Hunt Fall07

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not only is it the best big hunting pack, it is the

BEST BIG PACK, period. I have carried them all,
and the closest was the Dana Designs Astralplane
as far as carrying weight well. The Kifaru LH Guide
carries the load better than the Dana and is also a
"Hunting" pack, which none of the other mountaineer-
ing/backpack makers can claim. The features like the
gun bearer, hand warmer pouch and cargo chair are an
added bonus to an already great pack. The LH Guide is
big. Big enough in fact to drop a 40 bag of dog food
in with lots of room to spare. (We have a several mile
ski/snow shoe to get home during the winter) If you
get a LH you won't be sorry! Ed (message board

“Bull elk from out of an 800 ft. canyon - 4 people took the whole elk out in 1 trip.”
Photo courtesy of Colorado Trophies
Self sufficient, and far from the road. We achieve back country living by making extremely versatile gear that will, if at all possible, serve many functions.
Our Bloodlines All our gear is intended for successful, sustained foot hunting. Our arsenal allows you to LIVE in the back country, using the latest most lightweight, hunter
tough materials available.
Accordingly, this year we proudly introduce our Regulator Sleeping Bag System (pat. pend). Unique to Kifaru, this sectional design does just
that - it lets you "regulate" your warmth needs for the hunt at hand. You cut both weight and bulk, by bringing ONLY the needed layers or
sections. Better yet, convertible sections serve as your outdoor clothing as well. Leave the jacket at home!
Any climate, anywhere.

Regulator Modular Over

part of our new sleeping
bag system

"I’ve been in the backpacking business since 1979, starting with world class mountaineering packs under the Mountainsmith brand.
I adapted my personal packs for my backpack hunting needs. Following the sale of Mountainsmith, I launched Kifaru - bringing out the
first thoroughly mountaineering grade, custom fit backpacks built from the ground up to solve the on-foot hunter’s specialized needs.
We need to handle extreme weights in difficult, trailess terrain, we also need superb comfort for long, sustained marches, and we
need to handle a long gun safely and efficiently. We also need fail safe durability not found in conventional hunting packs. I think we have

achieved that with Kifaru Hunting Gear.


Just after 9/11, Kifaru was invited to adapt these packs for military needs, and we now offer a full line of military packs. In turn, our
hunting division has reaped the technological rewards that we’ve learned from the needs of our soldiers.
Kifaru gear is probably not for everybody. It is built specifically for serious foot hunting with the best-in-the-world materials, and a great many of our users
declare that the finished product is the finest ever, regardless of sport category. It is costly gear. Nevertheless, these serious users quickly acknowledge that
the cost-to-benefit ratio of their Kifaru gear is quite high. The gear, quite simply, is well worth the investment. Boots and pack are paramount to foot hunters.
It’s false economy to scrimp on either. A Kifaru pack may very well be the last pack you ever buy.
Shelter. Kifaru is about backpack hunting. Not just day-hunting, though our gear certainly serves that purpose admirably. I’m talking about packing in on our
own two feet up among the critters - not visiting each day from a truck camp down below, but actually being there among ‘em at shooting light, living on their
turf. Emphasis here is on living, and not on surviving! To live sustainedly, which is to say functioning well day after day, in the autumn back country requires
For years I camped under a tarp with an open fire smack beneath the eave. While far better than cold-camping, this system still had problems - comes a
180 degree wind shift, or just high winds from any direction you’re in trouble! I resolved to “bring the fire indoors” and set out on a design quest that culmi-
nated in the 1989 introduction of Mountainsmith MountainShelters, which couple a wood burning stove with tipi-shaped tents. Many of those originals are
still in the field! Our current Kifaru Tipis are direct descendants, improved in many ways since. I personally never stopped using my own and kept tweaking
them all along. The wood burning stove solves the staying-warm-and-dry conundrum, and cooks your food as well. Enter one of these tipis with its stove
going on a miserably cold, snowy day and encounter butt-naked warmth inside - at the very least you’ll be able to lounge in shirt-sleeve comfort whilst cooking
dinner and drying your wet garments. They really do solve the age-old problem of maintaining peak physical efficiency for extended backcountry stays.
If you’re as serious about your outdoor life as I am, only the best will do.”

Patrick Smith, Kifaru president and chief designer

Backpacks................................................................................................................................... 1-7
Packs at a Glance................................................................................................................... 1
Pack Features & Design.....................................................................................................2-3
Great Gear, Galvanized.
LongHunter................................................................................................................................ 4 Being a small company, we are able to keep a critical eye
LongHunter Hauler................................................................................................................ 5 on quality control, and give you the highest performance. No
Siwash.......................................................................................................................................... 6 foreign sweat shops, no passing the buck.
Late Season............................................................................................................................... 6 The front range of Colorado was once a Mecca of backpacking innovation
- companies like Lowe Alpine, Madden, Gerry and of course, Mountainsmith,
SpikeCamp................................................................................................................................. 7
to name a few, made this area home. All of those shops elected to send
DayStalker.................................................................................................................................. 7 their production offshore - so we’re fortunate enough to have a large pool of
Pack Suspensions....................................................................................................................... 8 expert, industrial sewers to choose from - among them, many Mountainsmith
Pack Accessories.................................................................................................................9-12 pack builders who are long term (decades) staff - that says a lot for a com-
Kifaru Shelters....................................................................................................................13-17 pany! These sewers get top dollar to make a living wage, and craft a product
from first stitch to last right here, in Colorado.
Regulator Sleeping Bag System.............................................................................18 - 21
Our products have full warranties on workmanship and use the best
about the cover: We support and are
members of the Rocky American made materials available for ultimate, long term value. There
Mount Everest High Altitude
Experiment, Nepal
Mountain Elk foundation,
the Federation for North
is a significant difference in this American made fabric and the off-shore
photo courtesy of Scott American Wild Sheep, imitators. There always is--we still have the very best fabrics right here in
Mule Deer Foundation,
Hamilton and the Safari Club the USA. From Cordura® to our incredibly tough superlight fabric for our
International - dedi-
to see more of Scott’s photos, cated to conserving and shelters. That matters when you're really "out there", which our customers
please visit our website enhancing wildlife habitat.
often are.
All information in this catalog is copyright © 2007, Kifaru, International
1-800-222-6139 • 303-278-9155 • FAX 303-278-9248 • email: [email protected] • website:
A pack system you can build upon.

Pack Overview
Feel confident that you are purchasing a pack for life. The pack you buy today won’t become obsolete, and any accessory we make down the
road will always retrofit the gear you buy today. We strive to create an extremely versatile, multi-functional system to serve a wide latitude
of needs, from light bird hunts to far flung safaris.

at a Glance Accepts
Product Volume Weight* Access CargoChair Suspension
cubic in. US lbs. top bottom panel
LongHunter Rendezvous 8,500 6 lbs. 5 oz. a a yes Duplex
LongHunter Guide 7,200 6 lbs. 2 oz. a a yes Duplex
LongHunter Standard 5,200 5 lbs. 15 oz. a a yes Duplex
Siwash 4,200 4 lbs. 10.5 oz. a a yes Wraptech
Late Season 3,200 4 lbs. a a yes Wraptech
Spike Camp 2,300 2 lbs. 13 oz a yes Omni
Day Stalker 1,300 1 lb. 15 oz. a yes Omni

*excludes DoubleQuiet Panels (p. 2)


Relative size on a 5’11” man
We specialize in making certain
Packs & Packages.
Each Kifaru model is offered in your choice of custom buying options.
our gear fits you and your needs
both before and after your pur- Basic Package Complete Package
chase. This interaction is limited The Basic Package includes the pack and Each Complete Package includes our most useful accessories for maxi-
in a paper brochure. We highly standard accessories at an economical price. mum versatility, right now! Easily handle your gear and game anywhere,
recommend that you visit our • DoubleQuiet Panels (p. 2) under any conditions. You’ll save some money, too!
vibrant, interactive website for • DoubleQuiet Panels (p. 2) • GunBearer System (p. 9)
• GunBearer System (p. 8)
more information, educational • Cartridge Pouch (p. 9) • CargoChair (p. 10)
essays and our Message Board. • Rifle Rain Cover (p. 11) • Possibles Pouch (p. 11)
Virtually every aspect of our • Water Bladder (p. 11) • Handwarmer Pouch (p. 12)
gear has been discussed by
users on the Hunting Forum,
and new gear is often discussed
here as it develops. You can get
answers from Kifaru owners for
unsolicited, third party reports.
Our larger packs LIFT the Choosing a Pack, Suspension & Volume
load from your shoulders, We build a pack from the frame on up to interface with YOUR body, your
Years of archives provide some and meld the weight with
load hauling needs. Volume is strictly secondary to what weight our
of the most enriching hunting your entire body. No shoul-
der or neck fatigue after a frame and suspension can handle effectively - even our small pack sus-
resources in existence and
long day. pensions are built to carry very heavy weights effectively. These elements
cover everything about hunting
are designed for comfort and stability, no matter what the load. No more
and gear from correspondents
swaying packs in critical terrain, no more aching shoulders or painful
from all over the hunting world.
hotspots. See more on our suspensions on page 8.
A must-read!
Phone: a real human being -
who is also a Kifaru gear builder
- will answer! We’re all builders, Contoured shoulder straps provide
Many hunters have several Kifaru packs
and any of us can answer most maximum upper body freedom and in their arsenal. Things to consider when
questions. Rarely, only Patrick don’t bind or cut into your armpit. choosing:
can. Be prepared to wait a bit • How often do you go out?
and ultimately receive a call • How extended are your trips?
back via cell phone from the Load is funnelled onto your hip • Do you typically haul gear AND game?
girlde for maximum comfort.
middle of nowhere (hint - he’s up • What game do you pursue? Is it in rug-
pe Our unique Delta Straps provide a ged terrain, as for sheep?
better at emails). rD
elt triangular pull to control and stabi-
Ordering: we direct mail our a • Do you use newer, lightweight and com-
lize the load into the belt. pact gear? If so, the Siwash or Late
products worldwide, and do not
use dealers to cut costs and Delta Season might be the ticket, even for
lower extended trips.
provide great customer service.
See your order form for details. Questions? Just email or call us - we’ll help
We guarantee a proper, comfortable fit for any guide you through customizing a pack for
hunter - large or small, or your money back.
your needs. 1
Intelligently featured specifically for the hunter, our pack designs are not short on innovation. The features illustrated
Design, Construction & Common Features
on this Siwash may vary slightly by model.

