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The key takeaways are that this study guide provides questions to help prepare for Pennsylvania's aboveground storage tank handler and inspector certification examinations across different categories.

The purpose of this study guide is to help the user prepare for the technical portion of Pennsylvania's aboveground storage system tank handler and inspector certification examinations by providing an extensive list of questions to study from with their corresponding answers in the reference documents.

There are eight different certification examinations in Pennsylvania that cover different certification categories for aboveground storage tank handlers and inspectors. These include examinations for confined space, material exchange, facility maintenance, among others.

Study Guide



Aboveground Storage Tank

Certification Exams

2570-BK-DEP2312 Rev. 8/2008

This study guide is intended to help you prepare for the technical portion of Pennsylvania's aboveground
storage system tank handler and inspector certification examinations. There is a separate study guide to
help you prepare for the administrative examination. The study guide consists of an extensive list of
questions. All of the questions based on material in a specific document are grouped together. After each
question, the section in the reference document where the answer to the question can be found is given in
parentheses. The process of reading the question, finding the answer in the reference document, and
writing the answer in your study guide will help you learn the necessary information to pass the
certification examinations.
The certification exams will include the material covered in these study questions. The only
difference is that the exams will be in multiple choice format. You should be thoroughly familiar with the
material in this study guide before you enter the examination room. You may not refer to the study guide
or any other reference material while you are taking the technical portion of your certification
Although there are many different aboveground tank handler certification categories in Pennsylvania,
there are only eight different examinations that may be taken. The relationship between the certification
categories and examinations is as follows:
TL TL (aboveground and underground)
For a description of the certification categories and the certification requirements for each category,
refer to Pennsylvania Code Title 25, Chapter 245.110-113.
This study guide contains questions that are applicable to all eight certification examinations. Some
of the exam code letters listed in the above table are printed to the left of each study guide question. These
exam code letters identify the certification examinations which may contain questions related to the study
guide question. For example, if the letters AE and AF appear next to a study guide question, then the
information covered in the study guide question may appear in the AE and the AF examinations. If you
are taking either of these exams, you should know the answer to this study guide question. If you are
preparing for the AC or AR examinations, you may skip this question as the material is not relevant to the
examinations you will be taking.


American National Standards Institute

ANSI Z117.1: Safety Requirements for Confined Spaces.................................................................................................. 1
American Petroleum Institute
API 12D: Specification for Field Welded Tanks
For the Storage of Production Liquids .................................................................................................................................. 4
American Petroleum Institute
API 12P: Specification for Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic Tanks .......................................................................................... 8
American Petroleum Institute
API 12P: Recommended Practice for Setting, Maintenance, Inspection,
Operation and Repair of Tanks in Production Service ........................................................................................................ 13
American Petroleum Institute
API 1631: Interior Lining of Underground Storage Tanks .............................................................................................. 19
American Petroleum Institute
API 2003: Protection Against Ignitions Arising out of Static,
Lightning, and Stray Currents ........................................................................................................................................... 25
American Petroleum Institute
API 2009: Safe Welding, Cutting, and Other Hot Work Practices in
Refineries, Gas Plants, and Petrochemical Plants................................................................................................................ 33
American Petroleum Institute
API 2015/2016: Safe Entry and Cleaning of
Petroleum Storage Tanks ................................................................................................................................................... 38
American Petroleum Institute
API 2202: Dismantling and Disposing of Steel From
Aboveground Leaded Gasoline Storage Tanks ................................................................................................................... 53
American Petroleum Institute
API 2207: Preparing Tank Bottoms for Hot Work ........................................................................................................ 55
American Petroleum Institute
API 2350: Overfill Protection for Storage Tanks in Petroleum Facilities .......................................................................... 58
American Petroleum Institute
API 620: Design and Construction of Large, Welded, Low-Pressure
Storage Tanks ................................................................................................................................................................... 62
American Petroleum Institute
API 650: Welded Steel Tanks for Oil Storage................................................................................................................. 67
American Petroleum Institute
API 651: Cathodic Protection of Aboveground Petroleum Storage Tanks.......................................................................... 79
American Petroleum Institute
API 652: Lining of Aboveground Storage Tank Bottoms................................................................................................. 88
American Petroleum Institute
API 653: Tank Inspection, Repair, Alteration, and Reconstruction ................................................................................. 98
American Society of Mechanical Engineers
ASME RTP-1-2000: Reinforced Thermoset Plastic
Corrosion Resistant Equipment ....................................................................................................................................... 115

NACE International
NACE RP01887: Design Considerations for Corrosion Control of
Reinforcing Steel in Concrete ............................................................................................................................................ 118
Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection
Evaluation of Underground storage Tank Liners ............................................................................................................. 121
Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry
Title 37: Flammable and Combustible Liquids Handbook ............................................................................................. 123
National Fire Protection Association
NFPA 30: Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code ................................................................................................. 129
National Fire Protection Association
NFPA 326: Safeguarding of Tanks and Containers for Entry, Cleaning, and Repair.................................................... 137
National Fire Protection Association
NFPA 70: National Electrical Code............................................................................................................................. 138
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
NIOSH 87-113: A Guide to Safety in Confined Spaces ............................................................................................... 140
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
29CFR1910 .................................................................................................................................................................. 142
Petroleum Equipment Institute
PEI RP200: Recommended Practices for Installation of
Aboveground Storage Systems for Motor Vehicle Fueling.................................................................................................. 145
Snyder-Crown Industrial Products
Guidelines for Use and Installation .................................................................................................................................. 159
Steel Structures Painting Council
Steel Structures Painting Manual (Vol 1)........................................................................................................................ 161
Steel Structures Painting Council
Steel Structures Painting Manual (Vol 2)........................................................................................................................ 163
Underwriters Laboratories Inc.
UL 142: Steel Aboveground Tanks for
Flammable and Combustible Liquids .............................................................................................................................. 167
Inspection, Handling, Installation, Operation and Maintenance
Of Xerxes Aboveground Tanks....................................................................................................................................... 169

American National Standards Institute
ANSI Z117.1: Safety Requirements for Confined Spaces
The following study guide questions are taken from the American National Standards Institute standard Z117.1
entitled “Safety Requirements for Confined Spaces” (2003 edition).

AC, AE, TL 1. What are the characteristics of a confined space? (ANSI, Z117.1-2003. Section 2.)

AC, AE, TL 2. What is the definition of a hazardous atmosphere? (ANSI, Z117.1-2003. Section 2.)

AC, AE, TL 3. What is the definition of a permit required confined space? (ANSI, Z117.1-2003. Section 2.)

AC, AE, TL 4. What is the definition of qualified person? (ANSI, Z117.1-2003. Section 2.)

ANSI Z117.1: Safety Requirements for Confined Spaces

Page 1
AC, AE, TL 5. What conditions can cause confined spaces to become unsafe? (ANSI, Z117.1-2003.
Section E3.2)





AC, AE, TL 6. What six factors should be considered when performing the hazard identification process?
(ANSI, Z117.1-2003. Section 3.2.1 to 3.2.6)






AC, AE, TL 7. What is the intent of the permit system for confined space entry? (ANSI, Z117.1-2003.
Section E5.1)

ANSI Z117.1: Safety Requirements for Confined Spaces

Page 2
AC, AE, AF, 8. Testing should be conducted to identify hazardous atmospheres before entry is permitted
AR into a confined space. What tests should be conducted? In what order should the tests be
performed? (ANSI, Z117.1-2003. Section E6.1)

AF, AR 9. What are acceptable limits within a confined space for each of the following? (ANSI,
Z117.1-2003. Section to




AR, TL 10. Which national code describes requirements for electrical equipment to be used in hazardous
locations? (ANSI, Z117.1-2003. Section 12.4)

AF, AR, TL 11. When an employer arranges to have employees of another employer (contractor) perform
work that requires confined space entry, what information must the employer give the
contractor about the confined space? (ANSI, Z117.1-2003. Section 17.1)

ANSI Z117.1: Safety Requirements for Confined Spaces

Page 3
American Petroleum Institute
API 12D: Specification for Field Welded Tanks
for the Storage of Production Liquids
The following study guide questions are taken from the American Petroleum Institute Specification 12D
“Specification for Field Welded Tanks for the Storage of Production Liquids” (Tenth Edition, November 1, 1994).

IA 1. To what types of tanks does this specification document apply? (API 12D-94, Section 1.1)

IA 2. What types of petroleum product are normally stored in these tanks? (API 12D-94,
Section 1.1)

IA 3. What segment of the petroleum industry normally uses these tanks? (API 12D-94,
Section 1.1)

IA 4. What is a “double-welded butt joint?” (API 12D-94, Section 3.2)

API 12D: Specification for Field Welded Tanks

Page 4
IA 5. What is a “single-welded lap joint?” (API 12D-94, Section 3.2)

IA 6. What is a “fillet weld?” (API 12D-94, Section 3.2)

IA 7. What is a “tack weld?” (API 12D-94, Section 3.2)

IA 8. What type(s) of welds should be used to attach the tank bottom to the tank shell?
(API 12D-94, Section 3.9)

IA 9. What type(s) of welds should be used to join tank shell plates? (API 12D-94, Section 3.11)

API 12D: Specification for Field Welded Tanks

Page 5
IA 10. What type(s) of welds should be used on deck joints? (API 12D-94, Section 3.15)

IA 11. What type(s) of welds should be used to attach non-frangible tank decks to the tank shell?
(API 12D-94, Section 3.16)

IA 12. What type(s) of welds should be used to attach a frangible tank deck to the tank shell?
(API 12D-94, Section 3.17)

IA 13. What are the minimum dimensions specified for a tank extended-neck cleanout?
(API 12D-94, Section 3.19)

IA 14. How are baffles attached to the tank bottom? (API, 2D-94, Section 3.23)

API 12D: Specification for Field Welded Tanks

Page 6
IA 15. A completed tank shall be tested by filling with water. For how long must the tank remain
filled with water? (API 12D-94, Section 5.3)

IA 16. When a vacuum box is used to test a weld seam, what is the minimum gauge pressure that
should be used to conduct the test? (API 12D-94, Section 5.3)

IA 17. Where should toeboards be installed? How high should the toeboard be? (API 12D-94,
Section D.6)

API 12D: Specification for Field Welded Tanks

Page 7
American Petroleum Institute
API 12P: Specification for Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic Tanks
The following study guide questions are taken from American Petroleum Institute Specification 12P, entitled
“Specification for Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic Tanks” (Second Edition, January 1, 1995).

IA, AN 1. To which types of tanks does this specification apply? (API 12P, Section 1.1)

IA, AN 2. What happens to FRP material when it is exposed to high temperatures? What precautions
should be taken to deal with potential exposure to high temperatures? (API 12P,
Section 1.1)

IA 3. What are acceptable polymer resins to use in tank construction? (API 12P, Section 3.2)

IA 4. What should be the maximum working pressure of a standard design tank? (API 12P,
Section 4.1)

API 12P: Specification for Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic Tanks

Page 8
IA, AN 5. What is the minimum shell thickness allowed for the chop-spray, filament wound and
chop-hoop methods of constructing tank shells? (API 12P, Section 4.2 & 4.3)

IA, AN 6. The laminate comprising the structural components of a non-metallic tank should consist
of four layers. What are these four layers called? What function does each layer serve?
(API 12P, Section 4.4)

IA, AN 7. What is the minimum acceptable laminate thickness for fully supported tank bottoms
12 feet in diameter or less? For tanks greater than 12 feet in diameter? (API 12P,
Section 4.7)

IA, AN 8. What is the minimum diameter of a manway for a tank constructed according to this
document? (API 12P, Table 2)

IA, AN 9. For purposes of testing the lifting lugs on a tank, what is the “service load?” How much
more than the “service load” should a lifting lug be able to hold? (API 12P, Section 4.16)

API 12P: Specification for Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic Tanks

Page 9
IA 10. What should be laminated to the tank bottom directly below the thief hatch? (API 12P,
Section 4.18)

IA, AN 11. Is emergency venting normally required for FRP tanks? Why or why not? (API 12P,
Section 5.2)

IA, AN 12. What are five obvious defects that should not be present on FRP tanks? (API 12P,
Section 6.1.3)






API 12P: Specification for Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic Tanks

Page 10
IA, AN 13. What size pits are acceptable in the inside surface of the tank as long as they are covered
with sufficient resin to assure coverage of the inner surface reinforcement? What other
type of imperfection is permissible? (API 12P, Section 6.1.3)

IA, AN 14. What is the minimum duration for a hydrostatic test? (API 12P, Section 6.2.2)

IA, AN 15. To what level should the tank be filled during a hydrostatic test? (API 12P, Section 6.2.3)

IA, AN 16. If defects are discovered during the hydrostatic test, they must be repaired and the tank
retested. What is the minimum duration for the retest? (API 12P, Section 6.2.5)

IA, AN 17. How is the degree of cure of a laminate determined? (API 12P, Section 6.3.2)

API 12P: Specification for Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic Tanks

Page 11
IA, AN 18. What type of test can be conducted to determine incomplete curing of laminate on external
surfaces and secondary bond surfaces? What is the procedure for conducting this test?
(API 12P, Section 6.3.4)

IA, AN 19. What information must be incorporated on a raised metal label and securely attached to the
tank? (API 12P, Section 7.1)

IA, AN 20. What are acceptable materials to use as a base for supporting vertical, flat bottom tanks?
(API 12P, Section A.1)

IA, AN 21. How may a tank skid be used when handling a tank? (API 12P, Section A.2)

API 12P: Specification for Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic Tanks

Page 12
American Petroleum Institute
API 12R1: Recommended Practice for Setting, Maintenance, Inspection,
Operation and Repair of Tanks in Production Service
The following study guide questions are taken from American Petroleum Institute Recommended Practice 12R1
“Recommended Practice for Setting, Maintenance, Inspection, Operation and Repair of Tanks in Production
Service” (Fifth Edition, October 1, 1997).

AE 1. What is the definition of an “atmospheric pressure tank?” (API 12R1-97, Section 3.5)

AC 2. What is the minimum shell-to-shell spacing for personnel access between tanks?
(API 12R1-97, Section 4.1.3)

AC 3. What should the foundation sub-base for a tank consist of? (API 12R1-97, Section 4.1.5)

AC 4. What should be done if the sub-base is not sufficiently impermeable to prevent the
migration of fluids into soils below the tank? (API 12R1-97, Section 4.1.5)

API 12R1: Recommended Practice for Tanks in Production Service

Page 13
AC 5. How should the sub-base be graded? Why should it be graded this way? (API 12R1-97,
Section 4.1.5)

AC 6. What should the foundation base for a tank consist of? (API 12R1-97, Section 4.1.6)

AC 7. What is the purpose of “seep holes?” (API 12R1-97, Section 4.1.8)

AC 8. Under what conditions should seep holes be provided? (API 12R1-97, Section 4.1.8)

AE 9. When sacrificial anode cathodic protection is used to protect the inside of a tank used in
corrosive fluid or sour gas service, what will be the effect on the anode if the tank does not
have an internal coating? (API 12R1-97, Section 4.4.4)

API 12R1: Recommended Practice for Tanks in Production Service

Page 14
AE 10. What will be the effect of higher operating temperatures on sacrificial anodes?
(API 12R1-97, Section 4.4.4)

AE 11. What types of materials should be used for vent piping if hydrogen sulfide is present in the
system? (API 12R1-97, Section 4.4.7)

AE 12. At what point in the vent line must pressure-vacuum valves be located? (API 12R1-97,
Section 4.4.10)

AE 13. How far away from sources of vapor release from tanks without dikes should operations
that may temporarily create a source of ignition be kept? (API 12R1-97, Section 5.1.10)

AE 14. For what purpose may steel downcomer pipes be used? (API 12R1-97, Section 5.1.14)

API 12R1: Recommended Practice for Tanks in Production Service

Page 15
AC 15. How large a volume should dikes or firewalls be constructed to contain? (API 12R1-97,
Section 3.2)

AC 16. If a pipe drain is used, it should be provided at what point in the dike? (API 12R1-97,
Section 5.2.2)

IA 17. What are 10 factors that should be evaluated when determining the suitability of an existing
tank for continued service, change in service or making decisions about the future use of
the tank? (API 12R1-97, Section 6.1.2)











API 12R1: Recommended Practice for Tanks in Production Service

Page 16
IA 18. What are three internal techniques for determining tank bottom corrosion rates?
(API 12R1-97, Section




IA 19. What are three external techniques for determining tank bottom corrosion rates?
(API 12R1-97, Section




IA 20. What is the minimum physical coverage required for measurements conducted to determine
corrosion rates? (API 12R1-97, Section 6.6.3)

IA 21. What techniques should be used to examine completed repairs of butt welds?
(API 12R1-97, Section 7.4.2(b))

API 12R1: Recommended Practice for Tanks in Production Service

Page 17
IA 22. What techniques should be used to examine completed repairs of fillet welds?
(API 12R1-97, Section 7.4.2(c))

IA 23. What should be done with regards to leak detection when a tank bottom is replaced from
inside the tank? (API 12R1-97, Section 7.8)

IA 24. What should be the duration of a hydrostatic test performed on an altered or reconstructed
tank? (API 12R1-97, Section 7.10.1)

AE, IA 25. What should be the duration of a hydrostatic test performed on a repaired tank?
(API 12R1-97, Section 7.10.2)

API 12R1: Recommended Practice for Tanks in Production Service

Page 18
American Petroleum Institute
API 1631: Interior Lining and Periodic Inspection of Underground Storage Tanks
The following study guide questions are taken from American Petroleum Institute Recommended Practice 1631
entitled “Interior Lining and Periodic Inspection of Underground Storage Tanks” (Fifth Edition, June 2001).

