The document is a 5 page court case filing that provides identifying information for the case including the case number, date filed, presiding judge and magistrate details, and charges against the defendant.
The document is a 5 page court case filing that provides identifying information for the case including the case number, date filed, presiding judge and magistrate details, and charges against the defendant.
The document is a 5 page court case filing that provides identifying information for the case including the case number, date filed, presiding judge and magistrate details, and charges against the defendant.
The document is a 5 page court case filing that provides identifying information for the case including the case number, date filed, presiding judge and magistrate details, and charges against the defendant.
Case 5:19-cr-00073-KDB-DCK Document 1 Filed 06/03/19 Page 1 of 5
Case 5:19-cr-00073-KDB-DCK Document 1 Filed 06/03/19 Page 2 of 5
Case 5:19-cr-00073-KDB-DCK Document 1 Filed 06/03/19 Page 3 of 5 Case 5:19-cr-00073-KDB-DCK Document 1 Filed 06/03/19 Page 4 of 5 Case 5:19-cr-00073-KDB-DCK Document 1 Filed 06/03/19 Page 5 of 5