Star Distances - Activities

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Star distances Did you know?

The stars lie so far away from Earth that astronomers It would take you 40,000 years
cannot measure the distance in miles. They to reach our nearest star, Alpha
Centauri, in the space shuttle.
measure distances in light-years. One light-year is However, if you could travel at
how far light travels in one year—a distance of the speed of light, the journey
5.9 tillion miles (9.5 tillion km). Light travels would take less than five years.
at more than 670 million mph (1 billion kph).

Vast distances Light-years away

The stars in a constellation like
Cassiopeia are great distances Draw a line to match each star’s distance from Earth in light-years to its
apart. However, they look close distance in miles. Start by working out which is the biggest distance in
together when viewed from Earth. light-years and match it to the biggest distance in miless, and so on.
Gamma Cassiopeiae:
615 light-years away Star Distance in light-years Distance

Alpha 1. Sirius A 8.6 1,829 trillion miles

Cassiopeiae: (2,945 trillion km)
230 light-years
Cassiopeiae: away away
440 light- 2. Canopus 310 150 trillion miles
years away
(240 trillion km)
Delta Beta
Cassiopeiae: Cassiopeiae:
100 light- 54 light- 3. Arcturus 36.8 51 trillion miles
years away years away (82 trillion km)

Cassiopeia 4. Vega 25.3 217 trillion miles

(350 trillion km)

Star colors
The color of a star shows the temperature of its surface. Astronomers divide stars into seven types, depending on their temperature.
Use the star type table to answer the questions below.
1. Which type of stars are hottest?
Type Color Average temperature ......................................................
O Blue 80,000°F (45,000°C)
B Bluish-white 55,000°F (30,000°C) 2. Which color are type G stars, like
our Sun?........................................
A White 22,000°F (12,000°C)
F Yellowish-white 14,000°F (8,000°C) 3. What is the average temperature of
G Yellow 12,000°F (6,500°C) orange stars?..................................
K Orange 9,000°F (5,000°C)
M Red 6,500°F (3,500°C) 4. Which four types of stars are
hotter than our Sun?.....................


Activity Answers
Star distances
Light-years away
1 51 trillion miles (82 trillion km)
2 1,829 trillion miles (2,945 trillion km)
3 217 trillion miles (350 trillion km)
4 150 trillion miles (240 trillion km)

Star colors
2 yellow
3 9,000°F (5,000°C)
4 O, B, A, F

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