Hybrid Prediction Model For The Interindustry Carbon Emissions Transfer Network Based On The Grey Model and General Vector Machine

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Received January 9, 2020, accepted January 19, 2020, date of publication January 22, 2020, date of current version

January 31, 2020.

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2968585

Hybrid Prediction Model for the Interindustry

Carbon Emissions Transfer Network Based on
the Grey Model and General Vector Machine
1 School
of Economics, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200444, China
2 SHU-UTS SILC Business School, Shanghai University, Shanghai 201800, China

Corresponding author: Kangjuan Lv ([email protected])

This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 71774108.

ABSTRACT Through analysis of the carbon emissions transfer network formed by the exchange of
intermediate products among industries, we can promote the realization of national carbon emissions
reduction goals. Therefore, it is of great significance to build a prediction model of the carbon emissions
transfer network for more accurate predictions. According to the characteristics of the random oscillation
sequence (ROS) of interindustry carbon emissions transfer, a hybrid prediction model denoted as the ROGM-
AFSA-GVM is proposed based on the grey model (GM) for ROS and the general vector machine (GVM)
optimized by the artificial fish swarm algorithm (AFSA). The proposed model uses the ROGM model to
predict the general ROS trend and relies on the AFSA-GVM model to predict the nonlinear law of ROS. The
predicted values of the two parts are combined to obtain predicted interindustry carbon emissions transfer
values. The proposed model is used to simulate the interindustry carbon emissions transfer network of
China. The simulation results show that the ROGM-AFSA-GVM model can effectively resolve the prediction
problem of ROS. Comparing the predicted networks with the actually measured networks, it is verified that
the proposed model is suitable for simulating the interindustry carbon emissions transfer network and has a
good prediction performance.

INDEX TERMS Hybrid prediction model, grey model, general vector machine, artificial fish swarm
algorithm, carbon emissions transfer network.

I. INTRODUCTION adopted the urban and rural population growth rates and pro-
To mitigate global climate change, it is necessary to control portions as influencing factors and entered them as input into
the carbon emissions of key industries, such as the power, the support vector machine (SVM) to predict carbon emis-
steel, building materials and chemical industries [1]. Dif- sions. Their results shows revealed that the prediction accu-
ferent industries are interconnected in the processes of pro- racy of the proposed method is better than that of the artificial
duction, distribution and exchange. A network is formed in neural network (ANN) [2]. Sun and Liu chose corresponding
terms of the flow and transfer of carbon emissions, which influencing factors according to the different characteristics
we call the interindustry carbon emissions transfer network. of the carbon emissions of three major industries in China,
To effectively set emissions reduction targets and achieve and used the least squares SVM to predict carbon emissions.
effective control of the network, it is very important to predict The results showed that the classification prediction of carbon
the amount of carbon emissions transferred among industries. emissions can greatly improve the prediction accuracy [3].
Many studies have investigated the prediction of carbon Sun et al. selected 22 indexes as influencing factors, and
emissions by establishing mathematical models based on the input 8 of them into their proposed PSO-ELM model based
influencing factors of carbon emissions. Mladenović et al. on extreme learning machine (ELM) and particle swarm
optimization (PSO) to predict carbon emissions in Hebei
The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and Province through factor analysis. Their simulation results
approving it for publication was Rongbo Zhu . indicated that the performance of the PSO-ELM model is

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
20616 VOLUME 8, 2020
Y. Hu, K. Lv: Hybrid Prediction Model for the Interindustry Carbon Emissions Transfer Network Based on the GM and GVM

