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National Dairy Plan Phase I

Manual on
Semen Production

Project Implementation Plan: Volume IV C

Project Management Unit

(located in NDDB)
Table of Contents

Foreword ............................................................................................................. 1
1. Introduction .................................................................................. 3
1.1. What is a manual and why it is needed? ........................................................ 3
1.2. Whom is this manual for? ............................................................................. 3
1.3. Semen Production: A Background ................................................................. 3
1.4. Rationale of the Programme ........................................................................... 4
1.5. Objectives of the Programme ......................................................................... 5
2. Semen Production Project: An Overview ........................................ 5
2.1. Area of Operation .......................................................................................... 5
2.2. Snapshot of Project Activities ......................................................................... 5
3. Project Sub-activities/Steps .......................................................... 8
3.1. Evaluation and Selection of Bulls .................................................................. 8
3.2. Identification of bulls ...................................................................................10
3.3. Quarantine ..................................................................................................11
3.4. Rearing of young bulls ..................................................................................11
3.5. Training of bulls ...........................................................................................12
3.6. Main Semen Station .....................................................................................12
3.7. Housing and Management of bulls (as mentioned in Appendix III) .................13
3.8. Animal Health Protocols in Semen Production...............................................13
3.9. Collection Arena and Semen Collection (as mentioned in Appendix III)...........14
3.10. Evaluation and processing of semen (as mentioned in Appendix III) ...............14
4. Management of the Frozen Semen Station ................................... 15
4.1. Project Management .....................................................................................15
5. Managing Procurement ................................................................ 16
6. Fund flow Mechanism and financial management ........................ 16
7. Project Monitoring and Evaluation .............................................. 16
7.1. Information Disclosure .................................................................................17
7.2. Grievance Redressal Mechanism (GRM) ........................................................17
Annex I: Grievance Redressal mechanism under NDP I .......................... 19
Appendix III Minimum Standards for Production Of Bovine Frozen
Semen ......................................................................................... 21

List of figures
Figure 2.1: Schematic representation of the Technical programme........................ 7
Figure 3.1: Scrotal Circumference ....................................................................... 9
Figure 3.2: Measurement Error........................................................................... 9
Figure 3.3: Ear Tag........................................................................................... 10
Figure 3.4: Tag Applicator ................................................................................ 10
Figure 3.5: Ear tagged Animal .......................................................................... 11


AI : Artificial Insemination
AIT : Artificial Insemination Technician
AV : Artificial Vagina
BMC : Bulk Milk Cooler
BAIF : Bharatiya Agro Industries Foundation
BQ : Black Quarter
BV : Breeding Value
CCBFs : Central Cattle Breeding Farms
CEO : Chief Executive Officer
CFSP & TI : Central Frozen Semen Production and Training Institute
CFU : Colony Forming Unit
CL : Corpus Luteum
CMU : Central Monitoring Unit
CRI : Calf Rearing In-charge
DADF : Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying & Fisheries
DC : District Coordinator
DCS : Dairy Cooperative Society
DIC : Differential Interference Contrast
DNA : Deoxyribonucleic Acid
EIA : End Implementing Agency
ELISA : Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay
FMD : Foot and Mouth Disease
FSH : Follicle Secreting Hormone
FUR : Fund Utilization Report
GoI : Government of India
GRM : Grievance Redressal Mechanism
GRO : Grievance Redressal Officer
HEPA : High-Efficiency Particulate Air
HF : Holstein Friesian
HS : Haemorrhagic Septicemia
IBR : Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis
IBRD : International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
IDA : International Development Association
INAPH : Information Network for Animal Productivity & Health
JD : Johne’s Disease

LN : Liquid Nitrogen
LRP : Local Resource Person
MAIT : Mobile Artificial Insemination Technician
MC : Management Committee
MMT : Million Metric Tonne
MoA : Ministry of Agriculture
MoU : Memorandum of Understanding
MRT : Milk Ring Test
MT : Metric Tonne
NDDB : National Dairy Development Board
NGO : Non Government Organisation
NPCBB : National Project for Cattle and Buffalo Breeding
NS : Natural Service
OIE : World Organisation for Animal Health
PC : Project Coordinator
PD : Pregnancy Diagnosis
PDA : Personal Digital Assistant
PIP : Project Implementation Plan
PMC : Project Management Cell
PMU : Project Management Unit
PT : Progeny Testing
PTM : Post Thaw Motility
RBP : Ration Balancing Program
SOPs : Standard Operating Procedures
TB : Tuberculosis


The demand for semen doses for artificial insemination has been
growing in the country. In the last five years, the demand for frozen
semen doses has increased by an average of 12 percent per year. In
2004-5, fifty seven semen stations produced 37.2 million frozen
semen doses, whereas in 2009-10, forty nine semen stations
produced 65.9 million doses. The demand for semen doses in the
country is projected around 100 million doses by 2016-17 and 140
million doses by 2021-22.

The consumers are also now looking for quality. The semen by many
is no longer perceived as a dose to impregnate their animals, but
perceived as a source of genetics to produce better quality animals.
It is realised that while one thinks about expanding the semen
production facility in terms of increasing bull housing and semen
processing facilities, one has also to think about putting in place
quality control and bio-security systems at semen stations. One has
to think about creating separate quarantine and rearing facilities and
creating disease free zone around semen stations.

Considering the need for expanding the semen production facilities

in the country, under NDP, it is planned to assist a select existing
semen stations to expand and modernize their facilities to produce
high quality diseases free semen doses.

This manual has been prepared primarily for the semen stations
which intend to expand and modernize their semen production
facilities and produce quality diseases free semen doses. It would
help equip them with knowledge and skills to produce high quality
semen doses.

The manual provides specific guidelines and minimum standards for
management of bulls, collection and processing of semen, quality
control, bio-security measures etc.

It is expected that the manual for Semen Production programme will

be a useful guide for the people involved in semen production and
other people directly or indirectly involved in implementation of NDP.

1. Introduction

1.1. What is a manual and why it is needed?

1.1.1. A manual is a reference book which presents information that

is necessary for operating or implementing a particular system,
project etc. It is written to give technical assistance to the
people so that they can have sound guidance while
implementing a project. A manual basically tells what one is
supposed to do, how one should go about it, when and where
and by what means one should execute a particular task, with
whom and with whose support should one implement a project
etc. It is needed as it becomes the guiding document
according to which the project should be implemented.

1.2. Whom is this manual for?

1.2.1. This manual has been prepared primarily for the agency which
would be involved in frozen semen production and for those
who would be directly or indirectly concerned with the
expansion of semen production activities under NDP I.

1.3. Semen Production: A Background

1.3.1. A low percentage of breedable animals inseminated is one of

the reasons for the low productivity of dairy animals in the
country. Though many agencies (mainly government and
cooperatives) have set up facilities for semen production, there
is a need to improve quality of semen doses they produce and
expand the scale of their operation.

1.3.2. Under NDP I, it is envisaged that in order to achieve the

desired genetic change in the population to increase the milk
production at the pace required, the percentage of breedable
animals inseminated should be increased from the current
level of about 20% to 35% by 2016-17. And to inseminate 35%

of breedable animals, the number of AIs to be performed
annually would go up from the current level of 50 million to
over 95 million, and the frozen semen production in turn
would need to be raised from the current level of 66 million
doses to 100 million doses by 2016-17.

1.3.3. Presently, there are 49 semen stations – 36 in the government

sector, two managed by NDDB, nine in the cooperative sector,
and two in the private sector and NGO sector- spread over 20
states producing annually 66 million doses. Top ten semen
stations are producing 50% of the total doses and top 25
semen stations about 85% of the total doses.

1.3.4. Semen production is a specialized job and requires a high level

of technical and professional skill. Semen doses are required
to be produced with minimum microbes and a very high
percentage of progressively motile sperms in each dose of 20
million sperms. A large number of sophisticated equipment
are required to be handled on one side and strict bio-security
measures are required to be put in place on the other.

1.4. Rationale of the Programme

1.4.1. The annual demand for milk is projected to reach around 200
MMT by 2021-22. Given the present productivity levels of our
bovines and the resource constraints, it is impossible to meet
this demand through domestic production unless productivity
of our bovines increases. A three pronged strategy is planned
to achieve this target. Increase the proportion of animals
under AI from the existing 20% to 35%, strengthen the frozen
semen production infrastructure to produce about 100 million
doses to meet the requirement of this increased AI coverage,
and produce the required high genetic merit bulls through
appropriate genetic improvement programmes.

1.5. Objectives of the Programme

1.5.1. The main objectives of the Frozen Semen Production

Programme are:

a. Produce good quality disease free frozen semen doses

from bulls of High Genetic Merit, to meet the demand of
semen doses for AI.

b. Achieve the target of producing 100 million doses of

disease free frozen semen to achieve AI coverage of
targeted 35% breedable female animals by 2016-17.

2. Semen Production Project: An Overview

2.1. Area of Operation

2.1.1. It is envisaged that the project will focus on a select existing

semen stations graded ‘A’ or ‘B’ by Central Monitoring Unit
(GoI) and owned by state governments, central government,
Cooperatives, and NGOs. The emphasis would be on
increasing the semen production by renovating the existing
semen collection and processing facilities, adding /replacing
laboratory equipment and instruments, creating infrastructure
for bull housing, quarantine and rearing facilities to induct
new bulls of those breeds which are in demand.
Simultaneously, all efforts would be made to enhance sperm
harvesting from each bull and streamlining and synchronizing
various steps in semen production line to get top quality frozen
semen doses.

