Finals - Mock Board

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NAME:____________________________ YR. & SEC._______________



01.. Established by Robert Peel in 1829, it was held as the premier institution in gathering of
information regarding the identity, activities of criminals as well as obtaining activities of criminals as
well as obtaining evidences and effecting the arrest of the same.
A. FBI B. NBI C. Scotland Yard D. INTERPOL
02. It refers to clandestine or secret means of obtaining information.
A. Covert Intelligence B. Overt Intelligence C. Infiltration D. Surveillance
03. Is a step by which the intelligence is transformed from raw facts to intelligence data?
A. collection B. Processing C. Evaluation D. Dissemination
04. A vehicle fronting the principal’s vehicle to neutralize possible threats.
A. Escort Vehicle B. Counter Attack Vehicle C. Decoy Vehicle D. Shield Vehicle
05. Refers to something that is concealed or hidden.
A. Overt B. Covert C. Crypt D. Code
6. A method of collection of information wherein the investigator trails the suspect. A. Research
B. Surveillance C. Casing D. Under Cover Operation
7. In formulating a fictitious identity, what is the primary consideration? A. Preliminary consideration
of the suspect.
B. Choosing a suitable background or cover to fit the role.
C. Familiarize with the community.
D. Have fictitious credentials
8. Forging or changing person’s real identity.
A. Cover B. Deception C. Defection D. Infiltration
9. Refers to the examination of raw materials, to determine its reliability, credibility, and relevance to
A. Collation B. Evaluation C. Processing D. Interpretation
10. What notice is being applied to help locate missing persons including children, or to help people to
identify themselves.
A. Blue notices B. Green notices C. Red notices D. Yellow notices
11. A transnational grouping of highly centralized enterprises run by criminals for the purpose of
engaging in illegal activity, most commonly for the purpose of generating a monetary profit. A
criminal activity by an enduring structure or organization developed and devoted primarily to the
pursuit of profits through illegal means.
A. organized activity B. transnational group
C. organized crime D. organized criminal gang
12. Based on the event when a greater number of children are being born. As these babies born grow
up, delinquent subcultures develop out of the adolescent identity crisis. What theory describes this?
A. demographic theory B. deprivation theory
C. modernization theory D. anomie theory
13. Measures undertaken to deny the enemy of any information consisting of active and passive
intelligence measures.
A. Combat Intelligence B. Strategic Intelligence C. Line Intelligence D. Counter Intelligence
14. Refers to particular requirements for information which the end users’ needs to govern the conduct
of operation
A. Essential elements of information B. Mission Order C. Directives D. Intelligence 15. Any
form of communicated knowledge which serves as the bloodline of police intelligence. A.
Information B. Reports C. Crime Reports D. Research
16. To what unit do police personnel belong when they infiltrate crowd and gather information
regarding criminal syndicate.
A. Intelligence B. Investigation C. Patrol D. Communication
17. Factors to be considered in the conduct of background investigation is the ability or tendency to
act or decide with prudence, the habit of wise judgment.
A. Morals B. Discretion C. Character D. Reputation
18. Factors to be considered in the conduct of background investigation as to the sum or traits that have
been impressed by nature, education, and habit upon an individual
A. Morals B. Discretion C. Character D. Reputation
19. Classification of document as to the information or material the unauthorized disclosure of which
would endanger national security, cause serious injury to the interest or prestige of the nation or any
governmental agencies.
A. Top Secret B. Confidential C. Restricted D. Secret.
20. This police activity increases the number of arrest of criminal syndicate members.
A. Intelligence B. Investigation C. Patrol D. Communication
21. In intelligence function, a black list means;
A. Neutral B. Friendly C. Unwanted D. Unfriendly
22. A___________ list contains a roll of citizen and officials who are cleared to attend classified
A. Black B. White C. Target D. Principal
23. They are documents classification wherein the loss or damage of which will pose a threat to
A. Class 1 B. Class lll C. Class ll D. Class lV
24. This refers to the duly processed intelligence reports not made available for public consumption.
A. Vital/Top Secret Documents B. Secret C. Confidential D. Restricted Documents
25. This contains operational procedures and guidelines wherein loss or compromise would hamper
operations but may easily be restored.
A. Vital/Top Secret Documents B. Secret C Confidential D. Restricted Documents
26. They are considered to be irreplaceable official matters the unauthorized disclosure of which would
cause exceptionally grave damage to the interest of an establishment since it is vital to its survival.
A. Vital/Top Secret Documents B. Secret C. Confidential D. Restricted Documents
27. It is form of intelligence dissemination wherein the data is dispatched to the addressee in the
personal care of authorized personnel. A. Transmission by Safe Hand
B. Transmission by Safe Personal Contact
C. Transmission by Delivery
D. Transmission by Courier
28. Patrolman Matayog is deployed in bars and establishments usually frequented by syndicate member
for information gathering, his mission are classified as:
A. Social Assignment B. Work Assignment C. Organizational Assignment D. Community
29. An intelligence personnel who was instructed to apply as a staff of his target is performing what
A. Social Assignment B. Work Assignment C. Organizational Assignment D. Community
30. A certain neighbourhood is known to be a major source of prohibited drugs, to solve this problem he
intelligence personnel were deployed to live to the area fo considerable amount of time to determine
the veracity of such report.
A. Social Assignment B. Work Assignment C. Organizational D. Community Assignment
31. To fully study the target person, a complete background investigation is undertaken; this would
check the personal data and activity of the target covering _________ years.
A. 5 years B. 10 years C. 15 years D. 20 years.
32. This deals to the extended and utilization of natural and human resources and industrial
potential of a nation.
A. Economic Intelligence B. Geographical Intel C. Domestic Intel D. Industrial Intelligence
33. Refers to the gathering of intelligence pertaining to the manufacturing technique, processes
from formulas which may be of great use and value.
A. Economic Intelligence B. Geographical Intel C. Domestic Intel D. Industrial Intelligence
34. The full measures taken by the state to free and protect its own society from lawlessness,
insurgency, terrorism and subversion.
A. Internal Defense B.Departmental Defense C. External Defense Institutional Defense
35. This outline the primary threat to national security hence occupies the greatest attention and
concern of intelligence operatives.
A. Bigot List B. Black List C. Order of Battle D. Primary Orders.
36. They are politically sensitive military operations normally characterized by the short term and
rapid projections of forces in condition short of conventional war.
A. Peace Time Contingency B. Psychological C. Physical Warfare D. Individual Warfare
37. Refers to the planned use of propaganda having the primary purpose of influencing the
opinions, attitudes, emotions and behaviour of hostile groups.
A. Peace Time Contingency B. Psychological Warfare C. Physical Warfare D. Individual
38. They are operations directed towards population in unfriendly areas occupied by friend forces
used to facilitate operation and promote maximum cooperation.
A. Peace Time Contingency B. Psychological Warfare condition C. Physical D. Individual
39. They are planned activity in peace or in war directed towards enemy, friendly and neural audiences
in order to create an attitude and behaviour favourable to the achievement of political and military
A. Peace Time Contingency B. Psychological Operation C. Physical Warfare D. Individual 40.
This is the specific and the measurable ways of the accomplishing the goals of the organization.
A. goal B. mission C. objectives D. philosophy
41. Which of the following statements is not true about the Organization?
A. Command officers had complete power over subordinates
B. Predominated by with its hierarchy of authoritative management
C. communication flowed upward
D. Downward
42. The PNP organizational structure is composed of the central office or the National Headquarters,
which housed the office of the following, except?
A. PNP chief B. Deputy Chief for Administration
C. Regional Director D. Deputy Chief for Operation
43. An open activity used to clear out government image.
A. Black Propaganda B. White Propaganda C. Red Propaganda D. Yellow Propaganda
44. Refers to the area which separates the VIP or principal from attack.
A. Defense Ring B. Kill zone C. Buffer Zone D. Attack Zone
45. The arrangement of protective personnel and or physical barriers to negate potential attack.
A. Defense Ring B. Kill zone C. Buffer Zone D. Attack Zone
46. The protective personnel asked to conduct, inspect, and survey on the area of visits, performs
coordination and make the required arrangement of the VIP in a specific area is known as___________.
A. Advance Party B. DestinatiSon security C. Route Security D. Beat Security
47. In emergency situation which pose threat to the object of VIP protection, the first duty of the
agent assigned to the principal is ________.
A. Remove the VIP as quickly as possible.
B. Neutralize all probable threats.
C. Cover the VIP as closely as possible, shield him by placing themselves between the VIP to any
source of danger.
D. Call for a back up.
48. In the defense ring, the outer ring is composed of personnel deployed in;
A. Outside the VIP’s door or close in.
B. Inside quarters, residence, office.
C. Sidewalks, stationed in front of quarters and covering all entrances.
D. All of these.
49. This personnel assigned to protect the VIP are posted as close in or placed outside the VIP’s door.
A. Defense ring B. Outer Ring C. Middle Ring D. Inner Ring
50. The arrangement of protective personnel and or physical barriers to negate potential attack;
A. Defense ring B. Outer Ring C. Middle Ring D. Inner Ring
51. Known as Napoleon’s Eye, he conducted counter intelligence against spies, who utilized deceit
and blackmail o vain information.
A. Schulmeister B. Edward 1 C. Steiber D. Redl
52. Known protector of queen Elizabeth l, who organized the British secret police to detect the Naval
operation and fleet movement of Portugal.
A. Walsingham of England B. Edward 1 C. Steiber D. Redl
53. Research and analysis as well as interrogation and debriefing are a common function of; A.
Intelligence Unit B. Intelligence Operations C. Secret Intelligence D. Evaluation
54. Which among the following is not a component of the central intelligence service?
A. Intelligence Unit B Intelligence Operations C. Secret Intelligence D. Intelligence Division
55. Regarded as the most infamous double spy and was responsible for approximately 500,00 death
of Austrian, Hungarians and Russian in his 13 years career as the intelligence director of Hungary and
A. Walsingham of England B. Edward 1 C. Steiber D. Redl
56. An information which is probably true would be given an evaluation number of;
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
57. When the reliability of source is unknown, intelligence evaluator will give it a classification of;
A. A B. C C. E D. F
58. Refers to the organized information available in the police records division.
A. Departmental Intelligence B. Police Intelligence C. Counter Intel D. Combat Intelligence
59. An organized and relatively stable business which uses violence and threat against competitors.
A. Criminal Syndicates B. Criminal world C. Organized Crime D. Mafia
60. Refers to the social organization of criminal with its own social classes and norms. A. Criminal
Syndicates B. Criminal world C. Organized Crime D. Mafia
61. It is undertaken by shifting or sorting of all available intelligence materials.
A. Analysis B. Integration C. Deduction D. Evaluation
62. Indexed memorandum pad for recording of information regarding the enemy,, its movement,
location and anticipated action.
A. Intelligence Journal B. Enemy situation map C. Intelligence Worksheet D. Files
63. An evaluation code of F4 would mean that the intelligence data is;
A. Unreliable, doubtfully true B. Reliability unknown, doubtfully true
C. Unreliable, improbable report D. Reliability unknown, improbable report
64. Refers to the determination of the significance of the intelligence data in order to draw
A. Collation B. Evaluation C. Interpretation D. Deduction
65. It is a technique designed to show relationship between individuals and organization by visual
graphic designed
A. Link Analysis B. Flow Charting C. Data Collection D. Data Analysis
66. Offensive measures taken to respond to terrorist attacks.
A. Counter Intelligence B. Counter subversion C. Counter - Terrorism D. Gang
67. Refer to the information or knowledge pertaining to a person or organization engaged in illegal
A. Police Strategic Intel B. Police Counter Intel C. Police Line Intel D. Criminal Intelligence
68. Defined as an art and science and making, devising and protecting codes and cyphers.
A. Crypt B. Intelligence D. Crypto- Analysis D. Cryptography
69. A data transmission system using telephone line or other by private channels wherein a great deal of
confidential information is routinely sent by substitution and transposition from one computer to
another by government agencies, banks and other companies.
A. Data Encryption Standard B. LUCIFER C Enigma D. RSA
70. This make use of the computer binary code consisting of )’s and I’s and transform 64 bit messages
into 64 bit segments of cipher texts.
A. Data Encryption Standard B. LUCIFER C. Ensigma D RSA
71. The forwarding address of agent for mail packages and other communication
A. White List B. Target List C. Bigot List D. Accommodation Address
72 . A list of names with authorized access to sensitive information.
A. White List B. Target List C. Bigot List D. Accommodation Address
73. . An intelligence material given an evaluation code of A1 would mean;
A. Completely reliable, Probably true
B. Completely reliable, confirmed y other source.
C. Usually reliable, Probably true
D. Usually reliable, confirmed by other sources.
74. It refers to a document which contains information pertaining to enemy location, movement and
possible action.
A. Intelligence Journal B. Intelligence worksheet C. Enemy situation Map D. Syndicate
75. Refer to a person being protected or the object of secret service.
A. Principal B. Private Individual Service C. Protective Security D. Decoy
76. Father of organized Military Espionage.
A. Alexander the Great B. Hannibal C. Frederick the Great D. Moses
77. What do you call that strategy of patrol activities which emphasis in on police-citizen interaction
wherein the community input is sought in resolving patrol problem?