TL 1. What does this recommended practice provide? (API 1631-2001, Section 1.1)

TL 2. What should tank lining contractors certify to the tank owner with regard to the training of
employees and subcontractors? (API 1631-2001, Section 4.2.2)





TL 3. Why must the coefficients of thermal expansion of the coating and the tank shell be
compatible? (API 1631-2001, Section 4.3.3)

API 1631: Interior Lining of Underground Storage Tanks

Page 19
TL 4. If no manway exists, what are the minimum dimensions for an opening to permit entry into
the tank? (API 1631-2001, Section 6.1.1)

TL 5. During what part of the tank lining operation must purging, air ventilation and testing be
performed? (API 1631-2001, Section 5.6.1)

TL 6. What tools should be used to cut an opening into a tank? What tools must NOT be used
until the tank has been cleaned and sandblasted? (API 1631-2001, Section 6.1.4)

TL 7. Personnel entering a tank should be equipped with: (API 1631-2001, Section

What type of breathing apparatus?

What type of boots and gloves?

What type of protective clothing?

API 1631: Interior Lining of Underground Storage Tanks

Page 20
TL 8. What are three toxic materials likely to be found in petroleum storage tanks? (API 1631-
2001, Sections




TL 9. What must be done with sludge removed from the bottom of the tank? (API 1631-2001,
Section 7.1)

TL 10. A steel tank inspection should identify those areas where corrosion has taken place and
metal thickness has been reduced to ____________ or less. (API 1631-2001, Section

TL 11. A tank may be lined if it has no perforations larger than ______ inches, except under the
gauging opening where the perforation may be no larger than _______ inches.
(API 1631-2001, Section

API 1631: Interior Lining of Underground Storage Tanks

Page 21
TL 12. A tank may be lined if it has fewer than ____ perforations in a one square-foot area and
fewer than _____ perforations in a 500 square-foot area. (API 1631-2001, Section

TL 13. Under what ambient conditions should grit blasting not be conducted? (API 1631-2001,

TL 14. What type of blast is required to prepare the tank shell surface for lining? (API 1631-2001,

TL 15. Within how many hours after blast cleaning a steel tank must the liner material be applied?
(API 1631-2001, Section

API 1631: Interior Lining of Underground Storage Tanks

Page 22
TL 16. Prior to the application of lining material, a steel reinforcing plate should be installed under
what two openings of the tank? What should be the minimum dimensions of this
reinforcing plate? (API 1631-2001, Section 8.3.1)

TL 17. What shall be issued if a heater is used to accelerate the curing process? (API 1631-2001,
Section 8.2.3)

TL 18. What should be the nominal thickness of the interior tank coating? (API 1631-2001,
Section 8.2.4)

TL 19. How shall the tank lining be tested after it has cured thoroughly? (API 1631-2001, Section

API 1631: Interior Lining of Underground Storage Tanks

Page 23
TL 20. If a hole was cut in the tank in order to enter it, a steel cover plate should be used to seal
the tank opening. How much should this steel cover plate overlap the tank opening on
each side? (API 1631-2001, Section 9.1.2)

TL 21. Before the excavation is backfilled, what should be done to ensure that the storage tank is
tight? (API 1631-2001, Section 9.3.1)

API 1631: Interior Lining of Underground Storage Tanks

Page 24
American Petroleum Institute
API 2003: Protection Against Ignitions Arising out of Static,
Lightning, and Stray Currents
The following study guide questions are taken from American Petroleum Institute Recommended Practice 2003
entitled “Protection Against Ignitions Arising out of Static, Lightning and Stray Currents” (Sixth Edition, December

AE, AF, 1. What are four conditions that must be present for an electrostatic charge to be a source of
AR ignition? (API 2003-98, Section 4.1)





AE, AF, 2. How can brush discharges be eliminated? (API 2003-98, Section

AE, AF 3. What is a “spark promoter?” (API 2003-98, Section

AE, AR 4. On what four factors does the probability of a vapor-air mixture being flammable depend?
(API 2003-98, Section





API 2003: Protection Against Ignitions Arising out of Static, Lightning, and Stray Currents
Page 25
AE, AR 5. What is a “low-vapor-pressure product?” What are some examples of these products?
(API 2003-98, Section 3.1.0)

AE, AR 6. What is an “intermediate-vapor-pressure product?” What are some examples of these

products? (API 2003-98, Section 3.9)

AE, AR 7. What is a “high-vapor-pressure product?” What are some examples of these products?
(API 2003-98, Section 3.8)

AE, AF, 8. What is “grounding?” (API 2003-98, Section 3.7)


AE, AF, 9. What is “bonding?” (API 2003-98, Section 3.2)


AE, AF 10. What is "dissipation"? (API 2003-98, Section 4.1.2)

API 2003: Protection Against Ignitions Arising out of Static, Lightning, and Stray Currents
Page 26
AE, AF, 11. Owners shall ensure that tank trucks and tank cars have a properly operating
AR system. (API 2003-98, Section 4.2.13(e))

AR 12. What is the ignition hazard associated with the use of steam jets to clean a tank?
(API 2003-98, Section

AR 13. Why is a CO2 jet an effective static generator? Should CO2 fire extinguishers be used to
inert flammable atmospheres? (API 2003-98, Section

AF, IA 14. What two items should bonding shunts on open floating-roof tanks connect? What is the
primary purpose of these bonding shunts? (API 2003-98, Section

AF, IA 15. What are the two usual forms of bonding used on internal floating-roof tanks? (API 2003-
98, Section

API 2003: Protection Against Ignitions Arising out of Static, Lightning, and Stray Currents
Page 27
AE, AF 16. Charge generation greatly increases if a is placed in a piping system.
(API 2003-98, Section

AE, AR, 17. Does artificial grounding of metallic tanks in contact with the ground by means of driven
IA ground rods affect the probability that a tank will be struck by lightning? Does artificial
grounding reduce the possibility of ignition of tank contents? (API 2003-98, Section 5.4.1)

AE, AC 18. Do metallic tanks that do not rest directly on the ground but are connected to grounded
piping systems require additional grounding to provide for the safe dissipation of lightning
strokes? For what reason may supplemental grounding be required? (API 2003-98, Section

AE, AR 19. What types of tanks are considered to be well protected from ignition damage or damage by
direct-stroke lightning because all metallic components are in contact? (API 2003-98,

AE, AR 20. What type of tank cannot be considered to be protected from direct-stroke lightning?
(API 2003-98, Section

API 2003: Protection Against Ignitions Arising out of Static, Lightning, and Stray Currents
Page 28
IA 21. What are five precautionary measures that can be taken to minimize the risk associated with
lightning strikes? (API 2003-98, Section

AF, AR, 22. To reduce the possibility of ignition of flammable vapors on open floating-roof tanks,
IA metallic straps (shunts) should be installed. (API 2003-98, Section

How far apart should these shunts be installed?

What two components should the shunt connect?

How does the shunt work?

AE, AR 23. What type of tank is inherently protected against lightning by the Farraday-cage effect?
(API 2003-98, Section

IA 24. What are four possible sources of stray currents? (API 2003-98, Section 6.2)





API 2003: Protection Against Ignitions Arising out of Static, Lightning, and Stray Currents
Page 29
AE 25. What type of static charge generating process is of particular importance to the petroleum
industry? (API 2003-98, Appendix A.2)

AE 26. What factors affect the rate of generation of static charges in liquids? (API 2003-98,
Appendix A.3)

AE 27. What factor greatly influences the accumulation of static charges? (API 2003-98,
Appendix A.4)

AE 28. What is an incendive spark? (API 2003-98, Appendix A.6.4)

API 2003: Protection Against Ignitions Arising out of Static, Lightning, and Stray Currents
Page 30
AE 29. What is a nonincendive spark? (API 2003-98, Appendix A.6.4)

AE, IA 30. Bonding is an electrical connection between two conducting bodies. How does bonding
prevent sparking? (API 2003-98, Appendix A.8.2)

AE 31. Is low resistance in bond wires necessary? Why or why not? (API 2003-98,
Appendix A.8.2)

AE, IA 32. What will grounding prevent? What type of static charge accumulation will grounding
NOT prevent? (API 2003-98, Appendix A.8.3)

API 2003: Protection Against Ignitions Arising out of Static, Lightning, and Stray Currents
Page 31
AE 33. What techniques can be used to reduce the rate of generation of static charges in liquid
hydrocarbon products? (API 2003-98, Appendix A.8.4)

IA 34. If the atmosphere in a vapor space is in the flammable range, how can this hazard be
reduced? (API 2003-98, Appendix A.8.6)

API 2003: Protection Against Ignitions Arising out of Static, Lightning, and Stray Currents
Page 32
American Petroleum Institute
API 2009: Safe Welding, Cutting, and Hot Work Practices in
The Petroleum and Petrochemical Industries
The following study guide questions are taken from American Petroleum Institute Publication 2009 entitled “Safe
Welding, Cutting, and Hot Work Practices in the Petroleum and Petrochemical Industries” (Seventh Edition, February

AE, AF, 1. What is meant by the term “competent person?” (API 2009-2002, Section 3.3)

AE, AF, 2. What is meant by the term “lower flammable limit?” (API 2009-2002, Section 3.11)

AE, AF, 3. What is meant by the term “exposure limit?” (API 2009-2002, Section 3.5)

AE, AF, 4. What is meant by the term “confined space?” (API 2009-2002, Section 3.4)

API – 2009 Safe Welding, Cutting and Hot Work

Page 33
AE, AF, 5. What is meant by the term “hot work?” What are some activities usually considered to be hot
AR, TL work? (API 2009-2002, Section 3.8)

AR 6. What must be done if the object on which hot work is to be performed cannot be moved and
if all the fire hazards cannot be removed? (API 2009-2002, Section 4.1)

AR 7. What are seven precautions that should be taken to prevent electrical hazard exposure for
personnel? (API 2009-2002, Section 5.11)

AE, AR, 8. Many flammability meters require oxygen levels to be at a minimum of what percent in order
TL to provide proper readings? (API 2009-2002, Section 7.2)

AE, AF 9. What precautions should be taken before welding or cutting is performed above or near oily
surfaces? (API 2009-2002, Section 9.3)

AE, AF 10. What are five ways to reduce exposure to welding fumes? (API 2009-2002, Section 5.4.1)

API – 2009 Safe Welding, Cutting and Hot Work

Page 34
AE, AF, 11. Except in inert spaces, what should the concentration of flammable vapors be in order to
AR permit entry into a confined space? (API 2009-2002, Section 9.3)

AE, AR 12. What hazards to personnel might welding or cutting operations create inside a confined
TL space? (API 2009-2002, Section 9.4)

AR, TL 13. If SCBA respiratory protection is not required, within what range must the oxygen content of
the confined space be when personnel are present? What must the concentration of toxic
vapors and gases be? (API 2009-2002, Section 9.4)

AF, AR 14. Under what circumstances is a fire watch person required? What equipment should fire
watch personnel have readily available? (API 2009-2002, Section 6.5)

AE, AF, 15. When should a hot work permit be obtained? (API 2009-2002, Section 8.2)

API – 2009 Safe Welding, Cutting and Hot Work

Page 35
AE, AF, 16. What information and conditions should be included in a hot work permit? (API 2009-2002,
AR Section 8.2)













AR 17. What must the concentration of flammable vapors be in order to allow hot work to occur?
(API 2009-2002, Section 9.3)

API – 2009 Safe Welding, Cutting and Hot Work

Page 36
AR 18. An “inspection of internals” should be conducted prior to beginning hot work. What is the
purpose of the inspection? What areas should be inspected? (API 2009-2002, Section 10.3)

IA 19. What two procedures may be used to perform welding on the outside surface of a vessel that
has not been gas freed? (API 2009-2002, Section 12.3)



AE, IA 20. What are four precautions that must be taken prior to welding or hot tapping a pipe that is in
operation? (API 2009-2002, Section 12.2)





API – 2009 Safe Welding, Cutting and Hot Work

Page 37
American Petroleum Institute
API 2015: Requirements for Safe Entry and Cleaning of Petroleum Storage Tanks
API 2016: Guidelines and Procedures for Entering and Cleaning Petroleum Storage Tanks
The following questions were taken from the American Petroleum Institute's Publication 2015, “Requirements for
Safe Entry and Cleaning of Petroleum Storage Tanks” (Sixth Edition, August 2001), and Publication 2016,
"Guidelines and Procedures for Entering and Cleaning Petroleum Storage Tanks" (First Edition, August 2001).

AC, AE, 1. What type of information does this standard provide? To what types of tanks does it
AF, AN, apply? (API 2015-2001, Section 1.1)

AE, AF, 2. What is "bonding"? (API 2015-2001, Section 3.2.5)


AC, AE, 3. What is a "confined space?" What is a "permit-required confined space"? (API 2015-2001,
AF, AN, Section 3.2.9,

AE, AF, 4. Should a situation develop that is more hazardous than allowed by the confined space entry
AR, TL permit, what shall entrants do? (API 2015-2001, Section

API – 2015/2016 Safe Entry and Cleaning of Tanks

Page 38
AE, TL 5. Written plans for tank work should include the testing of the tank atmosphere by a qualified
person. What are three things that should be measured when testing is conducted?
(API 2015-2001, Section

AE, AF, 6. What shall entrants require during entry into a confined space? (API 2015-2001, Section

AF, AN, 7. Must an entry permit be issued for a worker to enter an inert atmosphere for test purposes?
AR, TL (API 2016-2001, Section 10.6.4)

AR, TL 8. What are four categories of hazards a person may encounter during petroleum tank entry
and cleaning? (API 2015-2001, Section 7.1.1)





AR, TL 9. Before a tank is opened, all residual product should be pumped or drained off to the lowest
possible level. To accomplish this task when working with heavy or viscous products, it
may be advisable to flush the tank with what substances? (API 2016-2001, Section 6.1.1)

API – 2015/2016 Safe Entry and Cleaning of Tanks

Page 39
AE, AR, 10. When preparing a tank for entry, what is the next step to take after emptying the tank?
AS, TL (API 2016-2001, Section 10.4)

AF, AN, 11. What are the four requirements for personal protective equipment for workers entering a
AR, TL tank to clean it? (API 2016-2001, Section 10.7.2)

AC, AF, 12. What three types of atmospheric tests (measurements) must be conducted before a tank is
AE, AS, entered? In what order should these tests be performed? (API 2015-2001, Section 6.3.4,
TL 7.1.2)




AF, AR, 13. When vapor freeing (purging) a tank, where should measurements (tests) of vapor levels
AN, TL around the exterior of the tank be conducted? (API 2015-2001, Section

AF, AN, 14. Prior to permitting vertical entry into a tank, how should the internal atmosphere be tested
AR, TL to assure that flammable and toxic vapors have not stratified in the tank? (API 2015-2001,

API – 2015/2016 Safe Entry and Cleaning of Tanks

Page 40
AS, AR, 15. What information must be recorded on the entry permit? Where must this permit be
TL posted? (API 2015-2001, Section 6.3.9,

AF, AR, 16. How long should the ventilation system be shut down before testing the interior of a tank
TL that has been mechanically ventilated? (API 2015-2001, Section

AR, TL 17. When should tanks that have contained lead additives be tested for lead-in-air? (API 2015-
2001, Section

AF, AR, 18. What should a worker do if clothing becomes contaminated with tank sludge that contains
TL toxic substances? (API 2015-2001, Section 9.1.3)

AR, TL 19. Tanks that were previously cleaned but have been closed and inactive shall be considered
confined space. (API 2015-2001, Section 8.6.1)

