Mockito Interview Questions

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Mockito allows creation of mock objects for testing purposes. It reduces coupling and provides annotation support.

Mockito removes the need for expectations beforehand. This reduces coupling and allows the 'run-verify' testing approach. It also reduces boilerplate code with annotations.

In Mockito, the dependency of a class is injected using a mock object. This allows testing of a class in isolation without depending on actual dependencies. The mock object returns custom/canned responses.

Hi Team,

#Today's uploaded
#Mockito #Interview #Questions #Answers
Question 1. What Is Mockito?
Answer :Mockito allows creation of mock object for the purpose of Test Driven
Development and Behavior Driven development. Unlike creating actual object, Mockito
allows creation of fake object (external dependencies) which allows it to give
consistent results to a given invocation.
Question 2. Why Do We Need Mockito? What Are The Advantages?
Answer :Mockito differentiates itself from the other testing framework by removing
the expectation beforehand. So, by doing this, it reduces the coupling. Most of the
testing framework works on the "expect-run-verify". Mockito allows it to make it
"run-verify" framework. Mockito also provides annotation which allows to reduce the
boilerplate code.

Question 3. Can You Explain A Mockito Framework?

Answer :

In Mockito, you always check a particular class. The dependency in that class is
injected using mock object. So, for example, if you have service class, then the
Dao class are injected as a mockDao. This enables us to check only the method of
that given service class and whether they are performing as expected or not.

For example, suppose, service class has an updateObject Method. That update method
is depend on Dao1, Dao2. Here the objective is to test only the updateObject method
and not the Dao1 and Dao2. So, we can create a mockDao and return a mock object.
This object is not the one which is in the database but is custom made. It only
tests whether the updates are happening as expected or not. The syntax to create a
Mock object is as follows:

private static LedgerBook mockLedgerBook;

In the setup(), you create the mock object
mockLedgerBook = Mockito.mock(LedgeBookDao.class);
In the test method, you call this mockLedgerBook as follows:
LedgerBook ledgerBook = new LedgerBook();

Question 4. What Is The Version You Used For Mockito Framework?

Answer :

1.9.5 version of Mockito.

Question 5. How Do You Create A Mockdb Object In Mockito?

Answer :

We need to create the mock object and need to pass the invocation. We must override
the method in the actual DB with the method over here and pass the response object.

Mockito.when(mockObjectDao.find((Guid) Mockito.anyObject())).thenAnswer(new
Answer<responseObject>() {
public responseObject answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable {
Guid responseObjectID = (Guid) invocation.getArguments()[0];
responseObject responseDbObject = new responseObject();
responseObjectLink responseObjectLink = new responseObjectLink();
for (Contact sourceContact : responseObjectDTO.getSourceContacts()) {
if (!sourceContact.getObjectId().equals(responseObjectID)) {
responseObjectLink = new responseObjectLink();
return responseDbObject;

Question 6. Which Of The Following Are Usually Automated And Which Are Executed
Manually ?
1. Unit Test
2. Integration Test

Answer :

Unit Test are usually automated and Integration Tests are usually executed

Question 7. What Are Junits ?

Answer :

Junt is the unit testing framework for Java.

Question 8. Are Junits Tested Manually?

Answer :

No , they are executed automatically.

Question 9. How To Test Whether The Returns Value Of The Method Is Expected ?

Answer :

Using Assert.

Question 10. What Happens If The Assert Doesn't Evaluate To Be True ?

Answer :

Junit fails.

Question 11. How To Create A Junit To Make Sure That The Tested Method Throws An
Exception ?

Answer :

Using annotation Test with the argument as expected exception.

@Test (expected = Exception.class)

Question 12. What Should I Do If I Want To Make Sure That A Particular Method Of A
Class Is Getting Called?

Answer :

If its a static method of the class , we can use verify to make sure it's getting

If its an instance method , We can mock the object and then use verify with the
mocked object to make sure that the method is getting called."