A. Directed Patrol strategy B. Strategic C. Aggressive D. Interactive Patrol Strategy
78. This kind of strategic patrol which is emphasis is on the positive, targeted oriented activities which
include physical security inspection, but this is effective if the information regarding identifiable
crime trends is based on c rime analysis.
A. Directed strategy B. Strategic C. Aggressive Patrol Strategy D. Interactive Strategy
79. The basic requirement of Police intervention shall be led by a __________.
A. Police Non-Commissioned Officers (PNCO) B. Non- Uniformed Personnel (NUP)
C. Police Commissioned Officer (PCO) D. NAPOLCOM representative
80. Established after World War ll, it serves as the clearing house of records that provides information
from police force of one country to another
A. FBI B. Central Intelligence Agency C Scotland Yard D. INTERPOL
81. Russian counterpart of the Central Intelligence Agency.
A. Committee for State Security B. National Intelligence Agency
C. Central Intelligence Agency D. Office of strategic Services
82. Encrypted and coded messages are converted to intelligible language by;
A. Encoding B. Decoding C. Processing D. Labelling
83. A philosopher who wrote the book of Art of War, which diverted world philosophy regarding
intelligence gathering from the traditional approach which resort to prophecy an dream to scientific
methods of information gathering and processes.
A. Alexander the Great B. Frederick the Great C. Sun Tzu D. Moses
84. Former head of the office of strategic service who gave vital military intelligence which
contributed to the end of World War ll.
A. Donovan B. Redl C. Walsingham of England D. Edward l to
the highest bidder.
A. Mercenary informants B. Civic - Mindedness C. Vanity D. Fear
85. It would entail the recording or organization of raw materials so that they may be a readily
compared with other items.
A. Collation B. Evaluation C. Interpretation D. Deduction
86. It is the greatest tongue loosened and should be avoided by intelligence agent during mission.
A. Drugs B. Women C. Alcohol D. Gambling
87. Information procured in the open is a product of what type of intelligence?
A. Covert B. Overt C. Undercover D. Surveillance
88. This type of intelligence is primarily long range in nature.
A. Counter intelligence B. Line Intelligence
C. Departmental Intelligence D. Strategic Intelligence
89. If the information is procured without the knowledge of the subject it is said to be;
A. Covert B. Overt C. Undercover D. Surveillance
90. A common technique used in data description and integration. It demonstrates the chain of event
or activities over a period.
A. Link analysis B. Flowcharting C. Data Collection D. Data analysis
91. Finest intelligence agency in the world.
92. An intelligence data that is immediate in nature.
A. Line Intelligence B. Counter Intelligence C. Strategic intelligence D. Combat intelligence
93. Gradual penetration into the enemy domain and territory.
A. Surveillance B. Elicitation C. Infiltration D. All of the Foregoing
94. What type of police system which is distinguished by procedures designed to rehabilitate or retain
people into fulfilling their responsibilities to the state?
A. Old theory B. Civil law System C. Socialist system D. Islamic system
95. Which one below is NOT a benefits that the Philippines Derive as Member of the INTERPOL A.
Access on international Criminal Cases.
B. Access to International Summaries of Criminal Cases.
C. Attend meetings and symposiums on case of special topics
D. Access to funds against transnational Crimes
96. The type and form of government in northern Asia (Russia) consist of composite systems which
includes federal state, semi-presidential and republic. Which type of government which is
characterized by a union of partially self-governing states or regions united by a central government?
A. Republic state B. federal state C. Democratic D. presidential state
97. Private security Agencies has to be registered with the _________.
A. Security and Exchange Commission
B. Security Agencies and Guard Supervision Division (SAGSD)
C. Philippine Association of Detectives and Protective Agency Operation (PADPAO)
D. Supervisory Office for Security Investigation Agency (SOSIA)
98. They are intelligence personnel who may no longer used for undercover work since their duties
and responsibilities revolve around office work for the intelligence community.
A. Social assignment B. Work assignment C. Organizational assignment D. Community
99. The method of patrolling which is accomplished by deploying uniformed patrol officer and marked
patrol cars in the area of responsibility (AOR) with the objective of increasing the “aura 0f police
A. Low Visibility Patrol B. High Visibility Patrol. C. Stop and Frisk D. Decoy
100. What do you call that action of police patrol officer of stopping a suspicious person, questioning
them and frisking them for concealed weapon?
A. High Visibility Patrol B. Low Visibility C. Stop and Frisk D. Decoy 101. In
your answer in question number 07, this is an example of _______ patrol
A . Low Visibility Patrol B. High Visibility C. Stop and Frisk D. Decoy
102. What do you call that strategy of patrol wherein the patrol officer are in the civilian clothes or in
unmarked patrol cars with the primary purpose of increasing the apprehension of criminal engaged in
street crimes and deterrence of criminal activity as a result of greater probability of apprehension.
A. Low Visibility Patrol B. Low Visibility Patrol C. Stop and Frisk D. Decoy
103. It refers to an attack amounting to actual or eminent threat to the life, limb, or right of the
person claiming self-defense.
A. Imminent Danger B. Legal means C. Unlawful Aggression D. Self- Defense
104. What do you call that report if police officers used his firearm against a suspect outlining the
circumstances necessitating the use of weapons against the suspect?
A. Spot Report B. Follow –up Report C. After – Encounter Report D. Incident Report
105. It is the brief stopping of an individual, whether on foot or in a vehicle, based on reasonable
suspicion/probable cause for the purpose of determining the individual’s identity and resolving the
officer’s suspicion concerning criminal activity.
A. Low Visibility Patrol B. Spot Check/Accosting C. Stop and Frisk D. Decoy
106. It is an act, within totality of the circumstances, led an officer to reasonably suspect, or to have
probable cue to believe, that the criminal activity has been, is being, or is about to be committed. A.
Reasonable Suspicion B. Spot Check/Accosting C. Stop and Frisk D. Decoy
107 . It is a “frisk” or external feeling of the external garments of an individual for weapons used.
A. Spot check B. Accosting C. Pat down Search D. Probable Cause
108. A product resulting from the collection, analysis, integration, evaluation and interpretation of all
available information which concerns one or more aspect of area of operation potentially significant
to planning.
A. Assets B. Research C. Intelligence D. Cryptography
109. Law which was enacted last June 19, 1947, which lead to the creation of the National bureau of
A. R.A. 147 B. R.A. 157 C. R.A. 6975 D. R.A. 8551
110. What do you call that location where the search, which is duly authorized by the PNP, is conducted
to deter/prevent the commission of the crime , enforce the la, and other legitimate purposes?
A. Risk Place B. Hasty Checkpoint C. Police checkpoint D. Police Post
111. Composition of police checkpoint tasked to point/profile suspected vehicle subject for checkpoint.
A. Team Leader B. Spotter C. Spokesperson D. Investigation Sub-Station
112. Composition of police checkpoint designated to conduct search, seizure and art if necessary; A.
Blocking/Pursuing Team B. Security Sub Team C. Search Team D. Spotter 113. What do you
call that communication from the supervisors to staff? A. Upward Communication
B. Level Communication.
C. Downward Communication D. Line Communication
114. It means any rally, demonstration, march, parade, procession or any other form of mass or
concerted action held in a public place for the purpose of presenting a lawful cause.
A. Public Place B. Freedom Park C. Public Assembly D. Meeting
115. It includes any highway, boulevard, venues, road, street, bridge, or other thoroughfare, park,
plaza, square and/or any open space of public ownership where the people are allowed access.
A. Public Place B. Freedom Park C. Public Assembly D. Meeting
116. What do you call that venue or place established or designated by local government unit within
their respective jurisdiction where a public assembly could be held without securing any permit for such
purpose from the local government unit concerned.
A. Public Place B. Freedom Park C. Public Assembly D. Meeting
117. It means the highest degree of restraint that the police military or other peace keeping authorities
shall observe during a public assembly or in the dispersal of the same
A. Stopping Zone B. Pre-Determined Area C. High Risk Stop D. Maximum Tolerance
118. The Civil Disturbance Officer shall be led by at least ______ of the PNP.
A. Sergeant B. Lieutenant C. Captain D. Major
119. The Civil Disturbance Management personnel should be stationed at least __________meters ay
from the public assembly.
A. 25 meters B. 50 meters C. 75 meters D. 100 meters
120.The peace keeping details at a strike or lockout should be stationed at least __________meters ay
from the public assembly.
A. 25 meters B. 50 meters C. 75 meters D. 100 meters
121. During breach of peace or confrontation between the demonstrator and the member of the Civil
Disturbance Management (CDM) the latter may utilized ______ only to push back demonstrator and
not as an instrument to strike individuals.
A. Water Cannons B. Truncheon C. Tear Gas D. Side Arms
122. _________ may be utilized to break up formation or groupings of demonstrator who continue to
be aggressive and refused to disperse despite earlier efforts.
A. Water Cannons B . Truncheon C. Tear Gas D. Side Arms
123. IPS means;
A. Integrated Police System B. Internal Policing system
C. Informal Policing system D. Integrated Patrol system
124. Following are the three components of IPS, except;
A. Fixed Component B. Patrol Component C. Community D. Auxiliary Component
125. The component of IPS represented by different stations, precincts, police visibility points, traffic
post and headquarters.
A. Fixed Component B. Patrol Component C. Community D. Auxiliary Component
126. The component of IPS represented by line beat, mobile patrol, motorcycle, bicycle, air patrol and
detective repressive patrol.
A. Fixed Component B. Patrol Component C. Community D. Auxiliary Component
127. What do you call the basic principles or the foundation of COPS believing that the greatest source
of power to wage war against crime and other threats to society lies among the people?
A. Criminal Justice B. Peoples Power C. Democracy D. Philosophy
128. What do you call the basic principles or the foundation of COPS that the machinery used by a
democratic government to protect society against crime and disorder?
A. Criminal Justice B. Peoples Power C. Democracy D. Philosophy
129. What do call that patrol component consisting of contiguous area where a team of police
investigator is assigned with a specific task of conducting follow-up investigation to all complaint,
reports, referrals and other requests with the end in view of full compliance and/or filing case.
A. Detective beat System B. Situation map C. PCP D Station Patrol
130. It is concerned with crime prevention wherein the patrol officers usually respond to crime
incident for arrest, protection of crime scene until detectives arrive to investigate.
A. Detective beat System B. Situation map C. Police Beat D. Station Patrol
131. What do you call that phase conducted by patrol by means of formation or assembly in police
station for at least 30 minutes which will b allotted?
A. Pre – deployment phase B. Deployment phase C. Post deployment D. Completed Phase
132. What do you call that phase wherein the patrol officer upon arrival at their patrol beat
shall require reporting to the desk officer or dispatcher?
A. Pre – deployment phase B. Deployment phase C. Post deployment D. Completed Phase 133.
What do you call that patrol phase wherein the patrol officers will return to the headquarters to return
the equipment and to prepare their reports?
A. Pre – deployment phase B. Deployment phase C. Post deployment phase D. Completed
134. What do you call that report prepared by patrol officer upon the completion of their tour of
duty? A. Incident Report B. After mission report C. Daily Patrol report D. Tour of duty Report.
135. The IPS component which includes security guards, traffic enforcers, barangay tanods, civilian
volunteer and non-governmental organizations
A. Detective beat System B. Situation map C. Auxiliary components D. Station Patrol
136. The system which attempt to integrate the police and the community interest into a working
relationship so as to produce the desired objective of peace keeping in the community
A. Team Policing System B. Situation map C. Auxiliary components D. Station
137. It is the Community Oriented Policing System(COPS) of Japan being operationalized and
A. Police Community Precinct B. Kauban C. Koban or Police box system D. Sub Station
138. It is the Community Oriented Policing System (COPS) of Singapore
A. Neighbourhood Police Post B. Kauban C. Koban or Police box system D. Sub Station
139. The characteristic of Team Policing where the members must be given opportunity to work closely
together in solving problems and encourages every members to share information with one another
through informal meetings or conference.
A. Geographic Stability of the Patrol Force
B. Maximum Communication between Team Members and Community Residents
C. Minimum Interaction of the members
D. Maximum Interaction between Team Members
140. Community Oriented Policing System implemented in the Philippines by means of community level
started as a mere initiative of some innovative police commanders
A. PCP B. Kauban C. National –Anti- Crime Strategy (NACS) D. Sub Station
141. It is the official Community Oriented Policing Unit of the PNP implemented on August 15, 1994
A. PCP B. Kauban C. Community Oriented Policing System (COPS) D. Sub Station
142. The Scotland Yard Police Officer who stated sthat “ The police are the public and the public are the
A. Sir Alexander the great B. Sir Frederick the great C. Hannibal D. Sir Robert Peel
143. Following are the elements of Community Oriented Policing System (COPS); except,
A. Philosophy B. Personalized C. Patrol D. Professional
144. The elements of Community Oriented Policing System (COPS) the police officers should be assigned
_______________ for at least 18 moths to be able to defined his beat.
A. Proactive B. Policing C. Problem Solving D. Permanently
145. It is the transfer of thought or idea from one person to another through channel or medium.
Technically also refers to equipment used which can be electrical or electronic used to exchange
A. Inter - Communication B. Radio C. Landline D. Communication
146. It is a communication existing within a province, organization or communication that exists
between institutions of farthest distance.
