Van Richten's Guide To Ghosts PDF
Van Richten's Guide To Ghosts PDF
Van Richten's Guide To Ghosts PDF
Design: William W. Connors
Editing: Dori “the Barbarian” Watry
h o d u c t Coordination: Timothy B. Brown
Cover Art: Robin Wood
Interior Art: Robert Klasnich & Stephen Fabian
Typesetting: Gaye O’Keefe
Production: Sarah feggestad
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their weaknesses. All of this information w Chapter W Speak with the Dead. One of the
hope, help others who have chosen to battle t l p most valuable tools in the battle against ghosts
forces of darkness on every front. ,i- is information. The old adage that knowtedge is
I have organized this information into the power was never more true than when dealing
following chapters: with these ethereal horrors. In this chapter, I
shall discuss the spiritualists one is likely to
Chapter I: Types of Ghosts. In the first require, guidelines on locating them, and tips
chapter of this book I will discuss a series of on how to spot those who would deceive ghost
broad categorizations I have made regarding .hunters and make claims of powers they do not
the origins of ghosts. It is my belief that such have.
tools enable us t o keep better track of the
horrors we must face in this world. By battling Chapten VI: Investigating a Haunting. In this
them with both the keen sword of ancient chapter, I shall outline the steps I advocate
knowledge and the powerful arquebus of following in the stalking and destruction of
modern science, I believe we can triumph over ghosts. I use my experience gained from a most
the incorporeal undead. unusual mass hunting to illustrate techniques.
It is my belief that failure to follow these
Chapter 11: Ordinary Powers. Before one can .. .
guidelines will inevitably result in death or
hope to prevail against the forces of darkness, worse.
one must have an understanding of their
nature. In this chapter, I detail the common ~~
abilities of ghosts and provide some cautionary Editor’s Note:The reader will find
notes on how one might hope to battle against informatjon directly pertinent to a
this supernatural enemy. RAVENLOP campaign set aside in
text throughaut this book. In additbn,.tkere
Chapter 111: Extraordinary Powers. While all of $his&de solely
ghosts have some things in common, a s
discussed in the previous chapter, many are
unique. Ghosts gifted with special powers can RAVENLOFT sampqign; &Q included are a
be deadly and must be stalked with great care. number of helpftd twkniques for writing
In this chapter, I shall examine those powers ghost-based adyentures.
that make ghosts truly deadly adversaries.
Magn*hdusof Power
of time, but from le first category by which I classify ghosts
n. At the exact .s based on their levels of power, which I
spirit is transformed into call magnitudes. All ghosts, regardless of
strength is set and locked whatever other categories they may fall into,
surrounded it. I call this have a magnitude and can be classified by
lingering energy lcarmic resonance. Thus, the such. (In my previous work, I did much the
passing of time does nothing to increase the same with vampires, which I classified
according to their age. A ghost’s magnitude, in As an example of this type of spirit
this instance, is roughly similar to a vampire’s present the Loud Man of Lamordia-a spirit I
age: The greater the magnitude, the more *’foundmost amusing.
powerful the ghost; the older the vampire, the When I was young, I traveled to a small
more powerful it is.) village along the coast. While there, I learned of
The edges of this category are blurred, but 1 a spirit who haunted a lake outside town. It
have done my best to describe the magnitudes seems that those who fished in that lake were
in a way that will make them useful to those occasionally troubled by a ghostly fisherman-
who hunt creatures of the night. a ghost who talked to them about the fine spot
he had found for bass, the sudden changes in
recent weather patterns, and other trivia. His
first Magnitude conversations were so monotonous that it was
The least powerful of the incorporeal undead, said to be impossible to avoid falling asleep.
these creatures are created when there is just Escaping the spirit’s babbling, it seems, was
enough emotional energy available to empower likewise impossible, for the Loud Man would
the transformation. This is, fortunately, the follow the fishermen wherever they
most common type of spirit. by leaving the lake, and thus aband
Ghosts of the first magnitude are created the bringing home the evening meal, cou
same way a s are other ghosts, but they tend to escape this specter. Those who att
have less dramatic origins. In fact, I have often drive off the fellow found that they
considered first-magnitude ghosts to be almost easily, but any fish they pulled from
boring-their power is weak, their afterlife for the next few months would s
passive, and their evil subdued. could be eaten.
Third Magniide
T h e cold stone of the ancient tomb loomed If a ghost’s creation places it in the third
before us. Lifting our lanterns high to light the magnitude of power, it is a much more
way, we moved into the crypt. The going was dangerous foe. Such ghosts are often outright
slow, for even the brave dwarf, Geddar evil and malicious. Their powers are generally
Ironheart, was reluctant to intrude upon the such that they can resist much conventional
resting dead of this ancient place. Bantu, as harm, even from magical spells. Often they can
cripple or kill opponents with ease.
In order for a ghost of the third magnitude to
form, a person must die while in a highly
emotional state. Take, for example, a man who
is forced to watch his beloved family be cruelly
slain by brigands and is himself then killed while
Kevlin 5 boots, the clanking of still in the grip of his overwhelming anguish.
mail, and the occasional crunch of a The karmic resonance of this tragedy might be
spider beneath Bantu’s shoes-seeme strong enough to create a third-magnitude
ws around us. I ghost. Similarly, someone who is in the throes of
passion or who is truly horrified at the point of
death might attain this status.
fourth Map*kude
Among the most powerful of apparitions,
Ghosts of the second magnitude are more ghosts of the fourth magnitude are created only
powerful than their lesser kindred, but they still through scenes of death that involve great
a r e usually little more than a nuisance. In emotional stress or energy. Spirits of this type
addition, they are more aggressive and more are generally warped by the power of their
easily angergd. emotions, becoming highly aggressive, evil,
In order for a ghost of this type to form, the and cruel. They are almost impossible to drive
dying person,must be in a state of some off or destroy via conventional means,
emotion. The emotion need not be overly requiring special care on the part of those who
consuming or Qf great duration, a s is necessary would eliminate them.
for the more powerful spirits to form. For Rare indeed are the circumstances
example, someone who dies during a spousal surrounding a person’s death powerful enough
quarrel might h w e enough emotional energy t o to create a ghost of this type. In my travels, I
attain the second magnitude of unlife, as might have encountered only a half dozen or so of
a n artist who is working on a painting that these evil and dangerous fiends. In each of the
m e a n s a great deal to her. It is sometimes even cases 1 came across, the ghost had once been a
possible for a man who knows he is going to person who had either 1)embraced death with
die-by the hangman’s noose, for example- great fervor or 2)felt himself so powerful that
t o become a second-magnitude ghost. death could hold no sway over him.
The good spirit of the paladin Katen’ The first may be illustrated by the evil
Shadowbom, who is said to haunt a little-visited General Athoul, one of the incorporeal leaders
island domain, is, I believe, an example of of Darkon’s dread Kargot. It is said that his
second-magnitude spirit. devotion to Azalin was so great that even death
only meant a new manner for him to serve his When one thinks of ghosts, one often
beloved commander. assumes that they are intangible things. Indeed,
The second is perhaps best illustrated by the this is most often the case. However, those who
infamous Martgr of the Moors, a man who assume that it is a strict rule are setting
sought death a s the ultimate step in his themselves up for a most horrible surprise.
devotion t o a dark and evil deity, only t o find The subcategories below describe the
that he had been cursed with an eternal uolife. re o€ghosts. I must warn the
As an aside, the reader might be interested to classifications are broad and,
note that the spirit, Lord WilfredGodefrey of ,~ in s o w % a x a g u e as the ghosts they
Mordentshire, falls into this category.
