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Progressing Charts
Explanation of Progressions and Transits
In Natal Astrology, events in the life coincide with certain progressed positions in the chart and are measured by the motion of the
planets after birth. The Hermetic system of Natal astrology defines three types of progressions: Major, Minor and Transit. The
Brotherhood of Light astrological methods use the terms Major and Minor to avoid the confusion that has arisen over the terms
primary and secondary directions.

Major progressions (also called Secondary progressions) are measured by the motion of the planets in a day corresponding to one
year in the life. Major progressed aspects are formed between major progressed positions and natal positions or other major
progressed positions. Major progressed aspects map major events in the life.

Minor progressions are measured by the monthly motion of the planets corresponding to one year in the life as they aspect (make
angular relationships to) natal and major progressed positions. Minor progressed aspects map minor events in the life and act to
reinforce major progressed aspects.

Transits are measured by the daily motion of the planets on a day for day ratio. Transit progressed aspects only form between transit
progressed positions and natal or major progressed positions. Transits correspond to the more insignificant activities of daily life but
act to trigger major progressed aspects which are reinforced by minors.

Rule: Major events in the life only take place when there is a major progressed aspect, involving the ruler or co-ruler of the house
corresponding to the department of life thus affected, which is reinforced by a minor progressed aspect and triggered by a transit

Progressing the Chart

To progress the natal chart, drop down the Tools menu and select the Progressions command. This will activate the Progressed
Calendar Date dialog popup window. Use the date and time fields to select the date and time for which the chart is to be progressed.

The date and time fields will default to the current date and time (your computer’s system date.) The Time Zone drop down box
allows you to specify the time zone for which you want the chart progressed. The Time Zone box will default to your default time

Once the date and time have been specified, select the OK button or use the Enter key to compute and display progressions. The chart
view will automatically be updated to show the Major Progressed positions. To view Minors and Transits, pull down the View menu
and select the appropriate command. Any combination may be viewed. See Displaying Progressions & Transits.

If the Declination Grid popup is active, it will automatically be updated to show all progressed declination positions.

To learn how to make produce a Progression Report, see How To Produce a Progression Report.

View Progressions and Transits on the Chart Wheel

Once the chart has been progressed, using the method described in Progressions and Transits, any combination of progressed chart
wheels may be combined with the natal wheel for viewing on screen or printing. Drop down the View menu and select the
progression type (Major, Minor or Transit) that you wish added to (or removed from) the natal wheel. For example, to view Transits,
select Transits from the View menu. Transits will then be displayed as an outer wheel in the Chart View screen and a check mark
placed by the Transits command in the View menu to indicate that they are currently being displayed. To removed Transits for the
Chart View screen, reselect the Transits command from the View menu. The image below shows a 3-wheel chartwheel with natal
positions on the inner wheel, major progressed (secondary progressed) positions in the middle wheel and transits in the outer wheel.

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For printing charts with progressions and/or transits, simply select the View on-screen that you would like to print and select the
print command from the File menu or Toolbar. When chart reports are printed with progressions, the report will also include
progressed declination positions and monthly and weekly motion tables for Majors and Minors respectively. See How to Print and
Interpret Chart Reports.

If the Declination Grid popup is active on-screen, it will automatically be updated to show all progressed declination positions.

Using the Progression Calendar Date Dialog Box

The Progression Calendar Date dialog box allows the user to specify the date to be used to specify the date for which the user
wishes to display transits and major (secondary) and minor progressed planetary positions. The dialog box shown below provide date,
time and time zone drop-down edit boxes.

The time and date edit boxes will initially display the current (computer) date and time. Thus, to display current transits and/or
progressed positions, simply click the OK button.

The Time Zone edit box is used to specify the time zone to be used for progressing the chart. The Time Zone control is initialized to

l the time zone of your Default Place, or

l the time zone your computer is set to, if no Default Place is set.

