About ACT, DBT
About ACT, DBT
About ACT, DBT
Hayes, S. C., Masuda, A., Bissett, R., Luoma, J., & Guerrero, L. F. (in press). DBT, FAP, and ACT: How
empirically oriented are the new behavior therapy technologies? Behavior Therapy.
Steven C. Hayes
Akihiko Masuda
Richard Bissett
Jason Luoma
L. Fernando Guerrero
University of Nevada
Analytic Psychotherapy have recently come under fire for “getting ahead of their data” (Corrigan,
2001). The current article presents a descriptive review of some of the actual evidence available.
Dialectical Behavior Therapy and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy have a small but growing
body of outcome research supporting these procedures and the theoretical mechanisms thought to be
responsible for them. Functional Analytic Psychotherapy has a limited research base, but its central
claim is well substantiated. The claims made in the published literature about these technologies, at
least by their originators, seem proportionate to the strength of the current evidence. There is no
indication that those interested in the new wave of behavior therapy innovations are less committed
to empirical evaluation than has always been the case in behavior therapy.
Key terms: Dialectical Behavior Therapy; Acceptance and Commitment Therapy; Functional
Analytic Psychotherapy
DBT, FAP, and ACT 3
The behavior therapy tradition has been marked by a commitment to empirical evaluation.
From the beginning, behavior therapy has been defined in terms of “conformity to well established
experimental paradigms" (Franks & Wilson, 1974, p. 7). This empirical commitment was
sustained through the first wave of behavior therapy development, and through the second wave
Over the last several years a third wave of behavior therapies has emerged from within both
the cognitive and behavioral traditions. Examples include Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT;
Linehan, 1993), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT; Hayes, Strosahl, & Wilson, 1999),
Functional Analytic Psychotherapy (FAP; Kohlenberg & Tsai, 1991), Integrative Behavioral Couples
Therapy (IBCT; Christensen, A., Jacobson, N. S., & Babcock, J. C., 1995; Jacobson & Christensen,
1996; Jacobson, Christensen, Prince, Cordova, & Eldridge, 2000), Mindfulness Based Cognitive
Therapy (MBCT; Segal, Williams, & Teasdale, 2002), and several others (e.g., Borkovec & Roemer,
1994; McCullough, 2000; Marlatt, 2002; Martell, Addis, & Jacobson, 2001; Roemer & Orsillo, 2002)
The factors that unite these new methods are not easy to characterize, but as a group they have
ventured into areas traditionally reserved for the less empirical wings of clinical work, emphasizing
such issues as acceptance, mindfulness, cognitive defusion, dialectics, values, spirituality, and
Perhaps more evolutionary than revolutionary, these “new” methods also revitalize important
features of the behavioral and cognitive therapy traditions, however, such as functional analysis,
skills building, and direct shaping. The present paper considers whether this embrace of the best of
the past includes also the commitment of the behavior therapies to empirical validation as the basis
The empirical commitment of the newer behavior therapies has been openly questioned.
Recently, an article in the Behavior Therapist (Corrigan, 2001) examined three of the more visible
new wave therapies – DBT, FAP, and ACT -- and suggested that these therapies were “getting ahead
of the data” to a degree that questioned their commitment to empirically guided technologies.
Corrigan described supporters of these new approaches as “devotees of interventions that lack the
data to support them” (Corrigan, 2001, p. 192) and stated that supporters had “posed some eloquent
The primary basis for these opinions was not a review of the empirical literature on these
technologies, nor of the specific claims made by their advocates. Rather, Corrigan argued that the
ratio of empirical to non-empirical articles about these methods constitutes “an independent index
that represents the claims made by the proponents” (Corrigan, 2001, p. 189).
It would be an important matter if the new behavior therapies have in fact departed from the
long standing commitment of the behavior therapy tradition to empirical evaluation. An earlier article
challenged the logic behind Corrigan’s analysis (Hayes, 2002), but provided no actual evidence on
these new methods. The present article is the first review focusing on the empirical commitments of
the three new behavior therapies criticized by Corrigan. If those interested in these technologies are
“devotees of interventions that lack the data to support them” (Corrigan, 2001, p. 192), then that
Analytic Strategy
In this review, we have focused on published data that evaluated the impact of ACT, FAP, or
DBT interventions, alone or in combination with other treatments. Datasets that have been analyzed
and presented but not yet published were avoided to add transparency to the review. Data published
in any form (e.g., dissertations, chapters, books, articles) were included because a broader focus
allows these relatively new research programs to be better characterized. Basic studies on underlying
models, assessment studies, studies of clinician acceptability, cost effectiveness studies, and process
studies, were put aside for present purposes since the criticism that occasions the present article
DBT, FAP, and ACT 5
explicitly argued that it was the outcome literature that was a problem (Corrigan, 2001). Studies on
specific treatment components (e.g., rationales, specific exercises, skills acquisition components),
either alone or in combination with other treatments, were also excluded. There are many studies of
this kind, particularly with DBT (e.g., Evans, Tyler, Catalan, Schmidt, Davidson, & Dent, 1999;
Freda, 1999; Leerer, 1996; Lynch, Morse, Mendelson, & Robins, 2003; Manning, 1996; Springer,
Lohr, Buchtel, & Silk, 1996; Turner, 2000) and to a lesser degree with ACT (e.g., Hayes, Bissett,
Korn, Zettle, Rosenfarb, Cooper, & Grundt, 1999; Korn, 1997; Levitt, 2002; Metzler, Biglan, Noell,
Ary, & Ochs, 2000). They provide evidence of the empirical commitments of those interested in
these technologies, but they sometimes include only small fractions of their mother packages so
including them seemed to go beyond the current purpose. All forms of outcome data are listed here in
tabular form but only controlled studies will be covered in any detail in the text.
