5LLB-2016-106 - Criminal Law II
5LLB-2016-106 - Criminal Law II
5LLB-2016-106 - Criminal Law II
Mr. Balakrishna
Professor, Criminal Law
Shrey Som (2016-106)
NALSAR University of Law, Hyderabad.
This paper examines perceptions of the criminal justice system held by young males using
longitudinal survey data from the recent National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1997 Cohort
and the National Youth Survey. First, a model is developed to study how perceptions respond to
individual information about the probability of arrest and how perceptions affect criminal
behavior. Then, the model is shown to be consistent with the data. Young males who engage in
crime but are not arrested revise their perceived probability of arrest downward, while those
who are arrested revise their probability upwards. The perceived probability of arrest is then
linked to subsequent criminal behavior {youth with a lower perceived probability of arrest are
significantly more likely to engage in crime during subsequent periods. Perceived probabilities
of arrest appear to be idiosyncratic and individual-specific. As a result, information about the
arrests of others, local neighborhood conditions, and official arrest rates have little impact on
the perceptions of any given individual about his own arrest rate. Another interesting feature
of the data on perceptions includes the ending that young males typically report a higher
probability of arrest than is actually observed in official arrest rates. Consistent with the
model, perceived arrest probabilities among those engaged in crime are lower than those of
non-criminals. Despite substantial heterogeneity in the perceived probability of arrest across
individuals, those perceptions are di cult to predict from standard background measures,
ability, and neighborhood characteristics. Most notably, there do not appear to be substantial
dif f erences in perceptions across race and ethnicity for most of the crimes studied. These
findings suggest that heterogeneity in perceptions may be an important cause for differences in
criminal participation across individuals. Furthermore, those perceptions can be influenced by
the justice system. A model of belief updating and criminal behavior that i s consistent with
the data suggests that policies enacted to change the actual probability of arrest will have
heterogeneous effects on individuals with different crime and arrest histories, but increases in
true arrest rates will lower crime. Since it may take time for information about changes in
actual arrest rates to disseminate, changes in enforcement policy are likely to have lagged
effects on crime rates.
The economics literature on crime implicitly assumes that individuals are well-informed about
arrest rates and, therefore, respond immediately to any changes in the criminal justice
Empirical studies examining deterrence theory have, therefore, focused on actual measures of the
police force, arrest rates, or punishment rates rather than measures of individual beliefs. 1 Most
have found that increases in the likelihood of arrest or punishment reduce crime.2
Conditional on official arrest and incarceration rates, differences in criminal behavior across
individuals are typically attributed to differences in tastes for crime, criminal returns, or
opportunity costs. Rarely are individual differences in beliefs about the justice system invoked as
an explanation for heterogeneous criminal behavior. This is largely because a clear and
convincing link between perceptions and criminal behavior has not, yet, been established (e.g.
see Piliavian, et al., 1986, or Schneider and Ervin, 1990). Furthermore, extracting useful
measures of beliefs from individuals is not an easy task, especially on a topic such as crime.
Since few individuals engage in crime to any significant degree, it is likely that few individuals
seriously consider the probability of arrest or of facing various punishments associated with
This paper not only establishes an empirical link between the perceived probability of arrest and
criminal activity, but it also shows that individuals update their beliefs in rational ways.
Individuals reporting a lower perceived probability of arrest are more likely to engage in crime.
Those who engage in crime without getting arrested reduce their perceived probability of arrest,
while those who are arrested increase their perceived probability.3
Viscusi (1986) is a rare exception. He shows that the required risk premium in criminal earnings is higher for
individuals with a higher perceived probability of arrest.
Studies using actual police, arrest, or punishment measures include Blumestein, et al., 1978, Cameron, 1988,
Ehrlich, 1973,1981, Grogger, 1991, Levitt, 1997, 1998a, 1998b, Myers, 1983, Tauchen, Witte, and Griesinger, 1994,
Trumbull, 1989, Waldfogel, 1993, and Witte, 1980.