., .A
f'lfth Magnitude
- I .. ,
As impossible a s it may seem, I have c exit from the tomb.
across objects that are, a s far a s I c&d,viw~ -
actually ghosts. To say the least, the$
rare. I believe that ghosts of this &ype;hai( 1 9 4 nd ethereal ere
formed when an individual is g
to or associated with a physica
the individual’s death, he is a m h solved themselves into more familiar
object so strongly that the object i & d f i & ~ l ~ * 1 3 Bantu cursed under his breath and then
transformed into a ghostly state. * avuf sf!? 1:
Ravenloft is a land of the accursed:,+ BY
with certainty how it came t o betM9;iarsHbut tt Dark’Palet,
is so. There are those who say &a%mh of us The final method by which ghosts can be
lives under the looming shadow dark formed is something that I shudder to mention.
curse. For myself, I can think-& er But the truth is that there are those who trade
weight to bear than the rnemorlm away their humanity for the eternal life of the
beloved Erasmus and dear depw&&hgrid. undead. They make a pact with the dark side.
Some inhabitants of RavenloftAhowever, are It is my belief that, without exception, these
oursed in ways unimaginable to the&mmon people cannot even begin to understand the
man-they are shackled by yunlife scspe of their thirst for immortality. The
Ghosts of this type may be ramifications of this desire to survive beyond’.
that is external in origin. FIX exampie, a man one’s own death are staggerin
may offend an ancient and powerfht Vistani with the weight upon one’s mi
woman who chooses to retaliate with the centuries of ghostly life th
, dreaded evil eye of the gypsies. Under the heavy €orany man t o bear. I
power of such a spell, the offender might be and destruction loornupito
i condemned to live out eternity at the spot barter his life away in so v
where his misstep was made until the gypsy cheat the master mf.death,
takes pity and releases him from the curse. Of course, enterhlg intwarp&t;with’some
,.Ghosts may also be forged by a curse being or force is diffiaulb fbecreatwes capable
bmught upon them by wrongs committed of bestowing the @ft>(brcurse, rathkr) of
during life. These curses are far more horrible immortality in any%fm a m rare. Most
than those laid on by an outside party, for there commonly, thesepacts are made with the vile
o quick solution by which the victims may creatures that lurk inthe Outer Planes. Those
released from their suffering-suffering they who seek to strike a bargain with these forces
selves caused. Further, those who of the supernatural must first locate such
mn themselves in this manner are beings and attract their attention. This in itself
rmly evil and seldom repent in the is a dangerous and foolhardy thing to do. In I
personally never encountered duyh a spirit, but if one wishes, for that is essentially what they
I have heard the tales and rbail‘the ‘&counts by
sources whom 1 consi
include these ghosts I !
In order for a spirit Time
object, that object musth Ghosts who are triggered by the passing of time ,
significance for the person can be troublesome to track down and destroy,
best illustrates this, at lea for one seldom knows where to begin looking.
tragic yet fascinating tale For instance, if a ghost rises every 100 years
Invidia. from a certain tomb, the origin of its curse is
This woman seemed tieif soon lost to memory. Furthermore, a ghost
she wore constantly. I beli&‘l%&ch had hunter might feel he has destroyed the
been given to her by her apparition when, in reality, it has simply gone
birthday gift. But the into “hibernation” for another century.
accident that very day, A natural phenomenon may trigger the
fixed upon the item as a l a d appearance of some ghosts of this type. For
child. example, the night of the full moon might bring
When the woman forth the spirit of a slain constable who makes
will requested that the trinket Wburied with his lonely rounds just as he did on the night he
her. Her sister, however, had al&@scoveted the died. And the return of a blood-red comet to
pretty brooch, and she rem0 the skies above a harbor town might herald the
body just before the ca appearance of a ghost ship.
mohths that followed,
and death by the spirit o f t
Things did not end t Action
cameo changed hands Some ghosts are triggered when a certain
each instance, it bro action is performed. In a sense, the guardian
Eventually, a young spirits of Har’Akir might be regarded this way,
discerned the focus of the for they are harmless unless their tombs are
it that the Gray Lad violated. Disrespect of the dead is the most
harm was at la common trigger for a ghost.
r. Once the coffin w Generally, the arrival of an action-triggered
ghost is violent and immediate. Let us take, for
example, the case of a steward ghost who
returns to haunt anyone who defiles the home
in which it lived. The descendants of the ghost
he sixth and final category I will discuss is sell the house to a man who wishes to destroy it
research will be equal to the challenge of Sudden death
returning spirits t o their proper resting place. Dedication
One such task is understanding as much a s Stewardship
possible about the type of ghost, its origins, Justice
and its manner. Vengeance
The following outline may help the reader Reincarnation
classify any ghosts he or she encounters. Curses
1. Magnitude of power V. Anchors
First Relationship
Second Place
Third Item
Fourth VI. Triggers
Fifth Time
11. Physical consistency Action
Incorporeal Cyclic
for granted that all worlds are spherical. She
found my belief that our land is a flat surface very
amusing. I must say, however, that I have traveled
from the coast of the Sea of Sorrows in Mordent
due west until I came to the easternmost regions
of the twisted Nightmare Lands-and I am certain
our world is not a sphere.
It seems our land is immediately surrounded
by a belt the sages call the border ethereal. This
border is a transient thing that permeates our
land. It is, in fact, a s much a state of being a s it
is a place of existence. It functions a s an
intermediary between the land of Ravenloft and
the Ethereal plane.
Ghosts (and other incorporeal beings) in
Ravenloft become nonsolid by entering the
border ethereal just a s they would a normal
world. Curiously, however, they are unable to
reader. However, much take the step from the border ethereal into the
difficult (if not impossi Ethereal plane itself. It seems that there is
believe. but I must bea some mystical force at work that prevents them
truth. For many years 1 pt: from moving beyond the border.
what I am about to rev I cannot account for this effect nor even
presented to me bega define it clearly. We are all, I believe, prisoners
Over the years, I hav of some greater force in Ravenloft. What
something that, at f motivates or maintains this force, I cannot say.
concern. Interviews But enough discourse on the conjectures of
sages. The background the reader now has
should provide a reference point for the
our land is not following “ordinary” powers of ghosts:
is it a world in t insubstantiality, invisibility, rejuvenatfon,
outsiders think, I immunity, racial abilities, class abilities, and
this odd fact, but creation of undead. Although all ghosts have
the first four ordinary powers, the remaining
three are dependent upon the individual ghost.
ghost’s most well-known power is, without
that I have, on rare occasions, encountered
drive off a ghost by physical combat. ghosts who seemed able to heal themselves
Doing so, however, often requires a more rapidly, perhaps by a process I can only
magical weapon or spellcasting abilities. Those liken to regeneration.
Bs Useless Against Ghosts Power word, kill
ction* Power word, stun
Vampiric touch
a s noted by Arthur Sedgwick, Physi
their undead status, a number of spirits
also retain the natural abilities of their
racial origin. The ghost of a dwarf, for example, Creation of Undead
might retain its natural infravision a s well a s its
n approximately half of all ghostly cases, an
resistance to spells.
Not all spirits retain these abilities, but enough
do so that it is important to note this possibility.
Racial abilities most likely retained seem to be
I apparition has the ability to cause those it
kills to rise as some form of undead, not
necessarily the form of another ghost.
If the ghost also has the ability to command
those intrinsic to an apparition’s new life.
undead, then these newly created fiends fall
instantly and totally under its control. The type
Class Abilities of undead spawned by a given ghost differs
he knowledge that a ghost possessed when greatly from ghost to ghost, but the new
Actuluratu Asins
Cause Paralgsis
ome ghosts are able to render their victi
immobile. Whether this is due to some
supernatural manipulation of the victim
nervous system or the generation of an aura
magical terror, I cannot say.