better than those of the ELM model and the BP neural increasing trend year by year. However, the time series of
network [4]. Ding et al. selected the carbon emissions of interindustry carbon emissions transfer has the characteris-
fuel combustion as characteristic system behavior variables tics of nonlinear, nonmonotoney, volatility and randomness,
and adopted the actual energy consumption, GDP and urban which is called the random oscillation sequence (ROS) [17],
population as relevant influencing factors to establish a novel since it is affected by the industry scale, industrial investment,
grey multivariable model based on the trends of the driving differences in energy consumption structure, national policies
variable model (TDVGM (1, 4)) to predict carbon emissions and other factors. In addition, due to the impact of national
in China. The results revealed that the new model is more input-output data statistics, the number of time series samples
accurate than the GM (1, 4) and autoregressive moving aver- of interindustry carbon emissions transfer is relatively small.
age (ARMA) models [5]. Huang et al. selected 15 influencing Prediction of this kind of small-sample ROS has always been
factors that have a strong correlation with carbon emissions, a difficult problem in the field of prediction research.
extracted 4 principal components by principal component In recent years, an increasing number of machine learning
analysis (PCA) and used long short-term memory (LSTM) methods have been applied to carbon emissions predic-
neural networks to predict carbon emissions of China. The tion [18], [19]. The grey prediction model can solve the prob-
results showed that the prediction accuracy of carbon emis- lem of insufficient sample data to a certain extent, but it has a
sions based on LSTM is higher than those based on the BP poor prediction performance for nonlinear sequences. Based
neural network and Gaussian process regression (GPR) [6]. on amplitude compression, the ROS can be transformed into
Acheampong and Boateng chose economic growth, energy a new relatively smooth sequence, and then a GM for ROS
consumption, research and development, financial develop- denoted as the ROGM model can be constructed based on
ment, foreign direct investment, trade opening, industrial- the classic GM model, which can improve the prediction
ization and urbanization as influencing factors and entered accuracy of the GM model for ROS to a certain extent.
them as input into an ANN to predict the carbon emissions On the other hand, the general vector machine (GVM) with
intensity in Australia, Brazil, China, India and the United a strong nonlinear sequence prediction ability has been pro-
States [7]. Liu et al. adopted socioeconomic variables and posed recently. The experimental results show that it can still
landscape indicators as influencing factors for support vec- obtain a prediction model with a good generalization ability
tor regression (SVR) to predict the carbon emissions of even if using a small number of training samples or even if
Guangzhou [8]. In addition, other studies have also pro- there is a lack of training samples [20]–[22]. However, as a
posed panel regression models [9], logical models [10], [11], newly proposed prediction model, there is a lack of research
STIRPAT models [12], [13], etc. on the application of the GVM and optimization of network
The above research is usually carried out on the premise weights to further improve its prediction performance.
of defining a unified influencing factor among the different Research shows that the hybrid prediction model based on
industries. However, the factors that influence the carbon error correction technology is an effective method to improve
emissions transfer among industries are complex and diverse. the prediction model performance [23]. In this paper, the GM
Moreover, each industry has its own characteristics with and the GVM are adopted for carbon emissions transfer
different influencing factors. Therefore, unified influencing prediction. First, the parameters of the GVM are optimized by
factors may lead to a decrease in prediction accuracy. Carbon the artificial fish swarm algorithm (AFSA), hereafter referred
emissions prediction based on carbon emissions time series to as AFSA-GVM, which improves the convergence speed
can avoid the above problem. Pao et al. used the nonlinear and prediction performance of the GVM. Then, a hybrid pre-
grey Bernoulli model (NGBM) to predict carbon emissions, diction model denoted as ROGM-AFSA-GVM is established
and proposed a numerical iterative algorithm to optimize based on ROGM and AFSA-GVM for ROS prediction. In this
NGBM parameters. Compared with the grey model (GM) and model, the ROGM (1, 1) model can predict the general trend
autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) model, of sample data, and the AFSA-GVM model can effectively
the mean absolute percentage error of the NGBM has been predict the nonlinear law of ROS. In the experimental part,
significantly improved [14]. Fang et al. proposed a PSO-GPR we use data between 1997 and 2015 to calculate the carbon
model based on the GPR method and an improved PSO algo- transfer among 28 industries in China and use the model to
rithm and tested the performance of their model using total simulate the carbon emissions transfer network in 2017. The
carbon emissions data of the United States, China and Japan. experimental analysis results show that the proposed model
The results revealed that their proposed model improves the has a good applicability to small-sample ROS such as the
prediction accuracy of the original GPR method and is supe- carbon emissions transfer between industries in China.
rior to other traditional prediction methods, such as the BP
neural network [15]. Xu et al. developed an adaptive GM and
combined it with the buffer rolling method to improve the II. RELATED WORK
prediction accuracy. Compared with the traditional model, A. ROGM (1, 1) MODEL
it has an improved adaptability to data characteristics [16]. If the ROS with a given amplitude is X(0) = (x (0) (1),
The above studies are mainly focused on the prediction of x (0) (2), · · · , x (0) (n)), then the sequence X(0) D = (x (0) (1)d,
total carbon emissions time series, which has a significant x (0) (2)d, · · · , x (0) (n − 1)d) is called the first order smooth