Criminologists studying the link between perceptions and crime have reported that individuals engaged in crime
tend to lower their perceived probability of arrest, referring to these effects as `experiential effects' (Minor and Harry,
1982, Paternoster, et al., 1983, Piliavin, et al., 1986, Saltzman, et al., 1982). The main emphasis of these studies has
been to point out the laws inherent in using cross-sectional data on perceptions and criminal behavior to estimate
deterrence affects, since the reported behavior is typically prior to the perceptions measure. These studies have not
examined the informational issues involved with crime and arrest histories and have ignored the distinction between
Understanding the evolution of beliefs is relevant for studies of crime. Sah (1991) provides a
theoretical analysis of crime based on a model in which individual beliefs about the
probability of punishment are determined by the number of people they observe committing
crime and their arrest rates. His theory suggests interesting dynamic responses to changes in
criminal enforcement policy as well as levels of segregation. This paper develops a
complementary framework for analyzing how an individual's own crime and arrest history
affects his beliefs and how those beliefs affect behavior. The model suggests that individuals
with similar tastes and initial beliefs may follow different crime paths over their lives if
they are arrested at different rates (or even arrested at Viscusi (1986) is a rare exception.
He shows that the required risk premium in criminal earnings is higher for individuals with
a higher perceived probability of arrest. Studies using actual police, arrest, or punishment
measures include Blumestein, et al., 1978, Cameron, 1988, Ehrlich, 1973,1981, Grogger,
1991, Levitt, 1997, 1998a, 1998b, Myers, 1983, Tauchen, Witte, and Griesinger, 1994,
Trumbull, 1989, Waldfogel, 1993, and Witte, 1980.
Criminologists studying the link between perceptions and crime have reported that individuals engaged
in crime tend to lower their perceived probability of arrest, referring to these effects as `experiential
effects' (Minor and Harry, 1982, Paternoster, et al., 1983, Piliavin, et al., 1986, Saltzman, et al., 1982).
The main emphasis of these studies has been to point out the flaws inherent in using cross-sectional data
on perceptions and criminal behavior to estimate deterrence effects, since the reported behavior is
typically, prior to the perceptions measure. These studies have not examined the informational
issues involved with crime and arrest histories and have ignored the distinction between criminals
who become arrested and those who do not {the focus of this paper. different points in them
criminal careers). As with Sah’s (1991) framework, there will be delayed responses in criminal activity
when official arrest rates increase. As more and more individuals face an arrest, they respond by increasing
their perceived probability of arrest and reducing their crime. So, even a temporary increase in the probability
of arrest will have long-term impacts on crime rates. The importance of these results depends on the relevance
of and information used in belief updating. A primary goal of this paper is to empirically examine the role
of individual crime and arrest histories as well as alternative sources of information in determining beliefs
about the probability of arrest. The impact of those beliefs on criminal behavior is then examined.
The broken windows" theory of Wilson and Kelling (1982) suggests that individuals are more
likely to engage in crime in neighborhoods exhibiting decay (i.e. broken windows or abandoned
buildings), because they believe they are less likely to be arrested or interfered with.
Understanding the information used in generating beliefs and how perceptions influence
behavior is central to this theory. In the empirical analysis below, we explore the relationship
between neighborhood decay and perceptions among young males.
The economics literature has recently begun to analyze how the evolution of beliefs over
time can affect aggregate outcomes. In special environments, the information cascade
literature (e.g. Banerjee, 1992, Bikhchandani, Hirshleifer, and Welsh, 1992) has shown that
the aggregation of individual decisions can lead to informational cascades and conformity
when individuals possess idiosyncratic information and gather information from others.
More generally, the way in which individuals acquire information and develop expectations
is important in determining outcomes in any environment; yet, little is actually known about
these processes.4
Empirically, substantial heterogeneity in beliefs exists among young males in the National
Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1997 Cohort (NLSY97) and the National Youth Survey (NYS).