API – 2015/2016 Safe Entry and Cleaning of Tanks

Page 41
AE, TL 20. What are 10 responsibilities of an attendant monitoring a confined space entry?
(API 2015-2001, Section 10.4.2)











AE, AF, 21. What should be the level of flammable vapors in a tank where hot work is being done?
AR, TL (API 2015-2001, Section 12.2.3)

AC, AC, 22. What are the three elements of the fire triangle, which are necessary for fire or explosion to
AE, AN, occur? (API 2015-2001, Section A.2)

API – 2015/2016 Safe Entry and Cleaning of Tanks

Page 42
AR, AS, 23. Why is the elimination of ignition sources difficult? (API 2016-2001, Section

AE, AF, 24. Gasoline vapors are heavier than air. Because of this, how can gasoline vapors flow? How
AN far can they travel? (API 2016-2001, Section

AF,AR, TL 25. Which two elements of the fire triangle are desirable to eliminate for safe work inside a
tank? (API 2016-2001, Section,

AR, TL 26. When entering a tank that contains or has contained aromatic hydrocarbons, a qualified
person shall assure that workers use (API 2015-2001, Section

API – 2015/2016 Safe Entry and Cleaning of Tanks

Page 43
AE, AR, 27. Why is it a mistake to believe that a tank where the gasoline vapor/air mixture is in the rich
AS range is safe to enter? (API 2016-2001, Section 4.3.4)

AF, AR, 28. How can flammable and toxic vapors be present in a tank, even after it has been thoroughly
TL purged? (API 2016-2001, Section 4.3.4)

AR, TL 29. How can steam cleaning be related to the release of vapors from a tank? (API 2016-2001,

AC, AF, 30. To what two hazards might a person entering an oxygen-deficient atmosphere be exposed?
AN, AR, (API 2016-2001, Section


API – 2015/2016 Safe Entry and Cleaning of Tanks

Page 44
AE, AF, 31. When calibrating an oxygen meter, to what level shall a qualified person adjust the meter in
AR, TL fresh air? (API 2015-2001, Section

AC, AF, 32. What is the reading on an oxygen analyzer that indicates the oxygen content is below the
AE, AN, breathing range (oxygen deficient) and respiratory equipment must be worn? What is the
AR, AS, reading in which entry must not occur, even with respiratory equipment? (API 2016-2001,
TL Section,

AN, AR, 33. What are six reasons why a tank may be oxygen deficient? (API 2015-2001, Section 7.2.2)






AF, AS 34. What percent oxygen constitutes an oxygen enriched atmosphere? (API 2016-2001, Section

API – 2015/2016 Safe Entry and Cleaning of Tanks

Page 45
AR 35. Above what oxygen level does petroleum industry practice prohibit entry into tanks? (API
2015-2001, Section

AR, TL 36. Death or brain damage can occur within minutes of breathing in an oxygen deficient
atmosphere. Do workers in an oxygen deficient atmosphere without respiratory equipment
usually notice that they are not getting enough oxygen? (API 2016-2001, Section

AR, TL 37. What must entrants do if oxygen levels in the tank differ from those allowed by the entry
permit? (API 2015-2001, Section

AR, TL 38. Is it petroleum industry practice to permit entry into tanks where the potential exists for
entrapment or engulfment? (API 2015-2001, Section

AF, AN, 39. What are four ways that toxic substances can enter the body? (API 2016-2001,
AR, AS, Section 4.4.2)




API – 2015/2016 Safe Entry and Cleaning of Tanks

Page 46
AE, AN, 40. What type of toxic effects are produced by irritants? (API 2016-2001, Section

AE, AN, 41. What type of toxic effects are produced by “corrosives?” (API 2016-2001, Section

AE, AN, 42. What type of toxic effects are produced by “chronically toxic substances?” (API
AR, AS, 2016-2001, Section

AF, AE, 43. What compounds in petroleum hydrocarbons have been determined to have the potential
AS, AN, to cause cancer? (API 2015-2001, Section 7.4.5)

AF, AR, 44. Hydrogen sulfide is an extremely toxic flammable gas. The following questions all relate to
TL hydrogen sulfide: (API 2016-2001, Section 4.4.4,
a) What is its color?

b) What is its odor?

c) Is it heavier or lighter than air?

d) What tends to happen to hydrogen sulfide during the refining process?

e) At low concentrations, can it be detected by smell?

f) At high concentrations, can it be detected by smell? Why or why not?

API – 2015/2016 Safe Entry and Cleaning of Tanks

Page 47
AF, AR, 45. Sweet crude oil and its compounds do not normally present a hydrogen sulfide hazard
TL unless has been in the tank. (API 2015-2001, Section 7.4.2)

AF, AR, 46. By what routes of exposure can toxic lead alkyds enter the body? (API 2016-2001,
AS, TL Section

AF, AR, 47. When the potential exists for exposure to toxic and harmful dusts, the need for appropriate
AN, TL precautionary measures to mitigate and control exposure, and requirements for respiratory
protection and protective clothing for entrants is determined and implemented by whom?
(API 2016-2001, Section

AF, AR, 48. Under what circumstances do most organic lead poisonings occur? (API 2016-2001,
AS, TL Section

AE, AF, 49. What are the four steps that must be taken in order to properly isolate tanks or lines
AR, TL equipped with cathodic protection? (API 2015-2001, Section 5.4.4)





API – 2015/2016 Safe Entry and Cleaning of Tanks

Page 48
AF, AN, 50. What makes a venturi-type eductor different from other types of blowers or eductors?
AR, TL (API 2016-2001, Section 5.3.2)

AF, AN, 51. Vapors and gases released to the atmosphere shall be discharged at what height? (API
AR, TL 2016-2001, Section

AF, AN, 52. What are three factors to consider in the selection of an effective vapor freeing method for
AS, AR a tank? (API 2015-2001, Section 5.6.2)

AF, AR, 53. What are four methods that may be used to vapor free a tank? (API 2015-2001,
TL Section 5.6.1)





API – 2015/2016 Safe Entry and Cleaning of Tanks

Page 49
AF, AR, 54. Why is it important to avoid release of vapor near ground level during ventilation and
cleaning operations? (API 2016-2001, Section

AE, AR, 55. A vacuum truck is to be used to remove sludge from a storage tank. (API 2016-2001,
AS, TL Section 10.7.3)

1. Where should the truck be located?

2. Where should vacuum truck tank exhaust vapors be discharged?

3. What should be done to the suction and discharge hoses?

AE, AR, 56. What type of lights should be avoided, if possible, when there is a potential of flammable
AS, TL vapors exceeding 10 percent of the lower flammable limit? (API 2016-2001, Section 9.4.1)

AF, AR, 57. Requirements for electrical equipment to be used in and around tanks that have contained
AS, TL flammable liquids are contained in which publication? (API 2016-2001, Section

AR, TL 58. In what tanks can pyrophoric iron sulfide deposits often be found? (API 2015-2001,
Section 5.5.7)

API – 2015/2016 Safe Entry and Cleaning of Tanks

Page 50
AR, TL 59. How can pyrophoric deposits be controlled so that they do not become a potential source
of ignition? (API 2016-2001, Section, API 2015-2001, Section

AF, AR 60. How must sludge from leaded gasoline tanks be handled? (API 2016-2001, Section 8.5.2)

AR, AS, 61. If sludge containing organic lead is to be disposed of off site, how long may the sludge be
TL stored on site without a permit? (API 2016-2001, Section

AR, AS, 62. Besides maintaining copies of all manifest documents and records, what other paperwork
TL must companies that generate sludge complete? (API 2016-2001, Section

AS, AR, 63. What type of ventilation must be provided when entrants are working inside tanks?
TL (API 2015-2001, Section 11.3.1)

AR, TL 64. If a flammable vapor analyzer indicates a reading of zero, are toxic vapor levels below the
permissible exposure limit? (API 2016-2001, Section

API – 2015/2016 Safe Entry and Cleaning of Tanks

Page 51
AR, TL 65. What will happen if a flammable vapor analyzer is used to monitor a tank that has been
inerted? (API 2016-2001, Section 10.6.4)

AR, TL 66. What must the written entry permits attest before anyone may enter a tank? (API 2015-
2001, Section 11.2.1)

AE, AR, 67. What are five conditions that require the entry permit to be cancelled? (API 2015-2001,
TL Section






AR, TL 68. What protective equipment must workers use while cleaning tanks that contained lead
additives? (API 2015-2001, Section

AF 69. What are four components of external floating roof tanks? (API 2015-2001, Section 5.2.2)

API – 2015/2016 Safe Entry and Cleaning of Tanks

Page 52
American Petroleum Institute
API 2202: Dismantling and Disposing of Steel From
Aboveground Leaded Gasoline Storage Tanks
The following study guide questions are taken from American Petroleum Institute Publication 2202, entitled
“Dismantling and Disposing of Steel From Aboveground Leaded Gasoline Storage Tanks” (Third Edition,
January 1991).

AF, AR 1. What is the scope of this document? (API 2202-91, Section 1.1)

AR, TL 2. In unlined tanks, where does the greatest amount of organic and inorganic lead
contamination occur? Why is this? (API 2202-91, Section 1.2)

AE, AR, 3. What are some of the indications (symptoms) of exposure to lead compounds above
TL permissible exposure limits? (API 2202-91, Section 1.3)

AC, AE, 4. What are three ways that lead antiknock compounds can enter the body? (API 2202-91,
AF, AR, Section 2.1.2)



AF, AR 5. How can dust produced by cold-cutting or abrasive blasting operations be reduced?
(API 2202-91, Section 2.1.3)

API – 2202 Dismantling and Disposing of Lead Contaminated Steel

Page 53
AR, TL 6. When workers are inside the tank during dismantling, how should excessive scale be
removed? (API 2202-91, Section 2.2.1)

AF, AR 7. Under what condition is positive-pressure air-supplied respiratory protective equipment not
needed when flame cutting operations are conducted from within a tank? (API 2202-91,
Section 2.3.1)

AF, AR 8. What safeguard can be used to warn users or purchasers of steel that has been in contact
with lead antiknock compounds? What document should also be provided to users or
purchasers of this steel? (API 2202-91, Section 4.1.3)

NOTE: After cleaning and removal, small underground (shop built) tank openings should be plugged or capped.
A 1/8 inch vent hole shall be maintained in one plug or cap to prevent excessive differential pressure during
transportation or temporary storage of used tanks.

API – 2202 Dismantling and Disposing of Lead Contaminated Steel

Page 54
American Petroleum Institute
API 2207: Preparing Tank Bottoms for Hot Work
The following study guide questions are taken from American Petroleum Institute Publication 2207 entitled,
“Preparing Tank Bottoms for Hot Work” (Fifth Edition, September, 1998).

AF, AR, 1. Prior to beginning hot work on a tank bottom, safety inspections should be conducted to
IA determine the oxygen content of the tank. What is the acceptable range of oxygen content?
(API 2207-98, Section 1.1)

AR, IA 2. As part of the general precautions for tank bottom hot work, what safety equipment should
be available and ready for instant use? (API 2207-98, Section 3.1.3)

AF, AR, 3. What must be done in order to weld on steel that has been in contact with leaded gasoline
IA without using supplied-air respiratory equipment? (API 2207-98, Section 3.2.4)

AF, AR, 4. Where should grounding leads from a welding machine be attached? (API 2207-98,
IA Section 3.2.5)

API – 2207 Preparing Tank Bottoms for Hot Work

Page 55
AF, AR 5. In what position should compressed gas cylinders used for cutting operations be kept?
Where should these cylinders be located? (API 2207-98, Section 3.2.6)

AF, IA 6. Small openings are sometimes made in the tank bottom in areas where hot work is to be
performed. What is the purpose of these openings? (API 2207-98, Section 4.2)

AF, AR 7. Small openings are sometimes made in the tank bottom in areas where hot work is to be
performed. What equipment should be used to make these openings? What type of drilling
machine is NOT recommended? (API 2207-98, Section 4.2)

AF, AR, 8. If minor repairs are to be performed on a tank bottom where flammable vapors are
IA suspected to be present under the tank bottom, what procedure may be used to prevent
ignition of the vapors? (API 2207-98, Section 5.2)





API – 2207 Preparing Tank Bottoms for Hot Work

Page 56
AF, AR, 9. If major repairs are to be performed on a tank bottom where flammable vapors are
IA suspected to be present under the tank bottom, what procedure may be used to prevent
ignition of the vapors? (API 2207-98, Section 5.3)






AF, AR 10. When using water flooding to displace flammable liquids and vapors from beneath a tank
bottom, how high should the earthen dike be that surrounds the tank? How far away
should the dike be from the tank shell? (API 2207-98, Section 5.3 and Figure 1))

AF, IA 11. What methods may be used when performing sectional work on tank bottoms? (API 2207-
98, Section 5.6)

API – 2207 Preparing Tank Bottoms for Hot Work

Page 57
American Petroleum Institute
API 2350: Overfill Protection for Storage Tanks In Petroleum Facilities
The following study guide questions are taken from American Petroleum Institute Recommended Practice 2350
entitled, “Overfill Protection for Storage Tanks In Petroleum Facilities” (Second Edition, January 1996).

AE, AF, 1. What is the scope of this document? (API 2350-96, Section 1.2.1)

AE, AF, 2. What is a “high-high level detector?” (API 2350-96, Section 1.3.4)

AE, AF, 3. What is a “high level detector?” (API 2350-96, Section 1.3.4)

AE, AF 4. What is an "independent level detector"? (API 2350-96, Section 1.3.4)

AE, AF, 5. What is the “normal fill level” for a tank? (API 2350-96, Section 1.3.8)

API 2350: Overfill Protection for Storage Tanks

Page 58
AE, AF, 6. What is the “overfill level” for a tank? (API 2350-96, Section 1.3.10)

AE, AF, 7. What is the “safe fill level” for a tank? (API 2350-96, Section 1.3.12)

AE, AN 8. What are the two factors that provide the best protection against tank overfill? (API 2350-
96, Section 1.4.1)

AE, AF 9. At what type of facility are level detectors not required? (API 2350-96, Section 2.2.1)

AE, AF, 10. How must product transfer be monitored at an unattended facility? (API 2350-96, Section
AN 3.1.2)

AE, AF, 11. How does a high-high level detector accomplish overfill protection? (API 2350-96, Section
IA 3.1.4)

API 2350: Overfill Protection for Storage Tanks

Page 59
AE, AF, 12. What requirement does NFPA 30 impose on high-high level detectors in both single-stage
IA and two-stage systems? Under what circumstance can this requirement be waived?
(API 2350-96, Section 3.1.5)

AE, AF, 13. What should be the criteria for determining the point at which the high level detector is
IA located in a two-stage detector system? (API 2350-96, Section 3.1.7)

AE, AF 14. What are three ways that automatic shutdown or diversion can be accomplished at fully
automated, unattended facilities? (API 2350-96, Section 3.2.3)



AE, AF, 15. How often should system electronic integrity tests be conducted at unattended facilities to
IA ensure proper operation of the tank level alarm system? (API 2350-96, Section

AE, AF 16 What are four criteria that can be used to determine the method of installation of an overfill
protection system? (API 2350-96, Section 4.1.2)




API 2350: Overfill Protection for Storage Tanks

Page 60
AE, AF 17. Why is the installation of top mounted overfill detectors usually much simpler than external
installations? (API 2350-96, Section A.1.3)

AE, AF, 18. On what types of tanks has top mounting of the overfill detector been used successfully?
IA (API 2350-96, Section A.1.3)

AE, AF, 19. What type of liquid level detectors are used in cone roof tanks? (API 2350-96, Section
IA C.2.1)

API 2350: Overfill Protection for Storage Tanks

Page 61
American Petroleum Institute
API 620: Design and Construction of Large, Welded, Low-Pressure Storage Tanks
The following study guide questions are taken from American Petroleum Institute Standard 620 entitled, “Design
and Construction of Large, Welded, Low-Pressure Storage Tanks” (Tenth Edition, February 2002).