A. Inter - Communication B. Antenna C. Amplitude Modulation D. Communication
147. The personnel in police communication center charged with re3iving and transmitting of
A. Subscriber B. Crew C. Operator D. Dispatcher
148. It refers to the technical means used by the police who consist of interrelated but relatively
independent sub- system such as telephone, telegraph, teletype, radio and television system and other
electronic and automated process.
A. Police Communication B. Antenna C. Amplitude Modulation D. Communication
149. What is the essential of police communication which provides that communication must be
adequate considering that the quick response of officers depend on the transfer of information?
A. Training B. Dependability C. Accessibility D. Speed
150.. What do you call that police network which pertains to exchange of police fields information
involving peace, law and orders as well as general public ell being?
A. Operational Communication Network B.Auxiliary Communication Network
C. Line Communication Network D. Administrative Communication Network
151. The requisites of a good police radio operators of giving an impressions that the operator is always
awake and interested what the person is saying on he bother line.
A. Naturalness B. Expressiveness C. Distinctiveness D. Alertness
152. What do you call that requisites of a good police radio operator of speaking clearly and distinctly by
moving the lips tongue and jaw freely?
A. Naturalness B. Expressiveness C. Distinctiveness D. Alertness
153. The requisites of a good police radio operators using a normal tone of voice which should not be
too fast or too slow. The tone of voice will vary on meaning of sentence that the operator is saying.
A. Naturalness B. Expressiveness C Distinctiveness D. Alertness
154. The types of radio waves that radiated energy that touches along the surface of the earth.
A. Sky wave B. Sea Wave C. Ocean Wave D. Ground Wave
155. What do you call that part of a radio that receives electromagnetic waves and converts them into
electrical oscillations?
A. Radio waves B. Radio Transmitter C. Amplifiers D. Antenna
156. What do you call that part of a radio that convers the impulses into sound waves audible by the
human ear?
A. Oscillator B. Demodulator C. Amplifiers D. Speaker
157. Following are the ABC’s of Radio Transmission;
A. Accuracy B. Brevity C. Clearly D. Courtesy
158. ABC of radio transmission which indicates the correctness and truthfulness whag is being
A. Accuracy B. Brevity C. Clearly D. Courtesy
159. 10-2 of Associated Public Safety Communication Officers (APCO) means;
A.. Acknowledge B. Busy/Standby C. Signal is Good D. Stop Transmitting
160. 10-9 of Associated Public Safety Communication Officers (APCO) means;
A. Acknowledge B. Busy/Standby C. Signal Good D. Repeat
161. 10-31 of Associated Public Safety Communication Officers (APCO) means;
A. Report in Person B. Crime Progress C. Signal Good D. Stop Transmitting
162. 10- 57 of Associated Public Safety Communication Officers (APCO) means; A. Hit and Run
B. Busy/Standby C. Signal Good D. Stop Transmitting 163. It serves as the nucleus or focal
point of the police department.
A. Operation B. Intelligence C. Investigation D. Patrol Force
164. What do you call that kind of police hazards which includes piers, warehouse, unoccupied
dwellings, gambling joints, banks, pawnshop, drug dens,
A. Persons B. Places C. Property D. Situations
165. What do you call that kind of police hazards such as criminals, alcoholic, addicts, gamblers,
prostitutes, drug peddlers, juvenile delinquents, insane persons?
A. Persons B. Places C. Property D. Situations
166. Fixed component of IPS which serves as the 3 C’s of police force.
A. Situation map B. PCP C. Station Desk D. Police beat.
167. What do you call the basic principles or the foundation of COPS wherein states that the Philippines
is a democratic and republic state. It is imperative for the people to participate in and support the
processes, program and activities of the government to attain SUMMUM BONUM or the greatest
good for the greatest number of our people.
A. Criminal Justice B. Peoples Power C. Democracy D. Philosophy
168. What do you call that preparation for patrol operations mad by having debriefing conference with
the officer who is being relieved and who has just spent the previous tour of duty.
A. General Preparations B. Pre –Patrol Preparation C. In- Field Preparations D. Formation
169. This refers to thorough geographical knowledge of the patrol area or an understanding of the
character, fears, concerns, problems, and attitudes of the local resident.
A. District Orientation B. Territorial C. Street Knowledge D. Routine Knowledge
170. Territorial Units in patrol by knowing the fixed point or location to which an officer is assigned for
A. Post B.. Route C. Beat D. Sector
171. Kind of patrol considered to be the most expensive type in terms of human resources.
A. Foot Patrol B. Automobile Patrol C. Helicopter Patrol D. Motorcycle Patrol
172. Types of Foot Patrol used where there is considerable foot movement such as business and
shopping center, family dwelling and the like.
A. Fixed Foot Patrol B. Mobile Foot Patrol C. Line Beat Patrol D. Random Foot Patrol
173. kind of patrol considered to be the most economical type of patrol and offers tactical ability
when used in numbers. It is also considered as the most extensively used and more effective means of
transportation for police patrol
A. Foot Patrol B. Automobile Patrol C. Helicopter Patrol D. Motorcycle Patrolf
174. Kind of Patrol which involves by going around the area of responsibility waiting for something to
happen and to react accordingly if something does happen.
A. Reactive Patrol B. Proactive Patrol C. Counter Clockwise D. Decoy Patrol
175. What is the essential of police communication which provides that communication system must
be secured from any criminal action toward destruction of police organization’s function?
A. Confidentiality/Secrecy B. Security C. Accessibility D. Speed
176. It refers to the police communication network when it involves the exchange of non- operational
information among police precincts, unit, departments or headquarters.
A. Operational Communication Network B. Auxiliary Communication Network
C. Line Communication Network D. Administrative Communication Network
177. Type of patrol used for traffic control originated in West Germany wherein a camera is mounted
in a weather proofing houses. They were equipped with zoom lenses and were remotely controlled by
the operator at the control board who can adjust the camera to a panoramic view of 270 degrees.
A. Criss –Cross Patrol B. Zigzag Patrol C. Television Patrol D. Proactive Patrol
178. Administrative offenses by the omission or refusal, without sufficient excuse, to perform an act
or duty, which it was the peace officer’s legal obligation to perform.
A. Incompetence B. Dishonesty C. Oppression a. Neglect of Duty/Misfeasance
179. Administrative offenses by the import of an act of cruelty, severity, unlawful exaction domination,
or excessive use of authority.
A. Incompetence B. Dishonesty C. Oppression D. Neglect of Duty/Misfeasance
180. Administrative offenses by the concealment or distortion of truth in a matter of fact relevant to
one’s office, or one connected with the performance of his duties.
A. Incompetence B. Dishonesty C. Oppression D. Neglect of Duty/Misfeasance
181. All but one are the primarily line operation in police organization A. patrol
B. records C. investigation D. traffic

182. Any members of the PNP may opt to retire from the PNP service upon accumulation
of at least:
A. 25 years of satisfactory service
B. 15 years of satisfactory service
C. 30 years of satisfactory service
D. 20 years of satisfactory service
183. A plan with a time horizon of 5 to 10 years is called;
A. annual plan B. long-term plan C. strategic plan D. Midterm plan
184. Decisions rendered by the national IAS shall be appealed to the__________:
A. Regional Appellate Board B. National Appellate Board
C. National Police Commission D. People’s Law Enforcement Board 185.
It exercises control and supervision over the PNP units during elections.
186. It exercises supervision and control over the provincial jails.
A. BJMP B. Bureau of Prisons C. DILG D. Provincial Government
187. It is considered to be the heart of any identification system; it provides positive identification of the
A. Arrest and booking report B. Miscellaneous Records
C. Identification records D. Fingerprint Records
188. Constitutional Provision which provides” The state shall establish and maintain one police force
which is national in scope and civilian in charter.”
A. ART. V, Section 12 B. ART.XV1, Section 6 C. ART. XV1, Section 16. D. ART.12, Section 7
189. It refers to the utilization of units or elements of the PNP for the purpose of the protection of
lives and properties, enforcement of laws, maintenance of peace and order.
A. Recruitment B. Employment C. Deployment D. Reenlistment
190. It means the orderly and organized physical movement of element or units of the PNP assigned to
their respective jurisdiction.
A. Recruitment B. Employment C. Deployment D. Reenlistment
191. The required number of days when a member of the PNP may be considered as Absent without
Official Leave (AWOL) who will be dismissed immediately from the service.
A. Continuous absent of thirty (30 ) days C. Continuous absent of fifteen (15 ) days
B. Continuous absent of ten (10 ) days D. Continuous absent of thirty (20 ) days 192. The
Police Community Relation Month.
A. April B. May C. June D. July 193.
The Crime Prevention Month.
A. August B. September C. October D. November 194.
The Fire Prevention Month.
A. March B. April C. May D. June
195. It is the PNP division which coordinates and binds together all other functional division of a police
A. Record Division B. Warrant and Subpoena Division
C. Investigation Division D. Intelligence Division
196. Following are the basic police function, except;
A. Arrest of offender B. Prevention of Crime
C. Maintenance of Peace in Order D. Legislation
197. In what branch of the government does the PNP belongs;
A. Legislative B. Judiciary C. Executive D. DILG
198. Staff of the commander is considered to be his______.
A. Superior Officer B. Close –in - Security C. Extension D. Reserve Force
199. It is constitutionally and legally mandated to administer and control the Philippine National Police.
200. It is the central receiving entity for any citizen’s complaint against the members and officers of the
201. It is recognized as the best method of filing
a. Pigeon Hole B. retrieval operation C. Management D. chain of custody
202. Doctor of Medicine, member of the Bar, Chaplain, shall be appointed to the initial rank for
lateral entry
203. C, PNP have the power to impose suspension or forfeiture of pay or combination thereof for a
period not exceeding_____.
A, Sixty ( 60) days B. Fifteen (15 ) days C. Thirty (30) D. One Hundred Eighty (180) days

204. Chief of Police has the power to impose susp3nsionnor forfeiture of of pay or combination
thereof for a period not exceeding_____.
A, Sixty (60) days B. Fifteen (15 ) days C. Thirty (30) days D. One Hundred Eighty (180) days
205. Forum shopping means;
A. Panic Buying B. Grocery Items C. Venue D. Multiple Filling of Complain
206. It refers to an act or offense not involving moral turpitudes
A. Index Crime B, Non- Index Crime C. Major Crime D. Minor Offense
207. PLEB means_____.
A. Police Law Enforcement Board B. Public Law Enforcement Board
C. Personal Law Enforcement Board D. People’s Law Enforcement Board
208. The traditional Foot Patrol Pattern wherein the officer walk from one beat to another making sure
that he stays on the left side and at the center or middle portion of any street between adjoining beats.
A. Zigzag Patrol Pattern B. Clockwise Patrol Pattern c. Counter Clockwise d. Cover leaf
209. The traditional Foot Patrol Pattern done by patrolling the street within the perimeter of the beat
not at random but with definite target location where he knows that his presence is necessary.
A. Zigzag Patrol Pattern B. Clockwise Patrol Pattern c. Counter Clockwise d. Cover leaf
210. The jurisdiction to hear and decide criminal complaint against earring police personnel.
A. Internal Affair Service (IAS) B. PLEB C. Regular Court D. NAPOLCOM
211. One of the criteria for promotion which refers to the overall length of service in the present rank.
A. Government service record B. Period of permanency in the rank
C. Time-in-Grade D. Length of service in the PNP
212. Police personnel may be effectively distributed according to any of the following classification,
A. By time B. By function C. By area D. By gender
213. Refers to the distinctive physical device of metal and ribbon, which constitute the tangible evidence
of an award:
A. Medal B. Awards C. Decorations D. Ribbons
214. The following are act which constitute grave dishonesty except one.
A. Make a false report B. Deliberate false testimony
C. Destroy, conceal physical evidence D. Use of government papers
215. The function of management which covers hiring, firing, and training.
A. Staffing B. Directing C. Planning D. Organizing
216. This office is in charge of supervising all matters pertaining to supply.
A. Office of the finance B. Office of the logistic manager
C. Office of the communication officer D. Officer of the operation manager
217. This report shall serve as the investigation report of the officer who investigated an accident.
A. Miscellaneous Records B Identification Record C. Technical Report D. Accident Report 218.
This report shall be used as the second s and succeeding pages of all kinds of report.
A. Continuation Report B. Identification Record C. Technical Report D. Accident Report 219.
Status of a case when it is no longer being investigated and it is not assigned to an investigator. A.
Follow-up Case. B. Closed Case C. Cleared Case D. For Record only.
220. Status of a case when one or more persons are arrested, charged with the commission of the
offense and turned over to the fiscal or court prosecution.
A. Follow-up Case. B. Closed Case C. Cleared Case D. For Record only
221. In the PNP Application Processing System, it is the process of removing undesirable/unqualified
A. Selection B. Recruitment C. Training D. Appraisal
222. It described the method of operation of a criminal, classified and filed in such a way as to aid in
identifying the crime as one committed by a known criminal.
A Police Line Up . Modus Operandi C. Finger Print D. Prisoner’s Record
223., Administrative record of a police officer showing the history of each police officer, both prior and
subsequent to joining the force is indispensable.