VOLUME 8, 2020 20617

Y. Hu, K. Lv: Hybrid Prediction Model for the Interindustry Carbon Emissions Transfer Network Based on the GM and GVM

sequence of ROS X(0) . Therefore, the GVM is no longer sensitive to a single sam-
 (0) ple, and a small number of samples containing noise will
x (k) + T + x (0) (k + 1) + T
x (k)d = , not significantly affect the prediction performance of the
4 model.
k = 1, 2, · · · , n − 1. (1)
We use the three-layer network model to analyze the train-
If the ROS is X(0) = (x (0) (1), x (0) (2), · · · , x (0) (n + 1)), ing process of the GVM. The structure of the GVM is shown
then its first-order smooth sequence is Y(0) = (y(0) (1), in Fig. 1. We assume that the input layer of the GVM model
y(0) (2), · · · , y(0) (n)), According to Y(0) , the discrete GM has M nodes, the hidden layer has N nodes, while the output
(1, 1) model is established, and ŷ(1) (k + 1) = β1 ŷ(1) (k) + β2 layer has L nodes. The expression of the outputs of the hidden
is obtained. Using the least square method, b̂ can be obtained and output layer nodes is as follows:
as 
 XM
wij · xi + bj )), j = 1, · · · , N

β̂ = (β1 , β2 )T = (BT B)−1 BT Y,
 h = f (β (
(2)  j j

 (1)   (1) 
N (5)
y (1) 1 y (2) X
vjl · hl , l = 1, · · · , L

 y(1) (2)  y(1) (3)  y =

1  l

where B =  .. .. , and Y =  .. .
   
 . .   . 
y(1) (n − 1) 1 y(1) (n) In equation (5), xi denotes the i th input feature, wij is the
connection weight
P between input node i and node j of the
For order ŷ(1) (1)(1)
= y (0), the restoring value is obtained
hidden layer, M i=1 wij · xi is the weighted input sum of node
of the hidden layer; bj is the offset of node of the hidden
ŷ(0) (k + 1) = α 1 ŷ(1) (k + 1) = ŷ(1) (k + 1) − ŷ(1) (k), layer, and all the offsets form the offset vector Wb . βj is the
k = 1, 2, · · · , n − 1. (3) control parameter of node of the hidden layer, and all the
control parameters form the control vector Wβ . hj represents
On this basis, x̂ (0) (t) is derived as: the output value of node j of the hidden layer, and vjl is the
x̂ (0) (t) = Fβ1t−3 − (−1)t (Fβ1−1 − C − T ) − T . (4) connection weight between the output node l and node j of
the hidden layer. All hidden nodes are linearly connected to
Equation (4) is called the grey prediction model of ROS, the output nodes through the weight matrix V.
which is referred to as the ROGM (1, 1) model (refer to the The GVM introduces parameters β to control the sensitiv-
literature [24] for details). ity of the model output to the input. By controlling β within a
certain range, the trained GVM can maintain robustness to
B. GVM small fluctuation in the input vector. Therefore, the model
Unlike the SVM, which selects a small number of sample can avoid the problem of a low prediction accuracy resulting
data as the support vector, the GVM makes full use of from adopting too simple a model by using more hidden layer
all training samples to determine the whole model. These nodes to enhance its learning ability.
training samples are called general vectors. In the GVM, To improve the training efficiency of the GVM, the con-
the Monte Carlo (MC) algorithm is used to directly determine nection weights V are fixed, and the model is optimized by
the appropriate project vector in the general vector space. adjusting the connection weights W. In addition, the GVM

FIGURE 1. Structure of the GVM.

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Y. Hu, K. Lv: Hybrid Prediction Model for the Interindustry Carbon Emissions Transfer Network Based on the GM and GVM

introduces the MC algorithm to train the model and adjust

weight matrices W,Wb and Wβ . The cost function is defined
as follows:

COST = (ŷi − yi )2 . (6)

The main idea of the MC training algorithm is to randomly

select a weight from among all adjustable weights and to
slightly adjust the weight in a small range ε. If the cost func-
tion value of the GVM is reduced due to the change in weight,
the change in weight value is accepted; otherwise, the weight
value remains unchanged. Through such iterations, the GVM
gradually converges on a stable optimal solution, and the
weight value of the GVM is determined [20].


