Hundred Thousand. That Number Has A New Name: One Lakh.: Grade 4
Hundred Thousand. That Number Has A New Name: One Lakh.: Grade 4
Similarly you can continue counting till ninety nine lakh. What comes after 99,00,000? Its one crore.
1. Place a comma into the number. Fill in missing parts. Read numbers aloud.
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Grade 4
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3. On the number line below, 510,000 and 520,000 are marked (at the “posts”). Write the
numbers that correspond to the dots.
Numbers corresponding to the dots:
c. _________________________
a. __________________________
d. __________________________
b. _________________________
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Grade 4
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Q. 1 Write the number names for the following:
a) 45,222-______________________________________________________________________
b) 19,812-______________________________________________________________________
c) 63,232-______________________________________________________________________
d) 17,209-______________________________________________________________________
e) 84,361-______________________________________________________________________
Q. 3) Make the largest and smallest 4 digit numbers from the given digits
b) 5, 6, 0, 1, 4- G.N-_______________________ S.N-____________________________
c) 8, 3, 5, 2, 9- G.N-_______________________ S.N-_____________________________
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Grade 4
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b) 86736, 70812, 40404, 774,7632-
1. 55515=
2. 36532=
3. 6456=
4. 58741=
5. 68294=
a) 71642- d) 43267-
b) 33276- e) 4561-
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Grade 4
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Topic: Numbers Assignment Date : _____________
W/S No.: __________ Submission Date: _____________
Q. 1 Write in figures.
Q3. Colour those boxes PINK where 5 stands for 5,000 and YELLOW where 7 stands for 70,000.
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Grade 4
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Q4. Write in words.
i) 5,12,420 __________________________________________________
iv) 40,00,000
i) Count in hundreds and complete the series. (You can choose from the boxes below.)
36,565 34,565
43,365 33,365
34,265 33,665
ii) Count in ten thousands and complete the series. (You can choose from the boxes below.)
78,354 99,354
1,11,354 1,00,854 1,08,354
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Grade 4
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Topic: Comparison of numbers Assignment Date : _____________
W/S No.: __________ Submission Date: _____________
l. $100,020 $100,200
2. On each line, write out the words, “is greater than,” “is less
than,” or “is equal to.”
d) What is the smallest number you can make using the digits 7,3,9 and 4 ? __________________
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Grade 4
Teacher’s Signature: ____________
4. Circle the greater amount in each pair.
a. There are 6,86,923 people living in Nagpur. There are 8,73,092 people living in Pune. Which
city has the greater population?
b. The size of Texas is 2,68,581 square miles. Minnesota is 86,939 square miles. Which state has
a smaller area?
c. The distance around the Earth's equator is 24,901 miles. The distance around Saturn's equator is
236,672 miles. Which planet has the shorter distance around its equator?
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Grade 4
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Topic: Addition of large numbers Assignment Date : _____________
W/S No.: __________ Submission Date: _____________
Addition Terminology
The numbers you add are all called addends.
The answer is called the sum.
It is called a sum even when you
haven’t yet calculated it.
So 13 + 7 is the sum of 13 and 7.
The whole “thing” is an addition
Adding with no carryovers: You have already learnt adding with carryovers. Let me explain this once
Let us look at an example with two-digit numbers, say 12 + 15. In the first step, we will add 2 + 5. This
will result in 7. We will write down 7 as the output of the first step. Unlike the above example, there is
nothing left now to be carried over. In the second step, we will add 1 (from 12) and 1 (from 15). This
will result in 1 + 1 = 2 as the output of the second step. So the answer is 27 and the process did not
involve any carryover.
Same way, you can add numbers with more digits. You need to carry on the steps till you have added
all the digits.
