App Flipping Cash Eruption: How You Can Make Full Time Income Flipping Apps in 2015 and Beyond Philip Schaffer
App Flipping Cash Eruption: How You Can Make Full Time Income Flipping Apps in 2015 and Beyond Philip Schaffer
App Flipping Cash Eruption: How You Can Make Full Time Income Flipping Apps in 2015 and Beyond Philip Schaffer
How You Can Make Full Time Income Flipping Apps in 2015 And Beyond
Philip Schaffer |
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Introduction To App Flipping Cash Eruption
App Flipping Cash Eruption In A Nutshell
Foundational Work
App Ideas: The seeds to your money trees
Getting the code: The “hard part”
Cloning The App: The Key to App Flipping Success
Publishing And Advertising Your Apps
App Store Optimization (The Secret Sauce)
Final Word
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Introduction To App Flipping Cash Eruption
Welcome to App Flipping Cash Eruption, your guide to making real
passive income with apps, even if you have no experience with making
apps or programming! If you’re like most people, you know the potential
for making money in the booming app market. One just has to look at the
sheer volume of mobile applications out there or the overnight success
stories of a few select apps to see this. Despite all the earnings waiting to
be made, you might not know exactly how to jump in and get started to
grab your share of the money pie.
Many have ideas they’d like to see turned into apps but have no clue how
to program or get their app created. Others might have that ability, but be
unsure of which idea to devote their time to or how to market their
application in the ever growing app market. Even still, more get caught up
on what platform to start their app on, Android, iOS, or even less
saturated platforms.
Follow this report and you won’t need to worry about any of that. I’ve had
over 5 years of app flipping experience that has allowed me hone this
money making solution down to a sure fire process that generates solid,
tangible, passive income every month. In this report, I’ll teach you the
essentials to generating potentially hundreds of dollars per application
per month. By showing you the exact process I have used these past 5
years, from coming up with app idea, getting the app, monetizing your
idea, publishing, and finally marketing, you’ll gain the fundamental
knowledge necessary to create a successful app flipping business.
Before we dive into it all, I’d like to thank you for downloading this report,
you’ve made an important first move to becoming financially independent.
Simply by taking this step, you’ve started on the road to being your own
boss one day. If you can take away one lesson from this report, make it
this one:
Take Action. Take your ideas and actually implement them,
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your first try doesn’t have to be perfect. What’s important is that you
actually get something out there. You can improve on it next time. Who
knows, after your 4th or even 100th try, you may have something amazing
on your hands.
Philip Schaffer
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App Flipping Cash Eruption In A Nutshell
Before we dive in, let's take a look at the basic premise of this report. The
goal is to make as many apps as possible that will eventually rake in a
minimum of $30 $250 a month. How do we go about that in the shortest
and easiest way possible? The answer is app flipping, the foundation to
App Flipping Cash Eruption.
Typically the hardest part of the app making process is getting the code.
Once you have finished this crucial piece of the puzzle, you can make the
most of your effort by reusing the same exact code in multiple clone apps!
For example, say your first application was a regular, run of the mill
flashlight app. With the cloning strategy, you would develop several spin
off apps that have the same exact functionality, but different graphics that
are marketed towards different consumers. A few example clones that
you could create in no time include halloween and christmas themed
But before we go any further, let’s take a step back and look at the
sections we’ll be covering in The App Flipping Master Report that will take
your idea from something on a piece of paper to a fully fledged, revenue
generating application.
Foundational Work:
● You’ll start out by getting all the necessary development and
advertising accounts, the foundation to making money in the app
● Next up, you’ll set up your development environment. This is the tool
that will allow you to modify any source code you get to use the right
advertisements, in app purchases, and finally turn your code into an
application that can be published on Android app stores around the
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App Ideas: The Seeds to your Money Trees
● Once you have the fundamentals set up, it’s time to come up with
your app idea. I highly recommend you start with games or simple
applications that can be easily reskinned and marketed to different
Getting the Code: The Hard Part
● Now that you have your idea, it’s time for the hard part, getting the
code. You have 4 basic options here. Writing the code yourself ( not
recommended ), finding open source apps and reskinning them (
how I got started ), buying the source code online, and lastly paying
someone else to develop an app to your specifications. I would not
advise the last option as this is typically extremely expensive and
will likely cut into your profit greatly.
Cloning The App: The Key to Money
● This crucial step involves bringing in your source code into your
development environment and swapping out the graphics and
sounds as needed.
