Trackerui English

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"Language" "English"
"TrackerUI_ConnectionSpeed" "Internet connection speed"
"TrackerUI_FavoriteWindowLabel_Windows" "Select which Steam window appears when
the program starts, and when you double-click the Notification Tray icon."
"TrackerUI_FavoriteWindowLabel" "Select which Steam window appears
when the program starts."
"TrackerUI_FavoriteWindow" "Favorite window"

"Friends_Chat_Title" "%tabtitle% - Chat"

"Friends_Chat_Group_Title" "%tabtitle% - Group Chat"
"Friends_Chat_Room_Headline" "%friend%"
"Friends_ChatTo" "To: %friend%"
"Friends_ChatToPlusStatus" "To: %friend% (%status%)"
"Friends_ChatToPlusInGame" "To: %friend% (playing %game%)"
"Friends_UserSays" "%friend% says:\n"
"Friends_TypingMessage" "%friend% is typing a message."
"Friends_LastMessageReceived" "Last message received: %date% at %time%"
"Friends_FriendInfoDialog_Title" "%friend% - User Info"
"Friends_Chat_FriendNameChanged" "%old_name% has changed their name to
"Friends_Chat_FriendStateChanged" "%friend% is now %status%.\n"
"Friends_Chat_Send" "Send"
"Friends_Chat_InviteToChat" "Invite to Chat"
"Friends_Chat_ReJoin" "ReJoin"
"Friends_Chat_CannotSendFriendOffline" "%friend% is currently offline, message
cannot be sent.\n"
"Friends_Chat_SendOfflineMessage" "%friend% is currently offline, they will receive
your message the next time they log in.\n"
"Friends_Chat_InvitedToGame" "%friend% has invited you to join them in
playing %game%. "
"Friends_Chat_FriendHasChangedGame" "%friend% is now playing %game%. "
"Friends_Chat_FriendHasChangedApp" "%friend% is now using %game%. "
"Friends_Chat_UnknownGame" "a game"
"Friends_Chat_ClickHereToJoin" "Click here to join."
"Friends_Chat_ConvertedToMultiUser" "Your chat with %friend% is now a multi-user
"Friends_Chat_AnonymousChatName" "Anonymous"
"Friends_Chat_Settings" "Chat Settings"
"Friends_Chat_InviteToWatch" "Invite to Watch"

"Friends_Chat_CreateFailed_Title" "Chat Creation Failed"

"Friends_Chat_CreateFailed_Generic" "Failed to create chat room"
"Friends_Chat_CreateFailed_TooMany" "You have created too many chats. Some
of those chats must be emptied before you can create more."

"Friends_Title_Online" "Friends"
"Friends_Title_Busy" "Friends"
"Friends_Title_Away" "Friends"
"Friends_Title_Snooze" "Friends"
"Friends_Title_Offline" "Friends"

"Friends_Page_Groups" "GROUPS"
"Friends_Page_Friends" "FRIENDS"
"Friends_Page_Games" "GAMES"
"Friends_MyStatus" "My status"
"Friends_InGame" "In-Game"
"Friends_InApp" "In-App"
"Friends_InMod" "In-Mod"
"Friends_InShortcut" "In non-Steam game"
"Friends_Blocked" "Blocked"

"Friends_AddFriend" "Add a Friend..."

"Friends_Edit_Profile" "Edit profile..."

"Friends_FriendList_CurrentGame" "CURRENT GAME"

"Friends_FriendList_InGame" "IN GAME"
"Friends_FriendList_Online" "ONLINE"
"Friends_FriendList_Offline" "OFFLINE"

"Friends_SendInstantMessage" "Send Message..."

"Friends_Ignore" "Block All Communication..."
"Friends_UnIgnore" "Unblock"
"Friends_InviteFriendToGame" "Invite to Game"
"Friends_JoinGame" "Join Game"
"Friends_LaunchGame" "Launch Game"
"Friends_ViewGameInfo" "View Game Info"
"Friends_UserDetails" "View User Details"
"Friends_RemoveUser" "Remove this Friend..."

"Friends_RemoveFriend_Title" "Friends - Remove User"

"Friends_RemoveFriend_Info" "Are you sure you want to remove
%friend% from your Friends list?\n\n(You can add them again later using the 'Add a
Friend...' button.)\n"
"Friends_RemoveFriend_Button" "Remove %friend%"

"Friends_HideFriend_Title" "Friends - Ignore User"

"Friends_HideFriend_Info" "Are you sure you want to ignore
and remove %friend% from your Suggested Friends list?\n\n(You can add them again
later using the 'Add a Friend...' button.)\n"
"Friends_HideFriend_Button" "Ignore %friend%"
"Friends_HideFriend_Failed" "Could not ignore friend %friend%"

"Friends_Options" "Options"

"Friends_Options_Title" "User options - %name%"

"Friends_Options_ProfileTab" "Profile"
"Friends_Options_SoundsTab" "Sounds"

"Friends_EnterAccountNameOrEmailAddress" "Enter the Steam account name OR the

email address of the person you wish to add to your Friends list."
"Friends_SearchingForFriend" "Searching for %search%..."
"Friends_FriendHasBeenAddedToYourListUnderName" "%search% has been added to your
Friends list, under the name '%friend%'."
"Friends_FriendHasBeenAddedToYourList" "%friend% has been added to your
Friends list."
"Friends_UnableToFindFriendByThatName" "Unable to find %search%. Hit
'back' if you want to try and search again."
"Friends_CannotAddSelfToList" "You can't add yourself to your
Friends list!"
"Friends_CannotAddFriendWhoIsAlreadyInList" "%search% is already in your Friends
list, under the name '%friend%'."

"Friends_ConnectedButOffline" "You are currently set to

appear offline to all your Friends."
"Friends_NoFriendsInList" "Why not invite someone
to be your Friend?"
"Friends_GoOnline" "Sign in"
"Friends_SignIn_RefreshPassword" "Sign in..."
"Friends_SignIn_ActivateFriends" "Join Friends Beta..."
"Friends_ConnectingToFriendsNetwork" "Connecting to Friends
"Friends_ScanningForFriends" "Downloading Friends list..."