Question 13. Name Few Java Mocking Frameworks?

Answer :

Mockito, PowerMock, EasyMock, JMock, JMockit

Question 14. What Is The Use Of Mockito.any?

Answer :

In case we need to verify that a method is being called with any argument and not a
specific argument we can use Mockito.any(Class), Mockito.anyString, Mockito.anyLong

Question 15. How Should We Ignore Or Avoid Executing Set Of Tests ?

Answer :

We can remove @Test from the respective test so as to avoid its execution.
Alternatively we can put @Ignore annotation on the Junit file if we want to ignore
all tests in a particular file.

Question 16. How Can We Test Methods Individually Which Are Not Visible Or Declared
Private ?

Answer :

We can either increase their visibility and mark them with annotation
@VisibleForTesting or can use reflection to individually test those methods.

Question 17. Is It Really A Mocking Framework?

Answer :

There is a bit of confusion around the vocabulary. Technically speaking, Mockito is

a Test Spy framework. Usually developers use Mockito instead of a mocking
framework. Test Spy framework allows to verify behaviour (like mocks) and stub
methods (like good old hand-crafted stubs).
Question 18. Why Is Mockito So Simple?

Answer :

To promote simple test code that hopefully pushes the developer to write simple and
clean application code. I wrote this paragraph long before version 1.5. Mockito is
still quite lean but the number of features increased because many users found
valid cases for them.

Question 19. What Are The Limitations Of Mockito?

Answer :

Mockito 2.x specific limitations

Requires Java 6+
Cannot mock static methods
Cannot mock constructors
Cannot mock equals(), hashCode(). Firstly, you should not mock those methods.
Secondly, Mockito defines and depends upon a specific implementation of these
methods. Redefining them might break Mockito.
Mocking is only possible on VMs that are supported by Objenesis. Don't worry, most
VMs should work just fine.
Spying on real methods where real implementation references outer Class via
OuterClass.this is impossible. Don't worry, this is extremely rare case.
Mockito 1.x Specific limitations

Needs Java 5+
Cannot mock final classes
Cannot mock final methods - their real behavior is executed without any exception.
Mockito cannot warn you about mocking final methods so be vigilant.
Cannot mock static methods
Cannot mock constructors
Cannot mock equals(), hashCode(). Firstly, you should not mock those methods.
Secondly, Mockito defines and depends upon a specific implementation of these
methods. Redefining them might break Mockito.
Mocking is only possible on VMs that are supported by Objenesis (Note Objenesis is
in version 2.1). Don't worry, most VMs should work just fine.
Spying on real methods where real implementation references outer Class via
OuterClass.this is impossible. Don't worry, this is extremely rare case.
Question 20. Do You Mock Classes & Interfaces?

Answer :

Yes, the api is the same for mocking classes or interfaces.

Question 21. What Values Do Mocks Return By Default?

Answer :

In order to be transparent and unobtrusive all Mockito mocks by default return

'nice' values. For example: zeros, falseys, empty collections or nulls. Refer to
javadocs about stubbing to see exactly what values are returned by default.

Question 22. Can I Mock Static Methods?

Answer :
No. Mockito prefers object orientation and dependency injection over static,
procedural code that is hard to understand & change. If you deal with scary legacy
code you can use JMockit or Powermock to mock static methods.

Question 23. Can I Mock Private Methods?

Answer :

No. From the standpoint of testing... private methods don't exist.

Question 24. Is Mockito Thread-safe?

Answer :

For healthy scenarios Mockito plays nicely with threads. For instance, you can run
tests in parallel to speed up the build. Also, you can let multiple threads call
methods on a shared mock to test in concurrent conditions. Check out a timeout()
feature for testing concurrency.

However Mockito is only thread-safe in healthy tests, that is tests without

multiple threads stubbing/verifying a shared mock. Stubbing or verification of a
shared mock from different threads is NOT the proper way of testing because it will
always lead to intermittent behavior. In general, mutable state + assertions in
multi-threaded environment lead to random results. If you do stub/verify a shared
mock across threads you will face occasional exceptions like:
WrongTypeOfReturnValue, etc.