Publications were identified through several means, including searches of major databases,
contacting presenters on these methods at major conventions, requests on list servers, and personal
contacts. While additional articles almost certainly do exist, and new ones are being written
regularly, the present analysis seems adequate for determining whether there is a commitment to
traditional empirical values, whether excessive claims are being made, and whether the data currently
available support the possible importance of these new technologies. The studies located for all three
Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT; Linehan, 1993) was originally designed for treating the
parasuicidal behavior of individuals diagnosed with borderline personality disorder (BPD). DBT is
constitutional predisposition toward dysregulating emotions and an environment that invalidates the
individual’s private experience. This combination can escalate into extreme behaviors, as the
individual makes increasing attempts to receive validation from significant others who, in turn,
synthesis between alternative and even contradictory positions. The primary dialectical principle
within DBT is that between acceptance and change. Acceptance strategies are closely aligned with
the notion of unconditional positive regard in client-centered therapy, while change strategies are
very similar to those of traditional cognitive or behavioral therapies in which the therapeutic
objective is direct change of thoughts or overt behavior. Neither strategy is viewed as superior; each
alone can be problematic. For example, change-based initiatives may come to be viewed as
invalidating. The underlying message may be interpreted by the client as “I am not good enough. I
have to change to be good enough.” Alternatively, acceptance initiatives may also prove to be
invalidating. Here the underlying message may be “You need to learn to accept that your life will
continue to be painful.” Therapy is viewed as an ever finer balancing of acceptance and change
DBT defines four broad stages of therapy. In Stage 1 the objective is for the client to obtain
basic capabilities, such as decreasing suicidal and other life-interfering behaviors (e.g., substance
abuse, eating disorder, homelessness), and increasing behavioral skills, such as mindfulness,
focuses on emotional problems, such as trauma-related affects through exposure. In Stage 3, the
therapeutic focus moves to acquiring living skills in such areas as employment, education, and
interpersonal relationships. Finally, Stage 4 focuses on the value and acceptance of personal struggles
as being an inevitable component of human nature. The therapeutic focus in this final stage is
enhancing living skills with contentment and joy, while acknowledging life difficulties.
weekly individual therapy, weekly group skills trainings, and telephone consultation. Although the
length of treatment varies from three weeks to one year, the standard DBT intervention consists of a
one-year package of individual and group interventions (Linehan, Armstrong, Suarez, Allmon, &
Heard, 1991). A growing body of empirical studies has examined DBT outcomes (Koerner &
DBT, FAP, and ACT 7
Dimeff, 2000; Koerner & Linehan, 2000). We found seven RCTs that met our inclusion criteria, six
In the areas of BPD and related clinical problems, several published outcome RCTs were
found. The first RCT involved the use of DBT as a treatment of chronically suicidal females with
BPD in an outpatient setting (Linehan et al., 1991). Participants received either 12 months of
individual and group DBT (n = 24) or treatment as usual (TAU; n = 23), consisting of alternative
showed significantly fewer parasuicidal acts, greater rate of treatment completion, and fewer days of
hospitalization, compared to TAU. These effects were generally maintained at follow-up (Linehan,
Heard, & Armstrong, 1993; Linehan, Tutek, Heard, & Armstrong, 1994).
A second RCT replicated this finding in a Veteran’s Administration clinic (Koons, Robins,
Tweed, Lynch, Gonzalez, & Morse, 2001). BPD participants (n = 20; 10 per group) received six
months of treatment and were assessed at baseline, mid- (3-month), and post-treatment (6-month).
Results indicated a significantly greater reduction in suicidal ideation, depression, hopelessness, and
A third RCT was conducted with 28 multi-disordered adult women with BPD and Substance
Use Disorder in an outpatient setting (Linehan, Schmidt, Dimeff, Craft, Katner, & Comtois, 1999).
