Varying Degree, So: (Fellin 1995b Martinez-Brawley, 1995, Rotham, 1987)

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Police Ethics and Values

Final Term
Prepared by: Glenn L. Aller,A.B.,LLB (03-30 to APRIL 3)
I. Community Relations: its role and functions in the society (Police Ethics,Florendo)

A. Definition of Community
 Community is a word originated from the Latin communitas-tatis which
means fellowship and the word communis- common.
 Community is a group of people who have something in common with
each other that links them and distinguishes them from other who are not
part of the community.
-(other definitions)
1. A body of people living organized into political, municipal, or social
unity; body of persons living in same locality or with common race,
religion, pursuits, etc., not shared by those among they live.

2. A group of people, who reside on one locality and subject to the same
laws, have the same interests etc.

3. Public or society at large.

B. Theoretical perspectives on Community
(Fellin 1995b; Martinez-Brawley, 1995,Rotham, 1987)

1.Structural Perspective-structure refers to how individuals fit into organized

whole. The structural perspective emphasizes how people are linked to their
overriding governmental structure through community.

(Three Dimensions of Communities)

 Communities are political entities which are organized as a

province, a city, a township, a neighborhood, and so on. These
communities are controlled by the local government units.
 As communities are subsystems of larger governmental units
having greater amounts of power in varying degree, so
citizens as subsystems of communities have unequal power.
 The dimension involves geographical organization of
-Is the population concentrated in some areas, or more evenly
distributed throughout?
-How are streets and highways plotted?
-What are the boundaries that distinguish one community from the

2.. Socio-Psychological Perspective- it involves how its members feel

about themselves and interact with one another. People’s feelings about their
relationship to and with their community are paramount.
 To what extent do residents feel they are part of their
 Do they interact frequently with neighbors or they feel isolated
and alone?
 Do they suffer racial or other discrimination, enhancing alienation
from the community?
 How safe do they feel?
 Do they perceive themselves as victims of discrimination,
crimes, and violence, or do they consider themselves productive
members of the community who are in control of their

3. Human Ecology Perspective- it focuses on the relationship of population

to their environment, especially in regard to special organization—that is,
how people and services are distributed. Emphasis is placed on the
‘’division of labor’’ within a community—types of occupational groups, and
how a structure of occupational stratification emerges through
interdependence within and between communities. The ecological approach
considers how the environment affects human development, and quality of

--Three ecological concepts that apply to Community Macro systems:

a.Competition concerns how community members vie for the use of
land and seek advantage of place for commercial, industrial,
institutional and residential purposes. Each community has only so
much space and so many resources available. People therefore
compete to attain their share or at least enough to survive. As we
know, huge inequities exist in terms of individual’s resources.
b. Segregation is the detachment or isolation of some group having
certain common characteristics such as race, ethnicity, or religion
through social pressure, restrictive laws, or personal choice.
c. Integration refers to the process of bringing together and blending a
range of groups including people of different races and ethnic
backgrounds into a unified, functional whole.

4. Social system Perspective- emphasizes analyzing how the various social

subsystems within the community interact with each other. It helps you view
clients in the context of the larger community system.

(Three models of Community)

a. Locality Development Model

b. Social Planning model
c. Social action model

Locality development model-asserts that community change can be best

brought about through broad participation of a wide spectrum of people in identifying
and solving their problem.

Social Planning Model- is an approach which emphasizes a technical

process of problem solving. The approach assumes that community change in complex
industrial environment requires highly trained and skilled planners who can guide
complex processes. The role of the expert is stressed in this approach.

Social Action Model- is an approach which assumes that there is

disadvantaged segment of the population that needs to be organized, perhaps in
alliance of the population that needs to be organized, perhaps in alliance with others, in
order to pressure the power structure for increased resources or for treatment more in
accordance with democracy or social justice. Social action approaches in times seek
basic changes in major institutions or seek changes in basic policies of formal

Police Community Relations

1. Definitions of PCR

2. Ojectives of Police Organization:

• Order maintenance
• Law Enforcement
3. Police and Public understanding their role;

4. Police and the Community

5. Community Policing

8. Police Community Relations group.

Police Community Oriented

1.COPS as Philosophy

2. Program components of COPS

3. Problem-Oriented Policing-SARA Model

4.Community Policemen Pursue the basic objectives

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