"Friends_NotConnectedToFriendsNetwork" "A connection to the Friends

network could not be established. Steam will automatically retry connection until
the service becomes available."
"Friends_NotConnectedToFriendsNetwork_InvalidPassword" "You need to log back
into Steam in order to use Friends."
"Friends_NotConnectedToFriendsNetwork_LoggedInElsewhere" "You have been signed
out of Friends, due to this account being signed in elsewhere.\n"
"Friends_NotConnectedToFriendsNetwork_InvalidVersion" "This version of Steam
is too old to connect to Friends. Restart Steam to receive the latest update."
"Friends_NotConnectedToFriendsNetwork_ServersBusy" "The Steam servers are
currently down for routine maintenance. Friends will automatically reconnect as
soon as they come available."
"Friends_NotConnectedToFriendsNetwork_NoConnection" "No network connection
could be made to the Steam servers. Steam will automatically retry connection until
the service becomes available."
"Friends_NotAvailableInOfflineMode" "Friends is not available in
offline mode."

"Friends_UserRequestingFriendship_Title" "Friends - %friend%"

"Friends_UserRequestingFriendship_Info" "%friend% has added you to their
Friends list."
"Friends_AllowUserToSeeMeOnline" "Allow %friend% to see when
you are online and contact you."
"Friends_BlockUserFromSeeingMeOnline" "Block this person from
seeing when you are online and contacting you."

"Friends_AddFriend_Title" "Add a Friend"

"Friends_FriendInfoDialog_DetailsTab" "Details"
"Friends_FriendInfoDialog_StatusTab" "Status"

"Friends_FriendlyName" "Name"
"Friends_RecentlyUsedNames" "Recently used names:"

"Friends_PlaySoundWhenFriendJoins" "Play a sound when any Friend joins

a game"
"Friends_PlaySoundWhenFriendComesOnline" "Play a sound when any Friend comes
"Friends_PlaySoundWhenReceiveAMessage" "Play a sound when you receive a
"Friends_NotifyMeWhenUserComesOnline" "Notify me when this user
comes online"
"Friends_PlaySoundWhenUserComesOnline" "Always play sound when this user
comes online"
"Friends_PlaySoundWhenUserJoinsGame" "Always play sound when this
user plays a game"

"Friends_RemoveUserExplanation" "If you remove this Friend from your list, they
won't be able to see when you are online or send you messages."

"Friends_FriendInvitedToGame_Title" "INVITE - %friend%"

"Friends_FriendInvitedToGame_Info" "An invitation to join your game has been sent
to %friend%."

"Friends_NotifyFriendOnline_Title" "%friend% - Friends online notification"

"Friends_NotifyFriendOnline_Info" "Your Friend %friend% has come online."

"Friends_RefreshLogin_Title" "Steam - Refresh login"

"Friends_RefreshLogin" "Please re-enter your Steam login details
in order to sign into Friends."
"Friends_AccountName" "Account name"
"Friends_Login_Btn" "Login"
"Friends_Login_Password" "Password"

"Friends_BetaHomePage" "The Friends Beta information page"

"Friends_PleaseSetFriendsName" "Your profile name has not been set."

"Friends_SetFriendsName" "Change Profile Name..."

"Friends_TargetBlocked" "This user's profile settings prevent you

from contacting them at this time."
"Friends_TargetIgnored" "%search% is ignoring you."
"Friends_TooManyFriends" "Your Friends list is full! Remove
some Friends and try again."
"Friends_TargetHasTooManyFriends" "%search%'s Friends list is full!"
"Friends_DefaultAddError" "There was a problem adding %search
% to your Friends list."
"Friends_UnableToFindFriendByThatNameInvitePrompt" "Unable to find a Steam
user with email address %search%.\n\nIf you'd like to invite %search% to join Steam
and your list of Friends, hit 'Next', or hit 'Back' to search again."
"Friends_InvitingFriend" "Sending invitation to %search%..."
"Friends_InvitationPending" "%search% has been invited to join Steam
recently; when they respond, they will be added to your Friends list.\n"
"Friends_InvitationSent" "%search% has been sent an email
invitation, and will be added to your Friends list when they respond.\n"
"Friends_DefaultInviteError" "There was a problem sending an
invitation to %search%."
"Friends_TooManyPendingInvitations" "You've sent too many invitations recently.
Try inviting %search% again in a day or two."
"Friends_InvitationBlocking" "You are blocking all communication with this
user. Before communicating with this user, you must unblock them by visiting their
Steam Community Profile."

"Friends_DontGiveOutPassword" "Never tell your password to anyone.\n"

"Friends_DontGiveOutPassword_URL" "

"Friends_ChatFilterBlockWarning" "A link was removed from the following

message for your security."

"Friends_invalidname_title" "Friends - Reserved Name"

"Friends_invalidname_info" "Your profile name cannot be '[unknown]
or contain 'Valve', 'Steam' or 'Support'. Please choose another name."
"Friends_JoinGame_Dialog" "Failed to find game for %friend%"
"Friends_Friendlist_Friends" "FRIENDS"
"Friends_Friendlist_OtherFriends" "FRIENDS"
"Friends_Friendlist_AllFriends" "ALL FRIENDS"
"Friends_FriendList_Pendings" "INVITATIONS SENT"
"Friends_FriendList_InvitesReceived" "INVITES"
"Friends_Friendlist_Members" "MEMBERS"
"Friends_Friendlist_Guests" "GUESTS"
"Friends_Friendlist_Chat" "CHAT"
"Friends_ViewSteamIDPage" "View Steam Profile"
"Friends_ViewFacebookIDPage" "View Facebook Page"
"Friends_Tooltip_GroupOfficer" "Group Officer"
"Friends_Tooltip_GroupModerator" "Group Moderator"

"Friends_InviteFriendToGroup" "Invite to Group"

"Friends_InviteToGroupConfirmation_Title" "Friends - invite sent"
"Friends_InviteToGroupConfirmation_Info" "Your invitation of %friend% into group
%group% has been sent."

"Friends_menu_status" "Status"
"Friends_menu_view" "View"
"Friends_menu_players" "Players"
"Friends_menu_view_showavatars" "Show Avatars"
"Friends_menu_view_showsteamids" "Show Account IDs"
"Friends_menu_view_sortbyname" "Sort by Name"
"Friends_menu_view_onlineonly" "Show Online Users Only"
"Friends_menu_view_settings" "Settings..."
"Friends_menu_players_current" "Player List - Current Game"
"Friends_menu_players_recent" "Player List - Recent Games"

"Friends_JoinGroupChat" "Join %group% chat"

"Friends_Chat_MemberNameChanged" "%old_name% has changed their name to %member_name


"Friends_Chat_MemberEntered" "%member_changed%
entered chat.%ignored%\n"
"Friends_Chat_MemberLeft" "%member_cha
nged% left chat.%ignored%\n"
"Friends_Chat_MemberDisconnected" "%member_changed%
"Friends_Chat_MemberWasKicked" "%member_changed%
was kicked by %member_making_change%.\n"
"Friends_Chat_MemberWasBanned" "%member_changed%
was banned by %member_making_change%.\n"
"Friends_Chat_MemberIgnored" "(Blocked.)"

