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MARK of The BEAST 666 - Part Five: NIMROD, Ashtoreth and Tammuz

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MARK of the BEAST 666 – Part Five: NIMROD,


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Saturday or saturnday is named for Saturn which represents nimrod/sun god and
satan. So for the people who think going to church on Sunday is the mark of the
beast because you are worshipping the sun god because Sunday is in honor of the
sun god, with that line of thinking then Saturday is just as bad because going to
church on Saturday would be considered worshipping satan. The mark of the
beast is not the day you worship on. With the pagan Gregorian calendar, satan
has made sure to make both days seem to honor him. But we are not under the
law and we worship God in our hearts continually and whatever day we choose to
go to church on is fine. When I go to church no matter what day it is on, I am
worshipping the One True and Living God not satan and not the sun god.

The Babylonian Empire was the first attempt at a “One World Government” or
“New World Order”. This human attempt at global governance through the use
of “dark knowledge”, astrology, and pagan god worship was an abomination to
YHVH. The Tower of Babel was a tower built not to “reach up to YHVH” but rather
as a massive structure from which to consult the stars through the use of
astrology and communicate with “The Sun” baal. YHVH intervened and confused
the speech of the people of earth and scattered them abroad. With the
migration of the people coming out of Babylon, the sun-worshipping religion of
Babylon was scattered throughout the Earth, the names changed but the religion
remained the same.

Since the languages now were “confused” the names of Nimrod, Semiramis, and
Tammuz were changed and continued to change over time based on culture and
language. Although the names changed, the religion remained exactly the same.
Semiramis, however, became known as “The Queen of Heaven” among all
cultures and worshipped as the primary head of this false religion. Even the
children of Israel fell into the worship of Semiramis, The Queen of Heaven,

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Together Semiramis and Nimrod (and the bastard son of Semiramis named
Tammuz) started this occult religion of sacrificing babies to Moloch, aka satan or
the false pagan sun-god. Nimrod means “tyrant,” as he led the Babylonians to pay
tribute to the skies (the sun, moon, stars, and planets) with the sacrifices of their
children. The Tower of Babel which was built for this purpose among others, was
echoed in other cultures such as the Egyptians, Aztecs, Mayans, and Incas in the
form of Pyramid structures all aligned with the Sun and all built for the same
purposes as The Tower of Babel.

The Outline of History, by H. G. Wells. page 307, tells us:

The trinity consisted of the god Serapis (=Osiris+Apis), the

goddess Isis (=Hathor, the cow-moon goddess), and the child-god Horus.
In one way or another almost every other god was identified with one or
other of these three aspects of the one god, even the sun god Mithras of
the Persians. And they were each other; they were three, but they were
also one.

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The Baal Principality has been called god of a thousand faces. Some of his other
names are:
Apollo, Zeus, Marduk, Ahura-Mazda, Osiris, Tammuz, Dagon, Prometheus,
Jupiter, Nimrod, Mithra, Ra, Lucetius, Dyaus, Dionysus, Hermes, Adonis, Pan,
Hades, Eros, Uranus, Gaea, Assur, Merodach, Ninus, Shamas, Zeus-Belus,
Bacchus, Shiva, etc. – Bibloscope.com

Astaroth (also Ashtaroth, Astarot and Asteroth), in demonology, is the Great Duke
of Hell, in the first hierarchy with beelzebub and lucifer; he is part of the evil
trinity. He is a male figure named after the Mesopotamian goddess ishtar.

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ashtoreth, isis, semiramis, diana, athena etc. Take note of her owl feet and the
owls at her side and the lions that she stands on.
Dictionaries - Easton's Bible Dictionary - Ashtoreth

Ashtoreth - the moon goddess of the Phoenicians, representing the passive

principle in nature, their principal female deity; frequently associated with the
name of Baal, the sun-god, their chief male deity ( Judges 10:6 ; 1 Samuel
7:4 ;12:10 ). These names often occur in the plural (Ashtaroth, Baalim), probably
as indicating either different statues or different modifications of the deities. This
deity is spoken of as Ashtoreth of the Zidonians. She was the Ishtar of the
Accadians and the Astarte of the Greeks ( Jeremiah 44:17 ; 1 Kings 11:5 1 Kings
11:33 ; 2 Kings 23:13 ). There was a temple of this goddess among the Philistines
in the time of Saul ( 1 Samuel 31:10 ). Under the name of Ishtar, she was one of

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the great deities of the Assyrians. The Phoenicians called her Astarte. Solomon
introduced the worship of this idol ( 1 Kings 11:33 ). Jezebel's 400 priests were
probably employed in its service ( 1 Kings 18:19 ). It was called the "queen of
heaven" ( Jeremiah 44:25 ).

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hathor *The round disk represents nimrod/sun, the snake represents the sun
also, and rebirth/regeneration – there is a bird at the top, horus (nimrod
reincarnated as tammuz is also represented as a falcon).

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hathor/ashtoreth/isis/semiramis etc. *See the sun/nimrod disk*

Yes, hathor/ashtoreth/isis AND nimrod/osiris/the sun is who was being

worshipped by the Israelites here when they were delivered from Egypt and
Moses was up on Mt. Sinai getting the 10 commandments from God.

