znse Single Crystals: Rapid Communication

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Appl. Phys. B 72, 253–255 (2001) / Digital Object Identifier (DOI) 10.

Applied Physics B
and Optics

Rapid communication

Efficient laser operation and continuous-wave diode pumping of

Cr2+:ZnSe single crystals
A.V. Podlipensky1 , V.G. Shcherbitsky1 , N.V. Kuleshov1 , V.I. Levchenko2 , V.N. Yakimovich2 , M. Mond3 ,
E. Heumann3 , G. Huber3 , H. Kretschmann3 , S. Kück3
1 International Laser Center, Belarus St. Politechnical Academy, Scorina Av. 65, Minsk 220027, Belarus
(Fax: +375-17/2326286, E-mail: [email protected])
2 Institute of Solid State and Semiconductor Physics, National Academy of Science of Belarus, P. Brouki st. 17, Minsk 220072, Belarus
(Fax: +375/17-2840828, E-mail: [email protected])
3 Institut für Laser-Physik, Universität Hamburg, Jungiusstr. 9a, 20355 Hamburg, Germany
(Fax: +49-40/42838-6281, E-mail: [email protected])

Received: 12 October 2000/Published online: 30 November 2000 –  Springer-Verlag 2000

Abstract. Efficient continuous-wave laser operation of Cr2+ :ZnSe samples were prepared by a modified two-
Cr2+ :ZnSe was demonstrated with an output power of stage diffusion doping method [9]. At the first stage, undoped
1400 mW at an absorbed pump power of 1900 mW from single crystals of high optical quality were grown by the sub-
a Tm:YAG laser. Under continuous-wave diode pumping limation traveling heater method without seeding. At the se-
at 1.54 µm an output power of 15 mW was obtained from cond stage we introduced the chromium impurity into the host
a Cr+2 :ZnSe laser. Excited state absorption is shown to be material by the thermal diffusion method from a solid metal
negligible in the pump and laser spectral region. source. Chromium films were deposited upon the crystal sur-
faces by magnetron sputtering. Diffusion was carried out in
PACS: 42.70.Hj; 42.55.Rz; 78.45.+h sealed ampoules under a pressure of 5 × 10 −6 Torr and a tem-
perature of 700–1000 ◦ C over 1–10 days. The advantages of
this two-stage process are a high quality of the final products
and the ability to control the impurity doping level by ad-
Cr2+ -doped chalcogenide crystals were shown recently to justing the diffusion time and temperature and by varying the
be promising materials for highly efficient and broadly tun- chromium film thickness.
able mid-IR (2–3 µm) lasers [1–3]. Possible applications Polished samples of 1–3 mm in thickness and up to
of these lasers include medicine, remote sensing and trace- 10 mm in aperture were used for the spectroscopic mea-
gas analysis. Pulsed [4], continuous-wave (cw) [5, 6], gain- surements and the laser experiments. All measurements
switched [7] and diode-side-pumped laser operation [8] have were performed at room temperature. The absorption spectra
been demonstrated with Cr2+ :ZnSe, which exhibited thus far were measured with a Cary 17D spectrometer. The emission
a slope efficiency as high as 63% and a tunability between spectrum was recorded with a liquid-nitrogen-cooled InSb
2138 nm and 2760 nm [5]. However, one of the problems detector and a 0.5-m Spex monochromator and corrected
encountered with these kinds of materials is their relatively for the transmittance of the monochromator and the photo-
high level of passive losses at the laser wavelength [4]. In- detector sensitivity. The experimental setup used for the ESA
vestigation of the material synthesis by using various crystal measurements with a cw pump and probe technique and
growth techniques is necessary to reduce as much as possible based on a double-modulation method was described in [10].
what is due to extrinsic reasons such as unwanted impurities A 100-mW Tm:YAG laser operating at 2013 nm was used as
and lattice defects. Detailed spectroscopic studies including an excitation source. A liquid-nitrogen-cooled InSb detector
excited state absorption (ESA) measurements allow us to es- in the infrared spectral range was used to detect a 250 W tung-
timate the amount of intrinsic optical losses. Intra ionic ESA sten lamp probe beam passed through the sample and through
transitions in Cr2+ -doped Zn-chalcogenides are not expected a 0.5 m Spex monochromator. The sample was placed be-
to be a problem, since there are no terminal levels for spin- hind a pinhole of 0.5 mm in diameter in order to optimize
allowed ESA transitions from the 5E emitting level. How- the overlap between pump and probe beams. The probe beam
ever, ESA measurements are of great interest since they could was chopped at a frequency of about 700 Hz and analyzed by
answer whether other types of ESA transitions, for example a first lock-in amplifier in order to measure the transmission
to charge-transfer states or to the conduction band, can af- spectrum T . The difference ∆T in the transmitted intensi-
fect the laser efficiency. In this paper we report for the first ties through the pumped (I p ) and unpumped (I u ) sample was
time to our knowledge on the results of ESA measurements measured by chopping the pump beam at about 10 Hz and
in Cr2+ :ZnSe, on the realization of 1.4 W cw laser operation analyzing the resulting modulation of the probe-beam inten-
with Cr2+ :ZnSe single crystals and on the realization of direct sity with a second lock-in amplifier. It can be easily shown
cw pumping with 1.54-µm laser diodes. that ln(Ip /Iu )  ∆T/T for small ∆T , and we can use the fol-