hangers for optional Back Pouch

Bungee - quick storage

for your jacket, foam pad
Interior or rain gear. It's even
The Chamber™ - a zippered secu- strong enough to stash
rity pocket on the inside of your a tripod!
pack to provide safe haven for
Pack shape: our pack
your keys, wallet, hunting license,
bodies are contoured
etc.. Removes so you can take it
to maximize upper body
with you.
freedom and arm move-
ment. Unlike most other
Zippers. We use big, beefy Number
manufacturers, we sim-
Tens to prevent jamming, and they
ply don’t make a barrel
slide easily, even with mittens on. Dual
and add a suspension.
pulls permit easy access from all sides.
All our packs are low
profile, so they do not
“hang up” on obstacles.
Exceptionally stealthy.
Accessory strap lets you attach pouches
or a GunBearer Cradle
Compression straps
center and stabilize
the load
r De

Multiple Access Points

on larger packs

r De

Triangular pull of our Delta 500 Denier Cordura. Our packs are crafted of American made urethane
Straps on all pack waist- coated 500 D Cordura pack cloth. This material is the standard moun-
GunBearer System belts locks the load into taineering packs and has proven to be lightweight, extremely durable and
(cradle) - standard on all your lumbar area waterproof.
Kifaru packs (p. 9)

you can
the panels
entirely for
a tasteful

DoubleQuiet™ (pat. pend). all-black


Fleece Panels Blaze

Each Kifaru pack, and some accessories, come clothed in a
set of fleece panels (DQ Panels) that not only keep your pack
silent, they reverse - letting you easily switch from Mossy Oak™
camo to orange blaze. Remove them entirely to unveil a classy
black pack for your non-hunting activities, like backpacking,
Mossy Oak™
skiing or travel.
Rugged performance and a tailored fit. Here’s how we do it. We design packs that provide a no-slop performance and move where
you move.  This “stick-to-you” concept is based on two things: Custom Fit and anatomical contours.

Design, Construction & Common Features

When you place your order, we get your pant size, height and weight to pre-fit the suspension. You can even embroider your pack
with your name or initials. Every pack we make is serialized - you can find that number under the label.

Interior Grab loop

The Sheath™ - a large, immediately accessible
interior pocket sized specifically for a water Shoulder straps are perfectly con-
reservoir, and your tripod mounted spotting toured - neither straight nor oddly
scope. Exit port for the hose is located at the top banana shaped - to stay in place
of your pack. and provide more upper body
Drilex on the facing wicks away
Internal Frames on all our packs, even the sweat from your body for
smallest, provide support and weight trans- greater comfort. All are
fer to comfortably carry heavy loads. All adjustable for a precise
frames and contact points are carefully fit.
sculpted to naturally funnel weight away
from your shoulders and to your hips for
more even distribution.

air flow for ventilation

More comfort = heavier loads. Raised torso pads
Construction: aircraft grade alumi- on larger packs provide
num stays. ventilation and let heat
escape - the pack never
comes into contact with
your spine.

Upper attachment
GunBearer secu- points for your
rity strap (see p. 8 for optional CargoChair

Lumbar pad helps

keep the pack solidly
Hypalon. The same rugged
in your hip area
stuff used in whitewater raft
construction. It’s puncture and
abrasion resistant, and is the
reason we use it in key portions Hypalon grip
in our packs.

Contoured waistbelts.
The anatomical cut of these belts delivers superior
comfort. Their wide design spreads weight and alleviates hot spots.

Bottom compression straps

stash large items like tent poles or
sleeping pads Lower attachment
points for optional

Built from the suspension on up -

Kifaru’s versatile fit.
Most packs are made for one size man, and fit everyone else like a refrigerator. The heart of a
Kifaru pack is the suspension. We make ALL our pack suspensions quite adjustable to fit any
body, and load.
Female, a youngster, slight of build or on the portly side, we can guild a spot on fit - you just
provide your measurements. How do we do it? Not only are our shoulder straps and belts very Our packs are built to ride in
adjustable, they are contoured and malleable to shape to your body and spread weight. We your lumbar area (center of
can also swap out components. We’ll put on longer belts, even a Women’s Only Belt to provide gravity) to
greater flare. Still not quite right? Call us, and we’ll walk you through until it is perfect. maximize comfort and
The bottom line? More comfort means a much more successful adventure!
Our large pack and frame combinations are without a doubt the most fully integrated hunting systems ever for hauling massive amounts of
LongHunter™ Backpack both gear and game. Designed specifically for the back country, they ensure total self sufficiency where it really counts.

LongHunter™ Backpack
The pure packhorse of the Kifaru line, the LongHunter has become legendary among serious hunters for its incredible comfort and
indestructibility. Consistently rated the best hunting pack ever built in test after test, this may well be the last pack you ever buy! Each
LongHunter is a fully featured bag supported by a highly refined internal frame and suspension, letting you carry back country loads exceed-
ing 100 pounds of both gear AND large game comfortably all day! Buy this pack as a Basic or Complete Package (page 1).
3 volumes: Standard LongHunter LongHunter Guide’s Pack LongHunter Rendezvous Pack
Ideal for most extended hunts Originally developed for our guides, The biggest hunting pack available,
into the outback. this pack employs the same frame, period. Requested by our Alaskan bear
Volume: 5,200 c.i. but with more volume. guides who wanted yet a larger bag.
Weight: 5 lbs., 15 oz.* Volume: 7,200 c.i. Volume: 8500 c.i.
Weight: 6 lbs., 2 oz.* Weight: 6 lbs., 5 oz.*
*add 6 oz. for DQ panel

Top Pocket/Lumbar
Pack. The Top Pocket detaches to
Top Access become a comfortable lumbar pack
via drawcorded top for light jaunts. Add your GunBearer
System and leave basecamp with
your long gun and day essentials.
Top sleeve/snow
collar expands for Volume: 1,000 cubic inches
additional (this volume is included with
capacity. pack bag volumes)

shoulder sling
attaches here interior includes
a Chamber
waistbelt (can be
stored on underside) DQ fleece

accessory strap
for pouches or
a GunBearer
Delta Straps lock the load in your Cradle
lumbar area. Same physics as our
larger packs.

bottom zipper accesses lower

The LongHunter
is the most
Interior divider panel
compartmentalizes your pack into
upper and lower sections for better pack I’ve ever
removable belt lets you worn. Stout and
organization. Removable to create a swap for a larger/smaller
single large space for bulkier items. belt or for a woman’s intelligently
contour. engineered, it is
the only pack I
ice axe loops know that car-
ries a rifle safe-
bottom ly, quietly and
compression straps at the ready.
for your sleeping bag or pad Wayne VanZwoll,
writer & guide

The LongHunter removable frame converts to a freighter

LongHunter Cargo Hauler
The Kifaru LongHunter Hauler is the top of the line freight hauler on the market, period. It has the feel of a great internal framed mountain-

LongHunter™ Hauler
eering pack, with the function and features of a great hunting frame. It is lightweight, clean, quiet, and versatile - designed for guides and
go-light hunters who travel fast and far, yet who need to carry home huge loads of meat, hide and horns.
We have yet to break one of these, and loads of 165 pounds plus, are not uncommon. Check out our Haul of Fame on our website to see
what folks bring out on this thing! This Hauler-only features the same LongHunter frame as the backpack version, but stripped for those
who don’t want or need a bag (you can always purchase and add any volume LongHunter bag later).
Basic Hauler includes: frame, Top Pocket/Lumbar Pack, GunBearer® and CargoChair.
shoulder width
1. go ultralight with the frame and adjuster
Top Pocket/LumbarPack for day gear
2. add any fully featured LongHunter
Pack Bag (Standard, Guide or Rendezvous)
to haul expeditionary gear aluminum
Weight: 4 lbs., 13 oz. aircraft grade

lash tabs
adjustable shoul-
der straps

Top Hood and Cargo Chair are

standard on the Hauler.

DuPlex Suspension
System (p. 8)

accessory attachments
- you can even add your

20 feet of orange
cordage for lash-
ing down game
stored inside the

Haul Game in Three Ways 3). purchase the

LongHunter Cargo
1). remove the frame from your LongHunter and 2). purchase the Hauler as a dedicat-
add the optional CargoChair™ platform. CargoChair™ (p. ed freighter. Includes
10) platform as frame, CargoChair
an accessory and Top Pocket (bag
and attach it is not included,
to your but can be
LongHunter pur-
bag chased
CargoChair is optional on LongHunter Basic Backpacks
Standard on LongHunter COMPLETE pkg. and LongHunter Hauler 5
We take our responsibility of building foot-hunter carrying systems seriously, believing that - just as in rifles or bows - pack “niches” are very
Siwash & Late Season important to productive hunters. Many of you own more than one Kifaru pack for that very reason. These two packs are recognized for their
contribution to success by those of you who hunt a lot of different species - in a lot of different locations and climatic conditions. These are
superb backpacks in any genre - they have no peer as hunting packs. We think you deserve that.

