heavily dependent upon weather conditions at certain times of the growth
process. These crucial phases tend to occur at approximately the same times during
the calendar year. Consequently, we would expect the resolution of production
uncertainty to follow a strong seasonal pattern. Given the price of a grain, fluctuations
in the final demand for grain depend on the variations of prices of related goods
and income. Since in the near terni income tends to be comparatively stable, shork-
term fluctuations are effectively determined by the prices and thus the supplies of
substitutes. For the reasons just reviewed, t h e supplies of sulistitute grains will also
be heavily dependent on the seasonal determinant of yield. Thus on both the supply
and demand sides, the resolution of uncertainty in grain markets may be expected
to follow a strong seasonal pattern.
Since the crop that is harvested is consumed over the entire crop year, the new-
crop-year futures contracts tend to obey normal carrying charge relationships. New
information on supply necessarily tends to affect all new-crop contracts approxi-
mately equally. Consequently, the same seasonal pattern of price volatility should
apply to all delivery months. For example, if rnost corn production information is
revealed during July and very little information is revealed during Novemlier, we
would expect the volatility of both the December and March corn futures to be
higher in July than in November.
Some notation will be useful in precisely stating the hypotheses and in setting
the stage for statistical testing. Let F,, be the price (or the logarithm of the price)
on date t of the futures calling for delivery at date i ( 2 t ) , and let E,, be the expected
value of F,,conditional on information through date t-1. The current study as well
as past empirical tests of the Samuelson hypothesis investigate the distribution of
the random variables defined by
Vu = g (5,) (3)
where s, is the season associated with date t. Note that in Eq. ( 3 ) the delivery date
i does not enter a s a determinant.
'In related studies, Castelint) and Francis (1982) and Castelino and Vora (1984) examined the volatility of basis
(the difference between futures and spot prices) and of futures spreads. Using methodologies similar to Castelino
(19821, they concluded that volat es tended to decline as the time to maturity of the basis or the length of the
spread decreased. These findings are consistent with the Samuelson hypothesis in the sense that using the
assumptions of Samuelson (1965), such behavior can be theoretically deduced. However. they are consistent with
other hypotheses also; therefore, they do not provide direct evidence cvncerning the behavior of futures price
volatilities. Finally, i n a recent thesis completed after the results of the present study had he disseminated, Miiorias
(1984)examined the behavior of futures price volatilities for eleven agriculiural, metal, and interest rate contracts
covering the period 1972-1982. Using methods similar to Castelino, Milonas found the data supporied the
Samuelson hypothesis in all markets except corn.
'The data were generously provided by the Center for the Study of Futures Markets at Columbia University.
,'CBOT: Chicago Hoard of Trade; KC: Kansas City Board of Trade; Merc: Chicago Mercantile
Exchange; COMEX: Commodity E x c h a n g e Inc., New York; Cocoa: New York Cocoa E x c h a n g e (pres-
ently the New York Coffce, Sugar, and Coc:oa Exchange).
for working with the log differences is that as the price level would change we would
expect the dispersion of prices to change in the same direction; using percentage
changes or log differences corrects for this obvious source of nonstationarity. A s a
measure of volatility we employ the variance. I t is recognized that if the futures
prices are not (log) normally distributed, other measures of dispersion may be more
useful for certain purposes. However, we use variances since that is how the Sam-
urlson and state variable hypotheses w e e r e originally stated. This choice is probably
not a critical one; Miller arid Grauer found largely the same patterns for variances
as t h e y did for the interfactile ranges. Furthermore, our statistical tests do not
depend upon the assumption that the futures prices are distributed lognormally.
The sample variances are calculated pooling observations of a single contact for
a single calendar month of a single year. Thus it is assumed that t h e log changes
of futures prices follow the process,
where 1,is the set of time indices associated with the jth rnonthlyear pair. That is,
the daily log changes of futures prices follow a stationary distribution within a month
hut are nonstationary over time periods of greater than one month. The process (4)
is quite gerieral. It is consistent with (but does not impose) futures prices following
a martingale. It is also consistent with other models of asset price determination to
the extent that they do not imply the mean and dispersion of returns change drast-
ically over short time intervals.'' It should he stressed that, unlike Miller, w e do
not pool across delivery years.