"Friends_Chat_InviteToChatRoom" "Invite to
Chat Room"
"Friends_Chat_InviteToChatRoom_Title" "Steam Community -
Chat Room Invite"
"Friends_Chat_InviteToChatRoom_Info" "You have been
invited to join the %chat% chat by %patron%."
"Friends_Chat_InviteToPrivateChatRoom_Info" "You have been
invited to join a private chat with %patron%."
"Friends_Chat_InviteReceivedTime" "Invite received:
%date% at %time%"
"Friends_Chat_KickFromChatRoom" "Kick from Chat Room"
"Friends_Chat_BanFromChatRoom" "Ban from Chat Room"

"Friends_Chat_ToggleAvatars" "Show Avatars"

"Friends_Chat_ToggleBeeps" "Beep when users send messages"
"Friends_Chat_ToggleTimestamp" "Show timestamp on each message"

"Friends_Chat_ManageBanList" "Manage Banned list"

"Friends_Chat_LockRoom" "Lock this room (make private)"
"Friends_Chat_OpenRoom" "Unlock this room (make open)"

"Friends_Chat_DeniedChat_Title" "Steam - Can't enter chatroom"

"Friends_Chat_DeniedChat_DoesntExist" "The %chat% chat has been closed."
"Friends_Chat_DeniedChat_NotAllowed" "You don't have the required permissions to
enter the %chat% chat."
"Friends_Chat_DeniedChat_Full" "The %chat% chat is full."
"Friends_Chat_DeniedChat_Error" "Error attempting to join %chat% chat."
"Friends_Chat_DeniedChat_Banned" "You may not enter the %chat% chat, because
you are banned from this chat."
"Friends_Chat_DeniedChat_UserLocked" "You may not enter the %chat% chat,
because your chat privileges have been temporarily suspended."
"Friends_Chat_DeniedChat_ClanLocked" "You may not enter the %chat% chat,
because it has been administratively disabled."

"Friends_Chat_ActionResultTitleSuccess" "Action Succeeded"

"Friends_Chat_ActionResultInviteSuccess" "%user_name% has been invited to chat.\n"
"Friends_Chat_ActionResultKickSuccess" "%user_name% has been kicked.\n"
"Friends_Chat_ActionResultBanSuccess" "%user_name% has been banned.\n"
"Friends_Chat_ActionResultUnBanSuccess" "%user_name% is no longer banned.\n"

"Friends_Chat_ActionResultLockChatSuccess" "Chat is now locked (only group

members or invited users can join).\n"
"Friends_Chat_ActionResultUnlockChatSuccess" "Chat is now unlocked (opened to
all users).\n"

"Friends_Chat_ActionResultTitleFailed" "Action Failed"

"Friends_Chat_ActionResultInviteFailed" "Attempt to invite user %user_name% to
chat %chat% failed.\n%action_result%"
"Friends_Chat_ActionResultKickFailed" "Attempt to kick user %user_name% from
chat %chat% failed.\n%action_result%"
"Friends_Chat_ActionResultUnBanFailed" "Attempt to unban user %user_name% from
chat %chat% failed.\n%action_result%"
"Friends_Chat_ActionResultLockChatFailed" "Attempt to lock chat %chat% failed\n
"Friends_Chat_ActionResultUnlockChatFailed" "Attempt to unlock (open) chat
%chat% failed\n%action_result%."
"Friends_Chat_ActionResultCloseFailed" "Attempt to close chat %chat% failed\n

"Friends_Chat_ActionResultError" "Unknown Error"

"Friends_Chat_ActionResultNotPermitted" "You don't have the
permissions to do this action."
"Friends_Chat_ActionResultNotAllowedOnClanMember" "Action is not allowed on a
clan member unless you have higher rank."
"Friends_Chat_ActionResultNotAllowedOnBannedUser" "Action is not allowed on a
banned user."
"Friends_Chat_ActionResultManageBans" "Manage chat room
ban list."
"Friends_Chat_ActionResultNotAllowedOnChatOwner" "Action is not allowed on the
owner of the chat."
"Friends_Chat_ActionResultNotAllowedOnSelf" "Action is not allowed on
"Friends_Chat_ActionResultChatDoesntExist" "The chat has been
"Friends_Chat_ActionResultChatFull " "The chat is
"Friends_Chat_ActionResultNotOnline" "Action is not possible while
not online."

"Friends_Chat_Kicked_Title" "Kicked from Chat"

"Friends_Chat_Kicked_Info" "You have been kicked from chat %chat% by
"Friends_Chat_Kicked_Entry" "You have been kicked from the chat by

"Friends_Chat_Banned_Title" "Banned from Chat"

"Friends_Chat_Banned_Info" "You have been banned from chat %chat% by
"Friends_Chat_Banned_Entry" "You have been banned from the chat by

"Friends_Chat_Closed_Title" "Chat Closed"

"Friends_Chat_Closed_Info" "The %chat% chat has closed."
"Friends_Chat_Closed_Entry" "Chat has closed.\n"

"Friends_Chat_Offline_Entry" "Your state is set to Offline.\n"

"Friends_Chat_Offline_Rejoin_Entry" "Online now and rejoined chat.\n"

"Friends_Chat_FailedRejoin_Entry" "You failed to rejoin the chat.\n"

"Friends_Chat_FailedRejoin_Rejoin_Entry" "You rejoined the chat.\n"

"Friends_Chat_Disconnected_Entry" "Lost connection to Steam, will rejoin

chat automatically when connection regained.\n"
"Friends_Chat_Disconnected_Rejoin_Entry" "Connected again and rejoined chat.\n"

"Friends_Chat_DisconnectedNoRetry_Entry" "No connection to Steam.\n"

"Friends_Chat_RoomLocked_Entry" "The chat room has been locked by

"Friends_Chat_RoomUnlocked_Entry" "The chat room has been unlocked (opened
to anyone) by %member_making_change%.\n"

"Friends_Chat_RackBouncing_Entry" "The Steam servers will be rebooting

shortly. Connection to this chat room will be restored after the reboot.\n"

"Friends_MsgNotification_Sender" "%name% says,"

"Friends_MsgNotification_Body" "%message%"

"Friends_AddUser" "Add to your Friends list..."

