Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan
Instructional Strategy
1. 4 corners activity, write strongly agree, agree, disagree,
and strongly disagree on board in corners
a. The punishment for murder should be death
b. Teenagers don’t understand true love
c. Telling lies or not telling the truth is sometimes
d. It is fate that certain things will happen
2. Write down a question or line that confused you
a. Go over some of these as a class, get input from
3. What does the friar say about gender- being
manly/womanly? Are his ideas about gender similar or
different to those we hold today? How?
4. In class writing prompt: In this scene (hint: on page
145), Romeo criticizes the Friar. What does he say and
do you agree with his assessment of the Friar's
a. For ESL students: On page 145, line 67, Romeo
says to the Friar, “thou canst not speak of what
thou dost not feel.” What do you think this
means? Do you agree?
5. If students finish writing early: get a head start on
reading 3.4-5
In-class writing will get a grade out of 10 points and some