While they all are great

Siwash packs, I believe the Siwash

is the finest pack I have
Specifically designed for mountain hunting in ever used. It carries like an
the sheep/goat style, this 4200 cubic inch ultralight daypack when com-
pressed and yet handles sub-
pack is spot-on for the man with modern, com- stantial weight when needed.
pact camp gear. A very slight profile, and com- Message Board post
plete access - just zip the panel wide open - it’s
all in plain view.
Full panel access
The suspension will easily handle 85% of the
load our state-of-the-art LongHunter will. If you
have up-to-date gear and know-how, this is the
long range pack you’ve been waiting for. For
light, fast and far, it has no peer.
Access; Panel and bottom zipper.
Volume: 4,200 c.i. - large enough for multiple
Weight: 4 lbs., 10.5 oz. (add 7.5 oz.
for DQ Fleece Panels)
Available as a Basic or Complete
Package (page 1).

Universal attachment bottom zip access with interior

points for GunBearer sleeping bag compartment -
and accessories divider panel lets you segregate
your bag, and flips out of the way
when not needed.

bottom compression straps for

sleeping pads or other gear

Late Season
Designed for very robust day-tripping and overnighting with tabs for over-the-top lash-
ing of capes, etc.
appropriate compact gear. Why the name, Late Season? Well,
we need more “stuff” when autumn presses winter. Right?
It's not just larger than our SpikeCamp, it is also designed to
COMFORTABLY carry considerably more weight. The same
sophisticated suspension components as the LongHunter, just
more compact and lighter. This pack functions well as a take-
on with the airlines. Top zippered
Access: top and bottom zippers
Volume: 3,200 c.i. attachment
points for Back Pouch
Weight: 4 lbs. (add 5 oz. for DQ Fleece Panel)
Buy this pack as a Basic or Complete Package (page 1).
Late Season Fleece Cap ticket pocket
Your Late Season comes with a DQ Fleece panel (p. 3) - to (not shown)
further silence/color their Late Season, we offer an optional
fleece cap that mounts to the top hood.

bottom and top zip let you pry

open the ends like a can for
incredible access
These two "smaller" Kifaru packs have been state-of-the-art since their inception. They've proved themselves over and over around the
world - in comfort and function. They handle loads comfortably because the frames and suspensions are sculpted to curve where you do, and remain

SpikeCamp™ & DayStalker™

solidly in place without being obtrusive. A bell shaped profile gives you plenty of elbow room and won’t interfere with climbing or shooting.

Spike Camp Thin, contoured shoulder straps

stay in place, and won't interfere
You see the famous SpikeCamp all over the with gun mounting or shooting.
world. Why? It carries an incredible amount Quiet Drilex facing wicks away
of gear in perfect comfort with all the weight perspiration. .
on your hips, where it belongs. The heart and Fully adjustable shoulder straps
fit any hunter.
soul of the SpikeCamp is the sturdy internal
frame, super-comfortable contoured shoul-
der straps and waistbelt. Add the optional
CargoChair for even greater versatility!
Tough? Ask Bob Good, the writer who
packed out an entire boned out cow elk
on his SpikeCamp at a whopping 180
Great for a very long day out, or even light
overnights, and many claim that it’s the
perfect dark-to-dark hunting pack.
The Spike also sports a svelte flat front
pocket designed to hold your travel
paperwork like plane tickets and pass-
ports - Velcros shut for security.
Options: - SpikeCamp Fleece Cap. Your
Spike comes with a DQ
Fleece panel that covers
most of the pack. For those
who wish to further silence/
color their pack, we offer this
fleece cap for the top hood.
Access: top loader
Volume: 2,300 cubic inches
Weight: 2 lbs., 13 oz (add 5 oz. for DQ
Available as a Basic or Complete Package
(page 1).
Airline ticket/
passport pocket
(not shown).
Clean outer profile makes
this an ideal travel pack.

Don’t let the size of this pack fool you! It can haul lots of heavy stuff, and is designed for those who
like to move quickly and quietly with a minimum of gear. It rides solidly in your lumbar area, so
shoulder straps are optional.
An internal aluminum frame transfers weight comfortably to your hips - which is where this pack is
carried. This makes it far more comfortable under load than any hang-from-your-shoulders daypack,
and there's plenty of space for your day hunting essentials.
- Available in a Basic, Duo or Complete Package.
Basic includes a shoulder sling, the Duo includes shoulder straps to turn your DayStalker into a tra-
ditional backpack - a must when used with a CargoChair.
- DayStalker Fleece Cap. Your DayStalker comes with a DQ Fleece panel that covers most of the
pack. Further silence/color your pack with a fleece cap for the top hood.
Access: top loading
Volume: 1,300 cubic inches

Shoulder Sling sta-

bilizes the pack and
supports GunBearer
(stores in Chamber

I hunted with the rifle for black

bear - taking a nicely furred 5'
Montana blackie in late September
with a single 25-06 shot. I packed
the bear out, whole at 125 lbs on my
daystalker - marty,
We classify our packs by suspension design, letting you optimize your pack for your hunt.
Each title is suggestive of its attributes, and all adhere rigorously to our principles of comfort, stability, versatility and durability - even the smallest.
There is no weight limit on any of our packs - if you can lift and carry the load (including casualty evacuation), the pack will perform in relative comfort,
without fail. Period. shoulder width
twin aluminum
adjustment Strap stays
shoulder straps: (internal) funnel
contoured to stay
Duplex Suspension comfortably in place
weight to your hips
HDPE frame
under load, even with-
All LongHunter Packs & Haulers out the sternum strap sheet helps
attached. spread the load
Adjust independently over
What makes 180 pound loads possible? Our large frames provide incredible com- your
for height & build.
fort without sacrificing strength or utility. The Duplex Suspension System provides Drilex® faced for entire back
internal frame comfort, external frame utility. It is simply top of the line, compared silence pulls sweat
away from your
to anything else. Around the world, this suspension has earned its reputation as body.
the very best. It is the only removable frame in existence The name derives from torso
the dual nature of this frame - the unique ability to remove from the pack and pads
pulley style
convert to a hauler. The pinnacle of huge load capabilities, the Duplex provides suspension

air flow
acts as a shock
incredible latitude for adjustment and fit, and can handle any load you're able to absorber

WrapTech Suspension padded lumbar area

Siwash & Late Season

A “Big Pack” fit. Though slender and stealthy, these packs comfortably carry
loads like a big one. How? Our WrapTech Suspension System takes the load twin aluminum
internal stays
off your shoulders and spreads it over your back and lumbar area. Very low
profile, yet the most comfortable suspensions ever offered on a pack of any size
with ANY weight load-out - exceeded only by our own DuPlex Suspensions.

Ergonomic waistbelt. Deceptively thin, Shoulder Straps. Like our

this belt is anatomically contoured to larger packs, these straps are
mold to your hips, eliminate hot spots independently adjustable for each torso
and spread weight over a large por- shoulder. Not just a simple front pads for
air flow
tion of your pelvic area, where you are adjustment, we let you raise or
designed to carry weight. Don't let it lower the entire individual har-
fool you ... massive padding is NOT ness to fit for your shoulder and
necessary to adequately handle large torso length.
loads. Drilex lined to wick away sweat.

Omni Suspension
DayStalker & SpikeCamp

This suspension system is another advance in Kifaru load-bearing innovation

directed at greater weight carrying efficiency. After 9/11 Kifaru was invited to
bring its skills to bear in building military packs. Our soldiers have needs simi-
lar to hunters in terms of carrying heavy loads. Our CargoChair was especially
appealing to them as a first-ever method for carrying a wounded buddy - solo.
Of course a full grown man is a very serious load - so we set about developing
advanced suspension systems capable of doing so even in our smallest military twin aluminum
internal stays
packs. The result is this svelte, low-profile system that will do it all--from day hunt-
ing chores to carrying moose quarters - now integrated into these two hunting
packs. Breakthroughs in both the belt and shoulder strap design let you carry
double the comfortable weight of the previous models - comfort exceeding many,
(most) much larger packs out there. We’ve expanded the envelope of what is pos-
sible in small packs.
Waistbelt Omni Shoulder Straps. Like our
This lightly padded belt is extremely low belts, the shoulder straps conform
profile and astonishingly comfortable to your body.
under VERY heavy loads due to its sophisti- Adjustable length lets you put the
cated anatomical construction. weight on your hips and will fit any

Lumbar Pad on the Omni Suspension System folds down,

letting you exchange waistbelt (longer or shorter). Remove it
entirely for easier airline travel.

GunBearer® System

All Kifaru packs (even the smallest) are equipped with the patented GunBearer - a revolutionary, simple, efficient way to securely carry your
long gun, transferring the weight comfortably to your hips leaving both your hands free. Originally invented for rambling in bear country, it is
far quicker than a shoulder sling, and fast enough for wing shooting. With a flick of your wrist, your rifle or shotgun can be instantly shoul-
dered for firing. Fully adjustable for any length rifle or shotgun, use it right or left handed. Remove it when you’re not packing a long gun.

The Gun Cradle on your waistbelt holds the buttstock secure-

ly. It is fully adjustable, and transfers the weight of your gun to
your hips for better balance, stability, and comfort.
Lateral adjustment for
correct rifle placement
Height is adjustable
for any length gun

GunBearer™ (upper) Security

Strap attaches to pack shoulder
strap* to hold the forend. Quick-
release mechanism lets you free
the gun instantly with one hand.
*or shoulder sling of DayStalker
or LongHunter TopHood/Lumbar

Cartridge Pouch (optional)

From hip to target - level your firearm in a split second...
attaches to the GunBearer™

Universal GunBearer® (UGB) UGB GunCradle holds the butt-

stock securely and
UGB Upper Strap
Fully ambidextrous. Simply encir-
Whether you own a Kifaru pack or not, you can still have the safety, comfort cle your shoulder strap, release
transfers the gun’s
and quickdraw convenience of the revolutionary Kifaru GunBearer. The UGB camlock and put your barrel
weight to your
fits ANY backpack, and carries any long gun safely and securely, yet ready in. Secure.
hips for improved
for instant use! Two sizes - please check your pack waistbelt before ordering.
balance, stability,
Long GunBearer: fits packs with wide padded waistbelts.
and comfort.
Short GunBearer: fits standard web or leather belts for packs with webbing
Simply encir-
waist straps or no waist strap at all.
cle your
Or, order one long and one short at a discount to fit all your packs.
waist belt
This system offers the function and convenience of the GunBearer, but
and insert
not the comfort of a Kifaru contoured padded waistbelt which transfers
weight directly to your hips. Please note: you will receive ONE cradle and two
GunBearer waistbelt straps.