The paralysis induced by these creatures
generally of a temporary nature. Those affe
by it will be unable to move even slightly fo
brief period of time. When the paralysis w
off, it generally does so quite quickly, al
the muscles and nerves of the victim mi
tingle or ache for a long time afterward. been crushed by the fall of a heavy crate in the
Generally, the ghost must lash out and strike hold. The crew was certain the cargo had been
its victim in order t o induce this effect. Some well secured and were at a loss to explain the
apparitions, however, are said to radiate an aura tragedy, claiming it must have been an
that causes all those who look upon them to accident. I, however, suspected it was not.
become frozen in motion. In either case, this My suspicions were confirmed when, the next
debilitating power can be truly deadly, for it night, another accident occurred. This time, a
leaves the victim vulnerable to any other form fire broke out near several barrels of black
of attack the spirit might employ. powder in the cargo hold. Had I not been on
hand to smother the blaze, the entire ship
might have been destroyed.
As I dampened the last flame, I found myself
in the company of a bowlyn, the dread spirit of
the seas. Upon seeing that I had thwarted its
pldn to destroy the ship, the creature swept
toward me with a cry. I raised an open vial of
holy water and splashed the contents upon the
ghost. To my surprise, this did not harm it.
The creature swept past-no, through-me.
As soon a s its misty form came in contact with
my flesh, I staggered backward. A wave of
intense nausea swept through me. So intense
was this feeling that I fell to my knees. When
the crew heard the noise and found me, they
had to carry me back to my cabin.
I dire say that, had another accident not
occurred the next night while I was still
incapacitated, I might have been blamed for the
mishaps and been forced to face the captain’s
Cause Revulsion
. . The misty apparition rose into the air
and flew about, twisting and contorting as it
went. The entire room became deathly cold
and an eerie wailing clawed at our hearts.
Suddenly, I saw the earthen floor of the tomt
shift and bubble.
Hands, much decayed and long dead, brol
through the soil to grab at us. Even as I moor
to avoid this new menace, ghastly, animated
corpses began to pull themselves free of the
spii We were ou&urnbered three to one by t&
as if from a great distance, I heard
“These creatures are not
them no heed, for they Charm Animals
Dominate Uictims
his power is similar in nature to the ghdtly
nature, can cause those who look upon
them t o become entranced. Persons in this
are helpless to defend themselves against
cks by the ghost or its minions. This paralytic
cination with the ghost retains its hold over
$the victim until the ghost leaves his sight.
There are some who claim that the trance is
simply a hypnotic effect. As such, they insist, it
is not truly magical. My research indicates this
belief to be incorrect. 1 have found that the
a h o s t is able to entrance its victims by tapping
' into their inner fascination with death. All
Perform Telekinesis
soon as I slipped the silver chain over my ome apparitions are able to focus their
head, the world changed. Before this
rmation, I had been surrounded by the
sights and sounds of my companions and the
S energy on an object and cause it to move.
The amount of force that a spirit can exert
in this way is limited, although I know of a few
horde ofgoblyns we were battling. All this cases in which ghosts were able to lift men into
faded away into vague, ethereal images. Not the air and hurl them quite some distance.
only was my vision dimmed, but my hearing In many ways, this power is similar to the
was muffled as well. I felt swathed in a telekinesis spell employed by wizards. The
grayness that dampened my heart and soul. arcane nature of the spirits who employ this
Conversely, the grinning shade that had power is such that the spirits are instantly able
commanded these dark legions became to manifest these effects and are not hindered
suddenly clear and crisp in my sight. My eyes by any manner of invocation.
focused on him hungrily, for here was a It is not uncommon for an object moving
source of light and vision to soothe my under the influence of this power to become
surrounded with an aura of pale blue light
My strange transformation drew his similar to that known a s St. Elmo’s fire.
attention, for he turned to me, leaving his
minions to battle my friends without his aid.
“You have the amulet of etherealness!” he
$rain memories
12. Entrance victims
13. Inhabits bodies
14. Inhabit objects
ened and the contents hurled at the target. it away will be. The most powerful of all ghosts,
ply tossing a stoppered vial at a spirit will in fact, are immune to this ability. The only
harm it; the vial will pass unresisted saving grace is that these ghosts will be unable
gh the body of the ghost and shatter to attack a cleric who might normally be able to
lessly on the ground behind it. drive them off.
ISpossible to splash a ghost with holy
urling the vial at its base and thus
it upon impact with the ground. In
1 cases, the resulting splash will bring
into contact with the holy water.
there is a margin for error with this
or the chance exists that the vial may
break. The seconds necessary to throw yet
ther vial-this time unstoppered-may be
hat is left of your life.
January 15th
discussed the possibility of holding certain I believe this theory has merit. For example, *
types of undead at bay by the mere why a holy symbol will not keep a
presentment of a holy symbol or some m ut a faithful priest or devout
of blessed object. Unfortunately, this doe ill turn away the apparition
work with ghosts and similar apparitions. through an effort of will.
As a rule, symbols or objects hold no great Although I have never encountered a gho
sway over the ranks of the incorporeal undead. e kept at bay simply by a holy
, Although they are often harmed by contact r t a h that there are those who
y them. In such cases, I believe,
Id be similar to that of an
ugh sanctified lands, or harmed by extraordinary vulnerability, which I
the following section.
in why this is, but my s ISs,o often the case in dealing with the
with the connections a ere are always exceptions. '
life. In the case of vulnerable to holy symbol
they are almost always bur
them, just a s if they had been '
oly water. In such cases, it
y symbols are able to strike the t
apparition even when it is in an incorporeal '
is so removed ;b
While it is true that almost every spirit is
aordinarg Uulnerabilitius repelled or held at bay by some allergen, the
y definition, “extraordinary” means that item may be is a difficult
mcommon or exceptional. The or even impossible task. Once again, the exact
vulnerabilities I describe in the next few nature of an allergen is based upon the origin
s (allergens, magical spells, and personal or past history of a ghost.
ts) are quite rare and specific. While many ing rose in the example above
e grouped together in certain categories, effective against the ghost of a
as allergens, the exact nature of a given rosarian or the spirit of a young woman
ss generally differs from ghost to ghost. betrayed by a lover who sent her roses. Against
ook upon the examples I present here as the pilot of a ghost ship, however, the rose is
nes only. Be aware that these types of likely ta b$ useless. One may find that sea salt
ties exist, but never assume a ghost or the ringing of a ship’s bell can keep this
these specific weaknesses until spirit at bay.
earch performed supports a hypothesis.
h e s q t i p g an Allergen
In general, a spirit is unable to approach
sorneppeaho is presenting an allergen. Mind
y previous work on vampires, I discussed k%,here is presentment. In the case of
mportance of various items in battling the ing rose, for example, it is generally
undead. Just a s with the dread vampire, there nat e n m g h for the victim to simply hold the
e items that an ethereal phantom cannot bear it must be held toward the apparition
see or touch. Called allergens, these items in a cleay, direct, and courageous fashion.
e useful when fighting ghosts, though seldom The effect of an allergen is, as I have said, to
e the items as effective against ghosts as are keep a spirit from approaching. In general, the
he allergens used against vampires. distance at which a spirit will be kept at bay is
Unlike the vampire, who is almost always based qn-its magnitude. The least of spirits
gly repulsed by items such as garlic and back a distance of some 50 or
ors, the ghost is a more subtle creature. bust spirits are able to move
e cannot apply a steadfast rule in using closer to an allergen, with some powerful spirits
ens to keep spirits at bay because each being wholly unaffected by any form of a ward.