On average, individual beliefs about the probability of arrest for various crimes are substantially
higher than official arrest rates, and those beliefs are fairly stable across time for individuals. Not
surprisingly, perceived arrest rates are lower, on average, among those actively engaged in
crime, which is consistent with standard deterrence theory as well as the information-based
model of belief updating developed here. There is little evidence that minorities believe they are
more likely to be arrested than do white men, which reconciles with studies suggesting that there
is little, if any, discrimination in official arrest rates across race (Tonry, 1995). Less than 5% of
the heterogeneity in beliefs can be explained by differences in family background,
neighborhood, or individual abilities. More surprisingly, when comparing male teenagers across
states or metropolitan residential status, beliefs about the probability of arrest are not correlated
with official arrest rates.
criminals who become arrested and those who do not {the focus of this paper.
See Manski (1992) for a clear discussion about the importance of understanding expectations formation in
studying schooling decisions
While it is tempting to ignore perceptions and focus on official arrest rates when analyzing
criminal deterrence (as most researchers have done), perceived arrest probabilities and not
official state-level arrest rates are negatively correlated with criminal participation among these
young males. Among men in their early twenties, there is a more noticeable difference in
perceptions across urban and rural areas that is consistent with differences in official arrest
While an individual's perceptions are af f ected by his own criminal and arrest history, the
environment around him has much less of an effect on beliefs. Contrary to the broken
windows" theory developed by Wilson and Kelling (1982), perceptions are uncorrelated
with neighborhood characteristics like the amount of gang activity, general lawlessness,
abandoned buildings, or the presence of `winos' on the streets. Furthermore, perceptions are
not significantly affected by one's own criminal victimization, which might provide
additional information about the likelihood of arrest. Instead, early beliefs about an
individual's own probability of arrest are largely idiosyncratic and unrelated to average arrest
rates or local conditions. Whether variation in beliefs across individuals reflects actual
variation in the true probability of arrest across individuals or simple differences in beliefs
is unknown. Beliefs do respond to individual-specific information, however. Individuals
who engage in crime while avoiding arrest tend to reduce their perceived probability of
arrest; those who are arrested raise their perceived probability. Thus, beliefs about the
probability of arrest appear to be quite specific to an individual and his own interactions
with the criminal jus- tice system. More general measures of the arrest rate are not
particularly important in determining an individual's beliefs about his own (individual-
specific c) probability of arrest. Therefore, policies that increase the average arrest rate are
likely to achieve their impacts through an increase in individual interactions with the police
rather than through immediate recognition of that change. Section 2 develops a model for
analyzing the interaction of perceptions and criminal behavior that focuses on an
individual's own criminal choices and arrest outcomes rather than the outcomes and choices
of others as in Sah (1991). The model offers new insights about lifecycle criminal
decisions and the dynamic ef f ects of changes in the actual arrest rate. It also suggests that
non-criminals are pessimistic about their chances of evading arrest while criminals are
Both data sets offer different advantages for studying the interaction between perceptions and
behavior. Section 3 discusses the data on criminal participation and perceptions in the NLSY97
and NYS and how beliefs vary in the population of young males. The role of belief updating is
examined in Section 4, and the prediction that individuals with high perceived probabilities of
arrest are less likely to engage in crime is studied in Section 5. Section 6 synthesizes the
f indings of this paper.
The rest of this paper empirically examines the development of beliefs about the probability
of arrest and the effect of those beliefs on actual criminal behavior using the NLSY97 and
The NLSY97 contains a sample of 9,022 individuals (4,621 males) ages 12-16 in 1997. While
the survey is ongoing, only a panel for 1997 and 1998 is currently available. Information relevant
to this study includes data on family background, individual achievement test scores,
neighborhood characteristics, criminal behavior, and perceptions about the probability of arrest
and various punishments for auto theft.5
Around 10% of all young males report an arrest for some offense prior to the 1997 survey.
Slightly more blacks and Hispanics report an arrest in comparison with young white males.
Roughly, 2-3% report an arrest for theft. About 40% of young male’s report having
committed a theft, with blacks reporting the least involvement and whites the most.
Approximately 10% of all three racial/ethnic groups report stealing something worth more
than $50. Less than 2% of the sample reports having committed auto theft. While all races
report similar rates of stealing something worth more than $50, the average number of thefts
among those engaged in theft was much lower among whites and Hispanics than among blacks.