2.2. Snapshot of Project Activities

2.2.1. A schematic representation of various activities of semen

station is given in

2.2.2. Figure 2.1. The major activities that a semen station
undertakes include:

a. Selection of bulls for semen production;

b. Identification of selected bulls;

c. Quarantine, rearing and training of bulls selected for semen


d. Induction of trained, disease free and genetically normal

bulls for semen production;

e. Scientific management of bulls;

f. Maintenance of semen collection arena and collection of

semen from bulls;

g. Evaluation of semen ejaculates and processing of qualified

semen samples;

h. Freezing and cryopreservation of semen doses;

i. Quality Assurance and quarantine of semen doses;

j. Distribution of semen doses for field AI after undertaking

the required quality checks;

k. Receive feedback on fertility etc.

Figure 2.1: Schematic representation of the Technical

Semen Station

 Bulls used for general

dose production
 Bulls used for Test dose

Test doses Normal doses

Field PT AI Service
Bull calves Programme Providers Bull calves
produced  Bull  Normal AI produced
evaluation  Nominated
 Nominated mating (Non
mating PT)

3. Project Sub-activities/Steps

The End Implementing Agencies (EIA) implementing the frozen

semen production programme under NDP-I shall follow the
“Minimum Standards for Production of Bovine Frozen Semen”
prescribed by DADF, GoI, as provided at Appendix III.

3.1. Evaluation and Selection of Bulls

3.1.1. Eligible young bulls born and procured from either PT projects
or non PT areas shall be subjected to thorough physical
examination by a qualified veterinarian to ensure that bulls do
not show any clinical symptom of disease(s). He/She shall
also carry out breeding soundness examination of bulls
including measurement of scrotal circumference.

3.1.2. The size of the testis is correlated with sperm production of the
bull and age of puberty of offsprings. It is important to take
measurement of scrotal circumference as it is an indirect
measure of testicular mass; it is associated with sperm
production as well as with parenchymal health of the testicular
tissues. Bulls with small testes produce less sperm, have a
delayed puberty in their daughters and sons and have earlier
testicular degeneration.

3.1.3. The scrotal circumference is measured with the help of a

specialised tape at the widest point of the scrotum ensuring
that the testes are in scrotum by pulling them down and kept
together. The following pictures show the correct method of

Figure 3.1: Scrotal Circumference

Figure 3.2: Measurement Error

3.1.4. Errors could occur if there is fat in the scrotum, a hernia or

there is hydrocoele. Errors could also occur, if testes are
pushed apart, when a measurement is taken.

3.1.5. The bulls shall also be subjected to karyotyping to rule out any
chromosomal abnormality and genetic disease testing to
eliminate bulls having genetic diseases.

3.1.6. The young bulls shall have to pass various health tests: TB,
JD, Brucellosis, Campylobacteriosis and Trichomoniasis.

3.2. Identification of bulls

3.2.1. All bull calves/bulls maintained at a Quarantine

Station/Rearing station/Semen Station shall be identified by
applying recommended plastic ear tags.

3.2.2. Only polyurethane laser printed ear tags having a 12 digit

number and a bar code shall be used. The numbering system
followed shall be unique with the last digit of the number being
a “check digit” to ensure that no two animals are tagged with
the same number.

Figure 3.3: Ear Tag

Figure 3.4: Tag Applicator

3.2.3. The ear tag shall be applied inside the ear of animals, in the
center of the ear lobe with the female part of the tag inside the

Figure 3.5: Ear tagged Animal

3.2.4. If the ear tag falls off, a new ear tag shall be applied
immediately and the information shall be immediately updated
in the concerned registers and in the computer.

3.3. Quarantine

3.3.1. Each frozen semen production station shall have standard

facility for quarantine of bull calves/bulls, about five
kilometres away from the main semen station. It should be;

a. Constructed so that contact with other livestock is


b. Such that it can be easily cleaned and disinfected.

3.3.2. Quarantine procedures for bull calves shall be followed.

3.4. Rearing of young bulls

3.4.1. Each frozen semen production station shall have standard

facility for rearing of bull calves. The Rearing facility;

 Must not have any direct contact with the main semen

 Must be constructed so that contact with other livestock is

 Must be such that it can be easily cleaned and disinfected.

3.4.2. Rearing facility receives animals from Quarantine Station,

keeps them till they reach sexual maturity and then they are
shifted to Semen Station.

3.5. Training of bulls

3.5.1. Main semen station receives mature bulls from Rearing facility
and trains them for semen collection.

3.5.2. Trainee bulls need to be taught how to mount on a dummy

animal, donate semen in an AV and dismount, with the help of
an attendant and a semen collector. Young bulls learn by
seeing older bulls donating semen.

3.5.3. They should be treated gently and firmly so that they have no
fear of the dummy animal, bull attendant and semen collector.

3.5.4. Semen samples collected from the bulls under training shall be
examined for semen profile including sperm morphology. The
bulls will be qualified for regular semen collection once their
semen samples are cleared by the Quality Control lab.

3.6. Main Semen Station

The main semen station must:

 Have bull housing facilities having individual pen with

adequate loafing area and are separated from the semen
collection and processing facilities;

 Have bull isolation facilities;

 Have semen collection and processing facilities;

 Have semen quarantine facilities;

 Be constructed so that contact with other livestock is


 Be such that all bull housing, semen collection, semen

processing and semen quarantine facilities can be easily
cleaned and disinfected.

3.7. Housing and Management of bulls (as mentioned in

Appendix III)

3.8. Animal Health Protocols in Semen Production

3.8.1. Disease reporting

 The bull attendant/labour who observes any abnormal

health event like high fever, off feed, symptoms of diseases
like FMD etc would report the same to the veterinary officer
who would in turn confirm it (in consultation with the unit
head) and report the occurrence to the nearest veterinary
officer and the District Animal Husbandry Officer of the
State Animal Husbandry Department. The recording in the
INAPH/ SSMS system would be done by the
supervisor/veterinary officer.

 Reports of such occurrences would also be provided in a

compatible format to the district veterinary authorities on a
regular basis from the INAPH/ SSMS system.

 Adequate training would be provided to the veterinary

officer/ supervisor to equip them adequately on various
aspects of disease reporting.

3.8.2. Bio-security measures at semen station

 The bull attendants, labourers and veterinary officers who

are in close contact with the bulls would need to follow
certain hygienic practices that would minimize the spread
of infection.

 Standard practices to be followed in the event of a

confirmed or suspected outbreak of diseases like FMD, etc.

 Adequate training should be provided to the labourers, bull

attendants and veterinary officers to equip them adequately
on various aspects of biosecurity protocols required at the
semen station.

3.9. Collection Arena and Semen Collection (as mentioned in

Appendix III)

3.10. Evaluation and processing of semen (as mentioned in

Appendix III)

3.10.1. Semen freezing

 After printing, straws are arranged on freezing racks using
ramp meant for Mini straws. These racks are kept in Cold
Handling Cabinet at 4-6º C for 4-5 hours for equilibration.
The cabinet should be maintained at the prescribed
temperature during this period so that sperms are not
exposed to temperature fluctuation.

 Then racks are transferred into chamber of freezing unit

(Bio-freezer for bovine semen) controlled by a computerized
programmer. Pre-decided freezing protocol on the
programmer takes care of freezing of semen doses. Freezing
completes at -150 ºC.

 Frozen semen doses are now taken from freezing unit and
plunged into liquid nitrogen (LN) for cryo-preservation.
3.11 Semen storage/ dispatch (as mentioned in Appendix III)

3.12 Information System (as mentioned in Appendix III).

4. Management of the Frozen Semen Station

4.1. Project Management

4.1.1. Under the Project, PMU (located at NDDB) will provide funds to
the identified Frozen Semen Stations for strengthening their
infrastructure – addition/ renovation of quarantine, rearing,
bull housing, semen collection and processing facilities,
addition/replacement of laboratory equipment and
instruments, farm machinery and equipment and induction of
new bulls, in order to increase its capacity for production of
disease free quality semen and to assist it to achieve grade ‘A’.

4.1.2. An appropriate agreement would be signed with the respective

End Implementing Agency (EIA) owning the semen station:

a. To ensure that the funds are used for the purpose, for
which these are provided, following World Bank’s
procurement guidelines.

b. To ensure that all equipment, instruments and bulls

procured and buildings or structures constructed are as per
the standard requirements/ specifications.

c. To ensure that the Minimum Standards as prescribed by

the DADF, GoI are strictly adhered to.

d. To ensure that PMU (located at NDDB) representative is

included in the Project Management Committee of the
Semen Station and/or in the Agency’s Board.

e. To ensure that the agency regularly provides information to

PMU (located at NDDB) on all aspects as prescribed.

f. PMU (located at NDDB) or its appointed representative
would continuously monitor the activities of the station.

5. Managing Procurement

 Procurement management practices to be followed by the

EIA are described in the Procurement Manual, Vol. III of

6. Fund flow Mechanism and financial management

 Fund flow mechanism and financial management practices

to be followed by the EIA is described in the Financial
Manual, Vol. II of PIP.

7. Project Monitoring and Evaluation

 PMU (located at NDDB) representative on the Project

Management Committee of the Semen Station and/or on
the Agency’s Board will ensure that all terms and conditions
of the Agreement signed are adhered to by the agency in
utilization of funds.

 PMU (located at NDDB) would continuously monitor the

progress of the work and activities of the station through
periodic visits.

 Agency will be required to provide information on the

activities of the station regularly.