For accurate timing of fast-moving transits:

l set the Daylight Savings Checkbox depending on whether or not the selected date and time are for daylight savings time, and
l set the Time Zone control to the time zone of interest.

Since the date and time controls are initialized using the current computer time, if you're looking at transit events for inner planets
and you know that daylight savings is currently in effect, then check the Daylight Savings Checkbox.

For Major (secondary) or Minor progressions, the settings for the time zone and daylight savings checkbox are largely irrelevant. If
accuracy is required for fast-moving transits, then set the time zone control box to the time zone for which you want the transit event
times computed and check the daylight savings checkbox if the desired time represents a daylight time.

There is a "Time Now" button that will always bring you back to the current date and time.

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Slider Bar
The slider bar allows you to adjust the chart progression date and time to see how the progressions and transits change over time. You
can select years, months, days, hours, minutes or seconds to increment or decrement the time. Dragging the slider bar progresses and
displays the results in real time. You can also use the up and down arrows on the keyboard to adjust the slider position.

When trying to "zero-in" on a particular set of progressed or transit positions, a typical scenario might be to start incrementing by
years or months until you get close. Then successively use days, minutes and seconds to arrive at the exact progressed or transit date
of interest. If trying to find exact positions, especially for transits, use the Data Only option from the View menu. The Data Only
option displays a table of exact natal, progressed and transit positions to the nearest 0.1", instead of the chartwheel.

Tips for using the Slider Bar

Start out using the current date-time (use the Time Now button if necessary) or enter a start date-time of interest and click the OK
button. Once the OK button is clicked, the slider control is active, and you can use the mouse or keyboard to control it.

Use keyboard direction keys (Up-arrow, Down-arrow), Page Up, Page Down, Home and End keys. Right arrow goes back in time
and left arrow key go forward in time! (The opposite of what would seem to be intuitive.)

You can reset the slider control by clicking the Time Now button and then click the OK button. Alternatively, you can reset the slider
by manually changing the date/time controls and then clicking the OK button.

If you manually change the date or time, then clicking the OK button will progress the chart to the selected date/time and reset the
slider to 0 Days.

If the slider is active but the keyboard direction keys are not working, then the slider may have lost the focus, so just click on the
slider bar with the mouse to activate the keyboard direction keys.

Display major (secondary) progressions, minor progressions and/or transits

Once the OK button has been selected, the transit and progressed positions will be calculated and the chart display will change to
show the Major Progression wheel outside of the inner natal wheel. The user may select whether to display the Major
progressions and/or Minor progressions and/or Transits using the View menu or the "View" checkboxes in the Progression
Calendar Date dialog show in the image above. Whatever is displayed on the screen will be printed if the print option is selected.

See Displaying Progressions & Transits.

The dialog box can be moved by clicking and dragging the title bar of the dialog box. The dialog box will remain visible until closed.
This allows the user to continuously select different dates, as when looking for the best time for some activity.

Using the Bija (Q1) Progression Rate When Progressing the Chart
When charts are progressed using Major or secondary progressions, it is possible to base the progression rate on either a solar day or
a sidereal "day". Selecting to use the bija rate, by checking the "Use Bija(Q1)..." checkbox will cause Horoscope to compute the
progressed planet positions using a sidereal day of ephemeris time per year of life. For more information on using Q1, see the "Using
the Bija (Q1) Setting When Progressing the Chart" Help topic.

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How To Produce a Progression Report:

The Progression Report menu command is located on the Tools menu (Tools->Progression Report) and is active (not grayed-out)
when a chart is active in the chart display area of the HOROSCOPE main window.

When selected from the Tools menu, this feature will display the Progression Report Setup dialog window (Fig.1) that you use to
define the report that you want. It has (at least) two tabs (property pages): Report Parameters and Filtering Major and Minor
Progressions and Transits . There can be two other tabs (Filter Minors and Filter Transits), depending on what you select on the
Report Parameters property page.

