The Punjab Maternity Benefit Ordinance, 1958

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(XXXII of 1958)

1. Short title and extent

2. Definitions

3. Employment or work during certain periods

4. Right to and liability for payment of maternity benefit

5. Procedure regarding payment of maternity benefit

6. Payment of maternity benefit in case of a woman's death

7. No notice of dismissal to be given to a woman in certain cases

8. Penalty for working for payment during permitted period of absence

9. Penalty for contravention of this Ordinance by an employer and

application of fine in payment of compensation

10. Cognizance of offences

11. Appeal against refusal to prosecute or grant sanction thereto

12. Limitation

13. Rules

14. Exhibition of Extracts

15. Omitted

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(XXXII of 1958)
[22nd December, 1958]

to consolidate the law relating to employment of women in 3[establishments] in the
Province of [Punjab].

Preamble.– WHEREAS it is expedient to consolidate the law relating to employment

of women in [establishments] in the Province of West Pakistan;

NOW, THEREFORE, in pursuance of the Presidential Proclamation of the 7th

day of October, 1958, and in exercise of all powers enabling him in that behalf the
Governor of West Pakistan is pleased to make and promulgate the following
1. Short title and extent.– (1) This Ordinance may be called the [Punjab]
Maternity Benefit Ordinance, 1958.
7 8 9
[(2) It extends to the whole of [ [the Punjab]].

2. Definitions.– (1) In this Ordinance, unless the context otherwise requires, the
following expressions shall have the meanings hereby respectively assigned to
them, that is to say–
(a) “child” includes a still-born child;

Substituted for the words “West Pakistan” by the Punjab Maternity Benefit (Amendment) Act, 2012; and published in the
Punjab Gazette (Extraordinary), dated 11.2.2012, pages 40165-40166, s.2.
Published in the Gazette of West Pakistan Extraordinary, dated 22 Dec. 1958 P.1715
Substituted for the word “Factories” by the Labour Laws (Amendment) Act, 1994 (XI of 1994); and published in
the Gazette of Pakistan (Extraordinary), Part I, dated 29.6.1994, pp. 224 – 235, see s.4 and Schedule IV, at serial
Substituted for the words “West Pakistan” by the Punjab Maternity Benefit (Amendment) Act, 2012; and published in the
Punjab Gazette (Extraordinary), dated 11.2.2012, pages 40165-40166, s.2.
Substituted for the word “Factories” by the Labour Laws (Amendment) Act, 1994 (XI of 1994); and published in
the Gazette of Pakistan (Extraordinary), Part I, dated 29.6.1994, pp. 224 – 235, see s.4 and Schedule IV, at serial
Substituted for the words “West Pakistan” by the Punjab Maternity Benefit (Amendment) Act, 2012; and published in the
Punjab Gazette (Extraordinary), dated 11.2.2012, pages 40165-40166, s.3.
Substituted by the West Pakistan Laws (Extension to Karachi) Ordinance, 1964 (VII of 1964); and published in the Gazette of
West Pakistan (Extraordinary), dated 10.6.1964, pages 1911-1920, see s.2 and Schedule, at serial No.16.
(a) Substituted for “the Province of West Pakistan except the “Tribal Areas” by the Federal Adaptation of Laws
Order, 1975 (P.O. 4 of 1975); and published in the Gazette of Pakistan (Extraordinary) Part I, dated 1.8.1975,
pages 435-467, see section 2(1) & Schedule.
(b) Ordinance applied to the Tribal Areas, of Balochistan by Regulation, III of 1974 (29 July 1974) Gaz. of
Balochistan Extr., 29 July,
Substituted for the words “West Pakistan” by the Punjab Maternity Benefit (Amendment) Act, 2012; and published in the
Punjab Gazette (Extraordinary), dated 11.2.2012, pages 40165-40166, s.3.
“Director of Labour Welfare” means the head of the Labour Welfare
Directorate of the [Punjab], by whatever name called;]
(c) “employer” means any person who has ultimate control over the
appointment of a woman;
“Establishment” means an
[(d) organization, whether industrial,
commercial, or otherwise;]
“Government” means Government of the Punjab;]

(f) “Inspector of Factories” means a person appointed as Inspector of

Factories under section 10 of the Factories Act, 1934 ;
(g) “maternity benefit” means the amount payable under the provisions of
this Ordinance to a woman employed in [an establishment];
(h) “medical practitioner” means a medical practitioner nominated for the
purposes of this Ordinance by the employer with the approval of the
Inspector of Factories;
(i) “prescribed” means prescribed by rules made under this Ordinance;
(j) “still-born child” means any child which has issued forth from its mother
after the twenty-eighth week of pregnancy and which did not at any
time after being completely expelled from its mother, breathe or show
any other signs of life;

(k) “wages” means wages as defined in clause (vi) of section 2 of the

Payment of Wages Act, 1936 ; and
(l) “woman” means a woman worker.

