Phase Relationship: CON4341 - Soil Mechanics and Geology Tutorials

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CON4341 – Soil Mechanics and Geology Tutorials

Phase Relationship

Q.1 (a) A retaining wall was backfilled with a soil with total volume of 0.70 m3. The total
soil mass is 1120 kg. The moisture content is 20% and the specific gravity of
the soil is 2.65. Determine the following physical properties of the soil:

(i) mass of water (Mw) and solid grain (Ms);

(ii) volumes of air (Va), water (Vw) and solid grain (Vs);
(iii) void ratio (e);
(iv) porosity (n);
(v) air void ratio (Av);
(vi) degree of saturation (Sr);
(vii) water mass required to make full saturation;
(viii) density of soil solid grain (s);
(ix) bulk density (b);
(x) dry density (d);
(xi) saturated density (sat); and
(xii) submerged density (sub).

(b) A new backfilling material was delivered on site. Its saturated density is 2056
kg/m3 and density of its soil solid grain is 2700 kg/m 3. Determine the following
soil properties of the new backfill soil:

(i) void ratio;

(ii) dry density (d);
(iii) bulk density (b) if degree of saturation (Sr) = 50%; and
(iv) solid grain volume, if total mass volume (VT) is 2.5 m3.
CON4341 – Soil Mechanics and Geology Tutorials

(a) Given VT = 0.70 m3, MT = 1120 kg, w = 20%, Gs = 2.65

(i) For MT = Mw + Ms and w = Mw / Ms

w = (MT - Ms) / Ms
w = MT / Ms – 1
MT / Ms = 1.2
Ms = 1120 / 1.2 = 933.4 kg
Mw = 1120 – 933.4 = 186.6 kg

(ii) Vw = Mw/ρw = 186.6 / 1000 = 0.186 m3

For Gs =ρs/ρw
ρs = 2.65 x 1000 = 2650 kg/m3
Vs = Ms/ρs = 933.4 / 2650 = 0.352 m3
VA = VT - Vw – Vs = 0.70 – 0.186 – 0.352 = 0.162 m3

(iii) e = Vv / Vs = (0.186 + 0.162) / 0.352 = 0.348 / 0.352 = 0.99

(iv) n = Vv / VT = (0.185 + 0.162) / 0.70 = 0.496

(v) Av = VA / VT = 0.162 / 0.70 x100 % = 23.1%

(vi) Sr = Vw/ Vv x 100% = 0.186 / (0.186 + 0.162) x 100% = 53.4%

(vii) For Sr = 100%, additional water to fill air void

Therefore mass for additional water = VA xρw
= 0.162 x 1000 = 162 kg

(viii) ρs = Ms / Vs = 933.4 / 0.352 = 2651.7 kg/m3

(ix) ρb = MT / VT = 1120 / 0.70 = 1600 kg/m3

CON4341 – Soil Mechanics and Geology Tutorials

(x) ρd = Ms / MT = 933.4 / 0.70 = 1333.43 kg/m3

(xi) ρsat = (Ms + Vv x ρw) / VT = (933.4 + 348) / 0.70 = 1830.57 kg/m3

(xii) ρsub =ρsat - ρw = 1830.57 – 1000 = 830.57 kg/m3

(b) (i) ρsat = (Gs + e) xρw / (e + 1) , and Gs = 2700/1000 = 2.7

2056 = (2.7 + e) x 1000 / (e + 1)
e = 0.61

(ii) ρdry = Gs x ρw / (1 + e)
= 2.7 x 1000 / (1 + 0.61) = 1677.02 kg/m3

(iii) ρb = (Gs + Sr x e) x ρw / (1 + e)
= (2.7 + 0.5 x 0.61) x 1000 / (1 + 0.61) = 1866.46 kg/m3

(iv) VT = (1+e) x Vs
Vs = 2.5 / 1.61 = 1.55 m3
CON4341 – Soil Mechanics and Geology Tutorials

Particle Size Distribution, Consistency, Field Identification, Soil Description, Soil


Q.2 The following results were obtained from a sieve analysis on a soil sample:

Sieve size (mm) 37.5 20 10 5 2 1.18

Mass retained (g) 0 4.1 7.9 11.5 12.5 44.1
Sieve size (mm) 0.6 0.3 0.212 0.15 0.063 Pan
Mass retained (g) 19.9 26.1 13.9 40.1 13.9 6.0

(a) Plot the Particle Size Distribution Curve of the soil sample.

