Hematological Findings and Complications of COVID-19: Affiliations
Hematological Findings and Complications of COVID-19: Affiliations
Hematological Findings and Complications of COVID-19: Affiliations
Affiliations: 1Department of Clinical Therapeutics, School of Medicine, National and Kapodistrian University
Antoine, Institut Universitaire de Cancérologie, Faculty of Medicine, Sorbonne University, Paris, France.
Hematology Laboratory-Blood Bank, Aretaieio Hospital, School of Medicine, National and Kapodistrian
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COVID-19 is a systemic infection with a significant impact on the hematopoietic system and
also have prognostic value in determining severe cases. During the disease course,
LDH, CRP and IL-6 may help to identify cases with dismal prognosis and prompt
intervention in order to improve outcomes. Biomarkers, such high serum procalcitonin and
ferritin have also emerged as poor prognostic factors. Furthermore, blood hypercoagulability
is common among hospitalized COVID-19 patients. Elevated D-Dimer levels are consistently
reported, whereas their gradual increase during disease course is particularly associated with
disease worsening. Other coagulation abnormalities such as PT and aPTT prolongation, fibrin
high risk for VTE and an early and prolonged pharmacological thromboprophylaxis with low
molecular weight heparin is highly recommended. Last but not least, the need for assuring
disease 2019 (COVID-19) has rapidly evolved from an epidemic outbreak in Wuhan, China1
into a pandemic infecting more than one million individuals all over the world, whereas
billions of citizens are affected by measures of social distancing and the socioeconomic
respiratory tract infection, emerging data indicate that it should be regarded as a systemic
neurological, hematopoietic and immune system.2-4 Mortality rates of COVID-19 are lower
than SARS and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS);5 however, COVID-19 is more
lethal than seasonal flu. Older people and those with comorbidities are at increased risk of
death from COVID-19, but younger people without major underlying diseases may also
present with potentially lethal complications such as fulminant myocarditis and disseminated
findings and complications of COVID-19 and we provide guidance for early prevention and
During the incubation period, usually ranging from 1 to 14 days, and during the early phase
of the disease, when non-specific symptoms are present, peripheral blood leukocyte and
primarily affects the tissues expressing high levels of ACE2 including the lungs, heart and
gastrointestinal tract. Approximately 7 to 14 days from the onset of the initial symptoms,
there is a surge in the clinical manifestations of the disease with a pronounced systemic
“cytokine storm”.8 At this point, significant lymphopenia becomes evident. Although more
in-depth research on the underlying etiology is necessary, several factors may contribute to
COVID-19 associated lymphopenia. It has been shown that lymphocytes express the ACE2
receptor on their surface;9 thus SARS-CoV-2 may directly infect those cells and ultimately
lead to their lysis. Furthermore, the cytokine storm is characterized by markedly increased
levels of interleukins (mostly IL-6, IL-2, IL-7, granulocyte colony stimulating factor,
interferon-γ inducible protein 10, MCP-1, MIP1-a) and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha,
which may promote lymphocyte apoptosis.10-12 Substantial cytokine activation may be also
associated with atrophy of lymphoid organs, including the spleen, and further impairs
lymphocyte turnover.13 Coexisting lactic acid acidosis, which may be more prominent among
cancer patients who are at increased risk for complications from COVID-19,14 may also
inhibit lymphocyte proliferation.15 Table 1 presents the results of main studies regarding
lymphopenia in COVID-19.