(2) Expressions used in this Ordinance but not defined herein shall have
the meanings respectively assigned to them in the Factories Act, 1934 .
[3. Employment or work during certain periods.– (1) An employer shall not
employ a woman and a woman shall not be engaged in employment of any nature in
any establishment during six weeks following the date on which she delivers a child.

Substituted by the Federal Adaptation of Laws Order, 1975 (P.O. 4 of 1975); and published in the Gazette of
Pakistan (Extraordinary) Part I, dated 1.8.1975, pages 435-467, see section 2(1) & Schedule.
Substituted for the words “Province” by the Punjab Maternity Benefit (Amendment) Act, 2012; and published in the Punjab
Gazette (Extraordinary), dated 11.2.2012, pages 40165-40166, s.4.
Substituted original clause (d), for the word “Factories” by the Labour Laws (Amendment) Act, 1994 (XI of 1994);
and published in the Gazette of Pakistan (Extraordinary), Part I, dated 29.6.1994, pp. 224 – 235, see s.4 and
Schedule IV at serial No.3.
Substituted by the Punjab Maternity Benefit (Amendment) Act, 2012; and published in the Punjab Gazette (Extraordinary),
dated 11.2.2012, pages 40165-40166, s.4.
XXV of 1934.
Substituted for the word “a Factory” by the Labour Laws (Amendment) Act, 1994 (XI of 1994); and published in
the Gazette of Pakistan (Extraordinary), Part I, dated 29.6.1994, pp. 224 – 235, see s.4 and Schedule IV at serial
IV of 1936.
XXV of 1934.
Substituted by the Punjab Maternity Benefits (Amendment) Act 2016 (X of 2016), published in the Punjab Gazette
(Extraordinary), dated: 17 February 2016, p. 3909, s.2.
(2) An employer shall not ask an employed woman working on regular or
temporary basis to do any work which is of arduous nature or which involves long
hours of standing or which is likely to affect her health for a period of one month
(a) preceding the period of six weeks before the date of the expected
delivery; and
(b) succeeding six weeks after the date on which she delivers a child.]
4. Right to and liability for payment of maternity benefit.– [(1) Subject to the
provisions of this Ordinance, every woman employed in an establishment shall be
entitled to, and her employer shall be liable for, the payment of maternity benefit at
the rate of her wages last paid during the period of six weeks immediately preceding
and including the days on which she delivers the child and for each day of six weeks
succeeding that day:
Provided that a woman shall not be entitled to maternity benefit unless she
has been employed in the establishment of the employer from whom she claims
maternity benefit for a period of not less than four months immediately preceding the
day on which she delivers the child.]
[* * * * * * * * * * * *]

5. Procedure regarding payment of maternity benefit.– (1) Any woman

entitled to maternity benefit:–
(a) who is pregnant may, give notice either orally in person or in writing in
the prescribed form to the employer that she expects to be confined
within six weeks next following and may therein nominate a person for
the purposes of section 6;
(b) who has not given the notice referred to in clause (a) and has been
delivered of a child, shall within seven days, give similar notice that she
has been delivered of a child.
(2) When such notice is received, the employer shall permit the woman to
absent herself from the factory from the date following the date of notice in the case
mentioned in clause (a) of sub-section (1) and from the day of delivery in the case
mentioned in clause (b) thereof, until six weeks after the day of delivery.
(3) An employer shall pay maternity benefit for twelve weeks to a woman
entitled thereto in any of following ways selected by the woman, namely:-
(i) for six weeks before delivery within forty-eight hours of the production
of a certificate signed by the medical practitioner stating that the
woman is expected to be confined within six weeks of the date of the
certificate, and for the remainder of the period for which she is entitled
to maternity benefit within forty-eight hours of the production of the
proof that she has been delivered of a child; or

Substituted by the Labour Laws (Amendment) Act, 1994 (XI of 1994); and published in the Gazette of Pakistan
(Extraordinary), Part I, dated 29.6.1994, pp. 224 – 235, see s.4 and Schedule IV at serial No.3.
Omitted ibid.
(ii) for the period six weeks before delivery and including the day of
delivery, within forty-eight hours of the production of proof that she has
been delivered of a child and, for the remainder of the said period,
within six weeks of the production of such proof; or
(iii) for the whole of the said period of twelve weeks, within forty-eight
hours of the production of proof that she has been delivered of a child:
Provided that a woman shall not be entitled to any maternity benefit or any
part thereof, the payment of which is dependent upon the production of proof under
this sub-section that she has been delivered of a child, unless such proof is
produced within six months of the delivery.
(4) The proof required to be produced under sub-section (3) shall be either
a certified extract from a birth register or a certificate signed by the medical
practitioner or such other proof as may be accepted by the employer.