 The Frozen Semen Stations shall maintain all documents

and use SSMS (Semen Station Monitoring System) for
collecting information online from semen processing
laboratory, semen inventory, quality control and dispatch.
The information shall be analysed for generating different
reports and giving feedback to all the concerned in the

7.1. Information Disclosure

7.1.1. The EIA will have a website containing suo moto disclosures of
the sub project related information, details of the activities,
area(s) where the activities are being implemented,
procurement plan etc. It will also regularly post the progress
of the project and the particulars of the person who may be
contacted in the EIA for seeking further information.

7.2. Grievance Redressal Mechanism (GRM)

7.2.1. “A grievance would usually refer to some form of

dissatisfaction by a stakeholder, which needs to be redressed
in order to continue smooth implementation of the project”.
The project will evolve a system for redressal of grievances that
may arise in the course of implementation. The GRM will be
structured in a manner so that it can be monitored, as it
provides important feedback on the project activities.

7.2.2. The EIA would have a designated officer as ‘Grievance

Redressal Officer’ (GRO) to deal with grievances. His contact
number/ mailing IDs and address etc would have to be
displayed on the web site of the EIA and at other relevant
locations such as notice boards.

7.2.3. Each GRO would need to:

 Maintain a computerised database of Grievances (through a

unique identification number), acknowledgements and
information about their disposal.

 Monitor the progress of disposal of the grievances.

 Fix time limit for disposal of the Grievances.

 Deal with each Grievance in a fair manner.

 Determine an appropriate periodicity when internal /
external meetings would be held to implement the GRM in
an efficient manner.

7.2.4. The procedure to be followed for grievance handling is given at

Annex I.

Annex I: Grievance Redressal mechanism under NDP I

For addressing grievances arising under NDP I, following grievance

redressal mechanism be adopted.

Appointment of Grievance Redressal Officer

1. The EIA under NDP I shall designate an officer as ‘Grievance

Redressal Officer’ (GRO) to deal with all matters relating to

2. The EIA should display at a prominent place/ notice board the

name of GRO with location, contact numbers/ mailing IDs and
address along with the specific visiting hours for hearing /
receiving the grievances.

Grievance/Complaint Submission:

1. While complaint is made, it can either be made orally or in


 The name of the individual or organization, address and

telephone number (if any) of the complainant.

 A brief description of the matter which is the source of the

grievance, including copies of any relevant and supporting

 Relief sought

2. Grievances may also be submitted in the Complaint Box kept at

reception of the office of the EIA. The Complaint Box should be
opened on daily basis by the GRO. Complaint can also be sent by

3. A complaint made through electronic means (e-mail, fax) should

also be accepted and replied, if requested, should be sent through
e- mail also.

4. In case the complainant is not satisfied with the response at a

certain level, He/She/she will be free to approach the next level.
Grievance Redressal Procedure:

1. Every application received should be tagged with a reference

number. The grievance system should be continuous for the
whole year.

2. Every application or petition should be acknowledged through

standard acknowledgement slips or a copy of the receipt which
should be dispatched to the complainant within 3 days of receipt
of complaint or handed over to person at the time of receipt for
complaints submitted in person.

3. Every application should carry such a slip for future reference

indicating the name, designation and telephone number of the
official who is processing the case. The time frame in which a
reply will be sent should also be indicated.

4. The complainant should be quickly informed of the action taken

by way of redressal within proposed response time.

5. A record of all complaints received and action taken till disposal

should be maintained.

6. A reply to any grievance must cover all points raised and not
address the grievance partially. If there is any follow- up action, it
must be pursued.

7. No grievance is to be rejected without having been independently

examined. At a minimum, this means that an officer superior, to
the one who delayed taking the original decision or took the
original decision that is cause for grievance, should actually
examine the case as well as the reply, intended to be sent to the
complainant. If a complaint is rejected, the reasons for such
rejection must be made explicit and should be intimated to the
complainant within the time frame.

Grievance redressal mechanisms will consider the vulnerability of

gender, Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe and other vulnerable

Appendix I

Minimum Standards
Production of Bovine
Frozen Semen


Artificial Insemination with frozen semen has been proved to be the

best tool world wide for genetic improvement through dissemination
of superior germplasm. This objective can be achieved only if the
frozen semen used in AI programme conforms to the quality
standards. For production and distribution of quality semen, it is
most important that the bulls used in AI programme satisfy quality
norms, bulls are disease free and semen is harvested and processed
in accordance with the standard protocols. The least protocols
required for production of quality semen are covered in this manual.
Failure to observe these guidelines could lead to production of poor
quality semen making it unfit for distribution to AI centres.

1. Standard for Genetic Merit of Breeding Bulls

Bulls procured should be the ones produced following prescribed

Minimum Standard Protocols and Standard Operating Procedures for
Progeny Testing (PT) through Government approved Progeny testing
(PT) Programmes. If such bulls are not available and if there are no
PT programmes for certain breeds, the procurement of bulls should
be based on the dam’s Standard lactation yield. Breed wise dam’s
lactation yields are given below. Preferably, the Lactation yield would
be arrived at by recording the animal once a month continuously for
11 times or until the animal becomes dry. Standard Lactation Yield
of the milk recorded animal should be calculated using the Test
Interval Method (A4) described at Section of the International
Agreement of Recording Practices published by International
Committee for Animal Recording (ICAR).

Dam’s Lactation yield (Kgs)
Breed First Best Fat %
Pure HF 4500 5600 3.5
Pure Jersey 3000 3750 5.0
Sahiwal 2400 3000 4.0
Red Sindhi 2000 2500 4.5
Gir 2400 3000 4.5
Kankrej 2000 2500 4.5
Tharparkar 2000 2500 4.0
Hariana 1600 2000 4.0
Rathi 1600 2000 4.0
Ongole 1100 1600 4.0
Deoni 800 1000 4.0
Khillar 380 500 4.0
Dangi 400 530 4.0
Amritmahal 400 500 4.0
HF Cross- F2 4000 5000 4.0
Jersey CB- F2 2800 3500 4.5
Sunandini 2500 3000 3.5
Murrah 2400 3000 7.0
Mehsana 2400 3000 7.0
Nili Ravi 2400 3000 7.0
Jaffrabadi 2800 3500 8.0
Surti 1600 2000 7.0
Banni 2400 3000 7.0
Bhadawari 1300 1600 8.0
Pandharpuri 1300 1600 7.0

Dam’s milk yield for F1 crosses will be as that of the indigenous

dam’s i.e. Gir, Sahiwal, Kankrej, Red Sindhi, etc.

For import of bulls and embryos, the standards for import of
germplasm as prescribed in the “Guidelines for export / import of
bovine germplasm” issued by DADF, MoA, GoI and as revised from
time to time shall be followed.

2. Physical Examination

Before procuring new bull calves/bulls for a semen station, a

thorough physical examination shall be conducted by an accredited
Official / Veterinarian to ensure that the bulls are free from
abnormality and do not display clinical symptom(s) of any infection
or any contagious diseases.

Standards for scrotal circumference and weight gain index for

various breeds shall be fixed by initiating age wise recording of
scrotal circumference once in three months and body weight once a
month, by the semen stations. For every new calf procured, the
measurement of scrotal circumference and body weight should be
initiated immediately.

Prior to introduction of new bulls for semen collection, breeding

soundness examination shall also be carried out.

3. Karyotying and testing for genetically transmitted diseases

It is necessary that all animals be karyotyped to rule out any

chromosomal defects. Specific tests may also be conducted for
genetically transmitted diseases as given in the table:

Breed Tests to be carried out

Indigenous cattle and buffaloes Factor XI deficiency syndrome,

Bovine Leukocyte Adhesion
Deficiency (BLAD), Citrullinemia

HF and HF crossbreds Factor XI deficiency syndrome,

Bovine Leukocyte Adhesion

Breed Tests to be carried out

Deficiency (BLAD), Citrullinemia,

Deficiency of Uridine
Monophosphate Synthase

Jersey and Jersey Crossbreds Factor XI deficiency syndrome,

Bovine Leukocyte Adhesion
Deficiency (BLAD), Citrullinemia

4. Quarantine

A quarantine period of minimum 60 days* is compulsory before

bringing new bulls into a semen station. Only after favourable results
from the health control point, the bulls shall be admitted to the
semen station. Relevant definitions are given in Annexure- 1

a) In the quarantine station, new animals shall be housed for a

minimum of 60 days in a place which is effectively separated and
away from (preferably at a distance of 5 km) the facilities occupied
by resident bulls. Manpower deployed and all equipment used in
handling, feeding, watering and cleaning the new bulls shall not
be shared with the resident herd(s).

b) Each new animal in quarantine station will be tested against

major contagious diseases before its entry to resident herd e.g.
TB, JD, Brucellosis, Campylobacteriosis and Trichomoniasis. All
tests shall be done by an accredited agency or disease diagnostic
laboratory as indicated in Annexure- 2.

During quarantine period, the bulls shall be vaccinated against FMD,

HS, BQ, Theileriosis and Anthrax. However, vaccinations against
bacterial diseases shall be done only if there is an outbreak or
prevalence of a particular disease.

Once the quarantine period is over, all bulls shall be introduced to
the young bull rearing station.

*The procedure and duration for quarantine in different situations is

given in Annexures- 3A, 3B, 3C & 3D.

5. Testing of Bulls

Testing protocols for bulls against Tuberculosis, Johne’s disease,

Brucellosis, Campylobacteriosis and Trichomoniasis are given in
Annexures- 4 to 8. As per OIE guidelines, the breeding bulls should
be free from above mentioned diseases. Though Johne’s disease is
not a sexually transmitted disease but from the herd health point of
view, bulls found positive should be removed and therefore it has
been included in the MSP. The bulls in the rearing station and the
resident herd should go through periodical testing and vaccinations
as per the schedule listed in the manual.