A. Assignment B. Memoranda C. Correspondence files D. Personnel Records
224. What is the optional retirement for officers and new officers of the police service?
A. 15 years B. 25 years C. 30 years D. 20 years
225. What plans require action or assistance from persons or agencies outside the police organization?
A. Extra departmental plan B. Management plan
C. Operational plan D. Tactical plan

226. What type of cover uses actual or true background?

A. artificial B. multiple cover C. natural D. covers within a cover
227. Which of the following administers and attends to cases involving crimes against chastity?
A. CIDG B. DSWD C. Women’s Desk D. Homicide Division
228. Which of the following agency administers the PNP Entrance and Promotional Examinations?
A. Civil Service Commission B. Commission on Appointment
C. National Police Commission D. Professional Regulations Commission 229.
Within how many days after receipt of the motion of appeal shall the Board decide?
A. Fifteen (15) days B. Twenty days C. Sixty (60) days D. Thirty (30) days
230. Who among the following have summary disciplinary powers over errant police members?
A. District Director B. Chief of Police C. Provincial Director D. Chief PNP
231. In the preceding question, what particular form authority is more dominant to his style?
A. traditional authority B. legal – rational authority
C. charismatic authority D delegation of authority
232. Which of the following is not true about objectives?
A. it is critical in planning and evaluating performance
B. needed before a plan can be develop
C. specific ways to accomplish a task
D. based on the general desire outcomes
233. The process of attracting police candidates who have maximum qualifications to be eligible for
selections procedure
A. Selection B. Screening C. Recruitment D Management
234. Functions of police personnel management of determining the most qualified police applicant
for a given position in the police organization.
A. Police Placement B. Police Appraisal C. Police Screening D. Police Recruitment
235. Functions of police personnel management of making police officer adjusted and knowledgeable
in a new job and/or working environment.
a. Police Placement B. Police Appraisal C. Police Screening D. Police Recruitment
236. The recruitment and selection of applicants who will be appointed in the police service is the
responsibility of ________.
A. Directorate for Training C. Directorate for Finance
B. Directorate for Operation D. Directorate for Personnel and Record Management
237. Functions of police personnel management of encouraging police applicant from outside an
organization to seek employment in an organization.
A. Police Placement B. Police Appraisal C. Police Screening D. Police Recruitment
238. Functions of police personnel management of processing or measuring the performance of
people in achieving goals and objectives, also known as Performance Evaluation system.
A. Police Placement B. Police Appraisal C. Police Screening D. Police Recruitment
239. PNP recruitment procedure of testing or determining of whether or not the applicant possesses the
require coordination, strength and speed of movement necessary in the police service.
A. Physical Agility Test (PAT) C. Physical, Medical and Dental Examination (PMDE)
B. Psychiatric Examination D. Psychological Examination
240. Will serve as the chairman of all the police regional office screening committee.
A. Senior NAPOLCOM Official B. Deputy regional director for operation
C. Deputy regional director for administration D. Chief regional directorial staff 241.
Will serve as the vice- chairman of all the police regional office screening committee.
A. Senior NAPOLCOM Official B. Deputy regional director for operation
C. Deputy regional director for administration D. Chief regional directorial stafF
242. This would the great impact on how to explain would the superior explain any wrong acts made by
his men on the field even he was not around when the event took occur:
A. Command responsibility B. Span of control
C. Unity of command D. Chain of command
243. It particularly implies a duty as well as its breach and the fact can never be found in the absence of
a duty.
A. Nonfeasance B. Misfeasance C. Malfeasance D. neglect of duty
244. Giving direction of employees toward in line with their work is an example of: A. Police
supervision B. Supervision C. Leadership D. Staffing

245. The following are the divisions of the DPRM except:

A. Recruitment and selection division B . Personnel Transaction Division
C. PNP program management office D. Benefits and Pension Administration Division 246.
It is the order of authority in the PNP organization.
A. Unity of commander B. Chain of command
C. Span of control D. Hierarchy
247. It is the technique of organizing and handling people at work in all levels and types of management.
A. personnel administration B. police supervision
C. personnel management D. police planning
248. All but one is the essential elements of a formal organization.
A. goals B. objectives C. values D. none of these
249. To determine a supervisor’s span of control, what has to be taken into consideration?
A. number of supervisors who gives him order
B. number of supervisors whom he reports
C. the functions for which he assumes full responsibility
D. number of subordinates who directly reports to him
250. It is closely related to the principle of span of control in which the tasks were divided among the
officers of various units but still the presence of one superior always exists. The Statement is
referring to:
A. span of control B. unity of command C. delegation of authority D. Command Responsibility
251. He is a qualified officer who shall coordinate across the department lines on their records
activities and shall have the responsibility and control of all the records holding of the agency in /her
possession and custody.
A. Investigator B. Record Custodian C. Intelligence Officer D. Patrol Officer
252. What do you call that report on the laboratory examination on the physical evidence gathered in
order to supplement the findings of the investigator?
A. Technical Report B. Progress Report C. Final Report D. Initial Report
253. The report which contains the list of the prisoners in custody which indicates the status and
disposition thereof.
A. Arrest Report B. Booking Report C. Prisoner’s Property Report D. Police Report
254. The records which provide identification of criminals which includes names, physical
characteristics and in some cases photograph.
A. Finger print record B. Criminal Specialty
C. Booking Records D. Identification Records.
255. It is an art of preparing, organizing and directing the effort of members of police force in order
that they may achieve the accomplishment of the police purpose.
A. Police Personnel Planning C. Police Personnel Management
B. Police Compensation D. Police Personnel Administration
256. They are responsible for the widest dissemination of vacancies in their respective areas, the
evaluation of the applicant qualifications and the selection of the most qualified applicants to be
recommended for appointment to the police service.
A. Police Training Division C. Selection and Recruitment Division
B. Screening Committee D. Police Placement Committee
257. Records which is very essential in administering personnel matters and designed to aid in
assignment, promotion, and disciplinary action of personnel.
A. Miscellaneous Records B. Administrative Record .C. Arrest D. Booking Records
258. A plan that determines the quality and quantity of efforts and accomplishment
a. Intermediate plan B. Strategic plan C. OPLAN D. Police operational planning
259. A police rank of Lieutenant General who is one of the heads in the directorial staffs is represented
by the insignia;
A. 4 stars B. 2 stars C. 3 stars D. 1 star
260. As a dispatcher, you are task to follow certain courses of action that may be reflected on the duty
manual. The statement is referring to:
A. field procedures B. tactical procedures C. procedural plan D. headquarters
procedures 261. This plan will assist in coordinating community effort, in promoting public
support and in combating organized crimes.
A. management plan B. tactical plan C. operational plan D. extra-departmental plan 262.
A leader that takes a hands-off passive approach in dealing with the subordinates.
A. autocratic B. democratic c. free-rein D. charismatic
263. It refers to the process of determining how specific tasks can be accomplished on time with
available allocated resources.
A. Intermediate plan B. Strategic plan C. OPLAN D. Police operational planning
264. They let things go for a while without attention until things become too much, and then hash,
barbaric punishment is resorted to. This society is known as:
A. urban–commercial society B. urban-industrial society
C. bureaucratic society D. folk-communal society
265. Progress comes along with rising expectations. People at the bottom develop unrealistic
expectations while people at the top don’t see themselves rising fast enough. What theory
describes this?
A. demographic theory b. deprivation theory C. modernization theory D. anomie theory
266. It has codified laws but laws that prescribe good behavior, police become specialized in how to
handle property crimes. It is referred to as what?
A. urban-industrial society B. bureaucratic society
C. folk-communal society D. urban–commercial society
267. Crime everywhere is the result of unrestrained migration and overpopulation in urban areas such
as slums. What theory best describes this?
A. modernization theory B. alertness to crime theory
C. economic theory D. opportunity theory
268. Refers to those police officers whose ranks ranges from Patrolman to Executive Master Sergeant
A. ordinary police officers B. commissioned officers
C. Non-commissioned officers D. none of these
269. The command responsibility will include improper performance of the act which might be lawfully
done. It is primarily referring to misfeasance. What if an act was also lawfully done but should not
be done.
A. Nonfeasance B. omission C. malfeasance d. misconduct 270. Why is it that
every group of personnel must have only one supervisor?
A. to ensure command of the group B. to avoid confusion of authority
C. to protect the supervisor D. all of them
271. In the PNP organization, it establishes definite lines of authority that makes the order not more
sophisticated and then opens the channels of the direct line of communication.
A. Unity of command B. Chain of command C. Span of control D. Hierarchy 272.
An officer who is in dominion of the department district or bureau.
A. line officer B. commanding officer C. superior officer D. ranking officer
273. Non-commissioned and Commissioned officers do not have the same authorities and
responsibilities because of its pyramid shaped with a single line authority. The statement is referring to:
A Hierarchy B. Span of control C. Chain of command D. Unity of command
274. Kind of promotion granted to police officers meeting the mandatory requirements for promotion.
A. Promotion by virtue of Position B. Special Promotion
C. Regular Promotion D. Posthumous Promotion
275. Kind of promotion granted to police officers who have exhibited acts of conspicuous courage and
gallantry at the risk of his /her life above and beyond the call of duty.
A. Promotion by virtue of Position B. Special Promotion
C. Regular Promotion D. Posthumous Promotion
276. Kind of promotion granted to police officers designated to any key position whose rank is lower
than that which is required for such position shall, after six (6) months of occupying the same, be
entitled to a rank adjustment corresponding to the position.
A. Promotion by virtue of Position B. Special Promotion
C. Regular Promotion D. Posthumous Promotion
277. An accused is guilty until proven innocent. This is an example of what kind of court system?
A. Adversarial B. Criminal Law C. Civil law D. Inquisitorial
278. An accused is innocent until proven guilty. This is an example of what kind of court system?
A. Inquisitorial B. Adversarial C. Political Law D. Civil law 279. What kind of court
system is prevailing in the Philippines?
A. Criminal Law B. Adversarial C. Political Law D. Civil law
280. City/municipality has organized the Peace in Order Council (POC) by virtue
of what Executive Order?
A. Republic Act 309 B. Executive Order 765 C. Executive Order 309 D. Presidential Degree 1866
281. In Japan Police Force, it is the highest rank in the system, the chief of metropolitan police
A. Inspector General B. Secretary of Interior C. Chief Superintendent d. Superintendent General
282. Merit and fitness System are the primary consideration of the Civil Service Commission in the
________ of the government employee
A. Appointment B. promotional system C. Hiring D. tools system 283.
Civilian employee in the Philippines is under what security system?
A. Government Security and Insurance System (GSIS) B. Civil Security Commission ( PSC)
C. Public Safety Insurance (PSI) D. Social Security System (SSS) 284.
In the continent of Asia, where can you find the country of Vietnam?
A. Central Asia B. Eastern Asia C. South-Eastern Asia D. Southern Asia
285. In the Hong Kong Police Force we have the Commissioner General, how about the Philippine
National Police?
A. DILG Director B. General C. Major General D. Secretary of Defense 2 86.
Agency vested with the handling domestic intelligent in the United States.
A. Federal Bureau of Investigation B. International Police Organization
C. Central Intelligence Group D. Office of Strategic services
287. Its role is to provide law enforcement agencies with criminal intelligence and information
nationally and internationally about major criminals and serious crimes.
A. International Police Organization B. Office of Strategic Services
C. Nations Criminal Intelligence Service D. Police National Computer.
288. Since 1974, it gives information to police agencies of all registered vehicles and their owners, and
an index of more than five million criminal records.
A. International Police Organization B. Office of Strategic Services
C. Nations Criminal Intelligence Service D. Police National Computer
289. Refers to altruism, in which persons give information by motivation of unselfish regard for the
welfare of others.
A. Remuneration B. Civic - Mindedness C. Vanity D. Fear
290. Most dangerous kinds of informant because they may sell information
A. Remuneration B. Civic - Mindedness C. Vanity D. Fear
291. It refers to a package of transnational flow of people, production, investment, information, ideas
and authority.
A. Nationalization B. internationalization C. Overseas Filipino Worker (OFW) D. Globalization 292.
The fastest growing criminal industry in the world.
A. Human Trafficking B. Exploitation C. Bonded labor D. Forced labor
293. What do you call that report which contains all the information regarding the property taken
from the prisoner and accomplish in duplicate.
A. Arrest Report B. Booking Report C. Prisoner’s Property Report D. Police Report
294. Types of report which reflects all information regarding complaints and reports received by the
police from citizens and other agencies or actions taken by the police.
A. Case Records B. Initial Report c. Complaint Sheet D. Progress Report
295. What do you call that investigation report regarding accident which includes vehicular
accident and damage to property?
