Assignment in Ethics

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Assignment in Ethics

I. Definition of Terms
Advertising The communication to the public of information as to the services or skills provided by
professional accountants in public practice with a view to procuring professional
Audit Engagement A reasonable assurance engagement in which a professional accountant in public
practice expresses an opinion whether financial statements are prepared, in all material
respects (or give a true and fair view or are presented fairly, in all material respects,), in
accordance with an applicable financial reporting framework, such as an engagement
conducted in accordance with International Standards on Auditing. This includes a
Statutory Audit, which is an audit required by legislation or other regulation.
Assurance Client The responsible party that is the person (or persons) who: (a) In a direct reporting
engagement, is responsible for the subject matter; or (b) In an assertion-based
engagement, is responsible for the subject matter information and may be responsible
for the subject matter.
Audit Client An entity in respect of which a firm conducts an audit engagement. When the client is a
listed entity, audit client will always include its related entities. When the audit client is
not a listed entity, audit client includes those related entities over which the client has
direct or indirect control.
Immediate family A spouse (or equivalent) or dependent.
Close Family A parent, child or sibling who is not an immediate family member.
Independence (a) Independence of mind – the state of mind that permits the expression of a
conclusion without being affected by influences that compromise professional judgment,
thereby allowing an individual to act with integrity, and exercise objectivity and
professional skepticism. (b) Independence in appearance – the avoidance of facts and
circumstances that are so significant that a reasonable and informed third party would
be likely to conclude, weighing all the specific facts and circumstances, that a firm’s, or
a member of the audit or assurance team’s, integrity, objectivity or professional
skepticism has been compromised.
Financial Interest An interest in an equity or other security, debenture, loan or other debt instrument of an
entity, including rights, and obligations to acquire such an interest and derivatives
directly related to such interest
Indirect Financial Interest A financial interest beneficially owned through a collective investment vehicle, estate,
trust or other intermediary over which the individual or entity has no control.
Objectivity A combination of impartiality, intellectual honesty and a freedom from conflicts of
Professional Services Services requiring accountancy or related skills performed by a professional accountant
including accounting, auditing, taxation, management consulting and financial
management services.
Professional Accountant in A professional accountant, irrespective of functional classification (for example, audit,
public Practice tax or consulting) in a firm that provides professional services. This term is also used to
refer to a firm of professional accountants in public practice.
Related Entity An entity that has any of the following relationships with the client: (a) An entity that has
direct or indirect control over the client if the client is material to such entity; (b) An entity
with a direct financial interest in the client if that entity has significant influence over the
client and the interest in the client is material to such entity; (c) An entity over which the
client has direct or indirect control; (d) An entity in which the client, or an entity related to
the client under (c) above, has a direct financial interest that gives it significant influence
over such entity and the interest is material to the client and its related entity in (c); and
(e) An entity which is under common control with the client (a “sister entity”) if the sister
entity and the client are both material to the entity that controls both the client and sister
II. Duties, Responsibilities and Accountabilities of Professional Accountants
Part A
Duties Responsibilities Accountabilities
 Shall comply to the  Act in the public interest  Take into account whether a reasonable
following principles:  Not exclusively to satisfy the and informed third party, weighing all the
(1) Integrity (2) needs of an individual client specific facts and circumstances
Objectivity (2) or employer available to the professional accountant
Professional  Shall comply with Code of at the time, would be likely to conclude
Competence and Due Ethics that the threats would be eliminated or
Care (4)  Exercise professional reduced to an acceptable level by the
Confidentiality (5) judgement application of the safeguards, such that
Professional Behavior  Take qualitative as well as compliance with the fundamental
 To identify, evaluate, quantitative factors into principles is not compromised
and address threats account when evaluating  may inadvertently violate a provision of
may be created, the significance of a threat this Code. Depending on the nature and
requiring the  consult with a member body significance of the matter, such an
application of different or the relevant regulator if inadvertent violation may be deemed not
safeguards encounters unusual to compromise compliance with the
 may be required to circumstances in which the fundamental principles provided, once
resolve a conflict in application of a specific the violation is discovered, the violation
complying with the requirement of the Code is corrected promptly and any necessary
fundamental would result in a safeguards are applied
principles. disproportionate outcome or
 shall, where possible, an outcome that may not be
refuse to remain in the public interest
associated with the  document the substance of
matter creating the the issue, the details of any
conflict if after discussions held, and the
exhausting all relevant decisions made concerning
possibilities, the that issue.
ethical conflict remains  may consider obtaining
unresolved professional advice from the
 take reasonable steps relevant professional body
to ensure that those or from legal advisors
working under the  shall make clients,
professional employers or other users of
accountant’s authority the accountant’s
in a professional professional services aware
capacity have of the limitations inherent in
appropriate training the services.
and supervision  There is a professional duty
 refrain from: (a) or right to disclose, when
Disclosing outside the not prohibited by law: (i) To
firm or employing comply with the quality
organization review of a member body or
confidential professional body; (ii) To
information acquired respond to an inquiry or
as a result of investigation by a member
professional and body or regulatory body; (iii)
business relationships To protect the professional
without proper and interests of a professional
specific authority or accountant in legal
unless there is a legal proceedings; or (iv) To
or professional right or comply with technical
duty to disclose; and standards and ethics
(b) Using confidential requirements.
information acquired
as a result of
professional and
business relationships
to their personal
advantage or the
advantage of third
 shall maintain
including in a social
environment, being