Exod. 32:1-5,7-8, 19-20 – Read this out

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Common names applied to the pagan goddess Semiramis
Title Roman Greek
Goddess of Love Venus Aphrodite
Goddess of Hunting & Childbirth Diana Artemis
Goddess of Crafts, War & Wisdom Minerva Athena
Goddess of Growing Things Ceres Demeter
Symbol of the Fertile Earth Terra Gaea
Protector of Marriage & Women Juno Hera
Goddess of the Hearth Vesta Hestia

Wife and Sister of Kronos Ops Rhea

Worship of nimrod and “the queen of heaven” ashtoreth is still going on today.
Let’s look at the modern examples of this idolatry.

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Remember last week we learned that the owl is a symbol of the planet Saturn
which is kronus which is nimrod. The owl is also associated with ashtoreth and
was known to be her protector. So there is a crossing over here and the owl can
stand for both nimrod/molech and ashtoreth/semiramis/queen of heaven.

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This is a plaque at Bohemian Grove.

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This is a 40’ high stone owl that the elite go out and do “mock” rituals and
sacrifices at in Bohemian Grove. The people that go here belong to the Bohemian
Club. In researching this owl many believe this to be a representation of molech.
However, I ran across more information that links the owl to ashtoreth. They like
the owl in the occult because it symbolizes wisdom, it can go into and see into the
dark, it is a nocturnal animal thus being associated with the moon, the demon
goddess lilith was represented by the owl.

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Who worships at Bohemian Grove? Two of our former American presidents are
seated here: on the Left is Ronald Reagan, and on the Right is Richard Nixon.

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George W. & George Senior – two more former American Presidents giving
speeches at Bohemian Grove.

Speeches at Bohemian Grove. This is what the elite do, they come here from all
over the world. Here they would have orgies, molest children, do their rituals and
“mock” sacrifices. Or they used to, because Donald Marshal says they just meet
at the cloning centers now. They worship satan and they run our countries.

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athena/owl coin – this too is ashtoreth

Our statue of Liberty was given to us by the masons of France. This is

ashtoreth/isis/semiramis/athena/diana etc.

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Here is ashteroth/semiramis/isis/diana – nimrod’s mother/wife The elite still
worship her today.



Astaroth (also Ashtaroth, Astarot, and Asteroth), in demonology, is a Crowned

Prince of Hell. He is a male figure named after the Canaanite goddess Ashtoreth.
The name Astaroth was ultimately derived from that of 2nd millennium BC
Phoenician goddess Astarte, an equivalent of the Babylonian Ishtar, and the
earlier Sumerian Inanna.

I believe this is the Ashtar of the Galactic Federation of Light-so-called

‘aliens’…are demons in disguise.

I believe it (the demon) is a HERMAPHRODITE. Having Male & Female parts! This
is why the name covers so many avenues.

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Ishtar (Isis, Astarte, Aphrodite, Inanna, Libertas, etc) is only one name for many
personages. Symbols like the 8-pointed star represents this figure.

baphomet is male and female or hermaphrodite

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Don’t these look like owl eyes that they are making. Not just 666 but owl eyes to
reference their goddess ashtoreth/isis/semiramis/diana/athena or
molech/nimrod/osiris/ etc.

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This is a sky view of our nation’s capital. This huge owl was planned in the
development and layout of our nation’s capital in Washington DC. The owl is also
isis who is also the goddess Columbia and thus that is why we have The District of
Columbia. It is all about worshipping her.

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Library of Congress, note the sun rays as well.

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Statesman (according to “abovetopsecret” website) celebrating around the owl,
notice the one man on the left doing the horned hand for satan and it is also
known as the sign of silence or the sign for horus who is tammuz.

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George W. Bush, former president of the united states. Think this owl sculpture
was chosen at random for this function? No, it wasn’t.

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Using these huge electronic owls at electronic music fests.

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horus/tammuz as a falcon, sometimes looks more like an owl. Look at how small
that person is standing there compared to him.

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They’ve been telling us all along but we haven’t understood. Jolly Green Giant is a
nephilim – nimrod.

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Here is nimrod/Jolly Green Giant with his “Sprout” – sprout represents tammuz.
The Catholic church weeps (40 days of fasting beginning on Ash Wednesday) for
tammuz every year when they celebrate lent because at the end of lent is
Passover and this is when tammuz sprouts or reincarnates every spring.


What does God think about baal?

Hosea 2:17 – For I will take away the names of baalim (baal plural) out of her
mouth, and they shall no more be remembered by their name.

Micah 5:13-14 – Thy graven images also will I cut off, and thy standing images out
of the midst of thee; and thou shalt no more worship the work of thine hands.
And I will pluck up thy groves out of the midst of thee: so will I destroy thy cities.

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asherah pole in worship of nimrod – graven image

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Asherah pole moved from Egypt to the Vatican – this is in worship of nimrod – a
graven image.

Obelisks also known as asherah poles in honor and worship of nimrod.

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Church steeples are also obelisks or representations of asherah poles in honor
and worship of nimrod.

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Altar of baal


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Research on owls and molech/isis connection


Egyptian gods and goddesses – hathor and horus


Washington D.C. – goddess Columbia – designed on purpose in occult worship




Research on baal


Research on nimrod/semiramis/tammuz




The owl in the occult


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