NOTE: Progression reports may not be saved, but it is easy to recreate them.

Getting Started
The report start and end dates will be initialized to the current date (that is, the current date on your computer.) If you just want to see
all the current major progressed aspects in force for the current (or selected) date, simply hit the Enter key and the report will
be displayed on-screen. You may then print the report.

When the OK button is selected, the report will be generated and the Progression Report Setup dialog (Fig. 1) will be hidden. You
can re-display the setup window by clicking the "Show/Hide Settings" button . This allows you to easily make changes to the
report parameters and re-display the report. NOTE: If you decide that you just want to re-display the report without making changes,
just click the "Show/Hide Settings" button again. Don't use the Cancel button as that will close out the report!

NOTE that even though create an “aspects currently in force” report by setting the report start and end to the current date,
all aspects will have start, perfect and end dates resolved. You will find this handy for knowing when each of the current
majors started and ended. The program looks over a default 100-year period to determine start/stop/perfect dates, but you
may change this search period if desired. Normally you will not bother with this for doing charts of humans. For cities,
states and countries you may want to select a longer period over which to resolve the aspect timing.

Using the Report Parameters Property Page Tab

Figure 1.

The Report Parameters property page (Figure 1.) lets you set the following parameters:

l Start and end date for the report. Both fields will be initialized with the current date.

l Specify what combination of progressions and transit the report should contain. The options are:

¡ Major progressions only.

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¡ Major progressions and Minor progressions.

¡ Majors, Minors and Transits.

¡ Majors and Transits.

¡ Transits only.

l Specify how you want the progressions/transits computed.

l Define the period over which to resolve the start and end dates for a long-term aspect (advanced option).

l Specify how you want the aspects sorted when you select Major progressions in combination with Minors or Transits.

Displaying the Progression Report

Once you have entered the start and stop dates for the report, and selected the type of progressions and transits you want to see, then
press the Enter key or click the OK button. This displays the report and hides the report setup dialog. To change your settings click
the Show/Hide Settings button on the report toolbar. See description of the Progression Report Toolbar below.

Sort aspects separately or with reinforcements: At the bottom of the Progression Report Setup property page, there are radio
buttons for selecting how you want the report printed or displayed. When Majors are selected for the report, in combination with
minors and/or transits, the user has two options for how the data is displayed. Selecting “With Reinforcements” is the default, but this
only has an effect when you have selected Major progressions in combination with minors and/or transits. NOTE: This option can be
changed back and forth by using the SepSort button on the progression report Toolbar (see Fig. 3 below), when the report is

l The With Reinforcements option displays each major progressed aspect along with all reinforcing minors and/or transients.
The displayed report shows each Major with a box to the left, initially with a ‘+’ inside. This means that you can click on the
‘plus-box’ to expand the display of that particular aspect to reveal the reinforcing majors and/or minors. See Figure 2 below.

Figure 2.

l The box will then display a ‘-‘ indicating that, by clicking the box, the display for that particular aspect will be contracted to
hide the reinforcement information.
l Buttons on the report window tool bar (‘+’ or ‘-‘) will expand or contract all of the aspects.
l When you print the report, the output format will reflect the current state of the screen display; i.e., whatever is or is not
expanded will be the same in the printed version.

Aspect Event Start Dates that have an Asterisk "*" or Use the Birth Date

Some start dates may have an asterisk "*" after the date. The asterisk indicates that the start date is approximate (within two weeks of
actual start date) and may even change slightly from one report to the next if the Report Start Date changes. This occurs because
these particular aspects are formed immediately after birth and, for aspects of planets to their own natal position, are not considered
valid aspects until the aspecting planet changes direction either (1) by zodiacal motion (going retrograde after initially being direct in
motion or vice versa) for regular aspects, or (2) by declination motion (turning South after initially moving North or vice versa) for
parallel aspects. Once the progressing planet changes direction (in which case it is considered "resolved"), the aspect is marked valid
and the time of direction change is estimated and marked as the start date for the aspect. Since it is impractical to determine the exact
date that a planet changes direction (due to computational load), the printed progression report will show an asterisk by the Start Date
of the aspect to show that it is approximate. For all practical purposes, this minor inconsistency is not a problem since these are
typically lifetime aspects and pin-point accuracy for the start date is of little value.