t is absolutely unique. For example, one For those who hunt ghosts, keep in mind that
t may not be able to enter a room in which it is impossible for a spirit to take direct action
there is a blooming rose, but most other ghosts against t w o l d e r of an allergen. But be
ould not be so restricted. forewarn@: If confronting a truly dangerous
What constitutes one ghost’s allergen will ghost, make certain your research is
almost assuredly not be another’s. Because aller- comprehensive enough to ensure that you have
$ens are so closely related to either a ghost’s discover4 thecorrect allergen, the ghost’s one
origin or its nature, they can be nearly anything a party has come to grief upon
imaginable and as such are truly difficult to t the ghost whom they are
&quantify.The ghost hunter must research his confronting is not in the least deterred by the
prospective prey’s past so that he can identify a chosen allergen.
suitable allergen. I myself have used items as
varied as clove oil, pheasant feathers, a teacup, Using Allergens as Barriers
and a continuously chiming clock as allergens. It is possible tu protect an entire
In each instance, the allergen held some special area with an allergen. When doing the item
’significance to the ghost. is spread about the perimeter oft
fotms a barrier through found it was unable to look away from a newly
W m t pass. In some rare minted coin.
r6 &esenke
' bf the object is Indeed. coins seemed to have so pronouncec
irit out a room. For an effect on this creature that I was able to use
o enjoyed the warmth of a this fascination with them to my advantage in
n alive might be unable to its de(rtnrction. Through my research, I
where a fire has been kindled surmised the creature could be slain by the
memory of the enjoyment and smoke created from burning its countless
could be too painful for the ghost volumes of fiscal records. In order to ensure ib
exposure to these vapors, I lured the spirit into
cases, however, the presence of the the basement of the counting house and held
ergen alone is not enough to ensure ' out to it a gleaming platinum coin. Instantly,
protection. Special steps must be taken to the spirit froze. I t s eyes, smoldering pinpoints
extract the full value of the allergen. This is of silver light, fixed upon the coin and would
best explained through example. not turn away. Past experience had shown me
Let us consider a ghost whom 1 encountered that this effect was transient, and that I had bui
some three or four years ago, the Valachan a few seconds to do my work.
Miser. This spirit was all that remained ofp In the end, I barely escaped the blazing
large and powerful man who had, over thk counting house myself, but the spirit was
course of his life, brought great suffering to consumed along with its ledgers. I later
many people. He was a merchant noted for recovered the half-melted coin and had it
greed and treachery in his business practices. fashio'ned into an amulet. I made a gift of it to
When he died, his tortured spirit continued to my yohrlg assistant, Claudia, who had been
stand by the counting house where he had instrumental in the solving of this problem.
conducted his business in life. So strong were
his ties to this establishment that no magical
force seemed able to expel him from it.
In the course of my investigations, however, I The pdver of a wizards incantation or a priest'
was able to uncover some crucial facts. Among invocation cannot be discounted in matters of
the most important of these was the power 6f the s-rnatural. There have been many spells
money to this spirit. Not only was the creature created for the express purpose of battling the
fascinated (a term I describe below) by a newly undead, While the majority of them are
minted coin, it was unable to cross a line of designed for use against corporeal undead,
such objects. Thus, to protect myself from many are effective against apparitions as well.
attack by the spirit while I researched its In the next few pages, I will discuss selected
origins, 1would seal every door, window, and spells that function (or do not function) in
vent with a line of coins. Three times this spirit unusual ways when employed against ghosts.
at the door and twice beyond Note that those spells specifically intended for
,only to cry out in rage when it use in the presence of undead generally
fotmdit kould not reach me. function normally on ghosts. Thus, spells such
as detect undead are not listed here.
(Ising Allergens to Cause Fascination
On the whole, allergens are repulsive to spirits.
w i d spells
In some cases,however, they can create a sense
I am not a spellcaster myself. I have, however,
of fascination id the ghost. This effect can only
associated with many a wizard in the
be likened to the &ect a flame has on a moth.
past-both willingly and under duress. Some
In the case of thevalachan Miser, for example, I
have been i n t e k l i i t
The information I present I write this beside a small fire that does little
following pagesU
have learned fram
ugh the night, anxious to escape the thing
killed our guide on the plateau. Our efforts
without cost, however, for two more
k AlarmrEventhem any died during the ascent. I can
art in the belief that we all would
ve perished if we had remained on the
ide dwing the night.
eeing the dread tower from its own level
as an unsettling experience. It seems bent
d twisted in an impossible manner. I stood
the darkness trying to make sense of this
iAnimal Growth: This spell and its reverse have lis similar in its applicat
$no affect upon ghosts, even if in animal form.
the va&msmm spells described in the previous
onement: In some cases, this powerful spell . 8.
enough t o return peace t o a restless spirit. It Hold (An- Person): Undead animals are a s
often difficult to tell, however, if this spell will immune to hold spells as are undead men,
fully effective before it is cast unless a making these spells useless.
ugh investigation of the ghost's origin has
Wmk The power of a holy word is indeed
great. In.fact, this spell can sometimes be used
hual Light: My comments about the light to destrqy a ghost. As with the atonement spell,
apply to this enchantment a s well. this power.may or may not work in any given
case, In order t o ensure its effectiveness, the
(critical Wounds,Light Wounds, priest must carefully research the origin of the
us Wounds): These spells, and their ghost.
es, will function normally a s long a s the
using them is able to physically touch the Light: Unless the ghost has some direct
.With corporeal spirits, this is easy
t o do. With incorporeal or
aversion t o light, this spell will not drive it
away. Furthermore, it is impossible to blind a I
poreal apparitions, however, this can be ghost with this spell unless it is in a corporeal
ite tricky to arrange. state.
ic: As I mentioned earlier in the Moonbeam.Just a s this spell's lunar radian&
ion of wizard spells, this spell does not can cause lycanthropes to transfo
he presence of the undead. bestial selves, so too can this radi
those ghosts who are tied to the moo
ik This spell can sometimes be used example, a spirit who ris
ghost from an area and force it into of a castle whenever the
rporeal state. Further, it can act a s an might well manifest itself i
lent ward, keeping the spirit '--- --A--:--
upon the keep it hau-'
Plane Shift: This spell can be used to enter the notes I have provided for the reincarnate spell
border ethereal and combat ghosts on their above.
own ground. It can also be used to force a ghost
t o enter that plane itself if it is a mutable spirit Speak with Dead: Like the priceless legend lore
capable of entering an incorporeal state. spell, this bit of necromancy is a wonderful tool
when dealing with ghosts. If the body from
Protection from Evil: This spell will keep which a spirit has sprung can be found, this
ghosts at bay, for they can not pass through the spell will often enable a ghost hunter to learn
magical barrier. However, many spirits may much about the nature of the apparition. I have
have special abilities that will enable them to been able to use information acquired in this
reach those hiding behind this shield. way to drive a ghost back into its grave and to
help it sleep in peace thereafter.
Protection from Evil, 1 0 Radius: This spell
functions under the same restrictions as its Speak with Monsters: This spell does not
counterpart (above). permit the caster to speak with undead
monsters. However, the above speak with dead
Raise Dead: This necromantic spell can often spell will allow such communications.
be used t o destroy an undead creature. It p a
truly potent weapon in the war against evil. Spell Immunity: This spell can be used to
protect against special attacks from ghosts and
Regenerate: This spell and its reverse are similar undead creatures. In order to be
unable to affect the undead in any way. effective, however, the priest using it must be
able to clearly identify the type of attack the
Reincarnate: This spell can sometimes be used ghost will employ. Furthermore, the priest must
to thwart a ghost by forcing it to return to its have been affected by this attack previously in
body and then giving the body new life. I have his or her life.
found, however, that the reincarnated creature
in such cases is universally psychotic. The Sunray: This powerful spell is a lethal weapon
shock of its sudden transformation to undeath when employed against the undead. Even
and then revivification is too much for any ghosts who are not normally vulnerable to
mind t o bear. sunlight are often pained or even destroyed by
this powerful demonstration of faith.