6. Vaccination Schedule

The bulls shall be vaccinated against FMD, HS, BQ, Theileriosis and
Anthrax. However, vaccinations against bacterial diseases shall be
done only if there is an outbreak or prevalence of a particular

Theileriosis – Exotic and crossbred bulls shall be vaccinated once in

their lifetime.

To reduce lay off time, the bulls shall be vaccinated on the rest day
or the day after completing semen collection. Sexual rest may not be
required unless otherwise febrile condition is noticed.

The semen station shall arrange for carrying out ring vaccinations for
all cloven footed animals including swines against FMD within a
radius of 10 km around the semen station. Vaccinations against HS
and BQ shall be carried out in the areas having incidence of these
7. Culling of Bulls and Semen Doses due to Specific Diseases

Diseases Bulls Semen doses

FMD Retain Last one month’s doses to be
discarded, refer Annexure- 9
Brucellosis Castrate & FS doses in stock to be discarded
remove since the last negative test
TB Remove FS doses in stock to be discarded
since the last negative test
JD Remove FS doses in stock to be discarded
since the last negative test
Campylobacteri Treat and FS doses in stock to be discarded
osis retain since the last negative test
Trichomoniasis Treat and FS doses in stock to be discarded
retain since the last negative test

The semen station must remove bulls (within 48 hours) which are
positive for Brucellosis, TB and JD. Bulls found positive for
Campylobacteriosis and Trichomoniasis shall be isolated and
treated. Besides, the semen station shall cull those bulls which have
completed eight years of productive period or 3 lakh semen doses,
whichever is achieved earlier. In addition, the bulls with poor libido,
poor semen quality, incurable lameness, etc. shall also be culled.

8. Housing

Bull sheds shall have spacious individual pens with adequate loafing
area, manger and water trough with access to drinking water all
time. Adequate shade around the bull shed shall be provided. The
roof shall be made of asbestos or suitable materials. During summer,
cooling system with sprinklers and fans is required particularly for
the buffaloes and exotic bulls. Disinfectants like formalin or phenyl
based compounds shall not be used in the bull sheds. Alternatively,

compounds containing Gluteraldehyde shall be used. Weekly
spraying of Sodium Carbonate (4%) solution shall also be practiced.
The floor should be sterilized at least once a year by a blowlamp or
by burning straws. At one corner of the farm, there shall be an
isolation shed for separating ailing / sick bull(s) for treatment. Bull(s)
once diagnosed suffering from infectious diseases shall be removed
immediately from semen station for safety of other bulls.

There should be separate staff and separate bio-security

arrangements for semen station and female herd, if any.

9. Management of Bulls

The objective of daily care of bulls is to ensure a satisfactory state of

cleanliness. For proper management of bulls, the following points
shall be considered:

a) The bulls shall be kept under hygienic conditions at all times.

b) The coat of the bulls shall be kept clean and generally short.
The hooves shall be regularly trimmed.

c) The length of the tuft of hairs at the preputial orifice, which is

invariably soiled, shall be cut to about 2 cm. The hair would
not be removed altogether, because of its protective role. If cut
too short, it may cause irritation of the preputial mucosa.

d) Bulls shall be brushed and groomed regularly, and where

necessary, special attention shall be given to the underside of
the abdomen, a day prior to semen collection.

e) Cleaning of the prepuce with sterile normal saline solution

may be done every ten days if the microbial load is within the
prescribed limits. Cleaning prior to the day of collection can be
practiced if the microbial load in frozen semen is beyond the
prescribed limit.

f) In the event of obvious soiling, careful cleaning of the preputial
orifice and the adjoining areas with soap or a detergent is
recommended; followed by thorough rinsing and drying.

g) Scientific feeding schedule shall be followed for the bulls. A

general guideline is attached as Annexure- 10. Semen station
shall carryout routine quality analysis of feed and fodder for
arriving at a balanced ration.

10. Semen Collection

a) Ideally, the floor of the collection yard shall be made of

concrete layer at a depth of one foot from the ground level.
Mixture of sand and limestone shall be used to fill up to
ground level and pressed firmly. If it is not possible to renovate
the entire collection arena, at least the mounting area shall
have sand and limestone mixture for proper footing of bulls.
Alternatively, good quality rubber mat (with interlocking
arrangement) or coir mat shall be put into concrete groove of
the mounting area for adequate cushioning effect. After
collection, the area must be thoroughly cleaned and odorless
disinfectant solution (Colloidal iodine) be sprayed. A dusty floor
shall be avoided to prevent dust falling on the AV / semen

b) On the day of collection, before collecting semen, the bulls

shall be properly washed and cleaned. After that, the prepuce
shall be cleaned externally with normal saline and a sterilized
paper napkin or sterilized cloth napkin soaked in normal
saline to remove any sand or dust particles. For each bull a
separate napkin shall be used.

c) The person responsible to carry out preputial wash must use
disposable gloves and separate sterilized nozzle for each bull to
avoid transmission of infection from one bull to another.

d) Semen collection should be individualized based on the bull

e) Sexual preparation (number of false mounts and restraint) of

the bulls may be done considering the individual behavior of
the bulls and not generalized. For this purpose, the sexual
behavior of the individual bulls shall be studied and

f) As a general rule, bulls shall be sexually prepared by giving

two / three false mounts followed by restraint. The gap
between two ejaculates shall be half an hour to one hour
depending on the bull. Second ejaculate shall be taken with
proper preparation of bulls.

g) Sterilized bull aprons shall be used to avoid penis touching

hindquarter of the dummy.

h) Before every collection, the semen collector shall either wash

his hands with 0.1% Savlon solution or use disposable gloves
or do both. The semen collector shall not touch the penis.

i) Preferably veterinarians shall take semen collection. If semen

is collected by staff, a veterinarian shall remain present to
supervise the collection process. While taking collection, it
shall be ensured that AV is not thrust on penis of bull, instead
penis should be guided to AV.

j) Immediately after collection, the AVs shall be thoroughly

cleaned by non-spermicidal neutral detergent. Separate AVs
shall be used for each ejaculation. The AV shall be changed
even if the bull has inserted its penis without successful
ejaculation. The same AV shall not be used twice. The AVs

shall always be kept inverted and the collection tube shall be
covered with felt / water jacket (plastic bottle filled with warm
water at 34o C) to avoid cold shock. The open end of sterilized
AVs shall be covered with aluminium foil, which would be
removed at the time when bull is ready for giving semen.

k) Appropriate size AVs, ranging from 8-14”, shall be used for

cattle and buffaloes to ensure semen is ejaculated in cone. For
buffaloes, goat AVs can also be used. The cone shall be of top
quality Neoprene rubber.

l) Use of lubricant shall be avoided. If it is extremely essential to

use lubricant, separate sterilized glass rods shall be used for
smearing K-Y Jelly on each AV.

m) The AV shall not to be shaken after ejaculation; otherwise

lubricant and debris may mix with the semen samples.

n) As soon as the first ejaculate is taken, the bull apron should

be removed and dipped in the plastic tub filled with detergent
lotion. For second ejaculate, a fresh apron should be tied to
the bull

o) The entry of visitors and staff / labourers (other than those not
involved in semen collection) shall be strictly prohibited in the
collection arena at the time of semen collection.

p) Protective clothing (barn coat) and gumboots shall be used by

the veterinarians and personnel during semen collection.
Gumboots and barn coat should be washed immediately after
completion of semen collection work.

q) Semen stations must follow the norm of minimum two

ejaculates per collection and minimum two collections per bull
per week for taking at least 90 collections and 180 ejaculates
annually from each adult bull. However, a maximum number

of collections per bull would depend on the individual capacity
of the bull.

11. Handling, processing & freezing of semen

11 (A) Premises

a) Sufficient trees shall be planted and lawns prepared around

the semen station to reduce dust.

b) The ceiling and walls of the laboratory shall be made up of

non-porous materials. All cracks and crevices shall be
sealed to control pests and insects.

c) Entry of persons to the laboratory, other than laboratory

personnel, shall be strictly restricted. Airlock system or
anti-room shall be provided to avoid direct entry to the
semen-processing laboratory.

d) Laboratory windows shall preferably be made of double

sheet glass with fixed aluminium frame. The glass panes
shall be plastered with sun control films to avoid direct
sunlight. The doors shall be kept closed, especially during
dilutor preparation and semen processing.

e) Preferably cassette type or, split type air conditioners fitted

with air purifying system with remote temperature control
mechanism should be installed to maintain the room
temperature at 20C - 22C. The number of ACs to be fixed
to sustain this temperature shall depend on the size of the
processing room. Maintaining this temperature is most
important to achieve the best results when single step
dilution method is followed for freezing semen. The flow of
air from AC must not be towards the front side of the
Laminar Air Flow Unit. Adequate number of thermometers

shall be kept in a few places in the laboratory to check the
room temperature.

Alternatively, central cooling with 10 to 15 air exchanges

should be fixed, especially for the semen processing
laboratory. This helps to control the bacterial load in the
semen-processing laboratory and in removing obnoxious
odour. The processing laboratory should ideally maintain
around 55% relative humidity.

f) Sink drains shall be decontaminated routinely with a

disinfectant. Sink shall not be placed in the semen
processing room.

g) The floors shall be preferably made up of vitrified tiles.