Participants received either 12 months of individual and group DBT (n=12) modified to focus on
substance abuse (see Linehan et al., 1999) or treatment as usual (n = 16). Results indicated
significantly greater reduction in substance use among DBT participants throughout the treatment
period and at a 16 month follow-up, compared to TAU, as well as benefits in social adjustment and
A fourth RCT was conducted with 23 women dually diagnosed with opiate-dependence and
BPD (Linehan, Dimeff, Reynolds, Comtois, Welch, & Heagerty, 2002). Participants given DBT for
substance abusers (n=11) were compared to a comprehensive validation therapy with 12-step
DBT, FAP, and ACT 8
condition (CVT+12S; n = 12). The 12-month DBT intervention was the same as in the study above
(Linehan et al., 1999). The CVT+12S included DBT acceptance-based techniques, including
however, without the use of behavior changing techniques. In addition, CVT+12S participants
attended a required weekly 12 step meeting and were encouraged to participate in as many others as
possible. Throughout the course of treatment intervention, all participants received concurrent opiate
agonist therapy. Results indicated significantly greater reduction in the percentage of opiate-positive
participants in both DBT and CVT+12S participants from pre-test (80%) to the 8-month point (35%).
However, the rate significantly increased among CVT+12S participants following the 8-month point
and continued to increased to 50% at post test, while the rate stayed low among DBT clients.
A fifth RCT involved the use of DBT as a treatment of BPD women with or without
substance use problems (van den Bosch, Verheul, Schippers, & van den Brink, 2002). Participants
receiving DBT (n =27) were compared with TAU (n = 31). The DBT consisted of the standard 12-
month DBT package (Linehan et al., 1991). Results demonstrated that DBT participants experienced
a significantly reduced number of self-mutilating acts and greater rate of treatment completion,
compared to TAU, regardless of whether clients had substance use problems, However, there was no
Eating Disorders
Two RCTs were found for the treatment of eating disorders. In the first (Safer, Telch, &
Agras, 2001b), women (n=31) with a mean age of 34 and diagnosed with bulimia nervosa (averaging
at least one binge/purge episode per week) were randomly assigned to 20 weeks of individual DBT
psychotherapy (n = 16) or a 20-week wait list comparison condition (n = 15). Post-treatment results
The second study (Telch, Agras, & Linehan, 2001) examined DBT as a treatment for females
with binge eating disorder. Participants were randomly assigned to 20 weeks of group DBT (n = 22)
or to a wait-list control condition (n = 22). Results indicated 89% of DBT participants stopped binge
DBT, FAP, and ACT 9
eating by the end of treatment, compared to 12.5% among the control condition. DBT participants
also showed less concern about their weight, shape, and eating.
Functional Analytic Psychotherapy (FAP; Kohlenberg & Tsai, 1991) is based on a behavioral
analysis of the therapeutic relationship. FAP is meant to be used either in conjunction with traditional
behavioral approaches or when the client’s ability to relate to others form the core clinical difficulty.
excessive, or aversive behavioral repertoire. FAP assumes that new and more useful behavior can be
shaped during the process of psychotherapy by the contingent responding a of the therapist to client
problems that occur in session, as well as to improvements in those behaviors. The underlying
therapeutic assumption is that it is easier to deal with actual relevant behavior within session than
The FAP therapist is asked to a) notice instances of problematic client behaviors; b) structure
the therapy environment to increase the likelihood of observing these behaviors; c) be aware of
behaviors; and e) describe and train the client to describe his or her problematic behavior in
functional terms – e.g., what is the relationship between behaviors (e.g., thoughts and feelings), the
conditions that give rise to the behavior, and the consequences following the behavior.
We were able to locate one quasi-experimental and three empirical case studies of FAP. The
quasi-experimental study compared FAP enhanced cognitive therapy to cognitive therapy (CT) on
depression (Kohlenberg, Kanter, Bolling, Parker, & Tsai, 2002). 18 depressed adults were treated
with standard CT. The same clinicians were then trained in FAP and an additional 28 depressed
adults were treated with FAP-enhanced CT (n=28). Both conditions consisted of 20 sessions over a
participants showed significantly greater reductions in depression, better general psychological health
at post test, and higher general level of functioning at 3-month follow-up. In addition, FAP enhance
DBT, FAP, and ACT 10
ACT derives from the philosophy of functional contextualism (Biglan & Hayes, 1996; Hayes,
1993) and Relational Frame Theory (RFT), a detailed theory and research program about the nature
of human language and cognition that has been the subject of a separate volume, itself encompassing
a substantial body of evidence (Hayes, Barnes-Holmes, & Roche, 2001). A core insight of RFT is
that cognitions (and verbally labeled or evaluated emotions, memories, or bodily sensations) achieve
their potency not only by their form or frequency, but by the context in which they occur.
