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Clinical review

Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine Open;

5(8) 1–5
DOI: 10.1177/2054270414531121

Therapeutic drug monitoring in a developing nation:

a clinical guide

Ndubuisi Nwobodo
Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki, PMB 53, Nigeria
Corresponding author: Ndubuisi Nwobodo. Email: [email protected]

Summary drug concentration. It is also an essential tool for iden-

tification of potential drug–drug or food–drug inter-
Therapeutic drug monitoring is aimed at using drug con-
centration measurements to manage a patient’s medication actions, by monitoring a patient’s compliance with
requirement and optimise clinical outcome, particularly in drug regimen. The mere assay or measurement of
respect of drugs with narrow therapeutic index. Typically, drug concentration without expert clinical interpret-
immunoassay methods of various techniques are employed ation amounts to waste of time and limited scarce
with the advantage of rapid turnaround time and ease of resources. It is regrettable that in most centres of
operation. The chromatographic methods are specific and developing countries, therapeutic drug monitoring is
cost effective, though more demanding and require tech- still confined to clinical chemistry laboratories that
nical expertise. The most crucial aspect of any therapeutic merely ‘measure’ (assay only) rather than ‘monitor’
drug monitoring service is the expert clinical interpretation (assay and clinical interpretation).2 Therapeutic drug
of drug concentration measurements taking into consider-
monitoring service is a multibillion dollar global
ation individual pharmacokinetic variability in drug dispos-
market dominated by developed countries such as
ition across different populations. The setting up of a
therapeutic drug monitoring service requires enormous United States.3 It is still poorly developed in low-
resources, both in terms of equipment and trained person- income countries, particularly in Africa, in countries
nel. This poses considerable constraints in developing such as Nigeria. A survey revealed the availability of
countries due to limited scarce resources, coupled with therapeutic drug monitoring services in 45.1% of
ignorance among health practitioners on the relevance of responding countries in Africa, 54.6% in the Western
therapeutic drug monitoring in clinical practice. Pacific, 55.6% in South-East Asia, 85.7% in the
Consequently, the need for advocacy, training and encour- Eastern Mediterranean, 93.3% in Europe and 95.8%
agement of health practitioners on the usefulness of thera- in the Americas. The use of affordable saliva-based
peutic drug monitoring in enhancing patient care and testing for therapeutic drug monitoring of patients
overall clinical outcome in a developing country such as
on highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) has
Nigeria can never be over-emphasised.
been advocated in Uganda. Therapeutic drug monitor-
Keywords ing of antiretroviral drugs has been adopted in several
clinical guide, clinical interpretation, developing nation, drug centres in South Africa to achieve maximal efficacy and
concentration, therapeutic drug monitoring minimize adverse effects. This article presents the pro-
spects of setting up therapeutic drug monitoring ser-
Introduction vice, highlighting procedures and relevance of clinical
interpretation of drug concentration measurements in
Therapeutic drug monitoring is defined as the meas- a developing country such as Nigeria.
urement of a prescribed xenobiotic in serum or bio-
logical fluids in a single or multiple time point, with a
Materials and methods
view to influencing prescription and individualising
dosage regimen to achieve maximal clinical efficacy A comprehensive search was carried out using
and minimize adverse effects.1 Therapeutic drug moni- Medline, PubMed, Embase and Google Scholar to
toring is not only concerned with measurement of a access relevant peer reviewed full journal articles,
prescribed drug in biological matrix but may also abstracts, books and theses from academic pub-
involve an endogenous compound indicated for lishers’ sites, professional bodies, preprint reposi-
replacement therapy in a patient.1 Therapeutic drug tories and scholarly organisations. The keywords
monitoring is useful for patient management where used for the search include clinical guide, developing
it is established that good correlation exists nation, drug concentration and therapeutic drug
between pharmacological response and serum monitoring.

