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Designation: C 39/C 39M – 04a


Standard Test Method for

Compressive Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation C 39/C 39M; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year
of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.
A superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.

1. Scope C 42/C 42M Test Method for Obtaining and Testing Drilled
1.1 This test method covers determination of compressive Cores and Sawed Beams of Concrete
strength of cylindrical concrete specimens such as molded C 192/C 192M Practice for Making and Curing Concrete
cylinders and drilled cores. It is limited to concrete having a Test Specimens in the Laboratory
unit weight in excess of 50 lb/ft3 [800 kg/m3]. C 617 Practice for Capping Cylindrical Concrete Speci-
1.2 The values stated in either inch-pound or SI units are to mens
be regarded separately as standard. The SI units are shown in C 670 Practice for Preparing Precision and Bias Statements
brackets. The values stated in each system may not be exact for Test Methods for Construction Materials
equivalents; therefore, each system shall be used independently C 873 Test Method for Compressive Strength of Concrete
of the other. Combining values from the two systems may Cylinders Cast in Place in Cylindrical Molds
result in nonconformance with the standard. C 1077 Practice for Laboratories Testing Concrete and Con-
1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the crete Aggregates for Use in Construction and Criteria for
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the Laboratory Evaluation
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- C 1231/C 1231M Practice for Use of Unbonded Caps in
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- Determination of Compressive Strength of Hardened Con-
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. (Warning—Means crete Cylinders
should be provided to contain concrete fragments during E 4 Practices for Force Verification of Testing Machines
sudden rupture of specimens. Tendency for sudden rupture E 74 Practice for Calibration of Force-Measuring Instru-
increases with increasing concrete strength and it is more likely ments for Verifying the Force Indication of Testing Ma-
when the testing machine is relatively flexible. The safety chines
precautions given in the Manual of Aggregate and Concrete Manual of Aggregate and Concrete Testing
Testing are recommended.) 3. Summary of Test Method
1.4 The text of this standard references notes which provide
explanatory material. These notes shall not be considered as 3.1 This test method consists of applying a compressive
requirements of the standard. axial load to molded cylinders or cores at a rate which is within
a prescribed range until failure occurs. The compressive
2. Referenced Documents strength of the specimen is calculated by dividing the maxi-
2.1 ASTM Standards: 2 mum load attained during the test by the cross-sectional area of
C 31/C 31M Practice for Making and Curing Concrete Test the specimen.
Specimens in the Field 4. Significance and Use
4.1 Care must be exercised in the interpretation of the
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee C09 on significance of compressive strength determinations by this test
Concrete and Concrete Aggregates and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee method since strength is not a fundamental or intrinsic property
C09.61 on Testing Concrete for Strength.
Current edition approved Nov. 1, 2004. Published November 2004. Originally
of concrete made from given materials. Values obtained will
approved in 1921. Last previous edition approved in 2004 as C 39/C 39M – 04. depend on the size and shape of the specimen, batching, mixing
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or procedures, the methods of sampling, molding, and fabrication
contact ASTM Customer Service at [email protected]. For Annual Book of ASTM and the age, temperature, and moisture conditions during
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
the ASTM website. curing.

