Don't Leave A Nursing Job Interview Without Asking These Questions
Don't Leave A Nursing Job Interview Without Asking These Questions
Don't Leave A Nursing Job Interview Without Asking These Questions
If you’re a nurse, you have the good fortune of being very much in demand. And if
you are lucky enough to score an interview, the right questions can make all the
difference. Because of the abundance of nursing jobs, you can (and should) be
pickier with your requirements. After all, a job interview isn’t just about an employer
checking you out—you’re also interviewing them to make sure they are the best fit
for you. These nursing interview questions can help you root out the best of the best.
“Remember, interviews are time for you to learn about your potential employers.
Prepare for the interview by researching the facility,” advises Sarah K. Wells, MSN,
RN, CEN, CNL, member of the Emergency Nurses Association. “You will benefit by
learning more about the place where you may be working—plus you will look like an
engaged applicant, which interviewers always love.”
Wells also recommends rehearsing before your interview. “Do not let the actual day
of the interview be the first time you think about what you are going to say.”
Make the most of your time with your potential employer by asking these questions:
“While a nursing role such as a NICU nurse practitioner is similar in all health care
organizations,” he says, “the answer to the question helps you shed light on what will
be expected of you in the role at a particular hospital or outpatient setting. It’s a
chance for you to learn what's important for a specific facility and what they are
looking for, which helps you determine if this is the right place for you.”
How is the quality of patient care and safety
If you’re interviewing at a health care facility or practice, the American Association of
Colleges of Nursing suggests asking this question as a way to assess if the
employer encourages collaborative relationships among staff members.
After all, how well the group works together says a great deal about the organization
and will contribute to your job satisfaction.
Equally important, you need to know if the employer will support you in achieving
future certifications. “Many jobs want you to add additional certifications in your
subspecialty and will compensate you accordingly,” explains Lillian Robarge BSN,
RN. “Certifications can be costly to obtain. If your employer helps you with these, it
shows a commitment to quality care as well as your personal growth.”
If you’re interested in continuing your education, ask what is included in the policy, if
new hires are eligible, and what kind of education it applies to.
Listen carefully and you may also learn more about the supervisor’s approach to
work-life balance and how to manage stress. For example, are staff members
encouraged to stay late? Does the interviewer provide a clear outline of daily
responsibilities or imply a more haphazard style?
Go on more interviews
As a nurse, you are among of the most in-demand people in the workforce, which
means your resume should be attracting a lot of attention. So if it isn't, chances are
your resume has some weak spots that need to be addressed. Could you use a little
help with the diagnosis? Get a free resume evaluation today from the experts
at Monster's Resume Writing Service. You'll get detailed feedback in two business
days, including a review of your resume's appearance and content, and a prediction
of a recruiter's first impression. Employers are vying for your expertise—be sure
you're taking every opportunity to have a fulfilling career.
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