AE, AF, 1. In pin-connected tension members other than forged eyebars, the net section across the
IA pinhole, transverse to the axis of the member, shall not be less than .
(API 620-2002, Section

AE 2. What is meant by the term “edge of reinforcement” with regard to openings in the wall of a
tank? (API 620-2002, Section 5.14.5, footnote #24)

AE, AF 3. The minimum distance allowed between the outer edge of an opening reinforcement and
any significant discontinuity in the curvature of the tank walls is ______ inches or
___________ the nominal thickness of the wall plate, whichever is greater. (API 620-2002
Section 5.14.5)

AE, AF 4. What is the minimum number of manhole openings that must be provided in order to
afford access to the interior of the tank for inspection and repair? (API 620-2002,
Section 5.15)

AE, AF 5. What is the minimum size allowed for an inspection manhole? (API 620-2002, Section

API 620 Large, Welded, Low-Pressure Storage Tanks

Page 62
AE, AF 6. When certain conditions are met, single openings in tanks do not require additional
reinforcement. What are three such conditions described in this document? (API 620-
2002, Section




AE, AF, 7. Under certain conditions, two or more adjacent tank openings may require combined
IA reinforcement. What are two such conditions mentioned in this document? (API
620-2002, Section 5.17.1)



AE, AF, 8. When adjacent tank openings are provided with combined reinforcement, what is the
IA minimum distance required between any two of these openings? (API 620-2002,
Section 5.17.2)

AE, AF, 9. What must a reinforced flush-type shell connection be preassembled into in order to
IA perform thermal stress relief? (API 620-2002, Section 5.27.3)

AE, AF 10. What is the maximum “out-of-plumbness” allowed between the top and bottom of the
shell for tanks with cylindrical sidewalls? (API 620-2002, Section

AC, AF 11. If a tank foundation includes a concrete ringwall, how level must the top of the foundation
be? (API 620-2002, Section

API 620 Large, Welded, Low-Pressure Storage Tanks

Page 63
AE, AF 12. Immediately before any welding operation, how should the surface to be welded be
prepared? What type of film is not considered detrimental to the welding operation?
(API 620-2002, Section 6.10.1)

AF, IA 13. How should the reverse side of double-welded butt joints be prepared prior to welding?
Why must this be done? (API 620-2002, Section 6.10.3)

AF 14. What are three weather related conditions under which welding must not be done?
(API 620-2002, Section 6.11)




IA 15. To ensure that weld grooves are completely filled so that the surface of the weld metal at
any point does not fall below the surface of the adjoining plate, weld metal may be built up
as reinforcement on each side of the plate. What is the maximum thickness of
reinforcement allowed for a vertical joint where the plate thickness is .5 inch? For a
horizontal joint where the plate thickness is 1.25 inches? (API 620-2002, Section 6.12.1,
Table 6-2)

NOTE: The values in Table 6-2 are applicable only if the joint is not to be radiographically examined. Compare
the values in Table 7-1, Section
AF, IA 16. When merging weld with plate surfaces, the maximum permissible undercutting of
longitudinal or meridianal butt joints is . (API 620-2002, Section 6.13)

API 620 Large, Welded, Low-Pressure Storage Tanks

Page 64
AF, IA 17. What are the criteria for a weld to be acceptable by visual inspection? (API 620-2002,





AF, IA 18. Before hydrostatic testing of a tank, what method must be used to inspect the attachment
welding around all openings and their reinforcements in the walls of the tank?
(API 620-2002, Section

AF, IA 19. To test reinforcement plate welds, pounds per square inch of
pneumatic pressure should be applied. (API 620-2002, Section

AF, IA 20. Before hydrostatic testing of a tank, what method shall be used to test all bottom plate
joints in cases where the tank bottom rests directly on the tank grade? What alternate
method can be used? (API 620-2002, Section

API 620 Large, Welded, Low-Pressure Storage Tanks

Page 65
AE, AF 21. Safety and relief valves 1/2 inch and larger must be marked with certain information. This
information should include: (API 620-2002, Section







AC 22. The lowest footing course for a concrete tank foundation should be bedded directly against
the sides of the excavation when the sides are self-supporting. What steps should be taken
just before the concrete is poured to prepare the excavation? (API 620-2002, Section C.8.2)

AC 23. How far beyond steel baseplates should the tops of concrete foundations project?
(API 620-2002, Section C.8.4)

AC 24. Except for the tops of concrete pedestal and wall foundations, how far below final grade
should exposed concrete surfaces be smooth finished? (API 620-2002, Section C.8.5)

AC 25. What should be done as a final check on the adequacy of the tank foundation during the
hydrostatic test? (API 620-2002, Section C.11)

AC 26. What are three factors that should be considered when choosing the type of foundation for
a refrigerated tank? (API 620-2002, Section R.10.2)

API 620 Large, Welded, Low-Pressure Storage Tanks

Page 66
American Petroleum Institute
API 650: Welded Steel Tanks for Oil Storage
The following study guide questions are taken from American Petroleum Institute Standard 650 entitled, “Welded
Steel Tanks for Oil Storage” (Tenth Edition, November 1998, with Addendums 1 (1/2000), 2 (11/2001), and 3

AC, AE, 1. To what types of tanks does this standard apply? (API 650-98, Section 1.1.1)

AF, IA 2. What is a butt weld? (API 650-98, Section

AF, IA 3. What is a fillet weld? (API 650-98, Section

AE, AF, 4. What is a tack weld? (API 650-98, Section


AF, IA 5. What is the size of the groove weld based on? (API 650-98, Section

API 650 Welded Steel Tanks for Oil Storage

Page 67
AF, IA 6. What is the minimum size of fillet welds on plates 5mm (3/16") thick? (API 650-98,

AF, IA 7. What type of weld is used for joining ring sections? (API 650-98, Section

AF, IA 8. What are three requirements for horizontal shell joints? (API 650-98, Section




AF, IA 9. What is the minimum nominal thickness required for bottom plates? (API 650-98,
Section 3.4.1)

AF, IA 10. Bottom plates of sufficient size shall be ordered so that when trimmed, there is a projection
of beyond the outside edge of the weld attaching the bottom to the shell
plate. (API 650-98, Section 3.4.2)

API 650 Welded Steel Tanks for Oil Storage

Page 68
AF, IA 11. How shall isolated radial loads on the tank shell be distributed? (API 650-98, Section

AE, AF, 12. What is the largest flanged or threaded nozzle that can be installed in a tank shell without
IA reinforcement? (API 650-98, Section

AF, IA 13. If work is expected to be carried on through the roof manhole opening while the tank is in
use, what must be done to the roof structure around the manhole? (API 650-98, Section

AE, AF, 14. What is the purpose of stiffening rings (wind girders)? (API 650-98, Section 3.9.1)

AE, AF, 15. If a stiffening ring is to be formed or built up, what is the minimum nominal thickness of
IA the steel plate that should be used? (API 650-98, Section

API 650 Welded Steel Tanks for Oil Storage

Page 69
AF 16. If material needs straightening, how should this be accomplished? (API 650-98, Section

AF 17. After tank bottom plates are laid out and tacked together, in what sequence should they be
welded together? (API 650-98, Section

AF 18. What is the maximum misalignment allowed for vertical shell joints when the plate
thickness is greater than 5/8 inch? (API 650-98, Section

AF 19. What is the maximum misalignment allowed for vertical shell joints when the plate
thickness is less than or equal to 5/8 inch? (API 650-98, Section

AF 20. For horizontal butt joints on the tank shell, what percentage of the upper plate thickness
may project beyond the face of the lower plate? What is the maximum projection allowed
for this type of joint? What is the maximum projection allowed if the upper plate is less
than 5/16 inch thick? (API 650-98, Section

API 650 Welded Steel Tanks for Oil Storage

Page 70
AF 21. What type of weld procedure must be used when the shell plate thickness is greater than 1.5
inches thick? What is the maximum thickness allowed for a single weld pass? (API 650-98,

AF, IA 22. What are five ways that the initial weld pass inside the shell may be tested? (API 650-98,

AF, IA 23. When conducting vacuum testing of weld seams, what is the indicator that porosity is
present in the seam? (API 650-98, Section 6.6.9)

AF, IA 24. What vacuum should be maintained within the vacuum box when testing weld seams using
vacuum testing? (API 650-98, Section 6.6.3)

AF, IA 25. What are three methods that may be used to test newly welded bottom joints? (API 650-
98, Section 5.3.3)

API 650 Welded Steel Tanks for Oil Storage

Page 71
AF, IA 26. When testing reinforcement plate welds, how much pressure should be applied between the
tank shell and the reinforcement plates? (API 650-98, Section 5.3.4)

AF, IA 27. If water is not available to test the shell of a completed tank, what are two procedures that
may be used to test the tank shell? (API 650-98, Section 5.3.5)

AF 28. How may pinhole leaks in tank bottom joint be repaired? (API 650-98, Section 5.4.2)

AF 29. If a defect is discovered after a tank is filled with water, where must the water level be
relative to the defect being repaired? (API 650-98, Section 5.4.4)

AE, AF 30. What is the maximum out-of-plumbness allowed for the top of the tank shell relative to the
bottom of the shell? (API 650-98, Section 5.5.2)

API 650 Welded Steel Tanks for Oil Storage

Page 72
AF, IA 31. What is the maximum deviation (peaking) allowed on vertical weld joints? What tool shall
be used to measure peaking? (API 650-98, Section 5.5.4)

AE, AF, 32. What is the maximum deviation (banding) allowed on horizontal weld joints? What tool
IA shall be used to measure banding? (API 650-98, Section 5.5.4)

AC 33. Where a concrete ringwall is provided under the shell, how level must the top of the
ringwall be within any 30 feet of the circumference? How level must the top of the ringwall
be over the total circumference? (API 650-98, Section

AC 34. Where a concrete ringwall is not provided under the tank shell, how level must the
foundation under the shell be within any 10 feet of the circumference? How level must the
foundation under the shell be over the total circumference? (API 650-98, Section

AF, IA 35. When should measurements to check a newly constructed tank against specifications be
conducted? (API 650-98, Section 5.5.6)

API 650 Welded Steel Tanks for Oil Storage

Page 73
AF, IA 36. For what types of weld joints is radiographic inspection required? (API 650-98,
Section 6.1.1)

AF 37. For what types of weld joints is radiographic inspection NOT required? (API 650-98,
Section 6.1.1)

AF 38. What is the minimum weld length that each radiograph must clearly show? (API 650-98,

AC, AN, 39. What are eight general methods that can be used to improve subgrade support conditions
AS, AF beneath an aboveground tank? (API 650-98, Section B.2.4))









API 650 Welded Steel Tanks for Oil Storage

Page 74
AC 40. What are the specific characteristics listed in this document for fill material used to replace
objectionable material or to raise the grade to a suitable height? (API 650-98, Section B.2.5)

AC, AF, 41. How much higher than the surrounding ground should the surface on which the tank
AS, IA bottom rests be located? (API 650-98, Section B.3.1)

AC, AN, 42. What are three reasons for having the surface on which the tank bottom rests higher than
AS, AF the surrounding ground? (API 650-98, Section B.3.1)




AC, AN, 43. What type of material is recommended for the surface on which the tank bottom plates will
AS rest? What types of materials should be avoided? (API 650-98, Section B.3.2)

AC, AN, 44. The finished tank grade should be crowned from its outer periphery to its center. What are
AS, IA two reasons for doing this? (API 650-98, Section B.3.3)

AC, AN, 45. Under what conditions may satisfactory foundations for aboveground tanks be constructed
AS from earth materials? (API 650-98, Section B.4.1.1)

API 650 Welded Steel Tanks for Oil Storage

Page 75
AC, AN, 46. What are four things that an acceptable earth foundation should accomplish? (API 650-98,
AS Section B.4.1.1)




AC, AN, 47. What are five advantages of a concrete ringwall? (API 650-98, Section B.4.2.1) Which of
AS these advantages also apply to a crushed stone or gravel ringwall? (API 650-98,
Section B.4.3.1)






AC, AF, 48. What should be the minimum thickness of a concrete ringwall? (API 650-98,
IA Section B.4.2.2)

AC, AF 49. When designing a concrete ringwall, what forces should the ringwall be reinforced against?
(API 650-98, Section B.4.2.3)

API 650 Welded Steel Tanks for Oil Storage

Page 76
AC, IA 50. What should be considered when the ringwall width exceeds 18 inches? (API 650-98,
Section B.4.2.3)

AC 51. What type of aboveground tank foundation should be used when the soil bearing loads
must be distributed over an area larger than the tank area? What may be required for
proper tank support? (API 650-98, Section B.4.4.1)

AC 52. If an anchored tank is not properly designed, its shell can be susceptible to tearing. What
should be the relationship between the strength of the anchorage attachments and the yield
strength of the anchors? (API 650-98, Section E.6.2.1)

AC, AF, 53. What is the maximum spacing allowed between tank anchors for tanks with a diameter of
AE greater than 50 feet? For tanks less than 50 feet in diameter? (API 650-98, Section E.6.2.2,

AC, AE, 54. What is the minimum diameter allowed for anchor bolts? (API 650-98, Section 3.12.5)

API 650 Welded Steel Tanks for Oil Storage

Page 77
AC, AF, 55. What are seven general requirements for undertank leak detection systems? (API 650-98,
IA Section I.2)








AS, AF 56. Appendix M specifies additional requirements for tanks operating in what temperature
range? (API 650-98, Section M.1.1)

API 650 Welded Steel Tanks for Oil Storage

Page 78
American Petroleum Institute
API 651: Cathodic Protection of Aboveground Petroleum Storage Tanks
The following study guide questions are taken from American Petroleum Institute Recommended Practice 651
entitled, “Cathodic Protection of Aboveground Petroleum Storage Tanks” (Second Edition, 1997).

AC, AE, 1. At which electrode of an electrochemical cell does oxidation (corrosion) occur?
AS (API 651-97, Section 3.2)

AC, AE, 2. What is “cathodic protection?” (API 651-97, Section 3.6)


AC, AE, 3. What is a “continuity bond?” (API 651-97, Section 3.8)


AC, AE, 4. What is meant by “electrical isolation?” (API 651-97, Section 3.14)

API 651: Cathodic Protection of Aboveground Tanks

Page 79
AC, AE, 5. What is a “galvanic anode?” (API 651-97, Section 3.22)

AC, AE, 6. What is meant by “structure-to-electrolyte voltage?” (API 651-97, Section 3.48)

AE, AS, 7. What are four major factors that influence the severity of internal corrosion? (API 651-97,
TL Section 4.2.3)





AE, AC, 8. What are four factors that can limit the effectiveness or even preclude the use of cathodic
AS protection on aboveground tank bottoms? (API 651-97, Section 5.1.4)





API 651: Cathodic Protection of Aboveground Tanks

Page 80
AC, AE 9. A concrete tank cushion, constructed on a stable, properly prepared subsoil can eliminate
what three things? (API 651-97, Section




AC 10. What is the most common material used as a cushion beneath storage tank bottoms? (API
651-97, Section 5.3.5)

AE, AC, 11. When a native soil cushion is to be used beneath an aboveground tank, what four
AS characteristics of the soil can be measured to conduct a corrosion analysis of the site?
(API 651-97, Section





AC, AE, 12. Why are thick-film, laminated, and chemical- and corrosion-resistant linings primarily
TL installed in tanks? (API 651-97, Section 5.4.4)

AC, AE, 13. When cathodic protection is successfully applied to a tank bottom, the metal surface being
AF, AS protected acts as the ______________ of an electrochemical cell. (API 651-97, Section 6.1)

API 651: Cathodic Protection of Aboveground Tanks

Page 81
AC, AE, 14. How do galvanic cathodic protection systems supply the current required to stop
AF, AS corrosion? (API 651-97, Section 6.2.1)

AE, AC 15. What are the advantages of a sacrificial anode (galvanic) cathodic protection system? (API
651-97, Section 6.2.2)







AC, AE, 16. Why can secondary containment liners in a dike render a cathodic protection system
TL ineffective? (API 651-97, Section

AE, AC 17. What are the disadvantages of a sacrificial anode (galvanic) cathodic protection system?
(API 651-97, Section 6.2.3)




API 651: Cathodic Protection of Aboveground Tanks

Page 82
AE, AC, 18. What are the advantages of an impressed current cathodic protection system? (API 651-97,
AS Section 6.3.2)





AE, AC, 19. What are the disadvantages of an impressed current cathodic protection system?
AS (API 651-97, Section 6.3.3)








AC, AF 20. A sand cushion is placed on top of an old steel tank bottom and a new steel bottom is
installed without providing any corrosion prevention measures for the new steel bottom.
What will be the likely fate of the new steel bottom? (API 651-97, Section

AC, AF, 21. What are some advantages and disadvantages of impermeable membrane secondary
AS, IA containment systems? (API 651-97, Sections,

API 651: Cathodic Protection of Aboveground Tanks

Page 83
AC, AF, 22. Sacrificial anodes intended for use in soil environments are packaged in what kind of
AS backfill? What is the purpose of the backfill? (API 651-97, Section

AC, AS 23. What two factors determine the number of sacrificial anodes required to provide cathodic
protection for aboveground storage tanks? (API 651-97, Section