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C 39/C 39M – 04a
4.2 This test method is used to determine compressive The accuracy of the testing machine shall be verified
strength of cylindrical specimens prepared and cured in accor- by applying five test loads in four approximately equal
dance with Practices C 31/C 31M, C 192/C 192M, C 617, and increments in ascending order. The difference between any two
C 1231/C 1231M and Test Methods C 42/C 42M and C 873. successive test loads shall not exceed one third of the differ-
4.3 The results of this test method are used as a basis for ence between the maximum and minimum test loads.
quality control of concrete proportioning, mixing, and placing The test load as indicated by the testing machine and
operations; determination of compliance with specifications; the applied load computed from the readings of the verification
control for evaluating effectiveness of admixtures; and similar device shall be recorded at each test point. Calculate the error,
uses. E, and the percentage of error, Ep, for each point from these
4.4 The individual who tests concrete cylinders for accep- data as follows:
tance testing shall meet the concrete laboratory technician E5A2B (1)
requirements of Practice C 1077, including an examination
Ep 5 100~A 2 B!/B
requiring performance demonstration that is evaluated by an
independent examiner. where:
NOTE 1—Certification equivalent to the minimum guidelines for ACI A = load, lbf [kN] indicated by the machine being verified,
Concrete Laboratory Technician, Level I or ACI Concrete Strength and
Testing Technician will satisfy this equivalent. B = applied load, lbf [kN] as determined by the calibrating
5. Apparatus The report on the verification of a testing machine
5.1 Testing Machine—The testing machine shall be of a shall state within what loading range it was found to conform
type having sufficient capacity and capable of providing the to specification requirements rather than reporting a blanket
rates of loading prescribed in 7.5. acceptance or rejection. In no case shall the loading range be
5.1.1 Verify calibration of the testing machines in accor- stated as including loads below the value which is 100 times
dance with Practices E 4, except that the verified loading range the smallest change of load estimable on the load-indicating
shall be as required in 5.3. Verification is required under the mechanism of the testing machine or loads within that portion
following conditions: of the range below 10 % of the maximum range capacity. At least annually, but not to exceed 13 months, In no case shall the loading range be stated as On original installation or immediately after reloca- including loads outside the range of loads applied during the
tion, verification test.
--`,`````,,````,,`,,,,````,,`,`-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Immediately after making repairs or adjustments The indicated load of a testing machine shall not be
that affect the operation of the force applying system or the corrected either by calculation or by the use of a calibration
values displayed on the load indicating system, except for zero diagram to obtain values within the required permissible
adjustments that compensate for the mass of bearing blocks or variation.
specimen, or both, or 5.2 The testing machine shall be equipped with two steel Whenever there is reason to suspect the accuracy of bearing blocks with hardened faces (Note 3), one of which is a
the indicated loads. spherically seated block that will bear on the upper surface of
5.1.2 Design—The design of the machine must include the the specimen, and the other a solid block on which the
following features: specimen shall rest. Bearing faces of the blocks shall have a The machine must be power operated and must minimum dimension at least 3 % greater than the diameter of
apply the load continuously rather than intermittently, and the specimen to be tested. Except for the concentric circles
without shock. If it has only one loading rate (meeting the described below, the bearing faces shall not depart from a plane
requirements of 7.5), it must be provided with a supplemental by more than 0.001 in. [0.02 mm] in any 6 in. [150 mm] of
means for loading at a rate suitable for verification. This blocks 6 in. [150 mm] in diameter or larger, or by more than
supplemental means of loading may be power or hand oper- 0.001 in. [0.02 mm] in the diameter of any smaller block; and
ated. new blocks shall be manufactured within one half of this The space provided for test specimens shall be large tolerance. When the diameter of the bearing face of the
enough to accommodate, in a readable position, an elastic spherically seated block exceeds the diameter of the specimen
calibration device which is of sufficient capacity to cover the by more than 0.5 in. [13 mm], concentric circles not more than
potential loading range of the testing machine and which 0.03 in. [0.8 mm] deep and not more than 0.04 in. [1 mm] wide
complies with the requirements of Practice E 74. shall be inscribed to facilitate proper centering.
NOTE 2—The types of elastic calibration devices most generally avail- NOTE 3—It is desirable that the bearing faces of blocks used for
able and most commonly used for this purpose are the circular proving compression testing of concrete have a Rockwell hardness of not less than
ring or load cell. 55 HRC.