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Horoscope automatically tries to resolve start dates for progressed aspects formed immediately after birth (referred to as "at-birth"
aspects) from planets to their own natal positions, which is what Elbert Benjamine recommends. If the progressing planet does not
change direction during the report period, the aspect is eliminated from the report. Otherwise, it's listed with an asterisk after the start

NOTE: For at-birth progressed aspects that form from natal aspects that are withing 1° of perfect (other than for planets to their own
natal position), Horoscope uses the birthdate as the start date unless the user selects the "Ignore ALL unresolved at-birth aspects..."
option on the Filter Majors tab, in which case Horoscope will try to resolve the start date if the progressing planet changes direction
as described below.

If you select the option to "Ignore ALL unresolved at-birth aspects..." in the Filter Majors tab, then any at-birth progressed aspect
(not just from a planet to its own natal position) that does not change direction will be eliminated from the report. Otherwise, if it is
"resolved", it will be displayed in the report with an asterisk by its start date. See the section "Eliminating Unresolved At-Birth
Progressed Aspects" in the help topic Filtering Major (Secondary) and Minor Progressions and Transits

Aspect Event Dates that have Dashes ("-------")

Some aspects shown in the report may not reach perfect or go out of orb during the Progression Report report period (specified by the
user in the Progression Report Setup dialog). That is to say that the aspect perfect date (OnDate) and/or the aspect end date (OutDate)
may not occur during the report period. In this case, the report displays dashes "-------" for the date.

Sorting Aspects by Start, Peak and End Dates and Plt1 and Plt2

Horoscope lets you sort progressed aspects and transits in the Progression Report by Start date, Peak Date and End date. You can do
this either by using the sort buttons on the toolbar or from the View menu. When viewing Majors with reinforcing Minors or Transits,
you can elect to sort ONLY the Majors using the feature in the Options menu to Sort Only Majors.

You can also sort by the aspecting planet (Plt1) or by the aspected planet (Plt2).

Special Options for Displaying the Data

You can also specify that, when displaying Major Progressions with Minors and/or Transits that you want to use the Sort buttons to
only sort the Majors by selecting Sort Only Majors from the Options menu.

The Separately Sorted radio button option lets you display/print the report with majors, minor and transits each as a separate list,
one followed by the other. That is, the report will first lists all majors in orb, or coming into orb during the report, then all the minors
(if selected), and then all the transits (if selected.)

Aspect Event Times Display Options

When displaying progressed aspects and transits in separately sorted lists, transit event times are normally displayed along with the
dates. This is controlled from the Progression Report View menu. You can also select to show exact times along with the dates for
Minor aspects if they have been selected for computation.

NOTE: All dates and times are for Standard Time for the time zone selected by the user.

Toolbar for formatting and printing the report:

Figure 3 below shows the toolbar that appears at the top of the

Figure 3.

l The first button will invoke the print dialog box for you to print the report.

l The second button allows you to preview what the printed report will look like.

l The '+' button will expand (see description above) all of the Major progressed aspects (revealing their reinforcing Minor and/or
Transit aspects) in the report. This button will be grayed (not available for selection) if the aspects are separately sorted or
Majors were not selected in combination with Minors or Transits.

l The '-' button will contract (see description above) all of the Major progressed aspects (hiding their reinforcing Minor and/or
Transit aspects) in the report. This button will be grayed (not available for selection) if the aspects are separately sorted or
Majors were not selected in combination with Minors or Transits.