FIGURE 2. GVM model optimized based on AFSA.
Optimizing the network weights of the GVM is the key to
improving its prediction performance. To achieve an excellent
performance of the GVM, the number of hidden nodes is
usually larger than 10 times that of the BP neural network. in functions AF-Follow, AF-Swarm and AF-Prey, respec-
Moreover, control parameters of the hidden nodes are intro- tively. In these functions, the distance between
two artifi-
duced. These factors increase the training time of the model. cial fish individuals is expressed as dij = Pi − Pj , and
In addition, only one weight of the GVM is optimized in VISUAL, STEP and δ represents the visual range, mov-
one iteration using the MC algorithm to optimize the net- ing step length and congestion factor of the artificial fish,
work weights, and the convergence speed of the model is respectively. In each iteration of AFSA, the network weights
low. represented by each artificial fish individual are passed to
Section II, it indicates that the parameter optimization the GVM for prediction, and then the fitness of the cost
problem of the GVM is actually the optimization prob- function (equation (6)) is calculated. Based on the change in
lem of determining the network parameters that minimize fitness value, the optimal state of each artificial fish in the
the cost function (equation (6)). The intelligent optimiza- current iteration is recorded. When the maximum number
tion algorithm is an effective method to solve this kind of of iterations is reached, the state of all optimal artificial
problem. fish individuals in the population is determined based on the
The AFSA is an intelligent optimization algorithm inspired network weights of the GVM.
by the behavior of fish swarms [25]. The algorithm has the
advantages of a high robustness, good global convergence
Function AF_Follow (FC, NF, NC)
and low sensitivity to the initial value. The AFSA algorithm
1: FC is the food concentration
mainly searches the solution space through three behaviors:
2: NF is the population size of artificial fish
preying, following and swarming. The behavior of prey is
3: NC is the number of companions of artificial fish in the
a kind of random swimming behavior, that maintains the
visual range
diversity of the population. The behaviors of following and
4: for i = 1 to NF
swarming lead the fish to search in a suitable direction to
5: for j = 1 to NC
ensure convergence of the population. Therefore, AFSA imi-
6: if COST(Pj ) < FC
tates the three behaviors of fish swarms to achieve a balance
7: FC = COST(Pj )
between diversity and convergence, and finally determine the
8: Pmin = Pj
global optimal solution.
9: end if
The GVM optimized based on AFSA is shown in Fig. 2.
10: end for
The population individuals of the AFSA algorithm represent
11: if FC · NC < COST(Pi ) · δ
the network weights to be optimized, which is the vector
12: Pinext = Pi + Random(STEP)(Pmin − Pi )/dij
composed of the GVM network weights as shown in Fig. 2.
13: end if
AF-follow ( ), AF-swarm ( ) and AF-prey ( ) operations are
14: end for
used to optimize the position of each artificial fish individ-
15: end function
ual. The pseudocodes of these operations are summarized

VOLUME 8, 2020 20619

Y. Hu, K. Lv: Hybrid Prediction Model for the Interindustry Carbon Emissions Transfer Network Based on the GM and GVM

TABLE 1. Industry classification.

Function AF_Swarm(NF, NC,Pic ) Function AF_Prey (NF, TN)

1: NF is the population size of artificial fish 1: NF is the population size of artificial fish
2: NC is the number of companions of artificial fish in the 2: TN is the number of random movement trials of the
visual range artificial fish in the visual range
3: Pic is the center position of the companion in the visual 3: for i = 1 to NF
range 4: for j = 1 to TN
4: for i = 1 to NF 5: P0j = Pi + VISUAL · Rand()
5: Pic =
Pj /NC 6: if COST(P0j ) < COST(Pi )
j=1 7: Pinext = Pi + Random(STEP)(Pj − Pi )/dij
6: if COST(Pic ) · NC < COST(Pi ) · δ 8: else
7: Pinext = Pi + Random(STEP)(Pic − Pi )/dij 9: Pinext = Pi
8: else 10: end if
9: AF_Prey( ) 11: end for
10: end if 12: end for
11: end for 13: end function
12: end function

