JD Arrest Search and Seizure Digest
JD Arrest Search and Seizure Digest
JD Arrest Search and Seizure Digest
Valmonte v. De Villa, G.R. No. 83988 September 29, 1989 mission of establishing effective territorial defense and
(173 SCRA 211) – CHECKPOINT CASE maintaining peace and order for the benefit of the public.
Checkpoints may also be regarded as measures to thwart
PADILLA, J.: plots to destabilize the government, in the interest of public
In this connection, the Court may take judicial notice
On 20 January 1987, the National Capital Region of the shift to urban centers and their suburbs of the
District Command (NCRDC) was activated pursuant insurgency movement, so clearly reflected in the increased
to Letter of Instruction 02/87 of the Philippine General killings in cities of police and military men by NPA “sparrow
Headquarters, AFP, with the mission of conducting units,” not to mention the abundance of unlicensed firearms
security operations within its area of responsibility and the alarming rise in lawlessness and violence in such
and peripheral areas, for the purpose of establishing urban centers, not all of which are reported in media, most
an effective territorial defense, maintaining peace and likely brought about by deteriorating economic conditions –
order, and providing an atmosphere conducive to the which all sum up to what one can rightly consider, at the very
social, economic and political development of the least, as abnormal times. Between the inherent right of the
National Capital Region. state to protect its existence and promote public welfare
As part of its duty to maintain peace and order, the and an individual's right against a warrantless search
NCRDC installed checkpoints in various parts of which is however reasonably conducted, the former
Valenzuela, Metro Manila. should prevail.
Petitioners Atty. Ricardo Valmonte, who is a resident
of Valenzuela, Metro Manila, and the Union of True, the manning of checkpoints by the military is
Lawyers and Advocates For People’s Rights (ULAP) susceptible of abuse by the men in uniform, in the same
sought the declaration of checkpoints in Valenzuela, manner that all governmental power is susceptible of abuse.
Metro Manila and elsewhere as unconstitutional. In But, at the cost of occasional inconvenience, discomfort
the alternative, they prayed that respondents Renato and even irritation to the citizen, the checkpoints during
De Villa and the National Capital Region District these abnormal times, when conducted within reasonable
Command (NCRDC) be directed to formulate limits, are part of the price we pay for an orderly society
guidelines in the implementation of checkpoints for and a peaceful community.
the protection of the people.
Petitioners contended that the checkpoints gave the Finally, on 17 July 1988, military and police checkpoints in
respondents blanket authority to make searches and Metro Manila were temporarily lifted and a review and
seizures without search warrant or court order in refinement of the rules in the conduct of the police and
violation of the Constitution. military manning the checkpoints was ordered by the National
Capital Regional Command Chief and the Metropolitan Police
ISSUE: Director.
WHEREFORE, the petition is DISMISSED.
Do the military and police checkpoints violate the right
of the people against unreasonable search and seizures? DISSENTING OPINION:
HELD: Cruz - The bland declaration that individual rights must yield
to the demands of national security ignores the fact that the
[The Court, voting 13-2, DISMISSED the petition.] Bill of Rights was intended precisely to limit the authority of
the State even if asserted on the ground of national security.
NO, military and police checkpoints DO NOT What is worse is that the searches and seizures are
violate the right of the people against unreasonable peremptorily pronounced to be reasonable even without proof
search and seizures. of probable cause and much less the required warrant.
xxx. Not all searches and seizures are prohibited. Sarmiento - the absence alone of a search warrant, as I
Those which are reasonable are not forbidden. A have averred, makes checkpoint searches unreasonable, and
reasonable search is not to be determined by any fixed by itself, subject to constitutional challenges. (Supra.) As it is,
formula but is to be resolved according to the facts of "checkpoints", have become "search warrants" unto
each case. themselves a roving one at that.
This is a petition for prohibition with preliminary Not one of the several thousand persons treated in the illegal
injunction to prohibit the military and police and inhuman manner described by the petitioners appears as
officers represented by public respondents from a petitioner or has come before a trial court to present the
conducting "Areal Target Zonings" or "Saturation kind of evidence admissible in courts of justice.
Drives" in Metro Manila.
