Deeply Integrated Convolutional Neural Networks

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Journal of Computers Vol. 31 No. 1, 2020, pp.


Deeply Integrated Convolutional Neural Networks

Daojun Liang1, Xiuping Wang1, Xiaohui Ju1, Feng Yang1,2*

1 School of Information Science and Engineering, Shandong Normal University, Jinan 250014,
Shandong Province, China
{liangdaojun, wangxiuping, juxiaohui}
2 Institute of Data Science and Technology, Shandong Normal University, Jinan 250014,
Shandong Province, China
[email protected]

Received 20 April 2018; Revised 29 August 2018; Accepted 5 October 2018

Abstract. The ensemble learning system based on neural network requires a large number of
networks as the basic classifier, which makes the parameters and calculations of the system
increase sharply. Integrating the neural network in depth can not only reduce the parameters and
calculations of the network, but also improve the overall network performance. In this paper, a
deeply integrated convolutional neural network (DICNN) was proposed, and several different
integration methods were proposed for integrated learning of DICNN. The Mixup is used to
train the DICNN because it uses multiple samples for training and it can be better combined
with DICNN. A series of ablation experiments were done to prove that the training method of
Mixup is equivalent to a regularization and data augmentation. Therefore, a different multi-
sample training method as variations of the Mixup (Mixup-XL) can be used to train the DICNN.

Keywords: computer vision, deep learning

1 Introduction

Neural network ensemble is regarded as an engineering neural computing technology with broad
application prospects, and has become a research hotspot in the field of machine learning and neural
computing [1-2]. It can significantly improve the generalization ability of the learning system by training
multiple neural networks and combining their conclusions [3-4]. The use of deep neural networks for
ensemble learning will make the learning system have a huge amount of parameters and computation,
which is also a challenge for existing ensemble algorithms. In this paper, a depth-based integrated
convolutional neural network framework is proposed (DICNN). The architecture uses different depths of
network blocks for ensemble learning, and each block structure is considered a basic classifier. The basic
block structure can be integrated using different algorithms. For example, these base classifiers can be
concatenated, added, maximized, and voted. DICNN is a method of neural network pseudo-ensemble
learning, because its basic classifiers are not completely independent, but its various classifiers are not
inseparable. DICNN can make multiple basic classifiers have the opportunity to participate in the final
classification decision, which is beneficial to improve the generalization performance of the entire neural
network. Fig. 1 shows the architecture of DICNN schematically.

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Journal of Computers Vol. 31 No. 1, 2020

Fig. 1. The architecture of DICNN. The cube represents the convolutional layer, and the cuboid
represents the fully connected layer. The symbol “c” represents the concatenation operation, and the
symbols “+”, “m”, and “v” represent the addition operation, the maximize operation, and the voting
operation, respectively.

Although the existing channel-fused neural network achieves implicit supervision, such as ResNets [5]
and DenseNets [6], the network performance is lower than explicit supervising or integrating layers of
different depths. Some experiments in this paper prove that DICNN can effectively improve the network
with residual structure. The Mixup [7] method is used to train DICNN because it can take multiple
samples as input at the same time, so that different loss functions can be used on the basic classifier at
different depths. We also did some experiments to verify and explain why the Mixup is better than the
Empirical Risk Minimization (ERM) [8] training method. These experiments prove that Mixup not only
plays a role in data augmentation, but also plays a role in regularizing network parameters. A variant of
the Mixup method (Mixup-XL) can be obtained by mixing the sample and the label separately using
random values of different distributions. DICNN trained using the Mixup-XL method will have better
generalization capabilities.