● If you need graphics made for your clone you have a few options:
Making them, finding free assets online, and hiring someone to
make them. These days I usually go with the last option as it is
lowers the time investment.
Publishing And Advertising: The Final Step
● This section will cover publishing your app to the various app
markets and marketing your application to maximize profits per app.
Before we get started, know that these following sections will cover the
app flipping process from an Android perspective. This means we’ll be
following the exact same steps I took to creating my app business these
past 5 years. Later on as you become more comfortable with the app
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flipping process, you can apply these same fundamental ideas to other
platforms like iOS and Windows devices.
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Foundational Work
Let's get right into it then, to start our app making journey I’m going to
start you out with the exact same process I used nearly 5 years ago. The
first step is creating your developer accounts that you’ll be publishing your
apps under. Because this and the following sections will be following the
exact formula I used to create my app company, the first step is to create
a developer account at:
The link above will take you to a developer sign up page. The process will
ask you to enter your information including your company name and a
website for your company. If you don’t have a website that’s completely
alright as you’re free to link any free blog or facebook group to get started.
Once you have entered all the necessary information you’ll have to pay
Google a one time $25 fee to become an Android developer on Google
Play for life. Once you’re all set up you’ll be taken to the developer
dashboard, where you’ll be able to publish new apps, check the statistics
of existing apps, check up on your revenue, and many other options.
Halfway there, the other crucial component to this formula is your
advertising account, typically the place where you will see the big money
emerge from your apps. When I first started I went with Admob, one of the
premier advertisers for mobile platforms around the world. This is still the
case today and I highly recommend you go with them as well in order to
maximize your revenue. There are many other ad networks to choose
from but Admob in my experience has been the most consistent and high
paying throughout the years.
You can sign up for an admob account here:
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Just follow the very easy instructions on the page to create your
advertising account. Once again Google will ask you to enter some basic
information about yourself as well as some tax information. Once you’ve
completed this and have your account, pat yourself on the back, you’ve
just completed ALL the basic foundational work required to flip apps! This
part is a one time thing (unless you’d like to make accounts for a different
company) and you’ll never need to do this again! With that being said,
there’s a lot more to go so onto the next section.
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App Ideas: The seeds to your money trees
For some in the app development world, this is the hardest part of
creating mobile apps. People will spend months trying to come up with the
next Facebook or Snapchat. This is first mistake that many unsuccessful
individuals, companies, and publishers make. They spend so much time
looking for and perfecting what they think is the next big thing and end up
with one app that ends up disappointing.
It's time to introduce you to one of the underlying themes of this report:
Quantity Over Quality. The truth is no one knows what the next big app
is; one just has to look at the overnight success of apps like Flappy Bird to
see this. If you spend all your time worrying about one app idea you
have, chances are you won't make any serious money. It's akin to
putting all your eggs in one basket.
By diversifying your app portfolio you're setting yourself up for greater
long term profits which brings me to the next important point. These ideas
are not your get rich quick schemes! Yes, this program WILL MAKE YOU
MONEY but you won’t become a millionaire overnight. Developers and
publishers that come into this business with that goal in mind would have
better luck playing the lottery.
The goal here is to come up with an average to slightly above average
idea that you can easily have made and ready to go in the shortest time
possible. Just as important if not more so, these ideas should allow you to
easily switch the graphics to create an entirely new theme.
So in short, don’t spend a lot of time coming up with the perfect idea. Find
an app or game idea that’s interesting or fun to you AND at the same time
easy to get off the ground quickly. For instance, 3d games are great but
are HUGE time sinks from a development standpoint and even if you
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come across free open source code for these games, creating the
graphics to clone and flip these games is another challenge altogether.
My suggestion? Find or get an easily cloneable and themeable 2d game
idea that has enough depth to keep the user hooked but not enough to
extend the development time past a few weeks. Here's a few example
brainstorms I would typically use to come up with a game theme or idea.
● Is my target audience a big one? First and foremost we want our
apps to be exposed to the largest audience possible. This means
anything targeting an extremely small niche should be avoided at all
costs unless you don't want to make any money.
● How long will it take to develop your idea OR how much will it cost
to have it developed OR how much will the source cost? Remember
you don't need 5 star quality content here, you're looking for games
in the 3 1/2 star category that are cheap and or easy to develop in a
short period of time.
● How many VIABLE clones can be made from this game. By viable I
mean are there large enough audiences that you can market your
clones toward.
● How long will it take to develop the graphics for the clone OR how
much will it cost to acquire the graphics?
● Can the app easily be monetized with ads and in app purchases?