The pattern of similar participation rates for all races and greater involvement by blacks’
conditional on participation is consistent with the findings of Elliott and Ageton (1980).
For every person who stole something, 0.07 persons were arrested for a theft. Unfortunately,
the data do not allow us to determine what category or type of theft for which an arrest was
made. To the extent that most arrests occur among individuals stealing something worth
more than $50, we can approximate the arrest rate for theft by race/ethnicity. Between 0.22
(Hispanics) and 0.31 (whites) individuals report an arrest (for theft) for every individual
who reports having stolen something worth more than $50. A better measure for an arrest
rate is given at the bottom of the table, which reports the total number of arrests for theft
per reported theft of more than $50. These rates range from 0.07 for blacks to 0.09 for whites.
According to these figures, less than one out of every ten thefts of greater than $50 results in an
arrest, and minorities are less likely to be arrested than whites. A number of caveats should be
noted. First, some individuals may be arrested even though they have not committed a theft
Specifically, the survey asks: \What is the percent chance you would be arrested if you stole a car?" It also asks
three separate questions about the outcome of arrest: \Suppose you were arrested for stealing a car, what is the
percent chance that you would [be released by the police without charges or dismissed at court, pay a _ne and be
released, serve time in jail]?"
{this would bias arrest rates upward. Second, some arrests may be for thefts of less than $50 in
value, again biasing these estimates upward. Third, both arrests and crimes are self-reported,
both of which may be under-reported. To the extent that individuals under-report crimes more
than arrests, these estimates will be biased upward. Unless arrests are substantially under-
reported compared to actual thefts of greater than $50, these arrest rates should over-estimate
true arrest probabilities; though the amount of bias is likely to be small.
While these rates are substantially lower than official clearance rates6 for burglary, larceny-
theft, and motor-vehicle theft (Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics, 1998), they
accurately reflect social arrest rates after adjusting for non-reporting by victims. Table 2
shows clearance rates, arrests per known offense, rates of victim reporting to the police, and
arrest rates adjusted by reporting rates for every index crime in 1986 and 1997.7 The adjusted
arrest rate, suggests that 5-10% of property crimes result in an arrest. Thus, the youth surveyed
by the NLSY97 are arrested at rates that closely correspond to official nationwide arrest rates.
Beliefs about the probability of arrest are likely to depend not only on enforcement variables but
also on the ability of an individual to evade detection. In studying why individuals hold different
beliefs about the likelihood of arrest, it is, therefore, important to consider characteristics which
might be correlated with criminal abilities as well as those which may affect opinions about law
enforcement. Figure 7 reports the 1997 distribution of the perceived probability of arrest for auto
theft among teenage males in the NLSY97. In general, most youth report much higher perceived
probabilities of arrest than is reflected in national arrest rates or in the actual arrest rates for
crimes committed by this sample, which are much closer to around 10%. The figure shows
strong focal points at probabilities of 0, 50, 75, and 100%. While most previous research has
shown that o racial arrest rates do not vary across race (Tonry, 1995), popular discussion might
cause one to think that minorities believe they are more likely to face arrest and serious
punishment. This does not appear to be the case.8 Row A of the table shows that both young
black (49%) and Hispanic (54%) males tend to have lower perceived probabilities of arrest for
auto theft than the average young white male (65%). Conditional on arrest, however, all three
An offense is `cleared by arrest' when at least one person is: (1) arrested; (2) charged with the commission of
the offense; and (3) turned over to the court for prosecution
Arrests, offenses known to the police, and clearance rates are taken from the FBI's Uniform Crime Reports,
while reporting rates to the police are given by the Bureau of U.S. Department of Justice, Criminal Victimization in
the United States.
From a different perspective, police may discriminate against minorities by failing to pursue perpetrators who
victimize them. Since most criminals victimize others like them, this would result in lower real and perceived arrest
rates among minorities.
groups hold very similar views about the probability of receiving different punishments,
believing a ne to be the most likely outcome of arrest and release without charge least likely.