2 Related Work

Convolutional neural networks have made great progress in many fields, and the research of the network
architecture has never stopped. There are a lot of networks that have achieved very good performance by
applying new architectures. AlexNet [9] is the first to demonstrate the generalization ability of
convolutional neural networks on large data. VGGNets [10] show that better performance can be
achieved with smaller convolutional kernels and deeper layers. GoogLeNets [11] use different
convolution kernels to establish more connections and more diverse representations between adjacent
layers. ResNets [5] and Highway Networks [12] add the front layer information to the back layer through
the bypass structure, which is more conducive to the backpropagation of the gradient, thus further
deepening the depth of the network. ResNeXts [13] combine group convolution into ResNets [5], which
perform split-transform-merge operations on features to improve network performance while reducing
parameters. DenseNets [6] pass the features of each preceding layer to all of its subsequent layers to
alleviate the vanishing/exploding gradient problem and to facilitate information fusion between layers.
Hansen and Salamon [1] pioneered the neural network ensemble method. They proved that the
generalization ability of the neural network system can be significantly improved by simply training
multiple neural networks and synthesizing the results. Maclin and Opitz [3] believe that neural network
ensemble refers to multiple independently trained neural networks to learn and jointly determine the final
output, and does not require the integrated network to learn the same subproblem. When neural network
ensemble is used for regression estimation, the integrated output is typically generated by the output of
each network by simple averaging or weighted averaging. Perrone and Cooper [14] believe that using a
weighted average gives better generalization than a simple average. However, Opitz and Shavlik [15]
believe that optimizing the weights will lead to overfitting, which will reduce the generalization ability of
the ensemble. Therefore, they recommend using a simple average. Zhang et al. [16] use multiple neural
networks to combine multiple predictions. Jabcobs [17] optimize each group of subnets to better handle
an input subspace. However, Jimenez [18] does not use the linear combination method, but use some
dynamic weights that vary with the degree of certainty of the individual network output to produce the
final classification. Ueda [19] has chosen the best network for each output classification based on the

Deeply Integrated Convolutional Neural Networks

minimum classification error and then estimated the optimal linear weight to integrate the individual
There are many ways to make the deep neural network achieve good generalization ability. Data
augmentation is one of the most effective methods. Because it does not increase the parameters of the
model and is easy to implement, it is widely used in deep neural network to control the complexity of the
model and improve its generalization performance. For example, commonly used random clipping,
horizontal flipping, adding a small amount of noise, and adjust the brightness, saturation, contrast of
images. SamplePairing [20] and Mixup [7] have proven to be more generalizable than traditional training
methods on many different datasets. In Mixup [7], a data augmentation method using a combination of
two pictures in a training set is proposed. SamplePairing [20] randomly selects a sample in the training
set to perturb the original sample (adding the two samples and then averaging them) and using the label
of the original sample as the label of the new sample. Because different types of training samples are
introduced during training, the neural network trained by the method has high training errors and losses,
and the original samples need to be used to finetune the neural network or use a certain proportion of
original samples in each batch. Mixup [7] uses a random value from the beta distribution as a weight to
interpolate the two samples and their corresponding labels, respectively. The neural network trained in
this way can achieve relatively low training errors and losses without the need for finetuning. This
method trains a neural network on convex combinations of pairs of examples and their labels, which
regularizes the neural network to favor simple linear behavior in-between training examples.

3 DICNN Architecture

In this section, how to divide the neural network into basic classifiers will first be introduced in Section
3.1. Then, the integrated methods for each basic classifier is proposed in Section 3.2. Finally, the loss
function used to train DICNN is introduced in Section 3.3.

3.1 Basic Classifier

In order to integrate the neural network in depth, it is first necessary to divide the network into multiple
basic classifiers. Generally speaking, a basic classifier can be divided every few fixed layers, and then the
basic classifiers can be integrated into different methods to obtain an integrated learning system. For a
neural network with a block structure, it is highly desirable to treat each block structure as a base
classifier because these blocks have a complete feature structure as classification information.
When the block structure of a network is used as the basic classifier, it is first necessary to perform
batch normalization (BN) [21] operation and rectified linear unit (Relu) [22] operation on its features,
and then perform downsampling pooling on the feature map to obtain a one-dimensional fully connected
layer. We record the basic classifier of DICNN as Ci , where i is the number of the classifier, its value
increases with depth.

