Dynamic Spectrum Sharing: Driving 5G To Scale: by Sean Kinney

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Dynamic Spectrum Sharing:

Driving 5G to scale
By Sean Kinney

APRIL 2020

JUNE 2016

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5G is often characterized as a
race — a race between countries
to claim the economic benefits
that come with next-generation
connectivity and a race between
operators to claim first network
launches or geographically-focused
availability. And that race played
out at a global scale in 2019. In the
first quarter of 2020, Ookla tallied

Image courtesy of Ookla

more than 100 global operators on
six continents in some stage of 5G
service delivery.
With that initial race to deliver 5G
in the rearview mirror, the new race
is toward scale. By putting 5G in more
users’ hands, operators can move
to more refined service offerings A brief history of Dynamic Spectrum Tombaz, Ericsson’s head of 5G high-
and begin to monetize the massive Sharing band and active antenna solutions,
investment that comes with a gener- At a high-level, Dynamic Spec- told RCR Wireless News in an inter-
ational network upgrade. Similarly, trum Sharing allows for 5G New view. “We knew of course that the
when operators achieve significant Radio and LTE transmission to TDD bands have big limitations
scale and adoption with 5G, they occur in the same band at the same with coverage. The 5G networks
begin to reap the efficiency benefits time through a highly-sophisti- will not be based on TDD alone. We
that come with lowering the cost of cated software scheduling process understood the FDD bands will be
producing bits of data per hertz of that looks at the needs of a UE and quite useful. We realized that FDD
valuable radio spectrum. Given the coordinates the network’s corre- bands shouldn’t be later. We should
pressing need to accelerate time sponding resource allocation. Also also get TDD support from the
to 5G revenue, how can operators a key point, Ericsson is the only beginning. The challenge of course,
quickly scale out 5G coverage areas, vendor with a commercially avail- as you know, 5G has been acceler-
particularly in regulatory climates able DSS solution called Ericsson ated a couple of times. There was
where spectrum is very expensive Spectrum Sharing. time-to-market pressure.”
and otherwise hard to come by? “It was a long journey,” Sibel Tombaz provided a timeline of


Image courtesy of Ericsson

Ericsson’s DSS work, beginning in When Ericsson was in the throes in a huge 15% drop in expected NR
2017 with conceptualization and of developing DSS, “Release 15 was downlink throughput whenever
outreach to chipset partners and still ongoing and of course that Dynamic Spectrum Sharing was
culminating general availability was key,” Tombaz said. “If anything used. The stakes couldn’t have
of Ericsson Spectrum Sharing on moves to Release 16, you miss two, been higher.”
Feb. 27. The day prior, Ericsson three years of the 5G lifetime.” Once a solution was identified
Spectrum Sharing won the Overall Getting DSS into the Release 15 the problem became “persuading
Mobile Technology GLOMO (Global standard was an “unprecedented all other stakeholders to push
Mobile) Award, which is typically feat,” according to a blog from through such an amendment so
handed our during Mobile World Ericsson Principal Researcher late in the game,” Frenne wrote.
Congress Barcelona. Mattias Frenne, who also works as Tombaz credited a close rela-
The initial industry 5G timeline one of the vendor’s 3GPP delegates. tionship with chipset vendors
called for commercialization in Working with product developers throughout the development
2020, however there were non-stan- in fall 2018, Frenne wrote that they process as critical to providing
dard networks in late 2018, fol- identified a problem with 4G and the device-to-network technical
lowed by standards-based networks 5G reference signals colliding. A understanding needed to incorpo-
in 2019 as Rel. 15 was finalized. workaround “would likely result rate DSS into Release 15.