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l The ‘SepSort’ toolbar button will let you flip back and forth between the two sort types: “With Reinforcements” or “Separately

l The ‘A’ toolbar button will let you select the font.

l The five Sorting buttons allow you to sort the report by start date, by aspect peak date, by end date, by the aspecting planet
(Plt1) or by the aspected planet (Plt2).

l The "Multi On Dates" button will display multiple progressed aspect peak dates if they exist.

l The Aspectograph button will display an aspectograph based on the user-selected filter and sort options.

l The ? button, will launch the help window.

l The Show/Hide Settings button will redisplay or hide the Progression Report Setup dialog window. This feature preserves the
report settings and allows you to make changes to fine tune your report.

How Sorting by Aspect-Perfect (Sort On) Date Works

Some aspect perfect dates may be unresolved, often because the aspecting planet changes direction and goes out of orb before it ever
gets perfect or it goes stationary. When you sort by On Date, aspects with unresolved perfect dates will be sorted to the top of the list
if they are applying and sorted to the bottom of the list if the aspects are separating.

Showing and Hiding Popup Windows

NOTE: Both the Main toolbar and the Progression Report toolbar (below) now have a Show/Hide Popups button to allow you to
show or hide popup windows such as the Declination Table, the Astrodyne Table, Aspect Grid and/or the Natal Astrodyne Summary
table. See the Help topic "Viewing multiple charts and reports simultaneously".

Advanced Topics
(Advanced Topic) Period for resolving progressed or transit aspects: For each progression or transit set, you may also change the
period over which aspects are resolved by clicking the Advanced button. That is, many progressed/transit aspects may start and end
outside of the report start and end dates. HOROSCOPE will look for the start and end dates of each aspect within the period specified in
this field. The user would normally not change these settings. The default values are usually adequate, and you can get a lot more
data than you need.

(Advanced Topic) Compute Transits to Natal Positions Only: Selecting this box will restrict computation of transit aspects to
Natal positions; otherwise, transits to Major-progressed positions (standard for Hermetic astrology) will be included.

Filtering Major (Secondary) and Minor Progressions and Transits

Next to the Report Options property page tab, there will be one, two or three other property pages with tabs identified by ‘Filter
Majors’ and/or ‘Filter Minors’ and/or ‘Filter Transients’. Which of these is actually displayed depends on what progression types
you selected on the Report Parameters property page. See Figure 1 below.

Figure 1 shows the Filter Majors dialog tab that allows you to select which planets and which aspects to show in your progression
report. See the Filtering Minors and Filtering Transits sections further down in this help topic.

This very handy tool should be employed often to let you filter out extraneous aspects that are less important. It really helps to clarify
the report and isolate what’s happening.

Progression Report New Features

Default settings for progression and transit filters can now be found in the "Default Folder and Other Options" property page (found
by going to the Tools->Options->General Options & Preferences on the Main Menu). This includes the Progression and Transit
Report default settings for (1) eliminating Unresolved At-Birth aspects and (2) default aspect types to use.

NOTE: The new defaults for which aspects to do in progression or transit reports has the weaker aspects semisextile and inconjunct
and the parallel aspect TURNED OFF by default (as is the Moon in the “planets to do” section of the Filter tabs) because they clutter
the progression/transit reports making it difficult for non-experts to use. If you want them all on by default, set it up in General
Options and Preferences from the Tools->Options menu. Alternatively, you can just click the Select All button.

The Progression Report menu is now integrated with the main menu. This has caused confusion in the past since many of the main
menu features did not show up when the progress report window was active. Thus, the Progression Report options to (1) Show Exact
Time for Minors and (2) Transits, (3) Sort Only Majors when display reinforcing Minors & Transits (the Minors and Transits are left
sorted as is when sort by date or planet) and (4) Font selection can now be found on the main View menu under Progression Report

Filtering Major/Secondary Proressions

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Figure 1.

