Notification of Affidavit of Uccl Fin Ancing Statement

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notification of affidavit of uccl fin ancing statement

(exercise of constitution for the united slates of america - secured rights)

prince noble jam es bey

14 700 harding street
oak park michigan 48237

I 000 town center #800
Southfield mich igan 48075

notice to agent is notice to principal and notice to principal is notice to agent


i am prince noble james bey, a moorish american national, in capitas nolo, in propria persona, sui juris, in
proprio solo in proprio heredes

i am an aboriginal indigenous sovereign moorish american national and i am exercising all my rights at this
time and at all points in time.

KAYROUZ have been found in violation of the treaty of peace and friendship of 1786 and 1836 and the
constitution for the united states ofamerica 1789 and 1791.

you are hereby notified that an affidavit of universal commercial code I financing statement lien has been
placed on you in both your personal and professional capacity.

sec attached for further details.

attached are the following af{idavit of written initial universal commercial code financi ng statement - fixture
filing, land and commercial liens

affidavit of uccl financing statement [LAW OFFICES OF JOUMANA KAYROUZ!

link to actua l document from source of lin k, etc. website or

for the "supreme laws of the Janel" and additional supporting lawfu l commands and directives visit website and download the following :
aboriginal nnd indigenous people:,' documents: northwest nmcxcm / nonh africn / north amcr\ca / 'the moruccnn empire' -
contincntoJ uni ted states: 'temple of the moon and dun ': 11011 - do mcs1ic, non - rcsidcnl. non-subject - being the rightful hdrs nnd
inheritors orlhe lnnd.
page I or2 macn-a03S nolificulion and due process or orndnv il or ucc l financing slolement macn -
rxx xxxx xxx
affidavit of sovereign american gold standard lawfu l comm and [credit instrument number
201908020729 08.02.20] 9]
gold-standard-la wfu 1-command-credit-i nslrumenl-num ber-20 I 908020729-08-02-20 19
2018-01-04 termination of corporate trusteeship
https://www. I 02-affi davi t-o f-termi nat ion-of-
2018-06-09 notice of existence of the moorish american consulate at northwest amexem
https :// 1218/macn-r000000118-notice-of-existencc-of-the-moorish-
american-consul ate
treaty of peace and friendship between morocco and the united states o f america 1787 and 183 6 still in
(1787/1836 morocco empire treaty of peace and com merce between the moorish empire and the united
states government service corporation] 73/macnOOOOOO 12 9-treaty-of-peace-a.nd-friendsh ip-1 78 7-
and- 1836-wi th-cert ified-cover
•!• av trust
macn-r333333333 trust declaration of the moorish divine and national movement of the wo rld , janua.ry
21 , 2018
macn-r999999999 declaration of trust of the moorish national republi c federa l government
na.tiona.l-republic-federal-government I 99 the declaration of independence and the constitution fo r the united states of america.
1791 123 74087 / 199-the-dec laration-of-i ndependence-
a.nd-the-constitution-fo r-the-un ited-sta.tes-of-america- 1776
macn-r000000200 the original constitution for the united states of america 1789 and 1791 I 3/macn-r000000200-the-original-consti tution-for-the-
united-states-of-america-1789-and- I 791 193 the zod iac constitution by cm bey
https://www.scri I 2363214/macn-rOOOOOO 193-zodi ac-consti tution-by-cm-bev l I articles of confederation of 1777

nothing in this lawful document is consent to any jurisdiction other than the jurisdiction of my ances tral
moorish estate.

upon my inherited status, i prince noble james bey, being a descendant of the ancient moa.bites in other
respect known as america.n - a.I moroccan - moor, stand ing squarely affirmed upon my oath to the 'five
points of light ' - l=e, tiudii, p eace, f,wuumi, and Ju-'ticc; being competent (in my own proper person) to attest
to thi s affidavit upon which i place my autograph; whereas, i state, proclaim, and declare the fo llowing to be
true, con-eel, not misleading, and not intended to be presented for any misrepresented, 'colored ' or improper
use or purpose.