A. Accident Report b. Progress Report C. Final Report D. Initial Report
296. The Great Barrier Reef which is the world’s largest reef is found in…
A. Europe B. Australia C. North America D. Asia
297. The head of PNP has a rank of General, what is the highest rank in Hong Kong?
A. Police Chief B. Commissioner General C. Police Inspector general D. Commissioner
298. The primary duty of this group is to protect the emperor of Japan and its family…
A. Imperial Police B. Imperial guard C. Imperial security D. Imperial agency
299. The threat of global terrorism indicates the growing power of globalization as a perimeter of;
A. Financial networks B. Islamic fundamentalism C. transnational ideology D. political
300. The world’s largest forest area is found in,
A. Europe B. South America C. North America D. Asia
301. They have two roles, they let men buy those drinks and later on they offer sexual services.
A. Hospitality girls B. Conventional prostitutes C. Bar Girls D. Massage parlor prostitutes
302. Used to define almost all illegal acts of violence committed for political purpose by clandestine
A. Terrorism B. transnational terrorist C. international terrorist D. national terrorist 303.
What is the highest rank in Indonesia police force?
A. Commissioner B. Police General C. Inspector General D. Commissioner General
304. They let things go for a while without attention until things become too much, and then hash,
barbaric punishment is resorted to. This society is known as:
A. urban–commercial society B. urban-industrial society
C. bureaucratic society D. folk-communal society
305. Progress comes along with rising expectations. People at the bottom develop unrealistic
expectations while people at the top don’t see themselves rising fast enough. What theory describes
A. demographic theory B. deprivation theory C. modernization theory D. anomie theory 306.
What is the lowest rank in Hong Kong?
A. Police B. First Bhayangkara C. Second Bhayangkara D. Police constable 307.
What is the lowest rank in Indonesia police force?
A. Watch B. Second Bhayangkara C. Constable D. Police constable
308. Which police organization applies the “iron fist, velvet glove” in the enforcement of law?
A. Japan Police B. Ireland Police C. Switzerland Police D. Egypt Police 309.
What type of democratic policing does Japan have compare to U.S?
A. Fragmented B. Centralized C. Integrated D. None of these
310. This is the type of system which is extremely decentralized and one of its characteristics is having
numerous police agencies;
A. Centralized B. Fragmented C. Integrated D. None of these
311. Which of the following country that both national and local governments share control?
A. France B. Belgium C. Philippines A. Great Britain
312. This is a country that has a single system of law administration of justice and servants of the
republic rather than local governments;
A. France B. Philippines C . U.K D. United States
313. The oldest police agency in France;
A. Police Nationale B. Police Judiciare C. Gendarmerie D. Surete
314. In the system of the Public Safety Commissions of Japan, The person who has the jurisdiction over
the National Public Safety Commissions is the?
A. Minister of state B. Prime Minister C. Commissioner General D. Prefectural Governor
315. This is a crime, consisting of an intentional act of political violence to create an
atmosphere of fear. A. Terrorism B. Political crime C. Hostage taking D. Transnational
316. This is a very broad category, encompassing everything from illegal immigration to international
prostitution, slavery, and child pornography.
A. Flow of people B. Migration C. Human trafficking D. Sex slavery 317.
What type of democratic policing does Japan have compare to U.S?
A. Fragmented B. Centralized c. Integrated D. None of these
318. This is the type of system which is extremely decentralized and one of its characteristics is
having numerous police agencies;
A. Fragmented B. Centralized C. Integrated D. Nucleus
319. This is the kind of policing system where police control is under direct control of the national
A. Fragmented B. Centralized C. Integrated D. Personalized
320. They are distinguished by a strong inquisitorial system where less right is granted to the
accused, and the written law is taken as gospel and subject to little interpretation. What is referred to
this description?
A. civil law system B. Criminal System C. Political System D. common law system
321. They are distinguished by procedures designed to rehabilitate or retrain people into fulfilling their
responsibilities to the state.
A. common law system B. civil law system C. Islamic system D. socialist system
322. Ultimate expression of positive law, designed to move the state forward toward the perfectibility of
state and mankind. It is referring to as what?
A. common law system B. civil law system C. socialist system D. islamic system
323. Conflicts are resolved by a tribunal council, and there are no jails and prisons. This type of society is
an excellent example of the folk-communal or informal justice system.
A. Congo Police B. Egypt Police C. Ireland Police D. Switzerland Police 324. It has codified
laws but laws that prescribe good behavior, police become specialized in how to handle property crimes.
It is referred to as what? A. urban-industrial society B. bureaucratic society
C. folk-communal society D. urban–commercial society
325. Crime everywhere is the result of unrestrained migration and overpopulation in urban areas
such as slums. What theory best describes this?
A. modernization theory B. alertness to crime theory
C. economic theory D. opportunity theory
326. It has a civil law, specialized police forces and punishment is inconsistent, sometimes harsh, and
sometimes lenient. It is referred as what?
A. folk-communal society B. urban–commercial society
C. urban-industrial society D. bureaucratic society
327. This society has little codification of law, no specialization among police?
A. urban-industrial society B. bureaucratic society
C. folk-communal society D. urban–commercial society
328. This system is distinguished by a strong adversarial system where lawyers interpret and judges are
bound by precedent?
A. socialist system B. Islamic systems C. common law system D. civil law system
329. It sees the problem as society becoming too complex. This is the theory of:
A. modernization theory B. alertness to crime theory C. economic theory D. opportunity theory
330. When poor person commits a crime, the government goes to work analyzing the family, education
and employment needs of everyone in that poor person’s family. It is referring to?
A. Congo Police B. Egypt Police C. Ireland Police D. Switzerland Police 331. With high standard of
living, victims become more careless of their belongings, and opportunities for committing crime
multiply. What theory describes this?
A. modernization theory B. alertness to crime theory C. economic theory D. opportunity theory
332. The sense of hope and confidence among the people towards their local authorities that they are
doing everything they can in crime control. It is referring to?
A. Congo Police B. Egypt Police C. Ireland Police D. Switzerland Police
333. Consist of all the United Nations conventions which seek to safeguard life and human dignity in a
global scale.
A. union of domestic concerns for global governance B. Universal convention
C. universal protections and safeguards D. universal declarations
334. Consist of recruitment, transportation, transfer harboring or receipt of persons by means of threat
or use of coercion, abduction, fraud deception, abuse of power.
A. Trafficking in persons B. Exploitation C. People Smuggling D. Transnational Organized Crime
335. In the Philippines the minimum age requirement for police officers is 21 years old, what is the
minimum age requirement in the Australian Federal Police? A. 18 B. 19 C. 20 D. 21.
336. It is responsible for all matters relating to training within the Hong Kong Police except internal
security, Auxiliary and Marine Police training. Training provided by the Police College includes recruit
and continuation training, crime investigation training, police driver training and weapon tactics training.
A. Hong Kong Police College B. Hong Kong Police Training School
C. Hong Kong Police School D. Hong Kong School of Police 337.
It is considered as the finest intelligence agency in the world.
A. NBI B. FBI C. Mossad D. CIA
338. Who has the Administrative Supervision over Japanese National Police Agency?
A. Commissioner of Japan B. Prime Minister
C. Commissioner General D. National Public Safety Commission
339. When National and local governments share control and local control of police services with
national standards adhered to is a formed of what type of policing?
A. Fragmented B. Centralized C. Integrated D. None of these
340. Which of the following country that both national and local governments share control?
A. Great Britain B. France C. Belgium D. Philippines
341. Loosely structured, extraordinary flexible associations centered on violence and deeply involved in
the production and distribution of informal power. The only organizational goal is to make use of
extortionate means.
A. enterprise syndicates B. youth gangs C. power syndicates D. scavenger syndicates 342.
One who bribes, buys, intimidates, threatens, negotiates and sweet talks into a relationship
with the police, public officials or any else who might help the members security and maintain
immunity from arrest, prosecution and punishment.
A. enforcer B. corruptee C. corrupter D. coddler
343. The primary threat to law enforcement brought about by globalization which is evidenced by
genocide or mass killing.
A. Organized Crime B. Terrorism C. Increasing human rights violations D. Conflict between nations
344. These global threats to law enforcement brought about by globalization created opportunity for
global professional criminals which can only be addressed through,
A.Rigid transborder security B.Proper Communication C.Transborder D Transnational profession 345.
That relationship which can produce state policies that directly violate social labor rights and directly
produce social conflict that leads to state violations of civil and security rights.
A. Global economic relations B. militarization C. inter-border relations D. global political relations
346. This kind of society has a system of laws, police who tend to keep busy handling political crime and
terrorism, and a system of punishment characterized by civilization and overcrowding.
A. Folk-communal society B. Urban-commercial society
C. Urban-industrial society D. Bureaucratic society
347. This kind of society has little codification of law, no specialization among police, and a system of
punishment that just let things go for a while without attention until things becomes too much, and then
harsh, barbaric punishment is resorted to.
A. Folk-communal society B. Political Theory C. industrial society D. Bureaucratic society 348.
It is a grant given the government to an inventor, conveying and securing to him the exclusive rights
to make, use and sell his invention.
A. Property Information B. Patent C. Property D. Trade Secret
349. The law which create the “Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines”
A. R.A. 8293 B. R.A. 4200 C. R.A. 7610 D. R.S. 8292
350. The law of “Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines was approved on ________.
A. June 01, 1997 B. June 4, 1997 C. June 5, 1997 D . June 6, 1997 351. The term of
granting of patent is up to _________.
A. Twenty (20) Years B. Fifteen (15) Years C. Ten (10) Years D. Five (5) Years
352. a systematic program for gathering and analysing information about competitor’s activities and
general business trends to further company’s goal.
A. Police Intelligence B Competitive Intelligence C. User Intelligence D. Business Intelligence 353.
It refers to procedure followed, inquiries conducted and criteria applied determine the work suitability
of a particular applicant or the retention of particular employee.
A. Personal Security B. Background Security C. Aptitude Security D. Employment Security
354. Under the rules and function of Australian Federal Police, the AFP falls under the portfolio of:
A. Attorney-General B. Minister for Justice and Customs
C. Home Affairs Ministry D. Minister for Home Affairs 355.
Court system that the accused is innocent until proven guilty.
A. inquisitorial system A. adversarial system C. Islamic system D. socialist system
356. It is traditional in nature as it is based its crime control efficiency to the number of arrest and
people being put to jail for punishment.
A. continental policing B. modern policing C. modernization D. Colonization
357. It has a system of laws, police tends to keep busy handling political crime and terrorism, and a
system of punishment characterized by over criminalization and overcrowding. The statement is
referring to:
A. urban-industrial society b. bureaucratic society C.
folk-communal society D. urban–commercial society
358. Which of the following is not part of group?
A. Islamic system B. socialist system C. adversarial system D. Colonization
359. Which one below that suggests that progressive lifestyles and norms result in the disintegration of
older norms that once held people together, but in other cases, people can come together and achieve
social consensus or social cohesion over values;
A.Alertness to crime theory B.Economic theory C. Opportunity theory D. Anomie and Synomie theory
360. It is in charge of research statistics and the investigation of nationally important and international
cases in Japan.
A.Traffic Bureau B. Criminal Investigation Bureau C. Security Bureau D. Regional Public Safety Bureau
361. They are concerned with police personnel, education, welfare, training, and unit inspections in
Japan Police Force.
A. Personnel Administration B. Police Administration Bureau
C. Bureau of Administration D. Police Records and Administration
362. It is responsible for all matters relating to training within the Hong Kong Police except internal
security, Auxiliary and Marine Police training. Training provided by the Police College includes recruit
and continuation training, crime investigation training, police driver training and weapon tactics training.
A. Hongkong Police College B. Hong Kong Police Training School
C. Hong Kong Police School D. Hong Kong School of Police
363. The researcher communicates with foreign researcher for his research. Which method is
appropriate for that research?
A. Communication method B. Safari method C. Collaborative method D. Collective method 364. As a
nation develops, people’s alertness to crime is heightened. They report more crime to police and
demand the police to become more effective in solving crime problems. What theory best describes this
A. modernization theory B. alertness to crime theory
C. economic theory D. opportunity theory
365. This system uses measurement of crime control efficiency and effectiveness based on absence of
crime or low crime rate?
A. Continental Policing B. modern policing C. modernization D. Colonization
366. It is an indispensible tool of management derived from organized information available in the
police record division about the nature, size and distribution of the police problems, crime, vice and
A. Strategic intelligence B. Departmental intelligence
C. Counter intelligence D. Under cover intelligence
367. A part of processing the information in which the shifting and isolating of those element that
have significance in light of the mission or national objective.
A. integration B. deduction C. interpretation D. analysis
368. The intelligence principle which is states that intelligence is artificial subdivided into component
elements to ensure complete coverage, eliminate duplication and reduce the overall task to manageable
sizes refers to.
A. Principles security B. Principles of interdependence
C. Principle of communication D. Principles of selection
369. What country practiced the “shame-based” rather than “guilty-based” approach because of the
shame it would bring to the family if such member of a Family commits crime.
A. China B. India C. Japan D. Egypt
370. This is a package of transnational flows of people, production, investment, information, ideas
and authority.
A. Manufacturing B. Globalization C. Internationalization D. Transnational
371. That which stimulates ethnic mobilization, which may promote self-determination in responsive
states but more often produces collective abuses in defense of dominant group-hegemony.