Floors and horizontal surfaces shall be cleaned and mopped
with a disinfectant solution, as dirt and dust, which settle
on these surfaces, are the main sources of contamination.

h) Unwanted furniture, equipment and materials shall not be

kept in the laboratory as they only provide additional area
for dust and spores to collect.

i) Appropriate number of germicidal UV lights (2470 A) with

respect to area of laboratory, laminar airflow unit, apron
and laboratory footwear cabinet may be fixed with a
common operating switch outside the laboratory. These
lights shall be switched ‘on’ at least 8 hours prior to
commencement of work in the laboratory and shall be
switched ‘off’ before beginning work. The date of installation
of the UV lights shall be noted to facilitate replacement as
the life of UV tube is of 2000 hours. A logbook should be
maintained for timely replacement of UV lights.

j) The laboratory shall be fumigated twice a week with Cold
Fumigant, using humidifier.

k) Fumigation should be supported by monitoring laboratory

environment by bacterial load test. The bacterial load shall
be measured every week to monitor pollution of the
laboratory atmosphere.

l) The work platform, the parts of equipment and other items

to be handled during processing of semen, shall be cleaned
with 70% alcohol or Glutaril (Qualigen). It is advisable to
repeat cleaning schedule after completing processing of

m) Clean laboratory footwear, apron, hand gloves, mask and

caps shall be compulsorily put on while working in the

n) Eating, drinking, smoking, etc. shall be prohibited in the

laboratory and unnecessary conversation should be
discouraged. Besides, entry of persons shall be strictly

o) Long exposure of semen to ultraviolet rays, visible light in

direct sunlight and white florescent light causes
chromosomal damage and hence, direct exposure to such
sources of light shall be avoided. Hence, there shall be
provision for indirect or diffused lighting inside the semen
processing room. Care shall also be taken not to switch on
tube lights in CH cabinet and laminar air flow unit (LAFU).
However, at the time of filling and sealing of straws in
LAFU, diffused light could be used.

11 (B) Equipment

a) The exteriors of all equipment and furniture shall be

cleaned weekly. The equipment shall be kept covered by
plastic covers when not in use.

b) The pre-filter of Laminar Airflow unit shall be cleaned

weekly. Routine servicing and DOP testing twice a year will
ensure efficiency of HEPA filters. Alternatively, culture plate
test shall be carried out at frequent interval to assess
bacterial load of the air passing through the filters.

c) Digital photometer / Computer aided Spectrophotometer

shall be validated with Haemocytometer readings for sperm
concentration twice a year separately for cattle and buffalo
(20 samples each).

d) The automatic semen straw filling and sealing machine

shall be thoroughly cleaned, immediately after use.

e) The microscope lens shall be gently cleaned daily with a

piece of cotton soaked in a mixture of ethyl and methyl
alcohol (1:1) or a mixture of 80% ethyl alcohol and 20%

f) The bio-freezer shall be defrosted and thoroughly cleaned

and dried, immediately after use.

g) Incubators to maintain artificial vagina shall be cleaned and

disinfected with 70% alcohol.

h) Single distilled water shall be used in autoclave and

thermo-controlled water bath. The water bath shall be
cleaned and filled with single distilled water on a regular

i) The thermometer kept immersed in water bath shall be
cleaned daily to have precise temperature reading or water
bath fitted with digital display temperature indicator should
be used.

j) The Liquid Nitrogen containers returned / received from

foreign countries and contagious disease prone areas shall
be disinfected thoroughly with 4% soda solution and finally
with 1 to 4% formaldehyde.

k) The refrigerator meant for storing eggs, antibiotics and

buffer shall not be used for storing vaccines and other
materials. All such materials shall be stored at a place away
from semen laboratory. The refrigerator used for storing
eggs, etc. shall be sterilized every week using alcohol swab.

l) The following equipment should be validated by NABL

certified laboratories:

i. Standard Thermometer

ii. Water Bath

iii. Weighing Balance

iv. Incubator

v. Autoclave

vi. Hot Air Oven

vii. Slide Warmer

viii. Micropipettes

ix. pH Meter

The following equipment calibration needs to be certified by

i. Cold Handling Cabinet

ii. Laminar Air Flow Units

iii. Biological Freezer

iv. Microjet Ink Printer

v. Filling & Sealing Machine

vi. Photometer

vii. Triple distillation unit, etc;

m) All equipment used in semen processing should be covered

under Annual Maintenance Contracts.

11 (C) Personnel Hygiene

Clothing, skin and hair of laboratory personnel are the sources of

contamination. Hence, all should wear laboratory aprons and
footwear all the time while they are in the laboratory. Hands shall
be washed with soap and water and rinsed with 70% alcohol,
before commencing work in the laboratory. The bull attendants
must undergo test for TB every year. Other staff working in farm
should be tested for TB once in two years. Restricted entry inside
the semen processing room and freezing room shall be strictly
adhered to.

11 (D) Diluents

a) Buffer and diluents should be prepared in a separate classified


b) All disposable and reusable supplies coming in contact with

the semen and dilutor must be sterile and devoid of toxins and

c) Prolonged storage of purified water is not recommended

because water purity deteriorates progressively over a period of
time as heavy metals leach from some glass and plastic storage
vials / containers.

d) Glass ware, collection tubes, etc. shall not be handled from

their rim / mouth.

e) Pipetting shall be done away with, instead, adjustable

micropipettes and disposable tips shall be used.

f) After adding all the components of buffer viz. TRIS, Citric Acid,
Glycerol and Fructose in double, preferably triple distilled
water, it should be sterilized again. If buffer is prepared on the
previous day and stored in the refrigerator, then antibiotics are
to be added next day in the morning after warming it at 34C.

g) Antibiotics in diluents: A combination of Penicillin and

Streptomycin shall be used in diluents. However, it is better to
use a combination of Gentamycin, Tylosin and Lincospectin
(GTLS), if available, which can control Mycoplasma.

h) The eggs used for making dilutor must be fresh. The eggs shall
be stored in refrigerator after wiping with dry cotton. Just
before preparation of dilutor, eggs shall be wiped with 70%
alcohol. To avoid Mycoplasma infection, eggs shall be
purchased from known sources.

i) The required quantity of yolk shall be separated from albumin
on sterile (autoclaved) standard filter papers (Whatman No.1/
Borosil) and yolk membrane shall be punctured using sterile
glass rod, Pasteur pipette or sterile straws under the Laminar
Air Flow Unit. Only fresh semen extender/dilutor shall be used
because changes in the pH of stored extender are considered to
be responsible for the deterioration of some nutrient
components. Day old extender should not be used.

11 (E) Evaluation & Processing

a) The tube containing the freshly collected semen should be

capped with aluminium foil as soon as it is placed in the pass
box before transferring to the laboratory. The collection tube
shall remain capped until processed.

b) As soon as the neat semen is received, it shall be kept in a

thermo-controlled water bath at 34o C under Laminar Air Flow
Unit, after recording the volume of semen.

c) After examination of sperm concentration and initial motility,

semen samples shall be primarily diluted with dilutor
maintained at 34°C.

After initial dilution of semen in the ratio of 1:1, the semen

should be extended further after 7 minutes of cooling at 20˚C
with dilutor maintained at the lab temperature. The semen
samples should not get accumulated for long time in water
bath, which may reduce their viability.

d) Sperm concentration shall be checked preferably by a digital

photometer with auto dilutor, manufactured by a reputed
company. The photometer shall be calibrated separately taking
20 readings each for cattle and buffalo semen, at least once in

six months, with haemocytometer readings. Semen samples
showing less than 500 million / ml sperm concentration shall
be discarded.

The volume of straws should be determined as it may vary

from batch to batch. While determining the dilution rate as per
the photometric reading, the actual volume of mini straw
should be fed to the photometer. Straw volume of randomly
drawn straws from a day’s production should be checked as
part of quality assurance and documented.

e) Semen samples selected for freezing should have minimum

70% initial progressive motility. Final dilution of semen,
keeping a minimum of 20 million spermatozoa per dose, shall
be done in appropriate flasks with the dilutor maintained at
34o C.

f) Filling and sealing of semen shall be done under Laminar Air

Flow Unit using sterile straws, filling nozzles and fresh rubber
tubings. Rubber tubings shall be used once only. Reuse of
rubber tubes is not recommended. Considering the advantages
that French Mini Straws have over French Medium straws, the
semen stations shall use French Mini straws.

g) Unused straws shall be repacked (air-tight) under Laminar Air

Flow Unit before storage. Immediately after use, all the glass
ware, rubber ware, plastic tips and other reusables shall be
immersed in neutral detergent solution (to be kept in a plastic
tub near the Laminar Air Flow Unit).

h) The freezing should be carried out as per the recommended

protocols for freezing cattle and buffalo semen. After freezing
gets over, the straws should be collected from the racks using
scoop tongs. The operator should wear woollen gloves with
leather gloves over it to avoid frost injury

11 (F) Colour Specifications:

All semen stations shall follow the following colour codes for
filling of semen in straws:

Breed Colour
Holstein Pink/Rose
HF Crossbred Pistachio Green (light green)
Jersey Yellow
Jersey Crossbred Salmon
Indigenous cattle Orange
Sunandini Blue
Buffalo Grey

If any of above mentioned colour is not available, then transparent

straws shall be used.

11 (G) Printing of Straws

Information pertaining to bull number, breed, name of the

organization, year, batch number (as per the day of the year),
ejaculate number, etc., shall be printed on straws, preferably
after their filling and sealing. After printing, the ink gets
instantly dried. If filled straws are printed and racked, the
actual number of straws can be easily counted. While printing
and racking, the room temperature shall be maintained at 20 o

C to 22 o C.