"Friends_HideUser" "Ignore user..."

"Friends_Voice_Call" "Begin voice chat"

"Friends_Voice_EndCall" "End voice chat"
"Friends_Voice_CancelCall" "Cancel call"
"Friends_Voice_Hold" "Hold"
"Friends_Voice_IncomingVoice" "Call from %friend% started."
"Friends_Voice_HangUp" "Call with %friend% ended."
"Friends_Voice_AudioSettings" "Settings"
"Friends_Voice_Answer" "Answer"
"Friends_Voice_IncomingStatus" "%friend% wants to chat via voice."
"Friends_Voice_OutgoingStatus" "Calling %friend%..."
"Friends_Voice_Resume" "Resume"
"Friends_Voice_ResumeStatusLocalHold" "On hold"
"Friends_Voice_ResumeStatusRemoteHold" "%friend% has put this voice chat on
"Friends_Voice_AudioOptionsTitle" "Audio Settings"
"Friends_Voice_Microphone_Volume" "Microphone Volume:"
"Friends_Voice_Speaker_Volume" "Receive Volume:"
"Friends_Voice_BoostMicrophone" "Boost microphone gain"
"Friends_Voice_TestMicrophone" "Test Microphone"
"Friends_Voice_StopTestMicrophone" "Stop Microphone Test"
"Friends_Voice_RejectCall" "Ignore"
"Friends_Voice_ReinitAudio" "Repair Audio"
"Friends_Voice_UsersChatting" "%UsersChatting% user voice chatting"
"Friends_Voice_UsersChattingPlural" "%UsersChatting% users voice chatting"
"Friends_Voice_NoOtherUsersChatting" "No other users voice chatting"
"Friends_Voice_AllSlotsFull" "%UsersChatting% users voice chatting

"Friends_Chat_StartVoiceChatting" "Start voice chat"

"Friends_Chat_EndVoiceChatting" "End voice chat"
"Friends_Chat_ActionResultStartVoiceSpeak" "Starting voice in chat %chat%."
"Friends_Chat_ActionResultEndVoiceSpeak" "Ending voice in chat %chat%."
"Friends_Chat_VoiceSpeakDenied" "Can't start voice in %chat%, not enough
free speaking slots."
"Friends_Chat_ActionResultVoiceSlotsFull" "Can't start voice in %chat%, not enough
free speaking slots."
"Friends_Chat_VoiceStatus" "%availslots% slots avail [%maxslots% total]."

"Friends_GroupSectionInfo_Offline" ""
"Friends_GroupSectionInfo_Online" "%online% ONLINE"
"Friends_GroupSectionInfo_OnlineInGame" "%ingame% IN GAME, %online%
"Friends_GroupSectionInfo_OnlineChatting" "%inchat% IN CHAT, %online%
"Friends_GroupSectionInfo_OnlineInGameChatting" "%inchat% IN CHAT, %ingame% IN
GAME, %online% ONLINE"

"Friends_GroupSectionInfo_PublicGroup" "%groupname% (Public Group)"

"Friends_ViewGroupSteamID" "View group profile"

"Friends_JoinGroupChatRoom" "Join group chat room"
"Friends_OpenAdministerGroupPage" "Administer this group"
"Friends_LeaveThisGroup" "Leave this group"

"Friends_SteamIDLink" "View profile"

"Friends_EditAlias" "Edit alias..."
"Friends_UnsetAlias" "Reset"
"Friends_ViewAliases" "View Aliases"
"Friends_NotificationOptions" "Notification Options"
"Friends_FriendList_Suggested" "SUGGESTED FRIENDS"

"Friends_FriendAliases_Title" "Friends - %FriendName%"

"Friends_FriendAliasesInfo" "You have seen %FriendName% go by these
"Friends_FriendAliases_None" "This player has not gone by any other

"Friends_Settings_TabTitle" "Friends"
"Friends_Nickname" "Profile name"
"Friends_Avatar" "Avatar"
"Friends_AutoSignIntoFriendsOnStartup" "Automatically sign into Friends when I
start Steam"
"Friends_ShowTimeInChatLog" "Display timestamps in chat log"
"Friends_AlwaysNewChatCheck" "Always open a new chat window rather than a tab "
"Friends_NotificationsAndSounds" "Notifications & Sounds"
"Friends_WhenFriendJoinsGame" "When any Friend joins a game"
"Friends_WhenFriendComesOnline" "When any Friend comes online"
"Friends_WhenReceiveMessage" "When I receive a message"
"Friends_WhenGroupEventsOrAnnouncementsHappen" "For Group events and
"Friends_DisplayNotification" "Display a notification"
"Friends_PlayASound" "Play a sound"
"Friends_FlashWindow" "Flash window when I receive a message"
"Friends_FlashWindowAlways" "Always"
"Friends_FlashWindowMinimized" "Only when minimized"
"Friends_FlashWindowNever" "Never"
"Friends_ViewSteamCommunityProfile" "View my Steam Community profile"
"Friends_ChangeAvatar" "Change"
"Friends_NameTooShort_Title" "Friends - Profile name too short"
"Friends_NameTooShort_Info" "Profile name field must contain at least
two characters."
"Friends_NameChangeFailed_Title" "Friends - Failed to change profile name"
"Friends_NameChangeFailed_Info" "Failed to change profile name. Please
try again in a few minutes."
"Friends_NameChangeThrottled_Info" "Very frequent changes to profile names
are not allowed. Please try again in a few minutes."