Cartridge Pouch Rifle Rain Cover

Very fast, secure and handy. Holds ten centerfire
Developed in Alaska for those kind of days, this cover completely pro-
rifle cartridges, and mounts to the GunBearer
tects your rifle and scope, yet allows you to shoot right through it in an
cradle, opposite side of your waistbelt, and lower
sides of your bag emergency. Great for keeping snow off your scope lens, and adjusts to all
Construction: lengths of rifles with precision fit.
Mossy Oak™ Construction: Waterproof ripstop nylon.
fleece over Weight: 2 oz.
Cordura base. Part of any Complete Package.
Weight: 2 oz.
Part of any

unfolds completely
for easy access 9
(pat. pend).
“I spent years looking
for the perfect hunting
Kifaru® Accessories Easily carry bulky, awkward gear with incredible packs. Kifaru packs are
stability, comfort and efficiency. The CargoChair just what I was looking
functions as a Freight Shelf, a Camp Chair and for ... they’re all I’ll
use now”.
additional storage. Built like a Swiss watch, Col. Craig Boddington
this platform is comfortable, quiet, durable and internal frame
versatile. It’s built with the same rugged material
as our packs, and includes its own internal frame Includes a removable
to handle whatever load you can throw at it. No DoubleQuiet Panel
noisy, uncomfortable metal tubes, and it easily
interchanges among all your Kifaru® packs for
even more versatility!
Check out the “CargoChair Haul of Fame” on
bungee for
our website ( for more photos storage
and stories of the CargoChair in action!
Standard on the LongHunter Hauler or any
Kifaru Complete Package. 20 feet of orange
Weight: 13 oz., (add 3 oz. for DQ Panel) cordage is included Craig Boddington hauling
out a 165 pound boar
in its own pouch for with a LongHunter Hauler
lashing down big & CargoChair.
loads. Photo: Patrick Smith

As a Haul Shelf Storage As a Camp/Glassing Chair

Forms a stable, sturdy Rides flush Reverse it under your butt, and
platform to lash on bulky, against the pack lean back for a comfortable,
awkward gear. Easily when you don't back-supporting seat. Great for
need it. Just snug long sessions of glassing or
carry out an entire hind resting by the camp fire - also
up the straps! In
quarter, jerry can or this position, it greatly increases stability and
firewood. The haul is a great place accuracy when shooting!
shelf lets even the to store tents or Contoured back on all our
small DayStalker other bulky, soft, packs provides the
haul out huge wet or dirty gear ultimate in sup-
loads! without contami- port and
nating your pack’s comfort
shown on a contents.

Safari Duffels Pull-Outs™ Rugged and incredibly lightweight storage/organiz-

Built to be punished, our Duffels now use heavy duty 1,000 D cordura to ers that cleverly hang just inside your Kifaru pack and can be slipped out to
withstand any expedition, yet are undeniably elegant. 3 sizes. hang conveniently for fetching stuff. Slip them back inside and your pack is
Construction: 1,000 denier Cordura® clean and stealthy again. Off season? Just hang them on a garage pegboard
Colors: Desert tan cordura with camo green armor for organizing convenience! Full zipper allows complete access. Buy a set of all
4 sizes at a discount!
Large Medium Small
3 Styles Sizes Dimensions
Big enough to hold up Just right for a long Perfect for cameras,
to a loaded LongHunter weekend, and will fit a optics and trip essen- Padded: for technical gear you want Small 4.75 X 8
pack and all your support fully loaded SpikeCamp tials - fits in overhead to keep safe. Available in black only. Med. 6.5 X 11.25
gear for any expedition. plus support gear. bin of an airliner. Mesh: lets you see the contents, and is Large 7.75 X 13.25
Volume: 10,000 c.i. Volume: 6,500 c.i. Volume: 3,300 c.i. ideal for drying/storing any gear that
Extra Large 9.25 X 15.25
Weight: 4 lbs., 6 oz. Weight: 3 lbs., 4 oz. Weight: 2 lbs. tends to get damp, like toothbrushes
Buy a set of all 3 at a discount! or wet clothing.
Available in black only
compression straps Ultralight: same fabric as our
I.D. pocket ParaTipi and ParaTarp - see-through
interior: material, but rugged enough for
shoulder sling
attachment heavy tools.
points for Available in white or tan.
like Boot
Bags or

triple layered hypalon Snap Clip in

big grab loops on each end bottom (medium and place
(medium and large only) large only)

Snap Clips
Designed to attach our PullOuts to our packs or Duffels, the
Snap Clip acts like a light duty carabiner by creating a loop
around any small anchor. Quickly add lightweight gear just
about anywhere that has a loop or D-ring. Made of the same
rugged stuff as whitewater rafts.
Colors: black
Construction: Hypalon
Dimensions: 7/8 in. X 4”
Our “Caddy System” is a universal matrix that lets just about all our pouches and pockets fit solidly on your pack
at the waistbelt and pack side. Some even attach at your shoulder straps for even greater convenience!

Blaze on
one side
Possibles Pouches Back Pouch
Perfect for things you need to keep handy, the Possibles Pouch Need more volume? Add 1,000 cubic
attaches to your waistbelt - we suggest mounting them opposite your inches to your pack! Perfect for items
GunBearer. you need to isolate or keep handy, like a
Available in two sizes. The Large Pouch can accommodate bigger bin- rain jacket. Extra stable when you secure
oculars or a small video camera. Mounts on all packs (lower sides) or at with the bungee cord.
the waistbelt. Construction: Mossy Oak™ fleece over
Construction: Mossy Oak™ fleece Cordura.
over Cordura. Volume: 1,000 cubic inches
Regular Volume: 300 c.i. Large Weight: 9.5 oz.
Volume: 400 c.i.
Weight: 5 oz.
Weight: 5.5 oz.
Part of any Complete Package.

camo on the

Side Pockets

These handy pockets attach to the sides of our LongHunter, SpikeCamp,

Late Season and Siwash bags for additional protected carrying capacity Phone/GPS
and quick access to things like your scope or tripod. Buy a
pair at a discount!
Construction: Mossy Oak™ Your technical tools are kept safe and
fleece over Cordura. secure in this pouch. Fits most standard
Volume: 450 cubic inches cell phones and GPS units, and mounts on
Weight: 8 oz. shoulder straps, waistbelt or on lower sides
of all packs.
Construction: Mossy Oak™ fleece over
".... I carried all Weight: 1.5 oz.
the gear I needed
for a full day's out-
ing (including food and water).
The camp chair, the platypus, the map holder/bin-
ocular-elk call/hand-warmer pocket, the GPS pouch Platypus Water Reservoir
on the shoulder strap, the GunBearer, the Possibles No more sloshing canteens or water bottles! This reservoir stores neatly
Pouch ... all of them were incredibly well thought out of your way in the Sheath. A special “bite valve” lets you deliver water
out and utlitilarian. My hunting partner was green instantly, and without having to use your hands or take your pack off! Stashes
with envy. in the Sheath on all Kifaru packs or in the Top Pocket/Lumbar Pack of the
I hunted the Needle Mountains of SW Colorado this
year. Camp is at 10,200 feet and we hunt from Longhunter - convenient hose port in each pack allow easy use. Part of any
8,400 to 12, 600 feet. We are in the field 8 days Complete Package.
and good gear is critical. Hope you don't get Volume: 2.5 liters
tired of testimonials, but your equipment is really
well thought out and practical. The quality is the
best I've encountered....thanks
James D. Greenwalt

Kifaru Boot Bag

Ideal for any muddy or wet gear, this bag is sized for high top combat
boots. Waterproof so it segregates and protects your other gear from
the grime of the field. Attaches to the inside of a Kifaru Duffel.
Construction: Urethane coated 420d pack cloth with paracord draw-
Colors: Olive Drab or tan

HandWarmer Pouch™ HandGun Bearer™
Instant access and great protection for the gear How do you carry a heavy, scoped hunting
you always use, like binoculars, a camera or handgun conveniently and safely, yet ready for
maps. A fleece lined pocket keeps your hands instant use? The Hunting HandGun Bearer
warm and out of the wind! combines the best features of a stand-alone
Weight: 5 oz. holster with all the comfort and utility of our
Part of any complete package HandWarmer Pouch! Velcro™ closures let you
locate the barrel where you want. Developed
dual zippers for ambidex- large zippered with famed handgun hunter Bob Good. Big
trous access. pocket enough to hold large binocs!
Weight: 6 oz.