Problematic contexts include those in which private events need to be controlled, explained,
unhealthy efforts to control emotions, thoughts, memories, and other private experiences (Hayes,
Wilson, Gifford, Follette, & Strosahl, 1996), b) unhealthy examples of the domination of cognitively-
based functions over those based in actual experience, and c) a lack of clarity about core values and
the ability to behave in accordance with them. The general goal of ACT is to diminish the role of
literal thought (‘cognitive defusion’), and to encourage a client to contact psychological experience –
directly, fully, and without needless defense (‘psychological acceptance’) – while at the same time
behaving consistently with ones chosen values. ACT does not abandon direct change efforts, but
refocuses them toward more readily changeable domains, such as overt behavior or life situations,
rather than personal history or automatic thoughts and feelings. ACT shares common ground with
experiential therapies in that experiencing and feeling are accepted and valued, and some of the
techniques used in ACT are borrowed from experiential approaches. The core conceptualization,
ACT is a comprehensive, manualized treatment that has been delivered in both individual and
group psychotherapy formats. Because the core conception appeals to normal processes of human
DBT, FAP, and ACT 11
language and cognition (Hayes et al., 1996; Hayes et al., 2001) if the theory is correct ACT should
have broad applicability, and indeed ACT has been applied to a wide variety of patients. The length
of the intervention has varied greatly between studies, from 48 sessions over 16 weeks to four
sessions over three weeks (Hayes, Pankey, Gifford, Batten, & Quiñones, 2002).
A review of the literature produced eight RCTs on ACT, two group studies of other kinds,
and fifteen single- or multiple-case reports. In an initial small RCT (Zettle & Hayes, 1986) eighteen
depressed women were randomly assigned either to an early version of ACT1 (n = 6), or to two
variations of cognitive restructuring (with and without cognitive distancing; n=12) based on Beck's
Cognitive Therapy (CT; Beck, Rush, Shaw, & Emery, 1979). The same primary therapist was trained
both by Beck and Hayes in their particular forms of intervention. Each treatment condition consisted
of 12 weekly individual sessions. Results indicated both treatments produced significantly greater
reduction in the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression at post-treatment, compared to pretreatment.
An RCT by Zettle and Raines (1989) compared three group treatments for depressed women
(n=31). The treatments were a complete cognitive therapy protocol (n = 10), a partial cognitive
treatment package with the cognitive distancing component absent (n = 10), and ACT (n = 11).
Patients were treated for twelve ninety-minute sessions. Significant and comparable reductions in
depression were found for all three treatment conditions at post-treatment and at 2-month follow-up.
In an RCT focused on workplace stress management (Bond & Bunce, 2000) 90 workers (45
females and 45 males) at a media organization were randomly assigned (n=30) to an ACT protocol
(Bond & Hayes, 2002), to a behaviorally-oriented Innovation Promotion Program (IPP; n=30) that
encouraged participants to identify and change stressful events in their workplace, or to a waitlist
control (n = 30). Both treatment interventions consisted of three half-day group sessions spread over
14 weeks. ACT demonstrated significantly greater improvements than the IPP and control groups in
a general measure of stress and psychological health at post-treatment and at a 3-month follow-up.
DBT, FAP, and ACT 12
Both interventions were equally effective in relieving depression and increasing the propensity to
take concrete actions to reduce worksite stressors. The outcomes achieved by the ACT intervention
In an RCT focused on participants with positive psychotic symptoms (Bach & Hayes, 2002),
80 participants (45 males and 25 females) were randomly assigned either to treatment as usual (TAU)
or to TAU plus four 45-minute individual ACT sessions (n = 40 per group). ACT sessions targeted
acceptance of the private experience of symptoms, defusion from these symptoms, the importance of
distinguishing one’s self from the content of one’s thoughts, and the role of committed action in the
Paradoxically, a greater number of ACT participants than TAU participants admitted to symptoms at
the end of follow-up, but in the ACT condition only, participants who admitted symptoms were
particularly unlikely to be readmitted. ACT participants also showed significantly lower levels of
symptom believability at follow-up. None of the ACT participants who both admitted to symptoms
Another RCT compared the effects of ACT on mathematics anxiety with systematic
desensitization (Zettle, in press). Thirty-seven college students (30 women and 7 men, mean age 31)
with math anxiety were randomly assigned to six weekly one-hour sessions. Math and test anxiety
decreased significantly and equivalently for both groups. These reductions were maintained at a two-
month follow-up. No group difference was found for trait anxiety, but only systematic desensitization
avoiders showed a larger change in math anxiety at follow-up within the ACT condition, but not the
An RCT was conducted with polysubstance abusing opiate addicted individuals maintained
on methadone (Hayes, Wilson, Gifford, Bissett, Batten, Piasecki, Byrd, & Gregg, 2002; data are
available in Bissett, 2001). In an additive model, participants (n=114) were randomly assigned to stay
DBT, FAP, and ACT 13
on methadone maintenance (n=38), or to add 16 weeks of individual and group ACT (n=42), or
Intensive Twelve Step Facilitation (ITSF; n=44) components. At the six-month follow-up,
participants in the ACT condition (but not the ITSF condition) demonstrated a greater decrease in
objectively measured (through monitored urinalysis) opiate use than those in the methadone
maintenance condition.