The 41 petitioners alleged that the 12 "saturation None of those arrested has apparently been charged and
drive" or "aerial target zoning" that were conducted in none of those affected has apparently complained.
their place (Tondo Manila) were unconstitutional.
They alleged that the following were committed: Where there is large scale mutiny or actual rebellion, the
1. there is no specific target house to police or military may go in force to the combat areas,
besearch and that there is no search warrant or enter affected residences or buildings, round up
warrant of arrest served. Most of the policemen are in suspected rebels and otherwise quell the mutiny or
their civilian clothes and without nameplates or rebellion without having to secure search warrants and
identification cards. without violating the Bill of Rights.
2. The residents were rudely rouse from their sleep
by banging on the walls and windows of their houses. If our policy makers sustain the contention of the military and
The residents were at the point of high-powered guns the police that occasional saturation drives are essential to
and herded like cows. maintain the stability of government and to insure peace and
3. Men were ordered to strip down to their briefs for order, clear policy guidelines on the behavior of soldiers and
the police to examine their tattoo marks. The policemen must not only be evolved, they should also be
residents complained that their homes were enforced. A method of pinpointing human rights abuses and
ransacked, tossing their belongings and destroying identifying violators is necessary.
their valuables.
4. Raiders force their way and search the houses In the meantime and in the face of a prima facie showing that
without civilian witnesses. some abuses were probably committed and could be
5. Raiders ransack their homes and damaged due to committed during future police actions, we have to temporarily
illegal effort to fish for incriminating evidences. restrain the alleged banging on walls, the kicking in of doors,
6. Some of their money and valuables had the herding of half-naked men to assembly areas for
disappeared after the operation. examination of tattoo marks, the violation of residences even
7. The residents who respond to illegal intrusions if these are humble shanties of squatters, and the other
were arrested without warrant alleged acts which are shocking to the conscience.
8.Arrested persons are released after the expiration
of the period for legal detention WHEREFORE, the petition is hereby REMANDED to the
9. Raiders almost blandish their weapons and point Regional Trial Courts of Manila, Malabon, and Pasay City
them at the residents. where the petitioners may present evidence supporting their
10.There are also reported incidents of maulings, allegations and where specific erring parties may be
spot-beatings and maltreatment. pinpointed and prosecuted.
11. Those who were detained also suffered mental
and physical torture to extract confessions and In the meantime, the acts violative of human rights
tactical information. alleged by the petitioners as committed during the police
The respondents said that such accusations were all actions are ENJOINED until such time as permanent rules
lies. Respondents contends that the Constitution grants to to govern such actions are promulgated.
government the power to seek and cripple subversive
movements for the maintenance of peace in the state. DISSENTING OPINION:
The aerial target zoning were intended to flush out
subversives and criminal elements coddled by the Cruz - Saturation drives are not among the accepted
communities were the said drives were conducted. They instances when a search or an arrest may be made without
said that they have intelligently and carefully planned warrant.
months ahead for the actual operation and that local and
foreign media joined the operation to witness and record I submit that this Court should instead declare categorically
such event. and emphatically that these saturation drives are violative of
human rights and individual liberty and so should be
stopped immediately.
Personal examination by the judge of the complainant and his PREMISES CONSIDERED, the petition is granted.
witnesses is necessary to enable him to determine the Accordingly, Search Warrant No. 2-M-70 issued by
existence or non-existence of a probable cause. respondent Judge is declared null and void;
respondents are permanently enjoined from enforcing
The participation of respondent Judge in the proceedings the said search warrant; the documents, papers and
which led to the issuance of Search Warrant 2-M-70 was effects seized thereunder are ordered to be returned to
thus limited to listening to the stenographer’s readings of petitioners; and respondent officials the Bureau of Internal
her notes to a few words of warning against the Revenue and their representatives are permanently enjoined
commission of perjury, and to administering the oath to from enforcing the assessments mentioned in Annex "G" of
the complainant and his witness. This cannot be the present petition, as well as other assessments based on
considered a personal examination. If there was an the documents, papers and effects seized under the search
examination at all of the complainant and his witness, it warrant herein nullified, and from using the same against
was one conducted by the Deputy Clerk of Court petitioners in any criminal or other proceeding. No
pronouncement as to costs.
2. The search warrant was issued for more than one
specific offense.