All semen stations shall follow the following printing
Jersey – JY Farm No. / Name
Holstein – HF Breed
HF Cross – CB HF Name of Institute
Jersey Cross – CB JY Batch No. / Date of
Sunandini – SUN
Sahiwal – SAH
Red Sindhi – RS
Kankrej – KANK
Gir – GIR
Tharparkar – THAR
Rathi – RATHI
Hariana – HAR
Ongole – ONGL
Deoni – DEONI
Khillar – KHLR
Dangi – DANGI
Amritmahal – AMHL
Murrah Buffalo – MBF
Surti Buffalo – SBF
Jaffrabadi Buffalo – JBF
Mehsana Buffalo – MSNB
Nilli Ravi Buffalo – NLRVB
Banni Buffalo – BBF
Bhadawari Buffalo – BDBF
Pandharpuri Buffalo – PNPB

11 (H) Post thaw motility

After freezing, the semen straws shall be stored in a separate

container. Post-thaw motility of semen should be examined at
24 hours (after freezing). Differences in observations shall be
updated and recorded for the purpose of accepting a particular
batch of semen doses. Whenever there is any doubt, post-thaw
motility shall be examined by two experienced persons.
Preferably, the person involved in evaluation of neat semen,
shall not check the post thaw motility. For a minimum
concentration of 20 million per dose, minimum acceptable post
thaw motility shall be 50%. Semen doses below 50%
progressive motility shall be discarded.

11 (I) Quality Checks for frozen semen

This includes (i) Quarterly testing of random samples from each

batch for bacterial load using standard plate count (The
standards for acceptable colony forming units (CFUs) in processed
semen is 5000 per ml as per OIE norm. If the bacterial load
exceeds the OIE limit, the semen doses are to be discarded.)

The frozen semen samples should not have uncountable CFUs as

they may have pathogenic organisms. Therefore, semen showing
crowded CFUs should be subjected to testing for pathogenic
organisms by an outside laboratory.

(ii) Hypo osmotic swelling test (HOST) - for all bulls at least once
in a quarter shall be mandatory (iii) Incubation test - for all bulls
at least once in a quarter shall be mandatory (iv) Acrosome
integrity test by Giemsa staining - for all bulls at least once in a
quarter shall be mandatory. Alternatively, wet smear of semen
shall be examined using DIC microscope (v) Percent Intact
Acrosome - all bulls to be covered once a quarter (vi) Sperm

Concentration – randomly two samples per week each for cattle
and buffalo.

A summary of quality tests to be conducted for frozen semen and

their cut-off values are given in the following table:

QC Parameters Cut- off Values
1 Bacterial Load (FSD) 5000 CFUs /ml
2 Hypo Osmotic Swelling Test ≥ 40%
3 Incubation / Thermo resistance standard drop in
Test motility by 10% after
every 30 minutes
4 Acrosome Integrity (Fresh Semen) ≥ 70%
5 Percent Intact Acrosome (PIA) ≥ 65 %
6 Sperm Concentration 20 million
spermatozoa per
dose (0.25 ml Mini

Validation of photometer shall be done once in 6 months by

checking at least 20 samples each for cattle and buffalo. Neat
semen shall be examined at an interval of every six months for
morphological abnormalities, particularly for crossbred bulls.
Morphological examination of sperms of young bulls must be
carried out (at least six samples at weekly intervals) before
introducing them in the herd. Semen should not be used if the
sample contains a total abnormality of more than 20% and head
and mid-piece abnormality (alone) of 7%.

Quality checking of semen straws, drawn randomly from the long
storage containers once in three months, should be done as a
part of quality assurance.

11 (J) Information System

In order to facilitate the information system, all the bulls

maintained by the semen station must be identified by ear tags/
cold branding.

The semen stations shall use suitable software to record data

pertaining to various activities and also should have online facility
for the same. The semen stations producing more than one
million doses may introduce software that can identify and trace
the bulls and their ejaculates, production, storage and dispatch of
semen (barcode system).

a) Volume of semen, density, motility, sperm concentration,

dilution rate, total extended volume, post-thaw motility (24 hrs
after freezing), and total number of doses produced, etc. shall
be maintained. Pre-freeze and post-thaw motility shall be
checked for new and problematic bulls.

b) Miscellaneous information regarding actual reason(s) for not

donating semen, undesired percentage of gross morphological
defects, semen pH, presence of dirt, dust, blood, pus, etc. in
semen samples shall be noted and recorded.

c) Details of semen supplied to various agencies, including post-

thaw motility at the time of dispatch, shall be recorded.

d) Fertility data of bulls, conception rate, records of the progeny

associated with any genetic defect, percent male / female born,
etc. shall be noted and recorded.

e) Report on microbiological examination of semen samples shall

be maintained.
f) Record of all quality tests for neat and frozen semen samples
shall be maintained.

11 (K) Semen Storage

To avoid accidental spread of diseases, the semen station shall

follow the procedure of preserving semen doses for at least 30
days after production. Frozen semen doses produced at least 30
days prior to the date of dispatch should only be supplied for AI.

After checking post-thaw motility, if found acceptable, frozen

semen doses shall be kept in temporary storage for 7 days. After
temporary storage, the semen goblets shall be transferred to the
bulk storage containers with proper recording of position in the
canisters. After each dispatch, records redefining the position of
remaining doses shall be updated.

Two reference samples of the doses dispatched to be drawn and

retained for six months or a screen shot of randomly selected
sample should be stored and a soft copy of which should be given
to the customer

The goblets containing the semen should be well identified and

precaution should be taken to see that each goblet has sufficient
space for liquid nitrogen. Mini straws need special care and
should not be exposed above liquid nitrogen even for a short time
(10 seconds) as they get warm faster and any exposure causes
irreversible damage to sperm viability.

Liquid Nitrogen shall be replenished at regular intervals

depending on the liquid nitrogen evaporation rate of the

12 Biosecurity

The risk of disease spread has grown manifold with increasing

number of bulls maintained at the semen production center.
With the expected higher risk, implementation of strict
biosecurity measures at the semen stations assumes greater
significance. Every semen station should have a well defined
Biosecurity protocol put in place across all its activities.

13 Cleaning and Sterilisation

All the items to be washed shall be initially cleaned with running

tap water and soaked in warm neutral detergent for at least 30
minutes. These items will then be thoroughly cleaned under
running tap water using a brush. Filling nozzles shall be cleaned
with pressure using 20 ml syringe. These materials shall be
rinsed thoroughly with de-ionized water (5 to 7 changes) to
completely remove detergent residues and other impurities.
Appropriate procedure for sterilization of different materials, used
in the semen station, is given below:

13.1 Laboratory and other areas

Cold fumigation solution is ideal for fumigation of laboratory and

other areas. It should be done as per SOP.

13.2 Artificial Vagina (AV)

a) Cone from the AV and water from AV jacket shall be removed

before washing.

b) Cones and AVs shall be cleaned thoroughly with a soft sponge

brush under running tap water and then soaked in warm
neutral cleaner for about 30 minutes, followed by proper
rinsing in warm and clean water and then three times rinsing
with double distilled water.

c) For sterilization, fully assembled AVs shall be autoclaved at 5
p.s.i. pressure for 20 minutes. During sterilization, the valve of
AV shall be kept open. Alternatively, use AV sterilizer (using
double distilled water in the sterilizer) for proper sterilization of

d) Finally AVs shall be stored overnight in an incubator at 45o C.

e) To achieve best cleaning effect, AVs shall be cleaned

immediately after use, preferably by non-spermicidal neutral

13.3 Glassware

a) The glassware shall be washed thoroughly with running tap

water and soaked in warm, non-spermicidal neutral detergent
solution for about 30 minutes.

b) Using appropriate nylon brush, the glassware shall be cleaned

and rinsed with running tap water. The collection tubes shall
be brushed at least 3 times and thoroughly cleaned and rinsed
with distilled water.

c) Finally the glassware shall be rinsed three times with double

distilled water and allowed to dry by keeping them inverted on
a blotting paper or a drying stand made of SS/ plastic.

d) The open end/s of the dried glassware shall be covered with

aluminium foil and sterilized in hot air oven at 160°C for one
hour or at 180°C for 30 minutes. One item should be wrapped
with newspaper and its mild charring will indicate proper

13.4 Rubber wares

The washing and cleaning procedure of rubber wares is similar

to that of glass ware. Care shall be taken to clean the rubber
wares with sponge brush instead of nylon brush. Plastic tips
shall be cleaned by water jet with force using a syringe.
Sterilization technique, however, differs owing to the thermo-
sensitivity of the rubber items. Thermo-resistant rubber wares
shall be sterilized by autoclaving at 3 - 4 p.s.i. for 10 minutes.
(The rubber tubing for semen filling shall not be reused).

13.5 Distilled Water

Fresh triple glass distilled water or Milli-Q purified water shall

be autoclaved at 15 p.s.i. for 15 minutes and used for
preparation of the dilutor.

13.6 Buffer

Buffer shall be sterilized by autoclaving at 5 p.s.i. pressure for

20 minutes. After autoclaving, buffer shall be cooled and
stored in refrigerator.

13.7 Bacteriological Media

It is to be autoclaved at 15 p.s.i. pressure for 15 minutes.

13.8 Filter Papers

A bunch of clean filter papers of standard brand like Whatman

No. 1 (thrashed to remove dirt, if any) shall be wrapped in
thick cotton cloth for sterilization in an autoclave at 5 p.s.i.
pressure for 20 minutes.