A. Technological development B. migration
C. employment opportunities D. global mobility and information flow
372. The collation of international covenants and treaties on war crimes and for the protection of the
rights of women and children;
A. International bill of human rights B. Geneva conventions
C. universal declaration of human rights D. covenant on civil and political rights
373. This center is created by virtue of Executive Order No. 62 to establish a shared database among
concerned agencies for information on criminals, methodologies, arrests and convictions on
transnational crime
A. Philippine National Police (PNP)
B. National Commission on Anti Hijacking (NACAH)
C. Philippine Center on Transnational Crimes (PCTC) D. International Criminal Police Organization
(ICPO) 374. R. A. 6975 is administered by:
A. MMDA B. PCSO C. DILG D. Local Executives
375. An office created to investigate complaints, gather evidence, and conduct summary hearings on
PNP members facing administrative charges, under R.A. 8551.
A. PLEB B. JAGO C. Barangay Justice D. Internal Affair Service (IAS) 376.
Police to population ratio is _________.
A. 500 to 1 B. 1 is to 1000 C. 1 on 1 D. 1 is to 500
377. The date of the signing of the Philippine National Police Act of 1990.
A. December 13, 1990 B. December 13, 199 C. December 17, 1991D. December 17, 1990 378.
The date of the effectivity of Philippine National Police Act of 1991.
A. December 13, 1990 B. January 1, 1990 C. January 1, 1991 D. December 17, 1990 379.
The date of the publication of R.A. 6975 to the general circulation.
A. December 13, 1990 B. January 1, 1990 C. January 1, 1991 D. December 17, 1990 380.
He has the power to choose the provincial director.
A. Provincial Governor B. Municipal Mayor C. DILG Secretary D. NAPOLCOM
381. The Philippine National Police motto is To Serve and Protect while the motto of HongKong Police
A. Law and Order B. We serve with pride and Care C. Safer Communities together D. None of these
382. What is this law that gives Japanese police the authority to arrest people with “wrong thoughts”.
A. Peace process law B. Peace talk law c. Peace preservation law D. Preserved peace laws
383 The height requirement for a male applicant in the Philippine National Police.
A. 1.62m B. 1.57m C. 1.50m D. 1.75m
384.The height requirement for a female applicant in the Philippine National Police.
A. 1.62m B. 1.57m C. 1.50m D. 1.75m
385 Compulsory retirement age of PNP Personnel.
A. 20 Years of continuous service B. Upon reaching the age of 56 years old.
C. Upon reaching the age of 65 years old. D. Upon reaching the age of 70 years old.
386 Optional retirement age of PNP Personnel.
A. 20 Years of continuous service B. Upon reaching the age of 56 years old.
C. the age of 65 years old. D. At the age of 70 years old. 387.
The age requirement for a Philippine National Police new applicant.
A. 17 years old. B. 20 years old C. 19 years old D. 21 years old
388. What will be the Maximum tenure of Chief PNP? A. 9 years B. 6 year C. 3 years
D. 4 years
389. What will be the Maximum tenure of Regional Director?
A. 9 years B. 6 years C. 3 years D. 4 years
390. Appointed by the Chief PNP. 12. In US, the sheriff for each county is chosen through
A. recruitment B. selection C. election D. elimination
391. Policing in the United States (U.S.) is divided in these broad categories except A. Federal
agencies B. State agencies C. County agencies D. City agencies.
392. The continent which was derived from the name of a Phoenix in Greek Mythology.
A. South America B. North America C. Europe D. Asia
393. In Sri Lanka, the constitution establishes a government that is a mixture of presidential system
and parliamentary system, such government is called;
A. Hegemony government B. messianic democracy
C. communist democracy D. democratic, socialist republic
394. In the system of the Public Safety Commissions of Japan, The person who has the jurisdiction
over the National Public Safety Commissions is the?
A. Minister of state B. Prime Minister C. Commissioner General D. Prefectural Governor
395. It is a special higher police in Japan which is equivalent to the FBI, combining both criminal
investigation and counter- espionage functions.
A. Toku B. Tokko C. PGK D. Lingerin 396. Appointed by the Regional Director.
A. Patrolman to Chief Exe. Master Sergeant B. Lieutenant to Lieutenant Colonel
C. Colonel to Major General D. Major General to General
397. The arrangement of officers from top to bottom on the basis of rank on position and customary.
A. Span of Control B. Hierarchy C. Chain of Command D. Authority 398
The second in command of the Philippine National Police.
A. Directorial Staff B. Chief PNP C. Deputy Director for Administration D. Deputy Director for Operation
399. Colonel in the present rank is equivalent to _____ in the old rank.
act which creates the present rank.
A. R.A. 6975 B. R.A. 855R. C. 6539 D. R.A. 11200 401
The second in command of the Philippine National Police.
A. DIR Staff B. Chief PNP C. Deputy Director for Administration D. Deputy Director for Operation
402. Installed as the first Chief of the Philippine National Police.
403. The word police are originated from the Greek word _________. A. Pulis B. Polish C.
Politia D. Politeia
404 It refers to specifically to transnational crime carried out by organized crime organizations.
A. Mafia B. Yakuza c. Transnational Organized Crime D. Gang
405. The body of rural police in the Philippines during the Japanese Occupation.
A. Kempetai B. Insular Police C. Carabineros De Seguridad Publice D. Cuadrilleros
406. It refers to a future state, a condition that does not presently exist and never exist before,
projects a view of a realistic, credible, attractive future of the organization.
A. PNP Vision B. PNP Mission C. PNP MOTTO D. PNP Hymn
407. The President of the Republic of the Philippine who signed the Philippine National Police Act of
A. President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo C. President Benigno Aquino Jr.
B. President Joseph Ejercito Estrada D. President Corazon C. Aquino
408. He has the power to appoint the Chief PNP.
A. Provincial Governor B. Municipal Mayor C. Chairman NAPOLCOM D. President 409. It
shall decide cases on appeal from the decisions rendered by officers other than the chief PNP, the
mayors, and the Peoples Law Enforcement Board.
A. Regional Trial Court B. Metropolitan Trial Court
C. Regional Appellate Court D. National Appellate Court
410. Forum Shopping means;
A. Panic buying C. Grocery Item B. Jurisdiction D. Multiple Filing of Complaints
411. What do you call the complain of an individual person against any member of the Philippine
National Police
A. Criminal Complaint B. Civil Complaint C. Citizen Complaint D. Internal Complaint 412. What
do you call the complaint dealing with minor offenses committed by any regular member of their
respective command?
A. Criminal Complaint B. Civil Complaint C. Citizen Complaint D. Internal Complaint 413. The
office responsible for the attainment of cases involving crime against chastity, sex harassment, abuses
committed against women and children and other similar offenses.
A. Anti-Carnapping Unit C. Anti-Kidnapping Unit B. Cyber Crime Group D Women’s Desk 414.
Police Executive Master Sergeant Dennis Lee and Cedrick Navarro Bachelor of Laws Graduate and
Bachelor of Science in Nursing respectively, simultaneously took the 2017 Bar Examinations and Board
of Nursing and both able to pass the said examinations and became a successful lawyer and registered
nurse. After passing such examination they filed their lateral entry in the Philippine National Police.
What will be the rank of Police Master Sergeant Cedrick Navarro upon the approval of his lateral entry?
415. The same example what will be the rank of Police Executive Master Sergeant Dennis Lee upon
the approval of his lateral entry?
416. Who will appoint them as to their old ranks?
A. President B. Regional Director C. DILG Secretary D. Chief, PNP
417. Who will appoint them as to their present ranks?
A. President B. Regional Director C. DILG Secretary D. Chief, PNP
418. Patrolman Antonino born on October 16, 1980 and entered in the Police Service on October 16,
2001. When will be the compulsory retirement of Patrolman Antonino?
A. October 16, 2033 B. October 16, 2035 C. October 16, 2034 D. October 16, 2036
419. When will be the Optional retirement of Patrolman Antonino?
A. October 16, 2020 B. October 16, 2021 C. October 16, 2022 D. October 16, 2023 420. DIRECTOR
in the Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP) is equivalent to_________ in the Philippine National Police.
421. The head of the Department of Interior and Local Government is referred to __________.
A. Chairman B. Chief C. Commissioner D. Secretary
422.He is considered to be the ex-officio Chairperson of the National Police Commission (NAPOLCOM
A. DILG B. Secretary of DOJ C. Chief of Philippine National Police D .Executive Secretary 423. The
Secretary of Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) is appointed by:
A. Senate B. Congress C. Commission of Appointment D. President
424. The National Police commission is composed of _______ regular commissioners.
A.1 Commissioners B. 3 Commissioners C.Two (2) Commissioners D. Four (4) Commissioners
425. The term of office of the appointed regular and full - time commissioners is ______ years without
reappointment or retention.
A. Six (6) years B. Four (4) years C Five (5) years D. Two (2) years
426. That relationship which can produce state policies that directly violate social labor rights and
directly produce social conflict that leads to state violations of civil and security rights.
A. Global economic relations B. militarization
C. inter-border relations D. global political relations

427. This kind of society has a system of laws, police who tend to keep busy handling political crime
and terrorism, and a system of punishment characterized by civilization and overcrowding.
A. Folk-communal society B. Urban-commercial society
C. Urban-industrial society D. Bureaucratic society
428. This kind of society has little codification of law, no specialization among police, and a system of
punishment that just let things go for a while without attention until things becomes too much, and then
harsh, barbaric punishment is resorted to.
A. Folk-communal society B. Political Theory
C. industrial society D. Bureaucratic society
429. Organizational Structure of NAPOLCOM composed of the office of the chairman and the
A. Personnel B. Legal Service C. Planning Services D. Commission Proper
430. Organizational Structure of NAPOLCOM which undertake criminological researches and studies;
formulate a national crime prevention.
A. Personnel B. Legal Services C. Planning Services D. Crime Prevention and Coordination Services
431. It shall decide cases on appeal from the decisions rendered by the chief PNP.
A. Regional Trial Court B. MTC. C. Regional Appellate Court D. National Appellate Court
432. The Philippine National Police shall be headed by chief who shall be assisted by ______ deputy
A. 4 deputy chief B. Two (2) deputy chief C Three (3) deputy chief D. 1 deputy chief
433. It is the security which provides sufficient illuminations to areas during hours of darkness.
A. Signs B. Glare Luminary C. Stationary Luminary D. Security Lighting
434. Kind of security lighting considered to be the most common type consisting of fixed series of
luminaries used mostly on entry gates of employees and vehicles.
A. Signs B. Glare Luminary C. Stationary Luminary D. Security Lighting
435. Kind of security luminary lighting stand by lighting which can be utilized in the event of electrical
A. Signs B. Glare Luminary C. Stationary Luminary D. Emergency Lighting
436. It refers to the act or omission not involving moral turpitude.
A. Grave Offense B. Light Offense C. Minor Offense D. Light Grave Offense
437. Chief of Police has the right to suspend his police personnel for how many days?
A. 30 days B. 15 day C. 60 days D. 180 days
438. CHIEF, PHILIPPINE NATIONL POLICE has the right to suspend his police personnel for how many
A. 30 days B. 15 days C. 60 days D. 180 days
439. The People Law enforcement Board (PLEB) is composed of how many members?
A. 8 members B. 6 Members C. 7 Members D. 5 Members 440 The Internal
Affair Service is headed by _______.
A. Station General C. Regional Internal Affair Office. B, Director General D. Inspector General
441. He is considered to be the ex-officio member as commissioner of the National Police Commission
A. Secretary of DILG B. Chief of Philippine National Police C.Secretary of DOJ D. Executive Secretary
442. Status of PNP personnel who meets all the qualification required for the rank to which he is being
A. Semi-Permanent B. Conditional C. Temporary D. Permanent
443. Status of PNP personnel in the absence of appropriate eligibility and when the exigency of the
service so requires.
A. Semi-Permanent B. Conditional C. Temporary D. Permanent
444. Any uniformed personnel of the PNP who has exhibited acts of conspicuous courage and
gallantry shall be;
A. Granted Vacation Leave B. Promoted to the next higher rank
C. Commendation D. Letter of Recognition
445. It refers to that body of armed physical forces charged with the preservation o peace and order,
the preservation and detection of crime and the execution of the laws.
A. Police B. Sheriff C. Armed Forces of the Philippines D. Philippine Army 446. The
commissioners of the National Police Commissioners appointed by _____.
A. Senate B. Congress C. Commission of Appointment D. President
447. The Internal l Affair Service is headed by___
A. Station Internal Affair Office C. Regional Internal Affair Office.
B, Director D. Inspector General
448. The provincial offices of Internal Affair Service are headed by;
A. Director B. Superintendent C. Inspector General D. Senior Superintendent
449. Moto Propio means;
A. For investigation B. Automatic Investigation B. For Reference D. For Follow-Up
450. The PNP reform and reorganization Act of 1998.
A. R.A. 6975 B. R.A. 1120 C. R.A, 8551 D. R.A. 6539
451. It is the law or act that abolished the Integrated National Police and the Philippine Constabulary.
A. R.A. 6975 C. R.A. 8551 B. R.A. 7610 D. R.A. 6713
452. The premier educational institution for the training, human resource development and continuing
education of all personnel of the PNP.
A. National Police College B. National Institute for Police Training
C. Philipine National Police Academy D. Philippine Public Safety College 453.
The Law Creating the Philippine National Police Academy?