AC, AS 24. In impressed current systems, what types of anodes are generally preferred for soil
installations? (API 651-97, Section

AC, AS 25. How are current requirement tests for impressed current cathodic protection systems
conducted? (API 651-97, Section

AC, AS 26. What are three generally accepted criteria for determining if adequate cathodic protection
has been achieved? (API 651-97, Section 8.2.2)

API 651: Cathodic Protection of Aboveground Tanks

Page 84
AS, IA 27. What is the standard method of determining the effectiveness of cathodic protection?
(API 651-97, Section 8.3.1)

AS, IA 28. What factor must be corrected for if the reference electrode is not placed at the tank-to-soil
interface? (API 651-97, Section 8.3.2)

AS 29. How should packaged galvanic anodes be installed? (API 651-97, Section 9.2.1)

AE, AC, 30. Why must the coke breeze backfill around impressed current anodes be correctly installed?
AS, IA (API 651-97, Section

AE, AC, 31. What is the weak point in all anodes? (API 651-97, Section

API 651: Cathodic Protection of Aboveground Tanks

Page 85
AE, AC 32. How can impressed current anodes be installed when bedrock is encountered at a shallow
depth? (API 651-97, Section

AE, AC 33. What can be done to improve the current distribution to the center of tank bottoms?
(API 651-97, Section

AC, AE, 34. To what should the negative lead of a cathodic protection rectifier be connected?
AS, IA (API 651-97, Section

AC, AE, 35. What will happen if the positive and negative output leads from an impressed current
AS, IA cathodic protection rectifier are reversed? (API 651-97, Section

AC, AE, 36. What can happen if underground wire attached to the positive rectifier terminal is not
AS completely insulated? (API 651-97, Section

API 651: Cathodic Protection of Aboveground Tanks

Page 86
IA 37. How much product should be in a tank when a cathodic protection potential survey is
conducted? (API 651-97, Section 11.1.3)

AC, AE, 38. What is the recommended frequency of cathodic protection surveys? (API 651-97,
AS, IA Section 11.3.2)

AC, AE, 39. What is the recommended frequency for checking sources of impressed current? (API 651-
AS, IA 97, Section

AE, AS, IA 40. How long should records related to the effectiveness of cathodic protection be retained?
(API 651-97, Section 11.4.7)

API 651: Cathodic Protection of Aboveground Tanks

Page 87
American Petroleum Institute
API 652: Lining of Aboveground Petroleum Storage Tank Bottoms
The following study guide questions are taken from American Petroleum Institute Recommended Practice 652
entitled “Lining of Aboveground Petroleum Storage Tank Bottoms” (Second Edition, December 1997).

TL 1. What is an adduct? (API 652-97, Section 3.2)

TL 2. What is an aromatic? What are some examples of aromatic solvents? (API 652-97,
Section 3.6)

TL 3. What is meant by the term dew point? (API 652-97, Section 3.15)

TL, AE 4. What is a holiday in the tank lining industry? (API 652-97, Section 3.21)

API 652: Lining Aboveground Storage Tank Bottoms

Page 88
TL 5. What fraction of an inch is a mil? (API 652-97, Section 3.24)

TL 6. What are five common mechanisms of internal storage tank bottom corrosion?
API 652-97, Section 4.1)






IA 7. What is the minimum thickness of tank bottom steel plate that may necessitate the
application of an internal lining? (API 652-97, Section 5.2)

IA, TL 8. What effect can an inadequate tank foundation have on a tank lining? (API 652-97,
Section 5.4.1)

IA, TL 9. How does the existence of a prior lining influence the decision to apply a new lining?
(API 652-97, Section

API 652: Lining Aboveground Storage Tank Bottoms

Page 89
AF, AN 10. How do the prior contents of the tank affect the lining process? (API 652-97,
IA, TL Section

AE, AN, 11. What are four items that should be considered when setting priorities for the application of
TL linings to the bottom of aboveground tanks? (API 652-97, Section 5.5.)





AN, TL 12. What is the service life of a tank bottom lining? How might service life be affected by a
change in the product stored in the tank? (API 652-97, Section 5.6)

TL 13. What is the thickness of a thin film? What is the thickness of a thick film? (API 652-97,
Section 6.1)

API 652: Lining Aboveground Storage Tank Bottoms

Page 90
AE, TL 14. Thin film linings are generally applied to what types of tanks? (API 652-97, Section 6.1)

TL 15. What types of materials are generally used for thin film linings? (API 652-97, Section 6.2)

TL 16. What common substance must all lining materials be resistant to? (API 652-97, Section 6.2)

TL 17. What are the principal advantages of thin film systems? (API 652-97, Section 6.2.1)

TL 18. What materials are commonly used to reinforce thick film systems? (API 652-97,
Section 6.3)

API 652: Lining Aboveground Storage Tank Bottoms

Page 91
TL 19. What are three advantages of thick film, reinforced linings? (API 652-97, Section 6.3.1)




TL 20. At what location in the tank is special consideration necessary when applying thick film
linings? Why is this so? (API 652-97, Section 6.3.1)

TL 21. What are the principal disadvantages of thick film linings? (API 652-97, Section 6.3.2)

TL 22. How far up the shell wall do tank bottom linings generally extend? (API 652-97,
Section 6.4)

API 652: Lining Aboveground Storage Tank Bottoms

Page 92
IA, TL 23. How thick a coating may be used when only internal corrosion is occurring on a tank
bottom? How thick should the coating be when both internal and external corrosion are
occurring? (API 652-97, Section 6.4)

TL 24. In addition to corrosion, what other two factors should be considered when selecting a tank
bottom lining? (API 652-97, Section 6.5)



TL 25. Surface preparation is a critical part of the lining operation. What two surface finishes are
generally specified? Why should the area where the lining is to be applied be "framed"?
(API 652-97, Section 7.1)



TL 26. Before abrasive blasting is conducted, what must be removed from the area to be lined?
What procedures are typically used to accomplish this? (API 652-97, Section 7.2)

API 652: Lining Aboveground Storage Tank Bottoms

Page 93
AE, AF, 27. What is the preferred technique for repairing perforations in a steel tank bottom?
IA, TL (API 652-97, Section 7.3)

AE 28. Which API standard should be consulted for information on tank bottom repair? (API
652-97, Section 7.3)

TL 29. What temperature and relative humidity conditions must be met in order for abrasive
blasting to be performed? (API 652-97, Section 7.4)

TL 30. What is the typical anchor pattern required in order for tank linings to adhere properly to
the steel tank bottom? What is the relationship between anchor pattern and thickness of
the lining? (API 652-97, Section 7.5)

API 652: Lining Aboveground Storage Tank Bottoms

Page 94
TL 31. Why is it important to follow manufacturer specifications for primer coat thickness? (API
652-97, Section 8.1)

TL 32. What can be the result of excessive film thickness? (API 652-97, Section 8.4)

TL 33. How may forced curing of a tank lining be accomplished? (API 652-97, Section 8.5)

TL 34. What document contains information concerning lining inspection equipment and
procedures? (API 652-97, Sections 9.3.1 and

API 652: Lining Aboveground Storage Tank Bottoms

Page 95
IA, TL 35. What equipment should be used to conduct holiday testing of lining films greater than 20
mils thick? What equipment should be used for holiday testing of lining films 20 mils thick
or less? (API 652-97, Section

TL, IA 36. What must be established before deciding how to repair a lining? (API 652-97, Section 10.2)

TL 37. What are three basic tank lining repair methods, and when is each used? (API 652-97,
Section 10.3)




API 652: Lining Aboveground Storage Tank Bottoms

Page 96
TL 38. High performance internal tank lining materials can present health hazards to workers if not
handled properly. What document contains the information necessary to properly handle a
specific material? What information does this document contain? (API 652-97, Section






API 652: Lining Aboveground Storage Tank Bottoms

Page 97
American Petroleum Institute
API 653: Tank Inspection, Repair, Alteration, and Reconstruction
The following study guide questions are taken from American Petroleum Institute Standard 653 entitled “Tank
Inspection, Repair, Alteration and Reconstruction” (Third Edition, December 2001).

AC, AE, 1. To what types of tanks does this standard apply? (API 653-2001, Section 1.1.1)

AC, AE, 2. In case of apparent conflicts between the requirements of API 650 and API 653, which
IA standard shall govern? (API 653-2001, Section 1.1.2)

AE, IA 3. What is meant by the term alteration? What are some examples of alterations? (API 653-
2001, Section 3.1)

IA 4. What is the "breakover point"? (API 653-2001, Section 3.6)

AE, AR, 5. What is meant by the term repair? What are some examples of repairs? (API 653-2001,
IA Section 3.15)

API – 653 Inspection, Repair, Alteration & Reconstruction

Page 98
IA 6. What conditions would necessitate the repair or replacement of a roof plate?
(API 653-2001, Section

IA 7. What possibility must be given particular attention when inspecting pipe columns
supporting fixed roofs? (API 653-2001, Section 4.2.2)

IA 8. When a tank is to undergo a change in service, what are five factors that should be
considered when evaluating the roof and roof-to-shell junction? (API 653-2001,
Section 4.2.4)






IA 9. When determining controlling thicknesses in shell courses, widely scattered pits may be
ignored provided that two conditions are met. What are these two conditions? (API 653-
2001, Section



IA 10. What are some typical forms of shell distortion? (API 653-2001, Section

API – 653 Inspection, Repair, Alteration & Reconstruction

Page 99
AC, IA 11. Do temperature cracks in concrete seriously affect the strength of the concrete foundation?
What can temperature cracks in concrete eventually result in? (API 653-2001,

AC, AE, 12. What are the 12 historical causes of tank bottom leakage listed in this document?
IA (API 653-2001, Section 4.4.2)













IA 13. What problems are indicated by distortion of anchor bolts and excessive cracking of the
concrete in which they are embedded? (API 653-2001, Section 4.5.3)

API – 653 Inspection, Repair, Alteration & Reconstruction

Page 100
IA 14. Below what shell thickness is the potential for failure due to brittle fracture minimal? What
can be done to gain assurance against brittle fracture? (API 653-2001, Section 5.3.4, 5.3.5)

IA 15. What are twelve factors that should be considered when determining inspection intervals
for storage tanks? (API 653-2001, Section 6.2.1)











IA 16. How often should routine in-service inspections be conducted? (API 653-2001, Section

API – 653 Inspection, Repair, Alteration & Reconstruction

Page 101
IA 17. What can be determined by performing external ultrasonic thickness measurements of the
tank shell? Can ultrasonic thickness measurements be conducted while the tank is in
service? (API 653-2001, Section

IA 18. When ultrasonic thickness measurements are used to assess the tank condition, what is the
maximum interval for making the measurements when the corrosion rate is not known?
(API 653-2001, Section

IA 19. What are three main purposes of an internal inspection? (API 653-2001, Section




IA 20. Once a corrosion rate is determined, the inspection interval should be set to ensure that the
minimum bottom plate thickness at the time of the next inspection is not less than the
minimum thickness specified in Table 4-1 of the document. What is the minimum
thickness specified when: (API 653-2001, Section and Table 6-1)

- The tank bottom/foundation design has no means for detection and containment of a
bottom leak?

- The tank bottom/foundation design includes means for containing and detecting
bottom leaks?

- The tank bottom has a reinforced lining greater than .05 inch thick that has been applied
in accordance with API 652?

IA 21. Even when corrosion rate information is available, what is the maximum internal inspection
interval allowed? (API 653-2001, Section

API – 653 Inspection, Repair, Alteration & Reconstruction

Page 102
IA 22. What should be the maximum internal inspection interval when corrosion rates are not
known and similar service experience is not available? (API 653-2001, Section

IA 23. What three types of records must be kept concerning aboveground tanks? (API 653-2001,
Section 6.8)




IA 24. What information must general inspection reports include? (API 653-2001, Section 6.9.2)

AF, IA 25. What type of weld joint must be used when reconstructing a tank shell? (API 653-2001,
Section 8.2.2)

AE, AF, 26. What should be the minimum dimension for a replacement shell plate? (API 653-2001,
IA Section

AE, AF, 27. What are acceptable shapes for replacement shell plates? (API 653-2001, Section

API – 653 Inspection, Repair, Alteration & Reconstruction

Page 103
AF, IA 28. Prior to welding new vertical joints, what must be done to existing horizontal welds that
contact the new vertical joint? (API 653-2001, Section

AF, IA 29. When installing a replacement shell plate, which joints (vertical or horizontal) should be
welded first? (API 653-2001, Section

AF 30. What type of joint should be used to install shell replacement plates? (API 653-2001,

AF, IA 31. How far from the edge of a weld joint in the annular plate ring or sketch plate must the
edge of any vertical weld attaching a replacement plate be? (API 653-2001, Section

IA 32. When the thickness of replacement shell plate is less than .5 inch, what is the minimum
allowable distance between an existing vertical weld joint and the vertical weld on the
replacement plate? (API 653-2001, Figure 9-1)

AF, IA 33. What may be used for the closure of holes caused by the removal of existing shell openings
or by the removal of severely corroded areas? (API 653-2001, Section 9.3.2)

API – 653 Inspection, Repair, Alteration & Reconstruction

Page 104
AF, IA 34. What two items must be entirely removed prior to installation of a repair plate? (API 653-
2001, Section

AF, IA 35. How can lack of fusion in a weld be repaired? (API 653-2001, Section 9.6.1)

AF, IA 36. How should arc strikes discovered in or adjacent to welded joints be repaired? (API 653-
2001, Section 9.6.5)

AE, AF 37. In a replacement shell penetration without a reinforcing plate, what should be the diameter
of the insert plate? (API 653-2001, Section 9.8.2)

AE, AF 38. When an insert plate is used in conjunction with a reinforcing plate in a replacement shell
penetration, what should be the diameter of the insert plate? (API 653-2001, Section 9.8.2)

AE, AF, 39. If a new tank bottom is installed above an existing bottom, the spacing between existing
IA welds around penetrations and the new bottom-to-shell weld may not meet API 650
requirements. What are three ways of altering the penetrations to meet API 650?
(API 653-2001, Sections 9.9.2 through

API – 653 Inspection, Repair, Alteration & Reconstruction

Page 105
AE, AF, 40. What areas constitute the “critical zone” for repairs to tank bottoms? (API 653-2001,
IA Section 3.9)

AE, AF, 41. What types of repairs are NOT allowed in the tank bottom critical zone? (API 653-2001,
IA Section

AE, AF, 42. What types of repairs are allowed in the tank bottom critical zone? (API 653-2001,
IA Section

AC, AF 43. When replacing an entire tank bottom, what type of material should be used as a cushion
between the old and new bottoms? (API 653-2001, Section

AF 44. When replacing an entire tank bottom, what procedures must be followed when installing
and attaching the new bottom to the existing shell? (API 653-2001, Section

AC, AF 45. When replacing an entire tank bottom, what should be done with voids in the foundation
below the old tank bottom? (API 653-2001, Section

API – 653 Inspection, Repair, Alteration & Reconstruction

Page 106
AF, IA 46. What should be the minimum thickness of new roof plates for a supported cone roof?
(API 653-2001, Section

AF, IA 47. What should be the nominal thickness of new roof plates for self-supporting roofs?
(API 653-2001, Section

IA 48. To minimize evaporation losses and reduce potential hazard to the workers when replacing
floating roof perimeter seals, what is the maximum amount of a roof seal system that
should be removed from an in-service tank at one time? (API 653-2001, Section 9.13.1)

AF 49. What should be the minimum height of tank liquid above a hot tap location? (API 653-
2001, Section

AF, IA 50. What type of electrode should be used for hot tap welding? (API 653-2001,

AF, IA 51. What defects in shell plate preclude the installation of hot taps? (API 653-2001,

API – 653 Inspection, Repair, Alteration & Reconstruction

Page 107
AF, IA 52. Hot taps are not permitted where the heat of welding may cause
______________________ (API 653-2001, Section

AF 53. When preparing for a hot tap installation, how many shell thickness measurements shall be
made? Where should they be made? (API 653-2001, Section

AF 54. After completing the welding portion of the hot tap procedure, what pressure should be
used to test the nozzle prior to mounting the hot tap machine? (API 653-2001,

AR, IA 55. When dismantling a tank, into what size pieces may roof, shell and bottom plates be cut?
(API 653-2001, Section 10.3.1)

AF, AR, 56. When bottom plates are to be reused, how should they be cut? (API 653-2001,
IA Section

AF, AR, 57. When roof plates are to be reused, how should they be cut? How should roof supporting
IA structures be dismantled? (API 653-2001, Section