Guan et al. provided data on the clinical characteristics of 1,099 COVID-19 cases with
laboratory confirmation during the first two months of the epidemic in China.16 On
admission, the vast majority of patients presented with lymphocytopenia (83.2%), whereas
80.4% for lymphocytopenia, 57.7% versus 31.6% for thrombocytopenia and 61.1% versus
28.1% for leukopenia). These results were consistent in four other descriptive studies that
were conducted during the same period in China and included 41, 99, 138 and 201 confirmed
cases with COVID-19, respectively.17-20 Specifically, Huang et al.,17 and Wang et al.19
highlighted an association between lymphopenia and need of ICU care, whereas Wu et al.20
for developing ARDS and death among 201 patients with COVID-19 pneumonia in Wuhan,
China.20 Increased risk of ARDS during the disease course was significantly associated with
regression analysis. Increased neutrophils (p=0.03) were associated with increased risk of
Furthermore, lymphopenia and was also documented in approximately 40% of the first 18
confirmed the percentage of those with lymphocytopenia, whereas 20% had mild
common in the peripheral blood of patients with SARS infection in 2003.22-24 Flow cytometry
did not reveal any inversion in the CD4+/CD8+ lymphocyte ratio.22 However, functional
studies have suggested that SARS-CoV-2 may impair the function of CD4+ helper and
In Singapore, Fan et al. also found that patients requiring ICU support had significantly
critically ill patients from Wuhan, China, lymphopenia was reported in 85% of patients.27
Lymphopenia was also prominent among critically ill patients with COVID-19 in
Washington, USA.28, 29
During hospitalization, non-survivors demonstrated a more
significant deterioration in lymphopenia compared with those who survived (p<0.05).19 It has
also been reported that patients with severe disease and fatal outcomes present with a
decreased lymphocyte/white blood cell ratio both in admission (p<0.001) and during
survivors demonstrated a nadir of lymphocytes count on day 7 from symptom onset and a
predictive of patient outcome. Tan et al have proposed a model based on lymphocyte counts
at two time points; patients with less than 20% lymphocytes at days 10-12 from the onset of
symptoms and less than 5% at days 17-19 have the worst prognosis.32
Recent studies have shown that myocardial injury among inpatients with COVID-19 is
416 consecutive patients 82 (19.7%) had documented myocardial injury. Compared with the
others, these patients with myocardial injury had higher leukocyte (p<0.001), lower
lymphocyte (p<0.001) and lower platelet counts (p<0.001).33A retrospective study including
187 patients with COVID-19 from another hospital in Wuhan showed that patients with high
lymphocytes (p=0.01).34
associated with the severity of the COVID-19 disease, with very high between-studies
heterogeneity though; a more sizeable drop in platelet counts was noted especially in non-
survivors.35 Table 2 shows the results of main studies examining platelet counts in COVID-
19 disease.
presenting with a peak in the platelet count during the disease course had worse outcomes.36
Interestingly, the platelet to lymphocyte ratio at the time of platelet peak emerged as an
was suggested that a high platelet to lymphocyte ratio may indicate a more pronounced
The emerging role of biomarkers procalcitonin, ferritin and C-reactive protein in the
Table 3 summarizes the results of studies on CRP, procalcitonin and ferritin in COVID-19
disease. In the study by Guan et al.16, presenting results from various provinces in China,
interesting biochemical findings were described; C-reactive protein (CRP) was elevated in
bacterial infection complicating the clinical course of tCOVID-19 disease, was found in 5.5%
and elevated lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) in 41% of patients. More severe cases showed a
13.7% versus 3.7% for procalcitonin and 58.1% versus 37.2% for LDH).16
Accordingly in a retrospective cohort study including 191 patients with COVID-19 from
Wuhan, China, non-survivors, as compared with survivors, presented more often with high
LDH (p<0.0001), high procalcitonin (p<0.0001), increased serum ferritin levels (p=0.0008)
and elevated IL-6 (p<0.0001).31 In the study by Wang et al., 40% of patients presented with
elevated LDH.19 Increased LDH has been associated also with higher risk of ARDS20, ICU
Higher CRP has been linked to unfavorable aspects of COVID-19 disease, such as ARDS
development20, higher troponin-T levels and myocardial injury,33 and death.30 A meta-
analysis of four published studies showed that increased procalcitonin values were associated
with a nearly 5-fold higher risk of severe infection (OR=4.76; 95% CI: 2.74-8.29, I2=34%) 37.