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The DSS value proposition--scale and Before diving into the specific expands the 5G rol out instantly
standalone role DSS plays, let’s establish a because we don’t have to do
For operators looking to quickly big-picture 5G vision as described re-farming. We can immediately
scale 5G, the DSS value proposi- by Tombaz. The primary use cases get 5G deployed into the legacy 4G
tion is crystal clear--instead of 5G is and will support are enhanced bands.” In terms of using DSS to
rolling trucks to re-farm spectrum mobile broadband, massive inter- get from non-standalone to stand-
for 5G on a site-by-site basis, a net of things, critical internet of alone 5G, “DSS is a very important
software upgrade can be remotely things and fixed wireless access. bridge to get there. DSS is pushing
pushed to base stations enabling To do this, 5G needs to deliver more 5G coverage out as expansively as
DSS. There’s another strategic ele- capacity and higher peak speeds possible. So that means when the
ment here too--solving for 5G cov- to keep up with increasing data 5G core is launched, you’re already
erage prior to turning up a 5G core demands made by an increasing going to have this very, very broad
makes for a smoother transition number of devices; high-band fre-
to standalone 5G and the associ- quencies can provide capacity and
ated revenue opportunities. peak rate enhancements. 5G also
needs to deliver lower latency and
bespoke network slices pinned to
the quality of service requirements
for a particular device or use case;
doing that requires a standalone
5G architecture with a next-gen
core, RAN and upgraded transport.
And, because this is all done by a
mobile network, there has to be
coverage--”Coverage is always the
king and will be the same for 5G,” “DSS is pushing 5G coverage
Tombaz said--and coverage means out as expansively as possible.
low-band frequencies. All of these So that means when the 5G core
things, she said, are “extremely is launched, you’re already
“Coverage is always the king dependent” on one another.
going to have this very, very
and it will be the same for 5G.” broad 5G coverage.”
Qualcomm’s Dean Brenner, senior
Sibel Tombaz, Head of 5G Dean Brenner, Senior Vice President
vice president of spectrum strategy
High-band and Active Antenna of Spectrum Strategy and Technology
and technology policy, said Dynamic
Systems, Ericsson Policy, Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
Spectrum Sharing “accelerates and


there is a benefit by utilizing LTE

to increase the coverage because
the user can actually switch the
uplink,” she said. “This gives quite
significant coverage gain.” But if
an operator tries to move from here
to SA “without investing in and
look at their coverage layer, they
will lose coverage. You suddenly
lose the NSA and the link between
your mid-band and your LTE band.
That is the place where low-band is
becoming essential. If suddenly we
can turn one of these LTE bands to
NR using spectrum sharing, with
this case then I will provide full
coverage with 5G in the network.
This is the only way [operators] can
look into different business and
different use cases.”
Rohde & Schwarz Technology
Manager Andreas Roessler dis-
cussed DSS as a way to avoid a
potential capacity crunch through
the process of transitioning sub-
Images courtesy of Ericsson scribers from NSA to SA 5G. “What
we see in the industry right now
5G coverage. If you didn’t have DSS, non-standalone to standalone 5G. happening, especially here in the
you have kind of two problems–you The operator has an LTE network United States, that operators can
have to get to the 5G standalone and acquires new mid-band spec- now also provide a coverage layer
core but you also have to get 5G trum for 5G, which is initially using 5G NR at the lower frequency
built out.” deployed at existing radio sites. A bands, for instance in the 800 MHz
Tombaz sketched out a hypo- non-standalone architecture using range.” With the coverage layer
thetical operator migration from dual connectivity “means that in place using DSS, followed by a