Another RCT compared ACT to nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) as a method of smoking
cessation (Gifford, 2002). Fifty-seven chronic smokers were randomly assigned to a 12-session ACT
protocol (n = 27) or the nicotine replacement patch (n = 31). Quit rates, as assessed by objective
A small RCT on social anxiety (Block, 2002) compared ACT to Cognitive Behavioral Group
Therapy (CBGT; Heimberg, Salzman, Holt, & Blendell, 1993), an empirically-supported treatment
for social anxiety, and to a no treatment control. Participants were 39 college students (13 males, 26
females; 13 per group) experiencing at least a moderate degree of simple social phobia (median age =
workshop of the same duration, or a no-treatment control group. Results indicated that ACT
significant decrease in behavioral avoidance during public speaking, and a marginal decrease in
anxiety during the exposure exercises as compared with the control group. Participants in the CBGT
condition also showed a marginal significant increase in willingness, a significant decrease in self-
reported avoidance, and a marginal decrease in reported anxiety, relative to the no-treatment control
group. ACT participants remained longer in the post-treatment behavioral exposure task than
participants in the CBGT group, after controlling for pretreatment BPT scores.
One quasi-experimental effectiveness study of ACT has been reported (Strosahl, Hayes,
Bergan, & Romano, 1998). In a health maintenance organization, 8 therapists volunteered to receive
training in ACT, while 10 did not. Training consisted of a didactic two day workshop, three days of
DBT, FAP, and ACT 14
clinical training focused on the ACT manual, and one year of three-hour monthly group supervision
sessions. Trainees were encouraged to use their training as they saw fit. Prior to training and again at
the end of training one year later, all new clients of clinicians in the project were assessed at the start
of their treatment and 5 months later (321 clients were assessed representing virtually every kind of
mental health issue). Prior to training, the two groups did not differ in the percentage of clients
finishing therapy by 5 months, nor in the degree to which they were coping after treatment with their
presenting problem. After training, clients of ACT-trained therapists reported significantly better
coping outcomes, were more likely to have completed therapy within five months, and were more
likely to agree with their clinician on the ongoing status of therapy than were the clients of the other
Strength of Claims
We did not find any claims of efficacy for FAP in these publications. In the case of ACT,
some promising data exist and thus claims of preliminary or provisional support appear to be
reasonable. Such claims have been made. For example, Hayes, Strosahl, and Wilson stated "We view
the initial experimental evaluations of ACT as positive but preliminary" (Hayes et al., 1999, p. 65).
DBT has a more substantial empirical foundation, particularly with BPD. None of the claims
made in any of the DBT articles were excessive – indeed in light of the growing base of support, the
claims for DBT often seemed consciously humble: “Although this treatment shows great promise, its
efficacy so far has only been demonstrated in three randomized studies (Linehan et al., 1991;
Linehan et al., 1999; Koons et al., 2001). More research of various kinds is clearly needed.” (Robins,
Each of these new behavior therapies show a clear link to empirical evaluation. The sense
that some may have that these approaches are not empirically based might simply be due to the
newness of these approaches and their research programs. Of the 42 outcome-focused publications
DBT, FAP, and ACT 15
that were located, 84% have appeared in the last five years and 72% since 2000. Nearly 550
The progress is not uniform. Only one quasi-experiment and three case studies on FAP were
available, all of which examined FAP combined with another approach (either CT or ACT). It is not
yet clear, however, that FAP should be evaluated primarily as a stand alone therapy. FAP provides
methods to therapists that encourage them to shape client progress, however they conceptualize
treatment and its goals. Shaping of client behavior by therapists is among the oldest and best
established behavioral approach (e.g., Browning, 1967; Greenspoon, 1955; Truax, 1968), whether or
not FAP ever emerges as an empirically supported treatment in its own right.
The empirical evidence involving DBT and ACT is more substantial. In the case of DBT, we
found 15 publications, including 7 RCTs. Some of these studies are quite substantial. Because the
research is focused of specific disorders, the research has a growing sense of depth. DBT is clearly
the best empirically validated psychosocial treatment currently available for BPD.
For ACT, 23 empirical publications were found, including 8 RCTs. A wide variety of
conditions have been studied, including polysubstance abuse, tobacco use, psychosis, fear of public
speaking, major depression, chronic pain, eating disorders, a variety of anxiety disorders, and work-
site stress. The wide range of problems covered in these studies fits with a central claim of ACT --
that the processes of human language and cognition it targets are at the core of many forms of human
psychopathology -- but the research in any one area is currently limited. Furthermore, some of these
studies are available only in dissertation form, and many of the empirical papers are case studies.