6. Payment of maternity benefit in case of a woman’s death.– (1) If a woman

entitled to maternity benefit under this Ordinance dies on the day she is delivered of
a child or during the period thereafter for which she is entitled to the maternity
benefit, the employer’s liability under sub-section (1) of section 4 shall not, by reason
of her death, be discharged, and he shall pay the amount of maternity benefit due,
[to the person nominated by her under sub-section (1) of section 5 for the benefit of
all her legal representatives, or, if she has made no such nomination, to all her legal
(2) If a woman dies during the period for which she is entitled to maternity
benefit but before she is delivered of a child, the employer shall be liable only for the
period upto and including the day of her death, provided that any sum already paid to
her in excess of such liability under clause (i) of sub-section (3) of section 5 shall not
be recoverable from her legal representative; and any amount due at the woman’s
death shall be paid to the person nominated by her under sub-section (1) of section
5, [for the benefit of all her legal representatives, or, if she has made no such
nomination, to all her legal representatives].

7. No notice of dismissal to be given to a woman in certain cases.– (1)

When a woman absents herself from work in accordance with the provisions of this
Ordinance, it shall not be lawful for her employer to give her notice of dismissal
during such absence or on such a day that the notice will expire during such
(2)(a) No notice of dismissal given without sufficient cause by an employer to
a woman within a period of six months before delivery shall have the
effect of depriving her of any maternity benefit to which but for such
notice she may have become entitled under this Ordinance.
(b) If any question arises as to whether any notice of dismissal is one to
which clause (a) applies, such question shall be referred to the
Inspector of Factories; and an appeal from the Inspector’s decision

Substituted for the original words, semi colon, brackets and figures by the West Pakistan Maternity Benefit (Amendment) Act,
1985 (VIII of 1985); and published in the Gazette of Pakistan (Extraordinary) Part-I, dated 27.7.1985, pages 385-389, s. 2.
Substituted for the original words, ibid.
shall, within sixty days thereof, lie to the Director of Labour Welfare
whose decision shall be final.

8. Penalty for working for payment during permitted period of absence.– If

a woman does any work in any [establishment] for which she receives payment in
cash or kind after she has been permitted by her employer to absent herself under
the provisions of section 5, she shall be liable to a fine not exceeding [one hundred]

9. Penalty for contravention of this Ordinance by an employer and

application of fine in payment of compensation.– (1) If any employer contravenes
any provision of this Ordinance, he shall be liable to a fine which may extend to
[three thousand] rupees.
(2) Whenever a Court imposes a fine under this section or confirms in
appeal, revision or otherwise such a sentence, it may, when passing judgment order
the whole or any part of the fine recovered to be applied in the payment of
compensation to the woman concerned for any loss or damage caused to her.

10. Cognizance of offences.– (1) No prosecution under this Ordinance shall be

instituted except by, or with, the previous sanction of the Inspector of Factories and
no such prosecution shall be instituted until the expiry of the period of appeal under
sub-section (2) or, if such an appeal is preferred, unless the Director of Labour
Welfare by his order thereon, sanctions a prosecution.
(2) Where the Inspector of Factories decides either to institute a
prosecution under this Ordinance or to grant sanction thereto, he shall forthwith
communicate his order to the person complained against, who may, within thirty
days of the date of the said order, appeal to the Director of Labour Welfare against
such decision; and the decision of the Director of Labour Welfare on such appeal
shall be final and shall not be liable to be contested by suit or otherwise.
(3) No Court inferior to that of a Magistrate of the first class shall try any
offence against this Ordinance or any rule made thereunder.