The nature of the distribution of cornrnodity futures prices i s an open question.
'It r r i i g h appcai iriore appealing to allou t h e distribution i l l t t i r log changes of daily prii.rb to \ary g r a d ~ ~ a l l y
( i . ? . , daily) over time. However, to implement this appi-oach w e would need to assume a specific functional form
for the paths of k, and u,. Since these are unknown, making such an assumption would he a n important source of
possilde misspecification. By assuming the drstrihutions fixed over a short interval we ean approximate a n arbitrary
fun(~tkitia1 form fur the evolution of k, and u(. The interval of one nionth was r.hosrii so as to a f f d decent ~ I T I ' ~ S I O ~
i n c.stirnating IJ., and u,, on the o n r hand, arid to yield a natural unit of seasonality, on the other.
However, there is substantial evidence that futures prices are not distributed nor-
mally or log normally. (See Mann and Heifner, 1976 for a survey of the literature,
as well as some new results.) As a consequence, the distribution of t h e sample
variances (or other measures of dispersion) of futures price (or log price) changes
must be viewed as unknown. In light of this, inferences based on classical statistical
methods should be viewed with suspicion until they are corroborated using methods
that are not sensitive to departures from normality.
There are several possible approaches to testing when classical methods fail. One
is to employ a nonparametric test, usually based on ranks, which is valid under
weak assumptions. Typically, this requires only that ranks are assigned randomly
under the null hypothesis. A criticism of nonparametric procedures is that they
often have low power relative to the parametric methods appropriate for the true
An alternative to nonparametric methods is to employ parametric methods that
have high relative efficiency for a range of possible distributions and are in this
sense robust to departures from any single distribution. A nonparametric test suited
to the present study is employed in Section IV. Section V reports parametric tests
based on classical and robust methods.
An inspection of the statistics of column 1 from the table reveals seasonal effects
are highly significant for the five grain markets in the sample. Clearly, seasonality
emerges as an important determinant of the variation of the volatility of futures
prices over time. An examination of the ranks averaged over years suggests that
the pattern of seasonality is similar in all the grains considered. These average
ranks for corn, soybeans, and the two wheat contracts are displayed in Figure 1.
They have been scaled so as to equal zero in January and unity at the maximum.5
Volatility is at its minimum in mid-winter (usually February) and rises steadily until
it reaches a peak in the summer (June for Kansas City wheat, July for the other
grains). Subsequently, volatility decreases monotonically until it reaches the winter
lows. Soybean oil also shows a strong seasonal pattern of volatility as is indicated
by the large Benard and Van Elteren statistic. For the remaining markets the test
statistics indicate slight or no seasonality. This is not surprising. The form of the
state variable hypothesis developed in Section I may not be relevant to these markets.
Thus the data considered give unambiguous support to the state variable hypothesis.
The evidence is less clear for the Samuelson hypothesis. The statistics in Table
I1 indicate significant maturity effects for oats, soybean oil, live cattle, and cocoa.
There is no indication of a maturity effect for the grains other than oats. The results
are somewhat at variance with those of Rutledge in that we find a significant maturity
effect for soybean oil whereas he did not. On the other hand, we find no support
for a maturity effect in silver where he did. However, it should be recalled that the
sample used in Table I1 included more years and more delivery dates than were
included in his study. Otherwise our results agree with those of Rutledge and Miller.
The hypothesis of increasing futures price variability as time to maturity decreases
was proposed as a general characteristic of futures markets. The evidence presented
in Table I1 casts doubt on its general validity. Some markets show strong maturity
effects; others show little or no maturity effects. However, there is reason for not
taking this evidence as being entirely conclusive. The nonparametric test was chosen
,r .
Ihe wits contrac.t ib omitted from the figure foi- h e sake. of clarity. The patteyn of arasonalily fot oats is very
3itnilar to Chi(.ago wheat.
Jan Jul Oct
Figure 1
Volatility seasonals-grains.
because of the weak assumptions necessary to assure its validity. The cost is that
the Benard and Van Elteren test may not be powerful enough to reveal a maturity
effect even if it is present. The possible loss of' power is generally a worry when
using nonparametric tests. Furthermore, the test entails a loss of power since the
alternative hypothesis to no maturity effects was arbitrary maturity effects. This is
too broad an alternative since the Samuelsoii hypothesis requires that the maturity
effects be monotonic decreasing.
