Pipe Repair & Pipe Wrapping
Pipe Repair & Pipe Wrapping
Pipe Repair & Pipe Wrapping
Resimac Limited, Unit 11, Poplars Industrial Estate, Wetherby Road, Boroughbridge, YO51 9HS, North Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Multi purpose solvent free epoxy Apply up to 25mm without sagging Bond pre-formed steel plates onto Usable life 30 mins Dark grey
repair paste for metallic surfaces leaking pipe surfaces
Apply to mechanically/ blast pre- Touch Dry 90 mins
pared surfaces by applicator tool Rebuild badly corroded pipe surfac-
es prior to composite wrapping Hard Dry 8 hours
Multi purpose fast curing solvent Fast curing, hard dry in 30 mins Seal leaking surfaces Usable life 5 mins Mid grey
free epoxy repair putty in stick
form Apply using a gloved hand Plug holes and cracks on leaking Hard Dry 30 mins
pipe surfaces
Fast curing solvent free epoxy Fast curing, hard dry in 30 mins Seal leaking oily surfaces Usable life 5 mins Light grey
fluid for sealing oily or manually
prepared surfaces Apply to manually and mechanically Resurface badly corroded pipe Touch Dry 30 mins
prepared surfaces by applicator tool surfaces prior to composite wrap-
ping Hard Dry 2 hours
Fast curing solvent free epoxy Fast curing, hard dry in 30 mins Bond pre-formed steel plates onto Usable life 5 mins Light grey
paste for manually prepared leaking pipe surfaces
surfaces. Apply to manually and mechanically Touch Dry 30 mins
prepared surfaces by applicator tool Rebuild badly corroded pipe surfac-
es prior to composite wrapping Hard Dry 2 hours
Multi purpose solvent free epoxy Extended working life for warmer Bond pre-formed steel plates onto Usable life 60 mins Dark grey
repair paste for metallic surfaces climates leaking pipe surfaces
with a longer pot life for warmer Touch Dry 5 hours
climates Apply to mechanically prepared Rebuild badly corroded pipe surfac-
surfaces by applicator tool es prior to composite wrapping Hard Dry 18 hours
Water activated fast curing pipe Fast curing, hard dry in 30 mins Wrap pipework ranging from Usable life 2-3 mins Cream
bandage for wrapping leaking 1” (25mm) to 15” (400mm)
pipe work Apply to manually and mechanically Touch Dry 5 mins
prepared surfaces using a gloved Use on metal, plastic, GRP pipe
hand surfaces Hard Dry 30 mins
Solvent free epoxy repair gel for Apply at 1-2mm wet film thickness Encapsulate pipework ranging from Usable life 60 mins Dark grey
use with 50mm and 100mm glass 1” to 50”
tape Apply to mechanically prepared Touch Dry 5 hours
surfaces by brush Wrap long lengths of problematic
pipework Machinable 12 hours
Multi purpose solvent free epoxy Apply at 3-5mm on manually pre- Resurface badly corroded and Usable life 30 mins Dark Brown
repair paste for metallic surfaces pared surfaces pitted pipe surfaces prior to compo-
site wrapping Touch Dry 2 hours
103 Metal Repair Stick Abrade all surfaces with coarse emery Plug any holes or cracks using 103 Metal
Manual Prep paper Repair Stick
Multi purpose fast curing solvent free
epoxy repair putty in stick form Degrease all surfaces and ensure they Wrap 108 Pipe Repair Tape around the
200psi or less 108 Pipe Repair Tape
are dry repair surface
103 Metal Repair Stick Abrade all surfaces using handheld Plug any holes or cracks using 103 Metal
Mechanical Prep mechanical grinders Repair Stick
Multi purpose fast curing solvent
free epoxy repair putty in stick form Degrease all surfaces and ensure they Wrap 108 Pipe Repair Tape around the
400psi or less are dry repair surface
108 Pipe Repair Tape
Ensure the tape has a minimum dry film
Water activated fast curing pipe
270˚C or less bandage for wrapping leaking pipe
thickness of 25mm (1”) over the hole or
103 Metal Repair Stick Abrade all surfaces with coarse emery Plug any holes or cracks using 103 Metal
Manual Prep paper Repair Stick
Multi purpose fast curing solvent free
epoxy repair putty in stick form Degrease all surfaces and ensure they Apply 301 Epoxy Resin and Hardener at
75psi or less 301 Epoxy Resin and Hardener