API – 653 Inspection, Repair, Alteration & Reconstruction

Page 108
AF, AR 58. If an entire tank bottom is to be reused in a reconstructed tank, how should the bottom be
separated from the existing shell if there is no existing butt welded annular ring?
(API 653-2001, Section

AF, AR, 59. When shell plates are to be dismantled and reused, what are three ways in which they can be
IA cut? (API 653-2001, Section




AF, AR, 60. If shell stiffening rings are removed, what must be done to the temporary attachment
IA points? (API 653-2001, Section

AF, AR, 61. If a tank shell is to be dismantled for reuse with a new bottom, where should the shell be
IA cut from the existing bottom? (API 653-2001, Section

AF, AR, 62. When can the existing shell-to-bottom weld connection be reused in a reconstructed tank?
IA (API 653-2001, Section

AF, IA 63. What provisions should be made with regard to joint alignment during the reconstruction
of a tank? (API 653-2001, Section

API – 653 Inspection, Repair, Alteration & Reconstruction

Page 109
AF, IA 64. What should be done with tack welds used in the assembly of vertical joints on the tank
shell when the joints are welded manually? What should be done with tack welds when
such joints are welded with a submerged-arc process? (API 653-2001, Section

AF, IA 65. What should be done with primer coatings on surfaces to be welded? (API 653-2001,

AF, IA 66. Which should be welded first: bottom plate joints or shell-to-bottom joints? (API 653-
2001, Section

AF, IA 67. What is the maximum allowable vertical butt joint misalignment when the plate thickness is
5/8 inch thick or less? (API 653-2001, Section

IA 68. What is the maximum out-of-plumbness allowed for the top of the tank shell relative to the
bottom of the shell? (API 653-2001, Section

IA 69. What is the maximum peaking allowed when using a horizontal sweep board 36 inches
long? (API 653-2001, Section 10.5.4)

API – 653 Inspection, Repair, Alteration & Reconstruction

Page 110
AF, IA 70. At what interval must the welder's identification mark be stamped along completed weld
joints? (API 653-2001, Section 11.2.2)

IA 71. What are five nondestructive examination procedures that can be applied to aboveground
tanks? (API 653-2001, Section 12)






AF, IA 72. What method of nondestructive examination should be used to detect shell plate
laminations when adding a hot tap connection? (API 653-2001, Section

AE,AF, IA 73. What type of nondestructive examination should be used to examine completed welds
attaching a nozzle neck to the tank shell? (API 653-2001, Section

AF, IA 74. What type of nondestructive examination should be used to examine completed repairs of
butt welds? How much of the weld should be examined? (API 653-2001, Section

AF, IA 75. How should the first pass of the shell-to-bottom weld be inspected? How long should this
procedure take? (API 653-2001, Section

API – 653 Inspection, Repair, Alteration & Reconstruction

Page 111
AF, IA 76. What should be the minimum diagnostic length of a radiograph of a weld? (API 653-2001,

IA 77. What should be done if a radiograph of the intersection of a new and an old weld
determines that the old weld is unacceptable by current standards? (API 653-2001,
Section 12.2.2)

AF, IA 78. What is the minimum duration of a hydrostatic test for a reconstructed tank? For a tank
that has undergone major repairs? (API 653-2001, Section

AF, IA 79. What is a requirement for new vertical and horizontal shell butt-welds? (API 653-2001,

AF, IA 80. Major repairs and major alterations to a tank may require a full hydrostatic test. What are
six examples of the type of work that is considered a major repair or major alteration?
(API 653-2001, Section







API – 653 Inspection, Repair, Alteration & Reconstruction

Page 112
AF, IA 81. Where on the tank must an air leak test be conducted? (API 653-2001, Section 12.4)

AF, IA, 82. When surveying for tank settlement during a hydrostatic test, what is the minimum number
AN, AC of measurement points? (API 653-2001, Section

AC 83. During hydrostatic testing, when should the final settlement measurement be taken? (API
653-2001, Section 12.5.2)

IA 84. During storage tank operations, how frequently should tank settlement measurements be
conducted? (API 653-2001, Section B.1.1)

AC 85. What are three approaches that can be used to correct tank shell and bottom settlement?
(API 653-2001, Section B.1.3)



AC, IA 86. Internal measurements of tank bottom settlement can be made in an out-of-service tank by
measuring along the tank diameter. What should be the maximum spacing of these
measurements? (API 653-2001, Figure B-2)

AC 87. Uniform tank settlement does not induce stresses in the tank structure. However, where
can problems arise when a tank undergoes uniform settlement? (API 653-2001, Section

API – 653 Inspection, Repair, Alteration & Reconstruction

Page 113
AC, AN 88. Which type of settlement poses the most severe threat to the structural integrity of a tank
shell and bottom? (API 653-2001, Section B.2.2.4)

AC, IA 89. What is edge settlement? (API 653-2001, Section B.2.3.1)

API – 653 Inspection, Repair, Alteration & Reconstruction

Page 114
American Society of Mechanical Engineers
ASME RTP-1-2000: Reinforced Thermoset Plastic
Corrosion Resistant Equipment
The following study guide questions are taken from American Society of Mechanical Engineers publication ASME
RTP-1-2000, entitled “Reinforced Thermoset Plastic Corrosion Resistant Equipment” (2000 Edition).

AN 1. What is the minimum diameter of a manway? (ASME RTP-1, Section 4-510)

AN 2. When reinforcing materials are cut to facilitate placement around an installed nozzle, how
must the joints be aligned? (ASME RTP-1, Section 4-600)

AN 3. What conditions will cause a tank to be declared in "critical service"? (ASME RTP-1,
Section 1-210)

AN 4. A vessel used in critical service should have design strength properties of what percentage
of those specified elsewhere in ASME RTP-1? (ASME RTP-1, Section 1-220)

AN 5. What credentials must the individual have who is responsible for certifying the fabricator's
design report? (ASME RTP-1, Section 1-300)

AN 6. An RTP vessel should be inspected for damage before it is removed from the delivery
vehicle. What should be done if damage is observed? (ASME-RTP-1, Appendix NM9-

ASME RTP-1 Reinforced Thermoset Plastic Equipment

Page 115
AN 7. What are four types of damage that should be checked for during the inspection conducted
prior to unloading the RTP vessel from the delivery vehicle? (ASME-RTP-1, Appendix





AN 8. The support base surface for an RTP vessel should be nonporous and free of cracks,
depressions, and vertical projections. In addition: (ASME-RTP-1, Appendix NM9-300)

- What type of finish is often applied to the concrete surface?

- How flat should the support base for an RTP tank be?

- What is the maximum size allowed for local irregularities?

AN 9. What should be the composition, compression deflection range, and thickness of the tank
cushioning pad? (ASME RTP-1, Appendix NM9-300)

AN 10. How should flat-bottom RTP vessels be secured in place? Why is this? (ASME-RTP-1,
Appendix NM9-300)

ASME RTP-1 Reinforced Thermoset Plastic Equipment

Page 116
AN 11. How should RTP vessel nozzles that will be below the liquid level be joined to piping?
(ASME-RTP-1, Appendix NM9-300)

AN 12. How should valves that are attached to RTP vessel nozzles be installed? Why is this
necessary? (ASME-RTP-1, Appendix NM9-300)

AN 13. If a vessel fabricator has not specified the type of flanged connections to be used, what are
seven recommendations for flanged connection contained in this document? (ASME-
RTP-1, Appendix NM9-300)








ASME RTP-1 Reinforced Thermoset Plastic Equipment

Page 117
NACE International
NACE RP0187: Design Considerations for Corrosion Control of
Reinforcing Steel in Concrete
The following study guide questions are taken from the NACE International Standard Recommended Practice
entitled “Design Considerations for Corrosion Control of Reinforcing Steel in Concrete” (NACE Standard
RP0187, 1996 edition).

AC 1. Reinforcing steel in concrete is normally protected against corrosion by a stable oxide film.
What are three conditions that may destroy this oxide film? (NACE RP0187, Section 1.1.2)




AC 2. What is the effect of concrete permeability on the corrosion of reinforcing steel? What are
some factors in the concrete mix design that can reduce the permeability of the concrete?
(NACE RP0187, Section 4.2.2)

AC 3. What effect does the addition of air-entraining admixtures have on the concrete mix and the
cured concrete? (NACE RP0187, Section

NACE RP0187 Corrosion Control of Steel in Concrete

Page 118
AC 4. Which accelerating admixture for concrete should only be used with caution when steel is
present in the concrete? (NACE RP0187, Section

AC 5. What is the function of water-reducing admixtures? (NACE RP0187, Section

AC 6. Careful attention to placement details and design of a workable concrete mix should produce
what qualities in the finished concrete? (NACE RP0187, Section

AC 7. How can the concrete's resistance to penetration of chloride and other aggressive ions be
improved? (NACE RP0187, Section

NACE RP0187 Corrosion Control of Steel in Concrete

Page 119
AC 8. What is necessary to ensure the integrity of concrete when in place and to minimize possible
damage to coated reinforcement? (NACE RP0187, Section 6.3.1)

AC 9. Concrete cover on the steel reinforcement can play an important role in protecting the steel
from corrosion. What are two steps that can be taken to ensure proper placement of the
reinforcing steel before the concrete is poured? (NACE RP0187, Section 6.3.1)



AC 10. What does proper consolidation of the concrete help to avoid? Why is this important in
reducing corrosion on reinforcing steel? (NACE RP0187, Section 6.3.3)

NACE RP0187 Corrosion Control of Steel in Concrete

Page 120
PA Department of Environmental Protection
Technical guidance 257-3120-001: Evaluation of Underground Storage Tank Liners
The following study guide questions are taken from the PA DEP Technical Guidance 257-3120-001, "Evaluation of
Underground Storage Tank Liners" (October 2003).

TL 1. When must an initial UST lining inspection take place? After the initial inspection, what is
the time frame for subsequent periodic inspections? (PA DEP, General Section)

TL 2. What is the minimum size of a hole cut into a tank to permit entry? (PA DEP, Section I)

TL 3. When a lining inspection is performed by a Professional Engineer (PE), which PA DEP

certifications must be possess or be supervised by a certified person who does? (PA DEP,
General Section)

TL 4. What reference publication(s) must be used for an invasive UST lining inspection? (PA DEP,
Requirements Section)

TL 5. How may a video camera be used in the lining inspection process? (PA DEP, Requirements

TL 6. How are UST thin wall areas defined in this document? (PA DEP, Section III)

Evaluation of Underground Storage Tank Liners

Page 121
TL 7. What shall be done to tanks that do not meet the average thickness requirement of 75%?
(PA DEP, Section III)

TL 8. After the inspection is finished and the tank opening has been closed and sealed, what type of
test must be performed on the tank? (PA DEP, Section III)

TL 9. What percentage of the tank lining must be visible for inspection? (PA DEP, Page 5)

Evaluation of Underground Storage Tank Liners

Page 122
Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry
Title 37: Flammable and Combustible Liquids Handbook
The following study guide questions are taken from Department of Labor and Industry publication entitled
“Flammable and Combustible Liquids Handbook” (effective date June 18, 1984). As of April 13, 1998, the
Department of Labor and Industry has taken over the administration of this code from the Pennsylvania Fire
Marshal. Also, Philadelphia and Pittsburgh have their own flammable and combustible liquid codes which should
be consulted before doing work in these cities.

AN, AF, 1. What is the definition of "inflammable"? (Flammable & Combustible Liquids Handbook,
AS, AE Section 11.1)

AC, AF, 2. If end failure of a horizontal tank may endanger adjacent property, how must the tank be
AS positioned? (Flammable & Combustible Liquids Handbook, Section 13.1 (b))

AC, AF, 3. What is the minimum shell to shell distance allowed for tanks storing flammable or
IA combustible liquids? (Flammable & Combustible Liquids Handbook, Section 13.2 (a))

AC, AF, 4. What is the minimum distance allowed between tanks storing unstable liquids? (Flammable
AS, IA & Combustible Liquids Handbook, Section 13.2 (d))

AN, AF, 5. What effect does heating have on the volatility of a liquid? (Flammable & Combustible
AS, AE Liquids Handbook, Section 11.6(c))

Title 37 Labor & Industry – Flammable and Combustible Liquids Handbook

Page 123
AF, AS, IA 6. What factors determine the required venting capacity of a tank? (Flammable & Combustible
Liquids Handbook, Section 13.25 (c))

AF, AS, IA 7. How shall tanks and piping be tested prior to being placed in use? (Flammable &
Combustible Liquids Handbook, Section 13.26(a))

AC, AF, 8. The area surrounding a tank or group of tanks may be provided with a drainage system to
AN, AS prevent accidental discharge of liquid from endangering adjoining property of reaching
waterways. In what areas is this drainage system NOT allowed to discharge? (Flammable &
Combustible Liquids Handbook, Section 13.6 (b)(3))

AC, AF 9. What should be the capacity of a diked area surrounding tanks with fixed roofs containing
liquids with boil over characteristics? (Flammable & Combustible Liquids Handbook,
Section 13.6 (c)(2))

AC, AF, 10. When earthen walls are used to construct a dike, what is the minimum width of the top of the
IA dike when the dike wall is three feet or more in height? (Flammable & Combustible Liquids
Handbook, Section 13.6 (c)(3))

Title 37 Labor & Industry – Flammable and Combustible Liquids Handbook

Page 124
AC, AF, 11. What is the maximum allowable height of a dike wall above interior grade? (Flammable &
IA Combustible Liquids Handbook, Section 13.6 (c)(3))

AC, AF, 12. Can a building wall be used as part of a dike wall? (Flammable & Combustible Liquids
AN, IA Handbook, Section 13.6 (c)(3))

AN, IA 13. To what specifications must non-steel tanks be built? (Flammable & Combustible Liquids
Handbook, Section 13.7 (b)(1))

AE, AS 14. Where vent piping for tanks storing class I liquids is located adjacent to buildings or public
ways, what is the minimum height above adjacent ground level that vapors may be
discharged? What is the minimum distance required between vent openings and building
openings? (Flammable & Combustible Liquids Handbook, Section 13.8 (c)(1))

AS 15. How far above maximum flood stage must the top of a vertical tank extend? (Flammable &
Combustible Liquids Handbook, Section 13.212 (a))

Title 37 Labor & Industry – Flammable and Combustible Liquids Handbook

Page 125
AS 16. When is anchoring (or some other method of keeping the tank from floating) required for
aboveground horizontal tanks located in flood areas? (Flammable & Combustible Liquids
Handbook, Section 13.212 (b))

AS 17. What should be done with tank vents or other openings which are not liquid tight on
horizontal tanks in flood areas? (Flammable & Combustible Liquids Handbook,
Section 13.212 (b))

AS, AE 18. What categories of aboveground storage tanks are exempt from emergency venting
requirements? (Flammable & Combustible Liquids Handbook, Section 13.8(b))

AC 19. Where must tank vaults constructed at a retail fuel distribution facility be located? Where
may vaults constructed at non-retail fuel distribution facilities be located? (Flammable &
Combustible Liquids Handbook, Section 14.2 (a))

AC 20. How much of a tank can be outside a vault? (Flammable & Combustible Liquids Handbook,
Section 14.2 (b))

Title 37 Labor & Industry – Flammable and Combustible Liquids Handbook

Page 126
AC 21. What is the minimum thickness allowed for the concrete walls and floor of the vault?
(Flammable & Combustible Liquids Handbook, Section 14.2 (b))

AC 22. How must the top of an above grade vault be constructed? Why is this so? (Flammable &
Combustible Liquids Handbook, Section 14.2 (b))

AC 23. What criteria must vaults meet with regard to liquid tightness? (Flammable & Combustible
Liquids Handbook, Section 14.2 (b))

AC 24. Can multiple tanks share the same vault? What structure may adjacent vaults share?
(Flammable & Combustible Liquids Handbook, Section 14.2(e))

AC 25. Each vault must be equipped with a liquid detection system. What must happen when liquid
is detected? (Flammable & Combustible Liquids Handbook, Section 14.2 (h))

AC 26. How high above grade level must vents provided for normal venting of tanks in vaults be?
(Flammable & Combustible Liquids Handbook, Section 14.2 (j))

Title 37 Labor & Industry – Flammable and Combustible Liquids Handbook

Page 127
AC, AS 27. What are the rules for emergency vents on tanks inside vaults? (Flammable & Combustible
Liquids Handbook, Section 14.2(k))

AC 28. To what standard must tanks designed for use within vaults be tested? What maximum
capacity is allowed? (Flammable & Combustible Liquids Handbook, Section 14.2 (p))

AC 29. Tanks in above grade vaults must meet minimum set back distances. (Flammable &
Combustible Liquids Handbook, Section 14.2 (q))

What is the minimum distance required between the tank and any building on the same

What is the minimum distance required between the tank and the nearest side of a public

What is the minimum distance required between the tank and any property line that may be
built upon?

