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Finite Element Analysis

ANSYS Preprocessor Y


Dr. Suhas Deshmukh

SAE, Kondhawa (Bk.), Pune

12/24/2011 Dr. Suhas Deshmukh 1


• ANSYS Preprocessor

• Starting of ANSYS

• ANSYS Environment

• ANSYS interface

• Saving and Restoring Jobs

• ANSYS Files

12/24/2011 Dr. Suhas Deshmukh 2

Modeling Approaches

• Solid Modelling
– The solid modelling approach utilizes Primitives (pre-defined
geometric shapes) and operations similar to those of
computer aided design (CAD) tools, and internally generates
the nodes and the elements based on user specifications.

– Solid modelling is the most commonly used approach because

it is much more versatile and powerful. However, the user
must have a strong understanding of the concept of meshing
in order to utilize the solid modelling approach successfully
and efficiently.

12/24/2011 Dr. Suhas Deshmukh 3

Advantages of Solid Modeling
– Powerful (sometimes the only feasible way) in modelling
three-dimensional solid volumes with complex geometry.

– User data input is rather low.

– Common computer-aided design (CAD)-type operations such

as extrusions, dragging, and rotations are utilized which are
not possible when working directly with the nodes and

– With the basic (primitive) areas and volumes rectangular,

circular etc. areas; cubic, cylindrical, spherical etc. volumes),
the Boolean operations (add, subtract, overlap etc.) can be
used easily to modify (or tailor) these basic areas or volumes
to obtain the desired shape.

12/24/2011 Dr. Suhas Deshmukh 4

Modeling Approaches

• Direct generation
– It is entirely dependent on user input for the size, shape,
and connectivity of each element and coordinates of each
node before it creates the nodes and elements one at a time.

– It requires the user to keep track of the node and element

numbering, which may become tedious—sometimes practically
impossible—for complex problems requiring thousands of

– It is, however, extremely useful for simple problems as one

has full control over the model.

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Advantaages of Direct Generation

• Advantages
– Provides the user with complete control of placement and
numbering of nodes and elements.

– For simple problems, the direct generation is the shortest

way to generate a finite element mesh.

• Disadvantages
– Use of direct generation is extremely tedious for solving real
engineering design applications, especially when the problem
can not be simplified to a two-dimensional idealization.

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Overview of Structural Analysis

• Structural analyses are available in the ANSYS Multi-

physics, ANSYS Mechanical, ANSYS Structural, and
ANSYS Professional programs

• Static Analysis
– determine displacements, stresses, etc. under static loading
conditions. Both linear and nonlinear static analyses.

• Modal Analysis
– Used to calculate the natural frequencies and mode shapes
of a structure. Different mode-extraction methods are

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Overview of Structural Analysis

• Harmonic Analysis
– Used to determine the response of a structure to
harmonically time-varying loads.
• Transient Dynamic Analysis
– Used to determine the response of a structure to arbitrarily
time-varying loads. All nonlinearities mentioned under Static
Analysis above are allowed.
• Spectrum Analysis
– An extension of the modal analysis, used to calculate
stresses and strains due to a response spectrum or a PSD
input (random vibrations).

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Overview of Structural Analysis

• Buckling Analysis
– Used to calculate the buckling loads and determine the
buckling mode shape. Both linear (eigenvalue) buckling and
nonlinear buckling analyses are possible.

• Explicit Dynamic Analysis

– This type of structural analysis is only available in the
ANSYS LS-DYNA program. ANSYS LS-DYNA provides an
interface to the LS-DYNA explicit finite element program.
Explicit dynamic analysis is used to calculate fast solutions
for large deformation dynamics and complex contact
problems. Explicit dynamic analysis is described in the
ANSYS LS-DYNA User's Guide

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Overview of Structural Analysis

• In addition to the above analysis types, several

special-purpose features are available:
– Fracture mechanics
– Composites
– Fatigue
– p-Method
– Beam Analyses

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• Before starting meshing, the element type{s) to be

used must be defined (otherwise ANSYS refuses to
create the mesh).

• The ANSYS software contains more than 100

different element types in its element library.