Regarding ferritin, Wu et al. showed that higher serum ferritin was associated with ARDS
survival did not reach significance (HR=5.28, 95%CI: 0.72-38.48, p=0.10).20 At their
univariate analysis, Zhou et al. supported an association between higher serum ferritin levels
Another emerging biomarker for COVID-19 course is interleukin-6 (IL-6). In the study by
Chen et al. 52% (51/99) of patients had elevated IL-6 levels at admission.18 Increased IL-6
levels have been associated with increased risk of death,20 and a gradual increase during
especially among those with severe disease.30, 31 In a multicenter retrospective study during
the first two months of the epidemic in China, 260 out of 560 patients (46.4%) with
laboratory confirmed COVID-19 infection had elevated D-dimer (≥0.5 mg/L), whereas the
elevation was more pronounced among severe cases (59.6% versus 43.2% for non-severe
ones).16 D-dimer dynamics can reflect the severity and their increased levels are associated
elevated D-dimer (> 1.5 μg/L) was detected in 36% of patients in a descriptive study of 99
patients showed that D-dimer and prothrombin time (PT) levels were higher on admission
among patients requiring ICU support (median D-dimer 2.4 mg/L for ICU versus 0.5 mg/L
for non-ICU, p=0.0042; median PT 12.2 sec for ICU versus 10.7 sec, p=0.012).17 In the study
by Wang et al, which was previously described, patients requiring ICU treatment had
Patients presenting with cardiac injury in the context of COVID-19 infection are more
prone to coagulation disorders compared with those without cardiac involvement (p=0.02).33
Patients with high troponin-T levels may present more frequently with elevated PT
(p<0.001).34 Among 201 patients with COVID-19 pneumonia, increased PT was associated
with increased risk of ARDS (p<0.001), whereas increased levels of D-dimer were
significantly associated with increased risk of ARDS (p<0.001) and death (p=0.002).20 The
that between the ARDS and non-ARDS groups, which might suggest that DIC-related
multicenter retrospective cohort study from China, increased D-dimer levels (>1μg/mL) were
compared with those who survived (p<0.05).19, 31In another retrospective study by Tang et al,
encompassing data from 183 consecutive patients with COVID-19, non-survivors had
significantly higher D-dimer (p<0.05), fibrin degradation products (FDP) levels (p<0.05), and
prolonged PT (p<0.05) and APTT (p<0.05) compared with survivors at initial evaluation. By
the late hospitalization, the fibrinogen and AT levels were also significantly lower in
clinical criteria for disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) during the disease course.
The median time from admission to DIC manifestation was 4 days (range: 1-12 days).6 In a
prospective study evaluating the coagulation profile of patients with COVID-19, D-dimer,
FDP, and fibrinogen levels were markedly higher among patients compared with healthy
controls (p<0.001 for all three comparisons). Patients with severe disease showed higher
values of D-dimer and FDP than those with milder manifestation (p<0.05 for both
All the above indicate that D-dimer elevation and DIC may be common in patients with
severe form of COVID-19 infection, a fact that, despite methodological limitations, became
evident in a meta-analysis of four published studies (Table 4).40 Immune deregulation and
The scoring system for compensated and overt DIC endorsed by the International Society
proposed treatment algorithm for managing patients with COVID-19 and DIC is shown in the
VTE risk in hospitalized COVID-19 patients is an emerging issue. The rate of symptomatic
VTE in acutely ill hospitalized medical patients raises up to 10%.43 Prolonged immobilization
during illness, dehydration, an acute inflammatory state, presence of other cardiovascular risk
factors (i.e., hypertension, diabetes, obesity) or cardiovascular disease (i.e., coronary artery
disease, history of ischemic stroke or peripheral artery disease), previous history of VTE and
classical genetic thrombophilia, such as heterozygous Factor V Leiden mutation are common
comorbidities in hospitalized COVID-19 patients, which potentially increase VTE risk. The
possibility of endothelial cell activation/damage due to the virus binding to ACE2 receptor
may further increase VTE risk. The release of a large amount of inflammatory mediators and