(b) Determine the Coefficient of Uniformity (Cu) and the Coefficient of

Curvature (Cc) of the soil sample.

Cone penetration tests were also carried out to measure the Liquid Limit of the
fine grain soil of the soil sample. The results are tabulated below:

Test No. 1 2 3 4
Mass of container (g) 19.8 19.5 19.6 19.4
Mass of container + wet soil (g) 35.2 39.5 42.4 45.5
Mass of container + dry soil (g) 31.4 33.9 34.5 35.5
Cone penetration (mm) 6 10 21 27

(c) If the Plot a graph of moisture content against the cone penetration and
determine the Liquid Limit (LL) of the soil.

(d) Given the Plastic Limit (PL) of the soil is found to be 23%. Find the Plasticity
Index (PI) of the fine portion.

(e) Given the natural moisture content (w) of the soil is 32%. Determine the
Liquidity Index (LI) of the soil.

(f) Find the Class (with relevant symbols) of the soil in accordance with the British
Soil Classification System.
CON4341 – Soil Mechanics and Geology Tutorials

Q.2 (a) Particle Size Distribution

Sieve Mass Cumulative Percentage Percentage

Size Retained Retained Retained Passing
(mm) (g) (g) (%) (%)
37.5 0 0 0.00 100.00
20 4.1 4.1 2.05 97.95
10 7.9 12 6.00 94.00
5 11.5 23.5 11.75 88.25
2 12.5 36 18.00 82.00
1.18 44.1 80.1 40.05 59.95
0.6 19.9 100 50.00 50.00
0.3 26.1 126.1 63.05 36.95
0.212 13.9 140 70.00 30.00
0.15 40.1 180.1 90.05 9.95
0.063 13.9 194 97.00 3.00
Pan 6 200 100.00 0.00
Total 200

D10 = 0.15 mm
D30 = 0.212 mm
D60 = 1.18 mm

Cu = 1.18 / 0.15 = 7.87
Cc = 0.212 2 / ( 1.18 x 0.15 )= 0.25
CON4341 – Soil Mechanics and Geology Tutorials

(c) Cone Penetration Test

Soil sample (g) A B C D

Mass of container, M1 19.8 19.5 19.6 19.4
Mass of container + wet soil, M2 35.2 39.5 42.4 45.5
Mass of container + dry soil, M3 31.4 33.9 34.5 35.5
Cone Penetration (mm) 6 10 21 27
Mass of water, Mw = M2 - M3 3.80 5.60 7.90 10.00
Mass of soil soild, Ms = M3 - M1 11.60 14.40 14.90 16.10
Moisture content, w = Mw / Ms 32.76 38.89 53.02 62.11

At penetration = 20 mm, Liquid Limit (LL) = 52%

(d) Plasticity Index (PI) = LL – PL = 52 – 23 = 29%

(e) Liquidity Index (LI) = ( m - PL ) / PI = ( 32 – 23 ) / 29 = 0.31

CON4341 – Soil Mechanics and Geology Tutorials

(f) British Soil Classification

% of mass finer than 0.06 mm = 3.0 % < 35 %, COARSE soil

% of coarse material finer than 2 mm = 82 – 3 = 79 % >= 50%, SANDS

% of fines less than 0.06 mm = 3.0 % < 5%,

Cu = 7.87 > 6, Well-grade

The soil is Well-graded SAND (SW)

For fine portion of the soil,

PI = 29 %, LL = 52%

According to the Plasticity Chart, the Soil is CH - High Plasticity Clay

CON4341 – Soil Mechanics and Geology Tutorials

Soil Density, Field Compaction and Control

Q.3 A soil sample was collected for Proctor and sand replacement tests as follows:

(a) Proctor Test results

Sample Bulk Density (kg/m³), Moisture Content (%),

no. b w
1 1570 11.80
2 1760 13.40
3 1807 14.00
4 1864 15.60
5 1839 16.60
6 1726 18.00

(i) With aid of plotting a graph, determine the maximum dry density (dry max)
and optimum moisture content (wopt) of the soil.
(ii) Draw the zero air void line at the same graph in above question. Given Gs
= 2.60.