The industries are interconnected in their the processes

B. PREDICTION OBJECT of production, distribution and exchange. With the flow and
In this paper, the input-output data come from Chinese input- transfer of carbon emissions, a network is formed, which
output tables of 1997, 2002, 2007, 2012 and 2017 and we call the interindustry carbon emissions transfer network.
input-output extension tables of 2000, 2005, 2010, and 2015. Generally, we refer to the CO2 released by the energy
The energy data come from the China Energy Statistics Year- consumption of an industry as the direct carbon emissions
books 1997-1999, 2000-2002, 2006, 2008, 2011, 2013, 2016, (DCE) [1], while the carbon emissions of the other industries
and 2018. In this study, we incorporate various materials of caused by intermediate products and services are defined as
different industries and consolidate them into 28 industries. the indirect carbon emissions (ICE). Both the DCE and ICE
The industry classification results are listed in Table 1. consist of total carbon emissions (TCE).

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Y. Hu, K. Lv: Hybrid Prediction Model for the Interindustry Carbon Emissions Transfer Network Based on the GM and GVM

 
ICE are transferred to other industries with the transfer of a11 a12 ··· a1n
intermediate products and services. At the same time a con-
 a21 a22 ··· a2n  xijd
Ad =  . .. .. ..  , aij = ,
 
siderable part of DCE is also transferred to other industries  .. . . .  Xj
through intermediate products. We use the total industry car- an1 an2 · · · ann
bon emissions to measure the interindustry carbon emissions i, j = 1, 2, · · · , n (10)
transfer and adopt the 28 industries as network nodes in this Xi Xi
study. The interindustry carbon emissions transfer network xijd = xij , d
Yi = Yi (11)
Xi + Mi Xi + Mi
can be constructed by considering the interindustry carbon
emissions transfer as the edge and using the interindustry
TCE as weights. where DCIj is the DCE intensity of industry j, Xj is the total
According to 19 kinds of energy consumption data output of industry j, (I − Ad )−1 is the Leontief inverse matrix
of 28 industries in China, we use the ‘‘inventory method’’ of the intermediate input of national products, Ad is the direct
(IPCC, 2006) [1] to calculate the direct carbon emissions consumption coefficient matrix of national products, aij is the
of each industry. The 19 kinds of energy include raw coal, direct consumption coefficient of national products, n is the
cleaned coal, other coal washing, briquette, coke, coke oven number of industries, xijd is the intermediate use of national
gas, other gas, other coking products, crude oil, gasoline, products of industry i consumed by industry j to produce its
kerosene, diesel oil, fuel oil, liquefied petroleum gas, refin- output, Xi and Mi are the total domestic output and import,
ery gas, other petroleum products, natural gas, heat and respectively, of industry i, Yid is the final use of national
electricity. First, equation (7) directly calculates the car- products of industry i, and Yi is the final use of industry i.
bon dioxide emissions coefficients of 17 kinds of energy
sources except for heat and electricity. Second, the carbon C. HYBRID PREDICTION MODEL BASED ON ROGM AND
emissions factors of heat and electricity in China are not AFSA-GVM
uniform, so they need to be calculated separately. Third, The interindustry carbon emissions transfer data exhibit
the carbon emissions generated by thermal power generation small-sample ROS characteristics. GM and GVM have their
and heat supply can be allocated to the heat and electric- own advantages and disadvantages for small sample data
ity use industries by using the principle of electricity heat prediction. The grey prediction model can predict the trend of
carbon allocation [26]. Finally, the DCE of 17 kinds of small-sample data series, but it cannot predict the volatility of
energy in each industry and the DCE of heat and electric- data series, that is, it has a low performance in simulating non-
ity in each industry are added to obtain the DCE of each linear sequences. Although the ROGM (1, 1) model improves
industry. the smoothness of ROS by the data change method, it may
decrease the prediction accuracy due to damage to the data
X characteristics of the original series. On the other hand, the
DCEi = Eik × NCVk × CCk × COFk × TC GVM has a good fitting effect on small- sample data series
k=1 and an excellent nonlinear prediction ability; nevertheless,
K it has the disadvantages mentioned in part A of Section III.
The hybrid prediction model can make use of the advan-
= Eik × CECk (7)
tages of various prediction models that complement each
other and obtain better prediction results than a single predic-
where k = 1, 2, · · · K is the type of energy consumption; i is tion model. To improve the prediction accuracy, a hybrid pre-
the type of industry; DCEi is the DCE of the industry i; Eik is diction model denoted as ROGM-AFSA-GVM is constructed
energy consumption type k in the industry i; NCVk is the low as shown in Fig. 3. First, the ROGM (1, 1) model is used to
calorific value of energy type k; CCk is the carbon content of predict the original sequence of the carbon emissions transfer
energy type k; COFk is the carbon oxidation rate of energy among industries to obtain the basic prediction results and
type k; TC is the conversion coefficient (the mass change in residuals. Then, the prediction residuals are adopted as the
carbon dioxide generated during unit carbon combustion is analysis object, and the AFSA-GVM model is established to
44/12); and CECk is the carbon dioxide emissions coefficient obtain the prediction result of the residual sequence. Finally,
of energy type k. the prediction results of TCE transfer can be obtained by
To eliminate the impact of imports, the noncompeti- integrating the prediction results of the two parts. The specific
tive input-output method is used to calculate the carbon steps of the proposed model are as follows.
emissions transfer matrix. The carbon emission transfer Step 1: The ROGM (1, 1) model is used to predict time
matrix TCE can be calculated using the following series data of the carbon emissions transfer among industries
equations. from 1997 to 2015 to generate basic prediction and residual
h i−1 Step 2: Residual sequences from 1997 to 2010 are used
TCE = DCI × I − Ad × Yjd (8) as training data and entered as input into the AFSA-GVM
DCI = [DCI1 , DCI2 · · · DCIn ] , DCIj = DCEj /Xj (9) model, and the residual sequence of 2012 is used as