The existing evidence provides several reasons to think that DBT and ACT may represent
meaningful developments in behavior therapy. First, there are positive data supporting the efficacy of
ACT and DBT with patient problems that have often been seen as difficult and unresponsive to
treatment, such as psychosis (Bach & Hayes, 2002), or substance abusers with borderline personality
disorder (Linehan et al., 1999). Second, these approaches may be transportable. Some of the research
on these approaches has been conducted by research teams not led by their originators (e.g., Bond &
DBT, FAP, and ACT 16
Bunce, 2000), DBT has been widely adopted by systems of care, and ACT has quasi-experimental
effectiveness evidence (Strosahl et al., 1998). Third, some of the reviewed studies have compared
these treatments to empirically supported alternatives, rather than solely to “no treatment control”
conditions (e.g., Block, 2002). In some cases, these approaches have been found to be more effective
than existing empirically-supported alternatives (e.g., Zettle & Hayes, 1986). Fourth, some of these
outcome studies have shown processes of change that fit with the underlying models and that are
distinct from alternative treatments (e.g., Bach & Hayes, 2002). Fifth, some studies are being done on
both DBT and ACT components (e.g., Evans et al., 1999; Hayes et al., 1999), and on their utility
That being said, there are many methodological issues that can and will be raised about the
studies described here (e.g., effect sizes, measures, the strength of the controls used, and so on). Such
detailed evaluative issues go beyond the scope and purpose of the present descriptive review (and we
would hardly be in an unbiased position to make such judgments about these particular technologies
in any case). Our present concern was more focused on the issue of values and goals that are
reflected in the research programs. It would be a grave matter if the empirical core of behavior
therapy was weakening precisely at the moment when it began to confront some of the more complex
clinical problems and issues that heretofore have largely been addressed outside of the behavioral
tradition. The present review provides concrete evidence that such a worry has little basis in fact.
Those interested in the new wave of behavior therapies seem to be keeping their commitment to the
empirical path of clinical development that has always been a defining feature of the behavior
therapy tradition.
DBT, FAP, and ACT 17
Bach, P. & Hayes, S. C. (2002). The use of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy to prevent
the rehospitalization of psychotic patients: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Consulting and
Batten, S. V., & Hayes, S. C. (in press). Acceptance and Commitment Therapy in the
treatment of co-morbid substance abuse and posttraumatic stress disorder: A case study. Clinical
Case Studies.
Beck, A. T., Rush, A. J., Shaw, B. F., & Emery, G. (1979). Cognitive therapy of depression.
Biglan, A., & Hayes, S. C. (1996). Should the behavioral sciences become more pragmatic?
The case for functional contextualism in research on human behavior. Applied and Preventive
abusing methadone clients. Doctoral dissertation available from the University of Nevada.
college students with public speaking anxiety. Doctoral dissertation. University at Albany, State
Bohus, M., Haaf, B., Stiglmayr, C., Pohl, U., Bohme, R., & Linehan, M. (2000). Evaluation
Kohlenberg, R. H., Kanter, J. W., Bolling, M. Y., Parker, C., Tsai, M. (2002). Enhancing
cognitive therapy for depression with functional analytic psychotherapy: Treatment guidelines and
Bond, F. & Hayes, S. C. (2002). ACT at work. In F. Bond & W. Dryden (Eds.), Handbook of
Borkovec, T. D., & Roemer, L. (1994). Generalized anxiety disorder. In R. T. Ammerman &
M. Hersen (Eds.), Handbook of prescriptive treatments for adults (pp. 261-281). New York: Plenum.
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Christensen, A., Jacobson, N. S., & Babcock, J. C. (1995). Integrative behavioral couple
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Dimeff, L, Ruzvi, S. L., Brown, M., & Linehan, M. M. (2000). Dialectical behavior therapy
Evans, K., Tyrer, P., Catalan, J., Schmidt, U., Davidson, K., & Dent, J. (1999). Manual-
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Franks, C. M. & Wilson, G. T. (1974). Annual review of behavior therapy: Theory and
hospital and intensive outpatient setting. Doctoral dissertation. University of Hartford. Dissertation
García, J. M. M. & Pérez, M. A. (2001). ACT as a treatment for psychotic symptom. The
treatments in a chronic pain treatment center. Doctoral dissertation. University of Nevada, Reno.
Gifford, E. (2002). Acceptance based treatment for nicotine dependent smokers: Altering the
regulatory functions of smoking related affect, physiological symptoms, and cognition.. Doctoral
Greenspoon, J. (1955). The reinforcing effect of two spoken sounds on the frequency of two
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Hayes, S. C., Barnes-Holmes, D., & Roche, B. (2001) (Eds.), Relational Frame Theory: A
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DBT, FAP, and ACT 20
Hayes, S. C., Bissett, R. T., Zettle, R. D., Rosenfarb, I. S., Cooper, L. D., & Grundt, A.
M. (1999). The impact of acceptance versus control rationales on pain tolerance. The
Hayes, S. C., Masuda, A., & De May, H. (in press). Acceptance and Commitment
Therapy and the third wave of behavior therapy. Gedragstherapie (Dutch Journal of Behavior
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Authors Footnote
Available Outcome Evidence on Dialectical Behavior Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, and Functional Analytic
Study Treatment Disorder Format/Length Assessment Key Findings
Randomized Controlled Trials
Bach & Hayes, 2002 ACT +TAU (n = 40) Positive Three 45-minute Pre, Post, ACT + TAU > TAU on rate of rehospitalization over a 4-
TAU (n = 40) psychosis Individual sessions 4MFU month follow-up period; ACT participants showed higher
symptoms (2 weeks) symptom reporting and lower symptom believability.