the application of hormones and immunoglobulins in severe or critically ill patients may lead
catheterization, and surgery may induce vascular endothelial damage. The combination of all
the above factors may lead to DVT occurrence or even the possibility of lethal PE due to
thrombus migration. Thus, facing such VTE risk, the application of pharmacological
risk increase must be assessed in all acutely ill patients admitted to hospital, and
The use of Risk Assessment Models (RAM) such as IMPROVE -VTE in internal medicine
department may be helpful. The modified IMPROVE-VTE RAM which includes the D-
Dimers levels together with other clinical predictors of VTE enhances the precision of that
score for the identification of high VTE risk patients eligible for an adapted pharmacological
clinical outcomes. Although the published data are very limited, it seems reasonable that D-
dimer evaluation as well as the kinetics of their increase could offer a useful information for
the research of DVT and/or PE, along with the recommended imaging techniques such as
showed that those with confirmed PE (n=10) had D-dimer levels higher than 7000 ng/ml
preferred over direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) due to possible drug-drug interactions
with concomitant antiviral (especially anti-HIV protease inhibitors such as ritonavir) and
LMWH administration among patients with markedly elevated D-dimers or in those meeting
the criteria for sepsis-induced DIC was significantly associated with improved 28-day overall
survival, p=0.017 and p=0.029 for the two patient groups, users versus non-users,
respectively.48 Furthermore, clinicians should routinely evaluate all COVID-19 patients under
performing the 4T score (thrombocytopenia, timing of platelet count fall, thrombosis or other
sequalae, other causes for thrombocytopenia). Although HIT incidence in this patient group
has not been determined yet, there is potentially an increased risk due to the immune
deregulation and the massive inflammatory syndrome induced by the viral infection, with
significant neutrophil extracellular traps (NETS) and platelet factor 4 (PF4) release.
early diagnosis and follow-up of DIC, by applying the ISTH score (platelet count, PT,
fibrinogen, D-dimer, antithrombin and protein C activity monitoring) which can determine
prognosis and guide more appropriate critical care support); 2) identification of patients at
regimen and LMWH are the first line choice drug, and 4) the anti-inflammatory properties of
LMWH may be an added benefit in COVID 19 patients and the possible need of integrating
Last but not least, it is of outmost importance to consider the impact of the COVID-19
pandemic on the availability of blood products. Worldwide, insecurity and anxiety of being
infected by SARS-CoV-2 along with measures of social isolation largely prevent blood
donations.49 Similarly, the pandemic crisis may hinder the donation of hematopoietic stem
cells, as well.50 However, the need for stem cell donors will remain constant and the need for
blood donor will probably increase in order to support the critically ill COVID-19 patients.
Therefore, the authorities should reformulate the infrastructure and apply all necessary safety
importance of maintaining an adequate national blood supply, need for blood donors, and
should inform and educate the younger about the priceless role of blood donation and the life-
saving value of hematopoietic stem cell donation. All of us should become aware of our
collective responsibility and contribute to the well-being of the members of our society.
Concluding remarks
system and is often associated with a major blood hypercoagulability. Careful evaluation of
laboratory indices at baseline and during the disease course can assist clinicians in
formulating a tailored treatment approach and promptly provide intensive care to those who
are in greater need. Preventive measures for thromboprophylaxis and early identification of
patient outcomes, and will probably reduce the death rate overall and among infected patients
without significant comorbidities. Continuous vigilance is necessary and urgent studies have
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Figure. A proposed treatment algorithm for managing patients with COVID-19 and DIC.