Use these property pages to select or de-select the planets and aspects that you do or do not want to see. You will notice that the
default has Moon aspects deselected, since they are less powerful (although they do seem to reinforce big events), so that your report
is less cluttered and easier to interpret.

How to Use the "Include aspects from unselected planets ..." checkboxes

The property page has two options for how to handle aspects made by planets that you have de-selected. The Moon is deselected by
default to simplify or focus the report, which is not to say that major Moon aspects are not important; they are. The first checkbox
"Include aspects from unselected planets to selected planets progressed positions" will, for example, include aspects from a de-
selected Moon to the other selected planets progressed positions. Since this option is checked (enabled) by default and the Moon is
de-selected (unchecked) by default, if you make no changes to the property page when you click OK to create a progression report,
you will see some major-progressed aspects for the Moon, but not all.

The same logic applies to the option to "Include aspects from unselected planets to selected planets natal positions". If you select both
checkboxes, and leave the Moon de-selected, then you will necessarily see all Moon progressed aspects in the progression report.

These options are made available for the situation where you want to see all the aspects to one or a few selected planets. For example,
say you want to filter the report to only see all the progressed aspects to the planet Uranus - to see what affect it's having on your 5th
house where it appears natally. In this case you would de-select (uncheck) all the planets but Uranus and check both boxes. If you
had Uranus in your 5th house and only want to see progressed aspects to its natal position, then you would only check the second box
(although, likely if its natal position is in the 5th house its progressed position is also there since this is an example with a slower-
moving major).

If you select all planets, then both of these options will be disabled (grayed-out), since they no longer apply.

Eliminating Unresolved At-Birth Progressed Aspects

Immediately after birth, the planets move by major and minor progression and immediately form progressed aspects to their own
natal positions by conjunction or parallel. Additionally, there may be other natal aspects int the chart which are within one degree of
perfect, and these will immediately form progressed aspects starting right after birth. Elbert Benjamine says in The Astrodyne Manual
that progressed aspects naturally formed immediately after birth from a planet to its natal position are not considered valid progressed
aspects unless they change direction. (Once they change direction, then their start date is considered "resolved".) The Horoscope
program automatically attempts to resolve the actual start date of at-birth progressed aspects (Majors & Minors) from planets to their
own natal positions by determining if the progressing planet changes direction by longitude or declination motion and estimating the
date of the direction change. If the aspect is "resolved", the start date is printed in the report with an asterisk (*); otherwise, it is
eliminated from the report. See the "Start Dates that have an Asterisk *" section in the Help topic How To Produce a Progression

The Horoscope program, however, goes one step further and allows you to eliminate all at-birth progressions that never change
direction by the end of the user-selected report period, if the "Ignore ALL unresolved at-birth aspects ..." checkbox is checked. These
are normally the outer, slower-moving planets. For example, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto will all form conjunction and
parallel progressed at-birth aspects to their natal positions that typically last decades or a lifetime. But their are many other

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progressed aspects that form after birth from the outer planets. Aspects made by one of the outer planets to another outer planet, e.g.
Uranus parallel natal Pluto, will typically last for many decades or the entire life. C. C. Zain includes these types of aspects when
writing about progressed astrodynes in Vol. 16, Stellar Healing where he analyzes the John Edwards chart. However, there can be
many of these very long-term aspects in a progression report (the John Edwards chart is a good example) that can complicate a
progression report and obfuscate the possibly more important aspects that are currently in-force. Eliminating (or at least resolving the
start date) can help to "focus" the report on progressions that may need immediate attention.

