A) Extracting Fractal Patterns Worksheet
A) Extracting Fractal Patterns Worksheet
A) Extracting Fractal Patterns Worksheet
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1. How would you describe your niche? Who are they, what demographic are they in, what do
they call themselves and what would others call them?
3. Why is their current situation painful? How would they describe their current situation? How
would they describe their pain? How would others describe their current situation and pain?
5. Why is their desired situation better than their current situation? How would they describe
their desired situation? How would they describe the pleasure of being at their desired
situation? How would others describe their desired situation?
6. What’s blocking them from achieving their desired situation on their own?
7. How would they describe the thing that’s blocking them? How would they describe the pain
and frustration this block causes?
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9. Why are they believing these lies?
10. How have you generated your strategy sessions with this niche so far?
11. What has/hasn’t worked when it comes to generating strategy sessions with this niche?
12. Look at your current clients, what similarities do they all share? What traits do they share?
How would you describe your clients? How would they describe themselves?
13. Look at the people you had strategy sessions with that said no. What traits do they share?
How would you describe the people who said no? How would they describe themselves?
16. How do you describe your offer on the strategy sessions that were successful in signing up
clients. Listen to the recordings, the part where you state the offer, what did you say?
17. What objections did people have on the strategy sessions calls you did? Go back to your
recordings and script hypothesis worksheets and look at the feedback. Write them all
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18. How did you handle these objections? Write your rebuttals to the most common objections
19. What things is your niche interested in that other people are not interested in? What
interests are truly unique to them?
20. What are some hot topics that only an insider in your niche would know? What things do
people keep telling you on your strategy session calls that are unique specifically to this
21. What are the three most important things to people in your niche? State them in order.
22. What are the three least important things to people in your niche? State them in order.
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