• Each element type has a unique number and a prefix

that identifies the element category, such as
BEAM3, PLANE42, SOLID45, etc.

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Classification of Elements

• Classified according to many different criteria, such

as dimensionality, analysis discipline, and material
• ANSYS classifies the elements in 21 different

• Four Commonly used Groups of Elements

– Structural
– Thermal
– Fluid
– Flotran CFD

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Structural Elements

• For this group of elements, the degrees of freedom

at the nodes are displacements.
• Structural analysis employs plane, link, beam, pipe,
solid, and shell elements.
• All of the "subgroups" of elements include several
element types with different degree-of-freedom
(DOF) sets.

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Structural Elements

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Structural Elements

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Thermal Elements

– For this group of elements, the degrees of freedom at the

nodes are temperatures.
– The thermal analysis employs mass, link, solid and shell
subgroups. The element types in this group differ from each
other with similar considerations as explained for structural

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Fluid Elements

• For this group of elements, depending on the type,

the degrees of freedom appear as a pair, velocity-
pressure or pressure-temperature, at the nodes.

• Included in this group are two- and three-

dimensional acoustic, thermal-fluid coupled pipe, and
contained-fluid types of elements.

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Element Type and Analysis Type

• Each discipline requires the use of its own element

types because the element type determines the
degree-of-freedom set (displacements,
temperatures, pressures, etc.) and the dimensionality
of the problem (2-D or 3-D).
– For example, the BEAM4 element, has six structural degrees
of freedom (displacements and rotations in and about the x-,
y-, and z-directions) at each of the two nodes, is a line
element, and can be modelled in 3-D space.

– The PLANE55 element, which has a total of four thermal

degrees of freedom (temperature at each node), is a 4-
noded quadrilateral element, and can be used only for two-
dimensional problems.
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Entering Element for Analysis

• In order to specify an element type, the user must be

in the Preprocessor.
Main Menu > Preprocessor > Element Type > Add/Edit/Delete

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Real Constants

• The calculation of the element matrices requires material

properties, nodal coordinates and geometrical parameters.

• Any data required for the calculation of the element matrix that
cannot be determined from the nodal coordinates or material
properties are called 'Veal constants― in ANSYS.

• Typically, real constants are area, thickness, inner diameter,

outer diameter, etc. Not all element types require real constants.

• If the required real constants are not specified, ANSYS issues a


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Real Constants

• A good example for describing the real constants is

the 3-D beam element (element type BEAM4).

• real constants for this type consist of the

– cross-sectional area {AREA),
– area moments of inertia {IZZ and lYY),
– thicknesses in the z and y-directions {TKZ and TKY),

• For each real constant set, ANSYS requires a

reference number. If it is not assigned by the user,
ANSYS automatically assigns a number,

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Real Constant

• Real constants are specified using the following GUI path:

Main Menu > Preprocessor > Real Constants > Add/Edit/Delete

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Material Properties

• For each element type, there are a minimum number of required

material properties. This number depends on the type of
analysis. The material properties may be:
– Linear or nonlinear.
– Isotropic, orthotropic, or anisotropic.
– Temperature dependent or independent.

• All material properties can be input as functions of temperature.

• Some properties are called linear properties because typical
solutions with these properties require only a single iteration.
This means that the properties being used are neither time nor
temperature dependent, and thus remain constant throughout
the analysis.

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Material Properties

• In the presence of variable material properties, the

nonlinear characteristics of the properties must be
– For example, a material exhibiting plasticity, visco-plasticity,
etc., requires the specification of a nonlinear stress-strain
• Each material property set has a reference number,
the same as the element types and real constants. In
problems involving different materials, the user is
required to specify multiple material property sets.
ANSYS identifies each material by its unique
reference number.

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Material Properties

• The following menu path is used to specify constant isotropic or

orthotropic material properties:

Main Menu > Preprocessor > Material Props > Material Models

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Material Properties

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Element Attributes

• Every element in ANSYS is identified by the element

type, real constant set, material property set, and
element coordinate system. These are called element

• In order to create a mesh, the element type(s) must

be specified a priori and the material properties (and
real constants, depending on the element type) must
be specified in order to obtain a solution. The
element coordinate system is defined internally.

