ANOVA DTGT Practice With Answers

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BADM 3963 ANOVA practice problem answers

A well-known conglomerate claims that its detergent “whitens and brightens better than all the rest.” In
order to compare the cleansing action of the top three brands, 24 swatches of white cloth were soiled with red
wine and grass stains and then washed in front loading machines with the respective detergents. The data
has been entered into an Excel spreadsheet and Single Factor ANOVA was run to determine if there is a
significant difference in the average whiteness reading for the three brands. Use the results to answer the
questions below.

BADM 393 ANOVA hmwk Spring 2016 Detergent problem

Average Whiteness readings

Brand A Brand B Brand C
78 84 87
74 79 80
81 87 88
86 88 77
86 94 78
87 89 79
69 89 77
79 83 78

Anova: Single Factor

Groups Count Sum Average Variance
Brand A 8 640 80.0 40.57143
Brand B 8 693 86.6 20.83929
Brand C 8 644 80.5 19.71429

Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value
Between Groups 217.75 2 108.875 4.026194 0.033105
Within Groups 567.875 21 27.04167

a. What are the hypotheses for this ANOVA test?

H0: there is no difference in mean whiteness ratings between the three detergent brands
HA: at least one brand has a different mean whiteness rating

b. What do you conclude from the ANOVA test? What are you using to make this conclusion?

Can conclude that at least one brand has a different mean whiteness rating. The p-value of the ANOVA
test (0.03) is used to make the conclusion.
c. Calculate and interpret the confidence intervals to show where the differences are. Use t = 2.069

1 1
X 1  X 2   t MSE   
 n1 n2 

BADM 3963 ANOVA hmwk Spring 2016 Detergent problem

Average Whiteness readings

Brand A Brand B Brand C
78 84 87
74 79 80
81 87 88
86 88 77

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