Both these pouches mount between the shoulder straps.
Construction: Cordura® body with Polar Fleece panels

removable, reversible DQ™ fleec front panel

Meat Baggie
Quarter Bag Pack Rain Covers
Not your mom's Ziplock , this ONE OUNCE wonder will Designed specifically to handle the quarter of a large Our packs use materials coated with waterproofing
handle 100 lbs. of boned-out delectables. Big grab loop lets elk, or entire caribou or deer (all 4 quarters), the which is perfectly fine for most uses. If you consistently
you hang it from a limb for storage or drainage. Developed quarter Bag protects meat from flies and debris hunt in wet areas, however, these covers will provide
to spread the weight vertically in your pack, instead of the - whether in camp, as temporary storage, or when extra insurance.
typical bowling-ball-in-the-bottom that is so hard to carry. carrying out your quarter(s). Same great features Construction: Waterproof ripstop nylon.
Narrow enough that you can carry camp gear around it in and construction as our Meat Baggie. Available for LongHunter & Siwash
the same load. Washes easily and stows tiny for packing. Construction: Ultralight Tipi fabric SpikeCamp & Late Season
The tie off. You'll notice we don't have a fancy closure - just Weight: 2.7 oz.
a simple cord that you tie off. Unlike cordlocks, we've found
a nylon knot to be the strongest, most effective way to hold
100 pounds without slipping!
Construction: Ultralight Tipi fabric
Weight: 1 oz.
blaze panel

CargoChair with a Meat Baggie photo: Spencer Guida

Kifaru Caps Kifaru T-shirts Kifaru Garment

This all cotton cap has a low profile and sewn
eyelets. Washed twill with a leather strap, disap-
Kifaru logo front, and "Opening the Outback" on
back, Anvil brand,100% cotton, 5.6 oz.
pearing tail and brass closure. We top it off with Colors: Tan or OD with black ink, or black with Made with comfortable, thin tubular webbing,
a black Kifaru rhino on the front. Zkapf brand. white ink. these belts are svelte and mountaineering-proven
Colors: khaki with black logo. Sizes: Med. through XXL shirt front to not bite in beneath a heavy pack waistbelt.
Sizes: one fits all. They not only look great, you can use them as
lash straps. Emblazoned with leather Kifaru logo.
Just send us your waist size and we will cut it to

Ultralight & ultra large.

The Native Americans who roamed the great Plains and the valleys of the American West when it was true wilderness knew something most of us have forgotten.
Comfort counts. They took their homes with them--lightweight, portable, heated structures which let them live in comfort as they roamed.
Modern backpackers remember the roaming but forget the comfort. If you've ever spent a long night in a cramped backpacking tent trying to warm up a cold sleeping
bag, you know what was missing.
The Kifaru Tipi is the modern incarnation of this wonderful, proven design. Roomy, woodstove-heated and comfortable enough to enjoy living in for extended adven-
tures as you roam. It is light enough to backpack, so you tote comfort and convenience previously available only to those with access to pack
animals or motorized transport! These are the only shelters that couple the efficiency of a wood burning stove with the stand-up
comfort of a tipi in a carry it-yourself-package. Easily throw these shelters into a Super Cub, Jeep, or on
your backpack. The ultimate in back country living!

A Proven Track Record: The Kifaru Tipis have been around since 1985*, and have served many years as remote camps in some of the
harshest regions on earth - Mount Everest, Denali, Africa. Their sturdy constitution has withstood gale-force winds, hail and substantial snow-
fall, yet have remained standing long after all other tents have been flattened! They are warm in the winter, cool in the summer.
Breakthrough Technology: Kifaru shelters deliver both the beauty and function of yesterday’s Native American tipi with today’s latest materi-
als and technology to provide more weight economy, space, comfort, and versatility than conventional micro tents.
We revolutionized portable living quarters when we pioneered the use of a new high performance fabric (paraglider cloth). Paraglider cloth
has proven to be exceptionally durable (enough for parachute construction), and with a great weight to strength ratio. It dramatically cuts the
weight of a large shelter, while providing enormous space. It is also remarkably waterproof - each “yarn” in the fabric is silicon treated, then
woven - as opposed to a simple coating (i.e., will peel off) as found on most conventional fabrics. It is much stronger and longer-lived than the
import stuff known as silnylon. There is a significant difference in this American made fabric and the off-shore imitators.
We double or triple stitch seams for enormous strength and use big, jam free zippers that open easily, even in a howling blizzard. We then
weld the canopy together with military spec thread.
Other companies boast “light” shelters. Many do so at a lesser cost by outsourcing their fabric and labor, and cater primarily to the backpack-
ing industry. Our Tipis are built to be fail safe and perform anywhere on earth.

Portable, heated
Ali McConathy, 6 ft. tall

Soaring head room and a gigantic footprint for you, Going ultralight? Our Tarps pack up into nothing, so you
your comrades and all their stuff, the 16 Man has can keep ‘em stashed in your emergency kit.
nearly enough acreage to play a game of rugby in. Great versatility.
Feels like a traditional walled tent. ParaTarp in the Talkeetna’s • photo by Don Spence

*Formerly known as Mountainsmith Mountain Shelters

Design. The conical shape with an oval footprint provides both supe- Construction
Tipi Nuts & Bolts rior snow shedding capabilities and amazing resistance to even gale Framework: single aluminum center pole provides terrific support - easily
force winds. Wind and snow swirl around it, not against it. These snaps together and breaks down into backpackable size. Unlike other cen-
Tipis stand long after conventional micro-tents have been flat- ter pole tents, this is designed not to break in any snow or wind load.
tened! Though more difficult to make, the oval configuration pro- Body: UV coated waterproof, paraglider fabric.
vides far more “living” space and wind resistance. It’s worth it!
Seams: All double or triple stitched.
Floorless design cuts weight and bulk, and lets you walk in All stress points are reinforced with 500 Denier Cordura
with muddy boots. It also makes the Tipi more wind resis-
tant. Just throw a tarp under your sleeping pad! Chimney Flue Portal
A rain proof fiberglass flap covers
the vent for the Tipi Stove™ pipe.

Doors: Two opposing doors

with adjustable width help con-
trol ventilation, or if the wind Interior Clothesline lets
changes, and provide good you hang everything from
access for any team member. flashlights to clothing. Unlike
Beefy number 10 zippers are other tipis, our stovepipe
jam resistant. runs through the center of
the structure - not the side.
Mosquito Netting (MN)
This dramatically increases
is optional at the doors.
warmth and dries wet stuff

shown: 4 Man Tipi

“Patrick, last year I bought your 8 man ultra light, stove, and
long hunter. Really enjoyed the equipment on several bow
hunts. With the stove, you’re no longer roughing it, but living
in comfort - especially with only two guys in the 8 man. Took
indoor showers with a snow floor - no problem and no mess
Roll up one or all the sides to keep Dual zippers on your doors let
that we cared about.” you ventilate by creating win-
things cool. Mike, Phillips WI dows, as well.

16 MAN 20 ft 8 in
12 MAN 17 ft
8 MAN 15 ft.

18 ft.
20 ft
22 ft 8 in

10 ft. 6 in.

8 ft. 6 in.
12 ft

Sleeps up to 16, more com- Weight: 11 lbs., 1 oz. Great for 6 to 8 and gear, Weight: 7 lbs., 9 oz. Ideal for 4 to 5 people and
Weight: 14 lbs., 12 oz. will sleep up to 12. Makes gear, but will sleep up to
fortable for about 10. Feels Pole sections: 6 Pole sections: 5
Pole sections: 5
like a traditional walled tent. Packed size: 12.5 X 24” a great base camp! Full Packed size: 10 X 23”
8. A favorite of families
Packed size (two bags)
Bag #1: 24 X 9 in Two Arctic or Large stoves walk-around headroom, and
Bag #2: 28 X 5 in will heat. space to sprawl in comfort.

Accommodations: plenty of stand-up space with room

to spare for gear. Sizes based on mountaineering
origins. An 8 Man Tipi can actually sleep 8, and
cut your weight dramatically, but most prefer a bit
6 MAN 13 ft. 2 in.
4 MAN 10 ft. 6 in. more elbow and gear room, so please consider
that when ordering.
All Tipis include: stuff sacks and a complete set of
14 ft. 10 in.

DuraPegs, Seam Sealer and instructions.

7 ft. 6 in.

6 ft. 6 in.

13 ft.

Pitching: the Tipi can be pitched by one person - a vet-

eran can erect an eight person model in less than
10 minutes. Detailed instructions will be provided
with your Tipi.
Weight: 6 lbs., 3 oz. Elbow room for about 4 Weight: 5 lbs., 5 oz. Ideal for 2-3 folks, gear. Colors: all white or Coyote Brown.
Pole sections: 5 and gear, will sleep up to Pole sections: 4 and stand-up room for a Weights: include center pole, standard pegs and bag.
Packed size: 7.75 X 23” 6. Plenty of head room Packed size: 8 X 22” six footer. A great all pur- Height: illustrations are based on a 6 ft. tall person.
for even 6 footers! pose shelter. Stoves: all Tipis can accept at least one stove.
Indicated as c in the illustrations.
To get an idea of the size, just use masking tape and
Trivia: a typical buffalo hide Blackfoot tipi could weigh map out the footprint on your living room floor. Still
well over 800 pounds! the wrong size? You can always trade in.


Kifaru ParaTipi & Field Chair

You like to travel far, on foot, and as light as possible. At just 3 pounds, this shelter is ideal for those hunters who like to travel light, yet have the security of a solid
4 season tent. The ParaTipi has already proven its mettle with sheep hunters and guides who spend a lot of time in the crags and far reaches of the world. Even the
toughest of us like a bit of heat and a cooktop- our ultra lightweight ParaStove couples perfectly with this remarkably light, full featured tent. This system with stove, is
the most viable, bulletproof “home” for the solo hunter ever devised.
Design: hybrid oval/A-frame provides a big footprint and weight savings
Includes: dual aluminum poles that snap together interior
for easy set up. 5 poles sections. clothesline
Interior Clothesline and set of pegs
Weight: 3 lbs., 8 oz.
Packed size: 5.5 X 16 in.
Recommended Stove:
Small or ParaStove

stove pipe port

dual snap-together
aluminum poles

Before I bought a Paratipi/ mosquito
Stove combo from you last netting
year, I did a lot of research
on tents. I came to the conclu-
sion that your products are
by far the best value. Value
meaning price, weight, ease of
use, versatility, and durability.
My Paratipi kept me warm
and dry through wind, rain,
and snow. Made my hunting
trip in the Flattops all the
more enjoyable. Thank you
for a great product!”
Sincerely, Jeff Cooper single door with big
Paul and Rachel, South Park, CO #8 zipper

12 ft.
7 ft. 6 in.

56 in.
45 in.

