Orthopedic Gnathology 1985 PDF

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Edited by
Thomas J. Zwemer, D.D.S., M.S.D.
Augusta, Ga.
All inquiries regarding information on reviews and abstracts should be directed
to the respective authors. Articles or books ]or review in this department should be
addressed to Dr. Thomas J. Zwemer, Medical College of Georgia, Augusta,
Georgia 30902.

Orthodontics and Periodontics

had said more about that; he probably did, but you
E. Ho$1, B. U. Zachrisaon, and A. Baldauf know editors!
(editors) Quintessence Publishing Company knows its craft.
Chicago, 1985, Quintessence Publishing Company. 185
pages, illustrated, index The book production details are excellent and the book
has a broad market within both the academic and clin-
This book is one of the outcomes of the Fifth In- ical communities.
ternational Conference for Orthodontics held in Mu- Tom Zwemer
nich, Germany in October, 1982. The book consists of
the edited lectures of eight international authorities; the
dust cover reads like a who's who in orthodontics and
periodontics. Jack L. Hockel
Chicago, 1983, Quintessence Publishing Company. 469
Without question this must have been a landmark pages, illustrated, index
conference and the editors are to be commended for
preserving its essence in such an excellent readable and This book is a labor of love. The author feels
visual form. The topics are arranged from basic issues strongly about his profession, his mentors, his family,
to clinical consequences. The clinical reader might pre- his associates, and his patients. It is obvious that he
fer to read oriental style from back to front. approaches his task with a zeal born of the conviction
The book contains more than 100 color illustrations that orthopedic gnathology represents the zenith of den-
of clinical situations, many of which are before and tal science and art. Thus, the book conveys a cultic
after views of specific clinical problems. Thus, the book flavor, that is, a method for cure based on beliefs of a
captures the style and flair of an atlas. Its limitation is promulgator.
the narrow range of each case report. Of course, it was The author does not claim to be that promulgator;
the intent of the lecturer to provide visual impact on a he attributes those qualities to Charles Smart, Bert Wie-
specific point or procedure. However, little in the way brecht, and Harvey Stallard. The author sees his work
of comprehensive treatment planning is presented, al- as carrying forward the great advances of these giants
though an entire chapter is devoted to the need for a of occlusion. This book is the result of that spiritual
broad data base and for comprehensive interactive treat- mission. Consequently, it is a potpourri of scientific
ment planning and its proper execution. snippets, holistic philosophy, clinical experience, case
The editors have preserved each contributor's style reports, and a litany of the sins of the unenlightened.
and vocabulary. To the new reader in either discipline, The basic premise is that the patient is more important
this might be confusing. To a word merchant, it was than the occlusion, but since the occlusion affects the
intriguing and contributed much to the reading pleasure. whole person, proper occlusion becomes dominant to
The chapter on nutrition should be a must for any wellness.
budding graduate student. It answers the question of Furthermore, the author is convinced that until
how to take a complex problem, create a simple study Harvey Stallard c~iscovered Charles Stuart and Charles
to test an explicit hypothesis that represents a small Stuart discovered Wiebrecht and Wiebrecht discovered
subset of the complex problem, and then extract precise Crozat, the truth about occlusion was hidden from mor-
conclusions that may easily, although not necessarily tal eyes.
properly, be extrapolated to the universe. Shorn of its cultism, the book outlines three clinical
The chapters by Vanarsdall and Zachrisson confirm tasks--the movement of teeth, myofunctional therapy,
their premiere places on the international scene. They and nutritional support--as essential to building a
make the book. This reader found difficulty only in proper occlusion for wellness. The Crozat appliance
Vanarsdall's listing of adult case types. One wishes he and several modifications are presented as best suited
Volume 88 Reviews and abstracts 523
Number 6

