Critical Journal Fix
Critical Journal Fix
Critical Journal Fix
First Semester (2008) Critical Journal Report is used for giving information or
A. Report System
- Title
- Author
- Publisher
- Publish Year
- Pages
- Volume
2 Chapter In this content it tells about of journal summary
The Strength Of The Journal an impact for the reader, the connection of title
The Weakness Of The with the content as a weakness of that journal
5th Chapter In this content tell about argument or comment
B. Working Step
individual or group.
C. Example Of Critical Journal
ISBN or ISSN : -
Volume : 10
this image administrators are given the assignment to fulfil the public interest in a
neutral way. In the other image, administrators are seen as citizens, and therefore
they are allowed to directly contribute to the realisation of the public interest. In
short, the public interest confronts an administrator with two different kinds of
confrontation of images is not a recent one. In the United States, a discussion
about the ethical role of the administrator has been going on since the
Friedrich/Finer debate in the 1940s (cf. Yang and Holzer 2005 ). The two
'compliance' and 'integrity', which are for instance used by the OECD (1996).
Maesschalck notes that many authors emphasise that these two approaches
This article, however, will claim that there are occasions in which the two images
straight line. The two images are not always mutually reinforcing (cf. Cooper
values does not determine the actual decisions of administrators. It only guides
them through their deliberations. The actual outcome of these deliberations will
decision. More frequently it is the other way around: the moral decision makes the
to come across moral dilemmas that contribute to the formation of their moral
might reason the moral burden away as something not belonging to their
able to determine the decisions of individual administrators. However, if such a
that administrators will make their decisions along the lines of this accountability
some American states (Caiden 1983; Hill 2002; Allmendinger et al. 2003),
administrative acts. In that way, the public can address administrative behaviour
in a direct way, and express which actions are in line with the 'public interest'. In
the report of the ombudsman, the legitimacy of the administrative act at stake is
assessed, and thus administrators can calibrate their own acts with this assessment.
why it is quintessential for the ombudsman's to account for his or her findings in
public. Still, one has to be aware that there is neither a single best design of a
have to be addressed in administrative practice, one way or the other. If not, the
result will be the avoidance of responsibility and clutching at routines, which is
from a bad one, but at the same time complicates the idea of accountability. To
support his claim the author uses the example of viewing the public administrator
as a citizen. The author sums the research up well by saying that there are times
when a public administrator has to violate their own moral codes. A public
administrator can hide behind laws and organizational procedures, but there is no
reason to disregard accountability and there are ways that these individuals can act
addressed is whether public administrators are free from accountability for their
decisions and what are the different influences that can affect their decisions.
From the abstract of the article, it is clear that this is no simple issue. What can
make accountability more complicated are the motivations of the administrator
and also the individual’s failure to see future consequences of their decisions.
and the "dirty-hands" make clear that activities of officials involve contrasting
moral values. The absence of moral consistency is attributed to the fact that
The article isn’t very direct in the beginning and it’s not until the second
page that you realize where the article is headed. In order to have more people
read the whole article it needs a new short introduction. Once the reader gets to
the really good examples that are related to the everyday life of a public
administrator, a good portion of the article has already past. Overall it is a good
and well‐written article with an important message for public administrators and
Chapter VI
A. Conclusion
This is good concept for how the problem of multiple value systems and
concrete guidelines for carrying this out. In other words this sounds great on
paper but it doesn’t translate as easily to everyday life. There isn’t research in
the traditional sense for this article, but the author does include many examples
of work written by those who have written on this subject in the past. Pesch
cites people like Locke, Montesquieu, and Machiavelli. These are good,
wellknown examples and authors and I think it adds a great deal credibility to
the piece as a whole. Overall this article isn’t very straight forward in the
beginning and it’s not until the second page that you realize where the article is
headed. In order to have more people be engaged and read the whole article it
needs a new, more concise introduction. Once the reader gets to the really good
examples that are relevant to the everyday life of a public administrator, a good
portion of the article has already past. Overall it is a good, well written article
piece, when taken as a whole, is relevant and very convincing in theory but starts
slow and never lays out a concrete way of approaching this complex pro.
B. Suggestion
We hope in the future that there are some people that can make a good