Among teenage males who have stolen something worth more than $50, whites believe that their
probability of facing arrest is about 11% higher than Hispanics or blacks. Among auto thieves,
Hispanics have the lowest perceived probability, but sample sizes are quite small. Young white
males who have been arrested consider their chance of arrest for auto theft to be high (around
60%) relative to blacks (45%) and Hispanics (51%). There is little evidence to support the
proposition that blacks and Hispanics feel discriminated against in terms of facing higher arrest
rates for auto theft.
In general, teenage males that are more involved in crime tend to predict better chances of
evading arrest. These differences in perceptions can be attributed to a number of potential
(1) individuals who hold optimistic views about their chances of success (perhaps, because
they have successfully avoided arrest in the past) should be more likely to commit
(2) individuals who are better at evading arrest (and truly face lower probabilities of arrest
and punishment) can be expected to commit crime at higher rates (all else equal); and
(3) individuals not engaged in crime have little incentive to figure out the true probability
while those engaged in crime should have more accurate views since such information is
crucial for their `work.' Still, it is surprising that even those engaged in auto theft report
an average expected arrest rate of greater than 30% (as high as 50% for whites).
An obvious explanation for the discrepancy in beliefs and true a r r e s t rates is that individuals misinterpret the
question. Rather than reporting an arrest rate, individuals may respond by reporting the probability that
someone who engages in auto theft (perhaps repeatedly) will ever be arrested for that crime. Indeed, this
measure for an `arrest rate' (dividing the total number of individuals arrested for theft by the number of
individuals stealing something worth more than Alternatively, individuals may report the probability of arrest
for stealing a representative (or random) car, while they only choose to steal cars that o err a substantially lower
probability of arrest. In this case, reported arrest probabilities would be greater than the racial arrest rate. It is
possible to envision many stories that reconcile differences in reported beliefs about the probability of arrest
and racial arrest rates.
However, most explanations are consistent with a world in which differences in reported beliefs
across people repeat true differences in the perceived probability of arrest. As long as this is true,
there is likely to be an important informational content to reported beliefs that can be used to
study differences in behavior.
As in blacks and Hispanics report a lower probability of arrest than whites even after controlling
for age, region of residence, and residence in a Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA). Teenagers
living in an MSA do not report lower perceived probabilities of arrest even though clearance
rates for auto theft are twice as high in rural communities as in urban or sub- urban areas.
Surprisingly, actual arrest rates are negatively correlated with the perceived probability of arrest,
suggesting that youth living in states with higher arrest rates report that they are less likely to get
arrested themselves. The negative correlation remains when controlling for various family
background characteristics in column 3 (or without conditioning on any variables). Of the
individual characteristics other than race, only the effects of Peabody Individual Achievement
Test (PIAT) scores for math (in percentiles),9 are statistically significant, suggesting a positive
relationship between the perceived probability of arrest and math ability. (Counter to an `ability
to evade' arrest hypothesis, a 10% higher PIAT score is associated with a 1% higher perceived
chance of arrest.) After controlling for individual backgrounds, however, the effects of race
decline substantially. Still, the results suggest that blacks report an 8.6% lower probability of
arrest than whites. Differences between Hispanic and white reports are not statistically
significant. reports similar estimates for the likelihood of different punishments conditional
on arrest. Blacks also believe that they face a lower probability of spending time in jail once
arrested, while Hispanics feel that they are more likely to be released without charge or with
a ne if arrested. Individuals from families with a higher income consider themselves less
likely to face fines or jail time if arrested. While the magnitude of this effect is small, it may
suggest that delinquent youth from high income families believe that they can buy their way
out of trouble.
Note that PIAT scores are only observed for individuals with less than 10 years of schooling {nearly everyone age
16. To maintain the representativeness of the sample, all individuals age 16 are dropped from regressions including
PIAT scores, making the sample representative of males ages 12-15.
NYS Data
The NYS contains a random sample of 1,725 individuals ages 11-17 in 1976. Individuals were
surveyed annually from 1976-1980, then again in 1983 and 1986. This paper focuses on the
perceptions and criminal behavior of men as reported in the 1983 and 1986 surveys (earlier
surveys do not contain information about perceptions of the criminal justice system). 10 Data
regarding family background and geographic location are also available. Surveyed men were
ages 18-24 in 1983.