14 Summary of Sterilization

a) Autoclave

Sr.No. Item Pressure Time

(p.s.i.) (Min.)
1. Artificial Vagina 5 20
2. Buffer 5 20
3. Plastic Tips 5 20
4. Filter Papers 5 20
5. Bull Apron 5 20
6. Thermo-resistant Rubber 3-4 10
7. Bacteriological Media 15 15
8. Distilled Water 15 15
9. Surgical Equipment 10 10
(The rubber wares can withstand above pressure and duration
provided the quality is good)

b) Hot Air Oven

Sr.No. Item Temperature Time

1. Glass wares 160o C / 180o C 60/30
2. Filling Nozzles 160o C / 180o C 60/30

c) AV Steriliser

Wherever Autoclave is not used, AVs and rubber cones shall be

sterilised using AV sterilizer. After sterilizer starts boiling, 30
minutes vapour sterilisation shall be done.

15 Quality Control of Consumables


The chemicals of only highest purity of either, Analytical

Reagent (AR) or Guaranteed Reagent (GR), from reputed
manufacturing companies shall be used. Whenever a new
chemical is to be introduced in the routine process, it is
recommended to examine the post-thaw revival rates after
conducting few spilt ejaculate trials (maintaining a control) with
the new chemical. Assay of chemicals shall be >99%, having less


1. Straws manufactured by reputed companies are safer to use for

production of quality semen. While buying straws, package
volume and microbial load in straws shall be checked randomly
from the consignment. In addition, some empty straws should
be placed in filling and sealing machine and the machine should
be run to see the sealing quality of the straws. In case of any
foul smell, it should be presumed that the straws are
manufactured from poor plastic which could be toxic to the
spermatozoa and can even result in reduced motility on long

2. The factory plug should not be loose. The factory seal should be
impenetrable and the seal formed should be homogeneous and

3. The straws should be intact (without cracks / dents, etc.) during

and after freezing / thawing.

4. The movement of straws along the printing machine should be

free and print should be clear and sharp. Print should not fade as
a result of freezing and subsequent thawing.

5. The use of dark coloured straws should be avoided, as they are
not transparent enough. Due to this, it is difficult to distinguish
between filled / semi-filled straws.

6. Movement of the factory plug should be free.

7. Straws should be routinely checked for microbial load.

Note: The semen stations should avoid purchase of consumables

on lowest quotation basis. For example: To produce top
quality semen, it is better to use AR / GR reagents
manufactured by reputed companies whose products are
reliable. This is true with other consumables also.

16 Manpower Requirement for semen production

Designation Up to >10-25 >25-50 >50 Mega

10 lakh lakh lakh Semen
lakh Doses Doses doses Stn.
doses 10m
General Manager 1 1 1 1 1
QCO/QAO 1 1 1 1 1
Vet. Officer 1 2 3 3-4 5-6
Agriculure Officer 1 1 1 1 1
Data Mgmt. -- 1 1 1 1
Accts. & Adm. -- 1 1 1-2 1-2
Office Assistant 1 2 3 5 6-7
Livestock 1 2 3 4 5
Agri. Assistant
Lab Technician 1 2 3-4 5-6 8-10
Vehicle/Tractor 1 2 3 4 5

Designation Up to >10-25 >25-50 >50 Mega
10 lakh lakh lakh Semen
lakh Doses Doses doses Stn.
doses 10m
Lab Attendant 2 3 3-5 7-8 10-12
Bull Attendant 1 person per 7- 8 bulls
Agri. Labourers 15-20/100 acres depending on
mechanization level

The manpower structure suggested above is meant only for

semen/fodder production. For other activities, manpower may be
positioned as per the need. For dispatch of semen, facility should be
created preferably away from semen station and operated by other
person/s not responsible for semen production. The GOI /
Department of AH / Livestock Boards / NGO / Private agencies /
Union and Federation shall review the requirement of manpower
position for each semen station and finalise the staff structure for
recruiting additional manpower. After recruitment, all new persons
shall be trained at any of the recognized institutes. Once trained,
they shall continue to work in the semen station at least for five

Refresher training / visit to other semen lab: technical exposure of

semen station personnel working in the semen lab must be arranged
compulsorily once in two to three years at reputed institutions like
CFSP&TI - Hessarghatta, KLDB - Mattupatty, etc. As semen
production activity is an extremely technical work, job rotation of
personnel could be detrimental in maintaining the quality of semen.
Therefore, personnel working in a semen station should not be
transferred at least for five years. If it is inevitable, in the interest of
carrying out good work, it should be essential that a proper
replacement is identified at least six months in advance and is
trained in semen production technology.

Annexure- 1


Bull Adult male cattle or buffalo used for collection of
semen. Teasers and other animals resident in the
semen stations are also subjected to similar disease
testing, vaccination and medications for
maintaining their health status.
Bull Calf A male cattle or buffalo which has not yet reached
sexual maturity.
Known health Animals originating from a semen station or rearing
status station that is strictly complying with the guidelines
mentioned in the MSP.
MSP diseases MSP diseases are the set of diseases – the causative
organism of which should not be present in the
semen – or preferably in the bull. These diseases
include Bovine Brucellosis, Tuberculosis (TB),
Paratuberculosis (JD), Bovine Genital
Campylobacteriosis, Trichomoniasis and Foot and
Mouth Disease (FMD).
Quarantine A farm where bulls or bull calves are isolated and
station examined to assess the health status before shifting
to the semen station or rearing station. A series of
clinical and laboratory examinations, vaccinations
and medications etc. are undertaken during
Rearing A farm where bull-calves or young bulls, coming
station from quarantine station are reared till they attain
sexual maturity and subsequently get shifted to
semen station. A series of clinical and laboratory
examinations, vaccinations and medications etc.
are undertaken during the stay of bull calves in the
rearing station to maintain their health status.

Semen station A farm along with semen processing facilities where
adult bulls are housed for semen collection and
processing. A series of clinical and laboratory
examinations, vaccinations and medications etc.
are undertaken during the stay of bulls in the
semen station to maintain their health status.
Unknown Animals originating from village or farm where all
health status the animals of the farm or the village have not been
tested against the MSP diseases

Annexure- 2

Details of the tests to be conducted

Disease Test Sample Tested by officers

Brucellosis ELISA Serum CDDL/RDDL/
TB* DTH- Intra- Semen station/
Tuberculin dermal on CDDL/RDDL/
PPD the bull NDDB
JD* DTH- Johnin Intra- Semen station/
PPD dermal on CDDL/RDDL/
the bull NDDB
Trichomoniasis Agent Preputial CDDL/RDDL/
identification washings / NDDB
Bovine Genital Agent Preputial CDDL/RDDL/
Campylobacteriosis identification washings NDDB
Mukteshwar and
its laboratories/

* TB and JD testing at Quarantine Station as well as Rearing Station

shall be performed by the officers of the Semen Station. However,
the testing at the Semen Station shall be done by the Officers of the

Quarantine Guidelines
Annexure- 3A
A. Quarantine of adult bulls of unknown health status
Quarantine Minimum 60 days or long enough to allow at least two
period tests for MSP diseases to be performed during
quarantine with a minimum interval of 30 days
between the two tests. In case of TB and JD the
interval between the two tests should not be less than
62 days.
Shifting of Within 30 days from the date when the last test was
bulls from performed and all bulls were found negative.
Action on Brucellosis, TB, JD, Cull / remove the positive bull
finding a Bovine Genital and put all the remaining
positive Campylobacteriosis, bulls under extended
result Trichomoniasis quarantine.
Extended For a period of minimum 60 days or long enough to
quarantine allow at least two tests for the diseases mentioned
above to be performed, from the day last positive bull
was culled/ removed. Perform one test within the last
30 days of the extended quarantine.
Action on During Quarantine, if the bulls are housed and
finding a managed
positive  Individually - Remove only the positive bull.
during  In groups (not more than 3 animals in each
extended group) – Remove all bulls in the group in which
quarantine positive was detected.
 Free and not in groups- Remove all the bulls.

Annexure- 3B
B. Quarantine of adult bulls of known health status
Quarantine Minimum 30 days or long enough to allow at least one
period test for all MSP diseases
Shifting of Within 30 days of the last negative test
bulls from
Action on Same as in Annex- 3A
finding a
Extended For a period of minimum 30 days from the day last
quarantine positive bull was culled/ removed. Perform one test
within the last 30 days of the extended quarantine.
Action on Same as in Annex- 3A
finding a

Annexure- 3C

C. Quarantine of adult bulls to be shifted between the farms

managed by the same administration
 For shifting between semen stations for semen
 From a rearing station that implements Quarantine
(Annexure-3D) before allowing entry of calves for
Quarantine Minimum 30 days or sufficient to allow at least one
period test for MSP diseases
Shifting of Within 30 days of the last negative test
bulls from
Action on Same as in Annexure- 3A
finding a
Extended For a period of 30 days from the day last positive bull
quarantine was culled/ removed. Perform one test within the last
30 days of the extended quarantine.
Action on Same as in Annexure- 3A
finding a