This is arguably the most important part of coming up with an app
idea. Make sure to take this into consideration when brainstorming
In summation, your app ideas should have the following qualities:
1. Big target audience
2. Easy/cheap to develop or acquire source code
3. Large enough enough audience so that clones will not saturate the
4. Easy/cheap to develop or acquire new graphics
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5. Easily monetizable with ads and in app purchases
If your app idea fulfills all of the above requirements, congratulations!
You're ready to take on the next step in the app flipping process!
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Getting the code: The “hard part”
For many reading this series, programming is not their primary profession.
Coding an app from the ground up would simply take up too much time.
Never fear however, in this section you'll learn exactly how to get the
valuable source code for your applications.
As I mentioned in the quick program summation earlier, you have 4 basic
options for acquiring the code for your game ideas.
Option 1: The cheapest method by far is developing the application all by
your lonesome. This option obviously has many advantages however it
has a few disadvantages as well. Here are the pros and cons of this
● One of the cheapest methods by far
● Able to develop game idea to your exact specifications
● Adding new features and upgrades is a relatively easy affair
● Need to know how to program
● Time investment is large
● If you're developing multiple games this way it is hard to do several
at once
All in all this was my favorite method when I first started the app flipping
process. And I definitely recommend it to those of you who know how to
program. Learning this way will give you a strong understanding of what
goes into creating an app as well the method behind monetizing it. In
addition, this method will give you insight into what is a good purchase for
your money from the standpoint of buying other people's code.
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Option 2: The second option here is to find open source game code from
the numerous sources online and amend and reskin as needed. This was
actually how I started out in the app flipping game and is still a valuable
method for me. However that being said there are considerations that
must be taken into account, here are the pros and cons of this method:
● Another extremely cheap method AND saves a lot of time.
● Adding new features and upgrades is a relatively easy affair.
● Need to be somewhat technically knowledgeable in order to add
things like in app purchases and ads.
● Not a lot of customization available unless you’re willing to spend
time coding out new features. What you see is what you get.
Option 3: Buy a fully completed and functional app online. Typically for
many non technically knowledgeable people, this option is the cheapest,
quickest, and easiest method for app flipping. It is also the method I highly
suggest for those trying to get into app flipping that do not have any
technical background. I’ll say it again in bold, if you don’t know how to
program, this option is for you!
These days, I will often use this method myself because it allows me to
save time, allows a large amount of freedom to choose my app niche, and
also is fairly inexpensive in the long run. See the pros and cons below:
● Saves a lot of time!
● Source code available for purchase typically already have in app
purchases and ads built in for maximum monetization.
● Allows you to choose your app category and niche very easily
● Not as cheap as the first two methods.
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● What you see is what you get unless you’re willing to dive into the
code and add new features yourself.
Option 4: Hire a developer to write your very own application for you.
Obviously this option is usually very expensive. If you’re interested in app
flipping, I would stay away from this method as a typical app built from
scratch can cost several thousand dollars easily. This is the method you
use if you think your app idea is the next facebook. This is not the method
you use if you’re flipping average quality apps.
● You can choose a professional to build your idea and get complete
and total control and customization.
● Often delivers high quality results.
● Often takes a long amount of time for an app to be completely built
In this report, I’m going to focus on the method which has made me the
most money in the long run, option 3, buying the source code online.
Again I use this method for 3 main reasons: It allows a reasonable
amount of control over my niche/category, it allows for an extremely fast
app flipping rate, and it is relatively inexpensive compared to the money
you will eventually make of the clone apps.
So how does one go about purchasing source code? Luckily, for app
flippers, there are a few great websites that cater to publishers exactly like
you and me. Here are some of the sites I have used to purchase source
code in no particular order:
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There are numerous other sites out there that sell source code but
typically I just stay with the above as I already trust them and they provide
great tools for finding source code that matches the niche and category
you’re aiming for.
The websites are fairly straightforward, just choose the platform you’re
aiming for (Android for the purposes of this report), the category/niche
you’d like to target for the app, and your price range. Once you find the
source code that matches your criteria, you’re ready to start the cloning
Before we move on though, I’d like to provide you with a set of guidelines
that will help you choose the right source code that will make you lots of
money from the get go. Try to find a source that has these qualities:
● Source is for a game, preferably one that is easily themeable AND
appeals to a large audience
● Source code has full screen AND banner ads built in already
● Source code has in app purchases built in already
● Source code is advertised to be extremely easy to flip and/or has
reviews stating how easy it is to flip apps with the code.