"Friends_OnlineNotification_Info" "is now online"

"Friends_InGameNotification_Info" "is now playing"
"Friends_InAppNotification_Info" "is now using"
"Friends_ChatInvitation_Info" "has invited you to chat with"
"Friends_VoiceChatInvitation_Info" "has invited to you to voice chat"
"Friends_ChatNotification_Info" "says:"
"Friends_PostNotification_Info" "posted:"
"Friends_GameInvitation_Info" "has invited you to play"
"Friends_ChatNoTextNotification_Info" "sent you a message"
"Friends_BroadcastChannelLive" "is now live on SteamTV"

"Friends_OnlineNotification_Hotkey" "Press %hotkey% to view"

"Friends_InviteNotification_Hotkey" "Press %hotkey% to view"
"Friends_ChatNotification_Hotkey" "Press %hotkey% to reply"

"Friends_PlayersDialog_Title" "Players"
"Friends_CurrentPlayers_TabTitle" "Current game"
"Friends_RecentPlayers_TabTitle" "Recent games"
"Friends_AddPlayerAsFriend" "Add a Friend..."
"Friends_NoRecentlyPlayedWithUsers" "You have not recently played Steam games
with anyone."
"Friends_NoCurrentlyPlayedWithUsers" "No Steam users reported by game
"Friends_PlayerName" "Profile name"
"Friends_SteamIDURLHeader" "Steam Profile"
"Friends_PlayerRelationship" "Relationship"
"Friends_PlayedWithGame" "Game"
"Friends_PlayedWithTime" "Time"
"Friends_PlayerFriend" "FRIEND"
"Friends_SteamIDPage" "Profile"

"Friends_InvitesAvailable_Title" "Friends - invites"

"Friends_InvitesAvailable_Info" "You have %groups% group invite
"Friends_InvitesAvailable_InfoPlural" "You have %groups% group invites
"Friends_InvitesAvailable_Info2" "You have %friends% Friends invite
"Friends_InvitesAvailable_Info2Plural" "You have %friends% Friends invites
"Friends_InvitesAvailable_Info3" "You have %friends% Friends
invite(s) and %groups% group invite(s) pending."
"Friends_InvitesAvailable_View" "View invites"

"Friends_RetryVoiceConnections" "Retry voice connection"

"Friends_AddRecentPlayerAsFriend" "View users you've recently played

"Friends_NotificationOptions_Title" "Notification options - %FriendName%"

"Friends_WhenThisFriendJoinsGame" "When %FriendName% joins a

"Friends_WhenThisFriendComesOnline" "When %FriendName% comes online"
"Friends_WhenReceiveMessageFromThisFriend" "When I receive a message from
"Friends_InviteInfo_HasAdded" "has added you to his or her"
"Friends_InviteInfo_FriendsList" "Friends List"
"Friends_InviteInfo_BeenInvited" "You have been invited"
"Friends_InviteInfo_JoinGroup" "to join Steam group"
"Friends_GroupEvent_NewEventScheduled" "has scheduled new event"
"Friends_GroupEvent_NowStarting" "has event starting"
"Friends_GroupEvent_NewAccouncement" "has posted new announcement"

"Friends_GroupEvent_Title" "%group% - event started"

"Friends_GroupEvent_View" "View event"

"Voice_Settings_NewTabTitle" "In-Game Voice"

"Voice_Settings_TabTitle" "Voice"
"Steam_RepairAudioDescription" "(When an audio device is
plugged in or removed, you may need to re-detect active audio devices.)"
"Steam_RepairAudioButton" "Detect audio devices"
"Steam_VoiceMicGain" "Boost microphone gain"
"Steam_TestMicButton" "Test microphone"
"Steam_VoiceReceiveVolume" "Receive volume"
"Steam_VoiceMicVolume" "Microphone volume"

"Friends_ViewGroupMembersLink" "View all members"

"Friends_GroupCollapsedTooManyMembers" "(too many members to show)"
"Friends_GroupCollapsedNoOtherMembers" "(no other members to show)"

"Friends_ControlPanelLink" "Community Home"

"Friends_AchievementUnlocked_Headline" "Achievement Unlocked!"

"Friends_AchievementUnlocked_Body" "%achievement%"

"Friends_AchievementProgress_Headline" "Achievement Progress"

"Friends_AchievementProgress_Body" "%achievement% (%cur%/%max%)"

"Friends_ChatURLWarning_Title" "Alert: non-Steam web site"

"Friends_ChatURLWarning_Info" "Note: the URL you have clicked on is not
an official Steam web site."
"Friends_ChatURLWarning_Info2" "If this web site asks for your user name
or password, do not enter that information. You could lose your Steam account and
all your games!"
"Friends_ChatURLWarning_Continue" "Ok, continue to the web page"
"Friends_ChatURLWarning_DontAskAgainCheck" "Don't show me this again."

"Friends_ChatPasswordWarning_Title" "Alert: Account security risk"

"Friends_ChatPasswordWarning_Info" "Warning: you are about to share
your password."
"Friends_ChatPasswordWarning_Info2" "Steam Support will never need your
password for any reason. By sharing your password, you could lose your Steam
account and all your games!\n\nAre you sure you wish to share this information?"
"Friends_ChatPasswordWarning_Continue" "Yes, send my chat message"
"Friends_ChatPasswordWarning_DontSend" "No, don't send it"

"Friends_BlockCommunicationWarning_Title" "Block all interaction with %username%"

"Friends_BlockCommunicationWarning_Info" "You are about to block all communication
with %username%.\n\nThis block will also prevent you two from joining the same game
with Steamworks matchmaking capabilities."
"Friends_BlockCommunicationWarning_Info2" "You are about to block all communication
with %username%.\n\nYou will no longer be able to send or receive messages or
invites with this player.\n\nYou can undo this by visiting their Steam Profile or
unblocking them via your Friends list."
"Friends_BlockCommunicationWarning_LinkInfo" "More info about Steamworks
"Friends_BlockCommunicationWarning_DontAskAgainCheck" "Don't show me this again."
"Friends_BlockCommunicationWarning_Block" "Block player"
"Friends_BlockCommunicationWArning_Cancel" "Cancel"
"Friends_BlockCommunicationResult" "%username% has been blocked!\n\nTo unblock
this player, visit your Blocked List in the Steam Community."
"Friends_BlockCommunicationResultUnblock" "%username% has been unblocked!\n\nYou
can visit your Blocked List in the Steam Community."
"Friends_BlockCommunicationResult_YourBlockedList" "View my Blocked List"
"Friends_DefaultBlockCommunicationError" "There was a problem blocking

"Friends_ChatIntro_Title" "Incoming chat request"

"Friends_ChatIntro_Accept" "Accept"
"Friends_ChatIntro_Decline" "Decline"
"Friends_ChatIntro_Ignore" "Block"

"Friends_ChatIntro_Info" "You've received a chat request from the

following user:"
"Friends_ChatIntro_Info2" "You two share the following groups in common:"
"Friends_ChatIntro_InfoChatRoom" "You are in this chat room together:"
"Friends_ChatIntro_Request" "Would you like to accept this chat request?"
"Friends_ChatIntro_DontShowCheckBox" "Always accept chat requests from this user."