Annexure- 3D

D. Quarantine of calves above 2 months of age

Quarantine Minimum 60 days or sufficient to allow at least two
period tests for each of the MSP diseases to be performed
with a minimum interval of 30 days between the
tests. In case of TB and JD the interval between the
two tests should not be less than 62 days.
Shifting of Within 30 days of negative results.
calves from
Action taken TB, JD Remove the positive calf and
on finding put all the remaining calves
positive calf under extended quarantine.
Bovine Genital Tests conducted only on
Campylobacteriosis calves older than 6 months.
and Trichomoniasis Remove the positive calf and
put all the remaining calves
under extended quarantine.
Brucellosis Remove the positive calf
irrespective of age and put all
the remaining calves under
extended quarantine.
If the positive calf is less than
9 months old, isolate the calf
till it is 9 month old and
retest. Calf positive at
retesting should be removed.
Extended For a period of minimum 60 days from the day last
quarantine positive calf was removed. Perform one test within
the last 30 days of the extended quarantine.
Action on Same as in Annexure- 3A
finding a

Annexure- 4
Disease testing and management of Bovine Tuberculosis in
Semen Station

Name of test Delayed Hypersensitivity – Single Intra Dermal (SID)

Reagent used Bovine tuberculin PPD
Manufacturer IVRI, Izatnagar
Testing done On site, where animals are housed
Result Positive: Increase in skin thickness of 4 mm or
criteria more, or presence of clinical signs viz. exudation,
necrosis, pain, and inflammation of the lymphatic
duct of that region or the lymph node, 72 hours
Negative: Increase in skin thickness less than 2
mm & without clinical signs viz. exudation,
necrosis, pain, inflammation of the lymphatic duct
of that region or the lymph node, 72 hours post-
Inconclusive: Increase in skin thickness more than
2mm & less than 4mm, absence of above clinical
signs, 72 hours post-inoculation. Bull with
inconclusive result should be immediately isolated.
Only if the animal is negative during the testing in
isolation, it should be brought back to the semen
Eligible Animals above 2 months of age
Action to be Immediate isolation and removal from herd (within
taken on 2 days)

Frozen semen Destroy frozen semen doses of the positive animal
doses of the since the last negative test.
Positive herd Testing not before 42 days after culling of last
testing positive animal.
Negative herd Six monthly (± 1 week) testing after last whole herd
testing negative testing.
TB free herd Herd found negative on two consecutive tuberculin
tests carried out at an interval of 6 months, the first
being performed 6 months after the culling of last
affected animal.
If frequency of testing is more than two in a year,
the testing should establish that all animals in the
herd have been negative for the last 6 months
beginning from 6 months after culling the last
affected animal.

Annexure- 5

Disease testing and management of Paratuberculosis (JD) in

Semen Station
Name of test Delayed Hypersensitivity – Single Intra Dermal (SID)
Reagent used Johnin PPD
Manufacturer IVRI, Izatnagar
Testing done On site, where animals are housed
Result criteria Positive: Increase in skin thickness of 4 mm or
more, or presence of clinical signs viz. exudation,
necrosis, pain, and inflammation of the lymphatic
duct of that region or the lymph node, 72 hours
Negative: Increase in skin thickness less than 2
mm & without clinical signs viz. exudation,
necrosis, pain, inflammation of the lymphatic duct
of that region or the lymph node, 72 hours post-
Inconclusive: Increase in skin thickness more than
2mm & less than 4mm, absence of above clinical
signs, 72 hours post-inoculation. Bull with
inconclusive result should be immediately isolated.
Only if the animal is negative during the testing in
isolation, it should be brought back to the semen
Eligible Animals above 2 months of age
Action to be Immediate isolation and removal from herd (within
taken on 2 days)
Frozen semen Destroy frozen semen doses of the positive animal

doses of the since the last negative test.
Positive herd Testing not before 42 days after culling of last
testing positive animal.
Negative herd Six monthly (± 1 week) testing after last whole herd
testing negative testing.
JD negative Herd found negative on two consecutive Johnin
herd tests carried out at an interval of 6 months, the first
being performed 6 months after culling of the last
affected animal.
If frequency of testing is more than 2 in a year, the
testing should establish that all animals in the herd
have been negative for the last 6 months beginning
from 6 months after culling the last affected animal.

Annexure- 6
Disease testing and management of Bovine Brucellosis in Semen
Name of test Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA)

Sample Serum
Eligible All animals. However, animals up to 9 months of
animals age may have maternal antibodies.
Action to be Immediate isolation and removal from herd after
taken on the castration (within 2 days)
Frozen semen Destroy frozen semen doses of the positive animal
doses of the since the last negative test.
Positive herd Testing 30 to 60 days after culling of last positive
testing animal.
Negative herd Six monthly (± 1 week) testing after last whole herd
testing negative testing.
Brucellosis Herd found negative on two consecutive annual
free herd tests.
If the frequency of testing is more than one in a
year, the testing should demonstrate that the herd
has been negative for the last one year

Annexure- 7
Disease testing and management of Bovine Genital
Campylobacteriosis (BGC) in Semen Station

Name of test Agent –Identification

Sample required Preputial washing/ semen

Eligible animals Animals above 6 months of age
Positive animal Immediate isolation and removal from herd
(within 2 days)
Frozen semen Destroy frozen semen doses of the positive
doses of the animal since the last negative test.
positive animal
Positive herd Minimum of 30 days after treatment/culling of
testing last positive animal.
Negative herd Annual (± 1 week) testing after last whole herd
testing negative testing.
Bovine Genital All animals are negative on two consecutive
Campylobacterio annual testing.
sis free herd

Annexure- 8
Disease testing and management of Bovine Trichomonosis in
Semen Station

Name of test Agent –Identification

Sample Preputial washing

Eligible Animals above 6 months of age.
Action to be Immediate isolation and removal from herd (within
taken on 2 days)
Frozen semen Destroy frozen semen doses of the positive animal
doses of the since last negative test.
Positive herd Minimum of 30 days after treatment/culling of last
testing positive animal.
Negative herd Annual (± 1 week) testing after last whole herd
testing negative testing.
Bovine All animals are negative on two consecutive annual
Trichomonosi testing.
s free herd

Management of Foot & Mouth Disease (FMD) in Semen Station
FMD outbreak in semen station
Immediate Immediate disinfection of premises and fomites.
action to be Destruction of contaminated feed & fodder by
taken burning.
Frozen Destroy frozen semen collected from infected animal
semen doses up to one month prior to onset of outbreak.
of FMD
Action to be  Isolate the affected bull immediately
taken on  Affected bull is treated and rested for 90 days
FMD after recovery from clinical symptoms.
infected  No semen collection from any infected animal
animal during the infection and up to 3 months after
last case has recovered in the farm.
Animals in No semen collection from healthy bulls during the
the farm not outbreak and no semen collection up to one month
affected by after the last case has recovered.
Semen Sale If frozen semen sale is from the same campus of the
SS where FMD is recorded, suspend semen sale till
30 days after the last case has recovered.
FMD outbreak in areas surrounding the SS
Ring Arrange immediate ring vaccination within a radius
vaccination of 10 Km around the focus of infection starting from
the perimeter towards the focus.
Disinfection Disinfection of the roadsides adjacent to the farm on
a daily basis.
Movement of Stop all fodder movement through areas of
fodder infection.
Animal Stop animal movement of semen station through
movement areas of infection.

Annexure - 10
Feeding Growing and Mature Bulls

Daily nutrient requirements of growing and mature bulls *

gain/da DM/da C.P. TDN Ca

Body wt y y (g) (kg) (g) P (g) Vit. A
(kg) (g) (kg) (1000 IU)
Growing bulls
100 750 2.8 390 1.9 11 8 4
150 750 4.3 460 2.7 15 11 6
200 750 5.7 530 3.4 18 14 8
250 750 7 610 4 21 16 10
300 750 8.2 680 4.6 23 17 13
350 750 9.3 760 5.2 24 18 15
400 700 10.2 820 5.7 25 19 17
450 600 10.4 875 5.8 26 20 19
500 400 10 885 5.6 26 20 21
550 250 10 845 5.6 25 19 23
600 100 9.8 800 5.5 24 18 26
Maintenance of mature breeding
500 - 8.3 640 4.6 20 15 21
600 - 9.6 735 5.4 22 17 26
700 - 10.9 830 6.1 25 19 30

Daily ration for Bulls
Body wt. Calf starter C.F. B.P.F. Hay Green Fodder
(kg) (kg) (kg) (kg) (kg) (kg)
Growing bulls
100 2 - - 0.5 6-8
150 - - 2 0 8-10
200 - - 2 0.5 15
300 - 2 1 ad lib.
400 a) - 2 3 ad lib.
b) - 2.5 - 3 ad lib.
500 a) - - 2.5 2-4 ad lib.
b) - 3 - 2-4 ad lib.
600 a) - - 2.5 2-4 ad lib.
b) - 3 - 2-4 ad lib.
Mature breeding bulls
500 a) - 2.5 - 2-4 ad lib.
b) - - 2 2-4 ad lib.
600 -------------------------------do----------------------
700 -------------------------------do-----------------

Note : 1) Mineral mixture should be supplemented as

follows :
- 50 g mineral mixture for bulls up to 200 kg body
- 70 g mineral mixture for bulls between 200 to
350 kg body weight.
- 100 g mineral mixture for bulls above 350 kg
body weight

2) Fresh water should be made available 24 hrs.
Green fodder requirement of 10 mature bulls would be approx. 125
MT per year, which can be grown in 1 hectare of land by intensive

* Source: Ranjhan, S.K (1980). Animal nutrition & feeding practices

in India,
2nd Ed., p196-212

7.2.5. Nutrients available in feed & fodder

Calf Green
starter C.F. B.P.F. fodder Hay
DM % 90 90 90 20-25 90
CP % 22-23 18-19 22-23 5-6 5-6
TDN % 70 62-64 65-68 55-60 55


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