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Y. Hu, K. Lv: Hybrid Prediction Model for the Interindustry Carbon Emissions Transfer Network Based on the GM and GVM

FIGURE 3. Modeling method of ROGM-AFSA-GVM.

training target data to form the input-output relationship of On this basis, we use AFSA to optimize the weight values
the AFSA-GVM model; of W,Wb and Wβ to determine the GVM. In the experiment,
Step 3: The AFSA-GVM prediction model is established the parameters of AFSA are listed in Table 2.
by determining the number of nodes in the hidden layer and
the AFSA algorithm is used to train the parameters of the TABLE 2. Parameters of AFSA.
Step 4: The residual sequences from 2000 to 2012 are
adopted as test data, and they are entered as input into
the AFSA-GVM prediction model to obtain the residual
sequence in 2015. The final prediction data can be obtained
by integrating the corresponding basic prediction series
obtained in step 1 with the residual sequence in 2015. Then,
the prediction performance of the model is evaluated by To evaluate the performance of the prediction model from
comparing the prediction data to the test target data; multiple perspectives, two metrics are defined as follows:
Step 5: A time window with a window size of 6 is con- the root mean square error (RMSE) and mean absolute error
structed from the data of 2002, which adopts the input data (MAE):
of the ROGM-AFSA-GVM prediction model in the window
PN 2
range and predicts the next sequence adjacent to the window, i=1 (ŷi − yi )
RMSE = (12)
to obtain the prediction of the out-of-sample sequence. N
i=1 ŷi − yi

MAE = (13)
IV. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS AND ANALYSIS where ŷi represents the predicted value, yi represents the real
A. EXPERIMENTAL DATA AND PARAMETERS value, and N is the number of samples. RMSE indicates the
According to experimental experience, the number of nodes degree of error dispersion between the predicted and real
in the input, hidden and output layers of the GVM prediction values and MAE indicates the average error between the
model is set to 6, 150 and 1, respectively. The transfer func- predicted and real values. By analyzing these two metrics
tion is a Gaussian function. The input data are adjusted to of the prediction results, a comprehensive evaluation of the
between −10 and 10. The value of the output layer weight V prediction effect of the proposed model can be performed.
is randomly set to 1 or −1, and remains unchanged during
training of the GVM. The value range of input layer weight W B. PREDICTION RESULTS OF CARBON EMISSIONS
is limited from −1 to 1, and the value range of bias vector Wb TRANSFER BY THE DIFFERENT MODELS
is set to [−10, 10], while the value range of the control param- Table 3 and 4 and Fig. 4 show the prediction results and errors
eters constituting control vector Wβ is set to [−0.6, 0.6]. of the ROGM-AFSA-GVM model for industry i = 1 to other

20622 VOLUME 8, 2020

Y. Hu, K. Lv: Hybrid Prediction Model for the Interindustry Carbon Emissions Transfer Network Based on the GM and GVM

TABLE 3. Prediction results of the carbon emissions transfer between industry 1 and the other industries in 2015 for the different models.