Question 25. Can I Verify Tostring()?

Answer :

No. You can stub it, though. Verification of toString() is not implemented mainly

When debugging, IDE calls toString() on objects to print local variables and their
content, etc. After debugging, the verification of toString() will most likely
toString() is used for logging or during string concatenation. Those invocations
are usually irrelevant but they will change the outcome of verification.
Question 26. Can I "reset" A Mock?

Answer :

Recently we decided to go on with this feature for tricky scenarios where mocks are
created by the container. Before that, the lack of a reset method was deliberate to
promote good testing habits and to make the API simpler.

Instead of reset() please consider writing simple, small and focused test methods
over lengthy, over-specified tests.

Question 27. What Are Unfinished Verification/stubbing Errors?

Answer :

Mockito validates if you use it correctly all the time. Examples of incorrect use:

//Oups, someone forgot thenReturn() part:

//Oups, someone put the verified method call inside verify() where it should be
//Oups, someone has used EasyMock for too long and forgot to specify the method to

Mockito throws exceptions if you misuse it so that you will know if your tests are
written correctly. The only problem is that Mockito does the validation next time
you use the framework. Therefore sometimes the exception is thrown in the next test
and you have to manually find the previous test that was not written correctly.

Question 28. Why Does Mockito Keep Threadlocal State?

Answer :

Mockito uses ThreadLocal state to implement a gorgeous mocking syntax in a language

full of constraints (yes, it's java). Fortunately, every time you interact with
Mockito framework it validates the ThreadLocal state in case you misused the api.

Question 29. Can I Thenreturn() An Inlined Mock() ?

Answer :

Unfortunately you cannot do this:

// ^

The reason is that detecting unfinished stubbing wouldn't work if we allow above
construct. We consider this as a 'trade off' of framework validation (see also
previous FAQ entry). However you can slightly change the code to make it working:

//extract local variable and start smiling:

Foo foo = mock(Foo.class);


Question 30. Can I Stub Chained Getters?

Answer :

sort of stubbing, e.g. mock to return mock, to return mock, etc. should be used
very sporadically, ideally never. It clearly points out violation of the Law of
Demeter. You don't want to mess with Demeter. Since you have been warned check out
Mockito deep stubs.

Question 31. Will This Library Help Mocking Closed (non-open) Classes?

Answer :

Mockito-Kotlin does not really add any extra functionality to Mockito. As such, you
will still get exceptions when trying to mock closed classes. If possible, try to
use interfaces instead.

Mockito provides an incubating, opt-in feature to enable mocking closed classes.

Question 32. Will This Library Help Overcoming Nullpointerexceptions With

Answer :

Passing Mockito.any() to a non-nullable parameter in Kotlin fails with a

NullPointerException. Mockito-Kotlin tries to overcome this.

Question 33. I Get An Error �resolved Versions For App (1.1.x) And Test App (1.0.x)
Differ�. What Should I Do?

Answer :

Mockito-Kotlin depends on version 1.0.x of Kotlin�s standard and reflect library.

If you depend on 1.1.x, you may get this error. To solve this, add the following
snippet to your root�s build.gradle, replacing $kotlinVersion with the version your
project uses:

subprojects {
configurations.all {
resolutionStrategy {
forcedModules = [

If you don�t want to force dependencies like this, you can alternatively depend on
the newer version of kotlin-reflect explicitly, which will make Mockito-Kotlin use
that version as well:

testCompile 'com.nhaarman:mockito-kotlin:x.x.x`
testCompile 'org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-reflect:1.1.1'

Question 34. Will This Library Support Mockito 1.x?

Answer :

No. Mockito 2.x is officially released and this library will focus on these

Question 35. When Will This Library Reach 1.0.0?

Answer :

Mockito-Kotlin reached 1.0.0 December 6th. Try it out!

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