! 2014 The Author(s)

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2 Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine Open 5(8)

advantages are the short turnaround time, being

Procedures in therapeutic drug monitoring less labour intensive and ease of calibration/use.
The main value of therapeutic drug monitoring for The health system in a developing country such as
both clinician and patient is to ensure that concen- Nigeria is unusual in the sense that the orthodox or
tration of a drug in the system is within the estab- western medicine co-exists alongside alternative sys-
lished therapeutic range. The belief that a clinician tems such as traditional medicine and homeopathy.
could achieve similar results by prescribing a drug Patients in most cases would have visited these alter-
based on an understanding of the drug’s biochem- native medical practitioners before presenting in the
istry and patient’s clinical profile, then instituting clinic, and may be taking medication prescribed by
dose adjustment based on patient’s response is erro- physicians alongside herbal remedies. It is also
neous and militates against the value and principle remarkable to note that herbal remedies are increas-
of therapeutic drug monitoring.4 Studies have ingly used by patients who may not inform their
clearly demonstrated the clinical value of thera- physicians of the use alongside orthodox medicines.
peutic drug monitoring, establishing criteria to This poses serious challenge in therapeutic drug
determine drugs that could be routinely monitored.5 monitoring as experimental evidence suggests that
Indications for therapeutic drug monitoring as these herbal medicines interact both pharmacokineti-
reported include: drug efficacy difficult to establish cally and pharmacodynamically with western ortho-
clinically, compliance concerns, change in dosage dox medicines.7,8 Disease burden in the developing
regimen, change in co-medication, suspected world including nutritional deficiency is a major con-
adverse effects, inadequate clinical response and cern militating against improved standard of living
conditions in which manifestation of disease state with its negative consequences.9 Nutritional deficien-
and toxicity are similar. It should be noted that cies though usually subclinical influence drug
therapeutic drug monitoring is contraindicated in pharmacokinetics.10
the following instances: plasma concentration not
predictably related to effects, toxicity not a realistic Clinical interpretation of drug concentration
concern or functional laboratory tests can be
employed to measure effects.
A standard therapeutic drug monitoring service Drug concentration measurement is only an aspect of
can be commenced in a teaching hospital setting in therapeutic drug monitoring, as therapeutic ranges
a developing country with the availability of a HPLC are not absolutes. Expert clinical interpretation of
(high performance liquid chromatography) machine the concentration measurements is invaluable in
and automated immunoassay analysers. The ideal order to derive any meaningful clinical benefit from
therapeutic drug monitoring team other than the clin- the procedure. It is important to note that therapeutic
ical pharmacologist comprises a medical officer, ranges are mere recommendations based on the clin-
pharmacist, nurse and laboratory scientist who are ical response of a small group of patients taking the
involved in history taking, sample collection and ana- drug. Hence, it is not unusual for patients to experi-
lysis/assay. The monitoring service is carried out by a ence therapeutic effects at levels below the established
clinical pharmacologist who advises on compliance, range, while others may experience toxicity while still
dose adjustment, adverse drug reactions and drug– within the established therapeutic range.4 The rela-
drug interactions.2 The HPLC technique is generally tionship between dose and resulting plasma concen-
demanding, requiring technical expertise, quite tration is dependent on pharmacokinetic variability.
labour intensive and entails high turnaround time. Major sources of pharmacokinetic variability include:
However, it is cost effective and affordable as the lack of patient compliance, age (neonates, children,
consumables are locally and readily available. The elderly), physiology (gender, pregnancy), drug–drug
automated immunoassay analysers require commer- interactions and environmental influences. However,
cially available test kits based on various techniques dose adjustments to maintain plasma drug concentra-
such as PETINIA (particle enhanced turbidimetric tions within therapeutic range can greatly affect phar-
inhibition immunoassay), EMIT (enzyme multiplied macokinetic variability.11
immunoassay technique), FPIA (fluorescence polar- Dosage formulation affects liberation of drugs fol-
isation immunoassay), ACMIA (affinity chrome lowing oral administration. The use of controlled
mediated immunoassay), CEDIA (chrome enzyme release delivery systems is essential in reducing
donor immunoassay) and direct chemiluminescence.6 adverse effects of a drug.12 Individuals given the
These kits are usually not locally available, need to be same dose may vary several folds in serum concen-
imported and require stringent storage conditions, trations obtained due to pharmacokinetic variability
hence the increased cost. However, the main of the drug as a result of first pass effect.13
Nwobodo 3