prince noble j ames ey,in ca.pitas nolo, su i juris

omnia iura reservantis

lnnt um est umum exitum

"amen, di co vobis, qurecumquc alli gavcriti s super tcrrum crunt ligat a ct ego in caclo ct quaccumqu c solvcri tis supa h: rrnm crun t soluta ct in cac lo"
"amen. c.Jico vobis, qu roc umquc ulligu vcritis super tcrrnm crunt ligatn ct ego in cnc lo ct quaccum quc sul vcritis super tcrram crunt soluta ct in cac(o11
"amen, di co vobis, qurec umquc alligaveri tis super t.erram crun t lignta et ego in cuelo cl quaccumquc solveri tis super terram erunt solutn ct in cuclo"

a boriginal and indi genous peoples' docum ents: northwest amexem / ttorth n l'rica / 11or1h a mcri ca / 'the moroccan empire' -
continental united states: 'te mple o f 1J1c moon and ou n': non - domesti c, non - resident. non-subjccl - being th1.:: ri ghtful heirs and
in heritors of the land.
page 2 of 2 macn-a035 not ifica tion a nd d ue p rocess of a ffid av it of ucc l fin anci ng stn1em en t mncn-
rx xxxxxxxx

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o1, uei.ti4l eode

fixture filing, land and commercial lien
national safe harbor progra m ucc § 9-521 whereby nationals who file written uccl cl aims ca n file uccs in a ny state.

[ ~.Q'J,,ZOZ.0
To : AW OFFICES OF JOUMANA KAYROUZ and all derivatives thereof


And all assigns ,agents and heirs
mail : documents or requests for copies can be submitted to:
cc: [mayor muriel bowser]
john a wilson building
1350 pennsylvania avenue, nw
washington, de 20004
[email protected]
7019 0700 0001 95412985/95909402 5560 9249 8323 72
cc: [district of columbia government corporation]
recorder of deeds
110 l 4Ll, street, sw, 5th floor
washington, de 20024
[email protected]

cc: [office of tax and revenue - jeffrey dewitt]

11 01 4th st sw #270
washington, de 20024
[email protected]

from : moorish american consulate

moori sh nation al republic federal governmen t
prince noble james bey
care of 14700 harding street
near. [oak park michigan republic zip exempt]
affidavit of written in itial universal commercial code fi nancing statement fo;ture filing
§ 28:9-52 1. universal form of written financing statement
re: this is an initial universal commerical code fixture filing per de official codes
§ 28:9-501 , § 28:9-502, § 28:9-516a, § 28 :9-516b, § 28 :9-520c, § 28 :9-521 and all other applicable codes
concerning secured party creditors and in itial filin gs.

. . I ~u c~•rxxnxn: n _~ffidavi l of universal commtrical code I finan cing slalcmcn l /JOUMANA KAYROUZ LAW FlRMj
abongmal and m~1 gcnous ~ oplcs documents: northwest nmcxcm / nonhwcst nfrica / nonh amcrico / ' L11c nonh gntc' - lhc moroccan empire -
con tmcntal umtcd states; 'templ e of the moon and sun ' t ·1urtlc islruid ' : non - domestic, non - res ident, non - subject:
- moo~ I muu ~ - hcimi lhc ri ehtful heirs and nrimnecniture hir1hrieh1 - inheritors nfth c lnnd