"Friends_ChatIntro_WarningInfo" "Reminder: Steam Support will never need your

password for any reason. Ignore any password requests you receive."
"Friends_Voice_MicrophoneDeviceLabel" "Recording (audio input) device"
"Friends_Voice_ChangeDevice" "Change device..."
"Friends_Voice_ChangeDeviceNote" "(this will open the Windows voice
control panel)"
"Friends_Voice_ChangingDevice_Title" "Steam - Changing recording device"
"Friends_Voice_ChangingDevice_Info" "The Windows audio control panel is now
open. Hit 'OK' when you're finished changing settings."
"Friends_Voice_ChangingDevice_Button" "OK, I'm finished changing settings"
"Friends_Voice_NoDeviceDetected" "[ No recording device detected ]"
"Friends_Voice_PushToTalkKey" "Push-to-talk key"
"Friends_Voice_WhenActive" "When voice chat is active:"
"Friends_Voice_AutoTransmit" "Automatically transmit my voice whenever I speak"
"Friends_Voice_PushToTalk" "Use a push-to-talk key to transmit voice"
"Friends_Voice_PushToMute" "Use a push-to-mute key to mute voice"

"Friends_DownloadNotification_Steam" "Steam"
"Friends_DownloadNotification_Info" "has finished downloading"

"Friends_SteamInputControllerPlayerNumberTitle" "Controller Switched Slots"

"Friends_SteamInputControllerPlayerNumberChanged" "is Now Player %player_number
"Friends_SteamInputControllerConnectedNotification_Info" "Using configs from"
"Friends_SteamInputControllerConfigNotification_Info" "CONFIG LOADED:"
"Friends_SteamInputControllerConfigNotification_Info2" "%config_name%"
"Friends_SteamInputControllerConfigNotification_Info3" "Edit it from the Steam
"Library_ControllerSaveDefaultTitle" "Official Configuration"
"SettingsController_AutosaveName" "Personal Autosave"
"SettingsController_SteamController" "Steam Controller"
"controller_none" "None"
"controller_unknown" "Unknown
"controller_steamcontroller_unknown" "Steam Controller"
"controller_steamcontroller_gordon" "Steam Controller"
"controller_generic" "Generic Gamepad"
"controller_xbox360" "Xbox 360
"controller_xboxone" "Xbox One
"controller_ps3" "PlayStation 3
"controller_ps4" "PlayStation 4
"controller_wii" "Wii Controller"
"controller_apple" "Apple
"controller_android" "Android
"controller_switch_pro" "Nintendo Switch
Pro Controller"
"controller_switch_joycon_pair" "Nintendo Switch
JoyCon Pair"
"controller_mobile_touch" "Steam Link Touch

"Friends_ScreenshotNotification_Info" "Screenshot saved"

"Friends_ScreenshotNotification_Info_Multiple" "%screenshots% screenshots saved"
"Friends_ScreenshotErrorNotification_Info" "Error saving screenshot"
"Limited_OpenChat" "Open Chat"
"Friends_SteamCommunity" "Steam Community"
"Limited_Explanation" "Your account does not meet the requirements to use this
"Limited_ForDetails" "Visit Steam Support for more information."

"Friends_Chat_RoomModerated_Entry" "The chat room has been set to officers-

only chat by %member_making_change%.\n"
"Friends_Chat_RoomUnmoderated_Entry" "The chat room has been set to all-
users chat by %member_making_change%.\n"
"Friends_Chat_RoomUnmoderated_Info" "Only group officers can send
messages in officers-only chat"
"Friends_Chat_ModerateRoom" "Enable officers-only chat"
"Friends_Chat_UnmoderateRoom" "Disable officers-only chat (anyone can
"Friends_Chat_ModerateRoom_Status" "Only officers of the group can

"Friends_InviteToGame_Title" "Choose Friends to invite"

"Friends_InviteToGame_Close" "Return to game"
"friends_invitetogame_action" "INVITE"
"friends_invitetogame_done" "INVITE SENT"

"Friends_NoSoundSystems" "No Sound Input systems found on your machine."

"Friends_SoundSystemName" "Device"
"FriendsUI_SelectSoundSystem" "Select Sound Input Device:"
"FriendsUI_SoundSystemTitle" "Select Sound Input"

"friends_ingametooltip" "In-Game: %game%"

"friends_pendinginvites" "%invites% PENDING"
"Friends_ViewInvitesOnCommunityPage" "View invites on Community"
"friends_ignoreallinvites" "Ignore all invites"
"friends_acceptallinvites" "Accept all invites"
"friends_ignoreallsuggestedfriends" "Ignore all suggested friends"
"friends_inviteallsuggestedfriends" "Invite all suggested friends"
"friends_acceptrequest" "Accept"
"friends_ignorerequest" "Ignore"
"friends_blockrequest" "Block"
"friends_inviterequest" "Invite"
"friends_acceptgrouprequest" "Accept"
"friends_ignoregrouprequest" "Ignore"
"friends_tooltip_voicesettings" "View voice settings"
"Friends_ViewGameStorePage" "View game store page"
"Friends_ViewGameHub" "View Game Hub"
"Friends_WatchGame" "Watch Game"

"friends_game_invite" "%friend% has invited you to play"

"friends_game_invite_action" "CLICK HERE TO JOIN"

"friends_voice_friendendedcall" "%friend% has ended the call."

"friends_trade_invite" "%friend% has invited you to trade items"

"friends_trade_invite_action" "CLICK HERE TO TRADE"

"friends_trade_invite_sent" "A request to trade has been sent to %friend%"

"friends_trade_invite_sent_waiting" "Waiting for response..."

"friends_trade_generic_failure" "You cannot trade with %friend%."