3.2 Ensemble method

As shown in Fig. 1, there are many integration methods available: the basic classifiers can be
concatenated, added, maximized, voted, etc.
Concatenation. Combine all the basic classifiers to get a one-dimensional vector, then perform BN and
Relu operations on the vector, and finally use a fully connected layer to match the number of sample
categories. This method is called DICNN-C:
⎧ f ([C , C , , C ])
1 2 N

= ⎨ f (∑ i Ci )
C final (1)
⎪ N
⎪⎩ f (∏ i Ci )

where the brackets “[ ]” represent the concatenation operation, and f represents a composite function
containing BN, Relu, and fully connected layers. Eq. (1) shows that the final vector of the input

Journal of Computers Vol. 31 No. 1, 2020

composite function f can be obtained by the concatenation operation, the addition operation, or the
multiplication operation. We identify the various methods by adding suffixes. For example, C final
obtained by the concatenation operation is recorded as DICNN-C. The method of obtaining C final by the
addition operation is recorded as DICNN-CA. Similarly, the C final obtained by the multiplication
operation is recorded as DICNN-CM.
Addition. Add all the base classifiers directly as the final classifier. It should be noted that the number of
each base classifier should be equal to the number of sample categories. This method is called DICNN-A:
C final = ∑ α i Ci
i =1
s.t. ∑α
i =1
i = 1, α i > 0

where α i in represent the weight value of each base classifier.

Maximize. The classifier with the highest prediction probability among all the base classifiers is used as
the final classifier. This method is called DICNN-M:
C final = max{Ci } 1 ≤ i ≤ N (3)

Voting. Relative majority voting rules are used to vote on the basic classifiers: a classification becomes
the final result if and only if the classification has the largest number of base classifiers. This method is
called DICNN-V:
⎪∑ I (Ci ) iff. only one largest element exists
⎪ i

C final = ⎨⎧ N
⎪ ⎪∑
⎨ i otherwise .

⎪ max{
⎪⎩⎩ i Ci }

where I (Ci ) represents the maximum probability category index in Ci . In Eq. (4), if there are two
largest elements in the final vector, the final classifier will be set to a classifier that adds all the base
classifiers or takes the highest probability among all the base classifiers. The method using only the
voting operation is recorded as DICNN-V, and the method of combining the voting operation and the
maximizing operation is recorded as DICNN-VM.

3.3 Training Method

Mixup. SamplePairing and Mixup are very similar to traditional data augmentation methods, but they are
also different. SamplePairing adds other samples from the training set as noise to regularize the neural
network during training. Mixup does not explicitly use the original sample training network, but the
combination of the original sample. In some sense, Mixup is a smooth way of SamplePairing. Mixup is
also a good regularization method. Our experiments show that Mixups actually train and predict two or
more samples simultaneously. When training multiple samples at the same time, there are cases where
multiple samples are confused with each other. The Mixup approach avoids the confusion between
multiple samples, easily separating two different categories.
Mixup uses the convex combination of the original samples to train the neural network. Does the
neural network make convex interpolation to the sample? Our experiments show that there is no
connection between the way of samples combination and the way of labels combination. These
combinations can come from different distributions, and neural networks can accurately capture these
combinations. In other words, the neural network has the ability to learn and predict multiple sample
categories at the same time.
The Mixup training method in the original paper is implemented by using a random value to weight
the samples and their labels. Mixup can be formalized as:

Deeply Integrated Convolutional Neural Networks

x = λ xi + (1 − λ ) x j
y = λ yi + (1 − λ ) y j (5)
s.t. 0 ≤ λ ≤ 1
where ( xi , yi ) and ( x j , y j ) are two examples drawn at random from our training data, λ ~ Beta(α ,α )
for λ in [0,1] . In the Mixup, training samples and their labels simultaneously reduce the λ or 1 − λ
times, implying this linear relationship. The signal strength scaled by λ or 1 − λ times. Our experiments
show that training samples and their labels do not simply have a linear relationship.
Mixup-XL. Let’s take the sample’s mixing ratio as λx and the sample label’s mixing ratio as λl . Our
empirical experiments show that the sample mixing ratio λx and the label mixing ratio λl do not have to
be the same and do not have to come from the same distribution. We define the two ratios of λx and λl
to be [0.5 − Rx , 0.5 + Rx ] and [0.5 − Rl , 0.5 + Rl ] respectively, where Rx , Rl in [0,0.5] . When Rx is equal
to Rl , we write them uniformly as R . Conversely, when we use R , it means Rx is equal to Rl . Fig. 2
analyzes the training accuracy of Mixup training methods for different values of Rx and Rl . In Fig. 2,
Rx = 0 , only Rl is changing. We call this training method Mixup-L. If Rl = 0 , only Rx is changing, this
training method is called Mixup-X. When Rx = Rl , this training method is the original Mixup. If Rx and
Rl are all changing ( Rx ≠ Rl ), and they obey different distributions. This trianing method is called
x = λx xi + (1 − λx ) x j
y = λl yi + (1 − λl ) y j (6)
s.t. 0 ≤ λx , λl ≤ 1

where λx ~ Beta(α ,α ) and λl ~ Normal (m, v). Using different distributions of random values to
separately weighted the training samples and their labels, and this method can also achieve the same
effect as the Mixup. This shows that neural networks not only learn simple linear interpolation of input
and output, but also learn interpolation between different distributions. However, the neural network will
have higher training error and loss if either the input or the output of the fixed neural network is used
(only the samples are weighted by a random value or the samples are weighted by random values). The
generalization error of the Mixup is higher than that of the traditional training method.
Fig. 2 shows that the Mixup training method is quite different from the traditional training methods. In
the traditional training method, the input and output are fixed, the training error can be reduced to 0. In
Mixup, however, the training error is not reduced to 0 if the inputs and outputs are fixed, but this does not
guarantee that the generalization error is higher than the generalization error of the network using the
traditional method. The use of mixup has a higher loss than the traditional method, but it can achieve a
lower generalization error, which shows that the two training methods are different in essence. This also
shows that the neural network will become more clear the critical surface, sample confusion will be
further eliminated. When Rl = 0 , the training accuracy gradually increases with the increase of Rx ,
which is already higher than that of ERM training when Rx = 0.5 . When Rx = 0 , the performance of the
network gradually declines, indicating that the simple regularization method does not work well after the
data augmentation of the Mixup method is removed. It can be found that the performance of the Mixup-
XL method is slightly higher than that of the Mixup method, which means that differently distributed
samples and label combinations can achieve better results.

Journal of Computers Vol. 31 No. 1, 2020

(a) (b)
Fig. 2. Training and testing accuracy of Mixup and its variants using the PreAct-ResNet-18 [23] network
on CIFAR-10 dataset [24]. The x-axis represents the range of variation of the mixing ratio.

3.4 Loss Function

The difference with the traditional network is that DICNN has multiple base classifiers. We directly add
the cross-entropy of the output of multiple base classifiers. The loss of the whole network is:
Loss = ∑β
k =1
k E y ~ p ( y ) [log Ck ( y )]
s. t. ∑β
k =1
k =1

where β k represent the weight value of loss function of the base classifier. If the Mixup or Mixup-XL
method is used to train DICNN, the corresponding loss function can be formalized as:
Loss = ∑β k =1
k ( E yi ~ p ( yi ) [log Ck ( λ yi )]

+ E y j ~ p ( y j ) [log Ck ( (1 − λ ) y j )]) (8)

s. t. ∑β
k =1
k =1

where yi and y j represent the labels corresponding to the random sample xi and x j in the training set,
and β k represent the weight value of loss function of the base classifier.