Accepted Article
Guan (2020) 552 hospitals in 30 December 11, 1099 Lymphocytopenia: Lymphocytopenia was present in 83.2% of patients on
provinces, 2019 - January 31, lymphocyte count of less admission. 92.6% (50/54) of patients with the composite
autonomous 2020 than 1500 cells/mm primary endpoint (admission to an intensive care unit, use of
regions, and mechanical ventilation, or death) presented with
municipalities in lymphocytopenia vs. 82.5% (681/825) of patients without the
mainland China primary endpoint (p=0.056 ). Severe cases presented
lymphocytopenia more frequently (96.1%, 147/153) vs. non-
severe cases (80.4%, 584/726); p<0.001
Huang (2020) Jinyintan Hospital, December 16, 41 Low lymphocyte count of 85% (11/13) of patients needing ICU care presented low
Wuhan, China 2019, to January <1.0 x10 lymphocytes per lymphocyte count vs. 54% (15/28) of patients that did not need
2, 2020 litre ICU care (p=0.045).
Wang (2020) Zhongnan Hospital, January 1 to 138 Lymphocytes treated as a ICU cases presented with lower lymphocyte count (median:0.8,
Wuhan, China February 3, 2020 continuous variable, x10 IQR: 0.5-0.9) vs. non-ICU cases (median: 0.9, IQR: 0.6-1.2);
per L p=0.03. Longitudinal decrease was noted in non-survivors.
Wu (2020) Jinyintan Hospital, December 25, 201 Lymphocytes treated as a Lower lymphocyte count was associated with ARDS
Wuhan, China 2019, to February continuous variable, x10 development (HR=0.37, 95%CI: 0.21-0.63, p<0.001 in the
13, 2020 /mL in a bivariate Cox incremental model); the association with survival did not reach
regression model significance (HR=0.51, 95%CI: 0.22-1.17, p=0.11)
Young (2020) 4 hospitals in January 23 to 18 Lymphocytes treated as a Lymphopenia was present in 7 of 16 patients (39%). Median
Singapore February 3, 2020 continuous variable, x10 lymphocyte count was 1.1 (IQR: 0.8-1.7) in patients that
per L; lymphopenia was required supplemental O2 and 1.2 (IQR:0.8-1.6) in those that
defined as <1.1 ×10 /L. did not; no statistical comparison was undertaken.
Fan (2020) National Centre for January 23 to 69 Lymphopenia: lymphocyte Lymphopenia at admission (4/9 of ICU patients vs. 1/58 non-
Wuhan, China 2019, to February critically continuous variable with no significant difference between survivors and non-
9, 2020 ill (×10 /L); lymphocytopenia survivors. A numeric difference in lymphocyte count was noted
patients presented but not defined in non-survivors vs. survivors (0.62 vs.0.74).
Zhou (2020) Jinyintan Hospital December 25, 191 Lymphocyte counts Lower lymphocyte count was associated with higher odds of
and Wuhan 2019, to January treated as a continuous death at the univariate analysis (OR=0.02, 95%CI: 0.01-0.08;
Pulmonary 31, 2020 variable (×10 /L) in a p<0.0001); at the multivariate analysis, the finding lost
Hospital, Wuhan, multivariate logistic significance (OR=0.19, 95%CI: 0.02-1.62; p=0.13)
China regression model
Arentz (2020) Evergreen Hospital, February 20, 21 ICU Low lymphocyte count Low lymphocyte count was noted in 14/21 (67%) of critically ill
Washington State, 2020, to March 5, patients (less than 1000 cells/μL) patients.
USA 2020
Bhatraju Seattle region, February 24, 24 ICU Lymphocyte counts Lymphocytopenia was common (75% of patients), with a
29 3
(2020) Washington State, 2020, to March 9, patients presented as a continuous median lymphocyte count of 720 per mm (IQR: 520 to 1375).
USA 2020 variable; definition of
lymphocytopenia was not
Deng (2020) Wuhan, China Tongji Hospital January 1, Lymphocyte counts On admission, patients in the death group exhibited
and Hankou 2020 to treated as a continuous significantly lower lymphocyte count (median: 0.63, IQR: 0.40-
9 9 9
branch of Central February variable (×10 /L) 0.79) ×10 /L vs. 1.00, IQR: 0.72- 1.27 ×10 /L, p < 0.001).