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Interaction with the Graphics Window: Picking Entities

• When using ANSYS through the GUI, part of the

interaction between the user and the software
involves picking entities or locations in the Graphics
Window, These interactions are performed using the
Pick Menus,

• When picking entities through the Pick Menu, there

are five distinct fields,
– Pick/Unpick Field: Using the radio-buttons, the user selects whether
the entities are to be picked or unpicked. This feature is useful when
the user picks entities other than the intended ones. Instead of using
the radio-buttons, the user may use the right mouse button to toggle
between the Pick and Unpick modes.

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Pick Menu
1) Pick/Unpick Field:
2) Picking Style Field:
– Box:
– Polygon:
– Circle:
3) Information Field:
4) Text Field:
– List of Items:
– Min, Max, Inc:
5) Action Field:
– OK:
– Apply:
– Reset:

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Pick Menu

1) Pick/Unpick Field:

2) Information Field:

3) Text Field:

4) Action Field:

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Coordinate Systems

• Global Coordinate Systems

– There are four predefined coordinate systems in ANSYS:
Cartesian, cylindrical, spherical, and toroidal; the first three
of them are shown in Fig.

– All of these coordinate systems have the same origin (global

origin) and are called global coordinate systems.

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Coordinate Systems

• The menu path to change the active CS is given as

Utility MIenu > Work<Plane > Change Active CS

• Local Coordinate Systems
– The global coordinate systems all share the same origin
(global origin) with a predefined orientation.
– There are situations where changing one type of global
coordinate system to a different global coordinate system
does not provide enough convenience or sometimes makes it
even more complicated.
– It may turn out that what the user really needs is to change
the orientation of the CS and/or location of the origin.

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Working Plane

• Within the ANSYS environment, regardless of the

dimensionality of the problem (2-D or 3-D), calculations
are performed in a 3-D space. If the problem is 2-D, then
ANSYS uses the x-y plane, which is the z = 0 plane.

• The Working Plane (WP) is a 2-D plane with the origin of a

2-D coordinate system (Cartesian or polar) and a display
grid. It is designed to facilitate solid model generation,
where many solid model entities are created by referring
to the origin of the WP.

• In order to view the WP, the menu path is given as

Utility Menu>WorkPlane>Display Working Plane

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Solid Modelling

• There are two main paths in ANSYS to generate the

nodes and elements of the mesh:
• (1) direct generation
– every single node is generated by entering their coordinates
followed by generation of the elements through the
connectivity information.
• (2) solid modeling and meshing.
– involves the creation of geometrical entities, such as lines,
areas, or volumes, that represent the actual geometry of the
problem. Once completed, they can be meshed by ANSYS
automatically (user still has control over the meshing through
user-specified preferences for mesh density, etc.)

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Bottom-up Approach: Entities

• Entities are created by starting with keypoints and

moving up, the approach is referred to as "bottom-
up'' solid modelling.
• Keypoints
• The following menu path is suggested to create a
keypoint on WP:
Main Menu > Preprocessor > Modeling > Create >
Keypoints > On Working Plane

• This brings up a Pick Menu, where ANSYS expects

the user to pick points on the WP.

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• Create keypoint(s) (KP) in the active CS:

Main Menu > Preprocessor > Modeling > Create >

Keypoints > In Active CS

• This brings up a dialog box with four input fields for

the KP number and the X-, y-, and z-coordinates.
Once this information is supplied, hitting OK creates
the KP and exits from this dialog box.

• Alternatively, the Apply button can be clicked on and

more keypoints can be created.

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Keypoints Modifications

• The coordinates defining a KP can be modified as

Main Menu > Preprocessor > Modeling > Move/Modify >
Single KP

• This brings up a Pick Menu. First, KP is picked from

the Graphics Window, or its number is typed in the
text field. Then, the new location is picked or the new
coordinates are typed.
• If a KP is modified, any mesh that is attached to that
KP is automatically cleared, and any higher-order
entities that are associated with that KP also are
modified accordingly.
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• Lines are used for either creating a mesh with line

elements or creating areas and volumes.
• A straight line, an arc, and a cubic spline can be
• Creating a True Straight Line:

Main Menu > Preprocessor > Modeling > Create > Lines >
Straight Line

• This brings up a Pick Menu, requesting keypoint

numbers, which can be entered through the text field
or picked from the Graphics Window.