4 Experiments

4.1 Dataset

The CIFAR-10 [24] dataset consists of 60000 32 × 32 color images in 10 classes, with 6000 images per
class. There are 50000 training images and 10000 test images. The dataset is divided into five training
batches and one test batch, each with 10000 images. The test batch contains exactly 1000 randomly-
selected images from each class. The training batches contain the remaining images in random order, but
some training batches may contain more images from one class than another. Between them, the training
batches contain exactly 5000 images from each class.
The CIFAR-100 [24] dataset has 100 classes, 500 training images and 100 testing images for each
classes. Channel means are computed and subtracted in preprocessing. We also apply standard
augmentation [5-6]: horizontal flipping and translation by 4 pixels are adopted in our experiments.

Deeply Integrated Convolutional Neural Networks

4.2 Training

For comparison purposes, we use the ResNet-56 [5] and DenseNet-BC-70 [6] network architecture for all
datasets and set the same hyperparameters and training procedures for neural networks trained on
CIFAR-10 [24] dataset. ResNet-56 [5] and DenseNet-BC-70 [6] are used as the basic network
All the networks are trained on two Tesla k80 GPUs using stochastic gradient descent (SGD). We use
a weight decay of 1x10-4 and a Nesterov momentum [25] of 0.9 without dampening. The batch size on
each GPU is set to 128 for 100 epochs. The initial learning rate is set to 0.1 and is divided by 10 at 40%,
60% and 80% of the total number of training epochs. The balance factor α in Eq. (2) is set to , and
the balance factor in Eq. (7) and Eq. (8) is set to . The mean m and the variance v in Eq. (6) are set
to 0.6 and 0.3 for λl , and the value of α is set to 1 for λx .

4.3 Fineturning Mixup Training Method

For networks using different Mixup training, further finetuning can improve the generalization
performance of the single-category network. Note that in this finetuning process, multiple categories of
input and output layers will be replaced by a single category.
We carried out experiments use ResNet-56 [5] on CIFAR-10 [24] and CIFAR-100 [24]. The ResNet-
56 [5] is divided into 3 blocks, each of which is a residual block containing two convolutional layers.
After each block, the feature size is halved and the number of channels is doubled. ResNet-56 [5] is used
for all datasets and set the same hyperparameters and training procedures for neural networks trained on
different datasets.
The results are shown in Table 1 and Table 2. From the Table 1, we can see that the single class
precision of the network after the finetuning has a greater increase, which is because the confusion
between multiple categories is eliminated. This makes the network better fit for a single class of samples.
From Table 2, it can also be seen that the network performance after the finetuning has improved
significantly, with an average of 3% improvement in accuracy. This shows that in the finetuning process,
the Mixup method eliminates the confusion of other classification categories, so it increases the
generalization ability of the network.

Table 1. Finetuning the ResNet-56 [5] using different training methods on CIFAR-10 [24]
Network Mixup-X Mixup-L Mixup-C Mixup-XL
Original 90.2% 90.8% 92.5% 92.8%
Finetuning 93.1% 93.5% 93.7% 94.1%

Table 2. Finetuning the ResNet-56 [5] using different training methods on CIFAR-100 [24]
Network Mixup-X Mixup-L Mixup-C Mixup-XL
Original 74.9% 75.2% 75.5% 76.1%
Finetuning 77.8% 78.9% 79.2% 79.8%

4.4 DICNN Performance

In this section, we use DenseNet-BC-70 [6] as the basic network architecture. The network has three
block structures, each block structure consisting of 11 densely concatenated 1 × 1 and 3 × 3 convolutional
layers. The transfer structure consists of a 1 × 1 convolutional layer and a pooled layer with a step size of
2, which is followed by all block structures but does not include the last block structure. DICNN added a
basic classifier to each transfer structure of DenseNet-BC-70 [6], so DICNN has three classifiers.
Different basic methods are used to integrate these basic classifiers to obtain different performance
DICNN variants. The performance of these methods are shown in Fig. 3.

Journal of Computers Vol. 31 No. 1, 2020

Fig. 3. Test accuracy of different network (DICNN and DenseNet-BC-70 [6]) structures and different
training methods (ERM and Mixup-XL) on the CIFAR10 dataset. The subgraphs connected by dashed
lines are the amplified test process after 110 epoch.