"friends_trade_declined" "%friend% has declined your trade request."
"friends_trade_you_are_banned" "You cannot trade with %friend% because
you have a trade ban."
"friends_trade_they_are_banned" "You cannot trade with %friend% because
they have a trade ban."
"friends_trade_you_are_cafe" "You cannot trade with %friend% because you are on a
Cyber Cafe account."
"friends_trade_they_are_cafe" "You cannot trade with %friend% because they are on a
Cyber Cafe account."
"friends_trade_you_are_school" "You cannot trade with %friend% because you are
on a School Lab account."
"friends_trade_they_are_school" "You cannot trade with %friend% because they
are on a School Lab account."
"friends_trade_they_are_blocked" "You cannot trade with %friend% because you
have blocked them."
"friends_trade_you_need_verified_email" "You must verify your email address
before you can participate in a trade. Verify your email address from the Settings
"friends_trade_you_have_steam_guard_disabled" "You must enable Steam Guard before
you can participate in a trade. Enable Steam Guard from the Settings window."
"friends_trade_you_havent_had_steam_guard_enabled_long_enough" "You must have had
Steam Guard enabled for at least %days% days before you can participate in a
"friends_trade_you_are_using_new_device" "You have logged in from a new device. In
order to protect the items in your inventory, you will be unable to trade from this
device for %days% days."
"friends_trade_you_recently_reset_password" "You recently forgot and then reset
your Steam account's password. You will not be able to trade until about five days
after the most recent password reset."
"friends_trade_you_recently_reset_password_long" "You recently forgot and then
reset your Steam account's password after multiple months of account inactivity. In
order to protect the items in your inventory, you will be unable to trade for %days
% more days."
"friends_trade_you_recently_reset_password_short" "You recently forgot and then
reset your Steam account's password. In order to protect the items in your
inventory, you will be unable to trade for %days% more days."
"friends_trade_you_recently_reset_password_oneday" "You recently forgot and then
reset your Steam account's password. In order to protect the items in your
inventory, you will be unable to trade for one more day."
"friends_trade_you_recently_changed_email" "You recently changed the email
address associated with your Steam account. You will not be able to trade until
five days after changing your email address."
"friends_trade_you_recently_changed_email_days" "You recently changed the email
address associated with your Steam account. In order to protect the items in your
inventory, you will be unable to trade for %days% more days."
"friends_trade_you_recently_changed_email_oneday" "You recently changed the email
address associated with your Steam account. In order to protect the items in your
inventory, you will be unable to trade for one more day."
"friends_trade_their_account_cannot_trade" "%friend% is not available to
trade. More information will be shown to %friend% if they invite you to trade."
"friends_trade_trade_hold_for_cleared_trades_initiator" "You cannot trade
with %friend% because you recently had all your trade offers canceled."
"friends_trade_would_exceed_max_asset_count" "This trade cannot be
completed because it would exceed the maximum number of items allowed in your

"friends_trade_they_are_trading" "You cannot trade with %friend% because they

are currently trading with someone else."
"friends_trade_disabled" "Trading is currently disabled on the
"friends_trade_not_logged_in" "You cannot trade with %friend% because they
are not logged in."
"friends_trade_cancelled" "The trade request was cancelled."
"friends_trade_other_cancelled" "%friend% had asked to trade with you,
but has cancelled their request."
"friends_trade_other_cancelled_timeout" "%friend% had asked to trade with you, but
you did not respond in time."
"friends_trade_too_soon" "You cannot trade with %friend% because
it is too soon to ask them again."
"friends_trade_too_soon_penalty" "You cannot trade with %friend% because you
have been asking too frequently - you can try again in a few minutes."
"friends_trade_connection_failed" "%friend% has not responded to your trade
"friends_trade_you_are_already_trading" "You cannot request a new trade while you
are still in another trade session."
"friends_trade_you_are_already_requesting_trade" "You can only have one outstanding
trade request."
"friends_trade_no_respond" "%friend% did not respond to the trade

"friends_trade_accepted" "%friend% has accepted your request to

"friends_trade_you_accepted" "You have accepted the trade request from
"friends_invite_to_trade" "Invite to Trade"
"Friends_TradeInvitation_Info" "has invited you to trade"
"friends_view_item_in_inventory" "View in inventory"

"friends_voice_usedbygame" "Microphone in use by game"

"friends_group_tag_as" "Tag as..."

"friends_group_edit_categories" "Assign tags to this friend to help you find
them quickly. Tagged Friends will be grouped together in your Friends list."
"friends_group_addtag" "ADD TAG"
"friends_group_edittags_title" "%friend% - Tags"

"friends_insertitem" "Display an Item from your Inventory..."

"group_enterchatroom" "Enter group chat"

"friends_giftreceived_info" "has sent you a gift"

"friends_itemreceived_info" "You have 1 new item in your inventory"
"friends_itemsreceived_info" "You have %items% new items in your inventory"
"friends_setnickname" "Add Nickname"
"friends_setnickname_title" "Friends - %friend%"
"friends_setnickname_info" "Add a persistent nickname to this player to
keep track of who they are."
"friends_managefriends" "Manage Friends"
"Friends_WebStatus_Tooltip" "Online using the Web"
"Friends_MobileStatus_Tooltip" "Online using a mobile device"
"Friends_BigPictureStatus_Tooltip" "Online using Big Picture"
"Friends_VRStatusStatus_Tooltip" "Online in VR"

"friends_newturn_info" "1 new turn waiting for you"

"friends_newturns_info" "%turns% new turns waiting for you"

"Friends_FriendInvitedToBroadcast_Title" "INVITE - %friend%"

"Friends_FriendInvitedToBroadcast_Info" "An invitation to watch your game has been
sent to %friend%."
"Friends_BroadcastInvite" "%friend% has invited you to watch their broadcast"
"Friends_BroadcastInviteNotification" "invited you to watch their broadcast"
"Friends_Chat_InviteToBroadcast" "Invite to Watch"
"Friends_BroadcastApproveNotification" "would like to watch your broadcast"
"Friends_BroadcastCantStart_Streaming" "can't watch your broadcast while In-Home
"Friends_BroadcastApprove" "%friend% would like to watch your broadcast"
"Friends_BroadcastApprove_Approve" "APPROVE"
"Friends_BroadcastApprove_Or" "or"
"Friends_BroadcastApprove_Ignore" "IGNORE"

"Broadcast_FirstTime_Header" "Welcome to Steam Broadcasting! You can now watch

other players and broadcast your own games with Steam."
"Broadcast_FirstTime_PermissionHeader" "Take a minute to set up your
"Broadcast_FirstTime_DesktopOnly" "By default, only your game content can be
watched. Your desktop will not be broadcast."
"Broadcast_FirstTime_FAQ" "Read the Steam Broadcasting FAQ"
"Broadcast_FirstTime_Title" "Steam Broadcasting"
"Broadcast_FirstTime_OK" "OK"
"Broadcast_FirstTime_Cancel" "Cancel"
"Broadcast_FirstTime_ViewerRequest" "%friend% would like to watch you play
"Broadcast_FirstTime_CompleteText" "Thank you for selecting your broadcast
"Broadcast_FirstTime_Configuration" "For additional configuration options such as
microphone recording and video resolutions, visit:"
"Broadcast_FirstTime_ConfigurationLink" "Broadcast Settings"

"Broadcast_Chat_Show_Profile" "Show profile"

"Broadcast_Chat_Mute_User" "Mute viewer"
"Broadcast_Chat_Muted" "%s1 has been muted."
"Broadcast_Chat_Joined" "%s1 joined the chat."
"Broadcast_Chat_Left" "%s1 left the chat."