are dry 1mm wet film thickness to the repair surface
302 Epoxy Repair Cement Abrade all surfaces with coarse emery Apply 302 Epoxy Repair Cement to the
Manual Prep paper repair area at a minimum 1-2mm wet film
Multi purpose solvent free epoxy thickness
repair paste for metallic surfaces Degrease all surfaces and ensure they
100psi or less (104 Metal Repair Fluid XF must are dry Apply 301 Epoxy Resin and Hardener at
be used for oil contaminated 1mm wet film thickness to the repair surface
Wrap glass tape around the pipe, with a
120˚C or less 301 Epoxy Resin and Hardener 50% overlap
Solvent free epoxy gel to be used in Ensure 3 layers of resin and 3 wraps of
conjunction with 50mm or 100mm glass tape are applied
glass tape
302 Epoxy Repair Cement Abrade all surfaces using handheld Apply 302 Epoxy Repair Cement to the
Mechanical Prep mechanical grinders repair area at a minimum 1mm wet film
Multi purpose solvent free epoxy thickness
repair paste for metallic surfaces Degrease all surfaces and ensure they
150psi or less (106 Metal Repair Paste XF can be are dry Apply 301 Epoxy Resin and Hardener at
used for a faster curing solution) 1mm wet film thickness to the repair surface
150˚C or less 301 Epoxy Resin and Hardener Wrap glass tape around the pipe, with a
50% overlap
Solvent free epoxy gel to be used in
conjunction with 50mm or 100mm Ensure 3 layers of resin and 3 wraps of
glass tape glass tape are applied
Cold Bond Steel Plate with Epoxy Resin 100mm to 1200mm diameter pipework
106 Metal Repair Paste XF Abrade all surfaces with coarse emery Coat pre-formed steel plate with 5-6mm of
Manual Prep paper 106 Metal Repair Paste XF
Multi purpose fast curing solvent free
epoxy repair paste Degrease all surfaces and ensure they Place the coated steel plate onto the sur-
100psi or less 301 Epoxy Resin and Hardener
are dry face and if required strap in place until the
resin has set hard
Solvent free epoxy gel to be used in Apply 301 Epoxy Resin and Hardener at
150˚C or less conjunction with 50mm or 100mm 1mm wet film thickness to the repair surface
glass tape
Wrap glass tape around the pipe, with a
701/ 703 Glass Tape 50% overlap
Woven glass scrim 50mm or 100mm Ensure 2 layers of resin and 2 wraps of
in diameter
101 Metal Repair Paste Abrade all surfaces using handheld Coat pre-formed steel plate with 5-6mm of
Mechanical Prep mechanical grinders 101 Metal Repair Paste
Multi purpose solvent free epoxy
repair paste for metallic surfaces Degrease all surfaces and ensure they Place the coated steel plate onto the sur-
200psi or less (use 107 Metal Repair Paste XL if are dry face and if required strap in place until the
a longer pot life is required) resin has set hard
101 Metal Repair Paste Abrade all surfaces using handheld Coat pre-formed steel plate with 5-6mm of
Mechanical Prep mechanical grinders 101 Metal Repair Paste
Multi purpose solvent free epoxy
repair paste for metallic surfaces Degrease all surfaces and ensure they Place the coated steel plate onto the sur-
250psi or less (use 107 Metal Repair Paste XL if are dry face and if required strap in place until the
a longer pot life is required) resin has set hard
301 Epoxy Resin and Hardener Apply 301 Epoxy Resin and Hardener at
150˚C or less 1mm wet film thickness to the repair surface
Solvent free epoxy gel to be used in
conjunction with 50mm or 100mm Wrap glass tape around the pipe, with a
glass tape 50% overlap
101 Metal Repair Paste Abrasive blast clean all surfaces using Coat pre-formed steel plate with 5-6mm of
Blast Clean aluminium oxide angled grit. Surface 101 Metal Repair Paste
Multi purpose solvent free epoxy
cleanliness must be to ISO 8501/4 Stand-
repair paste for metallic surfaces Place the coated steel plate ontot he sur-
300psi or less (use 107 Metal Repair Paste XL if
ard SA2.5 (SSPC SP10/ NACE 2)
face and if required strap in place until the
a longer pot life is required) Degrease all surfaces and ensure they resin has set hard
are dry
301 Epoxy Resin and Hardener Apply 301 Epoxy Resin and Hardener at