In Fig. 3, it can be seen that the performance of DICNN is slightly higher than that of DenseNet-BC-
70 [6]. The performance of DICNN trained with Mixup-XL is higher than that of DICNN trained with
ERM, which demonstrates the effectiveness of the DICNN architecture and the Mixup-XL training
method. More specific performance tests on DICNN are shown in Table 3 and Table 4.

Table 3. DICNN performance using different training methods on CIFAR-10 [24].

ERM 93.1% 93.7% 93.4% 93.3% 93.5%
Mixup 93.8% 94.2% 94.1% 93.8% 94.1%
Mixup-XL 93.9% 94.5% 94.3% 94.2% 94.3%

Table 4. DICNN performance using different training methods on CIFAR-100 [24].

ERM 71.5% 72.8% 72.6% 72.5% 72.8%
Mixup 74.0% 74.5% 74.3% 74.3% 73.4%
Mixup-XL 75.2% 75.4% 75.4% 75.2% 75.4%

In Table 3 and Table 4, it can be found that DICNN-C combined with Mixup-XL can achieve the best
performance. This is because DICNN-C uses a fully connected layer more than other methods in the final
integration. By adding all the basic classifiers, DICNN-A also achieved relatively good performance. The
performance of the DICNN-M is relatively lower, but almost consistently higher than the DenseNet-BC-
70 [6]. This also illustrates the effectiveness of the DICNN architecture and the Mixup-XL method.


In this section, we experimented with DICNN’s voting algorithm, which uses the same network
architecture as the Sect. 4.4. Eq. (7) is used as the loss function to train the networks with different C final .
Fig. 4(a) shows the test performance of DICNN which use Eq. (2) to obtain C final . Since multiplying all
the base classifiers directly to get C final will cause the DICNN to not converge (using composite function
f to do the regression can make it converge, just like Eq. (1)), we multiply any two base classifiers and
add them as C final of the DICNN, which is formalized as:

Deeply Integrated Convolutional Neural Networks

C final = ∑∑ Ci C j (9)
i =1 j > i

Fig. 4(b) shows the test performance of training DICNN using Eq. (9) as C final . In Fig. 4(a), all
methods can be predicted normally. Compared to other methods, the performance of DICNN-M is
slightly lower. This means that even if a classifier has the highest prediction probability for a category, it
is possible to predict failure. DICNN-VM combines the advantages of DICNN-V and DICNN-M, and its
test performance is the highest. This is because when some categories predict errors, it chooses the
category with the highest probability as the final classifier. In Fig. 4(b), the voting algorithm based
DICNN does not work properly. Using Eq (9) as C final makes it impossible to vote with a single base
classifier alone because they are multiplicatively related to each other. Somewhat strangely, DICNN-M
still works, and its performance is similar to DICNN-A. The reason for this phenomenon is that there is
competition between all basic classifiers when training DICNN using Eq (9). As a result, only some of
the classifiers have larger predicted probability values, while other basic classifiers that fail in
competition have less influence on the final prediction results.

(a) (b)

Fig. 4. Different voting algorithms are used to test DICNN

5 Conclusions

In this paper, a method similar to neural network integration is proposed. The method first divides an
basic network architecture into multiple base classifiers in the depth direction and then integrates these
base classifiers in a way similar to ensemble learning. Although deeply integrated convolutional neural
network (DICNN) is a pseudo-ensemble learning method, it can achieve higher performance than the
original network. In addition to training DICNN using traditional ERM method, a Mixup variant
approach was proposed. This method uses different distributions to mix the samples and their labels,
achieving better generalization performance than the original method. In the experimental section, the
performance of various variants of DICNN were compared separately, and the adaptation based on the
voting algorithm and its disadvantages were analyzed. This approach can be easily extended to other
network architectures and can use a wider range of ensemble algorithms for better generalization


The work is partially supported by the Technology and Development Project of Shandong (No.61373081)
and the Taishan Scholar Project of Shandong, China.

Journal of Computers Vol. 31 No. 1, 2020


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