Female Pelvis
Female Pelvis
Female Pelvis
1. GYNAECOID PELVIS occurs in only 40 percent of
white women. It is the normal female pelvis and the
most favourable for labour.
2. ANDROID PELVIS, pelvis with male characteristic
and is said to predispose to deep transverse arrest.
3. ANTHROPOID PELVIS, in which there is slight
increase in the antero-posterior diameter of the pelvis.
It encourages an occipitoposterior position.
4. PLATYPELLOID PELVIS, slightly flattened pelvis, is
also associated with an increased risk of
obstructed labour.
on each sides by the pubic bone , the obturater fascia and the inner
aspect of the ischeal bone and
the ischeal spines lie slightly below this plane .The pudendal nerve
passes behind and below the ischial spine on each side.
In the gynecoid pelvis this cavity is circular and roomy because the
sacrum is inclinated bach ward , is well curved and the sacrosciatic
notches are wide . the cavity is almost round as the transverse and
antro posterior diameter are similar at 12cm.
The pelvic outlet ;
3. the spines are some time unduly prominent but it is the distance
between them rather than their prominence that matters .