Respondents were asked how many times they engaged in numerous delinquent and criminal activities
over the sample period. Since most individuals are in their early twenties, criminal participation is much
lower than for the younger sample in the NLSY97. Yet, 22% still report stealing something worth less than
$5, and 9% report physically attacking someone. Substantially fewer individuals engage in more
serious property and violent crimes. Nearly 12% report an arrest over the three-year span, although many of
those arrests are for minor crimes. Only 1.1 percent are arrested for a property crime and .7% are arrested
for a violent crime.11
Measures of sample arrest rates can be calculated from the information on criminal behavior and
arrests. When dividing the number of arrests for property crimes by the total number of break-ins
and thefts greater than $50 reported in 1983 and 1986, average arrests per property crime are
slightly under 5%. A similar arrest rate is obtained for violent crime when dividing the
number of arrests for violent crime by the reported number of times individuals used force to
obtain something or attacked someone. These arrest rates are less than racial arrest rates in the
Individuals were asked to report the probability (in increments of 0.1) that they would be
arrested if they were to commit a number of different crimes. 12 Stealing something worth $5
or less, stealing something worth more than $50, breaking into a building or vehicle, using
force to get money or things, and attacking someone to hurt or kill them. As with teenage
Surveys for 1983 and 1986 actually took place early in 1984 and 1987, respectively. Perceptions questions,
therefore, refer to beliefs at the end of 1983 (1986) and beginning of 1984 (1987). Criminal participation (and most
other) questions explicitly asked about the calendar years 1983 and 1986, however. Additionally, the survey taken in
early 1987 also asked retrospective questions about criminal participation in 1984 and 1985, though in considerably
less detail than questions related to 1986.
Arrests for property crimes include various forms of theft, evading payment, burglary, breaking and entering, and
dealing in stolen goods. Arrests for violent crimes include assault, robbery, and harassment. Other arrests included
crimes such as prostitution, vagrancy, panhandling, etc.
Specifically, the survey asks very distinct questions:\Suppose YOU were to [steal something worth $5 or less, steal
something worth more than $50, break into a building or vehicle to steal something or just to look around, use force
(strong-arm methods) to get money or things from other people, attack someone with the idea of seriously hurting or
killing him/her]. What are the chances you would be ticketed/arrested?"
boys, perceived arrest rates are substantially higher than official arrest rates in the U.S.
(shown in Table 2). Yet, the ranking of crimes by perceived arrest probability from most to
least likely does correspond to the ranking of actual arrest rates. Unlike with the sample of
teenage boys, however, black and Hispanic men report higher perceived arrest probabilities
for property crimes than do white men; although, the differences are quite small for all but
petty theft.13 As with the teenage boys in the NLSY97, those committing any particular
crime tend to believe their chance of arrest for that crime is lower than those not engaging in
that type of crime, especially among those engaged in small theft and assault (attacking
someone). Weighting beliefs by the number of crimes lowers perceived probabilities even
more for most crimes; though small theft is a noticeable exception. Regardless of the
sample, perceived probabilities of arrest are high compared to average arrest rates in the
Specifically, the survey asks very distinct questions: Suppose YOU were to [steal something
worth $5 or less, steal something worth more than $50, break into a building or vehicle to
steal something or just to look around, use force (strong-arm methods) to get money or
things from other people, attack someone with the idea of seriously hurting or killing
him/her]. What are the chances you would be ticketed/arrested?"
Unfortunately, it is impossible to determine whether differences across the NYS and NLSY97 sample
are due to differences in time period (mid-1980s vs. late 1990s), differences in respondents' age (early
teens vs. mid-twenties), or differences in the types of crimes studied.
The perceived probability of arrest is declining with age for property crimes. This is most likely
due to learning about the true probability of arrest, as expanded upon further in the next section.
Even after controlling for other background characteristics, blacks hold a significantly higher
perceived probability of arrest than whites for property crimes, but not for violent crimes.
Hispanics also hold higher probabilities, though they are not significantly different from those of
whites given the small sample size. Men who grow up in intact families 14 and have more
educated mothers or fathers think that their likelihood of arrest is lower, on average.