lowing equation to evaluate the results of our measurements: (σse − σesa ) to be 8 × 10−19 cm2 at 2400 nm. In comparison,
  in [1, 5] σse was determined to be about 9 × 10 −19 cm2 . This
∆T/T = A n e d σse + σgsa − σesa , (1) good agreement, and the fact that the (σ se − σesa )-spectrum
matches the σse -spectrum (Fig. 1) indicate that ESA is neg-
where A is the constant amplification factor of the second am- ligible in the whole emission range. Taking into account the
plifier, σse , σgsa and σesa are the cross sections of stimulated errors in the determination of the cross sections and in the
emission, ground state absorption and excited state absorp- ESA measurements, the ratio σesa /σse does not exceed 10%.
tion, respectively, n e is the population density in the excited A tunability up to 3 µm in the long-wavelength range should
state and d is the crystal length. In order to calibrate the mea- be possible with Cr2+ :ZnSe.
sured spectra of ∆T/T for absolute cross sections, the factor Laser experiments were performed with a hemispherical
A n e d can be determined by fitting the σgsa -spectrum to the cavity configuration, consisting of a plane high reflector and
observed bleaching bands in the spectral range where no other a 50-mm radius of curvature output coupler. The uncoated
effects like excited state absorption or stimulated emission laser crystal was mounted on a copper heat sink cooled by
occur. After calibrating the measurements in this way the dif- water and placed at normal incidence near the high reflector.
ference spectra of (σse − σesa ) can be obtained by subtraction A cw diode-pumped Tm:YAG laser emitting at 2013 nm with
of the σgsa -spectrum. an output power up to 4.1 W was used as a pump source. The
The infrared absorption and emission cross section spec- pump beam was focused into the laser crystal with a 45 mm
tra of Cr2+ :ZnSe are plotted in Fig. 1. The broad absorption focal length lens. The pump-beam spot size and M 2 -factor
band near 1.8 µm and a broad emission band with a peak at were measured to be 72–96 µm and 1.5 − 6, respectively, de-
2.4 µm belong to the transitions between the 5T2 ground state pending on Tm:YAG laser output power. The best results
and the 5E excited state of tetrahedrally coordinated Cr2+ were obtained with a 2 mm thick laser crystal with an ab-
(3d 4 electron configuration) ions [1]. The ∆T/T -spectrum at sorption coefficient of 5 cm−1 at the pump wavelength. An
room temperature in the spectral range from 1.2 to 3 µm is output power of 1400 mW near 2500 nm at an absorbed pump
also shown in Fig. 1. A strong broad positive band peak- power of 1900 mW was demonstrated by using a 13.4% out-
ing at 1.8 µm corresponds to the absorption saturation of the put coupler (Fig. 2). The laser threshold measurements were
Cr2+ -ions due to ground state depletion. The positive band carried out using an optical isolator inserted between pump
between 2 and 3 µm with a maximum near 2.4 µm belongs and Cr:ZnSe laser in order to prevent feedback into the pump
to the stimulated emission. The negative signal in the range laser. The threshold values were measured to be 84 mW,
of wavelengths shorter than 1.4 µm is assigned to ESA tran- 58 mW, 35 mW and 29 mW of absorbed pump power for out-
sitions from the 5E level. According to the energy level dia- put couplers with 13.4%, 6.7%, 2% transmission and for the
gram of 3d 4 ions the d − d transitions from the 5E excited high reflector, respectively. The highest slope efficiency with
state to higher lying energy levels are spin-forbidden, and this respect to the absorbed power was measured to be 73% for
ESA band is associated most likely with transitions between the output coupler with a transmission of 13.4%. The free-
the 5E level and charge-transfer states or the conduction running output spectrum covered the wavelength range from
band. The spectrum of ∆T/T was calibrated for the absolute 2454 nm to 2560 nm and was determined by the cavity optics
cross sections by fitting the σgsa -band to the bleaching band employed. The round-trip passive loss L d was estimated to
in the spectral range between 1600 nm and 1800 nm (Fig. 1), be approx. 2.5% from a Caird plot of inverse slope efficiency
assuming that σse = 0, σesa is negligible in this range [11], versus inverse output coupling [12], see Fig. 3a:
and the ground state absorption cross section at 1800 nm  
is 8.7 × 10−19 cm2 [4]. The effective stimulated emission 1 1 Ld
= 1+ , (2)
cross section was determined from the resulting spectrum of η η0 T

where η is the slope efficiency, η0 is the limiting slope effi-

ciency and T is the mirror transmission. The derived limiting
σ [10 -19cm2 ]

Fig. 1. σgsa - (dashed line), σse - (dotted line), (σgsa + σse − σesa )- (thin solid
line) and (σse − σesa )-spectrum (thick solid line) of Cr2+ :ZnSe at room tem-
perature. The sharp structure beyond 2500 nm is attributed to the water Fig. 2. Input–output diagram of the Cr:ZnSe continuous-wave laser under
absorption in air and the following normalization process 2.01-µm Tm:YAG-laser pumping

Fig. 4. Input–output diagram of the Cr2+ :ZnSe continuous-wave laser under

1.54-µm diode-laser pumping

In conclusion, room temperature cw ESA measurements

were performed for Cr 2+ :ZnSe in the spectral range between
1.2 and 3 µm. A stimulated emission band was observed
from 2 to 3 µm with an effective peak emission cross sec-
tion of 8 × 10−19 cm2 at 2400 nm. Excited state absorption is
negligible in the pump and laser spectral range (1.5–3 µm).
An output power of 1.4 W has been demonstrated from
the cw Cr2+ :ZnSe laser with a slope efficiency as high as
73%. Direct cw diode-laser pumping of Cr:ZnSe laser was
Fig. 3. a Caird plot of inverse slope efficiency versus inverse output coup-
ling, b Findlay–Clay plot of laser threshold versus output-coupler transmis-

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