(b) The sand replacement test results are collected as follows.

Mass of compacted soil extracted from the hole, M1 = 4.15 kg

Mass of compacted soil after oven drying, M2 = 3.95 kg
Mass of dry sand in the pouring cylinder before filling up = 8.95 kg
the excavated hole, M3
Mass of dry sand in the pouring cylinder after filling up the = 4.15 kg
excavated hole, M4
Volume of cone in sand pouring cylinder, VC = 0.25 x 10-3 m3
Density of dry sand in cylinder = 1640 kg/m3
Density of water = 1000 kg/m3

(i) volume of dry sand used to fill the hole;
(ii) bulk density (ρb) and dry density (ρdry) of the compacted soil;
(iii) moisture content (w) of soil sample;
(iv) void ratio (e) of the soil sample; and
(v) degree of saturation (Sr) of soil sample.

(c) If the project requires compaction work having at least 95% of maximum dry
density, please determine whether the sample complies with the requirement
or not.
CON4341 – Soil Mechanics and Geology Tutorials

Q.3 (a) (i), (ii) Soil Compaction Test

Sample Bulk Density, Moisture Content, Dry Density, Zero Air Void Line,
No. b w = Mw / Ms d = b / (1+w) d = Gs w / (1+w Gs)
(kg/m3) (%) (kg/m3) (kg/m3)
1 1570 11.80 1404 1989.6
2 1760 13.40 1552 1928.2
3 1807 14.00 1585 1906.2
4 1864 15.60 1612 1849.7
5 1839 16.60 1577 1816.1
6 1726 18.00 1463 1771.1

Maximum dry density, dmax = 1612 kg/m3

Optimum Moisture Content, mopt = 15.6%

CON4341 – Soil Mechanics and Geology Tutorials

Q.3 (b) Sand Replacement Test

(i) Total mass of sand used, Mf = 8.95 – 4.15 = 4.8 kg

Total volume of sand used, Vf = 4.8 / 1640 = 0.00293 m3
Volume of sand in hole, VT = 0.00293 – 0.00025 = 0.00268 m3

(ii) Bulk density of soil, b = 4.15 / 0.00268 = 1550.3 kg/m3

Dry density of soil, d = 3.95 / 0.00268 = 1475.6 kg/m3

(iii) Mass of water in soil , Mw = 4.15 – 3.95 = 0.2 kg

Moisture content, w = 0.2 / 3.95 = 5.06%


1475.6 = 2.6 x 1000 / (1 + e)

Void ratio, e = 0.76

(v) Degree of Saturation, Sr = w x Gs / e = 0.0506 x 2.6 / 0.76 = 17.3%

(c) Relative Compaction

= dry density achieved on field / max dry density obtained in lab

= 1475.6 / 1612 = 91.5%, Not OK

CON4341 – Soil Mechanics and Geology Tutorials

Effective Stress and Groundwater

Q.4 Piezoemters are installed on an existing ground as shown in Figure Q.4. Ground
properties are as shown below:
Soil A Soil B
a (m) b (m) c (m) d (m) e (m) d sat d sat
(kN/m3) (kN/m3) (kN/m3) (kN/m3)
2 4 4 3 1 17.5 19.5 18.5 20

(a) Calculate the ground total stresses (), pore pressures (u) and effective
stresses (’) at the groundwater level, bottom of Soil A and bottom of Soil B
respectively and present it on a graph along the soil depth.

(b) Find out the value of “d” which rises above ground surface when instability /
heave occurs in Soil B. (Assume the water level “e” at piezometer remains

Ground surface

Figure Q.4
CON4341 – Soil Mechanics and Geology Tutorials

Q.4 (a)
Depth Unit Thickness Total Total Water Pore Effective
below weight of (m) stress Stress Head Water Stress
ground dry soil increment (kN/m2) (m) Pressure (kN/m2)
(m) (kN/m3) (kN/m2) (kN/m2)
0 17.5 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 17.5 2 35 35 0 0 35
6 19.5 4 78 113 7 68.67 44.33
10 20.0 4 80 193 13 127.53 65.47

Stress Profile of Soil

0 100 200 300
Depth below GL (m)