Unfortunately, it is impossible to determine whether differences across the NYS and NLSY97 sample are due to
differences in time period (mid-1980s vs. late 1990s), differences in respondents' age (early teens vs. mid-twenties),
or differences in the types of crimes studied
An individual grew up in an intact family if he was living with both natural parents in 1976.
Consistent with official arrest patterns, men in rural areas hold higher perceived probabilities of
arrest than those in urban communities; though the difference in perceptions is smaller than
official differences. So, while the perceptions of teenage males do not appear to be positively
correlated with true arrest rates, the perceptions of men in their twenties are.15 To the extent that
prior beliefs are largely independent of actual arrest rates, it is reasonable to expect little
correlation between beliefs and actual arrest rates at young ages. Similarly, it is not surprising
that the beliefs of older individuals, who have accumulated more information about actual arrest
rates, are more consistent with official arrest patterns.
Finally, the coefficients on neighborhood crime and disarray are small and insignificant. Young
men living in neighborhoods characterized by decay and lawlessness do not view their chances
of evading arrest any differently from those living in cleaner and safer environments. Based on the
“broken windows" theory of Kelling and Wilson (1982), we might have expected a negative correlation
between these neighborhood characteristics and the perceived probability of arrest. These results cast
doubt on the importance of observable neighborhood decay in in influencing behavior through its effects
on the perceived probability of arrest or punishment.
While there is substantial heterogeneity in beliefs, rich background and neighborhood covariates explain
very little of the variation in perceptions for all five crimes. Perceptions are largely idiosyncratic and
difficult to explain. Yet, they are fairly stable. Figure 10 shows the distribution of changes in beliefs
from 1983 to 1986 for the sample. Around 20% of the sample does not change its reported probability
of arrest. About 60% changes its perceived probability by twenty percent or less over three years.
Fewer than 5% of the young men revise their beliefs less and less in response to new information as they
accumulate more and more information (with age) about the probability of arrest (i.e. as individuals
become more certain and the variance in beliefs declines).
State of residence is unknown in the NYS, so perceptions cannot be compared with official state arrest rates as
in the NLSY97.
INFORMATION-Based Belief Updating
This section more closely examines what causes individuals to change their perceptions. In a
world in which individuals do not know the probability of arrest with certainty, one might expect
them to revise their beliefs about that probability over time as they acquire new information.
They learn firsthand about their own probability of arrest if they participate in crime. If arrested
for a crime, they should revise their perceived probability upwards. Otherwise, they should
revise it downwards. Additionally, individuals may learn more about local arrest rates from
information provided by friends or acquaintances involved in crime. They may also acquire
information about arrest probabilities as victims of crimes that may or may not lead to an arrest.
Even if individuals do not act as perfect Bayesian decision-makers, any reasonable information-
based model of belief updating will yield these predictions. probability will be lower by only
one percentage point; if he is arrested twice, it will be higher by three percentage points.
Thus, young males change their beliefs in response to their behavior and their experiences
with police.
A similar analysis is performed with young men in the NYS, modeling perceived
probabilities of arrest at the end of 1986 as a function of 1983 beliefs, involvement in crime
in 1984-86, and whether or not the individual was arrested in 1984-86. Table 10 reports
coefficient estimates for each of the five crimes studied in the NYS. We focus attention on
rows two through four. Estimates in the second row correspond to coefficients on indicator
variables for whether or not an individual participated in that type of crime between survey
dates (e.g. in column 1, the indicator is one if the individual reported stealing something
worth less than $5 and zero otherwise). As with younger males, men report significantly
lower perceived probabilities of arrest for four of the five crime categories at the end of 1986
if they engaged in that type of crime in 1984-86. While the estimated coefficient on criminal
participation is strongly negative for `use of force' as well, the standard error is quite large
due to the very low participation rate in that crime.