§ 28:9-52 1 un iversal fo rm of wri tten fin ancing statement - a filin g office that accepts written records
may not refuse to accept a written initial financing statement in th is fonn and format except for a reason
set forth in § 28 :9-5 l 6(b) ent itled "what co nstitutes fil ing; effectiveness of filing' ·. (a) except as otherwise
provided in subsection (b), communication of a record to a filing office and tender of the filing fee or
acceptance of the record by th e filin g office constitutes filin g.
§ 28:9-501 filin g office.
except as otherwise provided in subsection (b). if the local law of the district governs perfection ofa
security interest or agricultural lien, the office in which to fil e a financing statement to perfect the security
interest or agricultural lien is:
(I) the recorder of deeds, if (b) the financing statement is filed as a fixture filing and the co llateral is goods
that are or are to become fixtures; or
(2) the mayor in all other cases. including a case in which the co llateral is goods that are or are 10 become
fixtures and the financing statement is not filed as a fixture filing .
(b) the office in wh ich to file a financing statement to perfect a security interest in col lateral , including
fixtures, ofa transmitting util ity is the office of the mayor. the financing statement also constitutes a
fo.1ure fil ing as to the collateral indicated in the financing statement which is or is to become fixtures .
§ 28:9-515 duration and effectiveness of financing statement; effect of lapsed financing statement. (f) if
a debtor is a transm itting utility and a filed initial financing statemen t so indicates, the financing statement
is effective until a tem1ination statement is filed .
§ 28:9-521 : universal form of written financing statement and amendment.
uccl financing statement
following in structions

a. name & phone of contact at filer (optional)

prince noble james bey

b. email contact at filer (optional)

[email protected]

c. send acknowledgement to: (name and address)

moorish american consulate
moorish national republic federa l government
sharon tracey gale bey, mohammedan vizir Oudge]
care of 444 township line road, box 7 12
near [havertown pennsylvania republ ic] zip exempt north america
" the above space is for

" filing office only

t. debtor's nam e: provide only one debtor name (la or lb) (use exact, full name; do not omit,
modify, or abbreviate any part of the debtor's name); if any part of the individua l debtor's na me
will not fit in line 2b, leave all of item 2 blank, check here I ) and provide the individual debtor
information in item 19 of the finance statement addendum form (form ucclad)

la. organization's name


lb. individual's surname first personal name

additional name(s)/initial(s) that are part of the name of this debtor suffix

I c. property address
I000 town center #800
city state postal code country
Southfield Mich igan 48075 42.475270 -83.243460
2 m~cn-n u: 111x:u_a0id avi l ofu nivrrsa l commt riu l code I fin a ncing st11 lr menl !JOUMANA KAYROUZ LAW FIRMI
aborigi nal and ind igenous peoples' doc.wncnts: northwest amcxem / northwest afr ica / north nmcrica / '!he nonh gate' · the ml.lroccan empire ·
conti nental united states: 'temple of Lhc moon and sun· / 'turtl e island ': non - domesti c. non - rcsidenl, non - subject.
- moor; / muur-. - hcin1! 1hc riahrfi1 I heir: ancl nnmoa cn1111rc h1rthri fl ht - in hen lnr~ o f 1he land


• ',I

2. debtor's name: provide only one debtor name (l a or lb) (use exact, full nam e; do not omit,
modify , or abbreviate any pa rt of the debtor's name; if any part of the individual debtor's nam e will
not fit

in line lb, leave all of item lblank, check here [ I and provide the individual debtor informa tion in
item 10 of the finance statement addendum form form uccl ad )

2a. organization's name


2b. individual's surname first personal name

additional name(s)/initial(s) that are part of the nam e of this debtor suffix

2c. mailing address

1000 town center #800

city state postal code country

Southfield Michigan 48075
42.475270 -83.243460

3. secured first party creditor (or name of assignee of assignor secured party): provide only one
secured party name (3a or 3b)
rnoorish national republic federal government