TABLE 4. Evaluation metrics of the prediction results of the different models.

industries j = 1, 2, 3, . . . , 28. The results of the ROGM, Fig. 4 shows that although the different models can predict
GVM and ROGM-GVM models are also used to evaluate the the trend of data change, the accuracy of the prediction results
effectiveness of the different models. differs. It is shown that the prediction data of the GVM are

VOLUME 8, 2020 20623

Y. Hu, K. Lv: Hybrid Prediction Model for the Interindustry Carbon Emissions Transfer Network Based on the GM and GVM

FIGURE 4. Prediction performance comparison of the different models.

closer to the actual data in the change trend and volatility To further verify the validity of the ROGM-AFSA-GVM
than those of the ROGM model. In addition, we can also hybrid model, we also use it to predict the carbon emissions
see that the prediction result of the ROGM-GVM model transfer among the other industries. The carbon emissions
is better than that of the GVM model, and the prediction transfer data in 2015 for industries i = 10 and 20 and other
result of the ROGM-AFSA-GVM model is the best among industries j = 1, 2, 3 . . . , 28 are selected as the prediction
all models. It is shown that the prediction performance can target, and the ROGM-AFSA-GVM hybrid model is used for
be further improved by the hybrid model and using AFSA prediction. Fig. 5 shows a comparison of the measured and
to optimize the GVM network weights. On the other hand, predicted results. We can see that, similar to the prediction
the black and bold values in Tables 3 and 4 indicate the best results in Fig. 4, the change trends of the prediction and mea-
prediction results and evaluation metrics values. Although sured data are consistent, and the prediction results are closer
the GVM has the best prediction effect among the single to the actual data. All above mentioned results indicate that
models, the ROGM-AFSA-GVM hybrid model has the best the ROGM-AFSA-GVM hybrid model is more suitable for
prediction performance among all models. the prediction of the carbon interindustry emissions transfer.

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Y. Hu, K. Lv: Hybrid Prediction Model for the Interindustry Carbon Emissions Transfer Network Based on the GM and GVM

FIGURE 5. Comparison of the prediction results of the ROGM-AFSA-GVM model.

TABLE 5. Comparison of the measured and predicted interindustry carbon emissions transfer networks in 2017.

C. SIMULATION OF THE INTERINDUSTRY CARBON emissions transfer in 2017, and on this basis, the interindustry
EMISSIONS TRANSFER NETWORK IN 2017 carbon emissions transfer network is constructed. As the
Based on the comparison and analysis of the experimental carbon emissions transfer between two industries is relatively
results, the ROGM-AFSA-GVM hybrid model can better pre- independent, we enter the 28 × 28 = 784 predicted values of
dict the carbon emissions transfer among industries. There- each year into the carbon emissions transfer matrix, and then
fore, this model is used to predict the interindustry carbon process them following the steps below. First, the elements

VOLUME 8, 2020 20625

Y. Hu, K. Lv: Hybrid Prediction Model for the Interindustry Carbon Emissions Transfer Network Based on the GM and GVM

along the diagonal represent the carbon emissions transferred V. CONCLUSION

within each industry, so the diagonal elements are set to 0; In this study, prediction of the interindustry carbon emis-
second, the average flow values of 2017 can be calculated sions transfer network of China is studied by using a
which are considered critical values, and the elements below hybrid intelligent prediction model based on the GM and
the critical value are set to 0, which is regarded as weak trans- GVM. To improve the prediction performance of the model,
fer. The elements above this critical value constitute a stable the AFSA algorithm is adopted to optimize the network
transfer path On this basis, the interindustry carbon emissions weights of the GVM, and the ROGM-AFSA-GVM model
transfer network of China in 2017 can be constructed and is constructed on this basis. The experimental results show
visualized, as shown in Fig. 6 and 7. that the proposed model is feasible and has better prediction
effect. Using the predicted results, the interindustry carbon
emissions transfer network of China in 2017 is constructed.
By comparing the predicted 2017 carbon emissions transfer
network with the measured network, it is verified that the
proposed prediction model in this paper indeed can achieve
good performance for predicting ROS data such as the data
series of the interindustry carbon emissions transfer in China.
In subsequent studies, we will continue to improve the pro-
posed model to enhance its prediction accuracy at the turning
point of the ROS.

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