The estimated effects are smallest for petty thefts. This is consistent with the fact that more
information is likely to have already been acquired about the probability of arrest for that
crime compared to the other crimes, which are engaged in less frequently. Thus, any
additional information is likely to have less of an impact on perceptions for petty theft. Row
4 shows that those who were arrested for any crime (after 1983) had significantly higher
perceived probabilities for theft in 1986 as predicted.16 Coefficients on arrest are not
significant for the final three types of crime, however. This may be due to the fact that many
of the reported arrests are for minor crimes (e.g. loitering, vagrancy, etc.), while these crimes
re more severe. While the estimated coefficients on criminal participation do not change
qualitatively, the effects of arrest are more pronounced and significant for the more severe
Altogether, these estimates strongly suggest patterns consistent with belief updating among
respondents that is based on their own history of interaction with the criminal justice system.
When young men participate in crime, they tend to lower their perceived probability of
arrest if they evade arrest. If arrested, they raise their perceived probability. One could
potentially explain the first finding by arguing that individuals chose to commit crime
between sample periods because they had already (for some exogenous reason) lowered
their perceived probabilities (but were unable to report those new perceptions until surveyed
the second time). Or, those engaged in crime could have gained experience at crime,
lowering their true (and perceived) arrest probability. However, such scenarios cannot
explain why those arrested between sample dates maintain higher perceived probabilities of
arrest at the time of the second interview. An information-based model of belief updating
like that of Section 2 can readily explain both findings. The model of Sah (1991), which
relies on information provided by the crime and arrest histories of others, finds less support
in the data.
Unfortunately, it is not possible to condition on the actual number of crimes and arrests as with the NLSY97
sample, since only participation is known for most of the sample in 1984 and 1985 (non-survey years). Individuals
who are arrested are likely to have engaged in more crime than those reporting participation in crime but no arrest,
which may explain why the net effect of criminal participation and an arrest (adding the two coefficients together)
is typically around zero rather than positive.
Standard errors on arrest coefficients are also larger for all crimes, since there are fewer arrests for violent and
property crimes in the sample.
The Influence of Perceptions on Criminal Behaviour
Using the NLSY97, a probability model is used to estimate the effect of the perceived
probability of arrest on participation in various self-reported crimes after controlling for
individual, family, neighborhood, and geographic characteristics.26 Since 1997 perceptions
cannot have been affected by subsequent criminal behavior (and their arrest outcomes). It is
possible that perceptions of arrest rates are correlated with more general unobserved preferences
for risk and crime. Then, these estimated relationships would capture both the deterrent effect of
a higher perceived probability of arrest and unobserved heterogeneity in preferences that is
correlated with those perceptions.
This paper has examined the perceptions held by young males regarding the criminal justice
system. While most males report a probability of arrest that is higher than official arrest rates
would suggest, there is considerable heterogeneity in those beliefs. For example, criminals hold
significantly lower perceived probabilities of arrest than do non-criminals. There is little
evidence, however, that minority groups believe that they are more likely to be arrested or face
stiffer penalties if arrested.
While perceptions are not well explained by standard background measures, they do appear
to change with new information. Young males who commit crime and get away with it
reduce their perceived probability of arrest. Those who are arrested raise their perceived
probability. An individual's own crime and arrest history is an important determinant of
perceptions. On the other hand, perceptions show no response to information about the
likelihood of arrest provided by others who victimize them. A reasonable interpretation is
that arrest probabilities are idiosyncratic, so that knowledge about another's success or
failure at crime provides little information useful for predicting one's own likelihood of
Most importantly, young males act on their perceptions. Those who view their chances of arrest
to be high are less likely to engage in crime. Data on perceptions and criminal behavior are well
explained by the model developed in this paper in which individuals decide whether or not to
engage in crime based on their perceived probability of arrest and in which that perceived
probability changes over time in response to their own crime and arrest histories. While most of
the literature on criminal deterrence assumes that individuals know true arrest rates and that an
increase in arrest rates will immediately deter crime, this paper suggests that it may take time for
individuals to recognize change. As information about higher arrest rates disseminates,
individuals will respond by reducing their participation in crime. Responses to changes in
enforcement are likely to differ across individuals with different crime and arrest histories, and
the full impacts of any policy will be realized over many years. Age-crime pro les are likely to
change as well.
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