NOTE: In addition to the above, the Pennsylvania Underground Utility Line Protection Act (Act 187 of 1996)
requires notification by excavators, designers or any person preparing to disturb the earth's surface anywhere in
Pennsylvania. Contractors must call the One Call System (1-800-242-1776) not less than three nor more than 10
working days in advance of beginning excavation or demolition work.

AC 30. What should be installed to protect aboveground tanks from collision? (Flammable &
Combustible Liquids Handbook, Section 14.6 (3))

Title 37 Labor & Industry – Flammable and Combustible Liquids Handbook

Page 128
National Fire Protection Association
NFPA 30: Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code
The following study guide questions are taken from the National Fire Protection Association “Flammable and
Combustible Liquids Code” (NFPA 30, 2000 edition).

AS, IA 1. What is the definition of an “atmospheric tank”? (NFPA 30, Section

NOTE: In 1996, the definition of atmospheric tank was changed from earlier editions of this code.

AE, AF, 2. What is the definition of "emergency relief venting"? (NFPA 30, Section 1.6.14)

AF, AN, 3. What is meant by the term "fugitive emissions”? (NFPA 30, Section 1.6.18)

AS, IA 4. What is the definition of a “low-pressure tank”? (NFPA 30, Section

AS, IA 5. What is the definition of a “pressure vessel”? (NFPA 30, Section 1.6.36)

NFPA 30 Flammable and Combustible Liquids

Page 129
AN, AS 6. What is meant by the term “protection for exposures”? (NFPA 30, Section 1.6.38)

AS, IA 7. What is the definition of a “secondary containment tank”? (NFPA 30, Section

AE, AS, IA 8. What is the definition of a "cryogenic liquid"? (NFPA 30, Section

AF, AR, 9. What is the definition of a “stable liquid”? (NFPA 30, Section

AF, AR, 10. What is the definition of an “unstable liquid”? (NFPA 30, Section

NFPA 30 Flammable and Combustible Liquids

Page 130
AF, AN, 11. What is the NFPA definition of “ventilation”? (NFPA 30, Section 1.6.50)

AF, AR, 12. What is the definition of “boiling point”? (NFPA 30, Section

AF, AR, 13. What is the definition of “flash point”? (NFPA 30, Section

AF, AR, 14. What is the definition of “vapor pressure”? (NFPA 30, Section

AF, AR, 15. What is the definition of a “class I flammable liquid”? (NFPA 30, Section

NFPA 30 Flammable and Combustible Liquids

Page 131
AF, AR, 16. What is the definition of a “combustible liquid”? (NFPA 30, Section

AN, IA 17. Unlined concrete tanks may be used for liquids with a minimum of what gravity? (NFPA 30,
Section 2.2.2(c))

AS 18. Vapor detectors in vaults shall be located no higher than above the lowest point of the
vault. (NFPA 30, Section

AN, IA 19. For a tank storing stable liquids and operating at pressures of 2.5 psig or less, what is the
minimum distance allowed between the tank shell and a property line that can be built upon?
(NFPA 30, Table

AS 20. Table & (b) in NFPA 30 is used to determine the minimum spacing between an
aboveground tank shell and the nearest important building. In order to correctly determine
the spacing, what four items must be known? (NFPA 30, Table & (b))




NFPA 30 Flammable and Combustible Liquids

Page 132
AC, AS, IA 21. When remote impounding is used for control of spillage from aboveground tanks, what is the
minimum slope required away from the tank? Over what distance must this slope be
maintained? (NFPA 30, Section

AC, AS, IA 22. When remote impounding is used for control of spillage from aboveground tanks, and the
impoundment area is filled to capacity, what is the minimum distance allowed between the
liquid and any property line that can be built upon or any tank? (NFPA 30, Section

AS, IA 23. When calculating the required capacity of a diked area that contains several tanks, how do you
take into account the volume of the smaller tanks? (NFPA 30, Section

AC, AN, 24. Except where special provisions have been made, what is the maximum interior height of a
IA dike wall above the interior grade of the diked area? (NFPA 30, Section

AC, AS, IA 25. What is the minimum distance allowed between the shell of aboveground tanks and the toe
of the interior dike wall? (NFPA 30, Section

NFPA 30 Flammable and Combustible Liquids

Page 133
AC, AS, IA 26. What is the minimum distance allowed between the outside base of a dike surrounding an
aboveground tank and any property line that is or can be built upon? (NFPA 30, Section

AF, IA 27 What does adequate venting of an atmospheric storage tank prevent? (NFPA 30, Section

AE, AS, IA 28. What information must be stamped on each commercially made tank venting device?
(NFPA 30, Section

AS 29. How shall vent pipe outlets for tanks storing class I liquids adjacent to buildings or public
ways be located? (NFPA 30, Section

AE, AS, IA 30. As a general rule, manifolding of vent piping should be avoided. What are three special
purposes that may require vent piping to be manifolded? (NFPA 30, Section



NFPA 30 Flammable and Combustible Liquids

Page 134
AE, AF, 31. In order to be able to separate a tank from its piping in an emergency, what must be provided
AN, AS, at each opening in an aboveground tank through which liquid can normally flow? (NFPA 30,
IA Section

AE, AF, 32. Each opening below liquid level in an aboveground tank through which liquid does NOT
AS, IA normally flow must be equipped with a liquid tight closure. What are some examples of the
type of hardware that can be used to meet this requirement? (NFPA 30, Section

AF, AN, 33. In order to control static electricity, what must be done with metallic equipment? What must
AS, AE, IA be done with non-metallic equipment? (NFPA 30, Section

AS, IA 34. What are four acceptable methods of overfill prevention for aboveground tanks at terminals
receiving Class I liquids from mainline pipelines or marine vessels? (NFPA 30, Section





AE, AS, 35. What are three things that must be included in the written procedures to prevent overfilling
IA, AF of aboveground tanks? (NFPA 30, Section




NFPA 30 Flammable and Combustible Liquids

Page 135
AE, AF, 36. If loading and unloading is done through a common pipe system, a check valve is not
AN, AS, required. However, what type of valve is required? Where should this valve be located?
IA (NFPA 30, Section 3.5.7)

AE, AF, 37. If the piping test procedures in ASME B31 are not followed, what procedures should be used
IA to test piping before it is covered, enclosed or placed in use? (NFPA 30, Section 3.6.1)

AF, AS, 38. How long must a hydrostatic or pneumatic test of piping that has not yet been covered or
AN, IA enclosed last? (NFPA 30, Section 3.6.1)

NFPA 30 Flammable and Combustible Liquids

Page 136
National Fire Protection Association
NFPA 326: Safeguarding of Tanks and Containers for Entry, Cleaning, or Repair
The following study guide questions are taken from National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) publication 326
entitled “Safeguarding of Tanks and Containers for Entry, Cleaning or Repair (1999 edition).

TL, AR 1. What is the definition of bonding? (NFPA 326, Section 1-4)

TL, AR 2. What is the definition of an unstable (reactive) liquid? (NFPA 326, Section 1-4)

AR, TL 3. What should be done before beginning cleaning work on tanks or containers that might be
under pressure? (NFPA 326, Section 2-1.5)

NFPA 326 – Safeguarding of Tanks and Containers

Page 137
National Fire Protection Association
NFPA 70: National Electrical Code
The following study guide questions are taken from National Fire Protection Association Publication 70, entitled
“National Electrical Code” (2005 edition).

IA 1. What is the definition of bonding? (NFPA 70, Article 100, Part A)

IA 2. What is the definition of ground? (NFPA 70, Article 100, Part A)

IA 3. The area classifications listed in Table 515.3 are based on what premise? (NFPA 70,
Article 515.3)

IA 4. Under what condition can nonmetallic conduit or approved cable be used for underground
wiring? (NFPA 70, Article 515.8(c))

NFPA 70 – National Electrical Code

Page 138
IA 5. What is the classification of an area within 10 feet of the shell, ends or roof of an
aboveground tank? (NFPA 70, Article 515, Table 515.3)

IA 6. What is the classification of an area extending five feet in all directions from the open end of
an aboveground tank vent? (NFPA 70, Article 515, Table 515.3)

NFPA 70 – National Electrical Code

Page 139
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
NIOSH 87-113: A Guide to Safety in Confined Spaces
The following study guide questions are taken from National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
publication no 87-113 entitled “A Guide to Safety in Confined Spaces” (July 1987).

AR, TL 1. What are three characteristics that can be used to identify a confined space? How many of
these characteristics must be present for an area to be considered a confined space? (NIOSH,
Page 1)




AF, AR, 2. What three types of hazardous atmospheres can result from the lack of natural air movement
TL in a confined space? (NIOSH, Page 4)




AF, AN, 3. Most substances in a confined space should be considered hazardous. What are three
AR, TL possible sources for toxic substances in a confined space? (NIOSH, Page 6)




NIOSH 87-113 – Safety in Confined Spaces

Page 140
AF, AN, 4. When testing a confined space for the presence of a hazardous atmosphere, what areas of the
AR, TL confined space must be tested? Why is this so? (NIOSH, Page 7)

NOTE: A related publication (NIOSH 80-106) states that “Entry into a confined space is prohibited until
initial testing of the atmosphere has been done from the outside.”
AF, AN, 5. What must be done before workers enter a confined space that has been found to be oxygen
AR, TL deficient, or containing toxic gases or vapors. (NIOSH, Page 7)

AF, AR, 6. What is meant by the term “isolation of a confined space”? What are some common ways
TL that isolation of a confined space can be accomplished? (NIOSH, Page 9)

AR, TL 7. What type of respirators should be used in confined spaces where there is not enough
oxygen? (NIOSH, Page 10)

AR, TL 8. What are more than 50 percent of the workers who die in confined spaces attempting to do?
(NIOSH, Page 12)

NIOSH 87-113 – Safety in Confined Spaces

Page 141
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
The following study guide questions are taken from Occupational Safety and Health Administration regulations
found in 29CFR1910 (Revised as of July 1, 2004).

AC, AN 1. What are six elements that must be included in an emergency action plan? (OSHA,







AC 2. When must protection against the effects of noise exposure be provided? (OSHA,

NOTE: You do not need to be an audiologist to answer this question. The point of the question is that when a
certain level of noise is exceeded, protection is required.

AC 3. What should be done when employees are subjected to sound levels exceeding those referred
to in the regulations? (OSHA, 29CFR1910.95(b)(1))

AN, AC 4. Adequate precautions shall be taken to prevent the ignition of flammable vapors. What are
potential sources of ignition for flammable vapors? (OSHA, 29CFR1910.106(b)(6))

OSHA 29 CFR 1910 – Safety Regulations

Page 142
AC 5. What types of materials are involved in each of the following classes of fire? (OSHA,
29CFR1910.155(c)(8 to 11))
Class A:

Class B:

Class C:

Class D:

AC, AF, 6. What types of information must be provided on each Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)?
AS (OSHA, 29CFR1910.1200(g)(2)(i to xii))













AC, AF, 7. What is the definition of a "responsible party"? (OSHA, 29CFR 1910.1200(c))

OSHA 29 CFR 1910 – Safety Regulations

Page 143
AC, AF, 8. What is an "unstable chemical"? (OSHA, 29CFR 1910.1200(c))

AC, AF, 9. What is an "oxidizer"? (OSHA, 29CFR 1910.1200(c))


OSHA 29 CFR 1910 – Safety Regulations

Page 144
Petroleum Equipment Institute
PEI RP200: Recommended Practices for Installation of
Aboveground Storage Systems for Motor Vehicle Fueling
The following study guide questions are taken from Petroleum Equipment Institute publication RP200-03 entitled
“Recommended Practices for Installation of Aboveground Storage Systems for Motor Vehicle Fueling” (2003

AS 1. To which types of tanks do the recommended practices in this document apply? (PEI
RP200-03, Section 1.2)

AS 2. What type of a plan may be required by federal regulations if a facility could reasonably be
expected to discharge product to navigable waters? (PEI RP200-03, Section 1.8)

AS 3. From whom should approval of aboveground storage facilities be sought? What other
agencies may be involved in granting approvals for aboveground tank installations? (PEI
RP200-03, Section 1.9)

AS 4. How must aboveground tanks be positioned with regard to property lines and buildings?
(PEI RP200-03, Section 2.3)

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Page 145
AS 5. How much space should be provided between tanks to allow for passage and inspection?
(PEI RP200-03, Section 2.4)

AE, AS 6. When aboveground tanks are installed at retail service stations, they are typically required to
be separated by substantial distances from which parts of the facility? (PEI RP200-03,
Section 2.6)

AS 7. In general, how do requirements for commercial fleet facilities differ from requirements for
retail service stations? (PEI RP200-03, Section 2.7)

AS 8. What traffic flow characteristics are desirable for the off-loading area for an aboveground
tank? (PEI RP200-03, Section 2.9)

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Page 146
AS 9. How shall aboveground tanks be protected from vandalism and accidental damage? (PEI
RP200-03, Section 2.13)

AS 10. Where should aboveground tanks be located with regard to underground utilities or overhead
power lines? (PEI RP200-03, Section 2.15)

AS 11. When the ability of the soil beneath an aboveground tank to bear the weight of the fully
loaded tank is questionable, what are three solutions that a storage system designer should
consider? (PEI RP200-03, Section 3.3)




AS 12. When constructing an aboveground tank foundation, what are appropriate materials to use
for the base course? (PEI RP200-03, Section 3.5)

AS 13. How can a suitable foundation for vertical tanks be constructed? (PEI RP200-03, Section

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Page 147
AS 14. Where is a sand cushion typically used when installing an aboveground tank? (PEI RP200-03,
Figure 5)

AS 15. How high above the surrounding ground surface should the surface on which a vertical tank
bottom rests be located? (PEI RP200-03, Section 3.6)

AS 16. What materials may be used for constructing saddle supports for horizontal tanks?
(PEI RP200-03, Section 3.7)

AS 17. After setting a horizontal tank, how should any residual tilt be corrected? (PEI RP200-03,
Section 3.7)

AS 18. Under what circumstances should the saddle supports for horizontal tanks have two-hour fire
protection? (PEI RP200-03, Section 3.7)

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Page 148
AS, AE 19. When tank saddles are not seal-welded to the tank shell, what materials should be used to
isolate the tank shell from the saddle support? What materials are NOT acceptable?
(PEI RP200-03, Section 3.7.1)

AS 20. Aboveground tanks located in what type of area must be protected against flotation?
(PEI RP200-03, Section 3.9)

AE, AS 21. What is the purpose of constructing dikes around aboveground tanks and associated piping?
(PEI RP200-03, Section 4.1)

AS 22. What should be the minimum volumetric capacity of a diked area? Can local jurisdictions
require additional capacity? (PEI RP200-03, Section 4.2)

AS 23. Within the diked area, what should be the slope from the tank to the dike base?
(PEI RP200-03, Section 4.7)

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Page 149
AS 24. What are appropriate materials for construction of dike walls? (PEI RP200-03, Section 4.3)

AS 25. What types of materials may be used to form an impervious barrier on the walls and bottom
of a diked area? (PEI RP200-03, Section 4.4)

AS, AE 26. How should piping and conduit be routed with respect to the dike walls and floor? What
should be done if penetration through the dike wall is absolutely unavoidable? (PEI RP200-
03, Section 4.5)

AS 27. What is the usual minimum distance between the outside base of the dike and any property
line? (PEI RP200-03, Section 4.6)

AS 28. Where should drainage control points for diked areas be located? (PEI RP200-03,
Section 4.7)

PEI RP200 – Aboveground Motor Vehicle Fueling

Page 150
AS 29. What is the definition of “special enclosure” when referring to a flammable liquid storage
tank? (PEI RP200-03, Section 5.10)

AS 30. What types of forces should tank vaults be designed to resist? (PEI RP200-03, Section 5.2)

AS 31. For vaults located aboveground, roofs should be constructed of materials weaker than
materials used for construction of the walls and floor. Why is this? (PEI RP200-03,
Section 5.2)

AS 32. What type of safety procedures must be followed when entering a tank vault?
(PEI RP200-03, Section 5.3)

AE, AS 33. What are three requirements for normal tank vents for tanks installed inside of vaults?
(PEI RP200-03, Section 5.4)




AS 34. How should tank vaults be protected from vehicular collision? (PEI RP200-03, Section 5.8)

PEI RP200 – Aboveground Motor Vehicle Fueling

Page 151
AS 35. Under what circumstance can a tank designed for use underground be used for aboveground
storage? (PEI RP200-03, Section 6.1)

AS 36. Underwriters Laboratories standard 142 prescribes requirements for what type of tanks?
(PEI RP200-03, Section 6.2.1)

AE, AS 37. What items should be checked for damage or imperfections prior to installation? (PEI
RP200-03, Section 6.4)

AS 38. How should tanks be handled at the job site? (PEI RP200-03, Section 6.5 and WARNING)

NOTE: In addition to the above, the Pennsylvania Underground Utility Line Protection Act (Act 187 of 1996)
requires notification by excavators, designers or any person preparing to disturb the earth's surface anywhere in
Pennsylvania. Contractors must call the One Call System (1-800-242-1776) not less than three nor more than ten
working days in advance of beginning excavation or demolition work.