Remove Curse: Only in the rarest of cases can
this spell destroy a spirit or allow it to rest in its Symbol: None of the priest’s holy symbols is
grave. Generally, this happens only when it is effective against ghosts. It may be, however,
cast upon a minor ghost, say of first- or that a special symbol could be researched and
second-magnitude, by a powerful spellcaster. I created that is of special potency against
am told it is as difficult to lift the curse of unlife apparitions of a particular nature. This spell is
from a ghost a s it is to cure a lycanthrope of his useful only on a highly singular basis.
Wyvern Watch: This spell will not function a s a
Restoration: This spell and its reverse (energy ward against the approach of a ghost unless
drain) are useless in battling the undead. cast by a priest who is ethereal at the time of
casting. When so cast, the spell will detect the
Resurrection: This spell can occasionally be presence of a looming apparition, but not that
used to remove the threat of a ghost. I would of a corporeal menace such a s a wolf, a bandit,
caution the reader, however, to refer to the or a zombie.
c I
example. I was once called
Personal Effects e detective Alanik Ray in an
As I have said at numerous points in this f no fewer than a dozen brutal
chronicle, it is vitally important to carefully string of killings was identical in
research the background of the ghost one a series of crimes committed
confronts. Any group of heroes who charge into earlier. It became clear that we
combat with their weapons drawn and their wits th the ghost of the man who had
sheathed is certain to meet a horrible fate. earlier series of murders.
While the final resolution of any haunting often man had been hung for his
involves the judicious use of enchanted or holy ected the gallows might have
steel, steadfast devotion to such tactics is deed, when we confronted
foolish in the extreme. Only an understanding aniks assistant, one Arthur
of the origins and motivations of a spirit will le to toss a noose over the
supply the important edge needed for victory. espite the fact that the creature
My research into an individual spirit has was semicorporeal in nature, the sturdy hemp
often left me with evidence indicating a weapon bound it securely. From the instant the loop
unique to that spirit. Because these objects are touched it, the creature began to choke and
almost always things that were of great claw at it. Its eyes rolled back in its head, a
importance to the ghost when it was alive, I bloated tongue slipped from between its lips,
group them under the broad heading of personal and its body melted away in a cloud of inky
effects. Although they are much like allergens black mist. It was never seen again.
(described above), personal effects may be used I can offer but one guideline when decidin
to destroy and not merely ward off a ghost. to hunt the ghostly dead: Begin the
investigation with an examination into the Why is it that silver is so deadly to ghosts? I
creature’s death. That traumatic moment was
perhaps the most important of the ghost’s life. natural property that
Surely, an event so charged with karmic rtion of the ghost’s
resonance as to create a ghost cannot help but Yhen, the keapon might be
be a good starting point. From there, the rod. I have heard other
hunter will be led down an often twisted path to nnot disprove any of
the truth. valid as mine.
II be encountered
e other metal. In most
Special hapons exact nature of the
thissection I examine the use of physical
- Unsigned jour
ISsometimes possibl found by a sai
eapons that have spm
s could be anythiig
death, before we happened upon the correct
n to the locatio
tool. The fact that no fewer than four of my
companions were gravely injured in our
research is a testimony to both the hazards and
nt his wife, a woman,
importance of such preliminary investigation
hen the time ca
t we discovered we c
concentration by
Host Mediums
Host mediums are similar to trance mediums in
that they allow their bodies to be used a s a
conduit through which a ghost can
communicate with the living. The host
medium, however, gives up absolute control of
the body to the visiting spirit. For the duration
Guide Mediums of the ghost’s stay in the host’s body, the ghost
A guide medium is a unique and powerful effectively replaces the host.
individual. These people are actually able to Host mediums are useful when the ghost or
enter the spirit world, the border ethereal, and spirit to be dealt with has some corporeal need
communicate with a ghost on its home to be met that requires a physical body. For
territory. My research indicates this is done in a example, I was once called upon to look into a
manner similar to a wizards astral traoel spell. haunting at a popular Kartakan inn. I
Often, the guide medium must craft some discovered that the spirit belonged to a woman
manner of portal or gateway through which he who had been slain by wolves in the
will enter the spirit world. Some manner of countryside nearby. Her death occurred on the
ceremony is held, during which the medium day of her wedding, and she and her new
goes through a series of steps designed to husband were traveling to the inn for their
“open” this portal. When all is ready, the mystic honeymoon.
(and a handful of other people) can step
through the gate and into the border ethereal.
Once in the spirit world, the medium has a
natural understanding of what he encounters
there. While I found the entire voyage utterly
bewildering and disorienting the one time I
traveled with a guide medium, she was never
put off by the weird landscape of the spirit
realm. When we encountered the spirit whom
we sought, it was all I could do to offer even the Prognostics do not always prove
slightest aid to the medium battling him. prophecies-at least the wisest
prophets make sure of the event first.
- Horace Walpole
in a letter to Thomas Walpole
February 19, 1785
The spirit longed to embrace her husband, clients, these talented individuals are able to
fetid his kiss but once, and know the bliss of his help a person recall the details of his or her
1- before it could rest in peace. With a little past lives.
effort,I located a host medium who allowed the I have never been bold enough t o undergo
woman’s spirit to control her body. The this process myself. I suppose that something
husband and his wife were then reunited, and in my inner nature refuses to accept that I was
the ghost was able to rest in peace afterward. ever more or less than 1 am now. This is not to
Like trance mediums, host mediums run the say that I do not have faith in the skills and
risk of domination if they are unable to throw powers of regression mediums-on the
off the spirit that possess them. A host medium contrary! Rather, this is an indication of my own
must be careful to avoid a sudden shock to his desire for uncertainty. I have no interest in
system while a spirit is in control of his body. knowing who I might have been in a past life.
Any major unanticipated circumstance, such as Another talent of the regression medium is
an attack upon the spiritualist, has a chance of the ability to take a person back to previous
allowing the visiting essence to seize times in his current life. This I have
permanent control of the medium’s body. experienced.
I was asked to watch the dancing flame at the
heart of a fine crystal lamp while the medium
spoke to me in a calm and relaxing tone.
Before I knew it, I apparently fell into a trance
and was under his power. With only his voice a s
a guide, I went back into my own past to relive
an encounter with Desmiand I’Strange, a minor
vampire in Valachan.
I was convinced the vampire was destroyed in
our first encounter, but I had recently seen him
moving about in the city of Levkarest. When I
was able to experience the scene again from an
objective point of view, I saw the means of the
vampire’s escape. Further details from the
scene made clear an a s yet undiscovered
weakness of the monster, which I then used to
utterly destroy him a s he fled from me into the
woods of Borca.
Rqression Mediums
Some mediums deal not with the spirit world,
but with the inner world of the psyche. They
believe that we have all lived before and that
much of the information that we possessed in
our previous lives is buried deep within our
minds. By inducing a mesmeric trance in their
le are not actua
the sDirit world or to manifest any form o
power over the undead. Rather, they are able to
sense the psychic vibrations that surround
objects and places.
In rare cases, these mediums can even sense
things about people or other living creatures,
but their talent functions primarily with
inanimate objects.
Every emotional event that takes place n
ves it with a small
his energy fades o
time, eventually varikhi ether. The more
powerful the em0
this resonance b
1 9 explored
~ a ruined castle with a
sensitive named Hildegren. As we moved into
tb%building, she became somewhat nervous
and looked about with great anxiety.
Many people have fought and died here,”
she said. “Death and pain linger in every stone.”