150˚C or less 1mm wet film thickness to the repair surface
Solvent free epoxy gel to be used in
conjunction with 50mm or 100mm Wrap glass tape around the pipe, with a
glass tape 50% overlap
Manual Prep
200psi or less
270˚C or less
Emergency Pipe Repair Mechanical Preparation 108 Pipe Repair Tape 75mm x 3.6mtr
Mechanical Prep
400psi or less
270˚C or less
Epoxy Resin Pipe Encapsulation Manual Preparation 301 Epoxy Resin & Hardener with Glass Tape
Manual Prep
75psi or less
120˚C or less
Epoxy Resin Pipe Encapsulation Manual Preparation 104 Metal Repair Fluid XF
Oily Surface 301 Epoxy Resin & Hardener with Glass Tape
Manual Prep
100psi or less
120˚C or less
Epoxy Resin Pipe Encapsulation Mechanical Preparation 302 Epoxy Repair Cement
301 Epoxy Resin & Hardener with Glass Tape
Mechanical Prep
150psi or less
150˚C or less
Cold Bond Steel Plate with Epoxy Paste Manual Preparation 101 Metal Repair Paste
Manual Prep
100psi or less
150˚C or less
Cold Bond Steel Plate with Epoxy Paste Manual Preparation 106 Metal Repair Paste XF
Manual Prep
100psi or less
150˚C or less
Cold Bond Steel Plate with Epoxy Paste Mechanical Preparation 101 Metal Repair Paste
Mechanical Prep
200psi or less
150˚C or less
Cold Bond Steel Plate with Epoxy Paste Mechanical Preparation 101 Metal Repair Paste
301 Epoxy Resin & Hardener with Glass Tape
Mechanical Prep
250psi or less
150˚C or less
Cold Bond Steel Plate with Epoxy Paste Abrasive Blast Clean 101 Metal Repair Paste
301 Epoxy Resin & Hardener with Glass Tape
Blast Clean
300psi or less
150˚C or less
101 Metal Repair Paste ideal for cold bonding steel plate to leaking pipe surfaces
a two component solvent free epoxy metal repair paste.
The product has been designed for use on a wide
range of metallic surfaces
The bottom segment of a chemical process pipe had become badly corroded. The surface
of the pipe was mechanically abraded using coarse grinding pads and a pre-formed steel
plate cold bonded to the surface .
103 Metal Repair Stick ideal for plugging holes & cracks on leaking pipes
Fast curing
Hard dry in 30 minutes
Bonds to metal & plastic surfaces
Rapid mechanical strength
No shrinkage
Diesel lines situated on a jetty at a refinery were leaking at the pipe socket. Using handheld scrapers and
copper brushes the pipe surface was abraded by hand then coated using 104 Metal Repair Fluid XF
106 Metal Repair Paste XF ideal for emergency plate bonding repairs
A chemical process line had started to leak due to a hole forming in the pipe wall, the surface was mechan-
ically abraded and 108 Pipe Repair Tape wrapped around the pipe work to a minimum thickness of 12mm
over the repair area.
301 Epoxy Resin and Hardener ideal for encapsulating large diameter pipe work
Corrosion Resistance 5000 hours 5000 hours 5000 hours 5000 hours n/a 5000 hours 5000 hours
Tested to ASTM B117
Tensile Shear Adhesion 185kg/cm² 185kg/cm² 185kg/cm² 180kg/cm² 193kg/cm² 148kg/cm² 129kg/cm²
Tested to ASTM D1002 (2630psi) (2630psi) (2630psi) (2550 psi) (2740psi) (2100psi) (1830psi)
Mixed product density 2.46 1.80 1.80 2.58 n/a 1.15 1.60
gm per cm³
Dry heat resistance 200 130 130 180 270 150 150
Mixing ratio by volume 3:1 1:1 1:1 3:2 n/a 2:1 1:1
Mixing ratio by weight 5:1 1:1 1:1 3:2 n/a 2:1 1:1
101 60mins 4hrs 16hrs 30mins 2hrs 8hrs 15mins 1hrs 4hrs 7.5mins 30mins 2hrs
103 10mins 1hrs 1hrs 5mins 30mins 30mins 2.5mins 15mins 15mins 75secs 7.5mins 7.5mins
104 10mins 60mins 4hrs 5mins 30mins 2hrs 2.5mins 15mins 1hrs 75secs 7.5mins 30mins
106 10mins 60mins 4hrs 5mins 30mins 2hrs 2.5mins 15mins 1hrs 75secs 7.5mins 30mins
107 2hrs 24hrs 36hrs 60mins 12hrs 18hrs 30mins 6hrs 9hrs 15mins 3hrs 4.5hrs
108 6mins N/A 1hrs 3mins N/A 30mins 90secs N/A 15mins 45secs N/A 7.5mins
301 50mins N/A 48hrs 25mins N/A 24hrs 12.5min N/A 12hrs 6mins N/A 6hrs
302 1hrs 4hrs 48hrs 30mins 2hrs 24hrs 15mins 1hrs 12hrs 7.5mins 30mins 6hrs
Resimac Technical Support and Expertise
Resimac Limited
Unit 11, Poplars Industrial Estate
Wetherby Road, Boroughbridge
Y051 9HS, North Yorkshire