Shri Khushal Das University Hanumangarh (Raj.) : Syllabus M.A. / M.Sc. Previous

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M.A. / M.Sc. Previous



M.A. / M.Sc.
Each theory paper 3 Hrs. duration 100 Marks
Dissertation/Thesis/Survey Report/Field Work. If any 100 Marks

1. The number of paper and the maximum marks for each paper practical shall be shown in the syllabus
for the subject concerned. It will be necessary for a candidate to pass in the theory part as well as in the
practical part (Whenever Prescribed) of a subject/Paper separately.
2. A candidate for a pass at each of the Pervious and the Final Examination shall be required to obtain (i)
atleast 36% marks in the aggregate of all the paper prescribed for the examination and (ii) atleast 36%
marks in practical (s) whenever prescribed the examination, provided that if a candidate fails to atleast
25% marks in each individual paper work. Wherever prescribed, he shall be deemed to have failed at
the examination not with standing his having obtained the minimum percentage of marks required in the
aggregate for the examination. No division will be awarded at the Pervious Examination, Division hsall
be awarded at the end of the Final Examination combined marks obtained at the Pervious and the Final
Examination taken together, as noted below :
First Division 60% of the aggregate marks taken together
Second Division 40% of the Pervious and the final Examination.
All the rest shall be declared to have passed the examination.
3. If a candidate clears any paper (s) Practical(s)/Dissertation Prescribed at the Pervious and or/final
Examination after a continuous period of three years, then for the purpose of working out his division
the minimum pass marks only viz 25% (36% in the case of practical) shall be taken into account in
respect of such paper(s) Particle(S) Dissertation are cleared after the expiry of the aforesaid period of
three year, provided that in case where a candidate require more than 25% marks in order to reach the
minimum aggregate as many marks out of those actually secured by him will be taken into account as
would enable him to make the deficiency in the requisite minimum aggregate.
4. The Thesis/Dissertation/Survey Report/Field Work shall be typs & written and submitted in triplicate so
as to reach the office of the Register atleast 3 weeks before the commencement of the theory
examinations. Only such candidates shall be permitted to offer dissertation/Fields work/Survey
Report/Thesis (if provided in the scheme of examination) in lieu of a paper as have secured atleast 55%
marks in the aggregate of all scheme and I and II semester examination taken in the case of semester
scheme, irrespective of the number of paper in which a candidate actually appeared at the examination.

There shall be 10 papers in all. Out of these Five shall be offered in previous and Five in final.
Each paper shall be of 100 marks and of 3 hours duration.

M. A. / M. Sc. (Previous) Examination, 2019

Papers Nomenclature Duration Marks 500

Exam Marks Int. Marks
I Advanced Abstract Algebra 3 Hrs. 80 20
II Analysis 3 Hrs. 80 20
III Mathematical Methods 3 Hrs. 80 20
IV Differential and Integral Equations 3 Hrs. 80 20
V Numerical Methods 3 Hrs. 80 20

Duration : 3 Hrs. Max. Marks : 100

Note : The paper consists of three sections

Section A : This section contain 10 questions of 02 Mark each (02 question from each unit) all questions
are compulsory
Section B : This section contain 05 questions of 04 Mark each (01 question from each unit) all questions
are compulsory
Section C : This section contain 05 questions of 20 Mark each (01 question from each unit) attempt any 03