1. Write 20, 100, 500, and 138 as sums in three different ways.
Grade 4
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20 = 100 = 500 = 138 =
3. Add down and across. Then add the totals you calculated. The sum across should equal the sum
6 3
7 5
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0 6 9 1
1 4 4 8
1 8 2 8
1 3 4 9
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Grade 4
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Teacher’s Remarks: ______________________________________________________________
Grade 4
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Topic: Addition of large numbers Assignment Date : _____________
W/S No.: __________ Submission Date: _____________
+ 14293
+ 25129
25159 50883 14795
+ 93844
+ 48022 + 92325 + 56370
+ 95612 56461 46517
+ 69296 + 62049 10744
+ 38158
21,801 10,391
+ 4,182 + 3,602
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Grade 4
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Q2. Find the missing number:
99853 94429 13377 28804
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Grade 4
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Topic: Addition of large numbers Assignment Date : _____________
W/S No.: __________ Submission Date: _____________
2, 3 1 7 1, 9 9 6
955 6, 0 8 3
+ 3, 1 8 7 + 1, 3 2 2
6, 9 7 8 1, 9 0 8 2, 8 5 4 3, 2 3 1
220 5, 0 9 8 8, 7 8 5 59
+52 + 5, 1 0 9 + 2, 8 2 6 +880
26 5, 0 9 6 1, 3 9 0 9, 9 9 9
553 565 8, 5 5 0 8, 8 8 8
+ 4, 4 3 5 + 9, 1 4 5 + 300 + 999
2. Rony traveled 2,795 on an airplane from Los Angeles to New York City. Then he switched
planes and traveled 3,460 miles to London. After that, he switched planes again and traveled 889
miles from London to Rome. How many miles did he fly in all?
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Grade 4
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3. Arrange the numbers and add:
Work Space
400 + 4533 + 23 + 2
89065 + 67 + 7809 + 1
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Grade 4
Teacher’s Signature: ____________
Topic: Addition of large numbers Assignment Date : _____________
W/S No.: __________ Submission Date: _____________
12443 23643
+ 1567 + 2538
84428 560741
+ 2698 +422119
82299 29200
+ 24113 + 17911
19977 206632
+ 4998 + 73755
954242 756014
+ 727415 + 22744
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Grade 4
Teacher’s Signature: ____________
Solve the word problem. Remember to write neat, complete sentences. Use the space provided for
rough work:
A scuba diver finds a treasure chest in the ocean. When she opens it up, Rough work
she discovers that it is filled with 3,567 gold coins and 1,793 silver
coins. How many coins does the chest contain in all?
The treasure chest also contains pearls! There are 1,356 white pearls and
562 black pearls. How many pearls are there altogether?
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Grade 4
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Topic: Subtraction of large numbers Assignment Date : _____________
W/S No.: __________ Submission Date: _____________
Subtraction is used:
If you are confused as to when to use regrouping (borrowing), use the song:
More on top?
No need to stop!
More on the floor?
Go next door.
Get one ten.
That's ten ones more.
Numbers the same?
Zero's the game!
Teacher’s Remarks: ______________________________________________________________
Grade 4
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1. Basic subtraction facts might need practice! Point to the problems, think of the answer, and
drill them.
a. b. c. d. e.
12 − 5 13 − 8 14 − 5 15 − 6 16 − 7
12 − 7 13 − 4 14 − 7 15 − 8 16 − 9
12 − 8 13 − 5 14 − 9 15 − 9 16 − 8
12 − 6 13 − 6 14 − 6 15 − 7
12 − 4 13 − 9 14 − 8 f.
12 − 9 13 − 7 17 − 8
12 − 3 17 − 9
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Grade 4
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1. Find the difference:
4. 24563
74453 33355
-11519 -13079
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3694 50208 98913
-2561 -17025 -39984
-74492 30063
To check whether your subtraction is correct, add the result to the smaller number to get the
larger number. E. g 22587-1224= 21363 To know whether the answer is right, add 21363+1224. As
the answer is 1224, your sum was right. Following the same rules, subtract the following and
verify your answer:
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Grade 4
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Topic: Subtraction of large numbers Assignment Date : _____________
W/S No.: __________ Submission Date: _____________
Verify Verify
Verify Verify
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57311 59286 79330
- 11603 - 18879 - 59430
2. Now write some subtraction problems on your own, solve them and verify your answer.
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Grade 4
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Topic: Subtraction of large numbers Assignment Date : _____________
W/S No.: __________ Submission Date: _____________
2. At a local supermarket, a box of cornflakes usually costs 156 rupees. This week, the supermarket
sells the box of cornflakes for 145 rupees. How much money will you save if you buy this cereal
at this supermarket?
3. Hockey sticks are on sale. The Sport Store had 680 hockey sticks in the morning.
There were only 195 hockey sticks left at the end of the day. How many hockey
sticks did they sell?
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Grade 4
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4. Bikes for Tykes is having a sale. Racing bikes cost Rs 14890. Mountain bikes cost Rs 7758. You
get a discount of Rs 750 if you buy both bicycles. How much will it cost to buy both bikes?
5. A student was asked to write numerals for five thousand two hundred four. He wrote 5024. Find
out the difference between the correct number and his answer.
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Grade 4
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