Genetic polymorphism evidenced by marked vari- of warfarin metabolism by cytochrome P45020, while
ations in the cytochrome P450 isoenzymes affects high dose chronic alcoholism has been shown to
serum drug concentration measurements. CYP1A2, decrease warfarin activity as evidenced by decreased
CYP3A4, CYP2C9, CYP2D6 and CYP2E1 are the international normalisation ratio (INR) due to
main cytochrome P450 isoenzymes that mediate the increased warfarin metabolism.21 Tobacco contains
oxidative metabolism of drugs. The major and most substances such as nicotine, polycyclic aromatic
predominant cytochrome P450 hepatic oxidative iso- hydrocarbons (PAHs) and N-nitrosoamines which
enzyme is CYP3A4.14 Pharmacogenetic polymorph- induce certain cytochrome P450 enzymes involved in
isms affect the biotransformation and clinical drug metabolism. There is increased metabolism of
outcome of a number of drugs. There are marked drugs in smokers leading to significant reduction in
differences in the pharmacokinetic parameters in serum concentration, hence the need to receive larger
oral antidepressant drugs metabolised via the cyto- doses of drugs than non-smokers to achieve similar
chrome P450 isoenzyme CYP2D6. CYP2C9 accounts pharmacological and clinical effects.22 Studies have
for up to 10-fold difference in pharmacokinetic par- also reported changes in warfarin disposition in smo-
ameters in oral hypoglycemic agents, oral anticoagu- kers relative to non-smokers, with demonstrable
lants and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents. increases in INR after cessation of smoking with con-
Hence, individualisation of therapy could be effect- sequent reduction in warfarin dose.23,24
ively predicated on pharmacogenitically based dosage A number of disease conditions affect drug dispos-
adjustments. Pharmacogenetic tests, which are now ition. Liver disease causes impairment of drug clear-
advocated prior to prescription of specific anticancer ance and depression of cytochrome P450 enzyme
and cardiovascular drugs, may likely become wide- activities and gene expression.25 Serum proteins pro-
spread as these tests become more cost effective and duced in the liver to which many drugs bind are
accessible. decreased in hepatic disease. Hence, there is elevated
Gender differences exist in response to drug treat- serum concentration of free or unbound drug with
ment. Increases in distribution of hydrophilic drugs profound effect on drug toxicity, justifying the need
in females result from greater body fat in women and for monitoring and dose adjustment in liver disease.
larger distribution volumes in males.15 Individual Cholestasis leads to increased risk of toxicity due to
variations in drug efficacy and toxicity are dependent reduced bile clearance.26 There is increased risk of
on gender differences in the pharmacokinetic param- adverse effects due to accumulation of drugs and
eters of several drugs. These gender-based differences metabolites in circulation resulting from impaired
underlie variations in the expression of hepatic micro- renal function. Impairment in drug clearance which
somal enzymes involved in the metabolism of drugs. is dependent on glomerular filtration rate occurs in
The female predominant expression of CYP3A4 renal disease. Drug therapy in elderly patients even in
accounts for sex differences in drug metabolism in drugs with a wide therapeutic window requires dose
humans. The temporal pattern of plasma growth hor- adjustment based on renal function.27 Uremia in
mone release by the pituitary regulates the sexually severe renal impairment results to diminution of
dimorphic expression of the cytochrome P450 isoen- serum binding proteins, with implication of incre-
zyme system. ment in free drug concentration of strongly bound
The main consideration in drug therapy during drugs with consequent increase in drug toxicity.
pregnancy is safety of the foetus. Monitoring is essen- Congestive heart failure results in diminished
tial to achieve individualisation of therapy, consider- tissue perfusion, reduced clearance and decrease in
ing challenges in drug disposition during volume of distribution (Vd). Higher plasma drug con-
pregnancy.16 Pharmacokinetics of drug use in preg- centrations occur in congestive heart failure due to
nancy are influenced by compartmentalisation of decrease in volume of distribution and clearance
drug in the foetus/placenta, placental transport of resulting from impaired metabolism, thereby requir-
drug and foetal/placental drug metabolism.17 ing monitoring due to increased risk of toxicity.28
Chronic alcoholism induces the microsomal alco- Thyroid function has been shown to influence the
hol oxidising system involving CYP2E1 which is metabolism of a number of drugs. Hypothyroidism
involved in the metabolism of toxic substances and inhibits the cytochrome P450 microsomal enzyme
plays a role in alcohol-induced liver damage.18 The system leading to increased serum drug levels with
activity of hepatic alcohol dehydrogenase, the major high risk of toxicity, while hyperthyroidism causes
liver metabolising enzyme, is reduced by H2-receptor its activation leading to significantly low serum
antagonists used in the treatment of peptic ulcer dis- drug levels and reduced risk of toxicity.29,30
ease.19 Low-dose alcohol consumption has been Hypothyroidism results to remarkable elongation in
shown to increase warfarin activity due to inhibition the half-life of antipyrine, which is appreciably
4 Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine Open 5(8)

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