Unit I
Homomorphism theorems on groups, conjugate elements. Classes and class equation of a finite
group, Sylows Theorem, P-sylow subgroup, structure theorem for finite abelian groups. Field theory-
Extension fields, Algebraic and transcendental extensions, Separable and inseparable extensions
Unit II
Normal and subnormal series, Composition series, Jordan-Holder Theorem, Solvable group,
Nilpotent groups. Normal extensions, Perfect fields, Finite fields. Primitive elements, Algebraically closed
fields. Automorphisms of extensions. Galois extensions, Fundamental theorem of Galois theory.
Unit III
Vector space of a linear transformation, Matrix representation of a linear transformation, Change of
Basis, Similarity, eigen value and eigen vectors for a linear operator, Caley-Hamilton, theorem,
diagonalization, minimal Polynomial and equation. Polynomials over rational fields. The Einstien criterion,
Polynormial rings over commutative ring, unique factorization domain, Chain condition and rings.
Unit IV
Linear functionals, Dual and bidual of a vector space and their properties, Annhilators, Invariance,
projections and its properties, Adjoints of a linear transformation and its properties. Solution of polynomial
equations by radicals, insolvability of the general equation of degree 5 by radicals.
Unit V
Bilinear quadratic and hermition forms, Inner product spaces, Cauchy-Swarchz inequality, orthogonal
vectors, orthogonal complements, ortho-normal sets and bases. Bessel’s inequality for finite dimensional
spaces, Gram-Schmidt orthogonalisation process.

1. Maclane and Birkoff : Algebra, Macmillan & Co.
2. Hofman and Kunz. : Linear Algebra, Prentice Hall of India.
3. I.N. Herstein : Topics in Algebra, Wiley Eastern India Ltd.
4. I.S. Luthar and B.S. Passi, : Algebra Vol-I Groups, Vol-II Rings, Narosa Publishing House
5. Gokhroo : Advanced Abstract Algebra, Navkar Publications, Ajmer
6. Gokhroo : Advanced Linear Algebra, Navkar Publications, Ajmer
7. Purohit, Pareek, Sharma, : Linear Algebra, Jaipur Publishing House
8. Bhattacharya, P.B. etc. : Basic Abstract Algebra (II ed.) Camb. Univ. Press India, 1997
9. P.M. Cohn : Algebra vol I,II & III, John Wiley & Sons, 1982-89, 91
10. D.S. Malik, J.N. Mordeson : Fundamental of Abstract Algebra
& M. K. Sen MecGraw Hill International Edition, 1997
11. Vivek Sahai & Vikas Bist : Algebra, Narosa Publishing, 1999
12. Gopal Krishanan, N.S. (II ed. ) : University Algebra New Age International Publication
13. Gopal Krishanan, N.S. : University Algebra through 600 problems New Age
International Publication
14. B.S. Vatssa : Modern Algebra, 1999 New Age International Publication,
Duration: 3 Hrs. Max. Marks : 100

Note : The paper consists of three sections

Section A : This section contain 10 questions of 02 Mark each (02 question from each unit) all questions
are compulsory
Section B : This section contain 05 questions of 04 Mark each (01 question from each unit) all questions
are compulsory
Section C : This section contain 05 questions of 20 Mark each (01 question from each unit) attempt any 03
Unit I
Countable and non countable sets, lebesgue measure of sets of real numbers. Measurable functions,
structure of measurable functions, weierstras’s theorem on the approximation of continuous functions by
Unit II
Lebesgue integral of measurable functions, lebesgue theorem on the passage to the limit under the
integral sign. Summable functions, the space of square summable functions, function of finite variation,
stieltjes integral, the indefinite lebesgue integral.
Unit III
Algebra of Complex numbers, Analytic functions, Cauchy-Reimann equations, Cauchy Theorem and
integral formula, Power series, Taylor’s and Laurents series, Morera’s Theorem, Lioville’s Theorem,
Fundamental Theorem of Algebra, exp, sine, Cosine functions, Maximum modulus principal, Swartz
Unit IV
Classification of Singularities, Branch points, Reimann Theorem on removable Singularity, open
mapping theorem, casoratti-weirstrass theorem, meromorphic functions. The argument Principle, Roche’s Theorem
Unit V
Residues, cauchy’s residue theorem, Evaluation of Integrals, Branches of many value function with
reference to argz, logz and Z , ã definition and examples of Contour mapping. Analytic continuation.