Images courtesy of Rohde & Schwarz

transition to standalone, “you can To provide a clear picture of how flexibility as users shift from LTE
utilize carrier aggregation here to Verizon has and is approaching to 5G. “As market demands for our
create the wider data pipes.” implementation of DSS, we’ll review services shift,” he said, “we need
comments on the subject made by to be able to shift our resources to
Understanding operator strategies executives in public or in interviews efficiently meet those demands.
Verizon with RCR Wireless News. [DSS] will allow us to allocate those
Verizon has repeatedly discussed Speaking on an August 2019 earn- resources in real time so we use our
dynamic spectrum sharing in the ings call, CEO Hans Vestberg called current spectrum effectively while
context of future 5G planning. The DSS “an important piece” of 5G. also providing our customers the
operator is currently building-out “Ultimately 5G is going to be on all precise experience they need.”
mobile 5G using its millimeter bands. And I have a high confidence He said the focus of millimeter
wave spectrum with coverage that my team is going to be doing wave 5G investments will be on
available in parts of 34 cities as that well, continue to have the lead- dense areas and venues “in order
of March 30; San Diego is listed as ership in the market when it comes to continue to deliver the unique
“coming soon.” Verizon also uses its to network performance. There experience customers associate
millimeter wave spectrum for the might also come up opportunities with 5G and that are only possible
5G Home fixed wireless service, all the time where it could be added with [millimeter wave] technology.”
which is available in parts of Chi- spectrum. But right now, to launch DSS will be used to “supplement”
cago, Houston, Indianapolis, Los both capacity and coverage, we feel the high-band service.
Angeles and Sacramento. Ericsson confident on the assets we have.” In the most recent round of detailed
is a major Verizon vendor and the In November last year, SVP of Net- commentary, provided in March,
two worked together in November work Planning Adam Koeppe, in a Verizon spokesperson Karen Schulz
on DSS testing. statement, said DSS provides needed explained the decision-making


Image courtesy of Ookla

“As market demands for our
services shift, we need to be
able to shift our resources
to efficiently meet those
Adam Koeppe, Senior Vice
President, Network Planning, 5G core access, etc.) we will make commercializing 5G with its mid-
Verizon decisions on offering 5G on lower band spectrum and late last year
bands using DSS, and we will look used DSS to achieve 90% popula-
process that will guide when and at that in terms of the overall expe- tion coverage in its home market.
why Verizon goes live with DSS: rience for customers on 4G and 5G. In November Swisscom and Erics-
“We’re really looking at the overall As you have seen, the 5G low-band son used a Qualcomm test device
customer experience and the evolu- experience from other providers to make an over-the-air data call.
tion of the market. As you know, our today is really no different than our At the time, the operator’s Head of
strategy has been to deploy a dif- 4G LTE experience. When we feel 5G Patrick Weibel said DSS let’s the
ferentiated 5G experience on [milli- it will provide the best experience service provider “best leverage the
meter wave] — one that is markedly for all customers – 4G and 5G – we existing frequency spectrum and
different from the experience a cus- will look at deploying 5G on lower infrastructure for 4G and 5G cus-
tomer can receive on 4G LTE — and to bands. Until then, we feel our mix of tomers, depending on their needs.
do that in public spaces and unique nationwide 4G LTE and differenti- Spectrum sharing will ensure that
locations to help drive the evolution ated 5G ultrawide band provides the Swisscom can provide extensive
of the market. As the 5G ecosystem best experience for our customers.” 5G coverage to its customers as
evolves (devices with 5G and DSS Elsewhere in the operator world, soon as possible.”
capabilities, applications that need Swisscom was an early mover in In May 2019, Telstra launched its

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commercial 5G network in Austra- “It’s to be a tough year on DSS,”