A. P. D. 1602 B. P. D. 1184 C. P.D. 1612 D. P. D. 1866
454. The highest rank of Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP).
A. Chief Superintendent B. Superintendent C. Senior Superintendent D. Director 455.
The highest rank of Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP).
A. Chief Superintendent C. Superintendent B. Senior Superintendent D. Director 456. It
provides security to government officials, visiting dignitaries and private individuals authorized to be
given protection.
A. Narcotics Unit B. Traffic Management Unit C. Police Intelligence Unit D. Police Security Unit
457. Police Unit which enforce traffic Laws and regulations.
A. Narcotics Unit B. Highway Patrol Group (HPG)
C. Police Intelligence Unit D. Police Security Unit
458. It refers to utilization of units or elements of the PNP for purposes of protection of lives and
properties enforcement of laws, maintenance of peace and order prevention of crimes, arrest criminals
and bringing the offenders to justice.
A. Local Executives B. Legal Assistance C. Employ D. Deploy
459. Shall mean the orderly organized physical movement of elements or units of the PNP within the
province, city, municipality for purposes of employment
A. Local Executives B. Legal Assistance C. Employ D. Deploy
460. Simple misconduct, insubordination, frequent absences, habitual drunkenness ar3 examples of;
A. Oppression B. Grave Misconduct C. Dishonesty d. Minor Offense 461. The disciplinary
appellate Boards of the PNP.
A. Court of Appeals B. National and Regional Appellate Court
C. Victoria Appeal D. PLEB
462. PNP personnel who have been separated from the service for his non- promotion of ten continuous
periods is called;
A. Attrition by Demotion C. Attrition by Relief
B. Attribution by other means D. Attrition by Non- Promotion
463. Under R.A. 6975, National Police Commission, here in after referred to as the;
A. Secretary B. Under Secretary C. NAPOLCOM d. Commission
464. PNP personnel who compulsory retired from the service is entitled to __________.
A. 1 rank demotion B. Two rank promotion C. No promotion D. 1 rank promotion 465. PNP
Personnel are entitled of 10 per cent longevity pay for every _____years of service.
A. 5 years B. 20 years C. 10 years D. 25 years
466. It is the maximum number of subordinates at a given position effectively.
A. Delegation B. Span of Control C. Line Function D. Unity of Command
467. It is the act of transferring selected responsibilities, with commensurate authority.
A. Delegation of authority B. Span of Control C. Line Function D. Unity of Command
468. It involves the right to make decision, give orders, and expect to be obeyed in relation to work
A. Delegation B. Authority C. Line Function D. Unity of Command
469 The act which establish the standards and minimum requirements for the operation of
Security Agency.
A. R.A . 7845 B. R.A. 9160 C. R.A. 5847 D. R.A. 5487
470. The unit of the Philippine National Police which supervise and control the organization and
operation of the private security and detective agencies nationwide.
471 What types of security for effective defense against crime when it involves installation of physical
barriers, security lighting, us of vault, locks and others?
A. Positive B. Objective C. Passive Measures D. Active Measures
472. The types of security measures for effective defense against crime that will deter man from
committing such act or fear of being caught, charge in court or get dismissed such as education and
A. Positive B. Objective C. Passive Measures D. Active Measures
473. The decision of dismissal of PNP Chief to the PNP Personnel to the Regional Appellate Court (RAB)
is appealable to_____
A. Court of Appeals B. Regional Appellate Board C. National appellate Board D. DILG Secretary
474. The decision of dismissal of the Regional Director is appealable to_____
A. DILG b. Regional Appellate Board C. National appellate Board D. Victoria Court
475. The Secretary is assisted by______.
A. 6 Under Secretaries B. 3 Under Secretaries C. 4 Under Secretaries D. 2 Under Secretaries
476 It consists of the existing staff services as provided for under Executive Order no. 262. A.
Organization B. Secretary C. Commission d. Department Proper 477. It shall act as the
executive officer of the commission.
A. Chairman B. Vice – Chairman C. Secretary D. Under Secretary
478. Exercises the general powers to make arrest, search and seizure in accordance with the
479. What do you call that heavily constructed fire and burglar resistant container usually part of the
building structure use to keep and protect cash documents and negotiable instrument.
A. Safe B. Vault C. Stock Room D. File Room
480 A metallic container used for safekeeping of documents or small items in office or installation.
A. Safe B. Vault C. Stock Room D. File Room
481. It is defined as the exposure and teaching of employees on security and the relevance to their
A. Security Education B. Personal Education C. Protective Education D. Threat
482. It is the indication of something impending and usually undesirable or unpleasant, with an
intention to inflict evil, injury or damage to another, usually as retribution or punishment for something
done or left undone.
A. Threat B. Personal Education C. Protective Education D. Security Education
483. The PNP administrative support unit responsible for establishing an effective police communication
A. Logistics B. Computer Center C. Civil Security Unit D. Communication Center
484. The head of Internal Affair Service (IAS) shall be appointed by;
A. DILG Secretary B. Chairman- NAPOLCOM C. C, PNP D. President
485. The plans for the operation of special division like the patrol, detective, traffic, vice and juvenile
control divisions.
A. Plan B. Planning C. Tactical Plans D. Operations plan
486. It is a kind of state where people, institution, authority or groups feel fully secured of feeling, free
from any threat or vulnerability from somewhere or someone in his/her life, liberty, property or
activity .It could be in physical, psychological social or economic.
A. Security B. Industrial C. Management D. Hazard
487. The date of the creation of public safety business in the Philippines.
A. May 30, 1958 B. March 11, 1933 C. March 25, 1943 D. March 20, 1963
488. The date of the creation of Philippine Association of Detective and Protective Agency Operations
A. May 30, 1958 B. March 11, 1933 C. March 25, 1943 D. March 20, 1963
489. It refers to an act or condition which results in situation conducted to a breach of the protection
system and the subsequent loss or compromise or damage, disturbance and problems.
A. Security Operation B. Security threat C. Security Hazard D. Security Risk
490. It is security hazard caused by natural phenomena which cause damage, disturbance and problem,
of normal functioning unit, including security, like flood, lightning, storms, and volcanic eruption.
A. Security Hazard B. Man- Made Hazard C. Natural Hazard d. Risk Hazard
491. The Security Hazard or caused or condition affecting the safe operation of the facility cause by
human action, accidental or intentional, like sabotage, espionage, pilferage and theft.
A. Security Hazard B.. Risk Hazard C. Natural Hazard D. Man- Made Hazard
492. It is form of physical security that is concerns with the physical measures designed to safe guard
personnel and prevent unauthorized cess to equipment, facilities, materials, documents, and to
protect them from espionage, sabotage, damage or theft.
A. Industrial Security B. Bank Security C. Operational Security D. Safety
493. It is the protection from the application for various measures which safeguard cash, and assets
which are storage in transit and or during transaction
A. Industrial Security B. Bank Security C. Operational Security D. Safety
494. The practical test or exercise of plans or a any activity to test the validity an operational readiness
A. Access B. Controlled Area C. Duress Code D. Dry -Run
495. What do you call that area access to which subject to special restriction control?
A. Restricted Area B. Exclusive area C. Duress Code D. Dry Run
496. It relates to any undesired or unwanted event that could degrade the efficiency of the business
operation resulting in the loss.
A. Safety Inspection B. Accident C. Incident D. Unsafe Condition
497. What do you call that additional protective measures by an additional overhang or barbed wire
placed on vertical perimeter fences facing upward and outward with 45 degree angle with three to
four strands of barbed wires space six inches apart.
A. Clear Zone B. Towers C. Entry Stations D. Top Guard 498. What do you call that
genuine key stolen from the owner?
A. Change Key B. Limited Key C. True Key D. False Key
499. The term used in England for lock picker, safecrackers, and penetrators of restricted areas or
A. George man B. Peterman C. James bond D. Truman
500. That additional protective measures appearing a house like structures above the perimeter barrier.
A. Clear Zone B. top Guard C. Towers D. Entry Stations
501. What do you call that additional protective measures provided at the main perimeter entrances to
secure areas located out of the doors, and manned by guards on a full time basis.
A. Clear Zone B. top Guard C. Towers d. Entry Stations
502. It refers to the security lighting similar to continuous lighting but can be turned on manually or by
special device or other automatic means, when there is a suspicious entry.
D. Stand by Lighting B. Glare Luminary C. Stationary Luminary D. Emergency Lighting
503. It is an alarm device mounted on barriers and are used primarily to detect an attack on the
structure itself by means of vibration.
A. Passive Infrared B. CCTV C. Magnetic Door Contact D. Vibration contact
504. 20. It is an alarm device consists of video monitoring system consisting of television, camera, video
monitor, and transmission, medium connecting two.
A. Passive Infrared B. CCTV C. Magnetic Door Contact D. Vibration contact 505.
The act of creating the Private Security Agency Law.
A. R.A. 5487 B. R.A. 5784 C. R.A. 5847 D. R.A. 7485
506. Any person who does detective work for hire, reward or commission, other than members of the
AFP, BJMP, PNP, or any other law enforcement agencies.
A. Agent B. Secret Marshalls C. Secret Agent D. Private Detective
507. a device placed in the ceiling of the floor that detects smoke, typically as an indicator of fire.
A. Fire Bell B. Devices C. Fire Hydrant D. Smoke Indicator 508.
A hollow device made of a metal that makes a ringing sound.
A. Fire Bell B. Devices C. Fire Hydrant D. Smoke Indicator
509. It is a protective lock being lock being a mechanical, electrical, hydraulic, or electric device
designed to prevent entry to building or room.
A. Key B. Lock C. Cameras D. Barriers
510, It is a portable or detachable lock having portable having pivoted or sliding hasp which possess
through a staple ring, or the like and is made fast or secured.
A. Key B. Padlock C. Cameras D. Barriers
511. Type of lock that requires manipulation of parts according to a predetermined combination code of
A. Card Operated locks B. Lock C. Padlock D. Combination Lock 512.
Type of lock that can be closed and opened by electronics means.
A. Card Operated locks B. Lock C. Padlock D. electronic Lock
513. What do you call that machine that can be used for identification of humane by their
characteristics or traits?
A. Biometrics B. Lock C. Padlock D. electronic Lock
514. It is the management keys in plant or business organization to prevent unauthorized individuals
in the keys.
A. Key Control B. Master Key C. Change Key D. Sub- Master Key
515. It is the key that can open everything in a system involving two or more master key groups.
A. Key Control B Grand Master Key C. Change Key D. Sub- Master Key 516. It is a special
key that can capable of opening a series of locks.
A. Master Key B. Change Key C. Grand Master Key D. Sub- Master Key
517. It is defined as any structure or physical device capable of restricting, deterring and delaying
unauthorized access to n installation.
A. Barrier B. Security Guard C. Physical Barrier D. Control
518. The PNP administrative support unit responsible for design, implementation and maintenance of
data base system for the PNP.
A. Logistics B. Computer Service C. Civil Security Unit D. Communication Center 519.This
approach is to recruit, promote, and otherwise manage government personnel in accordance with
comparative achievement.
A. Spoils system B. Emergency employment C. Merit system D. Veterans Preference 520.
It shall conduct summary hearings on PNP members facing administrative charges.
521. Any natural person who offers or renders personal service to watch or guard residential or
business premises or both government and/or their premises for hire and compensation.
A. Human Barrier B. Physical Barrier C. Animal Barrier D. Natural Barrier
522. The person who is in charged with directing the work and observing the behavioural
performance of the guard under the unit.
A. Security Guard B. Watch Man C. Security Supervisor D. Desk Man
523. It is fire fighting equipment which can be portable or in cart that is used to put out fire
depending on the contents to extinguish the fire.
A. Automatic Sprinkler B. Fire Hydrant C. Fire Extinguisher D Smoke Detector
524. What do you call that heavily constructed fire and burglar resistant container usually part of the
building structure use to keep and protect cash documents and negotiable instrument.
A. Safe B. Vault C. Stock Room D. File Room
525. A metallic container used for safekeeping of documents or small items in office or installation.
A. Safe B. Vault C. Stock Room D. File Room
526. It is defined as the exposure and teaching of employees on security and the relevance to their work.
A. Security Education B. Personal Education C. Protective Education D. Threat
527. It is the indication of something impending and usually undesirable or unpleasant, with an intention
to inflict evil, injury or damage to another, usually as retribution or punishment for something done or
left undone.
A. Threat B. Personal Education C. Protective Education D. Security Education
528. It is a mechanical device strategically located in an installation or in a street where a fire hose
will be connected so that the water will available to extinguish a fire.
A. Automatic Sprinkler B. Fire Hydrant C. Fire Extinguisher D Smoke Detector
529. A steel or plastic pipes located inside the building from the lowest to top floor with water under
pressure for use in case of fire.
A. Fire alarm B. Device C. Fire Hydrant D. Stand Pipe
530. Classification of documents of any information and materials the unauthorized disclosure of
which would be prejudicial to the interest and prestige of the nation or government activity or would
cause administrative embarrassment or unwarranted injury.
A. Top Secret B. Confidential C. Secret D. Confidential
531. The process by which the documents shall be in safe and steel filing cabinet with built in dial
type combination lock of such weight, size and construction as to minimize as to the possibility of
physical theft or damage to fire.