Hospital of 21, 2020 Patients in the death group also exhibited lower
Wuhan, China lymphocyte/WBC ratio (median: 7.10, IQR: 4.45, 12.73% vs.
23.5, IQR: 15.27-31.25%, p<0.001). The lymphocyte/WBC ratio
continued to decrease during hospitalization.
Table 1. Studies and main findings for lymphocyte count in Covid-19 patients.
p-values calculated by Terpos et al., on the basis of contingency tables (Pearson’s chi-squared test) in articles that did not present formal statistical comparisons; ARDS:
acute respiratory distress syndrome; IQR: interquartile range.
(2020) provinces, 2019 - January defined as a platelet count (27/58) of patients with the composite primary endpoint (admission to an
autonomous 31, 2020 of less than 150,000/mm intensive care unit, use of mechanical ventilation, or death) presented with
regions, and thrombocytopenia vs. 35.5% (288/811) of patients without the primary
municipalities in endpoint (p=0.091 ). Severe cases presented thrombocytopenia more
mainland China frequently (57.7%, 90/156) vs. non-severe cases (31.6%, 225/713); p<0.001
Huang Jinyintan Dec 16, 2019, to 41 Low platelet count of <100 8% (1/13) of patients needing ICU care presented low platelet count vs. 4%
17 9
(2020) Hospital (Wuhan, Jan 2, 2020 x10 platelets per litre (1/27) of patients that did not need ICU care (p=0.45).
Wang Zhongnan Hospital, January 1 to 138 Platelets treated as a No significant difference (p=0.78) was noted in platelet count between ICU
19 9
(2020) Wuhan, February 3, continuous variable, x10 cases (median:142, IQR: 119-202) vs. non-ICU cases (median: 165, IQR: 125-
China 2020 per L 188); p=0.78.
Wu (2020) Jinyintan December 25, 201 Platelets treated as a Platelet counts did not differ between patients with ARDS vs. those without
Hospital, Wuhan, 2019, to continuous variable, x10 ARDS (difference: -4.00, 95%CI: −27.00 to +20.00, p=0.73). Accordingly, no
China February 13, /mL significant difference was noted in dead vs. alive ARDS patients (p=0.10).
Young 4 hospitals in January 23 to 18 Platelets treated as a Median platelet count was 156 (IQR: 116-217) in patients that required
21 9
(2020) Singapore February 3, continuous variable , x10 supplemental O2 and 159 (IQR: 128-213) in those that did not; no statistical
2020 per L comparison was undertaken.
Fan (2020) National Centre for January 23 to 69 Low platelet count: Low platelets were not associated with ICU care either at admission
Infectious February 28, platelet of <100 ×10 /L. (p=0.67) or as a nadir during hospital stay (p=0.69)
Diseases, Singapore 2020
Yang Jinyintan December 24, 52 Platelets treated as a Platelet count noted in non-survivors was 191 (63) and 164 (74) in survivors;
(2020) Hospital, Wuhan, 2019, to critically continuous variable no statistical tests were presented.
China February 9, ill (×10 /L)
2020 patients
Arentz Evergreen Hospital, February 20, 21 ICU Platelets presented as a Mean baseline platelet count was 235 (ranging between 52 and 395),
28 9
(2020) Washington State, 2020, to March patients continuous variable whereas the reference range was 182-369 × 10 /L
USA 5, 2020 (×10 /L)
Pulmonary Hospital, 31, 2020 (×10 /L)
Wuhan, China
Lippi Meta-analysis of Studies 9 Platelets treated as a Platelet count was significantly lower in patients with more severe COVID-
35 9 9
(2020) published studies published up to published continuous variable 19 (WMD -31×10 /L, 95% CI, -35 to -29×10 /L), with very high heterogeneity
March 06, 2020 studies (I =92%). A more substantial drop in platelets was observed in non-
Qu (2020) Huizhou Municipal January 2020 to 30 Platelet to lymphocyte PLR at peak of platelets was associated with severe cases (mean±SD:
Central Hospital, February 2020 ratio (PLR) 626.27±523.64 vs. 262.35±97.78 in non-severe cases, p=0.001). Higher PLR
China of patients during treatment was also associated with longer hospitalization,
on average.