11. Appeal against refusal to prosecute or grant sanction thereto.– Where on

an application by an employer or a woman, [or the person nominated by her or any
of her legal representatives] the Inspector of Factories refuses either to institute a
prosecution under this Ordinance, or to grant sanction thereto, he shall without delay
communicate to the applicant his order of refusal, and an [applicant] aggrieved by
such order may, within thirty days of the date thereto appeal to the Director of Labour
Welfare against such order; and the decision of the Director of Labour Welfare on

Substituted for the Word “Factory” by the Labour Laws (Amendment) Act, 1994 (XI of 1994); and published in the Gazette
of Pakistan (Extraordinary), Part I, dated 29.6.1994, pp. 224–235, see s.4 and Schedule IV at serial No.3.
Substituted for the words “ten” by the Punjab Maternity Benefit (Amendment) Act, 2012; and published in the Punjab Gazette
(Extraordinary), dated 11.2.2012, pages 40165-40166, s.5.
Substituted for the words “five hundred” by the Punjab Maternity Benefit (Amendment) Act, 2012; and published in the Punjab
Gazette (Extraordinary), dated 11.2.2012, pages 40165-40166, s.6.
Words inserted by the West Pakistan Maternity Benefit (Amendment) Act, 1985 (VIII of 1985); and published in the Gazette
of Pakistan (Extraordinary) Part I, dated 27.7.1985, pages 385-389, s. 2.
Substituted for “employer or a woman”, by the West Pakistan Maternity Benefit (Amendment) Act, 1985 (VIII of 1985); and
published in the Gazette of Pakistan (Extraordinary) Part I, dated 27.7.1985, pages 385-389, s. 2.
such appeal [which shall be taken after affording to the applicant an opportunity of
being heard] shall be final.

12. Limitation.– No Court shall take cognizance of any offence against the
Ordinance or any rule made thereunder unless complaint thereof has been made to
the Inspector of Factories within six months of the date on which the offence is
alleged to have been committed.

13. Rules.– (1) Government may make rules to carry out the purposes of this
(2) In particular and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing
power, such rules may provide for–

(a) the preparation and maintenance of a muster roll or register or

combined muster roll and register and the particulars to be entered in
such muster roll, register or combined muster roll and register or in the
register kept or deemed to have been kept under section 41 of the
Factories Act, 1934 ;
(b) the inspection of [establishment] for the purposes of this Ordinance by
the Inspector of Factories;
(c) the exercise of powers and the performance of duties by the Inspector
of Factories for the purposes of this Ordinance;
(d) the method of payment of maternity benefit in so far as provision has
not been made in this Ordinance;
(e) the forms of notice under clause (a) and clause (b) of sub-section (1) of
section 5; and
(f) procedure to be observed in the disposal of appeals under sub-section
(2) of section 7 or sub-section (2) of section 10 or section 11.
(3) Any such rule may provide that a contravention thereof shall be
punishable with fine which may extend to two hundred and fifty rupees.
(4) All rules made under this Ordinance shall be laid before the [* * *]
Provincial Assembly, as soon as may be after they are made, and if the Assembly
within next subsequent seven days on which the Assembly has sat after any such
rule has been laid before it, resolves that the rule shall be annulled, the rule shall
forthwith be void, but without prejudice to the validity of anything previously done
thereunder or to the making of a new rule.

14. Exhibition of Extracts.– An abstract of the provisions of this Ordinance and

the rules thereunder in the regional language shall be exhibited in a conspicuous

Words inserted by the West Pakistan Maternity Benefit (Amendment) Act, 1985 (VIII of 1985); and published in the Gazette of
Pakistan (Extraordinary), dated 27.7.1985, s. 2.
XXV of 1934.
Substituted for the word “factories” by the Labour Laws (Amendment) Act, 1994 (XI of 1994); and published in the
Gazette of Pakistan (Extraordinary), Part I, dated 29.6.1994, pp. 224 – 235, see s.4 and Schedule IV at serial
The words “West Pakistan” omitted by the Federal Adaptation of Laws Order, 1975 (P.O. 4 of 1975); and published
in the Gazette of Pakistan (Extraordinary) Part I, dated 1.8.1975, pages 435-467, see section 2(1) & Schedule.
manner by the employer in every part of the [establishment] in which women are
[15. Repeal and savings.– * * * * * * * * *]

Substituted for the word “factory” by the Labour Laws (Amendment) Act, 1994 (XI of 1994); and published in the
Gazette of Pakistan (Extraordinary), Part I, dated 29.6.1994, pp. 224 – 235, see s.4 and Schedule IV at serial
Repealed by the Punjab Maternity Benefit (Amendment) Act, 2012; and published in the Punjab Gazette (Extraordinary),
dated 11.2.2012, pages 40165-40166, s.7.

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