As we moved deeper into the castle, her
trepidation became more and more
pronounced. When we finally reached the heart
of the keep, which was dominated by a massive
obsidian throne, she collapsed. This chamber
was the seat of power for an evil creature from
another plane that had been trapped in our
world. So foul and vile were the acts of this
depraved fiend that even I could sense the
darkness of the deeds that had been done in
this place. For Hildegren, who could read the
nature of such vibrations clearly, it was enough
t o drive her unconscious.
2 . , !%--- . .a
unsuspecting. The key here is to demand The type of research that a false medium
specific information from the medium. If he might do can encompass a number of
cannot supply it in any manner, then he is most possibilities. Among the most common, and
certainly a fraud. despicable, is the practice of watching the
I present you now with an example of the way death announcements for a large town and then
in which leading questions are employed. contacting new widows and widowers with an
offer of help in contacting the loved one they
Medium: I sense that you are married. have just lost. The depths to which these fiends
Victim: No, I’m not. will sink is appalling to me, for I can think of
Medium: Ah, yes, I see that now. But there is a nothing so vile as the misuse of something so
woman whom you are very fond of. sacred as mourning.
Victim: Yes. There is. Another foul practice of these swindlers is
Medium: I sense that she is well-to-do. the learning of secrets and little-known facts
Victim: Well, she’s quite poor, actually. that they claim to have been told by the
Medium: So she is now, my friend, but she will deceased with whom they are in contact. If the
not always be. information they have obtained is specific and
seems to be authentic, the victim will often
As you can see, the medlum employs leading believe that there is no way for the fraud t o
questions to get the victim to believe that he have learned this fact if not to have been privy
knows things he does not. In to a voice from beyond the grave.
False Prophesies
the medium sensing the The making of predictions has long been a
cornerstone of the false medium business. In
order to appear gifted and clairvoyant, the
medium makes some prediction about coming
even’ts. This can be done in one of two ways.
The first and most common of these tactics is
to make a prediction that is so vague and
unspecific that it will seem to come true no
matter what happens. For example, the
customer might be told that he musf carry a
married,” simply agree! silver coin in his hand whenever he goes about
humbug will weave whe in public or a horrible fate will befall him. If the
advice is followed and no great trauma occurs,
nature-and may be enterta the mystic will take full credit for the
warrant the loss of gold. customer’s safety. If a calamity does befall the
customer, however, the medium can almost
Research always talk his way out of the guilt for it.
The second means by which a prediction can
information, so too is the false medium fond of be made to appear true is more difficult, but far
special knowledge. Not only does this-eliminate more convincing. This tactic relies upon the
the need to use leading gu medium making a very specific prediction
with customers, it also sup about an upcoming event and then making surf
medium with a solid point that it comes to pass. For example, the mystic
exploiting the fears, weaknesses, or desires of might warn of a robbery in the victim’s fqtvre
his victims. and then hire a thug to rob client, splitting
the take with the medium. In some cases, this
can be quite an elaborate hoax, for some
swindlers are truly artists at their vulgar
Another very convincing process by which
customers can be lured away from their cash
and into the clutches of the false medium is by
the simple acting ability of the fraud. A false n one of these extraordinary 2
ve come to me if you
any dQubtT
If no manner of professional or fraternal
can be found, there is always the clergy to 611 Rqutation
consider. A somewhat less reliable means of locating a
It is often possible to locate a church that, medium, although one still not utterly devoid
although possibly not representing the exact of merit, is by the medium’s reputation. An
faith one follows, will be sympathetic to the individual who is talented in the art of
cause for which we are fighting. If this communication and who chooses not to
relationship can be forged, then trustworthy practice his or her skills in secrecy will
advice is often forthcoming. eventually become known. In some cases, this
I have had occasion to deal with some of the reputation can spread far and wide, crossing
priests who devote themselves to the gods of even the borders of a domain.
Har’Akir. While my own faith is very different A word of caution is vital here, however. In
from theirs, we nevertheless quickly found a rs of travel I have encountered many,
common belief in ice and the sanctity of the udulent spiritualists whose claims far
tomb that was abl- .-bridge the gap between ouweighed their purported mystical abilities.
our cultui In almost every case, these individuals had
I am derignted to say that a long and true ir reputation that was built around
friendship arose between myself and several st successes they themselves had
of the local holy men. Indeed, on at least ’*
three separate occasions the actions of these r ih this chapter I discussed such false
wonderful companions saved my life. With- n more detail. Remember that it is
be able to write this to note that tracking down a medium
l i her reputation alone lends itself to this
kind of deception more than any other method. power to each of these three sources.
Care is warranted. Allow me to present an example. I was
traveling with a pair of companions through the
strange domain of Sanguinia. My comrades
Through Aduertisement ~,
were the fierce and savage desert warrior,
,. d ; @ @
It is oossible to seek out a medium bv- Dostma
. - Arametrius, and the stern and mysterious
handbills and hiring callers t o expresswxm’s ranger, George Weathermay.
desire to employ a such a person. Thishas the Arametrius was a man of secrets, to be sure.
distinct disadvantage of alertingall thbzd~ He was clearly a traveler from another land, one
interested in fraud and deceit t o the.p&s&nCeof unfamiliar with much of what he found in our
:a possible target for their trickery T b 8 w v e n if travels. That his native land was one of deserts
someone responds to the advertiaembrRrho is and hot sun was obvious, for his skin was
qualified and worthy of attention, h W 6 h e is tanned, and the chilling winds of Sanguinia
often mislaid while the potential m p b y e r were almost more than he could bear. H e
seeks to sort out the genuina spSr;ituWi&wfrom seemed taken aback by the metal objects we
the talented fakers. used in our daily life. As he did not speak any
I have been forced to resort tcwM&ianue of language I knew, I was never able to understand
hiring only once in my life. T ‘ w m e , the the wonderment with which he beheld such
first applicant for the positbn a simple things a s iron tools or steel weapons,
the first of my notices was b but I believe the root of his attitude to be
brief interview, I learned s religious in nature-perhaps his people used
that a stranger had c o m e metal only in the fashioning of holy objects.
she sensed, “in need of gui&m?$&’t*EWsrshe Arametrius was also sensitive to the presence
kept a careful watch on the of the undead or those connected with them.
center of town and responde On three occasions, he awoke in the dead of
seeing my leaflet. nigtp crying out in fear and grabbing for the
I dare say she would bone axe from which he never strayed. Without
had not posted my notices, buWmnnat be exception, such nightmares were followed by
certain of this. Over the com&%&the;next few an encounter with the undead. I was convinced
days, a s she provided mswitbaWi&&he that this was a valuable gift.
information I needed t o s o h W&&er at When it became obvious to us that our
hand, I was faced with a cons&mWr~khof company would require the services of
pretenders and charlatans svhcr’all claimed to be someone capable of communicating with the
the genuine article. Doubtlese o n a w two of spirit world, the task fell to Arametrius. H e set
them might have had some Minolsgifk for his powerful mind to work on the matter and,
prognostication, but most w&e&nply talented within a few minutes, was able to sense the
actors trying t o land a profitaWRdelec6ne that presence of a supernatural influence. We
might have cost me more thansrnwsgcdd. sought out the woman whom he had sensed-a
charming young lady named Claudia
DeShanes-and asked for her help.
To our surprise, we found she had no idea
I have heard tell that there are some people what we were talking about. Indeed, she was ,
who can actually sense the preseme-df a certain Arametrius was mistaken, for she swo&
spiritualist in a given locality. Whether this she was not a mystic. I was able to persuade,hfr
phenomenon is magical, psychii, or.divine, I
cannot say. I have seen evidence to indicate
to attempt some simple experiments under m
guidance, and her powers quickly manifested T
that it might be possible to attribute such a themselves.