When the ranks of the variances for a given maturity are averaged across years,
the results appear to be monotonic or nearly so for all the markets considered. I n
particular the highest average rank of variance is attained for the smallest time to
maturity in all the markets. Thus the data appear to be consistent with the Samuelson
hypothesis even though some of the rank statistics in Table I1 were not significant.
The next section investigates parametric methods which allow the imposition of the
monotonicity of the maturity effects.
The principal reasons for adopting a parametric approach are that we are able to
impose the monotonicity of the maturity effects and that we employ statistical tests
that may have greater power than rank tests. The approach has the additional
advantage in that it gives us a somewhat freer hand in introducing factors in addition
to season and maturity affecting the variance of futures prices. That there are such
factors is clear. Our data set spans a period of time during which the American
economy was submitted to a number of severe shocks, and virtually all markets saw
periods of enormous price volatility. While we do not seek to explain these additional
factors affecting volatility of futures prices, we wish to control them so that our
estimates of seasonality and maturity effects are not obscured.
In this section we report results based on the model
Noting that m, , ~ =
, j, the analogous expIession with respect to maturity is
p' (i j L - 6.5'
1 = p' 11.917.
F-Statistic 9.02 11.324 11.056* 11.615” 21.79” 33.77” 14.69” 18.19” 29.83
D. F. Numerator 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11
D.F. Denominator 831 820 816 805 840 829 781 770 1179
Coefficient -0.021 -0.027 -0.006 - 0.007 - 0.008 -0.007 - 0.038 - 0.047 - 0.026
F-Statistic 2.6 19.7” 0.185 0.767 0.39 1.02 13.98^ 58.59” 15.88“
D.F. Numerator 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
D.F. Denominator 82 1 820 806 805 830 829 771 770 1169
F-Statistic 30.1” 125.7” 28.811‘ 105.00” 24. .W 82.51” 31.738 98.51“ 59.37”
D. F. Numerator 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14
D.F. Denominator 834 820 819 805 843 829 784 770 1182
12-Month Variation
Seasonality 0.44820 0.05225 0.0786 0.0887 0.23963 0.22149 0.08742 0.08308 0.20017
Maturity 0.00546 0.00862 0.0005 0.0006 0.00084 0.00062 0.01728 0.02695 0.00823
Soybeans Soybean Oil Soybean Oil Live Cattle Live Cattle Silver Silver Cocoa Cocoa
L2 L1 L2 L1 L2 L1 L2 L1 L2
F-Statistic 45.49" 19.862* 21.768" 4.04" 5.00" 5.5073" 7.2383" 4.698' 4.570
D.F. Numerator 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11
D. F. Denominator 1168 1349 1338 1044 1033 1166 1155 848 837
Coefficient -0.029 - 0.045 - 0.053 - 0.047 - 0.048 -0.007 - 0.010 - 0.023 - 0.027
F-Statistic 31.14" 50.024a 130.41' 44.48" 81.45* 3.2280 3.1503 7.379b 27.850
D.F. Numerator 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
D.F. Denominator 1168 1339 1338 1034 1033 1156 1155 838 837
F-Statistic 442.18" 53.82 la 247.85' 46.87' 187.W 40.455" 97.3370 25.347' 64.40
D.F. Numerator 14 14 14 14 14 13 13 14 14
D.F. Denominator 1168 1352 1338 1047 1033 1168 1155 851 837
12-Month Variation
Seasonality 0.16083 0.0723 0.0595 0.01399 0.01809 0.0195 0.0353 0.0136 0.014
Maturity 0.01014 0.0234 0.0334 0.02645 0.02758 0.0006 0.0013 0. oofj6 0.008
The volatility of daily price changes is investigated in nine American futures markets
over the period 1966 to 1980. This data set is considerably more extensive than
those employed in previous studies of daily price volatility. We make use of a
nonparametric and robust statistical methods; this reduces the chances that our
inferences are conditional on incorrect or nonverifiable assumptions.
We find that the variance of futures price changes is not constant and that the
changes of variance follow a partially regular pattern. The principal predictable
factor in changes of variance is seasonality. A secondary factor is the changing time
to maturity.