lia and has now rolled out 5G cover- Ray said, adding that “I’m not being
age in 32 metropolitan and regional super negative about it. I’m just say-
cities around the country. “Ericsson ing it’s got challenges.” But, he said,
Spectrum Sharing will continue to “We’ll keep pushing. The industry
play a crucial role in helping Tels- will. The good news for us is that
tra pave the way for a faster rollout we clearly, as we’ve demonstrated,
of 5G, allowing us to serve the needs don’t have to wait for DSS for our
of 4G and 5G customers in the same low-band deployment.”
location at the same time,” said As Ray alluded to, the combined
Channa Seneviratne, network and T-Mobile and Sprint will have
engineering infrastructure execu- low-band 600 MHz, mid-band
“We’re seeing as we learn more
tive at Telstra. 2.5 GHz and millimeter wave
that, as you deploy DSS, it kind
Other operators such Ooredoo and spectrum holdings available for
of eats away on the net capacity
Play are using Ericsson Spectrum 5G without the need for either
of the shared radio.”
Sharing to expand 5G coverage in re-farming or DSS.
Neville Ray, President of
Qatar and Poland. Frank Rayal of advisory ser-
Technology, T-Mobile
vices firm Xona Partners pub-
Capacity loss but how much? lished a note on DSS. Regarding
Perhaps the most public criticism amount capacity loss, he wrote Test and measurement specialist
of DSS has come from T-Mobile’s that it “depends on the mode and Rohde & Schwarz this year worked
President of Technology Neville Ray. implementation technique of the with MediaTek to validate co-exis-
Speaking in February on a quarterly equipment vendor. Hence, differ- tence between LTE and 5G NR when
earnings calls, Ray said DSS was entiation among vendors should DSS is used. The validation, among
“late,” called out “vendor delays,” focus on minimizing the capac- other factors, looked at how the
and added, “We’re seeing as we learn ity loss...On the positive side, DSS multi-broadcast single frequency
more that, as you deploy DSS, it kind allows the network to respond network (MBSFN) blocks LTE pilot
of eats away on the net capacity of dynamically to demand from LTE signals and inserts 5G NR synchro-
the shared radio. And if you rush and 5G users. Operators will have nization signal blocks (SSB) and
into that now, some of the early roll- to weigh this benefit against the tracking reference signals (TRS).
outs and workarounds and pieces potential loss of capacity in mak- In this situation, Roessler of Rohde
that we’ve seen are pretty corrosive ing their deployment decision. & Schwarz said the impact on net
and they would suck up capacity Spectrum holdings will be key in capacity is “not that dramatic at
just by rolling out the feature.” the decision making process.” all,” a single digit percentage, in


fact. “That depends on a lot of

parameters, including the cell load,
including the quality of service
by the devices requested in that
cell, how many LTE devices you A test and measurement perspective:
have, how many 5G NR devices you
have...That is of course the secret
Q A &
sauce of the infrastructure ven- with Andreas Roessler
dors. Scheduling algorithms in gen-
“I expect a roll-out of DSS in
eral are proprietary so there’s not a
networks worldwide starting
definite answer you can have here,”
mid-2020. How bumpy it will be
in terms of what the exact impact depends on how much operators
DSS implementation would have on care to test this functionality.”
network capacity. Andreas Roessler, Technology
Roessler provides more detailed Manager, Rohde & Schwarz
commentary on this issue later in
this report. To get a better understanding of how the DSS into their next generation of
Tombaz said it’s not correct to implementation of DSS will impact test and modems while using our new mo-
measurement, RCR Wireless News conducted
think of DSS causing capacity loss a Q&A with Andreas Roessler, technology bile radio tester platform, the R&S®
as a comparison between DSS and manager for Rohde & Schwarz. CMX500. Second, we worked with
nothing; the comparison has to be a leading company that offers a

between DSS and static spectrum  You talked to my colleague UE simulator for lab-based 5G NR
sharing. “Of course when you do Kelly Hill about how DSS network testing, to mutually vali-
spectrum sharing you are shar- will impact test and measurement date the implementation of DSS on
ing. But if you do it dynamically, in October at MWC in Los Angeles both ends. The plan was to demon-
there’s a gain” in user throughput and said you were working with strate our collaboration efforts on
and spectral efficiency. “Yes, spec- other companies to verify and val- modem testing and network- test-
trum sharing when compared to idate the technology. How has that ing in two demonstrations at the
baseline has a small impact on user been progressing on both the net- now-canceled Mobile World Con-
throughput but the real value and work and device side? gress 2020. These two individual

real comparison should be between  The most significant ef- demos would have been the results
static sharing and dynamic shar- forts are, of course, with of the recent months of testing
ing where we see up to 3-times user the various chipset manufacturers with our partners, demonstrating
throughput gain.” around the world implementing the readiness of our R&S® CMX500.