We learned her mother had been sensitive to abilities. The second group seems to come
the vibrations of the spirit world, a s had her upon their calling in a more haphazard fashion.
grandmother. Claudia was not only gifted, she I term these groups studied and incidental.
was among the most accurate and powerful
spiritualists with whom I have ever worked.
After our adventure in Sanguinia ended,
Studied Abilities
Claudia joined me in my battle against the Mediums who fall into this group have spent
forces of evil. We traveled together for little years or even decades in the pursuit of
more than a year before her death in the dread knowledge and power so that they might be
land of Lamordia. able to contact and control the spirit world. In
the eyes of many adventurers, these individuals
are the easiest with which to deal, for they are
Sources of a Medium's Power often kindred spirits who seek to lay the dead
n this section I shall discuss the ways in to rest. These mediums derive their power via
Magical Powers
they help quantify that which is mysterioys and Persons who draw their power from a magical
unknown. source include all manner of necromancers,
I do not claim to have divined each and every diviners, and others who depend upon the
type of medium. I present here only those types weaving of spells for communication with the
that have made themselves known to me undead or spirit world.
during the course of my travels. I know of several magical spells that have
Spiritualists seem to come in two broad been created expressly for use in obtaining
groups. The first represents all those who have information from and about the dead. Among
set out t o deliberately master their art's the most common and most useful of these
spells are detect undead, legend lore, contact
other plane, sending, demand, and foresight.
Magical means of communicating with the
dead are quite reliable, but are not typically
found within the general public. As a rule,
individuals who have these powers will be few
k knew the anguish of the marrow
The ague of the skeleton;
and far between. Assuming that an adventurer
or one of his or her companions has no ability
to cast these spells, a ghost hunter's only
No contact possible to flesh access to these abilities will be through a hired
Allayed the fever of the bone. wizard. Knowing these mysterious and powerful
beings as I do, I can state that finding such an
- Thomas Sterns Elliot individual and convincing him or her to aid one
Whispers of Immortality can be a long, often hazardous, and frequently
expensive process.
Divine Powers
If I had to select the type of spiritualist for
whom I have the greatest respect, it would be
those who draw upon their powers from the
worship of a deity. As a rule, these individuals my body. I dare say I would have been horribly
have access to highly effective and reliable mauled or even slain by the nightmares that
spells that enable them to draw forth she drew forth from the spirit world if I had not
information and to exercise a level of confirol stumbled upon a small party of local clerics,
over the undead that no magician can match. led by a powerful cleric of their own faith.
The drawback to this is that sometimes these Seeing my peril, they came to my aid. As I
individuals are in the service of a dark power. described earlier, we soon found a common
As such, they can be among the most ground and joined forces against the dread
dangerous and formidable foes an adveaaturer is Kharafek.
likely to face. The request of communication
with the spirit world coupled with these priests’ Psionic Powers
control of the undead can be channeled into a Some people are able to draw upon their own
mighty weapon, the likes of which few ghost mental powers to establish contact with the
hunters can survive. spirit world. Such individuals are rare, certainly,
Earlier, I wrote about my trip to Har’Akir and but they are often quite powerful. Among the
my fondness for several members of the local powers at their disposal are such useful talents
clergy. There is more to that story, however, and as object reading, precognition, sensitivity to
I have saved it to illustrate this paint. One of psychic impressions, danger sense, spirit sense,
the first people 1 met in that land of sun and probability travel, summon planar creature,
desert was a tall, slender woman with skin the astral projection, and incarnation awareness.
color of polished ebony. She was a priest of Some of the informational powers employed
some sort, although her faith was omknown to by this type of person are truly wonderful. The
me then. She extended what I. thmght was the first time I saw someone employ the incarnation
hand of friendship to me a awareness ability, for example, I was stunned.
domain I did not know I The information we received was accurate,
days, all seemed well. decisive in the resolution of a
kept an ample supply
available for me, and made
learn my language. She’exp s are almost unheard of within the
my works and seemed eager
defeating a withered spirit th
across the dunes. Before long
discovered that this kindness
charade. less reliable here than in their
I learned that this priest, K m.I can only assume that some
name, no force of light
darkness and evil. Her only pu a l t h o w I cannot provide any manner of
me well was to acquire information explanation fer this most unusual phenome
spirit I had been battling. It was
control this ancientevil and use
her effort to crush the temples of m
righteous gods. I learned of her pla
for she had already seized control o
withered shade. I was forced to flee ko hem granted to or thru
temple in the dead of night.
As I ran, Kharafek bent her every mdre potent than
mine. Spirits rose from the sands t ut of dedicated study. This
notrcseemfair, particularly to someone who has origin. Like many of his race, Koa1 had spent
the study of arcane lore and years laboring in the mines that surrounded the
city in which he lived. One day, however, an
ywlile these powers are generally more explosion occurred in the tunnels, causing a
effective in their specific role, an individual collapse. The shower of rock that fell around
gifted with incidental abilities will generally be Koa1 knocked him unconscious and left him
limited to only a few. Thus, they are typically pinned beneath a heavy layer of stone.
very restricted specialists who have only one When Koa1 awoke, he found himself in the
avenue of expertise, a s opposed to those who company of three of his fellow miners. Like
have studied abilities. himself, they had been trapped in the collapse
and were unable to move. Thus, the quartet was
Accidental Powers forced to wait until help arrived. They passed
Some spiritualists have only the hand of fate to the time In conversation and, a s dwarves are
thank for their powers. They did not seek out a wont to do, complaining.
special ability through study or similar means, Two days later, help arrived. Koa1 was freed
and they have no hereditary claim to such gifts. and, luckily,. his injuries proved to be minor. To
Although powers of this type can his surprise, however, he found that his
spontaneously awaken in a person, it is fay companions had all been killed in the initial
more likely that they are triggered through an collapse. The past $&hours had been spent, he
accident or period of great stress. was forced tg admit, in the company of three
~ +haye met one individual, a dwarf who now ghosts.
WWsaw&&e name of Koa1 Shadowforge, From khat point on, Koa1 found himself able
&s+mm$etraced to an accidental to converse k e l y with the spirits of the
recently dead. With the help of a magician in help but see into the spirit world. His or her
my native Darkon, I was able to test Koal's karmic aura is in tune with all that transpires
ability. Our conclusion was that he was nearby, and this can be most dangerous. With
effectively able to employ the spell holy men all of this spiritual energy swirling about, an
call speak with dead at any time. He had no untrained medium acts a s a lodestone to pull
need for rituals or incantations, his race's ghosts, shades, and spirits into the world
natural resistance to magic did not hinder him, around him or her.
and he made no conscious effort to employ his Often this infuses these mediums with a
power. H e was simply able to converse with feeling of dread and paranoia. They sense the
them as you or I might chat with a traveling looming energies about them and panic. For
companion. some, this oppressive karmic weight is too
In some cases, power acquired in this way much to bear and they succumb to death. In
can be fleeting in nature. On one of my own others, the stronger ones, a psychosis grows in
adventures, I encountered a small child whose their minds. They feel hunted and pursued by
father had been beheaded for a crime he did the ghosts around them. They flee. Sometimes
not commit. When the wronged man's spirit they seek isolation in the wilderness, becoming
returned t o exact vengeance on the people who hermits who dwell at the heart of some
had falsely accused him, the daughter was able haunted, dire forest.
to freely converse with the apparition. More frequently, however, this medium never
No one else was able t o do this without the settles down. Rather, the medium becomes, in
aid of powerful magical spells. Further, when essence, a mystical plague carrier who travels
the ghost had completed its task and returned from town to town in an effort to stay ahead of
to a peaceful rest in the grave, the girl was the spectral forces that gather around him or
unable to communicate with other spirits. To her. Everyone the medium encounters runs the
the best of my knowledge, she now lives as risk of exposure to supernatural presences. It is
happy and normal a life a s anyone in Darkon. not-uncommon for a dozen or more hauntings
to ipring up following the passage of such a
Hereditary Powers tragic figure.