1. T.M. Apostal : Mathematical Analysis, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi
2. Gabriel Klambauer : Mathematical Analysis, Mared Dekker Inc., New York (1975)
3. G-de Barra : Measure Theory and Integration, Wiley Eastern Ltd. 1981
4. P.K. Jain and V.P. Gupta : Lebesgue Measure and Integration, New Age
International Pub. Ltd., New Delhi (Reprint 2000)
5. Indra Kumar Rana : An Introduction to Measure and Integration, Narosa Publishing
House, New Delhi (1997)
6. G.N. Purohit : Advanced Analysis, Jaipur Publishing House, Jaipur
7. G.N. Purohit : Lebesgue Measure and
Integration, Jaipur Publishing
House, Jaipur
8. T.S. Nahar : Advanced Analysis, Navkar Publications, Ajmer
9. T.S. Nahar : Measure Theory, Navkar Publications, Ajmer
10. S. Ponnusamy : Foundation of Complex Analysis,
Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi (1997)
11. Shanti Narain : Complex Analysis, S.Chand & Co., New Delhi
12. L.V. Ahlfords : Complex Analysis, McGraw Hill Co., 1979
13. Purohit and Goel : Complex Analysis, Jaipur Publishing House, Jaipur.
14. K.P. Gupta : Complex Analysis,
Krishana Prakashan Mandir, Meerut.
15. B. Choudhary : Complex Analysis, Wiley Eastern Ltd. New Delhi.
16. Gokhroo : Complex Analysis, Navkar Publications, Ajmer
17. S.K. Sharma etc. : Complex Analytic Functions Theory and Applications New Age
International Publishers.
18. M.R.Speigel : Real variables (Lebesgue Measure and Integration) McGrawHill Co.
Paper - III (Mathematical Methods)
Duration: 3 Hrs. Max. Marks: 100

Note : The paper consists of three sections

Section A : This section contain 10 questions of 02 Mark each (02 question from each unit) all questions
are compulsory
Section B : This section contain 05 questions of 04 Mark each (01 question from each unit) all questions
are compulsory
Section C : This section contain 05 questions of 20 Mark each (01 question from each unit) attempt any 03
Unit-I ( Special Functions )
Hyper Geometric and Confluence, Hyper geometric Functions. Hermite and Laguerre
Polynomial, their generating functions and general integral properties.

Unit-II (Special Functions )

Legendres polynomial . Associated Legendre’s functions. Bessel’s functions. Recurrence
relations. Orthogonal properties.
Unit-III (Tensors)
Transformation of Coordinates, Covarient, Contravarient and mixed tensors. Invariants. Addition,
subtraction and multiplication of tensors. Contractions of tensors Quotient Law of tensors. Fundamental
Tensors, Length of Curve, Associated tensors.Christoffel symbols, Covariant Differentiation of tensors,
Laws of covariant differentiation
Geodisics, Null Geodesics, Geodesics Coordinates Parallelism, Covarient derivatives, Reimann-
christroffel tensor, curvature tensor, Ricci tensor, Bianchi identity, Reimaan curvature, Flat space, space
of constant curvature.
Unit-V (Integral Transform)
Laplace Transform: Definition and properties, Rules of manipulation: Laplace Transform of
derivatives, Inverse Transform, Complex in version formula, Convolution theorem , Use of Laplace
Transform to solve differential equation with constant coefficient, Variable coefficients, Simultanens
equations and simple Partial differential equation.
1. Rainville E.D. : Special Functions Chapter :1,6,8,11 & 12
2. Sneddon I.N. : The use of Integral Transform , Mc-Graw Hill Co., 1966
3. Speigal M.R. : Theory and Problem of Laplace Transform , McGraw Hill Co.
4. Slater L.J : Confluent Hypergeometric Functions, Cambridge University Press,1966
5. L.J. Slater : Generalized Hypergeometric Functions, Cambridge University Press, 1966
6. Gokhroo : Special Functions, Navkar Publications, Ajmer
7. Gokhroo : Transform Calculus, Navkar Publications, Ajmer
8. Berry Spain : Tensor Calculus
9. Bansal J.L. : Tensor Calculus, Jaipur Publication House, Jaipur.
10. Raj Bali : Tensor Calculus, Navkar Publications, Ajmer

Paper - IV ( Differential and Integral Equations )

Duration – 3 Hrs. Max Marks 100

Note : The paper consists of three sections

Section A : This section contain 10 questions of 02 Mark each (02 question from each unit) all questions
are compulsory
Section B : This section contain 05 questions of 04 Mark each (01 question from each unit) all questions
are compulsory
Section C : This section contain 05 questions of 20 Mark each (01 question from each unit) attempt any 03
Unit-I ( Differential Equations )
Existence and uniqueness of solution of dy/dx = f(x,y), Cannonical forms and reduction to canonical
forms. Classification of second order PDE, Separation of variable for Heat Equation, Wave equations and
Laplace Equation.