band that is nationwide available

but has only a small impact on the
LTE footprint, such as a 5 mega-
hertz channel at 800 MHz range. In
this frequency band, the operator
can now roll out 5G NR in stand-
alone mode and provide coverage,

Image courtesy of Rohde & Schwarz

but they will face capacity issues
as they cannot offer high data rates
due to lack of additional spectrum
available for 5G. This is where DSS
comes into play. Activating DSS on
the other LTE carriers in the PCS,
the AWS spectrum will allow the op-
erator to aggregate those frequency
bands with the newly deployed 5G
NR SA carrier. Consequently, while

In addition to these fundamen-  Can you share your per- the operator is transitioning their
tals, we worked with, for example, spective on DSS as not just subscriber base from LTE towards
U.S.-based Tier-1 network opera- providing an NR coverage layer but 5G NR, more and more 5G devices
tors that announced the rollout also helping with the transition will be on the network, and this
of DSS back in 2019. We provided from non-standalone to standalone? where DSS is vital, with the smart

feedback to their DSS-related test  Today, all 5G NR deploy- algorithm it will balance the re-
plans. The service providers will ments in FR1 are non-stand- sources and thus enabling a smooth
use these test plans to validate DSS alone mode based and using typi- transition from NSA to SA mode.

functionality on devices before cally the 3.5 GHz bands, except for  T-Mobile’s President of
they are allowed on the network. Sprint here in the U.S. Other oper- Technology Neville Ray
Our team offers guidance on test ators based in the U.S. and world- said on a February earnings call
case definition, support in imple- wide face a significant challenge that DSS is late. So what’re you see-
menting these test cases using the if they do not have access to this ing? Is the need for the technology
R&S® CMX500 toolchain and then new mid-band spectrum. To be able out of sync with the availability
validating them with pre-commer- to provide a 5G NR coverage layer, and, if so, what does that mean?

cial devices powered by the latest service providers will clear range.  From my perspective, I
generation of 5G modems. Typically, this means a frequency would not call DSS late. It


is a combination of several sophis- percentage, that is true. But oth- resources in time and frequency is,
ticated features that allow coex- erwise, the coexistence would not of course, the intellectual property
istence between LTE and 5G NR work at all. We also talk here about of the network equipment vendor,
using the same frequency band. single-digit percentages. Let me ex- so there is no standardized way to
That means its implementation plain: MSBFN broadcast subframes do this. But the scheduling is in-
takes time, and thorough testing of are enabled to allow 5G NR to fluenced by many parameters: cell
the functionality is required. But transmit its synchronization signal load, type of traffic, and thus the
our industry seems to have been blocks (SSB) and tracking refer- quality of service (QoS), priorities
in a rush for quite a while now. Let ence signals (TRS). Those are man- and many more. For DSS, the num-
us take the feet from the gas ped- datory for the 5G device to initially ber of LTE devices and 5G devices
al and make sure all the features synchronize to the downlink signal which are present in that partic-
are thoroughly standardized, im- and perform initial access proce- ular cell plays a vital role. The
plemented, tested, and validated dure. TRS is required to track time scheduling of resources is adjusted,
before they are launched to the and frequency. Based on the latest based on these numbers. There-
network and made available to the network configurations I have fore, it is in my eyes very tough to
consumer. In the case of DSS, it is seen, this means three subframes predict the impact on capacity, as
important to make sure it is work- within 40 ms, in other words, 7.5%. these scenarios are very dynamic
ing properly in the given frame- Those subframes would not be as you can imagine.