Block, 2002 ACT (n = 13) SP Three 2-hour Group Pre, Post, ACT > Control on willingness to experience anxiety,
CBGT (n = 13) Sessions 2MFU behavioral avoidance during public speech, anxiety during
Control (n = 13) speech. CBGT > Control on willingness to experience
anxiety, self-report anxiety and avoidance. ACT > CBGT
on behavioral exposure.
Bond & Bruce, 2000 ACT (n = 30) No clinical Three half-day Group Pre, Post, ACT > IPP, Wait-list on stress and psychological health at
IPP (n = 30) population sessions 3MFU post and follow-up; Outcomes achieved by ACT were
Wait-list (n = 30) (work-site (14 weeks) mediated by an increased acceptance of undesirable
stresses) thoughts and feelings.
Gifford, 2002 ACT (n = 27) Chronic Individual Pre, Post, No difference at post; ACT > NRT on smoking at follow-up
NRT (n = 31) smoking (20 weeks) 12MFU on smoking outcomes. Outcomes mediated by decreased
avoidance and inflexibility.
Hayes et al., 2002 MM + ACT (n = 44) SUD Individual/Group Pre, mid, Post, No difference at post; ACT > MM on opiate and total drug
MM + 12S (n = 42) (Poly- (16 weeks) 6MFU use, 12S > MM on total drug use at follow-up.
MM (n = 38) substance
Koons et al., 2001 DBT (n = 10) BPD Individual/Group Pre, Mid, Post DBT > TAU on suicidal ideation, depression, hopelessness,
TAU (n = 10) (6 months) anger.
Linehan et al., 1991 DBT (n = 24) BPD Individual/Group (12 Pre, Post, DBT > TAU on parasuicidal acts, hospitalization, treatment
TAU (n = 23) months) 6MFU, retention; DBT gains maintained at follow-ups.
Linehan et al., 1999 DBT+ PT (n = 12) BPD +SUD Individual/Group Pre, 4, 8- DBT > TAU on substance use, social adjustment, treatment
TAU (n = 16) modified for SUD months, Post, retention throughout treatment and follow-up.
(12 months) 4MFU
Linehan et al., 2002 DBT +PT (n = 11) BPD Individual/Group Pre, 4, 8- DBT = CVT+12S on percentage of opiate user at 8-month;
CVT+12S+PT (n = +SUD modified for SUD months, Post, DBT gain maintained, but not CVT+12S at post and follow-
12) (12 months) 4MFU up.
Safer et. al., 2001b DBT (n = 16) BN Individual, modified Pre, Post DBT > Wait-list on binge/purge
Wait-list (n = 15) for BN
(20 weeks)
Telch et al., 2001 DBT (n = 22) BED Group, Pre, Post, DBT > Wait-list on percentage of binge eaters; DBT gain
Wait-list (n = 22) modified for BED 3MFU, 6MFU faded at follow-ups.
(20 weeks)
van den Bosch et al., DBT (n = 27) BPD with or Individual/Group (12 Pre, Post, DBT > TAU on parasuicidal acts, treatment retention
2002 TAU (n = 31) without months) 18MFU regardless of clients had SUD; No group difference in
SUD substance use.
Zettle, in press ACT (n = 12) Math Individual Pre, Post, ACT = SD on math and test anxieties
SD (n = 12) anxiety (6 weeks) 2MFU
Zettle & Hayes, 1986 ACT (n = 6) MDD Individual Pre, Post, ACT > CT on depression, automatic thoughts at post and
CT (n = 12) (12 weeks) 2MFU follow-up.
Zettle & Raines, ACT (n = 11) MDD Group Pre, Post, All conditions decreased depression at post- and follow-up;
1989 CT (n = 10) (12 weeks) 2MFU Significant differences were found in ACT and CT
CT with distancing conditions.
absent (n = 10)
Quasi-Experimental Designs
Barley et al., 1993 n = 130 PDs Individual/Group Monthly over DBT unit > TAU unit on monthly parasuicidal behavior
DBT (n = unknown) a 43-month rate.
TAU (n = unknown) period
Bohus et al., 2000 DBT (n = 11; pre- BPD Individual/Group Pre, Post Reduction in parasuicidal behavior, depression,
post design) (3 months) dissociation, anxiety, global distress
Geiser, 1992 ACT (n = 40) Pain Twenty 60-minute Pre, Post, ACT = CT on pain at post and follow-up.
CT (n = 40) groups (6 weeks) 3MFU
Kohlenberg et al., FAP + CT (n = 28) MDD Individual Pre, Post, FAP + CT > CT on depression & general psychological
2002 CT (n = 18) (6 months) 3MFU health; FAP + CT > CT on general functioning at follow-
Low et al., 2001 DBT (n = 10; pre- Partial Individual/Group (12 Pre, Post, Reduction in self-harm behaviors at post and follow-ups.
post design) BPD months) 3MFU, 6MFU
Miller et al., 2000 DBT (n = 16; pre- Partial BPD Individual, family Pre, Post Improves in identity issue, impulsivity, emotional
post design) skills stability, and interpersonal problems.