Unit-II ( Differential Equations )

Linear Boundary value problem, (Eigen values eigen functions, normalized eigen functions eigen
function expansion, Rayleigh quotient), Strum Liouville Boundary value problem, Cauchy problem and
characteristics, Green’s function.
Unit-III ( Calulus of Variation )

Linear functionals, Minimal functional theorem, General Variations of a function, Euler-Lagranges

equation, Variational method for Boundary value problems in ordinary and partial differential equations.

Unit-IV ( Integral Equations )

Linear integral equations of first and second kind of Fredholm and Volterra types, Homogeneous Fredholm integral equations,
Fredholm integral equations with separable kernels, solution by successive substitutions and successive approximations

Unit-V ( Integral Equations )

Volterra integral equations and their solutions solutions by successive substitutions and successive
approximations, Classical Fredholm theory, The Fredholm alternative Helbert Schimdt theory of
Symmetric Kernels.

1. Lovitle W.V. : Integral Equation, Dover Publications
2. Kanwal R.P. : Linear Integral Equation Theory and Techneques, Academic Press, New
3. Gokhroo : Differential Equation and Calculus of variation, Navkar Publications,
4. Gokhroo : Integral Equation, Navkar Publications, Ajmer
5. Fred A. Hinchey : Introduction to Applicable Mathematics Part-II, Wiley Eastern Ltd.
6. S.G. Mikhlin : Linear Integral Equation 1960 (Translated from Russian) Hindustan Book
7. A.N. Sneddon : Mixed Boundary Value Problem in Potential Theory, North Halland, 1966
8. Goyal : Integral Equation, jaipur publishing house jaipur

PAPER - V ( Numerical Methods )

Duration: 3 Hrs. Max. Marks: 100

Note : The paper consists of three sections

Section A : This section contain 10 questions of 02 Mark each (02 question from each unit) all questions
are compulsory
Section B : This section contain 05 questions of 04 Mark each (01 question from each unit) all questions
are compulsory
Section C : This section contain 05 questions of 20 Mark each (01 question from each unit) attempt any 03
Note : scientific calculators (non programming ) are allowed.
Iterative methods : Simple iteration, theory of iteration, acceleration of conversion, methods for
multiple and complex roots, Newton Raphson method for simultaneous equations, convergence of iteration
process in the case of several unknowns.

Solution of polynomial equations, polynomial evaluation, real and complex roots, synthetic division,
the Birge-Vieta, Baristow and Graffe’s root squaring methods, system of simultaneous equation (Linear) –
direct methods –Methods of determination. Gauss elimination, Gauss Jordan, Cholesky, Partition methods
of successive, approximate –conjugate Gracient, Gauss and Jacobi iteration, Gauss seidal iteration &
Relaxation methods.

Eigen value problem, basic properties of eigen values and eigen vectors, power methods for finding
all eigen pairs of a matrix, complex eigen values.
Curve fitting and function approximation, least square error criterion, linear regression, polynomial
fitting and other curve fitting, approximation of functions by Taylor series and Chebyshev polynomials.

Numerical solution of ordinary differential equations, Taylor series methods, Euler’s and modified
Euler’s method, Runge-Kutta method upto fourth order, multi step method (Predictor –Corrector
Strategies), stability analysis –single and multi step methods.
Difference methods for Boundary value problems, ordinary differential equations, boundary value
problems, shooting methods, finite difference methods, difference scheme for non linear boundary value
problems of the type.

Books recommended :
1- Jain, Iyengar & Jain : Numerical Analysis
2- Jain M.K. : Numerical Solution of differential equations.

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