● Source code can be opened and edited easily with either Android
Studio or Eclipse IDE’s (Integrated Development Environments)
The guidelines above are not mandatory and again it is possible to make
money if you fall outside the above criteria. However, I’m giving you what
has personally worked for me the best so I highly recommend you choose
a source that has the above qualities.
Once you’ve purchased and downloaded your source, you can start the
fun part, cloning your app!
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Cloning The App: The Key to App Flipping Success
Now that you have the source code you can begin the cloning process.
Whichever method you chose to acquire your source, you should get the
app up and running on a test device before moving on any further. This is
to ensure that your app runs without breaking or crashing. It will also allow
you to test that your ads and in app purchases are working correctly.
Start by opening up your source code in whichever IDE is required. If you
followed my recommendation from the previous section you should have
sources that can be easily opened in either Eclipse or Android Studio.
After opening your source code follow the instructions that came with it.
Replace any images, sounds, advertisng ids, in app purchase ids, and
game service ids as required. Once you have replaced everything as
necessary you can test your app by hitting the "run" button in your IDE.
Make sure your test device is connected to your computer. You should
get a pop up dialog after a moment asking which device you want to run
your app on, select your connected device. If you followed all the
instructions correctly you should see your app come up on your device.
Congratulations! If you made it this far you just got your very first clone up
and running, nothing too difficult right?
Once you're confident that your app is good to go you can move onto the
next step: reskinning. At this point and time you're going to want to swap
your app graphics and sounds with those relevant to your clone's theme.
So for example if you're cloning a tower defense game and your clone's
theme has a medieval theme, you would want to replace the player’s
“home base” with game art that looked like a castle, player and enemy
units would have graphics that looked like armored knights, and so on.
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If you need graphics made for your clone you have a few options: Making
them yourself (time consuming), finding free graphics online (can also be
time consuming), and hiring someone to make them. These days I usually
go with the last option as I usually make the cost of buying the assets
back within a short time span.
If you go with purchasing graphics route check out these websites, you
can easily hire someone to do the graphics for your app clone from one of
Hot tip: You can reuse the same exact graphics for multiple clones.
The only thing that needs to change is the name of app! By using
this method I was able to push out 5 times as many clones at the
same time!
Once you've replaced all the necessary graphics and sounds, you've
completed the basic cloning process! Follow your source code
instructions to make a release version of your application in your IDE.
This will generate a file that you can upload the various app stores around
the world. This brings us to...
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time cover how to “publish” your app. This process will
eventually give you an “apk” file. This is simply the executable
app file that you will upload to various app stores and that will
in turn be downloaded by app store users around the world.
b) Once you have your apk, as per in the instructions included
with the app source code you acquired, it’s simply a matter of
going to the app store you would like to publish your app on,
and uploading the .apk and promotional graphics. It’s really
that simple!
Hot Tip: Make a small video for your application ( you can make one
very easily if you use Android Studio as your IDE), host it on
YouTube, and post the link in your description or video field on your
app stores. This is a guaranteed conversion crusher for users that
are on the fence about your app.
If you’ve made it this far, nice work! Don’t celebrate too early though,
there’s one last crucial step that goes into flipping apps and that is
marketing as I’m sure many of you have guessed.
I’m going to break down the marketing for these apps into free and paid
marketing methods. These days, I rarely have to use any of these
marketing methods because I pick great keywords. As I mentioned before
great keywords alone can allow you to gain downloads without any extra
marketing. However if I feel the need to give my app a little extra boost I
usually resort to these marketing methods.
Free Marketing Methods:
● Forums posts: This is my favorite way to generate traffic for free.
There are tons of Android users looking for the next great app on
various forums, use them to your advantage! I typically use the
following big name forums for maximum exposure:
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● Posting on Facebook and Google+ groups focused on Android apps
and games. Again like forum posting you want to expose your app
to as many as people as possible. Group posting on Facebook and
Google+ is a great way to gain free exposure.
● Android app subreddits. Post a link to your app or self
post about your app (with a link of course) on the popular Android
subreddits. This will usually guarantee you 10 50 downloads (if
your app is free) which is enough to get the snowball effect going.
Use a catchy title like
“Hey Reddit, indie app developer here! I
just released a new FREE game and would love some
● Twitter posts: Use Twitter’s hashtag feature to your advantage.
Make twitter post sand use some tags like #Android, #games, or
#androidgames. That way when someone does a search on twitter
they will see posts that contain those hashtags with links to your app
download pages.
If you still aren’t satisfied with all of the free marketing methods you can
move onto the following paid marketing methods.