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• Creating an Arc:

Main Menu > Preprocessor > Modeling > Create > Arcs >
By End KPs & Rad

– This brings up a Pick Menu, requesting the two end keypoints.

– Upon hitting OK in the Pick Menu, ANSYS requests the third
KP, which defines the positive curvature side.
– After entering it the same way and hitting OK in the Pick
Menu, a dialog box appears. The first field is the radius and
the remaining 3 are the keypoints that have already been
input. Entering the radius and hitting OK completes this

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• Several keypoints (minimum 2) are needed for

creating a spline. The menu path is given as

Main Menu > Preprocessor > Modeling > Create > Splines >
Spline Thru KPs

• requesting the keypoints to be picked.

• When finished, hitting OK finishes the spline

creation. Multiple splines can be generated, one at a
time, without closing the Pick Menu by hitting the
Apply button instead of OK,

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• Areas are used to create a mesh with area elements

and to create volumes. If the geometry involves a 2-D
domain, the area(s) is (are) required to be flat, lying
on the x-y plane.
• Creating an Area Using Keypoints:
Main Menu > Preprocessor > Modeling > Create > -Areas-
Arbitrary > Through KPs

• Requesting the keypoints to be picked.

• When finished, clicking on OK creates the area.

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• Creating an Area Using Lines:

– In creating an area by lines, a minimum of 3 previously
defined lines are required, and the maximum number of lines
allowed is 10.
– If more than 3 lines are used, they must be co-planar.
– Lines must be given in a clockwise or counter-clockwise
order, and they must form a simply connected closed curve.

Main Menu > Preprocessor > Modeling > Create > -Areas-
Arbitrary > By Lines

12/24/2011 Dr. Suhas Deshmukh 42


• Volumes are used to create a mesh with volume

elements. Volumes can be created by using either
keypoints or areas. If keypoints are used, the areas
and lines that are associated with the volume are
automatically generated by ANSYS.
• Creating Volumes Using Keypoints:
– A maximum of 8 and a minimum of 4 keypoints are required
to create a volume using keypoints.
– Keypoints must be specified in a continuous order.
– If the volume has 6 faces, two of the opposite faces are
required to be specified by the user, and keypoints defining
both of these faces should be given in either a clockwise or
counterclockwise direction.

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• The menu path is given as

Main Menu > Preprocessor > Modeling > Create > -

Volumes- Arbitrary > Through KPs

• Creating Volumes Using Areas:

Main Menu > Preprocessor > Modeling > Create > -
Volumes- Arbitrary > By Areas

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Top-down Approach: Primitives

• The primitives are predefined geometrical shapes

that enable the user to create a solid model entity
(area or volume) with the execution of a single menu
• Area Primitives
• Rectangle by Dimension: The menu path is given as
Main Menu > Preprocessor > Modeling > Create >
Rectangle > By Dimensions
• Rectangle by 2 Corners: The menu path is given as
Main Menu > Preprocessor > Modeling > Create >
Rectangle > By 2 Corners

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Top-down Approach: Primitives

• Solid Circular Area: The menu path is given as

Main Menu > Preprocessor > Modeling > Create > Circle >
Solid Circle

• Circular Area by Dimensions:

Main Menu > Preprocessor > Modeling > Create > Circle >
By Dimensions

• Polygon: The menu path is given as

Main Menu > Preprocessor > Modeling > Create > -Areas-
Polygon > By Vertices

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Top-down Approach: Primitives

• Volume PrimitivesVolu me primitives are available for

generation of blocks, cylinders, prisms, spheres, or cones.
• Block: A block is a rectangular prism.
Main Menu > Preprocessor > Modeling > Create > Volumes
> Block > By Dimensions
• Cylinder:
Main Menu > Preprocessor > Modeling > Create > Volumes
> Cylinder > By Dimensions
• Prism:
Main Menu > Preprocessor > Modeling > Create > Volumes
> Prism > By Side Length

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Boolean Operators
• Many engineering problems possess a complex
geometry, making model generation a real challenge.

