Varying Degree, So: (Fellin 1995b Martinez-Brawley, 1995, Rotham, 1987)
Varying Degree, So: (Fellin 1995b Martinez-Brawley, 1995, Rotham, 1987)
Varying Degree, So: (Fellin 1995b Martinez-Brawley, 1995, Rotham, 1987)
A. Definition of Community
Community is a word originated from the Latin communitas-tatis which
means fellowship and the word communis- common.
Community is a group of people who have something in common with
each other that links them and distinguishes them from other who are not
part of the community.
-(other definitions)
1. A body of people living organized into political, municipal, or social
unity; body of persons living in same locality or with common race,
religion, pursuits, etc., not shared by those among they live.
2. A group of people, who reside on one locality and subject to the same
laws, have the same interests etc.
Police Community Relations
1. Definitions of PCR
5. Community Policing
1.COPS as Philosophy