The most powerful of spiritualists are those With the proper training, however, these
who have descended from a long line of people can be a great boon to those who would
similarly gifted persons. Most Vistani mediums battle the ranks of the evil undead. While the
are of this type, for the powerful magic of the way in which such a medium's power manifests
waking dream runs strongly in family lines, itself varies from individual to individual, one
passing almost without exception from mother can almost always count on a hereditary
to daughter. medium to be a powerful and reliable source of
Those who have this power are often trained information. If cooperative, he or she can prove
by their parents in the use of their talent. Thus, to be a valuable weapon in one's endeavors.
they are extremely reliable when called upon to
undertake a spiritual task. They have a good Induced Powers
understanding of their abilities, their Some mediums, particularly those from lesa 2 I
limitations, and the risks involved in any advanced cultures, require an outside s t i r n u 1
endeavor. to awaken their mystical powers. GeneFzbHpAb f
It is very rare that someone who has stimulus takes the form of a ritual c e r e m w t p
hereditary powers does not receive training that surrounds the imbibing of a magictdflonrs '
from an ancestor or a mentor. When this concoction. 1'' %4C56
happens (or, rather, fails to happen), a perilous The information one receives fri3rn~t#Wib'.
focus is created. A hereditary medium cannot individuals is usually reliable, but-f W @42
somewhat random nature. Although a general I know of one woman, for example, who
quesy.ien can be put to such a person, it is claimed to be able to see the world exactly a s it
sehQ1amfekt by the contacted spirits a s more was. When I asserted my own belief that I could
t h m a suggestion. Thus, an answer may be do the same, she laughed at me. I soon found
gihren that is wholly accurate and correct or, that she was correct to do so. Her power was in
more frequently, of a puzzling or only her sight. She saw the shifting winds
half-useful nature. themselves, not simply their effects upon trees.
I do not mean to discount such individuals. If Nothing could hide from her keen
the only type of mystic around is someone who senses-not even those items under a magical
depends upon a magical tincture or poultice to shroud of invisibility, for she saw such things
make contact with an apparition, then, by all normally. Illusions and phantasms were
means, seek out this person and make use of instantly obvious to her, and she could tell
his or her gifts. I am only saying that some whether someone was telling the truth or lying
degree of caution is warranted in the in the simply by studying the aura surrounding them.
wording of questions and in the interpretation She was an amazing woman.
of answers. Such keen senses, however, made it
If one thinks in broad terms when dealing impossible for her to live as we do. She could
with induced mediums, the reader will ..
generally be safe enough. Ask about the origins
tell at a glance the innermost secrets of
everyone she met. Even the famed detective
of a spirit or its overall wants and desires. If the Alanik Ray, whom I have worked with on two
reader attempts to pin down a specific point, occasions, could not match her perception and
bwever. he or she will almost certainly be skill at deduction. She knew that all those
misinformed or disappointed. around her feared her and her power. They
could not stand to be near her, for all of their
personal secrets (both benign and malignant)
LiPostyles of MedOums were known to her. I consider myself an
he life of a medium is seldom similar to. understanding and fair man, but even I was
Just a s often, however, these individuals actually become violent if forced into meetings
become drifting minions of evil. Their powers with them.
combine with their resentment toward the It is always a good idea to approach such
living to guide them down a path of darkness mediums cautiously, for they can be quite
From which Few have the strength of willpower dangerous. In addition, they often place traps
to return. In such cases, wandering spiritualists or other wards around their lairs. The most
can become an adversary a s deadly as any powerful among them will actually call upon
ghost or vampire. the spirits of the dead to watch over their
Many people who have the gift of spiritual
powers quickly become convinced that they Some mediums find the weight of their powers
have no place in the land of the living. While greater than the strength of their will. They
they do not develop an affinity for all things begin to Feel a sense of depression and anxiety
dead, they do become detached and somewhat over their abilities.
resentful of those who are still a part of society. Such individuals see their gift a s a
Once this attitude is adopted, this medjwn burdensome responsibility and rapidly come to
will often leave behind the civilized lands of believe they are not worthy of it. They become
living men and seek out some wilderness to call more and more depressed and apprehensive a s
his or her own. This person will find some dark time goes by. As a rule, the greater their power,
glade or twisting complex of caverns and the more rapid the pace of their mental
seclude him- or herself at its heart. collapse.
I have even heard of cases where the In the end, these mediums are often
would-be hermit sought and obtained overcome by depression and sink into the
admission into a monastic order, granting him inescapable mental disintegration of insanity or
the solitude he desired while allowing him to complete despair. Those who fall into the latter
remain somewhat in the company of other category are generally found in either a
men. With strangers and visitors being rare,-the comatose or catatonic state, with no will t o live.
mystic was left free to explore the limits of his As might be expected, they often succumb
or her own powers and establish a good rapport utterly to their mental weakness and die. In rare
with the minions of the spirit world. cases, under the care of a talented hand, they
There is a major advantage to this way of life. may be nursed back to sanity and, with luck,
Recluses spend so much of their time in will adopt a more stable demeanor in the
contemplation and inner study that they are future.
able to harness every last fraction of their Those who find the strength to avoid despair
mystical abilities. They learn the subtle and cross over the line into lunacy can be
nuances of their talents and become a s terrible and frightening. For some reason that I
knowledgeable in following the paths of the have a s yet been unable to discern, they
undead a s any ranger might be in the tracking generally become more powerful upon
of game. As a rule, recluses will be in much reaching madness. My speculation is that these
better control of their powers than any other people find the ability to draw upon their full
type of medium. reserves of power once they abandon their
The drawback to all of this is fairly obvious feelings of inadequacy, but I cannot prove this
a s well. Recluses sever almost every contact to be the case.
with the outside world. They often despise the Such mediums become tools of death and
people whom they have left behind and may darkness. They have much in common with
those who are morbid, but they are utterly study them and learn something of their ways, I
devoid of compassion for the living. They remain mystified by them.
regard life a s an aberration and may do all in Vistani women are all gifted with at least a
their power t o end it. As one might expect, so trace of mystical power, I believe. They seem
vile a mentality is dangerous beyond words in able to sense things that normal folk cannot,
any case; when linked with the power of a and they live their lives as if they were in
skilled medium, an almost unstoppable enemy constant possession of a sense I cannot define.
is created. There are those who say that the Vistani are
more than mortal, but I cannot confirm that. I
have seen them die a s certainly a s you or I
The Uistani might, and I believe they are a s mortal a s we.
have no love for the gypsie The Vistani have a word for their unusual
. .
life. He was clearly repentant and lamented the metal objects that can destroy him), the basic
joy he had passed up in life by being a miser. In MC entry takes on a whole new character.
an effort to ease his suffering, Marley was If this sort of short cut is used, it is important
compelled to visit Scrooge and convince him to to maintain the illusion that the ghosts the PCs
change his ways. It might be that Marley is are encountering are still wholly unique. DMs
freed from his curse the moment Scrooge is should still cling to the old Ravenloft ideal of
changed. Thus, a group of players could never calling an orc an orc. If the phantom
conceivably return the ghost to its grave army is described as “an army of wights led by
peacefully by merely assisting the ghost in its a wraith,” it loses much of its impact. The
mission to help Scrooge recognize the errors of players would be instantly aware of the nature
his ways and abandon the path of greed and of the creatures they face and would take
avarice he has followed for so much of his life. appropriate steps to battle them. If the DM
refers to the army as apparitions in one
sentence and ghosts the next, the players will
Creating New Ghosts not know exactly what they are facing.
nce the gist of an adventure has been laid
by William W. Connors
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