A. Destruction B. Storage C. Operation D. Management
532. Part of physical security that deals primarily with protection and processes, formulas, patents,
and other industrial and manufacturing activities from espionage, infiltration, loss, compromise or
A. Operational Security B. Personal Security C. Industrial Security D. Security
533. It is written order/schedule issued by a supervisor officer usually the private security agency
/branch manager or operations officer assigning the performance of private security/detective service
A. Officer Details B. Detective Order C. Duty Detail Order D. Mission Order
534. Essential quality of security guard having a sound and good judgment to arrive a wise and timely
A. Alertness B. Confidence C. Judgment D. Physically Fit
535. Essential quality of security guard of being watchful in spotting violator, a person, a vehicle or an
A. Alertness B. Confidence C. Judgment D. Physically Fit
536. Threats in communication security by monitoring of telephone conversation by a third party,
often by covert means.
A. Eavesdropping B. Bugging C. Wiretapping D. Intrusion
537. Threats in communication security by secretly listening to or record a conversation using hidden
A. Eavesdropping B. Bugging c. Wiretapping D. Intrusion
538. A n act prohibiting and penalizing wiretapping and other related violations of privacy of
A. R, A. 4002 B. R.A. 4200 C. R.A. 4202 D. R.A. 4020
539. Threats in communication security by unauthorized listening and the real time of interception of
private communication, such as phone call, instant message
A. Eavesdropping B. Bugging C. Wiretapping D. Intrusion
540. The specialized type of physical security protecting the assets, personnel with special emphasis
on the precaution and measures to safeguard the cash and assets while in storage, in transit and during
A. Document Security B. Personnel Security C. Bank Security D. Company Security 541.
It is protection resulting from the application of various measures which prevent or delay the
enemy or unauthorized to perform in gaining information through the communication
system. A. Document Security B. Personnel Security C. Bank Security D.
Communication Security 542. Any material that contains mark, symbols, or signs, either
visible, partially visible or completely invisible that may be presently or ultimately convey a
meaning or message to someone.
A. Security Clearance B. Compartmentation C. Classify D. Document
543. It is an administrative determination that an individual is eligible from security standpoint from
access to classified matter of specific category.
A. Security Clearance B. Compartmentation C. Classify D. Document
544. Kind of sensitive information which some special way is related to the status operation activities of
the possessor over which the possessor asserts ownership.
A. Propriety Information B. Trade Secret C. Patent D Property

545. Kind of sensitive information consists of any formula, pattern devices, or compilation of information
which is used to one’s business and which one gives one opportunity to gain an advantage over
competition that do not know or use it.
A. Property Information B. Patent C. Property D. Trade Secret
546. It is an inquiry into the character, reputation, discretion, integrity morale and loyalty, of an
individual in order to determine a person’s suitability for appointment or access to classified matters,
A. National Agency checks B. Personal Security Investigation (PSI)
C. Complete Background Investigation D. Local Agency checks
547. It is an inquiry which aims to verify applicant’s information written at the applicant form, to
ascertain his/her pat employment experiences and to obtain other information pertinent to the decision
to employ.
A. National Agency checks B. Personal Security Investigation (PSI)
C. Background Investigation D. Local Agency checks
548. What do you call that factor in the conduct of background investigation as to the uprightness in
character, soundness of moral principle, freedom from moral delinquencies?
A Honesty B. Integrity C. Competency D. Loyalty
549. What do you call that factor in the conduct of background investigation as to the faithful allegiance
to the Philippine Government and it’s duly constitutional authorities.
A Honesty B. Integrity C. Competency D. Loyalty
550. Type of Competitive Intelligence as to the information from company publications, public records
or commercial reporting source.
A. Black B. Gray C. Blue D. White
551. Type of documents which is irreplaceable records/reproduction of which does not have the same
value as the original.
A. Class 1- Vital documents B. Class lll- Useful documents
C. Class ll – Important Documents C. Class 1V- non-Essential Documents
552. The code system for the security personnel or any employee when forced by armed men intending
to enter an installation by the use of certain words in casual conversation with personnel in the
A. Dress Code B. Morse Code C. Duress Code D. Penal Code 553.
Types of patrol the purpose of which is to maximize police visibility.
A. Foot Patrol b. Motorcycle Patrol C. Bicycle Patrol d. Horse Patrol
554. It refers to the factors that creates hazard creed by absence of suitable locks, bars and gratings .
A. Deficient Visibility B. Insecurity of Premises C. Presence of People D. Lack of regulation
555 Chronological distribution of patrol force by knowing the location or place or crime prone areas
wherein crime is frequently or often committed.
A. Crime clock B. Crime map C. Populated map D. Business mapping
556. Type of documents which are irreplaceable records/reproduction of which does not have the same
value as the original.
A. Class 1- Vital documents B. Class lll- Useful documents
C. Class ll – Important Documents D. Class 1V- non-Essential Documents
557. It is conduct that is considered contrary to community standard for honesty, justice, and good
A. Moral Turpitude B. Mischief C. Conduct Unbecoming D. Discretion
558. Type of security guard force maintained and operated by any private company/corporation utilizing
any of its employees to watch secure and guard the establishment.
A. Private Force B. Company Guard Force C. Duty Details D. Public Force
559. Type of security unit maintained and operated by any government entity than military or police.
A. Private Force C. Government Guard Force C. Duty Details D. Public Force
560. Any visual or audible signal produced by a device or system to warn the occupants of the building
or fife fighting elements of the presence or anger of fir to enable them to undertake immediate
action to save life and property and to suppress indicator of fire.
A. Stand Pipe B. Devices C. Fire Hydrant D. Fire Protection
561. What do you call that cubicle in a building constructed a little lighter that a vault but bigger size to
accommodate limited people to work on the records inside.
A. Safe B. Vault C. Stock Room D. File Room
562. The process of developing methods of procedure or an arrangement of parts intended to facilitate
the accomplishment of definite choice.
A. Staffing B. Organizing C. Planning D. Collecting
563. It relates to any u desired events that result to a physical harm to a person or damage to property.
A. Safety Inspection B. Accident C. Incident D. Unsafe Condition
564. Any hazardous physical condition or circumstances which could be directly permit the occurrence
of the event
A. Safety Inspection B. Accident C. Incident D. Unsafe Condition
565. Type of security which involves the protection of processes, formulas and Patents, industrial and
manufacturing activities from espionage, infiltration, loss, compromise or photo copying.
A. Industrial Security B. Operational Security C. Bank Security D. Safety
566. What do you call that preparation for patrol operations wherein the police officer should be armed
with knowledge and equipment? This can be done thru fall-In - formation in the headquarters,
precincts, or police blocks devoted to giving of assignments.
A. General Preparations B. Pre –Patrol Preparation c. Vehicle inspection d. Formation 567.
A restricted area containing materials or operation of security interest.
A. Access code B. Security code C. Restricted D. Exclusive Area
568. Protection of personnel especially ranking from any harm, kidnap and others action.
A. Security Education B. Protection Education C. Security D. Personal Security
569. State or quality of being secured or free from danger of various means or device deigned to guard a
person and property against broad range of security hazard.
A. Threat B. Personal Security C. Protective Security D. Bank Security
570. Doors, floors, windows, roofs and grills, are considered to be a ______ line of defense.
A. First Line of Defense B.Second Line of Defense C.Third Line of Defense D. 4rth Line of Defense
571. Medium or structure which defines the physical limits of n installation or an area to restrict or
impeded Access thereto is considered to be a _______line of defense.
A. First Line of Defense B.Second Line of Defense C.Third Line of Defense D. 4rth Line of Defense 572.
This unit usually takes cares of the publication of intelligence reports.
A. administration Division B. Evaluation and Distribution DivisZion C. Operation D. Inves Division
573. What do you call that time between the call of concerned individual to the police regarding crime
incident and the arrival at the scene of the patrol officer?
A. Stop B. Responder C. assistance D. critical time
574. What do you call that aspect of patrolling using stop and frisking strategy where individuals of
doubtful character are being questioned?
A. Directed Patrol B. Strategic C. Stop and frisked D. Street Interview/Interrogation 575.
Mountains, rivers, seas, deserts or terrain difficult to traverse is an example of ______ barrier.
A. Natural Barrier B. Structural Barrier C. Man- Made Barrier D. Artificial Barrier
576. Structural construction made by man like fences, walls, floors, roofs,, grills or other physical means
to deter or impeded penetration is an example of _________ barrier.
A. Natural Barrier B. Structural Barrier C. Man- Made Barrier D. Artificial Barrier 577.
Type of fence constructed in such a way that visuals access through the fence is denied.
A. Solid Fence B. Wall Fence C. Full view Fence D. Line of Defense
578. What do you call that power of the security guard to watch and secure the property of the person,
firm or establishment with whom he or his agency has a contract for security services?
A. Search Warrant B. Search Without Warrant C. Venue D. Territorial Power
579. The VIP limousine, wherein in the front seat the driver and communication officer is detailed and
at least than 5 security personnel is assigned maintains a distance of _________ behind the lead car.
A. 4 to 5 cars length B. 5 to 6 cars length c. 6 to 7 cars length d. 8 to 10 cars length
580. Wide variety of tactics employed by which a state or person misleads or confuses the enemy;
generally as to its capabilities.
A. Deception B. Deduction C. Evaluation D. Infiltration
581. It refers to combination of all the analysed data to form a logical picture or theory.
A. Integration B. Deduction C. Evaluation D. Infiltration

582. The process of strategic predetermined area strongly sealed off, barricaded and occupied by
tactical forces in a lawful display of authority to maintain law and order or in defensive response to an
vent of criminal nature or of such gravity that occurred or likely to occur calling for a high risk stop or
A. Stopping Zone B. Pre-Determined Area C. High Risk Stop D. Dragnet Operation
583. What do you call the police operation purposely to seal-off the probable exit point of fleeing
suspects from the crime scene to prevent their escape?
A. Stopping Zone B. Pre-Determined Area C. High Risk Stop D. Dragnet Operation
584. It refers to any formula, device pattern or compilation of any information utilized in industry.
A. Proprietary information B. Intellectual Property C. Trade secret D. Secret Formula 585.
This patrol involves disguise or deception which is specifically used in high crimes areas by highly trained
specialist rather than regular patrol officer.
A. Directed Patrol B. Strategic C. Decoy D. Street Interview/Interrogation 586.
This Patrol duties is for the actual prevention of the commission of the crime.
A. Directed Patrol B. Strategic C. Stop and frisked D. Crime Repression
587 What do you call that running time of the dispatched patrol car from his position where the
assignment was received and the arrival from the crime scene?
A. Stop B. Response time C. assistance D. critical time
588. It is an immediate response to block the escape of lawless element from a crime scene, and also
established when nearby checkpoint are ignored or during hot pursuit operation
A. Hasty checkpoint B. Hot pursuit C. Chokepoint D. Checkpoint
589. It is also termed in the US as fresh pursuit which mean an immediate recent chase or follow-up
without material interval for the taking into custody any person wanted by virtue of warrant of arrest, or
committed a recent offense while fleeing from one police jurisdictional boundary to another that will
normally require prior official inter unit coordination but which the pursuing unit cannot, at that
moment , comply due to the urgency of the situation.
A. Hasty checkpoint B. Hot pursuit C. Chokepoint D. Checkpoint
590 This is the actual stopping or accosting of armed and dangerous person or persons, aboard a vehicle
or foot, including the power to use all necessary and legal means to accomplish such end. A. High Risk
B. Stopping Zone C. High Risk Stop D. Dragnet Operation 591. It is the actual restraint of armed
persons following a high risk stop.
A. High Risk Arrest B. Stopping Zone C. High Risk Stop D. Dragnet Operation
592.. What do you call the specific or projected spot where the armed and dangerous person or persons
would pass or likely to pass and so tactically located as to gain calculated advantage against said person
or persons.
A. High Risk Arrest B. Pre-Determined Area C. High Risk Stop D. Dragnet OpSeration 593. The
NCRPO, REGIONAL DIRECTOR, issued a top secret document to all the NCRPO, District Director, what
will be the required bond and covered of the said document? A. Legal size bond paper with a ½
inch green border.
B. Legal size bond paper with a ½ inch red border.
C. Legal size bond paper with a ½ inch blue border.
D. Legal size bond paper with a ½ inch yellow border.
594. What is the rank of a National Capital Region Police Office, (NCRPO) Regional Director?
What is the rank of a National Capital Region Police Office, District Director?
He is the person skilled in converting messages from clear to unintelligible forms by the use of codes
and ciphers.
A. Crypto analyst B. Cryptographer C. Cryptography D. Interpreter
597 One who break intercepted code.
A. Crypto analyst B. Cryptographer C. Cryptography D. Interpreter

598 The REGIONAL DIRECTOR, Region 4A, issued a secret document to all Region 4A Provincial Director,
what will be the required bond and covered of the said document? A. Legal size bond paper
with a ½ inch green border.
B. Legal size bond paper with a ½ inch red border.
C. Legal size bond paper with a ½ inch blue border.
D. Legal size bond paper with a ½ inch yellow border.
599 What is the required rank to be a Regional Director?
What is the required rank to be a Provincial Director?



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