Paid Marketing Methods:
● advertising: If you search on you can typically
find low cost advertising deals. A few examples of fiverr deals I have
used to advertise include placing a banner on up and coming
android gaming websites and broadcasting tweets about my apps
by people that have large amounts of followers. Typically I’ve been
able to boost downloads by 3040 downloads for the duration of the
advertising campaign by using a fiverr deal. Again this is enough to
get the ball rolling when it comes to gaining traction in the app store.
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● Purchasing advertising space or reviews from Android apps and
gaming websites. There are many reputable websites that report on
the latest and greatest Android apps and games. Most sites offer a
way to purchase a review for your app or game in addition to
purchasing advertising space on a section of their website. This
method can be extremely effective in driving traffic to your app and
it’s one of my favorite paid traffic methods. Just know however that
this method can be quite expensive so you want to make sure that
your app is worth the extra spend.
● Ad network advertising: This method involves advertising your game
or app on one of the numerous ad networks out there. If you go this
route I highly recommend you stick with the ad network that you are
using within your applications. For example if you are advertising
with AdMob within your app, you can opt to pay AdMob to push ads
about your app to people around the world. This can be very
convenient as you can take your ad earnings and direct some of it
directly into advertising, which will in turn drive more traffic and
revenue towards your app.
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App Store Optimization (The Secret Sauce)
In this section I want to cover a crucial new component to maximizing
your apps visibility on the various app stores out there. This relatively new
component is called App Store Optimization. It involves optimizing your
app to rank higher in app stores.
Now obviously, the more visible your app is in an app store, the more
users that are likely to download it and in turn make you money. So it’s
pretty self explanatory as to why ASO can be a an extremely useful tool in
your arsenal!
Let me start by explaining the various components of app store
optimization. The two main factors are the title of your app and the
keywords associated with your app.
The keyword used as the title should be the one with the heaviest
search traffic. You should definitely spend time researching what that
keyword is as it’s one of the most deciding factors as to how visible your
app is. Using Google AdWords Keyword Planner is a extremely useful
tool for coming up with quality keywords.
Keywords: You can improve your search rankings by knowing which
keywords are relevant and most used by your target audience. It is useful
to monitor well performing competitors in order to find out high performing
keywords. Again, using Google AdWords Keyword Planner is a extremely
useful tool for coming up with quality keywords.
In addition to the above two main factors, there are secondary factors that
go into app store optimization.
Total Number Of Downloads: Your total number of downloads is
important, getting a large number of downloads, especially when your app
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launches, can cause your app to gain a lot of visibility in app stores. The
beauty of this is that as your app accrues more downloads with time, this
category becomes more and more powerful. Users that see your app with
less than 100 downloads might think twice about getting your app. But if
they see it has tens of thousands of downloads, they will gladly download
Ratings And Reviews: Also important is how well reviewed your app is,
although this can be somewhat hard to control. But as long as you picked
a good app template to flip, you should easily achieve average to above
average app ratings and reviews. However I’m about to cover a couple a
couple techniques that can help you out in this important area.
Note: The following techniques can be considered somewhat grey hat (
depending on the app store you publish on ) so think carefully about
whether you feel comfortable performing them.
Reviewing Your Own Apps: This is a technique that I think nearly every
app flipper or developer does. If you have any devices of your own,
downloading your own app and giving a positive review, especially when
you first publish it, can do wonders in terms of download traction. People
are much more inclined to download an app if they see that at least one
person really likes it.
Buying Reviews: This technique involves buying a bunch of fake
reviews in order to give your app an immediate boost in ratings. One
place you can easily do this is on . Again, getting a ton of
positive reviews in the early stages of your apps release can do wonders
for getting organic downloads. That being said, this tactic goes against
many app stores policies so tread carefully with this technique!
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As you can see, App Store Optimization can be a powerful tool when it
comes to marketing your apps. If you truly want to be making the most of
your app flipping business, you want to be doing App Store Optimization.
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Final Word
After reading this report, your head should be full of ideas. Do yourself a
favor and write them all down while they’re still fresh.
Then simply take
action and begin to implement.
There’s no good reason why you can’t do something big this year,
whether it’s with apps or another field where you feel you can do
something great.
Make big goals, follow your instinct, and let your purpose motivate you.
You may be amazed at what happens next!
Philip Schaffer
If you ever have questions about where to go next or how to properly
implement one of your ideas, feel free to drop a line at
[email protected] or check out for tips on
how to take your business to the next level :)
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