5.1.3 Accuracy—The accuracy of the testing machine shall 5.2.1 Bottom bearing blocks shall conform to the following
be in accordance with the following provisions: requirements: The percentage of error for the loads within the The bottom bearing block is specified for the pur-
proposed range of use of the testing machine shall not exceed pose of providing a readily machinable surface for mainte-
61.0 % of the indicated load. nance of the specified surface conditions (Note 4). The top and

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C 39/C 39M – 04a
bottom surfaces shall be parallel to each other. If the testing
machine is so designed that the platen itself is readily main-
tained in the specified surface condition, a bottom block is not
required. Its least horizontal dimension shall be at least 3 %
greater than the diameter of the specimen to be tested.
Concentric circles as described in 5.2 are optional on the
bottom block.
NOTE 4—The block may be fastened to the platen of the testing
machine. Final centering must be made with reference to the

upper spherical block. When the lower bearing block is used to
assist in centering the specimen, the center of the concentric
rings, when provided, or the center of the block itself must be
directly below the center of the spherical head. Provision shall
be made on the platen of the machine to assure such a position. The bottom bearing block shall be at least 1 in. [25
mm] thick when new, and at least 0.9 in. [22.5 mm] thick after NOTE—Provision shall be made for holding the ball in the socket and for
holding the entire unit in the testing machine.
any resurfacing operations. FIG. 1 Schematic Sketch of a Typical Spherical Bearing Block
5.2.2 The spherically seated bearing block shall conform to
the following requirements: The maximum diameter of the bearing face of the The movable portion of the bearing block shall be
suspended spherically seated block shall not exceed the values held closely in the spherical seat, but the design shall be such
given below: that the bearing face can be rotated freely and tilted at least 4°
Diameter of Maximum Diameter in any direction.
Test Specimens, of Bearing Face, 5.3 Load Indication:
in. [mm] in. [mm]
5.3.1 If the load of a compression machine used in concrete
2 [50] 4 [105] testing is registered on a dial, the dial shall be provided with a
3 [75] 5 [130] graduated scale that is readable to at least the nearest 0.1 % of
4 [100] 6.5 [165]
6 [150] 10 [255]
the full scale load (Note 7). The dial shall be readable within
8 [200] 11 [280] 1 % of the indicated load at any given load level within the
loading range. In no case shall the loading range of a dial be
NOTE 5—Square bearing faces are permissible, provided the diameter
considered to include loads below the value that is 100 times
of the largest possible inscribed circle does not exceed the above diameter.
the smallest change of load that can be read on the scale. The The center of the sphere shall coincide with the scale shall be provided with a graduation line equal to zero and

surface of the bearing face within a tolerance of 65 % of the so numbered. The dial pointer shall be of sufficient length to
radius of the sphere. The diameter of the sphere shall be at least reach the graduation marks; the width of the end of the pointer
75 % of the diameter of the specimen to be tested. shall not exceed the clear distance between the smallest The ball and the socket shall be designed so that the graduations. Each dial shall be equipped with a zero adjust-
steel in the contact area does not permanently deform when ment located outside the dialcase and easily accessible from the
loaded to the capacity of the testing machine. front of the machine while observing the zero mark and dial
pointer. Each dial shall be equipped with a suitable device that
NOTE 6—The preferred contact area is in the form of a ring (described at all times, until reset, will indicate to within 1 % accuracy the
as preferred “bearing” area) as shown on Fig. 1. maximum load applied to the specimen. The curved surfaces of the socket and of the spheri- NOTE 7—Readability is considered to be 0.02 in. [0.5 mm] along the arc
cal portion shall be kept clean and shall be lubricated with a described by the end of the pointer. Also, one half of a scale interval is
petroleum-type oil such as conventional motor oil, not with a readable with reasonable certainty when the spacing on the load indicating
mechanism is between 0.04 in. [1 mm] and 0.06 in. [2 mm]. When the
pressure type grease. After contacting the specimen and appli-
spacing is between 0.06 and 0.12 in. [2 and 3 mm], one third of a scale
cation of small initial load, further tilting of the spherically interval is readable with reasonable certainty. When the spacing is 0.12 in.
seated block is not intended and is undesirable. [3 mm] or more, one fourth of a scale interval is readable with reasonable If the radius of the sphere is smaller than the radius certainty.
of the largest specimen to be tested, the portion of the bearing 5.3.2 If the testing machine load is indicated in digital form,
face extending beyond the sphere shall have a thickness not the numerical display must be large enough to be easily read.
less than the difference between the radius of the sphere and The numerical increment must be equal to or less than 0.10 %
radius of the specimen. The least dimension of the bearing face of the full scale load of a given loading range. In no case shall
shall be at least as great as the diameter of the sphere (see Fig. the verified loading range include loads less than the minimum
1). numerical increment multiplied by 100. The accuracy of the