3a. organ ization's name

3b. appellation
prince noble james bey
add itional name(s)/initial(s) suffu

3c. mailing location

14700 harding
[city state postal code country)
near. [oak park michigan] zip exempt
without the united states of america
4. collateral : this financing statement covers the following collateral:
thi s financing statement covers the following collateral: the collateral covered by this financing statement is
the indebtedness of the debtor to the secured (first) party creditor in the sum certain amount of:
$1 ,000,000,000,000,000 in gold backed lawful tender due for each parcel the debtor is occupying upon the
land to which prince noble james bey and all rnoorish american nationals of the moorish national republic
federal government, the moorish amcrican consulate and the moo rish divine and national movement of the
world are heirs to pursuant to the treaty of peace and friendship 1786 and 1836 and the american mandate
for the land , previously held in the united nations trusteeship system (1946) in geneva switzerland, and the
constitution for the united states 1791 . nunc pro tune. this true bill in commerce has been executed pursuant
to the following universal commercial codes that govern the private secured fi rst party creditor. charges are
also calculated pursuant to the fraud and other violations committed against the moorish american nationals
at north america as well as indebtedness for debt engaged into before the said constitution and for occupying
the land of the moorish american nationals. the said treaty is the attached library of congress certified
publication entitled the public statutes at large of the united states of america, volume 8 pages I 00 through
I 05 , certified september 26, 1990, signed and sealed by library of congress photoduplication service acting
chief shirley m. berry on november 8, 2007. charges are additionally calculated pursuant to all writs and

3 macn-rnxxxnu_affida vi1 ofunivm al co mm ericnl code I nn anring sla lement IJOUMANA KAYROUZ LAW RRM)
aboriginal and indigenous peoples' documents: northwcsl nmexe m / north wcs1africn / north amcri ca / 'the nonh gutc' - the moroccnn empire -
conlincntal united states: 'temple oft.he moon and sun'/ 'turtle island': non - domestic, non . resident.. non - subjccc
- moo r<: I muur.: - hcinfl' lhc ri uh tfol hei~ nn<l nrimoncnilurc hir1hri nhl - inhcrilnr.: nfthc lnncl

affidavits (statements of truth in law, amity, trade & commerce) fil ed by the moorish american nationals
where the abovementioned debtors have caused injury to the estate of the secured fi rst party creditor at any
and all times on the land pursuant to the said treaty . proof of service of each writ and affidavit is attached.
creditors notice against the liable parties is the judgement. res judicata. stare deci sis. right of the secured
party creditor. additionally, this claim is filed pursuant to international commercial claims, aboriginal &
imperial claims (antiquitous claims). this is a fi ling to encumber land, property, real estate, and all
commercial transactions by debtor (all principals and agents) also pursuant to *ucc 9-607 collection and
enforcement by secured party*ucc 9-203 attachment and enfo rceabi lity of security interest*ucc 9-609
secured party ' s right to take possession after default. all contracts with the united states corporation company
are cancelled effective september 11 , 2018.
new contracts with the moorish national republic federal government for the debtors are as follows :
all debtors named above have current contracts with the moorish american nationals at north america which
is the treaty of peace and friendship 1786/1836, the constitution for the united states 1791 and thi s uccl
financing statement whose document number is 7019 0700 0001 9541 2985

the moorish american consulate record number for this lawful document is macn-rx~u2600 and
downloadable from the following website link:

the terms of your contra.ct with the moorish national republic federal government, the moo rish american
consulate and the moorish american nationals is that the moorish american nationals are to be respected as
the secured first party creditors at all times and now the new heirs to (JOUMANA KAYROUZ LAW
FIRM] and all of its intellectual property and holdings. contract particulars are to be discussed as soon as
this notification is confirmed received by (JO UMANA KAYROU1JJoumana Karouz dba PRESIDENT
the only flag that will fly at north america, morocco is the moorish ame rican flag [red with five pointed green
star] and all "us banners of amity and commerce" outlawed and 'commanded to be 'removed
immediately. all indigenous people who are not of the moorish nation (melani n dominant) birthright and
bloodline are subjects of the moorish american nationals. all immigrants who do not pledge sincere
allegiance to the moorish flag will be arrested and detained and/or deported. all who pledge allegiance to the
moorish national republic federal government and the moorish american flag wi ll be made subjects and
mandated to protect and serve the moorish american nationals upon our land.
the property with all acreage is now the property of the moorish national republic federal government, the
moori sh american consulate and the moorish american nationals. the property is to be turned over to prince
noble james bey with the keys and codes to all of the buildings no later than July 30,2020. the moorish
american government will begin using the property at that time. anyo ne who obstructs, hinde rs, encumbers,
speaks against, or resists the mandates of this affidavit will be seized by the grand a.m1y of the republic ,
form erly known as the united states military, and detained in a jail cell indefinitely. prince noble james bey,
the moorish national republic federal government, and the moorish American nationals are the creditors and
[JOUMANA KAYROUZ LAW FIRM] , are the debtors to the moors. as with all property at northwest
america, if at any time a moorish american national should send by mail , deliver, hand, send, or state a
notification to the residence of any fore igner, european, or immigrant stating that you are to vacate the
premises of any property at north america, along with providing a copy of the treaty of peace and friendship
1786/1836 and a copy of the moorish american consulate notice of existence, yo u are to vacate the premises
at once without question or hesitation. the moorish national republic federal government will provide remedy
to you at our di scussion. we remain in honor and governing accordingly.