work. Otherwise, you may nega- available for LTE, but allow you to  Big picture, what are you
tively affect your LTE network. have a 5G NR device using the same expecting out of DSS this
This is something that you don’t frequency band. I think it is a fair year? Do you think we’ll see it com-
wish for as a network operator, as trade-off given the circumstances. mercialized in the US and if we do,
it does not only impact your early The dynamic aspect comes into will this be a smooth rollout, or do
adopters using 5G devices but the play when using standard LTE you foresee a bumpy road? I’m par-
majority of your subscriber base subframes that are not allocated ticularly thinking about the com-
that is still on 4G LTE. as broadcast subframes. First, rate plexities of field testing and site

 Ray also said DSS “eats matching around the omnipresent commissioning.

away at net capacity of the cell-specific reference signals of  There is already news from
shared radio.” Have you observed LTE is required. Second, the sched- December 2019 from Swit-
what he’s talking about? uler in the base station and its op- zerland and Australia that local

 We need to differentiate timized algorithms allow the bal- service providers Swisscom and
here. The way that DSS op- ancing between LTE-only devices Telstra had the first roaming data
erates, it will reduce the base ca- and 5G NR devices present in that call on their 5G NR networks pow-
pacity on the LTE side by a certain serving cell. The way to schedule ered by Ericsson infrastructure,

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where DSS was enabled. Pre-com- performance engineering groups of definitely be discussed when we
mercial devices from Oppo were network operators to optimize LTE are discussing 6G.”
used, powered by Qualcomm’s and 5G while DSS is activated in
X55 modem. Experience shows both networks. Conclusion
that about six to nine months af- From a consumer perspective, 5G
ter such an announcement, the coverage will be a win for opera-
technology is fully ready and The future of DSS ... tors looking to drive revenue off
commercialized. Therefore, I ex- Critics may describe DSS as of handset upgrades and enhanced
pect a roll- out of DSS in networks a transitory technology that mobile broadband. For serving up
worldwide starting mid- 2020. operators who have to will tap complex, customized services, oper-
How bumpy it will be depends on to scale non-standalone 5G then ators have to go to standalone 5G.
how much operators care to test jump to standalone 5G. However, If your premise is that significant
this functionality. We are ready Tombaz argues that the core new revenue streams come from
and have the R&S®C MX500, the principle — gaining efficiency and differentiated services tailored to
right platform and toolchain avail- increasing throughput through the needs of particular high-value
able to enable the testing of DSS. software-based tools — has long- enterprise and industrial use cases,
From a network testing and com- lasting value. that means the sooner you can get to
missioning perspective, you need to “We believe that DSS is not a standalone, the sooner you can see a
have the tools available that allow transition technology,” she said. return on your network investment.
you to measure LTE and 5G NR in “You can increase the spectral DSS provides a direct route to scal-
parallel on the same frequency efficiency regardless of the pen- ing out 5G coverage and transition-
band. Luckily, Rohde & Schwarz also etration of the devices. Dynamic ing to standalone 5G, both of which
has these solutions in its product Spectrum Sharing always provides come with new revenue potential.
portfolio. The R&S® TSME6 univer- higher spectral efficiency and As such, DSS will be a valuable tool
sal network scanner can measure higher user throughput compared for operators in the near-term evo-
5G NR, LTE, and all other legacy to static sharing. Which means lution of 5G as well as in the context
technologies in parallel, thanks to that we believe spectrum sharing of spectrum sharing as a long-term
the smart handling concept. It was will live very long and not only mechanism for spectral efficiency
one of the first scanners that sup- for FDD bands or between 4G and and network optimization.
ported MBSFN-based measurement 5G but it will actually be used for
in LTE networks. We now reuse this all the bands between all the tech- Editor’s note: RCR Wireless News
functionality and combine it with nologies. I believe personally that Executive Editor Kelly Hill contributed
5G NR. This enables the system this will be a technology that will to this repor t.

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