The following caveats apply to the option to eliminate unresolved at-birth aspects:

l When a long-term outer planet does change direction, all the at-birth progressed aspects that it is forming are automatically
activated and thus will have the same In Date (start date), and those dates will be marked with an asterisk.
l The resolved In Date (start date when the planet changes direction) for majors can be up to 14 days after the actual In Date (7
days if doing major Moon aspects), and 7 days after for resolved at-birth Minors, but this is not consider particularly significant.
The irregular motion around these direction changes makes resolving exact In Date resolution impractical. If necessary, use the
Progress Chart function and the Data Only view mode to get more exact start dates if necessary. Start dates for these aspects are
marked with an asterisk '*'.
l Resolved long-term at-birth Minors can have many (up to 10 or more) start dates (On Date). Only the last one is displayed in
the progression report.

Using the Bija (Q1) Progression Rate When Generating a Progression Report

When charts are progressed using Major or secondary progressions, it is possible to base the progression rate on either a solar day or
a sidereal "day". Selecting to use the bija rate, by checking the "Use Bija(Q1)..." checkbox will cause Horoscope to compute the
progressed planet positions using a sidereal day of ephemeris time per year of life. For more information on using Q1, see the "Using
the Bija (Q1) Setting When Progressing the Chart" Help topic.

Focusing the Report on the Most Important Progressed Aspects

Often, progression reports can have may aspects, and it can helpful to decipher what's going on if you simplify the report. One way to
do this is by removing less-powerful aspects from the report. NOTE: This option also de-selects the Parallel aspect because, by its
nature, there can sometimes be too many of them to get a clear grasp on the progressed situation. This is not to say that the Parallel
aspect is not a powerful aspect.

There may also be times when you just want to see certain aspects (e.g. conjunction, opposition, trine, square and sextile). You can
do this easily by selecting the check box "View only most powerful aspects" or by manually de-selecting some of the aspect types.
Filtering your progression report will help you to better interpret and track important progressed aspects.

Filtering Minors
The diagram below shows the Filter Minors property page dialog. Much of it is identical to the Filter Majors property page. The one
new option allows the user to include minor-progressed aspects to major-progressed Moon in the report.

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Filtering Transits
The figure below shows the Filter Transits dialog tab.

When viewing transits as reinforcing agents for major (secondary) progressions, C. C. Zain, in Progressing the Horoscope,
recommends using only the heavier aspects such as the conjunction, opposition aspects, trine and square. The user can, however,
select whatever aspects they deem appropriate when looking for triggers to major aspects.

Using the Progression Report "Advanced" Dialog to Edit Progressed

Aspect Resolution Dates
The Advanced dialog of the Progression Report Parameters property sheet dialog can be used to adjust the dates used to resolve
progressed and transit aspects start/perfect/end dates, known as Aspect Event dates, or to turn off resolving of aspect event dates
altogether. Normally, the user does not need to adjust these values.

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There are times, however, when producing a Progression Report, that some Major, Minor or Transit aspect event dates are
undetermined. This is often true of long-term aspects. If you find that you need to resolve these event dates, then used the Advanced
dialog to adjust the period that Horoscope goes back before the report or after the report dates to resolve the event dates. The
Advanced button on the Progress Report Setup dialog is shown in the diagram below:

The Aspect Event Resolution dialog is shown in the diagram below. Note that the Major or Minor or Transit resolution date controls
will only be enabled if the respective progression type was selected in the Progression Report dialog prior to clicking the "Advanced"

For Majors, the default resolution period is from the birth date to birth date + 100 years. Thus for natal charts of living organisms,
this is about the best you can do. But if you're doing a chart of a city, state, country or other similar entity that's been around for
hundreds of years, then you may want to adjust the Major resolution dates.

For Minors, the Horoscope program goes back two years and forward two years from the user-selected report period. This is
normally good enough to resolve all but the longest Minor aspects. Modify the Minors resolution date controls to attempt to resolve
undetermined Minor event dates.

For Transits, the Horoscope program goes back two months and forward two months from the user-selected report period. Adjust as

Using the Bija (Q1) Setting When Progressing the Chart

Normally, in calculating major progressions (secondaries), the movements of the planets each day after birth measure the progressed
motion of the planets over one calendar year in the life. That is, one solar day of ephemeris time for each calendar year in the life. For
example, ten days of planetary motion after birth take place over ten calendar years of life.