27 in.

pitched dimensions

Field Chair
Design elegance at its best - this chair is devoid of the usual straps, buckles and bulk of other back country seats. Use your body to
tension it and you’ll have a comfortable, back supporting rest to keeps your nether regions out of the muck. You can sit at any angle
- from bolt upright to snooze. Great for glassing. These will make ideal gifts for friends or a guide.
Construction: 500d Cordura/aluminum
Colors: olive drab or coyote brown
Weight: 9 oz

Need a quick rifle rest?

The Field Chair is also a field
expedient bipod to steady
your long gun.

Rolls up into a tiny 13 inch package

ParaTarp & SuperTarp Shelters
These Tarps are ideally suited as bivouac tents with the use of available materials, like tree branches, an ice axe or pack stays - or employ our ParaTarp Peg & Pole Kit.
Full protection on 3 sides, and the open front allows you to build a fire for warmth or add a ParaStove. An overhead eave helps keep the drips out. Don’t have to bivy?
Kifaru® Tarps
The Tarps also function as a great catch-all shelter for your gear if you don’t want to clutter up the sleeping quarters of your base camp tent or Tipi. Space age fabric
combined with years of experience gives you the lightest, strongest shelter ever built.
Includes: Hypalon pads & peg loops
Mosquito Netting: not available.

ParaTarp SuperTarp
Decidedly simple, yet high tech and Plenty large for two men and gear, and
ultralight, providing bivouac shelter
when you need to hunker down far about double the size of the ParaTarp
from base camp. Devised particularly (and uses twice the fabric), yet weighs
for day hunters, this versatile shelter just 16 ounces. For five ounces more
packs up quite small into its own tube than the ParaTarp, the truly abundant
as part of your permanent bivouac space is worth it. It's much like a front-
cache, and is small enough to stash
in any pack for the best backcountry less ParaTipi, except the front height is
insurance you can buy - don’t leave 52", instead of 56", so that ANY Trekking
home without it! poles can be used for set-up. Ideal for
Weight: 11 oz. summertime soloing and dedicated
Packed size: 4.5 in dia. X 8.5 in.
Weight: 1 lb.
Recommended Stove:
ParaStove with pipe stabilizer Use ski or trek poles, tree branches or ice axe for an A-frame pitch. You Packed size: 6 X 1.75 X 10 in.
supply the twig pegs. Includes a pre measured front cord for a tight pitch.
Recommended Stove:
ParaStove with pipe stabilizer
42 in.

52 in.
42 in.

52 in.
26 in. 26 in.
55 in. pitched dimensions pitched dimensions 9 ft. 2 in.

55 in. 9 ft. 6 in
8 ft.

9 ft. 2 in.
5 ft.

9 ft. 6 in
9 ft. 6 in

9 ft. 2 in.
flat dimensions

5 ft.
12 ft. 2 in.
5 ft.
flat dimensions

6 ft. 5 in.

The ParaTarp can pack up to Pitch either Tarp as a lean-too

about the size of a pair of socks
- ideal for your emergency kit.

Para Accessories
Tarp Peg & ParaStove
Pole Kit Expressly built for the solo user of our ParaTipi, SuperTarp
This option is for those who and ParaTarp, this is the lightest possible source for heating
can’t rely on the environment and cooking. Thrown into your bivy gear, it can be a real life
for their anchors. The Peg & saver in an emergency. Note: you’ll need to stoke it more
Pole Kit makes sure you have often than a larger one.
everything to set up your shel- Weight: 2 lbs., 5 oz.
ter. Better yet, the poles “nest”
inside each other, meaning you ParaTipi Pole Platforms
can control the elevation of your For camping in deep snow, these platforms are a must for keeping your
pitch. poles from sinking.

Annex Vestibule / door for ParaTarp or SuperTarp

Add more versatility to your ParaTarp or SuperTarp with this extension. Provides 4 season
comfort by sealing out that errant wind, and even has a stove pipe jack, letting you easily add
your Small Stove or ParaStove. Best of all, Annexes are form-fitted to retrofit any Kifaru Tarp
you might already own, and affix into place without additional components. At under 6 ounces,
it’s great added protection.
Construction: Paraglider Fabric. UV coated and waterproof.
Weight: 4 3/4 ounces for ParaTarp Annex
5 3/4 ounces for SuperTarp Annex
16 ParaTarp & Annex photo: Ken Ginter
Tipi Stove™

Kifaru Stoves
Stainless steel body is both lightweight and The Kifaru Stove is the most practical, easy to transport wood burner avail-
guaranteed for a lifetime of use able. This little furnace does double duty for both warmth and as a rangetop
cookstove. Stove and pipe are centered in your tent to facilitate warmth and
optional Warming Range top Hinged front panel easily dry your gear, and will heat our Tipi in a matter of minutes - trans-
Tray opens completely for forming your outing into a warm, relaxing environment.
easy stoking and
Stovepipes. One of the most significant com-
ponents is the pipe. This single tube of stain-
less steel provides drastic weight and bulk
reduction, compact packing, and won't dis-
joint in a heavy wind. Superb draft for smoke-
free performance. Remarkably, a 9 foot pipe
can roll down into a 2 X 14 inch tube*
*2 X 12 for ParaTipi.

Stove completely disas-

sembles and is so com-
pact that you can carry it
INSIDE your pack - or just
lash it onto the outside.
Includes a carrying bag
equipped with lash points.
Dual cinder Retrofit: this pipe retrofits any
screens pre-2001 Kifaru stove - we pro-
optional air intake prevent sparks vide the pipe and collar. Call for
Snow Plaftorm details and pricing.

Stove Tipi Weight* Packed Assembled Overall Stovepipe # of

Size Size Size Size of fire box Height Length Cookpots
ParaStove ParaTipi/ParaTarp 2 lbs., 5 oz. 7.75” X 13" X 1.5" 6"W X 8"L X 6"H 12” 48 in 1-2
Small Stove ParaTipi 3 lbs., 1 oz. 10.5" X 12" X 2" 7.5"W X 10.5"L X 7"H 12” 48 in 2
4 Man 3 lbs., 6 oz. 10.5" X 12" X 2" 7.5"W X 10.5"L X 7"H 12” 71 in. 2
6 Man 3 lbs., 9 oz. 10.5" X 12" X 2" 7.5"W X 10.5"L X 7"H 12” 74 in. 2
Medium Stove 4 Man 4 lbs., 6 oz. 12.5 X 14" X 2" 9"W X 12"L X 8" H 14” 71 in 3
6 Man 4 lbs., 10 oz. 12.5 X 14" X 2" 9"W X 12"L X 8" H 14” 84 in 3
8 Man 4 lbs.,11 oz. 12.5 X 14" X 2" 9"W X 12"L X 8" H 14” 94 in 3
Large Stove 8 Man 5 lbs., 14 oz. 12.5" X 20" X 2" 9"W X 20"L X 8" H 14” 94 in. 5/6
12 Man 6 lbs., 12 oz. 12.5" X 20" X 2" 9W X 20"L X 8" H 14” 114 in 5/6
Arctic Stove 16 Man 10 lbs., 5 oz. 14" X 24" X 2" 12"W X 24"L X 10" H 20” 126 in. 6/8

Tipi & Stove Options

SST Pins (Snow, Sand & Tundra Pins) Stove Pipe Stabilizer
For deep snow, sand or spongy north tundra, these are by far the most effec- This option lets you support the pipe via guy wires,
tive and lightest "stakes" ever made. Drive them in at an angle, and even in allowing you to set up ANY of our stoves:
high winds, your Tipi will have rock solid stability. Available individually or in Tipi 1. into either the vestibule of your ParaTarp or
2. in a non-tent environment (i.e., tree well, or a
kits that contain appropriate long/short ensemble.
grove of trees).
Material: aluminum. 2 lengths available. Using simple hooks, you secure your pipe by attach-
Long 32 in. 2.25 oz. Short: 18 in 1.5 oz.
ing directly to your tent fabric and front guy line
(don’t worry - our stuff is tough. A few pinholes in the
# of # of
hem will NOT affect performance or strength).
Kit Long Short Wt.
ParaTipi 5 9 24.75 oz Snow Platform
4 Man 6 18 40.5 oz If you do a lot of winter camping, you'll want this platform to support your center pole
8 Man 8 22 51 oz and hot stove to prevent them from sinking into the snow. Easily level your stove on the
platform by adjusting the nut at the stove feet.
12 Man 10 26 55.5 oz
Stove Size Weight
16 Man 12 30 72 oz.
ParaStove 7.5 X 12 in. 4 oz.
Small Stove 9 X 14.75 in. 8 oz.
Tipi Liner Medium Stove 10.5 X 16 in. 12 oz.
Do you haunt the more humid parts of the Large Stove 10 X 24 in. 16 oz.
world? If so, this liner will make sure your Tipi Arctic Stove 13.5 X 28 in. 1 lb., 11 oz.
doesn't turn into a sauna. Easily attaches to
your existing clothesline loops and tie offs, keep-
ing the drips at bay. Retrofits any Kifaru Tipi or
Warming Tray
Keep the hot stuff simmering, or organize your cooksite while you use the stove top.
Mountainsmith Mountain Shelter. Lightweight
Construction: aluminum
and compact.
Liner Weight Stove Tray Weight
4 Man 1 lb., 4 oz. Para 1 X 7.5 X 5 in. 2.5 oz
6 Man 1 lbs., 8 oz. Small 1 X 10.5" X 6 in. 4.7 oz.
8 Man 2 lbs., 2 oz. Medium 1 X 12" X 6 in. 5 oz.
12 Man 3 lbs., 1 oz. Large 1 X 20" X 6 in. 6.6 oz.
16 Man 4 lbs. Arctic 1 X 23.5 X 6.5 in. 7 oz.
Regulator Sleeping Bag System
Any Climate. Anywhere. Pack only what you want - from 80° above, to 50° below, you are in control. The Kifaru Regulator Sleeping Bag
Sleeping Bag Systems
System™ (patent pending) delivers more temperature control than any other bag on the market, period. This revolutionary system lets you
“regulate” your sleep system for any given environment, like no other. This new concept offers a thoroughly modular design, using the finest
shell material and synthetic insulation available.

