Variable-Speed Wind Turbine Controller
Variable-Speed Wind Turbine Controller
Variable-Speed Wind Turbine Controller
captured. Plants designed in such configuration are not economically feasible to run at (error)
this occasion. Thus, wind turbines operating at variable speed are better alternatives.
Figure 5: Block diagram of the simulation model
• high wind, mean = 15.7 m/s; standard
deviation = 6.9 m/s • Step disturbances are the simplest to model
• low wind, mean = 9.5 m/s; standard and analyze yet they represent the most
deviation = 4.2 m/s) severe disturbances a wind turbine is likely
to encounter.
Aero Low High
dynamic speed Gear
shaft shaft
The Performance Outputs
Figure 2: Physical model of drive train,
I = turbine and generator inertias, K =
Figure 1: Significant parts of a wind spring stiffness
TA = C Cq ( , )(vw ) 2
Figure 8: Performance Under High Figure 9: Comparison of the rotor speed and
Wind of the linear model A for PI blade pitch angle traces for the PID and the
• IT = moment of inertia of turbine rotor.
controller PI controllers of the linear model A.
• T = angular shaft speed.
• TE = mechanical torque necessary to turn the generator.
• TA = aerodynamic torque, is expressed in terms of the variable torque coefficient Cq(,) which is The Performance Indicators
dependent on the tip speed ratio () and blade pitch angle () and wind speed v.
• C = 0.5AR; is air density, A is rotor swept area, R is rotor radius. Two metrics determines the performance of the Table 1: RMS and ADC values for each model
Performanc High wind
ITT = 1 T + 2 vw + 3
linearised model e check PID PI
• The root mean square (RMS) of the error Reference RMS 0.0325 0.0464
T Cq between the actual rotational speed and the Point ADC 0.6599 0.7000
2 = IT = C vw op 2 Cq − op desired fluctuations is minimised
T op op op Linear A
RMS 0.0308 0.0457
• The actuator duty cycle (ADC) was used to ADC 0.5042 0.5638
2 Cq measure the actuator motion during the
Linearised coefficients RMS 0.0314 0.0467
2 = IT = C vw simulation. ADC is the total number of
Linear B
ADC 0.4258 0.4859
op degrees pitched over the period of the
op op RMS 0.0304 0.0451
simulation. Linear C
T Cq ADC 0.3741 0.4452
1 = IT = C R vw
T op
Table 2: Average tip speed ratio and wind turbine power under high wind.
Ave. tip speed ratio Std. deviation of tip speed
Ave. power (W)
() ratio ()
The Operating and Linearised Points Model
6.87 6.76 2.62 2.83 8.9580 104 9.4669 104
Linear A 7.07 6.86 2.71 2.83 1.7798 106 1.7886 106
Linear B 6.79 6.79 2.61 2.82 1.5864 105 1.6157 105
Linear C 6.80 6.72 2.53 2.79 1.3495 105 1.3972 105
Since life of most of the wind turbine components is determined by its capacity to
withstand high wind speed, a highly turbulent wind speed data was used as an input
to the first-order nonlinear wind turbine model. RMS and ADC of linear model C are
Figure 4: Reference and linearised considered the preffered values however linear model A has better power output.
Figure 3: Cq under the normal and stall
regions. Regions belonging to below operating points.
crit and above crit represent the Generally, the PID controller has better performance in terms of the RMS and ADC
• operating tip speed ratio (op) → maximum Cp
normal and the stall regions measures. If the power generation output is however the important criteria in the
respectively. • the objective of the controller is to set the blade design, the PI controller should be the preferrence controller.
pitch (op) at a certain operating value so as to
attain and maintain maximum Cp as possible
during operation.