for the movement of teeth; the principles of occlusal of God. Apparently the western and eastern gods fail
analysis espoused by Charles Stuart are presented as to agree on its mathematic expression. The divine pro-
best suited for the evaluation of the occlusion. portion according to Greek deities is a ratio of 1 : 1.618.
The production quality of the book is excellent. Ricketts went to considerable lengths to establish the
However, the manuscript lacks coherent development validity of that relationship in the human face with a
of a rationale for either diagnosis or treatment~ cosmetic model as his basic art form. Buddha, or at
Despite these shortcomings, the author is obviously least the Oriental followers of Buddha, found the divine
well intended and has provided many patients with re- proportion to be 1 : 1.416. The authors of this article
lief of pain and dysfunction. The question remains, can established this ratio through the analysis of several
another, armed with this book as a reference, achieve examples of Japanese architecture and art and then
the same ends? Nevertheless, this book will likely be transferred the concept to photographs of the frontal
among the best sellers in the publisher's inventory. facial views of seven Japanese models taken from Jap-
Tom Zwemer anese commercial magazines. They conclude that com,
mercial artists in Japan have a preference for faces that
conform to the Buddha 1 : 1.416 ratio, rather than the
The Crozat Technique
Greek 1 : 1.618 ratio.
E. Schwarzhopf and E. Vogl There are several problems. The study used a dif-
Chicago, 1984, Quintessence Publishing Company. 133
pages, illustrated ferent racial type and a different cultural norm than
used by Ricketts, a fact to which the authors readily
As the title suggests, this book is a detailed, illus- admit. This was the stated purpose of the article. How-
trated description of the construction of the Crozat ap- ever, they did not use the same measurements as sug-
pliance. The first 30 pages describe treatment indica- gested by Ricketts. Furthermore, they measured the
tions, treatment stages, and modes of action. Simple faces as "made up" by the cosmetologist, rather than
schematic drawings illustrating use of the appliance the natural face unposed. Who can measure hairlines,
conclude the first section. eyebrows, and lips from a photograph of a pretty girl
The remainder of the book is devoted to the con- finely coiffured and cosmetically enhanced?
struction of the appliance. As a technique manual, it is The beauty of this study is that Japanese models
superbly done. Each step is clearly illustrated in high are just as attractive as the American model used in the
resolution black-and-white prints demonstrating both Ricketts' study. A pretty girl is like a melody not a
instrument and finger placement and the movements metronome. Although we can not agree on our gods or
necessary to create each bend. The steps in the complex our mathematics, pretty girls still make heads turn.
process of creating an orthodontic appliance out of wire They always have and they always will. Cherchez la
lengths of various diameters are clearly and explicitly femme!
described. The soldering technique is also clearly il- Tom Zwemer
One cannot read this book without gaining respect
for the craftsmanship displayed. Nothing short of cre- Research abstracts
ating coordinated Tweed edgewise arches challenges
the wire bending prowess of a first class Crozat tech-
In Vitro Evaluation of the Retentive
nician. But one must seek elsewhere to discover what
Strength of a Single-Piece Milled
the Crozat appliance can accomplish in correcting a Orthodontic Bracket
malocclusion. Thus, this book lacks autonomy and au- Alan D. Marcus
School of Dentistry, University of the Pacific, San Francisco,
thenticity, except for the Crozat technician.
Tom Zwemer
An evaluation of a single-piece mil]ed orthodontic
bracket was conducted in vitro. Fixtures were con-
The Japanese Sense of Beauty and Facial
structed that enabled testing in shear and tensile direc-
Proportions. II. The Beautiful Face and the
tions. Four loading speeds were chosen to evaluate the
~/2 Rule.
effect of increased velocities on a foil-mesh base
Eiichiro Nakajima, Toshihiro Maeda, and bracket and a single-piece milled bracket. Results
Munemitsu Yanagisawa showed that both base designs had a decrease in both
Quintessence International 16: 629-637, 1985
shear and tensile bond strengths as loading speeds were
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Increasingly increased. At 0.5 mm/min, the one-piece milled bracket
its secret appears to have been calculated by the mind had higher shear strength. At 500 mm/min the foil-

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