(12 weeks)
Rathus & Miller, DBT (n = 29) BPD and Individual/family Pre, Post DBT > TAU on rehospitalization, treatment retention,
2002 TAU (n = 82) other mental therapy suicidal ideation, general psychiatric symptoms, and BPD
disorders (12 weeks) features, despite DBT participants was more severe than
TAU at post.
Strosahl et al., 1998 Clients of ACT Outpatient Varied Pre; 5 months Clients of ACT trained clinicians > coping and faster
trained clinicians (n = problems later completion than clients of clinicians not trained in ACT
61 pre; 57 post) and across the (effectiveness study)
non ACT trained range
clinicians (n = 111
pre; 92 post)
Telch et al., (2000) DBT (n = 11; pre- BED Group, Pre, Post, Reduction in binge eating at post and maintained at follow-
post design) modified for BED 3MFU, 6MFU ups.
(20 weeks)
Case Studies
Batten & Hayes, ACT (n = 1) PTSD Individual every three Abstinence at 7thmonth, lower use of substance maintained
in press +SUD (17 months) months, and 3, at follow-ups
6, 12MFUs
Carrascoso, 2000 ACT (n = 1) Panic Individual every session Reduction in panic attack and avoidance/escape behavior
Disorder (12 sessions)
Dimeff et al., 2000 DBT (n = 2) BPD + SUD Individual Pre, Mid, Post Both participants became abstinent at mid-point, and
(12 months) maintained at post.
Garcia & Perez, 2001 ACT (n = 1) Psychotic Individual every session Reduction in auditory hallucination; Relapse reported at
symptom (9 weeks) follow-ups.
Hayes, 1987 ACT (n = 12) ADs Individual (10- Pre, Post, Reductions in anxiety problems
40sessions) 4MFU
Hayes, Masuda, & ACT (n = 1) MDD Individual (17 every session Reduction in depression, experiential avoidance
DeMay, in press sessions)
Heffner et al., 2002 ACT (n = 1) AN Individual every session Reduction in anorexic symptoms, and Increase in weight.
(12 sessions)
Huerta et al., 1998 ACT (n = 1) GAD Individual Pre, Post, Reduction in self-report anxiety; Gain maintained at follow-
(9 weeks) 1MFU, ups.
Kohlenburg & Tsai, FAP + CT (n = 1) MDD Seven FAP + CT Weekly After the introduction of FAP, depression dropped
1994 Individual immediately, and maintained at post and follow-ups.
Lopez & Arco, 2002 CT followed by ACT MDD 13 session of CT, every session Reduction in BDI during ACT after a failure to respond to
(n = 1) followed by 5 CT
sessions of ACT
Bereavemen Individual (25 every session, Reduction in depression; Increase in acceptance of the loss
Luciano & Cabello, ACT (n = 1)
t –related session) 1MFU, 2MFU, and value-related actions.
Depression 4MFU
Luciano, Gomez et ACT (n = 1) Alcoholism Individual every session Reduction in drinking episodes; Abstinence at end of
al., 2001 (21 sessions) treatment.
Marital Individual (15 every session, Increase in decision making in the area of work, family, and
Luciano & Gutierrez, ACT (n = 1)
Distresses sessions) 2MFU, marital relatonships
Luciano, Vusdomine ACT (n = 2) Chronic Individual every session Increases in value-oriented action; Reductions in attempts
et al., 2001 Pain (12-13 sessions) to control pain, anxiety, & worries.
Montesinos et al., ACT (n = 1) Copying Individual every session Increases in reporting acceptance of negative thoughts and
2001 with (20 sessions) feelings; reduction in anti-anxiety medication use
Paul et al., 1999 FAP + ACT (n = 1) Exhibitionis Individual Monthly, The reduction of act of exposure, public masturbation,
m (10 months) 6MFU depression, anxiety, and drug use at post and follow-up.
Safer et al., 2001a DBT (n = 1) BN Individual Weekly Both binge and purge episodes dropped to zero at 5th week,
(20 weeks) and maintained through treatment.
Zaldivar & ACT (n = 1) Agoraphobi Individual (26 every session, Reduction in panic episodes; Increase in valued-oriented
Hernandez, 2001 a sessions) 2FUs actions
Note. ACT = acceptance and commitment therapy; ADs = anxiety disorders; AN = anorexia nervosa; BED = binge eating disorder; BN =
bulimia nervosa; BPD = borderline personality disorder; CBGT = cognitive behavioral group therapy; CT = cognitive therapy; DBT =
dialectical behavior therapy; GAD = generalized anxiety disorder; PT = pharmacological therapy; CVT = comprehensive validation therapy;
FAP = functional analytic psychotherapy; IPP = innovation promotion program; MDD = major depressive disorder; MM = methadone
maintenance; NRT = nicotine replacement therapy; PDs = personality disorders; PTSD = post-traumatic stress disorder; SD = systematic
desensitization; SP = social phobia; SUD = substance use disorder; TAU = treatment as usual; 12S = Twelve-step facilitation.