AE, AS 39. What are two methods that should NOT be used to dispense product from aboveground
tanks? (PEI RP200-03, Section 7.2)



AE, AS 40. In remote pumping systems, does the supply piping operate under pressure, suction or
gravity? (PEI RP200-03, Section 7.2)

PEI RP200 – Aboveground Motor Vehicle Fueling

Page 152
AS 41. At which tank openings should fire valves be installed? (PEI RP200-03, Section 7.3)

AE, AS 42. How many block valves should a piping system contain? (PEI RP200-03, Section 7.4)

AS 43. Under what condition will a pressure regulating valve installed underneath a suction pump
allow product to flow? (PEI RP200-03, Section 7.2.1, Figure 12)

AE, AS 44. If a pressure regulating valve is installed in a suction pumping system, what is the maximum
dispensing hose length allowed? Why is this? (PEI RP200-03, Section 7.2.1)

AE, AS 45. External fire valves should be constructed of what material? (PEI RP200-03, Section 7.3)

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Page 153
AE, AS 46. What does an anti-siphon valve prevent? Where should it be located? (PEI RP200-03,
Section 7.5)

AS, AE 47. Which portions of aboveground piping should be equipped with a pressure relief device?
(PEI RP200-03, Section 7.7)

AS 48. How close to the tank bottom should an internal fill tube be installed? (PEI RP200-03,
Section 8.2.1)

AS, AE 49. Should gasoline and diesel tanks share the same fill piping? (PEI RP200-03, Section 8.2.1)

AS 50. What should be installed on the fill pipe if deliveries are to be made directly into the top of
the tank? (PEI RP200-03, Section 8.2.2)

AS 51. What is the leading cause of product release from aboveground tanks? (PEI RP200-03,
Section 8.2.3)

PEI RP200 – Aboveground Motor Vehicle Fueling

Page 154
AS 52. At what liquid level in an aboveground tank should an overfill alarm sound? At what liquid
level should flow into the tank be stopped? (PEI RP200-03, Section 8.2.3)

AS 53. When gauging systems are installed in aboveground tanks, what type of cover should be
provided for the tank opening? (PEI RP200-03, Section 8.4)

AE, AS 54. What is the maximum normal operating pressure for an aboveground tank? What is the
maximum pressure allowed under emergency venting conditions? (PEI RP200-03,
Section 8.5)

AE, AS 55. Why is normal venting necessary? What features may normal tank vents also include? (PEI
RP200-03, Section 8.5.1, Figure 16)

AE, AS 56. What do emergency vents provide for? Where are emergency vents required?
(PEI RP200-03, Section 8.5.2)

AE, AS 57. What are acceptable materials for aboveground piping? (PEI RP200-03, Section 9.2)

AS 58. What piping material should not be used for diesel fuel? (PEI RP200-03, Section 9.2)

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Page 155
AS 59. How should underground piping associated with an aboveground tank be sloped?
(PEI RP200-03, Section 10.4)

AS 60. In traffic areas, piping trenches for underground piping should be deep enough to allow for
what thickness of bedding material? What thickness of compacted backfill material and
paving? (PEI RP200-03, Section 10.4)

AS 61. When galvanic cathodic protection is applied to underground steel piping, what must be done
to submerged pumps, dispensers, tanks and other metallic components that are NOT
intended to be protected by the galvanic cathodic protection system?(PEI RP200-03,
Section 11.5)

NOTE: When impressed current cathodic protection is used, all metallic components should be electrically
AS 62. What three items should tank coatings be inspected for prior to installing the tank? (PEI
RP200-03, Section 11.3)

AC 63. What is the minimum number of anodes needed when protecting a tank bottom with
cathodic protection? (PEI RP200-03, Table 11-2)

AS 64. Visual inspection of aboveground tanks can be an effective method of detecting leaks. What
are some of the signs that a leak may be present? (PEI RP200-03, Section 12.2)

AS 65. What type of leak detection should be installed on underground pressurized piping?
(PEI RP200-03, Section 12.2.3)

PEI RP200 – Aboveground Motor Vehicle Fueling

Page 156
AS 66. Why is it important to control vapor emissions during fuel transfer operations? (PEI RP200-
03, Section 12.3)

AS 67. Why should sensing devices used in interstitial spaces be easily accessible? (PEI RP200-03,
Section 12.2.1)

AS 68. What are four ways of performing volumetric methods of release detection? (PEI RP200-03,
Section 12.2)

AS 69. In addition to state and local electrical codes, aboveground tank installations should conform
to national electrical codes as well. What abbreviation is commonly used to refer to the
national electrical code? What organization publishes the national electrical code?
(PEI RP200-03, Section 13.1)

AS 70. In the national electrical code, what is the distinction between Division 1 and Division 2
locations? (PEI RP200-03, Section 13.2)

AS 71. What is an “emergency shut-off?” Where is it located? What does it do? (PEI RP200-03,
Section 13.4)

AS 72. What should be used to protect vertical tank bottoms that rest directly on soil or concrete?
(PEI RP200-03, Section 11.3.1)

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Page 157
AS 73. What should be done to electrical conduits entering or leaving classified areas to prevent the
migration of fumes or vapors? (PEI RP200-03, Section 13.5)

AS 74. What is an “intrinsically safe" device? (PEI RP200-03, Section 13.6)

AS 75. What should be done to protect aboveground tanks from lightning and static discharge?
(PEI RP200-03, Section 13.7)

AS 76. What type of gauge is recommended when conducting an air-and-soap test? What should be
the maximum limit of the gauge? What should be used to prevent over-pressurization of the
tank? (PEI RP200-03, Section 6.6.2)

AS 77. When conducting an air-and-soap test, what is it that indicates the presence of a leak?
(PEI RP200-03, Section 6.6.3)

AS 78. What is the maximum recommended pressure for testing vertical aboveground tanks? For
testing horizontal aboveground tanks? (PEI RP200-03, Section 6.6.3)

PEI RP200 – Aboveground Motor Vehicle Fueling

Page 158
Snyder-Crown Industrial Products
Guidelines For Use and Installation
The following study guide questions are taken from a Snyder-Crown Industrial Products publication entitled,
"Guidelines For Use and Installation" (undated).

AN 1. When should a tank first be inspected? (Snyder, Section 1.1.5)

AN 2. How should vertical tanks greater than 2,000 gallons be moved? (Snyder, Section 1.3.2)

AN 3. How should insulated tanks be moved? (Snyder, Section 1.4.1)

AN 4. What advantages does the installation of a sand mound support under a vertical flat bottom
tank have? (Snyder, Section 2.2.1)

AN 5. What characteristics of the tank must be taken into account when designing and installing the
piping system? (Snyder, Section 2.3.2)

Snyder-Crown Guidelines for Use and Installation

Page 159
AN 6. After all fittings are installed and all connections to the tank have been made, fill the tank
with water and hold for what period of time in order to identify any leaks? (Snyder, Section

AN 7. When installing threaded bulkhead fittings on factory prepared openings, where should the
gaskets be installed? (Snyder, Section 3.1.2)

AN 8. When installing bolted flange fittings on non-metallic tanks, where should the gaskets be
installed? (Snyder, Section 3.3.1)

AN 9. If down pipes are installed, at what interval must they be supported? (Snyder, Section 4.2.1)

AN 10. For what purpose is the lateral restraint system on flat bottom non-metallic tanks designed?
(Snyder, Section 5.1.1)

AN 11. What are four items that should be inspected on a periodic basis? (Snyder, Section 6.1.1)





Snyder-Crown Guidelines for Use and Installation

Page 160
Steel Structures Painting Council
Steel Structures Painting Manual (Vol 1)
The following study guide questions are taken from the Steel Structures Painting Manual Volume 1, entitled “Good
Painting Practice” (Fourth Edition, 2002).

IA, TL 1. How do chromate pigments inhibit corrosion? (SSPC Vol 1, Chapter 1.3)

IA, TL 2. What are seven properties of films that may be desirable in any given use? (SSPC Vol 1,
Chapter 1.3)

IA, TL 3. What effect can leafing or plate-like pigments have in a barrier coating? (SSPC Vol 1,
Chapter 1.3)

TL 4. Liquid-applied organic coatings must contain for film formation. (SSPC

Vol 1, Chapter 1.5)

TL 5. When preparing a surface for lining, what should be done before initiating blast cleaning?
(SSPC Vol 1, Chapter 2.1)

TL 6. What functions do coatings used as linings of steel tank interiors serve? (SSPC Vol 1,
Chapter 6.3)

TL 7. What is the process called in which iron or steel is immersed in acidic solutions to remove
oxide or scale? (SSPC Vol 1, Chapter 2.9.1)

TL 8. For purposes of this chapter of the SSPC book, what is the term “protective coating used as a
lining” limited to? (SSPC Vol 1, Chapter 6.3)

SSPC B SSPM, Vol 1 - Good Painting Practice

Page 161
TL 9. When blasting or spraying is being done, what type of breathing apparatus should be worn?
(SSPC Vol 1, Chapter 8)

TL 10. When applying a coating by spray, in what areas do excessive thicknesses of the coating
material tend to accumulate? How can such areas be eliminated? (SSPC Vol 1, Chapter 6.3)

TL 11. What are the three most critical factors in coating selection? (SSPC Vol 1, Chapter 6.3)




TL 12. After a first coating has been applied, it is often good practice to brush one or more coats on
welds, edges or any area that is not ideally fabricated. What is this brushing of specific areas
called? (SSPC Vol 1, Chapter 6.3)

SSPC B SSPM, Vol 1 - Good Painting Practice

Page 162
Steel Structures Painting Council
Steel Structures Painting Manual
The following study guide questions are taken from the Steel Structures Painting Manual Volume 2, entitled
“Systems and Specifications” (Eighth Edition, 2000).

IA, TL 1. What is the definition of solvent cleaning? (SSPC Vol 2, SP1, Section 2.1)

TL 2. What should be done to prepare a surface before solvent cleaning? (SSPC Vol 2, SP1,
Section 3.1)

TL 3. What should be done to a surface after it has been solvent cleaned? (SSPC Vol 2, SP1,
Section 3.2)

IA, TL 4. What procedure does SSPC standard SP5 address? (SSPC Vol 2, SP5, Section 1.1)

IA, TL 5. What is the definition of a white metal blast cleaned surface? (SSPC Vol 2, SP5, Section 2.1)

IA, TL 6. What are some of the variations in appearance of a white metal blast cleaned surface that do
not affect surface cleanliness? (SSPC Vol 2, SP5, Section 2.2)

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Page 163
IA, TL 7. Which SSPC document addresses safety concerns for coating work? (SSPC Vol 2, SP5,
Section 9.1)

IA, TL 8. What is meant by the term surface profile? (SSPC Vol 2, SP5, Section A.3)

IA, TL 9. What determines the allowable minimum/maximum height of a surface profile? (SSPC Vol 2,
SP5, Section A.3)

IA, TL 10. Where would you find a listing of the typical maximum profile heights achieved with
commercial abrasive media? (SSPC Vol 2, SP5, Section A.3)

IA, TL 11. Surface imperfections can cause premature coating failure when the service is severe. What
tends to happen to coatings applied to sharp edges and projections? What other surface
features can be difficult to properly cover and protect? (SSPC Vol 2, SP5, Section A.5)

IA, TL 12. What can happen when freshly cleaned steel is exposed to moisture, contamination or a
corrosive atmosphere? (SSPC Vol 2, SP5, Section A.7)

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Page 164
TL 13. How much warmer than the dew point should a steel surface that is being dry blast cleaned
be? (SSPC Vol 2, SP5, Section A.8)

IA, TL 14. What is meant by the term near-white blast cleaning? (SSPC Vol 2, SP10, Section 2.1)

IA, TL 15. How much staining is allowed on a near-white blast cleaned surface? What may this staining
consist of? (SSPC Vol 2, SP10, Section 2.2)

IA, TL 16. What "unit area" should be used when evaluating the extent of surface staining? (SSPC
Vol 2, SP10, Section 2.6)

IA, TL 17. What are the two primary functions of blast cleaning before application of a coating? (SSPC
Vol 2, SP10, Section A.1)



IA, TL 18. What is the hierarchy of blasting standards? (SSPC Vol 2, SP10, Section A.1)

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Page 165
TL 19. What surface preparation should be done when a surface is to be re-coated? (SSPC Vol 2,
PA1, Section 5.2.4)

TL 20. Below what temperature should chemically cured coatings not be applied? (SSPC Vol 2, PA1,
Section 11.5)

TL 21. If new paint is to be applied over old paint, what type of test should be done if the
composition of the original paint system is unknown? What procedures should this test
include? (SSPC Vol 2, PA Guide #4, Section 5.2)

SSPC B SSPM, Vol 2 – Systems and Specifications

Page 166
Underwriters Laboratories Inc.
UL 142: Steel Aboveground Tanks for
Flammable and Combustible Liquids
The following study guide questions are taken from Underwriters Laboratories Standard for Safety #142, entitled
“Steel Aboveground Tanks for Flammable and Combustible Liquids” (Eighth edition, 2002).

AE, AF 1. What is the minimum thickness allowed for the flanged section of a pressed steel fitting?
(refer to No. 3 of Figure 7.1 for an illustration of this type of fitting) (UL 142, Table 7.4)

AE, AF, 2. What is the minimum length of thread required for threaded pipe connections that are 2.5 to
IA 3.5 inches in diameter? (UL 142, Table 7.4)

AE, AF, 3. What is the minimum length of thread required for a threaded pipe connection that is one
IA inch in diameter? (UL 142, Table 7.4)

AE, AF 4. Each primary containment tank and each compartment of a compartment tank shall have
provision for what kinds of venting? (UL 142, Section 8.1)

UL 142 – Steel Aboveground Tanks for Flammable & Combustible Liquids

Page 167
AE, AF 5. According to UL 142, if a horizontal steel aboveground tank has a diameter of six feet, what
is the maximum length of the tank? (UL 142, Section 13.1.2)

AE, AF 6. Under what condition would the flanged flat head of horizontal tank more than 72 inches in
diameter need an additional brace welded to the tank head? (UL 142, Section 13.3.3)

AE, AF, 7. According to UL 142, what is the minimum diameter allowed for a vertical cylindrical steel
IA tank that is 20 feet tall? (UL 142, Section 15.1.1)

AE, AF, 8. What is the maximum allowable shell height for a vertical cylindrical steel tank constructed
IA according to UL 142? (UL 142, Section 15.1.2)

AE, AF, 9. What is the maximum allowable capacity for a vertical cylindrical steel tank constructed
IA according to UL 142? (UL 142, Section 15.1.3)

UL 142 – Steel Aboveground Tanks for Flammable & Combustible Liquids

Page 168
Inspection, Handling, Installation, Operation and Maintenance of Xerxes Aboveground Tanks
The following study guide questions are taken from the Xerxes Corporation publication, “Inspection, Handling,
Installation, Operation and Maintenance of Xeres Aboveground Tanks" (undated).

AN 1. When should a tank first be inspected? (Xerxes, Inspection Section)

AN 2. What are the external areas of a tank that are most susceptible to shipping damage? (Xerxes,
Loading Section)

AN 3. When lifting the tank, what should be done to prevent the tank from swinging out of
control? (Xerxes, Unloading Section)

AN 4. Should chains or cables be used to lift the tank? What are the only points where lifting
chains or cables should be attached? (Xerxes, Unloading Section)

AN 5. An option for unloading a tank is the use of nylon straps. How wide must these straps be?
(Xerxes, Unloading Section)

AN 6. When lifting a non-metallic tank, how much clearance should there be between the head
shackle of the crane and the tank? (Xerxes, Unloading Section)

Xerxes Aboveground Tanks

Page 169
An Equal Opportunity Employer

For more information, visit, keyword: Storage Tanks.

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