• However, the solid model entities can be subjected to

certain operations that make model generation much

• Boolean operations, utilize logical operators such as

add, subtract, divide, etc.

• The Boolean operators are applied to generate more

complex entities using simple entities
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Boolean : Adding

• The areas to be added must be co-planar (lie in the

same plane).
• The areas (or volumes) must have either a common
boundary or an overlapping region.
• The addition of areas or volumes results in a single
(possibly complex geometry) entity
• Adding entities can be performed by the following
menu paths:
Main Menu > Preprocessor > Modeling > Operate > Add > Lines
Main Menu > Preprocessor > Modeling > Operate > Add > Areas
Main Menu > Preprocessor > Modeling > Operate > Add > Volumes

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Boolean : Subtracting

• Entities can be subtracted from each other to obtain

new entities.
• Subtracting entities can be executed through the
menu paths given below:

Main Menu > Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate>Substract > Lines

Main Menu > Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate>Substract > Areas

Main Menu > Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate>Substract > Volumes

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Boolean : Overlap

• This operation joins two or more solid model entities

to generate three or more entities forming a union of
the entire original group of entities,

• It is similar to the Add operation. The only

difference between the two is that internal entities
are generated in the overlapping operation.
Main Menu > Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate> Overlap > Lines

Main Menu > Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate> Overlap > Areas

Main Menu > Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate> Overlap > Volumes

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Boolean : Gluing

• This operation is used for connecting entities that

are ''touching" but not sharing any entities. If the
entities are apart from or overlapping each other,
gluing cannot be used. The glue operation does not
produce additional entities of the same dimensionality
but does create new entities that have one lower
• This operation can be executed through the following
> Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate> Glue > Lines

Main Menu > Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate> Glue > Areas

Main Menu > Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate> GlueGlue

> Volumes
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Boolean : Dividing

• A solid model entity can be divided into smaller parts

by using other solid model entities. By default, a
divided solid model entity is deleted after the

• This operation can be executed through the following

menu paths:
Main Menu > Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate> Divide > Lines

Main Menu > Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate> Divide > Areas

Main Menu > Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate> Divide > Volumes

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Plotting: PanZoom, and Rotate Functions
Utility Menu > PlotCtrls > Pan, Zoom, Rotate

1. Active Window Field:

2. Viewing Direction Field:
3. Zoom Field:
4. Pan/Zoom Field:
5. Rotate Field:
6. Rate Control Field:
7. Dynamic Mode Field:
8. Action Field:

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Numbers in the Graphics Window

• Whenever an entity is being created, ANSYS either

asks for a reference number or assigns the lowest
available number for that type of entity.
• Every entity differs from the other entities of the
same type by this reference number.
• When plotting these entities in the Graphics Window,
by default, ANSYS will not show the entity numbers.
Often times, it is important for the user to see the
numbers printed when plotting entities.
• This can be done using the following menu path:
Utility Menu > PlotCtrls > Numbering

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• mesh of the geometry may be generated directly, i.e., generation

of nodes and elements. meshing can be performed only after the
specification of element type(s)
• ANSYS offers several convenient options
– Automatic Meshing,
– Smart Sizing, and
– Mapped Meshing,

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Automatic Meshing

• ANSYS meshes the solid model entities upon

execution of an "appropriate― single command.

• With automatic meshing, the user can still provide

specific preferences for mesh density and shape.

• If no preferences are specified by the user, ANSYS

uses the default preferences.
– Mesh Using Line Elements:
– Mesh Using Area Elements:
– Mesh Using Volume Elements:

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Automatic Meshing

• The desired mesh density can be achieved by:

– Defining a target element edge size on the domain
– Defining a default number of element edges on all lines.
– Defining the number of element edges on specific lines.
– Using smart sizing.
– Using mapped meshing.
• Specifying Mesh Density Globally

Main Menu > Preprocessor > Meshing > Size Cntrls > ManuaiSize >
Global > Size

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• Specifying Number of Element Edges on Specific

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Thank You

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