"Broadcast_Notification_Title" "Broadcast"
"Broadcast_Notification_Joined_Public" "A user has joined your public broadcast"
"Broadcast_Notification_Stopped_Public" "All users have stopped watching your
public broadcast"
"Broadcast_Notification_Is_Watching" "is watching your broadcast"
"Broadcast_Notification_AvailableToWatch_Title" "Broadcasting is enabled!"
"Broadcast_Notification_AvailableToWatch_Friends" "Your friends can join your
broadcast at any time."
"Broadcast_Notification_AvailableToWatch_Public" "Any Steam user can join your
broadcast at any time."

"Steam_Settings_BroadcastTitle" "Broadcasting"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_Disabled" "Broadcasting disabled"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_InviteOnly" "Only friends that I invite"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_FriendsApprove" "Friends can request to watch my games"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_FriendsAllowed" "Friends can watch my games"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_FriendsPublic" "Anyone can watch my games"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_Bitrate3500" "3500 kbit/s"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_Bitrate3000" "3000 kbit/s"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_Bitrate2500" "2500 kbit/s"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_Bitrate2000" "2000 kbit/s"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_Bitrate1500" "1500 kbit/s"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_Bitrate1000" "1000 kbit/s"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_Bitrate750" "750 kbit/s"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_1080p" "1920x1080 (1080p)"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_720p" "1280x720 (720p)"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_480p" "854x480 (480p)"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_360p" "640x360 (360p)"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_IncludeDesktop" "Record video from all applications on
this machine"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_RecordSystemAudio" "Record audio from all applications on
this machine"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_RecordMic" "Record my microphone"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_ConfigMic" "Configure microphone"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_EnableHardwareSupport" "Enable Hardware Support *"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_ShowDebugInfo" "Show upload stats"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_ShowReminderBanner" "Always show Live status"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_ShowChat" "Show viewer's chat in game:"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_StatusHeader" "Broadcast Status:"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_HelpHeader" "Need help?"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_HelpURL_Desc" "View Broadcast Support Pages"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_PermissionsHeader" "Privacy setting:"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_BitrateHeader" "Maximum Bitrate:"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_DimensionsHeader" "Video Dimensions:"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_EncoderHeader" "Optimize encoding for:"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_EncoderQuality" "Best Quality"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_EncoderPerformance" "Best Performance"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_StatusNotBroadcast" "Not Broadcasting"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_StatusBroadcast" "Broadcasting"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_ShowChat_Off" "Off"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_ShowChat_LeftTop" "Top-left"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_ShowChat_RightTop" "Top-right"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_ShowChat_RightBottom" "Bottom-right"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_ShowChat_LeftBottom" "Bottom-left"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_Disabled_System" "Steam Broadcasting is not currently
supported on this operating system."
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_Disabled_Overlay" "Steam Overlay needs to be enabled to
broadcast live streams."
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_Disabled_User" "Your account does not have sufficient
privileges to broadcast live streams."
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_Disabled_System_Windows_Compat_Enabled" "Steam is unable
to start Broadcasting on this machine.\n\nWindows is currently running Steam in
Windows Compatibility Mode which can prevent Steam Broadcasting from functioning
properly. If this machine is Windows 7 or higher, please follow the support page
below to remove compatibility mode."
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_WindowsCompatSupportText" "How do I disable Compatibility
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_RequiresRestart" "* Requires game restart before

"Broadcast_RecordingError_NoAudio" "Steam was unable to record audio for this

"Broadcast_RecordingError_LowVideo" "Steam changed Broadcast encoding to \"Best

"Broadcast_RecordingError_Title" "Broadcast - Audio not being recorded"

"Broadcast_RecordingError_General" "Steam was unable to record audio for this
broadcast. Please visit the support article below for help troubleshooting this
"Broadcast_RecordingError_URL_Text" "Steam Support - Audio not being recorded"
"Broadcast_RecordingError_Razer" "Steam was unable to record audio for this
broadcast. Please visit the support article below and read the \"Razer Audio
Hardware\" section for help troubleshooting this issue."

"Broadcast_UploadError_Notification" "Stream upload has stopped (%reason%)."

"Broadcast_Upload_Result_0" "unknown error"
"Broadcast_Upload_Result_1" "OK"
"Broadcast_Upload_Result_2" "init failed"
"Broadcast_Upload_Result_3" "frame failed"
"Broadcast_Upload_Result_4" "time-out"
"Broadcast_Upload_Result_5" "too much data"
"Broadcast_Upload_Result_6" "low FPS"
"Broadcast_Upload_Result_7" "missing key frames"
"Broadcast_Upload_Result_8" "no connection"
"Broadcast_Upload_Result_9" "relay failed"
"Broadcast_Upload_Result_10" "settings changed"
"Broadcast_Upload_Result_11" "missing audio"
"Broadcast_Upload_Result_12" "too far behind"

"Steam_Settings_Browser" "Web Browser"

"Overlay_SettingsBrowserDesc" "The following settings apply to the web browser used
inside the Steam Client and the Steam In-Game Overlay."
"Steam_SettingsBrowserClearWebCache" "Delete Web Browser Cache"
"Steam_SettingsBrowserClearAllCookies" "Delete All Browser Cookies"
"Steam_Settings_Browser_DeleteTitle" "Delete Cookies"
"Steam_Settings_Browser_DeleteMsg" "Clear all Steam browser cookie data?"
"Steam_Settings_Browser_ClearWebCacheTitle" "Clear Browser Cache"
"Steam_Settings_Browser_ClearWebCacheMsg" "Delete all files in the built-in web
browser cache?"

"RemotePlayTogether_Notification_AvailableToInvite_Title" "Remote Play Together"

"RemotePlayTogether_Notification_AvailableToInvite" "Right-click anyone in your
Friends list to invite them to play."


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