the property has been conveyed into the moorish national republic federa l government trust under record
number macn-r999999999, a.long with the private trust of prince noble james bey under record number
macn-rxxxxx1466 which can be downloaded along with a copy of the declaration of trust of the moorish
national republic federal at www.moorisha.mericanconsul a.te. org/public notice.

all utilities and living services at morocco are at no charge or feudal fee lo the moorish american nationals.
the moorish national republic federal government is the on ly government with superior jurisdiction at north
america.. only gold and silver are to be used as currency in payment of debts. fiat currency, federal reserve
debt notes outlawed fo rever.
you will not charge the moorish american nationals any currency, money, or otherwise as you the debtors
and the moorish a.merican nationals the creditors.
5. check only if applicable and check only one box:
4 mac n-rxnnnxx affid avit of universal commerical code I financing statement iJOUMANA KA VROUZ LAW FIRMI
aboriginal and indigenous peopleS• documents: northwest amcxcm / northwest nfrica / north amcrica / 'the north gate ' · the moroccan cmpm.· ·
continental united stales; ·temple of tl1e moon and sun '/ 'turtle island ': non • domestic, non - rcStden t, non- subject:
- moors / n11111N - hcine the ri f!'hlful heirs nnd nrimoeenitme hirthri12hl - inheri tor:; nfth e land.
collateral is held in a trust (sec instructions)
being administered by a decedent's personal representative.

6a. check only if applicable and check only one box:

public-finance transaction manufactured-home transaction
xx a debtor is a transm itting utility

6b. check only if applicable and check only one box:

agricultural lien non-ucc filing

7. alternative designation (if applicable):

lessee/lessor consignee/consignor seller/buyer bailer/bailor licensee/licensor

8. optional filer reference data (maximum principal indebtedness)

the governing principle does extend to the american mandate fo r the land, held in geneva switzerland ( 1948),
the united nations american mandate for the land held in the united nations trusteeship (1948) and the
amendment xiii (20 sections) of the constitution for the united states of america, ratified: nov 18, 1865 by ¾
of the several states. we, the moors at north america, claim trusteeship, heirship, executorship, administration
of, and beneficiary status of all land in the western hemisphere and all land as mandated by our ancient
aboriginal pharaonic ancestors.

notice to agent is notice to principal and notice to principal is notice to agent.

upon my inherited status, i prince noble james bey, being a descendant of the ancient moabites in other
respect known as american - al moroccan - moor, standing squarely affirmed upon my oath to the 'five
points of light' - t.-, 1'r«d. fle4a. 1-f-, and j,14Ua; being competent (in my own proper person) to attest
to this affidavit upon which i place my signature; whereas, i state, proclaim, and declare the following to
be true, correct, not misleading, and not intended to be presented for any misrepresented, ' colored ' or
improper use or purpose.

prince noble j ames bey

moorish american national of northwest arnexem
autograph - omnia iura reservantis
c/o I 4 700 harding
near. corporate [oak park michigan republic] zip exempt
northwest amexem - northwest africa - north america - the north !?ate
con tinenlal united states; 'temple of th e moo n and sun ' / ·turtle island ': non - domestic, non - resident, non - subject;
- moors / n11111r~ • heine rhe ri ehlful heirs nncl nrim01?eni1t1re hinhri ehl - inheritor- of lhc lnnd

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