alert to the possibility
of inadvertent
disclosure, particularly
to a close business
associate or a close or
immediate family
 s shall be honest and
truthful and not: (a)
Make exaggerated
claims for the services
they are able to offer,
the qualifications they
possess, or
experience they have
gained; or (b) Make
references or
comparisons to the
work of others.
Part B- Professional Accountants in Public Practice
Duties Responsibilities Accountabilities
 shall not knowingly  It is recommended that a  Where it is not possible to reduce the
engage in any professional accountant in threats to an acceptable level, the
business, occupation, public practice periodically professional accountant in public
or activity that impairs review acceptance practice shall decline to enter into the
or might impair decisions for recurring client client relationship.
integrity, objectivity or engagements.  shall not accept a specific engagement
the good reputation of  shall determine whether or shall resign from one or more
the profession and as such reliance is warranted conflicting engagements when a conflict
a result would be when intends to rely on the of interest creates a threat to one or
incompatible with the advice or work of an expert more of the fundamental principles,
fundamental principles  shall determine whether including objectivity, confidentiality, or
 shall determine there are any reasons, professional behavior, that cannot be
whether acceptance professional or otherwise, eliminated or reduced to an acceptable
would create any for not accepting the level through the application of
threats to compliance engagement, such as safeguards
with the fundamental circumstances that create 
principles Before threats to compliance with
accepting a new client the fundamental principles
relationship that cannot be eliminated or
 hall evaluate the reduced to an acceptable
significance of any level by the application of
threats and apply safeguards when o is asked
safeguards when to replace another
necessary to eliminate professional accountant in
them or reduce them public practice, or who is
to an acceptable level considering tendering for an
 shall take reasonable engagement currently held
steps to identify by another professional
circumstances that accountant in public
could pose a conflict practice
of interest  need to obtain the client’s
 shall also determine permission, preferably in
whether to apply one writing, to initiate discussion
or more of the with an existing accountant
following additional Once that permission is
safeguards: (a) The obtained, the existing
use of separate accountant shall comply
engagement teams; with relevant legal and other
(b) Procedures to regulations governing such
prevent access to requests. Where the
information (for existing accountant
example, strict provides information, it shall
physical separation of be provided honestly and
such teams, unambiguously.
confidential and  shall evaluate the
secure data filing); (c) significance of any threats
Clear guidelines for and apply safeguards when
members of the necessary to eliminate them
engagement team on or reduce them to an
issues of security and acceptable level when
confidentiality; (d) The asked to provide such an
use of confidentiality opinion
agreements signed by  If the company or entity
employees and seeking the opinion will not
partners of the firm; permit communication with
and (e) Regular review the existing accountant, a
of the application of professional accountant in
safeguards by a senior public practice shall
individual not involved determine whether, taking
with relevant client all the circumstances into
engagements account, it is appropriate to
 shall determine when provide the opinion sought.
providing any
professional service
whether there are
threats to compliance
with the fundamental
principle of objectivity
resulting from having
interests in, or
relationships with, a
client or its directors,
officers or employees.
For example, a
familiarity threat to
objectivity may be
created from a family
or close personal or
business relationship
 shall be independent
of the assurance
client. Independence
of mind and in
appearance is
necessary to enable
the professional
accountant in public
practice to express a
conclusion, and be
seen to express a
conclusion, without
bias, conflict of
interest, or undue
influence of others
Part C- Professional Accountants in Business
Duties Responsibilities Accountabilities
 may hold a senior  has a responsibility to  may be under pressure to act or behave
position within an further the legitimate aims in ways that could create threats to
organization. The of the accountant’s compliance with the fundamental
more senior the employing organization. principles. Such pressure may be explicit
position, the greater This Code does not seek to or implicit; it may come from a
will be the ability and hinder a professional supervisor, manager, director or another
opportunity to accountant in business from individual within the employing
influence events, properly fulfilling that organization.
practices and responsibility, but  ing. A professional accountant in
attitudes. A addresses circumstances in business may have been unknowingly
professional which compliance with the associated with misleading information.
accountant in fundamental principles may Upon becoming aware of this, the
business is expected, be compromised professional accountant in business
therefore, to  may promote the shall take steps to be disassociated from
encourage an ethics- organization’s position, that information. In determining whether
based culture in an provided any statements there is a requirement to report, the
employing made are neither false nor professional accountant in business may
organization that misleading. Such actions consider obtaining legal advice. In
emphasizes the generally would not create addition, the professional accountant
importance that senior an advocacy threat. may consider whether to resign.
management places  l take reasonable steps to
on ethical behavior. maintain information for
 ss shall not knowingly which the professional
engage in any accountant in business is
business, occupation, responsible in a manner
or activity that impairs that: (a) Describes clearly
or might impair the true nature of business
integrity, objectivity or transactions, assets, or
the good reputation of liabilities; (b) Classifies and
the profession and as records information in a
a result would be timely and proper manner;
incompatible with the and (c) Represents the facts
fundamental principles accurately and completely
 only undertake in all material respects.
significant tasks for  o has responsibility for the
which the professional preparation or approval of
accountant in the general purpose
business has, or can financial statements of an
obtain, sufficient employing organization
specific training or shall be satisfied that those
experience. A financial statements are
professional presented in accordance
accountant in with the applicable financial
business shall not reporting standards.
intentionally mislead
an employer as to the
level of expertise or
possessed, nor shall a
accountant in
business fail to seek
appropriate expert
advice and assistance
when required.
 shall neither
manipulate information
nor use confidential
information for
personal gain.

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