Base Bag
As your go-to, everyday bag, or as part of our complete (MOB) Regulator System, the Base will deliver a great weight to warmth ratio unlike
any other, while retaining the sturdiness of synthetic insulation The Base Bag is great as a stand-alone product, or add layers of MOBs.
Roominess: These bags are much roomier than typical recreational mummy bags. They are built for long term living in difficult terrain and con-
ditions, where restful sleep is more important than a bag built as light as it can possibly can be. Nevertheless, the breakthrough new materials
we are using, produce an extremely lightweight bag in terms of its warmth to weight ratio. The roominess and super tough shell means you
can sleep fully clothed, including boots.
Available in two temperature ratings: - a 40° bag - a 20° bag
Sizes: Regular - fits up to 6’1”*
Long - fits up to 6’ 7”
*tested by 300 lb., booted subject.
Colors: interior: camo green 483,
exterior: foliage green

draft collar for

is large,
anatomical, and
YKK zipper and efficient
thickly insulated
draft tube provide no-jam

Both our RhinoSkin™ sheathing and Cli-

mashield Combat insulation make this bag wrap around zippers to
a featherweight tough guy that compresses attach MOB
to a fraction of it’s deployed size - all without components
sacrificing inner room or warmth factor.

Incredibly compact
One of the best benefits of the Regulators, is how they
shrink down to nothing using the Regulator Stuff Sacks.

toe box is big enough for boots

and/or extra storage

Specs, Regular Length Specs, Long Bag

Base Bag Only Stuff Sack Total Base Bag Only Stuff Sack Total
+ 40° Base Bag 1 lb., 7.5 oz 2.5 oz. 1 lb., 10 oz. + 40° Base Bag..................... 1 lb., 8.5 oz. ........................... 3.5 oz. .................................... 1 lb., 12 oz.
+ 20° Base Bag 2 lbs., 4 oz 2.5 oz. 2 lb., 6.5 oz. + 20° Base Bag ................... 2 lbs., 6 oz. ............................ 3.5 oz....................................... 2 lbs., 6 oz.

Fits up to............................... Chest .................................Hip........................Foot Fits up to........................................Chest............................................ Hip................................................Foot

18 6 ft., 1 in. .................................66.5 in. ................................62 in. ..................43.5 in. 6 ft., 7 in. ...........................................66.5 in. ...........................................62 in. .............................................43.5 in.
Modular Over Bag (the MOB)™

Sleeping Bag System

Modular Over Bags are a new departure in sleeping bag technology. This bag literally comes apart to perform many tasks... and constitutes the
framework for the System’s name; Regulator. Thanks to the revolutionary three-part nature, only the “part” needed for a given mission need be car-
ried - letting you add insulation to your Base Bag where YOU need it - foot, lower body or upper body/torso
Available in 4 temperature ratings:
1. 40°F MOB
2. 20°F MOB
3. 0°F MOB
4. -20°F MOB
Sizes: Regular - fits up to 6’1”*
Long - fits up to 6’ 7”**

*tested by 300 lb., booted subject.

**only the “foot” section is longer. All other components remain the same dimensions
Bag Colors: interior: camo green 483, exterior: foliage green

1) As a complete unit - all
three sections zip togeth-
er as a fully-functioning
sleeping bag in their own
right, right down to draft
collar. Just unzip for easy

choice of zip-
per or
blow out snaps
for a quick exit

2) As an Overbag to the Base bag.

Pack only the “part” needed for
a given mission need be carried
- letting you add insulation where
YOU need it - foot, lower body or
upper body/torso (or all 3).

3) Leave the vests and

built in stuff sack for each
component jackets at home - the Upper
(40 & 20° MOBs only). Section does double duty by
converting to a vest - saving
you weight and bulk. See
next page for details.

Modular Over Bag as Layers on the Base Bag MOB Weights......................................................Reg. Length............................................................Long
+ 40° ............................................................................. 2 lbs., 2 oz. ..................................................2 lbs., 3 oz.
MOB on the 20° Base Bag on the 40° Base Bag + 20° ............................................................................. 3 lbs., 5 oz. ..................................................3 lbs., 7 oz.
brings combo down to brings combo down to 0° ......................................................................... 3 lbs., 13 oz.................................................................. 4 lbs.
+ 40° MOB (25° enhancement) ..........................................- 5°...................................................................15° -20° ....................................................................... 4 lbs., 12 oz..................................................5 lbs., 3.5 oz.
+ 20° MOB (45° enhancement)..........................................- 25° ................................................................. - 5° Fits up to ................................Chest ............................Hip ...........................................Foot
0° MOB (55° enhancement)..........................................- 35° .............................................................. - 15° Reg. MOB 6 ft., 1 in. ........................................71 in. ............................... 71 in. .....................................48 in.
- 20° MOB (70° enhancement)..........................................- 50°................................................................ - 30° Long MOB 6 ft., 7 in. ......................................71 in. ............................. 71 in. .....................................48 in. 19
The MOB as a Garment
Loaded with parka-like features, the Upper MOB (prev. pg.) functions as a superior outer garment that can be worn over armor and 2nd line
Regulator Sleeping Bag System
gear, without having to remove your gear. Works great when pulling OP/LP duty, taking breaks after long humps, and keeping warm. The Up-
per MOB works equally well in the hunting and expedition world. Hunters on-stand will recognize the many benefits. Upper & middle sections as
garments. Wear the Upper Section as your sole insulated upper garment, then add the Mid Section to create an insulated cagoule.

peak is adjustable over the eyes

the Upper contours to “tent” over

your body, (unlike a tailored parka) insulated neck/
to trap air pockets, providing supe- face gaitor
rior warmth.

adjustable hood opening

with 2 draw-strings

zippered arm holes: as a

vest/parka, you can have your
arms out, or pull them in and
pack it all up into it’s own, zip shut for total warmth
built in stuff sack (40° and
20° MOBs only). There is nothing out there
that will provide this type of
warmth, without removing
your gear. This is a first.

MOB Mid MOB Sleeves

Need even more warmth? Attach the Mid Section for ankle Have complete protection AND flexiblility for changing climates by
length protection. packing along the MOB Arms.

drawstring lets
you cinch the Mid
up to waist level
for more
Snaps can be
used in lieu
of the zipper,
or use them
both for full

sold as a pair
lower the Mid to ankle length for full

Weights: Upper Only Weights: Mid Only Weights: Foot Only Weights: Arms Only
+ 40° MOB:...............................................16 oz. + 40° MOB:......................................... 13.5 oz. reg. length long temp down to:
+ 20° MOB: ................................1 lb., 7.5 oz. + 20° MOB: ..............................1 lb., 6.5 oz. + 40° ............................4.5 oz. ..........................................5.5 oz. + 10° .................................6 oz.
0° MOB: .................................1 lb., 12 oz. 0° MOB: ...................................1 lb., 9 oz. + 20°...................................7 oz. .......................................................9 oz. - 20°...................................9 oz.
- 20° MOB: ..................................2 lbs., 2 oz. - 20° MOB: ..........................1 lb., 15.5 oz. 0°...................................8 oz. ...........................................11 oz. - 50°..........................11.5 oz.
20 - 20°..........................10.5 oz. ...................................1 lb., 2 oz.
These storage bags are built of RhinoSkin™ and mosquito netting to provide superb ventilation. They are narrow, and intended to be used vertically,

Sleeping Bag System

in a closet, or hang anywhere you’d like.
We highly recommend you store your Regulator™ long term in our Stow-Away Bag to ensure it doesn’t loose loft, and therefore, warmth. Keeping
any sleeping bag in a compressed state for any length of time can compromise its ability to function top notch.
Color: OD with white mosquito net
Sizes: regular or large


mosquito netting
for breathability

Regulator Stuff Sacks

Upping the ante on lightweight, compact carrying. These featherweight sacks cut bulk and weight, and are exceptionally effective at compressing
large bags and components into manageable packages. Instead of bulky webbing to compress, we utilize cordage to do the heavy compression
work. Line Locs serve as your cam - no more big buckles, either! Use these sacks for not only your Regulator, but clothing, parkas, etc. Reduce
anything big and bulky to a fraction of its size.
Regulator Stuff Sacks MUST be purchased separately, due to the large number of possible elements and configurations.
Color: coyote brown.
Sizes: small, med., large lashing slots
cord storage

grab handle

ITW Line Locs provide

great cam without the
bulk of a big buckle
cordage for com-
pression, without
the bulk of webbing

thumbloops provide superior leverage

and finger protection
Why do they compress the way they do?
Most bag stuff sacks compress lengthwise
- ours compress circumferentially ONLY - in
order to fit neatly and tightly to the bottom. Lashing slots let you easily strap a
No dead air space, no “bowling ball” effect. It Regulator Stuff Sack onto your pack
offers additional support and rigidity to the using compression straps or
pack by integrating with the pack bottom. our Lash Kits. 21

Hunting Gear 2008 Order Form
page 1


_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________
YOUR NAME (please print)
NAME (please print)

_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________

_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________

_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________

( ) ( )
_____________________________________________ ( )


Card # __________________________________

Ex. date _ ______ _______/__________________________

Cardholder’s Signature (required)