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C 39/C 39M – 04a
indicated load must be within 1.0 % for any value displayed 7.2 Test specimens shall be kept moist by any convenient
within the verified loading range. Provision must be made for method during the period between removal from moist storage

adjusting to indicate true zero at zero load. There shall be and testing. They shall be tested in the moist condition.
provided a maximum load indicator that at all times until reset 7.3 All test specimens for a given test age shall be broken
will indicate within 1 % system accuracy the maximum load within the permissible time tolerances prescribed as follows:
applied to the specimen. Test Age Permissible Tolerance

6. Specimens 24 h 6 0.5 h or 2.1 %

3 days 2 h or 2.8 %
6.1 Specimens shall not be tested if any individual diameter 7 days 6 h or 3.6 %
of a cylinder differs from any other diameter of the same 28 days 20 h or 3.0 %
cylinder by more than 2 %. 90 days 2 days 2.2 %

NOTE 8—This may occur when single use molds are damaged or 7.4 Placing the Specimen—Place the plain (lower) bearing
deformed during shipment, when flexible single use molds are deformed block, with its hardened face up, on the table or platen of the
during molding, or when a core drill deflects or shifts during drilling. testing machine directly under the spherically seated (upper)
6.2 Prior to testing, neither end of test specimens shall bearing block. Wipe clean the bearing faces of the upper and
depart from perpendicularity to the axis by more than 0.5° lower bearing blocks and of the test specimen and place the test
(approximately equivalent to 0.12 in. in 12 in. [1 mm in 100 specimen on the lower bearing block. Carefully align the axis
mm]). The ends of compression test specimens that are not of the specimen with the center of thrust of the spherically
plane within 0.002 in. [0.050 mm] shall be sawed or ground to seated block.
meet that tolerance, or capped in accordance with either 7.4.1 Zero Verification and Block Seating—Prior to testing
Practice C 617 or, when permitted, Practice C 1231/C 1231M. the specimen, verify that the load indicator is set to zero. In
The diameter used for calculating the cross-sectional area of cases where the indicator is not properly set to zero, adjust the
the test specimen shall be determined to the nearest 0.01 in. indicator (Note 9). As the spherically seated block is brought to
[0.25 mm] by averaging two diameters measured at right bear on the specimen, rotate its movable portion gently by hand
angles to each other at about midheight of the specimen. so that uniform seating is obtained.
6.3 The number of individual cylinders measured for deter- NOTE 9—The technique used to verify and adjust load indicator to zero
mination of average diameter is not prohibited from being will vary depending on the machine manufacturer. Consult your owner’s
reduced to one for each ten specimens or three specimens per manual or compression machine calibrator for the proper technique.
day, whichever is greater, if all cylinders are known to have 7.5 Rate of Loading—Apply the load continuously and
been made from a single lot of reusable or single-use molds without shock.
which consistently produce specimens with average diameters 7.5.1 The load shall be applied at a rate of movement (platen
within a range of 0.02 in. [0.5 mm]. When the average to crosshead measurement) corresponding to a stress rate on
diameters do not fall within the range of 0.02 in. [0.5 mm] or the specimen of 35 6 7 psi/s [0.25 6 0.05 MPa/s] (See Note
when the cylinders are not made from a single lot of molds, 10). The designated rate of movement shall be maintained at
each cylinder tested must be measured and the value used in least during the latter half of the anticipated loading phase.
calculation of the unit compressive strength of that specimen.
When the diameters are measured at the reduced frequency, the NOTE 10—For a screw-driven or displacement-controlled testing ma-
cross-sectional areas of all cylinders tested on that day shall be chine, preliminary testing will be necessary to establish the required rate
of movement to achieve the specified stress rate. The required rate of
computed from the average of the diameters of the three or
movement will depend on the size of the test specimen, the elastic
more cylinders representing the group tested that day. modulus of the concrete, and the stiffness of the testing machine.
6.4 If the purchaser of the testing services requests measure-
ment of density of test specimens, determine the mass of 7.5.2 During application of the first half of the anticipated
specimens before capping. Remove any surface moisture with loading phase, a higher rate of loading shall be permitted. The
a towel and measure the mass of the specimen using a balance higher loading rate shall be applied in a controlled manner so
or scale that is accurate to within 0.3 % of the mass being that the specimen is not subjected to shock loading.
measured. Measure the length of the specimen to the nearest 7.5.3 Make no adjustment in the rate of movement (platen to
0.05 in. [1 mm] at three locations spaced evenly around the crosshead) as the ultimate load is being approached and the
circumference. Compute the average length and record to the stress rate decreases due to cracking in the specimen.
nearest 0.05 in. [1 mm]. Alternatively, determine the cylinder 7.6 Apply the compressive load until the load indicator
density by weighing the cylinder in air and then submerged shows that the load is decreasing steadily and the specimen
under water at 73.5 6 3.5 °F (23.0 62.0 °C), and computing displays a well-defined fracture pattern (Types 1 to 4 in Fig. 2).
the volume according to 8.3.1. For a testing machine equipped with a specimen break detector,
6.5 When density determination is not required and the automatic shut-off of the testing machine is prohibited until the
length to diameter ratio is less than 1.8 or more than 2.2, load has dropped to a value that is less than 95 % of the peak
measure the length of the specimen to the nearest 0.05 D. load. When testing with unbonded caps, a corner fracture
similar to a Type 5 or 6 pattern shown in Fig. 2 may occur
7. Procedure before the ultimate capacity of the specimen has been attained.
7.1 Compression tests of moist-cured specimens shall be Continue compressing the specimen until the user is certain
made as soon as practicable after removal from moist storage. that the ultimate capacity has been attained. Record the