Table 2. Studies and main findings for platelet count (and platelet to lymphocyte ratio) in Covid-19 patients.
p-values calculated by Terpos et al., on the basis of contingency tables (Pearson’s chi-squared test) in articles that did not present formal statistical comparisons; ARDS:
acute respiratory distress syndrome; IQR: interquartile range.
(2020) provinces, 2019 - January mg/liter 81.5% (110/135) of severe cases vs. 56.4% (371/658) of
autonomous 31, 2020 non-severe cases presented with elevated CRP
regions, and (p<0.001 ). The primary composite endpoint
municipalities in (admission to an intensive care unit, use of mechanical
mainland ventilation, or death) was also associated with elevated
China CRP (41/45, 91.1% vs. 440/748, 58.8%, p<0.001 ).
Wu (2020) Jinyintan December 25, 201 hs-CRP >5 vs. ≤5 Higher hs-CRP was associated with ARDS development
Hospital, Wuhan, 2019, to mg/L in a bivariate (HR=4.81, 95%CI: 1.52-15.27, p=0.008).
China February 13, Cox regression
2020 model
Young 4 hospitals in January 23 to 18 CRP treated as a Median CRP level was 65.6 (IQR: 47.5-97.5) in patients
(2020) Singapore February 3, continuous variable that required supplemental O2 and 11.1 (IQR: 0.9-19.1)
2020 , mg/ L in those that did not; no statistical comparison was
Deng Wuhan, China Tongji January CRP treated as a On admission, patients in the death group exhibited
(2020) Hospital and 1, 2020 continuous variable significantly higher CRP level (median: 109.25, IQR:
Hankou to mg/ L) 35.00-170.28 mg/L vs. median: 3.22 IQR: 1.04, 21.80
branch of February mg/L, p<0.001). CRP levels remained high after
Central 21, 2020 treatment in the non-survivors.
Hospital of
Wuhan, China
Wu (2020) Jinyintan December 25, 201 Serum ferritin >300 Higher serum ferritin was associated with ARDS
Hospital, Wuhan, 2019, to vs. ≤300 ng/mL in a development (HR=3.53, 95%CI: 1.52-8.16, p=0.003); the
China February 13, bivariate Cox trend of an association with survival did not reach
2020 regression model significance (HR=5.28, 95%CI: 0.72-38.48, p=0.10).
Zhou Jinyintan December 25, 191 Serum ferritin >300 Higher serum ferritin levels were associated with higher
(2020) Hospital and 2019, to vs. ≤300 ng/mL in a odds of death at the univariate analysis (OR=9.10,
(2020) provinces, 2019 - January procalcitonin ≥0.5 procalcitonin; 13.7% (16/117) of severe cases vs. 3.7%
autonomous 31, 2020 ng/ml (19/516) of non-severe cases presented with elevated
regions, and procalcitonin (p<0.001 ). The primary composite
municipalities in endpoint (admission to an intensive care unit, use of
mainland mechanical ventilation, or death) was also associated
China with elevated procalcitonin (12/50, 24.0% vs. 23/583,
3.9%, p<0.001 ).
Huang Jinyintan Dec 16, 2019, 41 Elevated 3/12 (25%) patients necessitating ICU care presented
(2020) Hospital (Wuhan, to Jan 2, 2020 procalcitonin ≥0.5 with elevated procalcitonin levels vs. 0/27 non-ICU
China) ng/ml patients. Overall, procalcitonin levels was higher in ICU
vs. non-ICU patients (p=0.031).