Ordering Information: We do not use dealers. This helps us keep costs

down, and provide a custom product.
Fax: this order form to 303-278-9248
Mail: the order form to Kifaru, Int'l., 4894 Van Gordon St., Ste. #305
Wheat Ridge, Colorado, 80033.
Telephone: call toll free to place an order at 1-800-222-6139. n Right Handed n Left Handed
E-mail: [email protected] • Waist size_ ___________________________
Outside Continental U.S.: please call or email for shipping options
Showroom Hours: Mon. - Fri., 9 to 3, MST. Please call for an appointment.
Inseam ______________________________
Delivery Time: our products are built to order, and may require up to 6 Height_ ______________________________
Rush Orders: please call Weight ____________ __________________
Insurance: all items are insured.
Back Profile. Please specify
Returns: we know that it is difficult buying a product when you cannot the most accurate shape of
touch it or try it on. If you purchase a Kifaru product and are not com-
pletely satisfied with it, please return it in new condition within 30 days
your lower back.
for a refund of product (this excludes shipping refunds).
PLEASE NOTE: these products are built to order, and therefore are on a The majority of you will have
pre-paid basis. Your credit card will be billed upon receipt of your order, “normal” profiles.
and not our ship date.
*Shipping: prices indicated are for individual purchases. Shipping costs n normal n flat
will be consolidated on combination orders. A pack and accessory com-
bination would be the shipping price of the pack plus $1.00 in shipping HOW DID YOU HEAR ABOUT US?
for each additional accessory (prices are subject to change). n Eastman’s Hunting Journal n Swat n
About your privacy: we will never give away or sell your name or
address, and information gathered herein remains strictly the domain of
Soldier of Fortune n Internet n word of mouth
Kifaru, Int’l. other __________________
Prices subject to change.
page 2

Hunting Gear 2008 Order Form


LongHunter Basic 473.00 13.00

LongHunter Complete 641.00 15.00
LongHunter Bag Only 210.00 9.00
LongHunter Guide Basic 506.00 13.00
LongHunter Guide Complete 674.00 15.00
LongHunter Guide Bag Only 245.00 9.00
LongHunter Rendezvous Basic 539.00 13.00
LongHunter Rendezvous Complete 707.00 15.00
LongHunter Rendezvous Bag Only 297.00 10.00
LLongHunter Hauler 346.00 10.00
ongHunter LH Pack Rain Cover 67.00 9.00
Siwash Basic 444.00 12.00
Siwash Complete 612.00 14.00
Siwash Pack Rain Cover 67.00 9.00
Late Season Basic 393.00 12.00
Complete 561.00 14.00
Fleece Cap 42.00 8.00*
LS Pack Rain Cover 54.00 8.00*
SpikeCamp Basic 278.00 11.00
Complete 446.00 13.00
Fleece Cap 40.00 8.00*
SC Pack Rain Cover 54.00 8.00*
DayStalker Basic 236.00 10.00
Duo 263.00 11.00
Complete 404.00 12.00
Fleece Cap 38.00 8.00*
Access Shoulder Straps 29.00 8.00*
Duffle Large 225.00 11.00
Duffle Medium 190.00 10.00
Duffle Small 125.00 9.00
Duffle Complete Set - save 10%! 486.00 15.00
Pack or Duffel Embroidery (please specify):
$25.00 for 1 line 0.00
45.00 for 3 lines

*see shipping information, page 1

page 3


CargoChair 081.00 8.00*

Grab-It 30.00 n coyote brown n olive drab 8.00*
Boot Bag 33.00 n coyote brown n olive drab 8.00*
Universal GunBearer Short 26.00 8.00*
Universal GunBearer Long 30.00 8.00*
Universal GunBearer Both (one ea.) 36.00 8.00*
Hunting Hand GunBearer 46.00 8.00*
BowBearer 40.00 8.00*
HandWarmer Pouch 38.00 8.00*
Rifle Rain Cover 26.00 8.00*
Quarter Bag 38.00 8.00*
Meat Baggie 22.00 8.00*
Back Pouch 45.00 8.00*
Possibles Pouch 38.00 8.00*
Large Possibles Pouch 42.00 8.00*
Side Pockets 42.00 8.00*
set of 2 76.00 8.00*
Cartridge Pouch 30.00 8.00*
Phone/GPS Pouch 22.00 8.00*
Snap Clip Kit, set of 4 6.00 8.00*
Field Chair 41.00 n red n teal 8.00*
Platypus Water Bladder 15.00 8.00*
Water Bottle Holster 20.00 8.00*
Kifaru Cap 15.00 8.00*
Kifaru Logo Garment Belt 14.00 8.00*
Kifaru Tshirt med large XL XXL
indicate qty tan 10.00 n n n n 8.00*
indicate qty olive 10.00 n n n n 8.00*
indicate qty black 10.00 n n n n 8.00*
Pull Outs; mesh padded ultralight
XLarge 12.00 n n n 8.00*
large 11.00 n n n 8.00*
medium 10.00 n n n 8.00*
small 9.00 n n n 8.00*
set of 4 38.00 n n n 8.00*

*see shipping information, page 1 please transfer totals to page 4



SuperTarp Emergency Shelter $287.00 NOT AVAIL. 10.00* ParaStove 249.00 12.00
SuperTarp with Peg & Pole kit 381.00 NOT AVAIL. 12.00 Arctic Stove 639.00 16.00
SuperTarp, Parastove & Stabilizer 523.00 NOT AVAIL. 18.00 Small Stove for ParaTipi 272.00 12.00
Supertarp Peg & Pole Kit Only 106.00 8.00* Small Stove for 4 Man Tipi 299.00 12.00
Retrofit Front Pole for SuperTarp 20.00 8.00* Small Stove for 6 Man Tipi 312.00 12.00
Annex for SuperTarp 138.00 8.00 Medium Stove for 4 Man Tipi 333.00 12.00
PARATARP nwhite nbr. Medium Stove for 6 Man Tipi 343.00 12.00
ParaTarp Emergency Shelter 174.00 NOT AVAIL. 9.00* Medium Stove for 8 Man Tipi 353.00 12.00
ParaTarp with Peg & Pole kit 253.00 NOT AVAIL. 11.00 Large Stove for 6 Man Tipi 381.00 13.00
ParaTarp, Parastove & Stabilizer 420.00 NOT AVAIL. 18.00 Large Stove 8 Man Tipi 391.00 13.00
Paratarp Peg & Pole Kit Only 86.00 8.00* Large Stove for 12 Man Tipi 401.00 13.00
Annex for ParaTarp 125.00 8.00 Snow Platform ParaStove 24.00 8.00*
PARATIPI nwhite nbr. Snow Platform Small Stove 27.00 8.00*
ParaTipi (2 person) 507.00 REMOVABLE 10.00 Snow Platform Med. Stove 33.00 8.00*
ParaTipi & Parastove 736.00 REMOVABLE 18.00 Snow Platform Large Stove 37.00 8.00*
ParaTipi & Small Stove 759.00 REMOVABLE 19.00 Snow Platform Arctic Stove 42.00 8.00*
SST Kit ParaTipi 78.00 10.00* Pipe Stabilizer 10.00 8.00*
Pole Snow Platforms for ParaTipi 22.00 8.00* Extra Cinder Screens (pr.) 12.00 8.00*
4 MAN TIPI nwhite nbr. Extra Pipe Rings 3.00 8.00*
4 Man Tipi 773.00 n add $100 12.00 Warming Tray ParaStove 24.00 8.00*
4 Man & Small Stove 1052.00 n add $100 21.00 Warming Tray* Small 28.00 8.00*
4 Man & Med. Stove 1076.00 n add $100 22.00 Warming Tray* Med. 34.00 8.00*
4 Man Liner* 276.00 10.00* Warming Tray* Large 38.00 8.00*
SST Kit 129.00 10.00 Warming Tray* Arctic 42.00 8.00*
6 MAN TIPI nwhite nbr.
6 Man Tipi 901.00 n add $115 12.00 SLEEPING BAGS 40° 20° 0° -20° INSURANCE
6 Man & Small Stove 1,193.00 n add $115 21.00
6 Man & Med. Stove 1,214.00 n add $115 22.00 Slick Bag Reg. Length 256.00 296.00 337.00 16.00

6 Man & Lg. Stove 1,252.00 n add $115 23.00 Slick Bag Long 271.00 313.00 356.00 16.00
6 Man Liner 298.00 10.00*
Regulator Base Reg. Length 312.00 349.00 386.00 16.00
SST Kit 129.00 10.00
Regulator Base Long 327.00 366.00 405.00 16.00
8 MAN TIPI nwhite nbr.
8 Man Tipi 1067.00 n add $125 15.00 MOB Complete Reg. Length 491.00 553.00 599.00 675.00 17.00
8 Man & Med. Stove 1,390.00 n add $125 25.00 MOB Complete Long 506.00 570.00 618.00 697.00 17.00
8 Man & Lg. Stove 1,429.00 n add $125 26.00
MOB Upper 268.00 301.00 325.00 362.00 14.00
8 Man & Arctic Stove 1,726.00 n add $125 26.00
8 Man Liner 332.00 10.00* MOB Mid 178.00 202.00 222.00 257.00 14.00
SST Kit 8 Man 162.00 10.00 MOB Foot, Reg. Length 71.00 79.00 84.00 91.00 12.00
12 MAN TIPI nwhite nbr.
MOB Foot, Long 86.00 96.00 103.00 113.00 12.00
12 Man 1,346.00 n add $150 18.00
MOB Sleeves 10° -20° -50°
12 Man & Large Stove 1,717.00 n add $150 29.00
78.00 86.00 96.00 12.00
12 Man & Arctic Stove 2,005.00 n add $150 29.00
12 Man Liner 419.00 10.00* Stuff Sacks #1 #2 #3
43.00 45.00 48.00 9.00
SST Kit 12 Man 195.00 10.00
16 MAN TIPI nwhite nbr. Stow-Aways Reg. Large
31.00 35.00 9.00
16 Man 1,807.00 n add $185 20.00
16 Man & Arctic Stove 2,416.00 n add $185 29.00 Woobie 126.00 14.00
16 Man Liner 535.00 11.00* add embroidery ($25.00 for 1 line, $45.00 for 3)

SST Kit 16 Man 228.00 10.00 Totals from p. 2-3

SST Pins Short (ea) 5.00 8.00*‡ Merchandise total

SST Pins Long (ea) 6.50 8.00*‡ CO residents add appropriate tax

*Shipping total see reverse for details

*see shipping information, page 1 ‡minimum shipping on these items depending upon quantity Total

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