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C 39/C 39M – 04a

FIG. 2 Schematic of Typical Fracture Patterns

maximum load carried by the specimen during the test, and Use interpolation to determine correction factors for L/D
note the type of fracture pattern according to Fig. 2. If the values between those given in the table.
fracture pattern is not one of the typical patterns shown in Fig.
2, sketch and describe briefly the fracture pattern. If the NOTE 11—Correction factors depend on various conditions such as
measured strength is lower than expected, examine the frac- moisture condition, strength level, and elastic modulus. Average values are
given in the table. These correction factors apply to low-density concrete
tured concrete and note the presence of large air voids,
weighing between 100 and 120 lb/ft3 [1600 and 1920 kg/m3] and to
evidence of segregation, whether fractures pass predominantly normal-density concrete. They are applicable to concrete dry or soaked at
around or through the coarse aggregate particles, and verify the time of loading and for nominal concrete strengths from 2000 to 6000
end preparations were in accordance with Practice C 617 or psi [14 to 42 MPa]. For strengths higher than 6000 psi [42 MPa]
Practice C 1231/C 1231M. correction factors may be larger than the values listed above3.

8. Calculation 8.3 When required, calculate the density of the specimen to

the nearest 1 lb/ft3 [10 kg/m3] as follows:
8.1 Calculate the compressive strength of the specimen by
dividing the maximum load carried by the specimen during the W
Density 5 V (2)
test by the average cross-sectional area determined as de-
scribed in Section 6 and express the result to the nearest 10 psi where:
[0.1 MPa]. W = mass of specimen, lb [kg], and
8.2 If the specimen length to diameter ratio is 1.75 or less,
correct the result obtained in 8.1 by multiplying by the
appropriate correction factor shown in the following table Note
11: 3
Bartlett, F.M. and MacGregor, J.G., “Effect of Core Length-to-Diameter Ratio
L/D: 1.75 1.50 1.25 1.00 on Concrete Core Strength,” ACI Materials Journal, Vol 91, No. 4, July-August,
Factor: 0.98 0.96 0.93 0.87 1994, pp. 339-348.