Wang Zhongnan Hospital, January 1 to 138 Elevated 75% (27/36) of ICU patients presented with high
(2020) Wuhan, February 3, procalcitonin ≥0.05 procalcitonin vs. 21.6% (22/102) of non-ICU patients
China 2020 ng/ml (p<0.001).
Zhou Jinyintan December 25, 191 Procalcitonin Higher serum procalcitonin levels were associated with
(2020) Hospital and 2019, to treated as higher odds of death at the univariate analysis
Wuhan Pulmonary January 31, continuous variable (OR=13.75, 95%CI: 1.81-104.40; p=0.011); a
Hospital, Wuhan, 2020 (in ng/mL) in a multivariate analysis was not presented.
China multivariate logistic
regression model
Arentz Evergreen Hospital, February 20, 21 ICU Procalcitonin Mean baseline procalcitonin was 1.8 (ranging between
(2020) Washington State, 2020, to patients presented as a 0.12-9.56 ng/mL), whereas the reference range was
USA March 5, 2020 continuous variable 0.15-2.0 ng/mL
Lippi Meta-analysis of Studies 4 The definition of Increased procalcitonin values were associated with a
(2020) published studies published up published increased nearly 5-fold higher risk of severe infection (OR=4.76;
to March 03, articles procalcitonin during 95% CI: 2.74-8.29, I =34%)
2020 the synthesis of
studies was not
30 provinces, 11, 2019 - ≥0.5 mg/litre intensive care unit, use of mechanical ventilation, or death) presented
autonomous January with elevated D-dimer more frequently: 69.4% (34/49) vs. 44.2%
regions, and 31, 2020 (226/511; p=0.001 ). Accordingly, severe cases presented elevated D-
municipalities in dimer more frequently (59.6%, 65/109) vs. non-severe cases (43.2%,
mainland 195/451); p=0.002
Huang (2020) Jin Yintan Dec 16, 41 D-dimer treated as a Patients necessitating ICU care presented with higher D-dimer levels
Hospital (Wuhan, 2019, to continuous variable, (median: 2.4; IQR: 0.6-14.4) vs. non-ICU patients (median: 0.5, IQR:
China) Jan 2, 2020 in mg/L 0.3-0.8), p=0.0042.
Wang (2020) Zhongnan January 1 138 D-dimer treated as a ICU cases presented with higher D-dimer level (median:414, IQR: 191-
Hospital, Wuhan, to continuous variable, 1324) vs. non-ICU cases (median: 166, IQR: 101-285); p<0.001.
China February in mg/L Longitudinal increase was noted in non-survivors.
3, 2020
Wu (2020) Jinyintan December 201 D-dimer treated as a Higher D-dimer level was associated with ARDS development
Hospital, Wuhan, 25, 2019, continuous variable (HR=1.03, 95%CI: 1.01-1.04, p<0.001) and poor survival (HR=1.02,
China to (μg/mL) in a 95%CI: 1.01-1.04, p=0.002) in the incremental models.
February bivariate Cox
13, 2020 regression model
Zhou (2020) Jinyintan December 191 D-dimer greater Higher D-dimer was associated with higher odds of death (OR=18.42,
Hospital and 25, 2019, than 1 μg/mL in a 95%CI: 2.64–128.55; p=0.0033)
Wuhan to January multivariate logistic
Pulmonary 31, 2020 regression model
Hospital, Wuhan,
Lippi (2020) Meta-analysis of Studies 553 (4 D-dimer treated as a D-dimer values were considerably higher in COVID-19 patients
published studies published published continuous variable; with severe disease than in those without (WMD= 2.97mg/L;
up to studies) the definition of 95% CI: 2.47–3.46 mg/L). However, heterogeneity across synthesized
March 04, COVID-19 disease studies was very high (I =94%).
p-values calculated by Terpos et al., on the basis of contingency tables (Pearson’s chi-squared test) i articles that did not present formal statistical comparisons; ARDS:
acute respiratory distress syndrome; IQR: interquartile range; WMD: weighted mean difference.