Total Stress
-6 Pore Water Pressure
Effective Stress


Stress (kN/m2)

(b) H = d - 1
i = H / L = (d - 1) / 4
ic = ’ / w = (20 - 9.81) / (9.81) = 1.039

For instability/heave, ic = i
(d - 1) / 4 = 1.039
d = 5.156 m
CON4341 – Soil Mechanics and Geology Tutorials

Permeability and Seepage

Q.5 An experiment was set up to a soil sample as shown in Figure Q.5. The data of
the test is summarized as follows:

a = 0.6 m, d = 1.5 m, h = 0.8 m

Saturated Unit Weight of soil (sat) = 19.5 kN/m3
Unit Weight of water (w) = 9.81 kN/m3

(a) Calculate the total head at bottom (A) and top (B) respectively and hence the
hydraulic gradient (i) across the bottom (A) and top (B) of the soil sample.

(b) Calculate the critical hydraulic gradient (ic) of soil sample.

(c) Find the raise in height of inflow water level (h) before instability against piping
occurred in the soil.

Figure Q.5
CON4341 – Soil Mechanics and Geology Tutorials

Q.5 (a) Total head at A = 0.6 + 1.5 + 0.8 = 2.9 m

Total head at B = 0.6 + 1.5 = 2.1 m
Hydraulic gradient, i = (2.9 – 2.1) / 1.5 = 0.533

(b) Critical hydraulic gradient, ic = (19.5 – 9.81) / 9.81 = 0.988

(c) H = 0.988 x 1.5 – 0.8 = 0.68 m

CON4341 – Soil Mechanics and Geology Tutorials


Q.6 A sheet-pile wall separating two reservoirs is as shown in Figure Q.6. The water
levels at the left and right reservoirs are 6 m and 0.5 m respectively. Given the
permeability of the soil (k) is 15.0 x 10-7 m/s, determine:

(a) the discharge rate (q) in m3/day per meter width of the sheet-pile wall
seeping through the underneath soil; and

(b) the total head, elevation head and pore pressure at points A, B, and C.
Points A and B are both 1.0 m below the datum.

Figure Q.6
CON4341 – Soil Mechanics and Geology Tutorials


The quantity of discharge:
q = k H (Nf/ Nd)
= 15 x 10-7 m/s x (6 - 0.5) x 4 / 11 = 1.0 x 10-6 m3/s = 0.258 m3 /day

Total head at point A, B and C:
ht (A) = 6 – (6 - 0.5) x 10 / 11 = 1 m
ht (B) = 6 – (6 - 0.5) x 1 / 11 = 5.5 m
ht (C) = 6 – (6 - 0.5) x 5 / 11 = 3.5 m

Elevation head at point A, B and C:

he (A) = -1 m
he (B) = -1 m
he (C) = -7 m

Pressure head at point A, B and C:

= h t - he

Hp (A) = 1 - (-1) = 2 m  pore pressure at (A) = 2 x 9.81 = 19.62 kPa

Hp (B) = 5.5 - (-1) = 6.5m  pore pressure at (B) = 6.5 x 9.81 = 63.77 kPa
Hp (C) = 3.5 - (-7) = 10.5 m  pore pressure at (C) = 10.5 x 9.81 = 103.01 kPa
CON4341 – Soil Mechanics and Geology Tutorials

Structural Geology
Q.7 The outcrops of three layers of sedimentary rock, A, B and C are shown on the map
in Figure Q.7.

(a) Draw the strike lines of the rock strata.

(b) Determine the Strike and Dip directions, and the Dip angle of the strata.

(c) Estimate the true thickness of Layer B.

(d) If a vertical borehole is sunk at Location X, estimate the depth of the hole at which
the top of Layer B is reached.

Figure Q.7
CON4341 – Soil Mechanics and Geology Tutorials

Q.7 (a)

(b) Strike lines running East – West

Dip direction at N 0o
Dip angle , using the scale : dip angle ~ 16 o
(c) Using the 800m strike line, outcrop of the bottom is at 600 m
Vertical thickness = 200 m, true thickness, t = 200 cos 16o ~= 192 m

(d) At location X, ground level is at 900m, strike line along the top of the layer
is at 600m , the depth of the hole to hit the top of layer B is 300m.

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