The fact that there is seasonality in the volatility of futures prices in markets with
annual harvests will hardly come as a surprise to those familiar with the fundamental
factors of supply and demand in those markets. However, these important seasonal
factors have been overlooked in the previous studies of the volatility of futures prices
which have been concerned with the effect of changing time to m a t ~ r i t yWhile
.~ we
find seasonality is relatively more important than maturity, we do find the inverse
relation between time to maturity and volatility is a general tendency in the markets
studied. In view of the coverage of our data set and the generality of our methods,
this is stronger support for the Samuelson hypothesis than found in previous studies.
In view of their pervasiveness, it is hard to state all the implications of these
empirical findings. They can be summarized by saying that users, regulators, and
students of futures markets should generally allow for the fact that futures price
changes are likely to be nonstationary in second moments. Thus at a practical level,
hedgers guided by the portfolio theory of hedging should adjust hedge ratios (ratios
of the covariance of futures and cash prices to the variance of futures prices)
seasonally. Another practical implication would be that in the pricing of options
on futures contracts allowance should be made for the regular pattern to the volatility
of futures.
An implication for research is that studies of futures prices should generally
correct for heteroscedasticity in order to achieve efficient estimates. Finally, the
results suggest that intertemporal equilibrium pricing models for futures should
allow for the variability of the intertemporal marginal rates of substitution.
Appendix I
For convenience we provide a brief description of the rank test for two-way layouts
without interaction and with arbitrary numbers of observations per cell due to Benard
and Van Elteren (1953). Let the model be
v,, = 01; + p, + C'bk i = 1, . . . , I
j = 1 , ...,.I
k = l , . . . , nG
{ebk}are i.i.d. (0, a')
91t is true that Rutledge may have implicitly allowed for seasonal fwtors biiice he controlled tor the v o l i t i i l i ~ y
of cash prices. This is unlikely to be a complete correction since in years when little o r norir of Ihr old crqi is
stored into the new crop year, Ihp cash market may be effectively segmented from the new-c-rop futures.
x=- Det 2:
Det C*
Under the null hypothesis its asymptotic distribution is Chi square with I - 1
degrees of freedom. It should be noted that:
( 3 ) The above treatment assumes there are no ties in the rankings and that X *
is invertible. See Benard and Val Elteren (1953) for the appropriate modi-
fications when these assumptions are violated.
Appendix I1
We briefly outline the procedure for hypothesis testing with linear models estimated
by least absolute deviations. Let the model be
9, = X,p + C,, t = 1, . . . ,T (All
where p : p X 1, X, : 1 X p , X1,= 1all t (i.e., intercept is included), and {E,} - i.i.d.
(0, d). The L1 estimator 6 solves,
It can be shown that 6 can be found by solving a linear program. Partition p and
X, so that
Vt = XI,@, + X,*Pz + C,
where p1 : ( p - k) X 1, p2 : k X 1, X1,: 1 X (p - k) and X, : 1 X k. The
restriction to be tested is
@z = 0. (A31
The Lagrange multiplier test for L1 regressions are derived and analyzed in Bassett
subject to Eq. (A3). Let X = [X,: X,] be the matrix of the T vectors X,. Define
the vector of signs of the constrained L1 residuals
s = sign (V - Xlbp).
The Lagrange multiplier statistic is
P = s'x2(x;x2- x;x,(x;x,)-'x;x,)-'x;s.
If (1IT)X'X converges to a positive definite matrix and if the density of {E,} exists
and is continuous at the median, then under the null, S has the limiting distribution
In practice, 5? is corrected for degrees of freedom
P* = ( 6 / k ) ( T - p + k)/T).
P* is compared to the critical values of the F ( k , T - p + k).
Bassett and Koenker discuss the asymptotic efficiency of 2 compared to the least
squares F-test. It is less efficient for normal (Gaussian) errors. It is more efficient
for fat tailed distributions.
The small sample efficiency of 2* versus the least squares F-test was studied in
a Monte Carlo experiment by Bassett and Koenker. For moderate or large sample
sizes (T 2 60) the power of 2* was almost as large as the power of F when the
underlying error distribution was normal. 6* was distinctly more powerful than F
for Laplace or Cauchy errors.