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C 39/C 39M – 04a

V = volume of specimen computed from the average 10.1.2 The within-test coefficient of variation represents the
diameter and average length or from weighing the expected variation of measured strength of companion cylin-
cylinder in air and submerged, ft3 [m3] ders prepared from the same sample of concrete and tested by
8.3.1 When the volume is determined from submerged one laboratory at the same age. The values given for the
weighing, calculate the volume as follows: within-test coefficient of variation of 6 by 12 in. [150 by 300
W – Ws mm] cylinders are applicable for compressive strengths be-
V5 gw (3) tween 2000 and 8000 psi [15 to 55 MPa] and those for 4 by 8
in. [100 by 200 mm] cylinders are applicable for compressive
where: strengths between 2500 and 4700 psi [17 to 32 MPa]. The
Ws = apparent mass of submerged specimen, lb [kg], and within-test coefficients of variation for 6 by 12 in. [150 by 300
gw = density of water at 73.5 °F [23 °C] = 62.27 lbs/ft3
mm] cylinders are derived from CCRL concrete proficiency
[997.5 kg/m3].
sample data for laboratory conditions and a collection of 1265
9. Report test reports from 225 commercial testing laboratories in 1978.5
9.1 Report the following information: The within-test coefficient of variation of 4 by 8 in. [100 by 200
9.1.1 Identification number, mm] cylinders are derived from CCRL concrete proficiency
9.1.2 Diameter (and length, if outside the range of 1.8 D to sample data for laboratory conditions.6
2.2 D), in inches [millimetres], 10.1.3 Multilaboratory Precision—The multi-laboratory
9.1.3 Cross-sectional area, in square inches [square milli- coefficient of variation for compressive strength test results of
metres], 6 by 12 in. [150 by 300 mm] cylinders has been found to be
9.1.4 Maximum load, in pounds-force [kilonewtons], 5.0 %4; therefore, the results of properly conducted tests by
9.1.5 Compressive strength calculated to the nearest 10 psi two laboratories on specimens prepared from the same sample
[0.1 MPa], of concrete are not expected to differ by more than 14 %4 of the
9.1.6 Type of fracture, if other than the usual cone (see Fig. average. A strength test result is the average of two cylinders
2), tested at the same age.
9.1.7 Defects in either specimen or caps, and,
10.1.4 The multilaboratory data were obtained from six
9.1.8 Age of specimen.
separate organized strength testing round robin programs6
9.1.9 When determined, the density to the nearest 1 lb/
ft3 [10 kg/m3]. where 6 x 12 in [150 x 300 mm] cylindrical specimens were
prepared at a single location and tested by different laborato-
10. Precision and Bias ries. The range of average strength from these programs was
10.1 Precision 2500 to 13 000 psi [17.0 to 90 MPa].
10.1.1 Within-Test Precision—The following table provides NOTE 12—Subcommittee C09.61 will continue to examine recent
the within-test precision of tests of 6 by 12 in. [150 by 300 concrete proficiency sample data and field test data and make revisions to
mm] and 4 by 8 in. [100 by 200 mm] cylinders made from a precisions statements when data indicate that they can be extended to
well-mixed sample of concrete under laboratory conditions and cover a wider range of strengths and specimen sizes.
under field conditions (see 10.1.2).
Coefficient of Acceptable Range4 of
10.2 Bias—Since there is no accepted reference material, no
Variation4 Individual Cylinder Strengths statement on bias is being made.
2 cylinders 3 cylinders
6 by 12 in.
[150 by 300 mm]
Laboratory conditions 2.4 % 6.6 % 7.8 %
Field conditions 2.9 % 8.0 % 9.5 %
4 by 8 in.
[100 by 200 mm]
Laboratory conditions 3.2 % 9.0 % 10.6 %

Supporting data have been filed at ASTM International Headquarters and may
be obtained by requesting Research Report RR: C09-1006.
4 6
These numbers represent respectively the (1s %) and (d2s %) limits as Supporting data have been filed at ASTM International Headquarters and may
described in Practice C 670. be obtained by requesting Research Report RR:C09–1027 .

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C 39/C 39M – 04a

ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
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This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
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This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
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