When charts are progressed using Major or secondary progressions, it is possible to base the progression rate on either a solar day or
a sidereal "day". The solar day is the time taken for the sun to move from the Midheaven on one day to the Midheaven on the next

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day, which is taken to be 24 hours in length. This is the standard rate, also known as Q2, and is the rate that is in most common use
by western astrologers.

A sidereal "day" is the time between two consecutive transits of a fixed star or any fixed point in space. It represents the time taken
by the earth to rotate on its axis relative to the stars and is about 3 minutes 56 seconds shorter than the solar day because of the earth's
orbital motion around the sun. Thus, a sidereal day is about 23.9344697 hours in length.

When you select the bija (Q1) rate, then Horoscope uses the ratio of one sidereal day per calendar year of life. This causes the time
of major (secondary) progressed aspects to occur at a slightly earlier time. This difference in the time when a progressed aspect
begins, peaks or ends, builds up over the life at a rate of about one day per year. Thus, for a person 30 years of age, the progressed
aspects using Q1will occur approximately 30 days earlier than if Q2 is used.

How to Use the Bija (Q1) Rate When Progressing the Chart
Select "Progress Chart" from the Tools menu activates the Progression Calendar Date dialog shown below. To use the bija rate,
simply check the box shown in the diagram.

How to Use the Bija (Q1) Rate When Creating a Progression Report
Selecting "Progression Report" from the Tools menu, activates the Progression Report property sheet. When doing major or
secondary progressions, you can select the "Filter Majors" tab of the property sheet as shown below. To use the bija rate, simply use
the checkbox shown in the diagram.

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The aspectograph is a very useful tool for visualizing progressed aspects and transits both in time and in relationship to one another.
To create an aspectograph, first create a Progression Report from the Tools menu. Depending on the options you select when you
create the Progression Report, you can display Major, Minors or Transits with the Aspectograph. When viewing the Progression
Report, you can then create an Aspectograph by clicking the Aspectograph button on the Progression Report toolbar or selecting
Aspectograph from the Tools menu.

If Majors are selected when you create the Progression Report, then Majors will be displayed in the Aspectograph. If Minors or
Minors and Transits are selected, then Minors will be displayed in the Aspectograph. To display Transits in the Aspectograph, select
only Transits when you create the Progression Report.

Normally, for ease of viewing, the default sort order, which is By Start Date, will produce the best results, but you can sort the
Progression Report By Peak Date, By End Date, By Plt1 or By Plt2. You should also apply whatever filtering you desire using the
Progression Report Filter Majors, Filter Minors or Filter Transits before creating the Aspectograph.

The Aspectograph window also provides buttons for (1) adding a user reference time-line which will be displayed when printed, (2)
Print previewing the display to see what it will look like when printed or (3) select the Print button to print the view.

Using the Aspectograph - Color Features.

The aspect time lines are color coded so that the area near when the aspect is perfect gets successively lighter blue. Also, if the start
or end dates are unresolved, then they will fade to white near the end of the time item bar. If you select an aspect in the right grid then
the associated time item bar will have small red handles. This make it easier to view if you are displaying a large number of aspects.
In a similar manner, if you select an aspect time item bar in the main panel, then the associated aspect and event dates in the right grid
panel will be highlighted.

Add Reference Timeline and Print/Print Preview Support

The right button panel of the Aspectograph window (shown above) provides print and print preview support. Note that if you
Preview first, and then select print, it will go directly to the default printer, so if you want to change the printer selected or other print
options, you should close the Preview window and then click the Print button.

The user also has the capability of adding a reference timeline. Note that the Aspectograph display will always show a thin "Time
Now Line", but you can add an additional reference line for any date by clicking the Add Reference Line button.

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